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Control Basics for
Mechatronics is a mongrel, a crossbreed of classic mechanical engineering, the rela-
tively young pup of computer science, the energetic electrical engineering, the pedi-
gree mathematics and the bloodhound of Control Theory.
All too many courses in control theory consist of a diet of ‘Everything you could
ever need to know about the Laplace Transform’ rather than answering ‘What hap-
pens when your servomotor saturates?’ Topics in this book have been selected to
answer the questions that the mechatronics student is most likely to raise.
That does not mean that the mathematical aspects have been left out, far from it.
The diet here includes matrices, transforms, eigenvectors, differential equations and
even the dreaded z transform. But every effort has been made to relate them to practi-
cal experience, to make them digestible. They are there for what they can do, not to
support pages of mathematical rigour that defines their origins.
The theme running throughout the book is simulation, with simple JavaScript
applications that let you experience the dynamics for yourself. There are examples
that involve balancing, such as a bicycle following a line, and a balancing trolley that
is similar to a Segway. This can be constructed ‘for real’, with components purchased
from the hobby market.
Control Basics for

John Billingsley
MATLAB ® is a trademark of The MathWorks, Inc. and is used with permission. The MathWorks
does not warrant the accuracy of the text or exercises in this book. This book’s use or discussion of
MATLAB ® software or related products does not constitute endorsement or sponsorship by The
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First edition published 2024

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© 2024 John Billingsley

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ISBN: 9781032425573 (hbk)

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DOI: 10.1201/9781003363316

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Author..................................................................................................................... xiii

Chapter 1 Why Do You Need Control Theory?.....................................................1

1.1 Control is Not Just about Algorithms...........................................1
1.2 The Origins of Simulation............................................................3
1.3 Discrete Time...............................................................................4
1.4 The Concept of Feedback.............................................................5

Chapter 2 Modelling Time.....................................................................................9

2.1 Introduction..................................................................................9
2.2 A Simple System..........................................................................9
2.3 Simulation.................................................................................. 11
2.4 Choosing a Computing Platform................................................ 12

Chapter 3 A Simulation Environment.................................................................. 13

Jollies.......................................................................................... 13
More on Graphics....................................................................... 13
More Choices............................................................................. 15
Drawing Graphs......................................................................... 16
More Details of Jollies............................................................... 18

Chapter 4 Step Length Considerations................................................................ 21

4.1 Choosing a Step Length............................................................. 21
4.2 Discrete Time Solution of a First-Order System........................ 22

Chapter 5 Modelling a Second-Order System..................................................... 27

5.1 A Servomoter Example.............................................................. 27
5.2 Real-Time Simulation................................................................ 30

Chapter 6 The Complication of Motor Drive Limits........................................... 33

6.1 Drive Saturation.......................................................................... 33
6.2 The Effect of a Disturbance........................................................34
6.3 A Different Visualisation............................................................ 36
6.4 Meet the Phase Plane.................................................................. 37
6.5 In Summary................................................................................ 41

vi Contents

Chapter 7 Practical Controller Design................................................................. 43

Overview.................................................................................... 43
The Velodyne Loop..................................................................... 43
Demand Limitation....................................................................44
Riding a Bicycle.........................................................................46
Nested Loops and Pragmatic Control......................................... 50

Chapter 8 Adding Dynamics to the Controller.................................................... 51

8.1 Overview.................................................................................... 51
8.2 Noise and Quantisation.............................................................. 53
8.3 Discrete Time Control................................................................ 54
8.4 Position Control with a Real Motor........................................... 56
8.5 In Conclusion............................................................................. 57

Chapter 9 Sensors and Actuators......................................................................... 59

Introduction................................................................................ 59
The Nature of Sensors................................................................60
The Measurement of Position and Displacement....................... 62
Velocity and Acceleration...........................................................64
Output Devices...........................................................................64

Chapter 10 Analogue Simulation........................................................................... 67

History...................................................................................... 67
Analogue Circuitry................................................................... 67
State Equations......................................................................... 70

Chapter 11 Matrix State Equations........................................................................ 71

11.1 Introduction.............................................................................. 71
11.2 Feedback................................................................................... 73
11.3 A Simpler Approach................................................................. 74

Chapter 12 Putting It into Practice........................................................................ 77

12.1 Introduction.............................................................................. 77
A Balancing Trolley.................................................................. 78
12.3 Getting Mathematical............................................................... 83
12.4 Pole Assignment....................................................................... 85

