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Tuberculosis: Pathogenesis, Protection, and Control

Edited by Barry R. Bloom

© 1994 American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC 20005

Chapter 6

Cultivation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis for

Research Purposes
Lawrence G. Wayne

Individual investigators have different rea­ Among the nondiagnostic activities that
sons for cultivating Mycobacterium tuber­ require cultivation of tubercle bacilli are the
culosis in their laboratories; the medium to following: (i) the study of dynamics of
be used and the conditions of incubation growth and survival and the in vitro study
should be tailored to the specific goals, of drug susceptibility and mechanisms of
taking into account the physiologic charac­ action, which may employ growth calcula­
teristics of this organism. The most com­ tions based on colorimetric or turbidimetric
mon reason for cultivating tubercle bacilli is methods and/or actual plating and counting
to confirm a clinical diagnosis of tuberculo­ of colonies; (ii) preparation of whole bacilli
sis. Procedures for isolating M. tuberculo­ for immunology or the study of pathogene­
sis from clinical specimens are well docu­ sis; and (iii) preparation of bacillary prod­
mented in many good clinical laboratory ucts for immunologic, chemical, physio­
manuals, and that aspect of their cultivation logic, or genetic study.
will not be discussed further in this review. This chapter is not a cookbook of all
I shall concentrate instead on those aspects possible media or methods but instead is
of the growth characteristics of M. tuber­ intended to point the reader in the right
culosis that may influence the methods direction within a very large body of in­
used to cultivate the organism in a research formation, much of which was developed
setting. Other species of mycobacteria will during a "golden a g e " of tuberculosis re­
not be considered except in passing or by search, i.e., the early days of chemother­
contrast, although the comments will usu­ apy, when the study of tuberculosis had not
ally be applicable to other members of the yet fallen from favor and when lung associ­
M. tuberculosis complex, which encom­ ations and their journals still had the word
passes M. tuberculosis, M. bovis (including tuberculosis in their titles.
bacillus Calmette-Guerin [BCG]), M. afri-
canum, and M. microti (Wayne and Ku­
Lawrence G. Wayne • Tuberculosis Research Labo­
ratory (151), Department of Veterans Affairs Medical
Because things change slowly in myco-
Center, 5901 East S e v e n t h Street, L o n g B e a c h , Cali­ bacteriology, the reader will find informa­
fornia 90822. tion that is still relevant and useful in The

74 Wayne

Mycobacteria—a Sourcebook, a compre­ conditions, M. tuberculosis requires 16 to

hensive sourcebook on mycobacteriology 18 h to undergo one cycle of replication
that goes into great detail on the physiol­ (Wayne, 1977). With a generation time in
ogy, chemistry, immunology, and pathoge­ that range, a single bacillus can yield a
nicity of this genus and encompasses the visible colony on solid medium within 2
state of the art up to 1984 (Kubica and weeks or less after inoculation. The exces­
Wayne, 1984). The present review is of sively long time of 6 to 10 weeks required
narrower scope, expanding on those char­ for detection of colonies on media planted
acteristics that influence the selection of with some clinical specimens (Krasnow and
methods and conditions to be used for Wayne, 1969) is, again, probably the result
growing M. tuberculosis in the research of a need to repair injury of the bacilli in the
or applied biotechnology laboratory. The specimen, as suggested above.
most important point to be made here is It is true that tubercle bacilli grow most
that the physiology, antigenicity, pathoge­ rapidly when well aerated and do not ap­
nicity, and chemical composition of tuber­ pear to multiply under completely anaero­
cle bacilli are all influenced by the com­ bic conditions. The overwhelming bulk of
position of the culture medium and the research done on the chemistry and physi­
conditions under which the organisms are ology of M. tuberculosis has been con­
grown. If results from different experiments ducted with bacilli grown as pellicles or as
within a given laboratory or from experi­ agitated dispersed cultures. However, the
ments conducted in different laboratories choice of highly aerobic growth conditions
are to be compared, it is essential that these was usually dictated by a desire for rapid
parameters be comparable or at least de­ production of good crops of cells without
fined. an adequate appreciation of the physiologic
A classic description of M. tuberculosis, characteristics associated with a particular
which would be only partially accurate, degree of aeration. As Segal has noted in
might characterize this organism as a fas­ his review of the physiology of tubercle
tidious, slowly growing, strictly aerobic, bacilli grown under different conditions
lipid-rich, hydrophobic, acid-fast bacterial (Segal, 1984), M. tuberculosis has many of
rod. the enzymes required for anaerobic metab­
It is true that tubercle bacilli are best olism, and indeed, the virulence of this
isolated from clinical specimens on rich and organism appears to be in part a function of
fairly complex media, but the apparent fas­ its ability to survive and/or grow under the
tidiousness of some such isolates may be a wide range of variation in partial 0 pres­

