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Question 1:What is the definition of international transport?

A) Transport within a single country
B) Transport of goods or passengers between different countries
C) Transport by air only
D) Transport of hazardous materials

Question 2:Which of the following modes of transport is typically considered the fastest
for international travel?
A) Sea Transport
B) Rail Transport
C) Air Transport
D) Road Transport

Question 3:Which mode of international transport is most commonly used for shipping
large quantities of goods due to its high capacity and cost-effectiveness?
A) Air Transport
B) Sea Transport
C) Rail Transport
D) Road Transport

Question 4:What does "multimodal transport" refer to in international shipping?

A) The use of a single type of transport for the entire journey
B) The use of various types of transport within a single country
C) The use of two or more types of transport in one shipping journey
D) The transport of goods by different carriers using the same mode

Question 5:What are Incoterms?

a)International communication terms used in diplomacy
b) International commercial terms used in international trade
c) Internal terms used in corporate policies
d) Investment terms used in financial markets

Question 6:Which Incoterm places the maximum responsibility on the seller for
delivering goods to the buyer's location?
a)FOB (Free on Board)
b) EXW (Ex Works)
c) DDP (Delivered Duty Paid)
d) CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight)

Question 7:Under the Incoterm CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight), who is responsible
for purchasing insurance for the goods during transit?
a) The buyer
b) The seller
c) The carrier
d) The freight forwarder

Question8:What is the primary role of customs in terms of revenue collection?

a) Fiscal role
b) Economic role
c) Protectionist role
d) All of the above
Question 9:What is the main objective of the protectionist role of customs?
Protect the interests of exportes
a) Protect the interests of exporters
b) Protect consumers/citizens against fraud and trafficking of illegal products
c) Facilitate international exchanges
d) None of the above

Question 10:In which customs regime are imported goods used to manufacture other
products for export, with duties and taxes deferred until the final product is exported?
a) Inward Processing
b) Outward Processing
c) Transit
d) Temporary Admission

QUIZ 2:Green logistics

1. What does green logistics stand for?

a) A type of logistics focused on economic efficiency only.
b) An approach to logistics aimed at reducing the environmental impact of transport and
storage activities.
c) A shipping method.
d) A warehouse human resources management system.

2 . What is the main objective of green logistics ?

a) Maximize profits by reducing production costs.
b) Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and waste generated by
logistics activities.
c) Improve internal communications within companies.
d) Increase freight transport volumes.

3.What are some strategies to make packaging more environmentally friendly ?

a)Use non-recyclable materials.
b) Use eco-friendly materials or recyclable packaging.
c)Increase the amount of packaging used.
d)Eliminate any unnecessary packaging.

4.How can energy consumption be improved in warehouse strategies ?

a) Use energy-efficient lighting and heating and cooling systems
b)Use traditional lighting and heating systems.
c) increase energy consumption for better performance.

5.What does load consolidation aim to achieve in transportation strategies ?

a) Increase the number of trips made.
b) Separate shipments to different vehicules.
c) Improve efficiency and sustainability by combining shipments.

6. What is reverse logistics?

A) The process of speeding up production
B) The process of managing the forward flow of products
C) The process of managing the reverse flow of products in a supply chain
D) The process of designing new products

7. What’s the objective of reverse logistics?

A) Increase production time
B) Build customer loyalty
C) Limit product returns
D) Decrease product quality

8. What’s the benefit of reverse logistics?

A) Reduces costs associated with disposing of products
B) Increases customer dissatisfaction
C)Decreases recycling efforts
D) Redues environmental sustainability

9.What is the purpose of a "remanufacturing" strategy in reverse logistics?

a) To restore returned products to their original condition
b) To recycle returned products into raw materials
c) To dispose of returned products in an environmentally friendly manner
d) To resell returned products at a discounted price

10. Which strategy involves analyzing data from returned products to identify trends
and improve the overall reverse logistics process??
a) Reverse supply chain analytics
b) Reverse logistics optimization
c) Return data analysis
d) Reverse engineering analysis

QUIZ 3: Lean manufacturing

1-What is the basic principle of JIDOKA?