Chapter 13 Observers............................................................................................. 87
13.1 Introduction.............................................................................. 87
13.2 Laplace and Heaviside.............................................................. 87
Contents vii

13.3 Filters........................................................................................ 88
13.4 The Kalman Filter.................................................................... 89
13.5 The Balancing Trolley Example............................................... 89
13.6 Complementary Filtering......................................................... 91
13.7 A Pragmatic Approach............................................................. 91

Chapter 14 More about the Mathematics............................................................... 93

14.1 Introduction.............................................................................. 93
14.2 How Did the Exponentials Come In?....................................... 93
14.3 More about Roots.....................................................................94
14.4 Imaginary Roots....................................................................... 95
14.5 Complex Roots and Stability....................................................97

Chapter 15 Transfer Functions...............................................................................99

15.1 Introduction..............................................................................99
15.2 Phase Advance........................................................................ 100
15.2.1 Mathematical Aside.................................................. 101
15.3 A Transfer-Function Matrix................................................... 101

Chapter 16 Solving the State Equations.............................................................. 105

16.1 Introduction............................................................................ 105
16.2 Vectors and More................................................................... 106
16.3 Eigenvectors........................................................................... 107
16.4 A General Approach............................................................... 108
16.5 Equal Roots............................................................................ 108

Chapter 17 Discrete Time and the z Operator..................................................... 111

17.1 Introduction............................................................................ 111
17.2 Formal Methods..................................................................... 112
17.3 z and Code.............................................................................. 114
17.4 Lessons Learned from z.......................................................... 116
17.5 Quantisation........................................................................... 117
17.6 Discrete Transfer Function..................................................... 118

Chapter 18 Root Locus........................................................................................ 119

18.1 Introduction............................................................................ 119
18.2 The Complex Frequency Plane.............................................. 120
18.3 Poles and Zeroes..................................................................... 121
18.4 A Root Locus Plotter.............................................................. 122
18.5 A Better Plot........................................................................... 122
18.6 Root Locus for Discrete Time................................................ 125
18.7 Moving the Controller Poles and Zeroes................................ 128
viii Contents

Chapter 19 More about the Phase Plane.............................................................. 129

19.1 Drawing Phase-Plane Trajectories.......................................... 129
19.2 Phase Plane for Saturating Drive............................................ 131
19.3 Bang-Bang Control and Sliding Mode................................... 134
19.4 More Uses of the Phase Plane................................................ 135

Chapter 20 Optimisation and an Experiment...................................................... 137

20.1 Introduction............................................................................ 137
20.2 Time-Optimal Control............................................................ 138
20.3 Predictive Control................................................................... 138
20.4 A Tilting Plank Experiment – Nostalgia................................ 140
20.5 Ball and Beam: A Modern Version......................................... 140

Chapter 21 Problem Systems............................................................................... 145

21.1 Introduction............................................................................ 145
21.2 A System with a Time Delay.................................................. 145
21.3 Integral Action........................................................................ 147
21.4 The Bathroom Shower Approach........................................... 148

Chapter 22 Final Comments................................................................................ 149

22.1 Introduction............................................................................ 149
22.2 Multi-Rate Systems................................................................ 149
22.3 Motor Control with a Two-Phase Encoder............................. 150
22.4 And Finally............................................................................. 151

Now Read On......................................................................................................... 153

Index....................................................................................................................... 159
Mechatronics is a mongrel, a crossbreed of classic mechanical engineering, the rela-
tively young pup of computer science, the energetic electrical engineering, the pedi-
gree mathematics and the bloodhound of Control Theory.
All too many courses in control theory consist of a diet of ‘Everything you could
ever need to know about the Laplace Transform’ rather than answering ‘What hap-
pens when your servomotor saturates?’ Topics in this book have been selected to
answer the questions that the mechatronic student is most likely to raise.
That does not mean that the mathematical aspects have been left out, far from it.
The diet here includes matrices, transforms, eigenvectors, differential equations and
even the dreaded z transform. But every effort has been made to relate them to practi-
cal experience, to make them digestible. They are there for what they can do, not to
support pages of mathematical rigour that defines their origins.
The theme running throughout the book is simulation, with simple JavaScript
applications that let you experience the dynamics for yourself. There are examples
that involve balancing, such as a bicycle following a line, and a balancing trolley that
is similar to a Segway. This can be constructed ‘for real’, with components purchased
from the hobby market.
Logical Predictive Control updates my PhD research topic of long ago, originally
demonstrated at IFAC 66 in London’s Festival Hall. My wife Rosalind drew some
magnificent posters to illustrate the principle, and they are included here.
I can only hope that you will have as much fun reading the book and controlling
the simulations, as I have had writing it.
If you are reading a printed version of the book, you will have to find the simula-
tions on the web. Navigate your browser to:
There you will see a landing page that groups the links to simulations by chapter.
You can also find a backup page at www.esscont.com/sim, where there might be
future updates and corrections.