consequence of their injury by conditions in sures that may occur in healthy, inflamed,
host tissue or by the treatment employed or necrotic tissue. Furthermore, there are
for processing the clinical specimen. Once marked differences in biochemical, anti­
isolated, M. tuberculosis is capable of genic, and pathogenic behaviors between
adapting to growth on extremely simple tubercle bacilli grown in vitro and those
medium, i.e., one containing a simple grown in host tissues (Segal, 1984).
source of carbon and nitrogen plus some It is true that tubercle bacilli, like all
buffer salts and trace elements. The func­ other mycobacteria, are very rich in lipid.
tions of various ingredients of simple and Furthermore, unlike some other mycobac­
complex media will be further discussed terial species (Barrow et al., 1980), M.
below in the section on culture media. tuberculosis does not produce a hydrophilic
It is true that tubercle bacilli have a long outer sheath; it is indeed hydrophobic and
generation time compared to that of most grows as a waxy pellicle in unagitated me­
commonly studied bacteria. Under optimal dium and with extensive clumping in stirred
Chapter 6 • Cultivation of M. tuberculosis 75

culture unless a detergent is included in the the in vitro study of M. tuberculosis as it

medium. The tendency for pellicle forma­ may occur in tissues.
tion reinforced the perception of this organ­ One specialized use of this type of me­
ism as a strict aerobe. However, except in dium is for maintenance of the virulence of
the early veil-like stage of surface growth, a strain of M. tuberculosis. It has been
the thick clumps that form in a pellicle or reported that cultivation of this organism in
agitated culture appear to enclose bacilli in detergent-containing medium results in
various degrees of 0 deprivation, and the
2 diminution of virulence for the experimen­
bacilli within a single culture undoubtedly tal mouse. Bacilli obtained from a thin veil
represent a physiologically heterogeneous of early pellicle growth from a detergent-
population (Wayne and Sramek, 1979). free synthetic medium, on the other hand,
are reported to be more virulent; when the
pellicle thickens and becomes bumpy with
MEDIA age, virulence is again diminished (You-
mans, 1979, p. 332). Collins and colleagues
Liquid Media have presented evidence that the ages and
physiologic states of dispersed cultures in­
Much of the early research on the tuber­ fluence the distribution between lung and
cle bacillus was directed toward production spleen of tubercle bacilli inoculated intra­
of tuberculin or other crude chemical prod­ venously into mice (Collins et al., 1974).
ucts of the bacilli, such as unique lipids or For methods of preparing well-dispersed
polysaccharides. Media containing very bacilli for inoculation of mice, see the sec­
simple and defined ingredients were devel­ tion on inocula below.
oped to allow recovery of bacillary prod­ The formulation for a representative ex­
ucts free of macromolecular medium com­ ample of a simple synthetic medium for
ponents and to yield very high yields of the cultivation of M. tuberculosis, the modified
slowly growing bacilli and their products. Proskauer and Beck medium recommended
These media, including those attributed to by Youmans (Youmans, 1979, p. 25), fol­
Sauton, Long, Kirchner, Wong, and lows. Into 1 liter of glass distilled water are
Proskauer and Beck, were quite similar to dissolved, in the sequence listed, 5 g of
one another in composition. All contained asparagine, 5 g of K H P 0 , 5 g of K S 0 ,
2 4 2 4