- A) Automate every process to reduce human intervention
- B) Detect and stop defects in real-time
- C) Produce as much as possible without interruptions
- D) Outsource quality control to third parties

2-What is the main goal of SMED?

- A) Reduce the number of machines in a production line
- B) Minimize the setup and changeover time to less than 10 minutes
- C) Increase the number of workers on the production line
- D) Eliminate all manual processes in manufacturing

3-Which production approach describes, "Nothing is done until the customer orders it"
4-What is the primary objective of the SEIKETSU (Standardize) step in the 5S
-A). Sorting and categorizing items in the workplace
-B). Ensuring a tidy workplace by regular cleaning
-C). Standardizing the previous steps so they become integrated into workplace culture
-D). Making the 5S method a long-term habit

5-Which visual management tool helps track progress and identify areas needing
-A). Shadow boards
-B). Floor markings
-C). Performance boards
-D). Kanban cards

6-Which of the following is NOT one of the seven wastes (Muda) in Lean
A) Overproduction
B) Waiting
C) Inventory
D) Innovation

7-Which of the following is a key principle of Just-In-Time (JIT) manufacturing?

A) Large batch production
B) Maintaining high levels of inventory
C) Producing only what is needed, when it is needed
D) Extensive warehousing of finished goods

QUIZ 4:E-Commerce

1. What is the definition of e-commerce?

a) Traditional commerce with an online presence
b) The buying and selling of goods or services over the internet or other electronic networks
c) The use of advanced technologies in physical stores
d) Selling products exclusively on social networks

2. What are the four main types of e-commerce mentioned in the report?
a) B2B, B2G, G2C, C2C
b) B2C, C2B, C2C, B2G
c) B2B, B2C, C2C, C2G
d) B2C, B2B, C2C, C2B

3. What is the difference between traditional commerce and e-commerce in terms of

market reach?

a) Traditional commerce has a global reach, while e-commerce is limited to local markets.
b) E-commerce has a global reach, while traditional commerce is limited to local markets.

c) Both have a global reach.

d) Both are limited to local markets.

4. What is dropshipping?
a) A system where products are sold directly from the physical store
b) A system where products are stored in multiple warehouses
c) A system where products are sold without being physically stocked by the seller
d) A system where products are shipped directly from the manufacturer to the customer

5. What is the role of logistics in e-commerce?

a) Handling financial transactions
b) Managing customer service
c) Managing the entire process from storage to delivery
d) Developing marketing strategies

6. Which e-commerce logistics strategy involves selling products without storing

a) Fulfillment
b) Dropshipping

c) Marketplaces
d) Inventory management
7. What is one of Amazon's weaknesses identified in the SWOT analysis?
a) Limited physical presence
b) Strong brand image
c) Customer-focused
d) Differentiation and innovation

8. What is the main objective of Amazon's storage warehouses?

a) Random product storage
b) Tracking inventory and notifying customers of sales
c) Limiting access to products for security reasons
d) Offering an in-person shopping experience

9. What is Amazon's primary transportation service for delivering packages?

a) Amazon Prime Air
b) Amazon drones
c) Amazon Key Smart Locks
d) Amazon’s Flying Warehouse

10. How does Amazon enhance its logistics success according to the information

a) By offering robotic solutions in warehouses

b) By limiting the number of employees
c) By reducing the number of fulfillment centers
d) By increasing the manual handling of packages

QUIZ 5:Blockchain

1.What is blockchain?
a. A centralized database.
b. A technology for storing and transmitting information, transparent and secure.
c. An instant messaging system.
d. A project management software.

2.How does blockchain work?

a. By recording transactions in a centralized ledger.
b. By linking blocks of transactions validated by a network of nodes.
c. By using consensus mechanisms like proof of work or proof of stake.
d. By sending encrypted messages directly between users.

3.Two advantages of using blockchain in the supply chain

a. Increased operational costs.
b. Increased transparency.
c. Improved traceability.
d. Administrative complexity.

4.How does blockchain improve product traceability in the supply chain?

a. By recording every step of the supply chain in an immutable ledger.
b. By replacing barcodes with QR codes.
c. By reducing the number of business partners.
d. By using emails to track products.

