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School: Grade Level: 4

GRADE 4 Teacher: Learning Area: CATCH-UP FRIDAY

CATCH-UP FRIDAY Teaching Dates and Time: FRIDAY Quarter: FOURTH

Catch-Up Friday

NRP (National Reading
Values Education Health Education Peace Education Guidance


To set the
overarching goal To reflect on Determine your
A. Content The learner activates and tone for Catch- To prepare the learning newly-discovered
Standards prior knowledge to spark up Fridays, learner's physical state knowledge and
experiences in
them interest and emphasizing the to prevent injuries and skills to perform
motivate them to read. holistic improve blood flow
development of Education better in school

B. Performance The learner develops To engage learners Give reflection on the To consolidate Show
Standards various reading skills to in reflective information gained appreciation of
learning experience
improve their activities that from the learning your newly-
vocabulary, learn new promote self- session in Peace discovered
words and expressions, discovery and Education knowledge and
and enhance informed decision- skills to perform
making better in school
their creativity and


Provide the learners the

chance to reflect.
Perform a school
develop a deeper To foster a collective To reflect on
C. Learning To consolidate task using your
understanding of the environment for learning
Competencies/ information gained newly-discovered
text, and promote the reflection and open experiences in
Objectives from the given activity knowledge and
use of language or communication. Peace Education
newly learned words

Effect of using Tips how to be

Being grateful for Be Aware! Stay
CONTENT Reading Intervention gateway substances Intercultural
things Safe.
on the body understanding
( Subject Matter)


A. References

1.Teachers Guide

2.Learners Material Short story: The Thank The Things I Am Too much of anything Homeroom
you Book Grateful for in My is the beginning of a Guidance
Life mess Without mutual
knowledge there can be
no mutual Quarter 4 –
Module 13:
Get Involved and
Feel Alright

https:// https://
B. Other Learning search? url?sa=i&url=https%3A
Resources sca_esv=a19c4e940f %2F
n0_PiAJZTpNCGf- m%2Fpin%2Fmy-work--

Begin with classroom Begin with classroom Begin with classroom Begin with classroom Begin with classroom
routine: routine: routine: routine: routine:

a. Prayer a. Prayer a. Prayer a. Prayer a. Prayer

b. Checking of b. Checking of b. Checking of b. Checking of b. Reminder on

Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Health and
Safety protocols
c. Quick c. Quick c. Quick c. Quick
Kamustahan Kamustahan Kamustahan Kamustahan c. Checking of
Drill: Guess the Word
d. Quick
STORY: The Thank you Introduction Friday Routine Preparation and
Book Exercise Settling In

A. PRE-READING Discussion: Facilitate

Let’s Try This
a discussion about New Jeans - Super Welcome: Greet
1. Activating Prior
being a grateful Shy | Dance Fitness students warmly and What I See!
Knowledge: Discuss
person. Ask students express your
about choosing
to provide examples excitement for the
words wisely. It is of being grateful for Current Health News lesson.
important to think things Sharing
first before saying
something to others. The Community I Live
Do you think it is
important to Write’s up Your opinion matters:
Warm-up Activity:
become a The students express
The student’s task Your neighborhood
their thoughts about
gratitude? was to write 10 things where you live in has
effect of using
that they are grateful Ask the students an impact on your
2. Building gateway substances
for. about their life as
Background on the body experience if they you grow. Walking
Knowledge: ever experience around your place is
having a different a great way to take
Show statements that Reflective Thinking belief a closer look
students will identify if Activities
Health sessions at your community.
the statement was
The teacher will ask
good or not. Exploring the poverty 1. With the help of
the students to
stage and the signs. your parent or
The students will clap provide an example
guardian, create
twice it the based on their The teacher will
your own picture of
experience when present a PowerPoint
statement is good
they have a being presentation the community you
and stand up if the
grateful for things discussing the effect live in – make a map!
statement if bad.
of using gateway Do this on a piece of
substances on the paper.
3. Introducing Key 2. Draw the four sides
Structured Activities around your house.
Vocabulary: Define
Name the streets,
and discuss words like The teacher will
Peace Education green
"gratitude”, present a video then
Learning Session
“glimmers”, later on the students spaces, houses,
“postman” “sarongs”, will share their Reflection and shops and other
etc. Use picture thoughts and ideas Sharing places you think are
Brainstorming: Lead a
prompts to illustrate according to the important.
discussion about the
the meaning. word " Intercultural 3. Be creative in
The teacher will let
understanding” illustrating your work
4. Setting Reading the students share
Intercultural and make it colorful.
Goals: Tell students their thoughts on the
they will listen to the effect of using 4. An example is
combines personal,
story and think about gateway substances given below to guide
interpersonal and
on how the main on the body social knowledge you.
character of the story and skills. It involves
5. Answer the
is grateful on the students learning to
processing questions.
things happens to Group Sharing value and view
her. critically their own
The teacher will Wrap Up
cultural perspectives
group the class into
Remind students that and practices and
three and each
using drugs is not those of others
group creates a
good in our health it through their
scenario that
has a side effect and interactions with
B. DURING disadvantage of not
it can ruin your people, texts and Processing Questions:
READING: being a gratitude
relationship to your contexts across the
person 1. What did you feel
1. Modeling Fluent parents, friends and curriculum. while doing the
Reading: Read love once.
the story
expressively, 2. What can you say
emphasizing how List top 5 that we about the
king ordered the must grateful for community you live
carpenter to do in?
the things for him
3. How do you
just to achieve his Group 2:
connect with the
dream. Comparing and
Advertisement about people in your
ask questions like: “If being grateful for community?
you’re shy in things The teacher will show
something what different pictures that
will you do?” “Are show the intercultural
you in the story Group 3: understanding.
Let’s Explore This
are you going to
Talk show about
do the same Stay Safe
being grateful for
thing?” things