phosphate salts, citrate, M g S 0 , glycerol,

4 and 20 g of glycerol. Each ingredient must
and either asparagine or an ammonium salt be dissolved before the next ingredient is
as nitrogen source (Soltys, 1952). Most added. The pH is then adjusted to 6.8 to 7.0
were supplemented with iron, and all con­ with 40% NaOH, after which 1.5 g of mag­
tained unrecognized trace minerals as im­ nesium citrate is added, and the medium is
purities in the defined ingredients; these dispensed as needed and autoclaved at 15 lb
trace elements were essential to satisfac­ for 20 min. The asparagine or glycerol used
tory growth (Affronti et al., 1990; Baisden, should not be of the highest purity, as trace
1951). The glycerol was a carbon source metal contaminants have been reported to
considered essential for copious growth as be necessary to support growth of M. tu­
a pellicle or as clumps in agitated medium. berculosis (Affronti et al., 1990; Baisden,
As will be discussed below, the presence of 1951; Youmans, 1979). On the other hand,
glycerol may have directed the metabolism traces of fatty acids or heavy metals may be
into a pathway that is not representative of inhibitory if they are introduced from inad­
the physiologic state of the bacilli as they equately cleaned or some dry sterilized
occur in tissues of the infected host and glassware. If the presence of albumin does
thus may have been counterproductive in not interfere with the use for which the
76 Wayne

medium is intended, introduction of a ster­ Free oleate is toxic to M. tuberculosis, but

ile stock solution to yield a final concentra­ the problem is gotten around by adding
tion of 0.5% will result in binding of traces bovine serum albumin to the medium (Du­
of toxic materials, permitting the bacilli to bos, 1950). The oleate is complexed to the
grow. albumin and thus is no longer inhibitory to
The growth of tubercle bacilli in the syn­ the bacilli; the oleate complexed to the
thetic media cited is difficult to follow in albumin can, however, be metabolized by
quantitative terms, since it cannot be mea­ the bacilli (Dubos, 1950; Dubos and Mid­
sured optically and since simple plating is dlebrook, 1948). Media based on a Tween
not accurate because of the severe clump­ 80-albumin formulation are satisfactory for
ing of the bacilli. This problem was solved cultivation of tubercle bacilli for studies of
by the introduction of detergents into cul­ growth rates and kinetics and, in most
ture medium by Dubos and colleagues dur­ cases, for preparation of bacilli for chemi­
ing the 1940s (Dubos, 1945; Dubos and cal extraction. Furthermore, the basal me­
Davis, 1946; Dubos and Middlebrook, dia and supplements needed to prepare
1948). Dubos liquid medium contains (per such media as Dubos Tween-albumin broth
liter) asparagine, 2 g; Casitone (Difco), 0.5 are readily available from commercial
g; N a H P 0 , 2.5 g; K H P 0 , 1 g; ferric
2 4 2 4
ammonium citrate, 50 mg; M g S 0 , 10 mg;
4 The disadvantage of using a Tween 80-
CaCl , 0.5 mg; Z n S 0 , 0.1 mg; C u S 0 , 0.1
2 4 4 albumin medium is that the albumin supple­
mg; Tween 80, 0.2 g; bovine albumin frac­ ment represents an unwanted extrinsic pro­
tion V, 5 g; and glucose, 7.5 g, at a final pH tein that complicates the detection of the
of 6.6 ± 0.2. To prepare a liter of the small amounts of mycobacterial antigens
medium, all ingredients except the albumin that are produced. Thorough washing of the
and glucose are dissolved in 900 ml of bacilli before their disruption and extrac­
distilled water, and this basal medium is tion can minimize this problem when in­
autoclaved. The albumin fraction V and the tracellular proteins are the substances of
glucose are dissolved in 100 ml of saline and interest. The problem associated with intro­
filter sterilized; this supplement is added to duction of the foreign albumin becomes
the basal medium aseptically, and the com­ more serious when one is searching for
plete medium is distributed to appropriate traces of extracellular proteins secreted by
sterile culture containers. In practice, de­ the bacilli themselves into the medium.
hydrated basal medium (Dubos broth base) Although most studies of diffuse growth
and sterile glucose-albumin supplement are of M. tuberculosis in liquid medium have
available commercially to facilitate prepa­ relied on the presence of Tween 80 and
ration of this medium. albumin, it is possible to obtain diffuse
The most commonly used detergent, growth with a detergent in the absence of
Tween 80, is a polyoxyethylene derivative albumin. Wayne and Sramek used a dialy-
of sorbitan monooleate, and it permits sate of the peptide-rich TB Broth Base
growth of M. tuberculosis in liquid medium (Difco, Detroit, Mich.) as a base for a
in a diffuse form, as single cells or small Tween 80 medium that supported growth of
clusters of cells that are easily dispersed by fairly large inocula of M. tuberculosis with­
agitation. One problem associated with the out the addition of albumin (Wayne and
use of Tween 80 is that traces of free oleic Sramek, 1979). Various Triton detergents,
acid are released into the medium as a which do not contain fatty acids, have been
result of either spontaneous hydrolysis or employed to permit dispersed growth of
specific enzymatic action of some species tubercle bacilli in the absence of albumin
of mycobacteria (Davis and Dubos, 1948). (Dubos and Middlebrook, 1948); optimal
Chapter 6 • Cultivation of At. tuberculosis 77