5.Two major challenges in adopting blockchain in the supply chain.

a. Technological challenges like interoperability and scalability.
b. High initial implementation costs.
c. Simplicity of integration.
d. Lack of regulation.
6.What is the main impact of blockchain on the supply chain?
a. Reducing delivery times.
b. Improving transparency and operational efficiency.
c. Increasing tracking errors.
d. Reducing the number of suppliers.

7.How can blockchain reduce costs in the supply chain?

a. By automating processes through smart contracts.
b. By increasing the number of intermediaries.
c. By requiring more manual documentation.
d. By doubling compliance audits.

8.What could be the future of blockchain in the supply chain?

a. Wider and more integrated adoption.
b. Decreased use of the technology.
c. Abandoning product traceability.
d. Eliminating business partners.

QUIZ 6: KPI,Audit

1-What is the primary purpose of the meeting conducted by the Auditor?

a) To introduce new products
b) To conduct an audit of the company's operations
c) To discuss employee benefits
d) To plan a marketing strategy
2-According to the Auditor, what is an audit?
a) A financial review of expenses
b) A detailed review of processes, procedures, and activities
c) A marketing analysis
d) A staff performance evaluation
3-What are Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)?
a) Financial records
b) Measurable metrics used to evaluate performance
c) Marketing strategies
d) Employee satisfaction scores
4-Which KPI is associated with the yield of sugar?
a) Customer satisfaction
b) Efficiency Indicator
c) On-time delivery rate
d) Stock quality rate

5-Why is quality important in the production of sugar?

a) It reduces marketing costs
b) It meets customer expectations and ensures compliance
c) It shortens production time
d) It increases employee morale

6-What impact does downtime have on production?

a) It increases productivity
b) It decreases operational costs
c) It directly impacts production capacity and throughput
d) It improves product quality
7-Which KPI measures the amount of raw materials used compared to the amount of
sugar produced?
a) Delivery time
b) Inventory turnover ratio
c) Raw material utilization
d) Fleet utilization rate
8-What does the stock obsolescence rate indicate?
a) Percentage of deliveries on time
b) Percentage of excess stock compared to recommendations
c) Cost of transportation per unit
d) Production downtime
9-Which KPI assesses the percentage of total capacity of the transportation fleet actually
a) On-time delivery rate
b) Fleet utilization rate
c) Transport cost per unit
d) Stock quality rate

QUIZ 7: Impact of AI

1-What is AI's primary function in supply chain management?

A) Analyzing historical sales data
B) Managing human resources
C) Forecasting political trends
D) Designing marketing campaigns

2-How can AI benefit inventory management?

A) By increasing carrying costs
B) By causing frequent stockouts
C) By adjusting reorder points based on real-time data
D) By ignoring demand and supply conditions

3-Which technology can help predict future demand by analyzing past sales data?
A) Machine Learning
B) Virtual Reality
C) Augmented Intelligence
D) Quantum Computing

4-What role does Neural Networks play in supply chain optimization?

A) Planning efficient delivery routes
B) Analyzing social media trends
C) Monitoring stock levels
D) Forecasting economic indicators

5-How does Genetic Algorithms contribute to efficient supply chain management?

A) By increasing delivery times
B) By reducing transportation costs
C) By creating stockouts
D) By ignoring route optimization

6-What is the primary benefit of using Natural Language Processing (NLP) in supply
chain operations?
A) Identifying common issues in products
B) Tracking inventory movement
C) Understanding customer feedback
D) Enhancing delivery reliability

7-How can Computer Vision be utilized in warehouse management?

A) Planning delivery routes
B) Identifying damaged goods
C) Analyzing economic indicators
D) Forecasting market trends

8-What impact did AI have on Amazon's supply chain operations?