You find a link to the simulations and other material for this book at
Click the link for this book, and then select the ‘sim’ tab. Here you will find links,
chapter by chapter, to each of the simulations.
But by using the ‘camera’ application that is already on your laptop, there is an
easy way to save typing. The camera can read the printed QR code here.

x Preface

A link will be copied into the buffer and it can be pasted into your browser. Some QR
readers will let you launch the link directly.
For Windows users, to launch the Camera app, just type ‘camera’ into the search
box at the bottom of your screen. When it launches, you will see a bar on the right:

Select the barcode option by clicking the indicated icon.

Now show the QR code to the camera and click the icon.
This will give you access to the simulations whenever you are online.
You can download the simulations for offline use at
Once again, you can save a lot of typing by using this QR code:
Preface xi

Unzip the folder to any convenient place on your drive, then look for the file sim.htm
inside it. Clicking it will launch a browser page in which you can insert the name of
any of the simulations.

John Billingsley

MATLAB® is a registered trademark of The Math Works, Inc. For product informa-
tion, please contact:
The Math Works, Inc.
3 Apple Hill Drive
Natick, MA 01760-2098
Tel: 508-647-7000
Fax: 508-647-7001
E-mail: info@mathworks.com
Web: http://www.mathworks.com
John Billingsley is Professor of Mechatronic Engineering at the University of
Southern Queensland, Australia.

1 Why Do You Need
Control Theory?
Control theory is not just about gadgets. It underpins the behaviour of all dynamic
systems, from a nation’s economy to the response of a plant to sunshine. It is the study
of time itself. But here those aspects have been singled out that relate to the control of
devices, mechatronics.
Differential equations govern the way that one property can determine the rate of
change of another. A computer can be set up to mimic those equations, to simulate the
way that a system will behave.

Control theory is not just about gadgets. It underpins the behaviour of all dynamic
systems, from a nation’s economy to the winding of a climbing honeysuckle plant.
It is the study of time itself. But in this book the aspects have been singled out that
relate to mechatronics.
The world is now full of gadgets that owe their operation to embedded microcon-
trollers. The topic with that rather cumbersome name of ‘mechatronics’ embraces
their mechanical construction, the electronics for sensors of what is happening, more
electronics for applying drives to motors and such, plus the software needs of the
microcontrollers themselves.
But that is not all. The software must have a strategy for weighing up the evi-
dence of the sensors, to determine what commands should be sent to the outputs.
The designer must have an understanding of control theory, the essence of this book.
Over half a century ago, it was realised that there was a more direct way to look
at dynamic systems than the frequency domain, with its dependence on poles, zeroes
and complex numbers. This was the state space approach. It is the magic key to the
construction of simulations that will let us visualise the effect of any control strategy
that we are considering applying. Of course, those transforms do have their uses, but
they run into problems when your system has nonlinearities such as drive constraints.
But do not be dismissive of the mathematics that can help us to understand the
concepts that underpin a controller’s effects. When you write up your control project,
the power of mathematical terminology can lift a report that is about simple prag-
matic control, to the status of a journal paper.


We can find early applications of control from long before the age of ‘technology’.
To flush a toilet, it was once necessary to tip a bucket of water into the pan – and
then walk to the pump to refill the bucket. With a piped water supply, a tap could
be turned to fill a cistern – but you still had to remember to turn the tap on and off.