growth in the presence of Triton detergent basal media enriched with supplements.
required the incorporation of the phospho­ They offer better defined components than
lipid sphingomyelin in the medium. egg-based media. Furthermore, they are
Glycerol has commonly been used in transparent, permitting early microscopic
media when large crops of bacilli are de­ detection of colonies and the observation of
sired, since this carbohydrate markedly morphologic detail. Agar media are used
stimulates growth of M. tuberculosis (note mainly for the quantification of viable ba­
that glycerol inhibits growth of fresh iso­ cilli in growth and survival studies and for
lates of the closely related M. bovis [Wayne determination of drug susceptibility. Gen­
and Kubica, 1986]). However, there are erally, growth of tubercle bacilli on agar
disadvantages to the use of glycerol. For plates is stimulated by inclusion of a 5 to
one, glycerol causes production of exces­ 10% C 0 supplement to the air in the incu­

sive amounts of lipids and polysaccharides bator.

in mycobacteria (Tepper, 1968), which may Dubos oleic albumin agar is almost
interfere with isolation and purification of equivalent to Dubos Tween 80-albumin me­
other products of interest such as proteins dium that has been solidified with agar
or nucleic acids (Hill et al., 1972). Addition­
(Dubos and Middlebrook, 1947). The major
ally, since it greatly stimulates oxygen con­
differences are that the Tween 80 is omitted
sumption by M. tuberculosis, the presence
from the agar base and oleic acid is substi­
of glycerol may cause such severe deple­
tuted for the glucose in the albumin com­
tion of dissolved oxygen as to lead to death
plex supplement. Middlebrook introduced
and autolysis of the bacilli in diffuse culture
a number of small modifications (i.e., the
when oxygen becomes limiting (Wayne and
7H series) to Dubos oleic albumin agar to
Diaz, 1967).
enhance repair and accelerate detection of
damaged bacilli in clinical specimens (Rob­
Solid Media erts et al., 1991). Both the original Dubos
A number of inspissated egg-based solid and the modified Middlebrook types of me­
media, including Lowenstein-Jensen, Wal- dia are available commercially, either al­
lenstein, Petragnani, and variants thereof, ready prepared or as dehydrated products
have been used widely for primary isolation and sterile supplements.
of tubercle bacilli from clinical specimens.
They tend to yield a higher proportion of
positives from direct clinical specimens Other media
than do semisynthetic agar media (Kras-
now and Wayne, 1969). The egg media are Among the other "culture media" that
very rich and contain phospholipids and have been used for preparation of crops of
proteins that tend to bind and/or neutralize M. tuberculosis is the mouse lung. Bacilli
toxic products in clinical specimens. They isolated in large amounts from the lungs of
are not especially useful for research pur­ infected mice have been compared bio­
poses, being very complex and not repro­ chemically, physiologically, and immuno­
ducible because of variation in the quality logically to bacilli isolated from conven­
of ingredients and the effects of heat in their tional culture, and striking differences have
preparation. been observed. It is beyond the scope of
this chapter to explore this subject further,
Agar-based media but the reader is referred to a comprehen­
Agar media for growth of M. tuberculosis sive review by one of the pioneers in the
are usually prepared from semisynthetic field, William Segal (Segal, 1984).
78 Wayne