Encourage students Progress Monitoring Directions:

to share their through Reflection
Feedback and
thoughts and and Sharing
feelings. Reinforcement Footprints

Group Action
Provide positive Brainstorming: Ask Think of the places
feedback: students to around your
Appreciate students' brainstorm by group community that
1. Reviewing Key participation and on how they will you’ve been to or
Points: Briefly effort throughout the promote to become
passed through when
summarize the story, lesson. Highlight intercultural
you’re walking
specific examples of understanding.
emphasizing how around your
how to become
earn to be grateful. neighborhood.
gratitude in different
WE should be
ways. Collective Action Remember the
thankful to the
Brainstorming: Discuss people you’ve met
things we have and the moments
ways to promote
small or big we intercultural you had with them.
should also share to understanding inside
Then do the next
others. and outside the
activity by following
the instructions
2. Reflecting on
Experience: Ask Wrap Up
students if they ever
Review and Sharing: 1. On a piece of
experience helping Briefly review the key paper, trace your
a bad person and concepts of footprints using your
then you pity intercultural pen or pencil.
him/her so you unstinting.
2. On the left
helped then later on Allow students to footprint, write at
after getting help share their reflections least five things that
still a bad person? and ideas from the you like about your
worksheet or
sessions. 3. On the right
footprint, write at
least five common
problems that you

observed in your

4. You may also use

your coloring
materials to present it

Processing Questions:

1. What do you like

the most about your

2. What is the most

common problem
that you observed in


3. As a grade four
learner, how can you
help to make your

a better place to live


Keep in Mind

Proactive Problem

Directions: Getting
Involved in Your

Aside from your

family and school,
your community
plays an

important role in your

development as an
Recognizing your

ability to contribute
and taking an active
role in helping your

will empower you to

become a
responsible young

Sharing your
contribution to the
community no matter
how big or

small it is will help you

develop these four

1. Competence.

By actively
participating in the
community activities,
you discover

new interests and


2. Confidence.

When you carry out

responsibilities, you
become more

about yourself
because you’re able
to show what you
can do.

3. Connection.

You create
connections with
other people. Most
importantly, you

learn the importance

of giving and
receiving, sharing
during times of

plenty, and asking for

help during difficult
times are normal,
things for people to

4. Character

When you contribute,

it develops good
character within you
such as

kindness and caring.

You Can Do It!


I Am Involved!

1. Go back to your
answers from the
previous activity.
From the listed

problems that you

observed in your
community, choose
one which you

can take part in

discovering solutions.
2. Make a campaign
poster showing a
picture that tells
about the activity

that you want to


3. Write a good title

and a brief
description about
your campaign.

4. Use a clean piece

of paper. You may
also use coloring

Processing Questions:

1. What does your

campaign poster
promote? Briefly
describe it.

2. How can you

encourage others to
join in your

3. In what way does

taking part in
community activities
help you?

What I Have Learned

Direction: Four

This time, you will be

asked to share what
you have learned

the previous activities

and discussion about
getting involved in
the community. Read
and follow the
instructions given in
each corner of the

table. Copy and

answer the activity
on a piece of paper.

Share Your Thoughts

and Feelings

Random Act of

Share at least five

simple acts of
kindness and
courtesy that you did

to others and how

did you feel after
doing it. An example
is given to guide

you in answering.
Copy and answer
the activity on a
piece of paper.



A..No. of learners who

earned 80% in the

B..No. of learners who

require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%

C…Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the

D..No. of learners who

continue to require

E..Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why did
these work?

F..What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G..What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Noted By:

Teacher Principal

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