DOI: 10.1201/9781003363316-1 1
2 Control Basics for Mechatronics

Today everyone expects a float inside the cistern to do that for you automatically –
you can flush and forget.
The technology that turned a windmill to face the wind needed more ingenuity.
These were not the massive wind turbines of today, but the traditional windmills for
which Holland is so famous. They were too big and heavy to be rotated by a simple
weathervane, so when the millers tired of lugging them round by hand, they added a
small secondary fan to do the job. This was mounted at right angles to the main rotor,
to catch any crosswind. With gearing it could slowly crank the whole mill around, in
the necessary sense to make it face the wind.
Today we can easily simulate either of these systems, but it is most unlikely that
any mathematical analysis was used in their original design. The strategies grew out
of a simple understanding of the way that the systems would behave.
Take a rest from reading and try a simple experiment. You will need two garden
canes, about a metre long, and four tapered disposable drinking mugs. Tape the cups
together in pairs, in one case mouth to mouth, in the other by joining the narrower
closed ends. You now have two rollers, one bulging in the middle, the other with a
narrow waist as in Figure 1.1.
Prop up one end of the canes, so that side by side they make a sort of inclined
railway track. In turn, put one of your rollers at the top of the track and watch it roll
down. Which one makes it to the bottom without falling off the side?
This is the technique used to keep a railway carriage on the rails. Unlike a toy
train set, the flanges on the wheels should only ever touch the rails in a crisis. The
control is actually achieved by tapering the wheels, as shown in Figure 1.2. Each pair
of wheels is linked by a solid axle, so that the wheels turn in unison.
To see how this works, suppose that the wheels are displaced to the right. The right-
hand wheel now rolls forward on a larger diameter than the left one. The right-hand

FIGURE 1.1 The two rollers made from paper cups.

FIGURE 1.2 A pair of railway wheels.

Why Do You Need Control Theory? 3

wheel travels a little faster than the left one and the axle turns to the left. Soon it is
rolling to the left and the error is corrected. But as we will soon see, the story is more
complicated than that. As just described, the axle would ‘shimmy’, oscillating from
side to side. In practice, axles are mounted in pairs to form a ‘bogey’. The result is a
control system that behaves as needed without a trace of electronics.
The moral is that stability of a mechatronic system can often be aided by inge-
nious mechanical design. But for mechatronic control we will be concerned with
feedback. We will use sensors to measure what the system is doing now and apply
control to actuators to make it do what we want it to. This can lead to stability prob-
lems, so a large body of theory has been built up for linear systems. There is more
about this at the end of the chapter.
Unfortunately, few real systems are truly linear. Motors have limits on how hard
they can be driven, for a start. If a passenger aircraft banks at more than an angle of
thirty degrees, there will probably be complaints if not screams from the passengers.
Methods are needed for simulating such systems, for finding how they respond as a
function of time.


The heart of a simulation is the integrator. This gives the means to find the response
corresponding to a differential equation. If the output of an integrator is x, then its
input is dx/dt. By cascading integrators, we can construct a differential equation of
virtually any order. But where can we find an integrator?
In the Second World War, bomb-aiming computers used the ‘ball-and-plate’ inte-
grator. A disk rotated at constant speed. A ball bearing was located between the plate
and a roller, being moved from side to side as shown in Figure 1.3. When the ball
is held at the centre of the plate, it does not move, so neither does the roller. If it is
moved outwards along the roller, it will pick up a rotation proportional to the distance
from the centre, so the roller will turn at a proportional speed. We have an integrator!

FIGURE 1.3 Ball-and-plate integrator.

4 Control Basics for Mechatronics

But for precision simulation, a ‘no-moving-parts’ electronic system was needed.

A capacitor is an electronic component which builds up a voltage proportional to the
integral of the current that has flowed through it. By using a capacitor to apply feed-
back around an amplifier, we have an integrator.
Unfortunately, in the days of valves the amplifiers were not easy to make. The
output had to vary to both positive and negative voltages, for a very small change in
an input voltage that was near zero. Conventional amplifiers were AC coupled, being
used for amplifying speech or music. These new amplifiers had to give a constant DC
output for a constant input and were annoyingly apt to drift.
But in the early 1960s, the newfangled transistor came to the rescue. By then,
both PNP and NPN versions were available, allowing the design of circuits where the
output was pulled up or down symmetrically.
Within a few years, the manufacturers had started to make ‘chips’ with complete
circuits on them, and an early example was the operational amplifier, just the thing
the simulator needs. These have become increasingly more sophisticated, while their
price has dropped to a few cents.
Just when perfection was in sight for the analogue computer (or simulator), the
digital computer moved in as a rival. Rather than having to patch circuitry together,
the control engineer only needs to write a few lines of software to guarantee a simu-
lation with no drift, no uncertainty of gain or time constants, and an output that can
produce a plot only limited by the engineer’s imagination.
While the followers of the frequency domain methods concern themselves with
transfer functions, simulation requires the use of state equations. You just cannot
escape mathematics!