INOCULA great an exposure, which may disrupt some

of the bacilli (Lefford, 1984).
Once a strain or strains of M. tuberculo­
sis have been selected for study, a large TEMPERATURE
seed pool should be prepared, subdivided
into small aliquots, and maintained at M. tuberculosis has a narrower range of
-70°C. That is, the culture should not be growth temperatures than most other my­
maintained by serial passage from experi­ cobacteria (Wayne and Kubica, 1986). I
ment to experiment, as such passage would have studied the growth of different species
cause it to undergo physiologic changes. A of mycobacteria in tubes of Dubos Tween-
fresh seed vial should be thawed and used albumin broth incubated in an aluminum
to inoculate a single-passage subculture to gradient temperature block (Wayne, 1970).
Incubation, with a single brief, daily shake,
provide a large inoculum for each experi­
of cultures of M. tuberculosis in this block
ment, or it may be used directly without
yielded little if any growth at temperatures
subculture to inoculate the experimental
below 29°C (unpublished data) (Fig. 1). The
culture or to inoculate animals.
growth rate increased in a temperature-
The seed pool can be prepared from a dependent fashion over the 10° range up to
dispersed, detergent-containing liquid me­ about a 39°C maximum and underwent a
dium; from a young, thin veil of pellicle; precipitous decline at higher temperatures,
from an unagitated synthetic medium; or with no significant growth seen at 42°C. For
from typical corded colonies from solid most practical purposes, M. tuberculosis
medium. If the last two types of prepara­ should be cultivated at 37°C to allow for
tions are to be used, they should be well slight drifts in temperature without serious
suspended in medium containing a deter­ impact on the growth.
gent (e.g., 0.02% Tween 80) by use of a
tissue grinder or agitation in a sealed tube
with a few glass beads in a vortex-type AERATION AND AGITATION
mixer (Wayne, 1962). For safety reasons, For many years, when large crops of
an open tissue grinder is not recommended; tubercle bacilli were needed, they were
if it is necessary to use one, stringent pre­
cautions, including working in a biosafety 0,fi-i

hood, must be taken to prevent escape of

infectious aerosols into the laboratory.
When the suspension is to be used to
inoculate experimental animals, especially
by the intravenous route, it is especially
important that the bacilli be very uniformly
dispersed, preferably as single cells with a
minimum of clumping. The deposition of
the bacilli in different organs of intrave­ 25« 30' 35* <0* 45 s

nously inoculated mice is known to be TEMPERATURE (•C)

strongly affected by the degree of disper­ Figure 1. Eight-day growth of M. tuberculosis in

sion of the bacteria in the inoculum. Opti­ Tween-albumin broth incubated in a gradient temper­
ature block. Growth is expressed as optical absor-
mal dispersion for this purpose may be
bance (A ). Triplicate tubes w e r e incubated at each
achieved by brief exposure of the suspen­

temperature, and the results w e r e plotted as the mean

sion to a burst of moderate energy in a A,
sso with vertical bars spanning ± 1 standard devia­
sonicator. Care must be taken to avoid too tion.
Chapter 6 • Cultivation of M. tuberculosis 79