A) Increased transportation costs
B) Decreased customer satisfaction
C) Improved inventory management
D) Ignored demand forecasting

QUIZ 8: Urban logistics

1) What is urban logistics primarily concerned with?

a) International shipping

b) Rural area deliveries

c) Space travel logistics

d) Movement and management of goods in urban areas

2) What is the term for the initial movement of goods from the point of origin (factories,
farms) to a distribution center or warehouse?

a) First Mile

b) Middle Mile

c) Last Mile

d) Final Haul
3) Which stage of urban logistics is primarily affected by dense traffic congestion in
urban areas?

a) First Mile

b) Middle Mile

c) Last Mile

4) Which of the following is a major challenge in urban logistics?

a) Lack of ocean routes

b) Traffic congestion

c) Space debris

d) Low population density

5) Which innovative solution in urban logistics focuses on integrating advanced

technologies like IoT, AI, and data analytics to enhance delivery performance?

a) Shared Warehousing

b) Micro-Hubs and Urban Consolidation Centers

c) Technology Integration

d) Alternative Delivery Methods

6) What are micro-hubs used for in urban logistics?

a) Real-time Tracking

b) Last-Mile Delivery Consolidation

c) Advanced Data Analytics

d) Autonomous Vehicle Management

7) What is a key reason why last mile delivery is important for companies?

a) It reduces overall production costs.

b) It ensures timely deliveries, enhancing customer experience, and building brand loyalty.
c) It improves warehouse efficiency.
d) It enhances the procurement process.

8) Which innovative solution has Amazon implemented to improve its last mile logistics?

a) Traditional postal services.

b) Drones and autonomous delivery devices.

c) Bicycle couriers.
d) Manual sorting systems.

QUIZ 9: Inventory warehousing

1-what is WMS?

A-Network of connected devices

B- Communicate and exchange data withe each other

C-Manage and control warehouse operation, and provide real time information on inventory

2-Which type of warehouse is licensed by the government to store goods until import
duties or taxes are paid?

A. Private Warehouse

B. Public Warehouse

C. Bonded Warehouse

D. Distribution Center

3-What kind of warehouse is specially designed to store goods that require temperature
regulation, such as perishable foods?

A. General Warehouse

B. Bonded Warehouse

C. Climate-Controlled Warehouse

D. Automated Warehouse

4-Which type of warehouse offers storage services to multiple businesses on a rental


A. Private Warehouse

B. Public Warehouse

C. Bonded Warehouse

D. Automated Warehouse

5- What is the name of the job that is responsible of loading and unloading goods ?

A- Material handler
B- Order picker

C- Warehouse supervisor

D- Forklift driver

6- What is the definition of Inventory ?

A- The physical space and facilities used to store inventory, such as warehouses, storage
rooms, and other storage facilities

B- The total amount of goods or items held by a company or organization.

7-Which methods are used in inventory valuation?

A- ABC method

B-LIFO method


8-Forklifts used to raise and extend its forks to reach into warehouse racks

A- true

B- false
9- what is the role of reception area?

A-Picked orders

B-Move goods form truck to the receiving area or from shipping areas

C-Receive products, and control the quality and quantity of orders

10-what is the importance of warehousing and inventory in the SCM?

A-Maintain a constant supply of goods

B-Avoid the risk off stock out

C-Provide real time warehouse data operation

QUIZ 10: Combined transport

1-What is the definition of combined transport ?

a) Transport of goods using a single mode of transportation
b) Transport of goods using two or more modes of transportation where the majority of
the journey is by rail, inland waterways, or sea
c) Transport of passengers using multiple forms of public transport

2-Combined transport can contribute to lower CO2 emissions compared to single-mode

road transport.
a) true
b) False

3-One of the advantages of combined transport is the potential reduction in traffic

congestion on roads.
a) true
b) false

4-What is a multimodal hub?

a) A single point of transport for a specific mode

b) A specialized airport for combined transport
c) A location where different transport modes meet and facilitate the transfer of goods
d) A storage facility for goods

5-How does combined transport contribute to sustainability?

a) By using the least efficient modes of transport
b) By reducing reliance on road transport and lowering emissions
c) By increasing the number of transport modes required
d) By solely relying on air transport

6-Combined transport always requires the use of air transport.

a) true
b) false

A disadvantage of combined transport is the complexity of logistics and coordination

between different modes.

a) true
b) false

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