Simulation has changed the whole way we view control theory. When analogue inte-
grators were connected to simulate a system, each one defined a first-order equa-
tion, with the list of its inputs. Its instantaneous output value could be regarded as
a state variable, and the whole system has been reduced to a set of first-order state
Digital simulation added to the impact. Whereas the amplifier voltages changed
continuously, the changes of the digital state variables were stepped in time, each
time that they were updated in the program loop. Computer simulation and dis-
crete-time control go hand in hand together. At each iteration of the simulation,
new values are calculated for the state variables in terms of their previous val-
ues. New input values are set that remain constant over the interval until the next
We might be cautious at first, taking time steps that are so short that the
­calculation approximates to integration. But by examining the exact way that the
values of one set of state variables lead to the next, we can instead make the interval
Discrete-time theory is usually regarded as a more advanced topic than the fre-
quency domain, but in some respect it is very much simpler. Whereas the frequency
Why Do You Need Control Theory? 5

domain is filled with complex exponentials, discrete-time solutions just involve pow-
ers of a parameter – though this may be a complex number, too.
By way of an example, consider your bank overdraft. If the interest rate causes it
to double after m months, then after further m months it will double again. After n
periods of m months, it will have been multiplied by 2n. We have a simple solution for
calculating its values at these discrete intervals of time.
To calculate the response of a system and to assess the effect of discrete-time
feedback, a useful tool is the z-transform. This is usually explained in terms of the
Laplace transform, but its concept is much simpler.
In simulating an integrator, when we calculate the new value of a state variable
x from its previous value and the input u, we might have a line of code of the form

x = a*x + b*u

Of course, this is not an equation. The x on the left is the new value while that on the
right is the old value. But we can turn it into an equation by introducing an operator
that means next. We denote this operator as z.
So now




In later chapters all the mysteries will be revealed, but before that we will explore the
more conventional approaches.
You might already have noticed that I prefer to use the mathematician’s “we”
rather than the more cumbersome passive. Please imagine that we are sitting shoul-
der to shoulder, together pondering the abstruse equations that we must inevitably
deal with.


For your mechatronic system, you are likely to wish to use large values of gain, for
example, to provide a large restoring force if a positioning system is disturbed from
its target. The problems of high gain were addressed by the early developers of con-
trol theory.
When the early transatlantic cables were laid, amplifiers had to be submerged in
mid ocean. It was important to match their ‘gain’ or amplification factor to the loss of
the cable between repeaters. Unfortunately, the thermionic valves used in the ampli-
fiers could vary greatly in their individual gains and that gain would change with
time. The concept of feedback came to the rescue. A proportion of the output signal
was subtracted from the input. So how does this help?
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Hoppewinders van Okeghem, 77