grown as pellicles on the surfaces of un- glycerol reversed the effect by esterification
agitated shallow layers of one of the syn­ (Lyon et al., 1961). This seems an unlikely
thetic media cited above. Alternatively, explanation, since albumin is present in the
they were stirred or aerated with a sparger, medium in an adequate amount to protect
resulting in distribution of large clumps of against oleate. Although I also observed the
growth throughout the medium. This latter growth inhibition in flasks on a rotary
method is suitable for production of masses shaker, I have always been able to grow M.
of cells for extraction of a variety of the tuberculosis in Tween-albumin medium in
chemical components of tubercle bacilli for culture tubes on a rotary shaker or in flasks
different purposes. It must be recognized, that were aerated by magnetic stirring. On
however, that old, thickened pellicles and careful observation of the contents of flasks
large dispersed clumps do not represent agitated on a rotary shaker and on a mag­
physiologically homogeneous populations netic mixer, I have come to the following
of cells. Oxygen and components of the conclusions about the cause of the anoma­
culture medium do not penetrate into the lous failure of tubercle bacilli to grow on the
center of the hydrophobic clumps, so these rotary shaker (unpublished observations).
cultures represent mixtures of cells in a Since the flasks are mounted in positions
wide range of physiologic conditions from around the center of rotation of these shak­
rapidly replicating cells to dormant ones or ers, centrifugal force creates a wave motion
even dead, autolyzing cells. Nevertheless, of the medium, with a crest of medium,
these preparations are good sources of followed by a contralateral trough, sweep­
DNA, lipids, and polysaccharides. The pro­ ing around the perimeter of the flask. The
teins, on the other hand, may be present in bacilli in the culture tend to accumulate at
various degrees of degradation, as they are the triphasic interface of air, glass, and
released from some bacilli that may be culture medium. As a crest of medium
autolyzing due to inadequate nutrition or sweeps past a given point on the glass wall,
aeration (Turcotte, 1969a, b). This is prob­ some of the cells are deposited on the glass
ably true of RNA as well. and marooned there as the crest passes.
Far better control of aeration and the The next pass of the crest deposits more
physiologic state of tubercle bacilli in cul­ cells, which physically push the previous
ture may be achieved through the use of deposit up the flask wall until, on succes­
detergent-containing medium as described sive revolutions, most of the bacilli in the
above. Most published work in this area medium become trapped in a veil of cells on
has employed 0.02% Tween 80 as the de­ the flask wall out of reach of fresh medium.
tergent and 0.5% bovine serum albumin The apparent protective role of glycerol
fraction V as a scavenger to protect the may thus be an effect on surface tension of
bacilli from toxic effects of traces of oleate the medium. Behling and colleagues (Beh-
released from the Tween 80. ling et al., 1993) have recently demon­
Although M. tuberculosis obviously strated that when trehalose 6,6'-dimycolate
grows most rapidly with maximum expo­ (cord factor) extracted from M. tuberculo­
sure to air, as on the surface of an agar sis is coated onto inert particles and sus­
plate, an anomalous inhibition of growth pended in saline in a test tube, the particles
has been observed consistently when cul­ aggregate in veils that climb the wall of the
tures in flasks of Tween 80-containing me­ container. This cord factor effect suggests a
dia are aerated on a rotary shaker-incubator mechanism for the peculiar tendency of
(Lyon et al., 1961). It has been proposed tubercle bacilli to accumulate at the tripha­
that excess oleate production was the cause sic interface and climb the walls of shaken
of this phenomenon and that addition of flasks.
80 Wayne

In contrast to the failure of flasks of measure rates of growth, since different-

medium on a rotary shaker to support sized clumps contain bacilli in different
growth of M. tuberculosis, luxuriant physiologic states. Optical or colony-count­
growth occurs when a magnetic stirrer is ing methods are essentially useless with
used to agitate the contents of a flask. The hydrophobic clumps. The major approach
crest-and-trough wave effect is absent in has been filtration or centrifugation and
the magnetically stirred medium; instead, a measurement of wet or dry weight of the
vortex forms and continuously transports crop (Bowles and Segal, 1965).
the tubercle bacilli back into the aerated When accurate measures of growth dy­
medium, where they are bathed in nutrients namics are needed, it is far better to use
and grow rapidly. In test tubes on a rotary diffuse cultures in a detergent-containing
shaker, the surface-to-volume ratio seems medium. The simplest method of measuring
to be so low that the wave effect is incon­ growth rates is determination of the optical
sequential, and the bacilli remain sus­ absorbance of cultures in tubes or sidearm
pended in the medium and grow rapidly. flasks, since these flasks do not require the
Similarly good growth is obtained in roller opening of the culture at each reading and
bottle cultures in Tween-containing 7H9 therefore diminish the risk of contamina­
medium. tion. It has been my practice to distribute
Dubos Tween-albumin broth in 10-ml
VIABILITY amounts to screw-cap culture tubes (20 by
125 mm) for agitated or stationary culture
The viability of mycobacterial cultures
(see below). The growth is measured by
varies greatly with conditions. In the case
determining t h e ^ l in a Coleman Jr. spec­
of BCG vaccines, the total number of or­ 580

