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General Instructions:
a) Use Thread File and paper must one side blank and one side rule.
b) Write code in rule side.
c) Paste printed outputs at Blank Side.
d) Write Index properly (Write all questions).
e) Do not change program serial.
f) Write in good handwriting.
g) Use Proper indentation.
h) File should be neat and clean.
i) Avoid Corrections after writing program.
j) Pasting printed output is must.


1 WAP to print volume of a sphere. (Optional) MARCH
WAP to calculate and display the area of a triangle having three sides a, b and c
using Heron's Formula. (Optional)
3 WAP to calculate and print roots of a quadratic equation. (Optional) MARCH
4 WAP to find greatest number among three numbers. (Optional) MARCH
5 WAP to check whether the given year is leap year or not. (Optional) MARCH
WAP to print odd numbers from 1 to 100 using simple, compound and empty
statements. (Optional)
7 WAP to print factorial of a number. (Optional) MARCH
8 WAP to print prime no. from 1 - 100. (Optional) MARCH
9 WAP to check whether the given string is palindrome or not. (Optional) MARCH
WAP to count number of uppercase letters, lowercase letters and digits
separately from a string. (Optional)
WAP to create a list of five numbers and calculate and print the total and
average of the list of numbers. (Optional)
Write a Python program to count the number of characters (character
frequency) in a string by Using Dictionary. (Optional)
13 Define a function to calculate and print area of a rectangle. (Optional) APRIL
WAP to calculate Simple Interest to show all three types of
Arguments/Parameters. (Optional)
15 Define a function named prime() to check whether the number is prime or not. APRIL
Write a random number generator that generates random numbers
between 1 and 6 (simulates a dice).
Define a function named sort() to sort a list of number using Bubble Sort.
Define a function named convert() to Convert Decimal to Binary, Octal and
Hexadecimal no.
Define a function named text_write() in python write the records for 45
19 students in a file named as Student.txt and each record must contain roll_no, MAY
name, Marks.
Define a function named text_read() in python read records from Student.txt
20 MAY
and print only those student’s records who scored above 450.
Define a function named count_a() in python to count the number of lines in
21 MAY
a text file ‘STORY.TXT’ which is starting with an alphabet ‘A’ .
Define a function named charac() to read a text file and display the number
22 of vowels/consonants/ uppercase/ lowercase characters from the file MAY
Define a function named DISPLAYWORDS() in python to read lines from a
23 text file STORY.TXT, and display those words, which are less than 4 MAY
Define a function named Count() that will read the contents of text file
24 named “Report.txt” and count the number of lines which starts with either MAY
“I” or “M”.
Define a function named ISTOUPCOUNT() in python to read contents from a
25 text file WRITER.TXT, to count and display the occurrence of the word ‘‘IS’’ or MAY
‘‘TO’’ or ‘‘UP’’.
Define a function named bin_write() in python write the records for 10
26 students in a file named as Student.bin and each record must contain roll no., MAY
name, marks.
Define a function named bin_read() in python read records from
27 Student.bin and print only those student’s records who’s marks are more MAY
than 450.
Create a binary file with name and roll number. Search for a given roll
28 MAY
number and display the name, if not found display appropriate message.
Define a function named bin_update() in python to read records from
29 MAY
Student.bin and update the marks of given roll no.
Define a function named csv_write() in python write the records for 6
30 Employees in a file named as Employee.csv and each record must contain JUNE
Emp_no, Emp_name, Salary.
Define a function named csv_read() in python read records from
31 Employee.csv and print only those employee’s records who’s salary is more JUNE
than 20000.
32 Write a Python program to implement a stack using a list data-structure. JUNE
SQL Queries – Minimum 5 sets using one table / two tables.
Create a student table and insert data. Implement the following SQL
commands on the student table:
o ALTER table to add new attributes / modify data type / drop attribute
o UPDATE table to modify data
o ORDER By to display data in ascending / descending order
o DELETE to remove tuple(s)
o GROUP BY and find the min, max, sum, count and average
Write a program in python insert the records of 10 students in a SQL table
34 STUDENT using SQL connectivity. Where each row contains Roll, Name, Age, OCTOBER
DOB, Marks. Database name is SCHOOL.
Write a program in python update the records of students in a SQL table
35 STUDENT using SQL connectivity. Where each row contains Roll, Name, Age, OCTOBER
DOB, Marks. Database name is SCHOOL.
Write a program in python to display only those records students whose age
is more than 17 and scored more than 400 from a SQL table STUDENT using
36 SQL connectivity and also display the total number of records found. Where OCTOBER
each row contains Roll, Name, Age, DOB, Marks. Database name is SCHOOL.
(Using fetchall() )

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