Hopsomer, 134

Hostraet, Hostrat, 120

Hotse (Hoatse), 215, 221

Hottentotten van Daknam, 73

Houkje, 220, 231

Hounefretters, Hounen van Berlikum, 34, 50

Hounewippers van Rinsumageest, 35, 39

Hountjes van Peasens, 34

Hout, Houte, Holt, 246

Houtsager, 139

Houtse, 246

Houtsma, 240, 246

Houvenaghel, 134

Hove, 72, 116

van Hove, 134

Hovekerke, 115

Hovelynghen van Ghistele, 77

Hrodbercht, 155

Hrodger, 155

Hrodmar, 155

Hrodwolf, 162
Hrudigar, 155

Hrudolf, 162

Hubert, Hubertus, 148, 227

Hubrecht, Hubercht, 148

Hubrecht Kerstiaens, 178

Hubrecht soen Happen Smolners, 175, 180, 194

Hudevetters van Gheerdsberghe, 76, 78

Hugibercht, 148

Hugo, 230

Huibasten van Nunspeet, 60, 61

Huidevetters van Geeraartsbergen, 79

Hûlen, Huwleu, van Hindeloopen, 30

Hulst, 51, 77

Hulstaert, 144

Humbert, 168, 169

Humbrechtshausen, 109

Hummersen, 162, 243

Hundedragers van Schortens, 57

Huvaert, 144

Huybrecht, 132, 148

Huybrechts, 146, 148

Huyghe, 146
d’Huyvetter, 137, 139

Hwytyngha, 156

Hydrequent, 126

Hylck, 274

Hylkje, 231, 233

Hyltje, 231

Hyngstefilders, Hyngstestrûpers van Kollumerzwaag, 36

Hyum, Hijum, 35, 37

Ibe, Ybe, 212

Ibele, Yble, 203, 214

Ibeltsje, Ybeltsje (Ibeltje), 203

Ibrand, 201

Ida, 231

Ide, 132, 212

Ide Moller, 269

Idisbald, 174

Ids, 239

Idsinga, 239

Idsegahuizen, 37

Idsert, 201, 227

Idtsken, 132

Ie, 121
Iebe, 212

Iede, 212

Ieme, 212

Igle, 214

IJlst, 14, 20

IJsselstein, 62

Ikele, 214

den Ilp, 63

Ima, 231

Ime, 212, 233

Imele, 214

Imma, 231

Immo, 233

Ina, 231

Ingelbaert, Ingelbert, 167

Ingelbrecht, 146, 149, 167

Ingen, 60

Ingham, 128

Inghelbrecht, 164 [310]

Inghels, 146

Inghem, 128

Inne, 212
Inse, 214

Inthie, 273

Inthie Kuper, 269

Into, 228

Intsje (Intje), 273

Ipe, Ype, 212

Iperen, Yperen, 74

Ipre, 76

Irmgard, 201

Irmingard, Ermgarde, 189

Irmtrude, 201

Irnsum, 36, 38

Isambert, 166

Isanbrecht, 165

Isanbrand, 166

Isangrim, 166

Isanpertesdorf, 166

Isbald, Ysbout, 189

Isbold, 174

Isbourne, 117

Isebrecht, Isebert, 165

Iserbi, 134
Iserbyt, 142

Isigny, 110

Isuwarth, Isoard, Isouard, 166

Itjen, 132

Itsje, 231

Ivo, Iwe, 212, 227, 274

Iw, 274

Iw Eekez, 258

Jacob, 210, 211, 213

Jacoba van Beieren, 184, 270

Jacob Decker, 269

Jacob Lammeslager, 268

Jacob Lyndeslagher, 268

Jacob van Franicker, 271

Jacob van Scalsen, 271

Jacop soen wilen Jans geheyten van den Bomen Godartssoen van Bruheze, 178

Jacop van Wyringen, 271

de Jaegher, 140

Jaeike (Jaaike), 226

Jaeitsje, Jaitsje (Jaaitje, Jaitje), 274

de Jager, de Jaghere, 122

Jakkele, 214, 221

James, 210

Jan, 148, 192, 211, 228, 249

Jan Berbiers, 182

Jancke Molner, 269

Jancke Scriuer, 269

Jancko, 249

Jan Claeussoen van Lancheze, 174

Jan Coffermans, 182, 194

Jan Colensoen, 173

Jan Colibrant, 181

Jan Cramer, 269

Jan de Herre geheiten van Eyndoven, 181

Jan de Blake, 181

Jan Decker, 269

Jan die Kremer, 180

Jan die Vleeschouwer, 181

Jan Fleyshouwer, 269

Janhagelmannen van Poppel, 72

Jan Herman Henrics Robbensoens soen, 176

Jan Hoysack, 272

Janke Fongerz, 258

Jan Hollander, 272

Jan Loden Neefssoen, 179

Jan Neve, 179

Jan Rattaler, 272

Jan Reyners, Jan Reyniers, 178

Jan Saelmaker, 268

Jan Scherpen van Tyel, 179

Jan Sioerdisz, 259

Jan soen Aert Alaerts, 175

Jan soen Jan Lemmessoen van Milheze, 177

Jan soen wilen Jans van den Cappellen, 175

Janssen, 146

Janssens, 146, 147

Jansje, 213

Jan Starkens, 182

Jan Tempeler, 180

Jantje-Kaas, 83

Jan van Berlaer natuerlike soen wilen Maes Shogen die hi hadde van Juffrouw
Margrieten van Berlaer, 187, 194

Jan van den Bocht, 181

Jan van den Gouwkamer, 272

Jan van den Grave wittige soen wilen Jans Comans van Helmont, 187

Jan van den Loe desselfs Arts oem, 179

Jan van Honthuys, 181

Jan van Horen, 271

Jan van Rixtel natuerlyke soen Jan Kemerlinx, 186

Jan van Stipdonc, 181

Jan Wyflet, 181

Jan Wytbrood, 272

Jan Ywaenssoen van den Berghe, 175

Jarich, 202, 262

Jarich Goltsmit, 267

Jarich Hiddes, 258

Jayke, 132

Jaythye Hilbrantz, 274

Jean, 211

Jean-Potage, 83

Jei, Jeike, 217, 250

Jekke, 250

Jel, 132, 133, 274

Jelck Lywama, 260

Jeldou, Jildou, Joldou, 201, 202, 225

Jelger, Ethelgar, 201

Jelke, 215, 216

Jelken, 132

Jelke Pelser, 267

Jella, 231

Jelle, 212, 216, 217, 249, 251, 252, 259, 285

Jelle Holtsager, 269

Jelle Kremer, 269

Jelles, 236

Jelle Weynmaker, 267

Jellina, 227

Jelmer, Ethelmar, 201, 202, 285

Jelse, 216

Jelte Bonge, 260 [311]