trophotometer (Coleman Instruments,

ganisms present in a culture is generally
Maywood, 111.). In this system, an A of
determined by microscopic counting in spe­ 580

0.100 corresponds to a count of 6.3 x 10 7

cial bacterial counting chambers, e.g.,

CFU of M. tuberculosis H37R, per ml
Petroff-Hauser chambers, and the number
(Wayne, 1976). The A of a culture is a
of viable organisms is determined by count­ 580

linear function of cell concentration over a

ing the CFU on solid agar medium. As
range of readings up to y 4 = 0.200. At
described in chapter 31, BCG vaccines pre­ 580

higher cell concentrations, particle coinci­

pared as pellicle cultures have viabilities
dence effects cause a departure from linear­
generally between 5 and 20% (Mackaness
ity. However, it is not difficult to prepare a
et al., 1973; Gheorghiu et al., 1988). Bacte­
correction curve by using dilutions of a
ria grown under optimal conditions (for
barium sulfate suspension of known con­
example, in roller bottles) can yield cul­
centrations, which allows adjustment of ob­
tures in which virtually every physical ba-
served to true A readings. This permits
cillary particle is viable and is a CFU (Mac­ 5S0

plotting of growth curves of M. tuberculo­

kaness et al., 1973). Mycobacteria survive
sis of remarkable reproducibility and excel­
freezing at -70°C with little loss in viabil­
lent correlation with plate counts over a
ity, but they lose 50% or more viable CFU
wide range of growth (Wayne, 1976).
by freeze-drying.
While optical measurements are usually
sufficient for following growth dynamics
once a correlation has been established
with actual counts of CFU per milliliter,
Measurement of Growth studies of survival or of very early growth
When tubercle bacilli are grown in deter­ of tubercle bacilli can be done accurately
gent-free medium, it is very difficult to only by plating dilutions of liquid cultures
Chapter 6 • Cultivation of M. tuberculosis 81

or suspensions to solid medium and deter­ bilized. Colonies of M. tuberculosis first

mining CFU per milliliter by direct colony appear as dense dots but soon produce
counts. If the original culture material has corded fringes that are characteristic of the
been prepared in detergent-containing me­ species. The original concentration of via­
dium, serial 10-fold dilutions may be made ble bacilli is calculated from the size of the
directly from the culture into detergent- inoculum plated and the number of colonies
containing diluent. One can use the com­ seen in those dilutions that yield a final
plete Dubos Tween-albumin broth as a di­ count of 10 to 100 colonies per quadrant or
luent, or if the dilutions are made and plated 10 to 50 colonies per well.
rapidly, it is more economical to use the
Dubos broth base with Tween 80 but with­
Growth Dynamics
out albumin as diluent. If the original cul­
ture material is not in a well-dispersed The decision as to whether to use stirred
form, it is necessary to grind it gently in the or unagitated cultures should be made ac­
detergent-containing media by vortex-type cording to the purposes to which the cul­
mixing in a sealed tube with glass beads ture is to be put and an understanding of the
(Wayne, 1962) or in a tube-and-pestle type different physiologic phases that M. tuber­
of tissue grinder; in the latter case, strin­ culosis manifests under various conditions
gent precautions must be taken to prevent of aeration.
escape of infectious aerosols into the air of When M. tuberculosis is grown dispersed
the laboratory. Optimal dispersion of tuber­ in continuously agitated liquid medium, it
cle bacilli may be achieved by brief, mod­ exhibits the expected logarithmic growth,
erate-energy sonication of the suspension with doubling times of 16 to 18 h (Wayne,
(Lefford, 1984). The upper end of the range 1976). Unexpectedly, when comparable cul­
of dilutions needed for a given experiment tures are not agitated continuously but are
may be estimated from the turbidity of the simply shaken briefly to permit turbidimet-
original suspension on the basis of a previ­ ric determination of growth, the growth ap­
ously established constant correlating ^ 4 580 pears to conform to a simple arithmetic mode
in the 0.10 to 0.20 range with dilution plate (Fisher and Kirchheimer, 1952) rather than
counts. merely shifting to a slower rate of geomet­
After the dilutions have been made, they ric growth; this phenomenon is difficult to
should be inoculated to one of the conven­ understand when dealing with organisms
tional solid media, such as Dubos oleic- that replicate by binary fission. Volk and
albumin agar or one of its derivative media. Myrvik (1953) suggested that this could be
The medium is dispensed in 5-ml amounts explained by a slowing down of the replica­
to each of the segments of a quadrant petri tion of tubercle bacilli in oxygen-limiting
dish or in 3-ml amounts to the wells of a unstirred culture until the rate of settling of
24-well tissue culture plate and allowed to bacilli equaled the rate of replication, with
gel. If petri plates are used, each quadrant the bacilli that had settled to the bottom of
should receive 50 u.1 of one of the dilutions the tube having ceased replicating entirely.
of inoculum dotted about the surface by a My colleagues and I subsequently con­
calibrated micropipettor fitted with sterile firmed this explanation and established a
disposable tips; if tissue culture plates are number of physiologic events that charac­
used, the inoculum should not exceed 20 u,l terize this phenomenon (Wayne, 1976,
per well. The agar should be incubated at 1977; Wayne and Lin, 1982; Wayne and
37°C in a well-humidified chamber, and Sramek, 1979). When small inocula of tu­
colonies should be counted at 10 x to 100 x bercle bacilli were dispersed in tubed media
power twice a week until counts have sta­ and incubated without any agitation, the
82 Wayne

initial growth occurred at a logarithmic malian host occur in intracellular environ­

rate, with doubling every 16 to 18 h until the ments and in conditions of inflammation
cell density approached 4 x 10 CFU/ml.
and necrosis, the highly aerobic in vitro
Thereafter, dissolved oxygen became limit­ conditions of shaken cultures or the sur­
ing. By the use of inocula stably labeled faces of solid medium do not reflect the
with C , it was established that replication
1 4
state of the bacilli as they occur in the
in the unstirred culture slowed down until it infected host. M. tuberculosis is known to
reached a doubling time of 33 h, at which produce enzymes of anaerobic metabolism,
time the logarithmic doubling in the upper and these are especially prominent when
layers was exactly balanced by the rate at bacilli are tested after direct harvest from
which bacilli settled to the bottom of the host tissues; there is a general shift away
tube (Wayne, 1976). Thus, there was a from 0 -dependent pathways to anaerobic

constant population of slowly dividing cells or facultative anaerobic pathways in host-

in suspension and an arithmetically increas­ derived bacilli compared to cultured organ­
ing mass of bacilli in the sediment. Further­ isms (Segal, 1984). The availability of the in
more, the bacilli that accumulated in the vitro model of shiftdown to dormancy and
sediment had undergone a discrete meta­ of synchronized shiftup from dormancy to
bolic shiftdown during their transition rapid replication of M. tuberculosis through
through the self-generated oxygen gradient manipulation of the degree of aeration of
in the tube and were in a uniform state of cultures, as described above, should make
dormancy. When the bacilli in the sediment it possible to study the physiology, immu­
were resuspended and diluted into fresh nology, and chemistry of these bacilli in
aerated medium, they immediately initiated phases that reflect their condition in various
RNA synthesis. Between hours 8 and 12 stages of activity and dormancy (latency) in
after reconstitution, the bacilli underwent a human disease.
cycle of synchronized division, and only
then did they initiate DNA synthesis
(Wayne, 1977). Synchronized replication
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