Jelte, Jelto, 214, 216, 273

Jelten, 132

Jeltse, Jeltsen, 215, 216, 221

Jeltsje (Jeltje), 184, 215, 216, 217, 225, 227, 231, 250, 285

Jeltje Johannis Schaap, 259

Jentsje (Jentje), 220, 227

Jesel, 262

Jeths, 262

Jetse, 215, 221, 285

Jetthie Scutefergier, 269

Jetske, 223

Jevet, 165
Jeye, 217, 249, 251, 252

Jikke, 217, 250, 251

Jildert, 201, 227

Jildou, Jieldou, Jeldou, Joldou, 201, 202, 225, 277

Jillardus, 227

Jillert, 227

Jisk, 215, 226

Jisle, 214

Jisp, 63, 65

Jisse, 212

Jisseltsje (Jisseltje), 226

Jitse, 215

Jitske, 217

Joden van Oost-Malle, 73

Jodserd, 201

Joest Naister, 270

Joest Willemsz, 258

Johanna, 192, 213

Johannes, 192, 211, 228, 249

Johannes Goch, 271

Johannes Goedsvrients,—Goedsfrioens,—Goedsvriond, 275

Johannes int Gasthuus, 263

Johannes Jorretz, 259

Johannes Roeselmanssoen, 182, 194

Johannes Schaap, 259

John, 211

John-Bull, 83

Jolle, 212, 285

Jolmer, 285

Joltsje (Joltje), 285

Jonckheere, 140

de Jong, 137

Jonge Her Dowe, 263

Jonge Peter Symonsz, 263

Jongerlinck, 141

de Jonghe, 138, 141

Jooris, 146, 147

Joosten, 146

Jorn, Everwin, 236

Jorna, 236

Jorre, 236

Jorrit, Everhart, 201, 202, 233

Jorwerd, 86

Jottsje, 285
Jou, Jouke, Jow, Jowke, 212, 215, 274

de Joure, 7, 37, 237

Joustra, 237

Joute, 214

Jouwerd, 201

Jow (Iw) Dekama, 260

Jow Jowsma, 260

Jozef, 150

Juan, 211

Jucke Holtsnyder, 268

Jucke Kalcmaker, 269

Jui, Juike, 249, 250

Junkers van Warnsath, 57

Jurjen, 249, 250

Jurjentsje (Jurjentje), 250

Jutte, 192

Jutte dochter Meys van Herzel die dieselve natuerlic gewonnen hadde Corstine
van de Goer, 184, 187

Jutte Gobbels, 183, 192

Jutte van Rijthoven, 184, 192

Juust, Juist, 88

Juw, 274

Kaaieschijters van Uden, 67

Kaasmakers van Belle, 6, 78, 79

Kaatje, 213

Kaballen van Ruisbroek, 73

Kabeljauw-eters van Nieuwpoort, 78

Kaeye (Kaaye), 249

Kalefaters van Baasrode, 73

Kalfschieters van Delft, 6, 66

Kalven van Naarden, 63

Kampen (plaatsn.), 5, 59, 60

Kampen (geslachtsn.), 236

Kandeel-eters van Meenen, 79

Kanne, Kanke, 249, 250

Kapoen-eters van Meessen, 71

Karleespoorders van West-Meerbeek, 72

Kassel, Cassel, 78, 82

Katlin geheiten van de Donc Marcelys Scillinx wilen spastoirs van Baerle
natuerlike dochter, 184

Katsjes van Wierum, 34

Kattefretters van Kollum, 36, 50

Kattekneppelders van Irnsum, 36, 38

Katten van Baard, 34

Katten van Blokzijl, 59

Katten van Meerhout, 72

Katten van Winaldum, 34

Keallebouten van Minnertsga, 36

Keallekoppen van Britsum, 35, 37

Keallestirten van Drachten, 36

Keapmankes, Keapmantsjes van IJlst, 14, 20

Keermeshouders van Ruusselare, 77

Kees, 210, 228

Keesje, 213

Kèèskoppen van Hove, 72

Keetje, 211, 213

Kei, 210

Keikoppen van Poperinge, 74, 79

Keimpe, 212

Keingaert, 134 [312]

Keislepers, Keitrekkers van Amersfoort, 6, 62

Kekke, 217

Kenau Simons dochter Hasselaer, 277

Ken Froedmoer, 271

Kenou, Kenau, 277

Kensington, 105

Kerckaert, 144

van den Kerckove, 134

Kermishouders van Rousselare, 78

de Ketelaere, 139

Ketelboeters van Middelburg in Vl., 77

Ketelkruipers van Alkmaar, 63

Ketelschijters van Meeden, 56

Keun-eters van Duinkerke, 6, 82

Keuns van Heist-op-Zee, 74

de Keyser, 140

Kiekenvreters van Brussel, 50, 51, 71, 72

Kieldrecht, 72

Kielschieters van Rotterdam, 66, 67

Kievits, 143

Kike, 250

Kimswerd, 35

Kinderen van Iperen, 74, 76, 79

Kindt, 141

Kinendale, 117

Kinge, 250, 251

Kiplanders van Assendelft, 63

Klaas (Klaes), 148, 192, 210

Klaes Mys, 180

Kladden van Ek, 60

Kladden van Ingen, 60

Klapbessen van de Beverwijk, 63

Klienroggen van de Joure, 7, 37

Klitsefretters van Garijp, 36, 50

Klockendefe van Carolinensyl, 57

Kloddemannen van Zele, 73

Kloeten van Meppel, 59

Klokkedieven van Delfzijl, 55

Klokkedieven van Franeker, 5, 6, 14, 27

Klokkedieven van Oudewater, 66

Kloklappers van Belcele, 73

Klotboeren van Steenuffel, 73

Kluppelaars van Zoorsel, 73

Kluunkoppen van Groningen, 55, 56

Knaptanden van Dendermonde, 73

Kneppelders van Boksum, 36

Kneuten van Meir, 73

Knikkers van Meerhout, 72

Knockaert, 144

Knol, 121

Knollen van Grolloo, 59

Knoop, Knoops, 191

Knoort van de Rijp, 63

Knotsendragers van Nijmegen, 60

Knutten van Nunspeet, 60

Koai, Koi, 250

Koarschoevers van Bafloo, 56

de Kock, 140

Koedieven van Ter Munten, 56

Koedieven van Zierikzee, 67

Koeien van Molhem, 73

Koeischieters van Leuven, 72

Koekefreters van Hallum, 20, 35, 50

Koek-eters van Amsterdam, 5, 7, 50, 63, 65

Koek-eters van Koog aan de Zaan, 63, 65

Koek-eters van Krommenie, 63, 65

Koek-eters van Uitgeest, 63, 65

Koek-eters van Zaandam, 63, 65

Koekoeken van Elp, 59

Koen, Koene, 163, 233

Koena, 163

Koenbert, 162

Koendert, Koenert, 162

Koenhart, Koenaart, 162, 145

Koenraad, 233

Koens, 163

Koentje, 163

Koert, 233

Koesjes van Boeschepe, 82

Koesjes van Godewaarsvelde, 82

Koestra, 245

Koevorden, 87

Koevreters van Ezinge, 56

Kohlstädt, 113

Koldic, Koldijk, 120, 121

Kole, 113

Kolenkappers van St. Gillis, 73

Kolhorn, 63

Kolinkhoven, 113

Kolkhuzen, 283

Kölliken, 113

Kollum, 36, 50

Kollumerzwaag, 36

de Koninck, 140

Koning, 137

Konijn-eters van Duinkerke, 50, 78

Konrad, 210

Koog aan de Zaan, 63, 65

Kool, 113

Kool-eters van Oostzaan, 63, 64

Koolhanen van Oostzaan, 63

Koolhazen van Lochem, 60

Koolkappers van Akkerghem, 74

Koolsma, 113

Koolstruiken van Langedijk, 63, 64

Kooltjes, 113

Koornstra, 245

Koos, 211

Koosje, 213 [313]

Kootwijk, 88

Kortooren van Rethy, 72

Kortrijk, 71, 79

Koudum, 37

Koustirten van Bergum, 36, 37

Koutermollen van Kieldrecht, 72

Kraaien van de Graft, 63

Kraaien van Haaften, 60

Kraaien van ’t Nieuwe-Diep, 63

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