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Group 2
What are the social
1. networking sites
used all over the
What are the social
networking sites used
all over the world?

• Facebook
• Twitter (X)
• Mxit
• Weibo
• Vkontakle
26% of the world population uses Social Media

▪︎ 41.2 m Tweeters in Brazil

▪︎ 90 m Facebook users in India
▪︎ 3.6 m Facebook users in Kenya
▪︎ 6.5 Mxit users in South Africa
▪︎ 600 m Weibo users in China
▪︎ 46 m Vkontakle users in Russia
What are some
information from the
2. video clip that show
relevance and
truthfulness about you as
a social media user?
Pew Research found that 48% of unconnected
population think that the internet is not relevant for
their lives due to:

Lack of
Local language
Skills training
What are some information from the video
clip that show relevance and truthfulness
about you as a social media user?

By the end of the video, it was quoted that "Social Media does have the power
to change the world, but who controls that power is a completely different
question", and then before that was, "However, access to the internet and
social media is changing at a rapid pace", which are the few information that,
as a social media user would see as having shown relevance and truthfulness.

To describe them both, the statements themselves are relevant, speaking

with the tone of wisdom as soon as the video slowly and finally came to an
end, and truthful, due to the fact that it's already of common knowledge to
those who have their experiences of social media and with supporting
evidences and sources to back this up.
Social Media Has Helped Create a Digital
Global Village

Enabling Democracy and Mobilizing

Activism (Facebook Revolution)
Increasing Access to information and
improving education (Wikipedia)
Encouraging Transparency and
Influencing the Media through citizen
What do you think is the
3. impact of social
networking sites on
people around the
What do you think is the impact
of social networking sites on
people around the world?

With social networking sites, people are given the oportunity

to interact with other people online even from long distances.
As time passed, technology continued to advance, and social
media became more and more involved with our lifestyle.
With access to the internet rapidly increasing, social media
continued to prove itself useful by providing access to
information, helping in the employment rate, letting people
share their creativity, supplying limitless entertainment,
communication, and many more.
How Social Media helped Social Change:

In Jamaica, health workers distribute

information about HIV via social media.
In Mexico, citizens used social media to report
information about drug wars and cartels.
In India, they have a website [I Paid a Bribe]
for reporting acts of corruption via social
media channels.
A fundraising video for Syria by saving the
children was viewed by over 30 million people.
The Ushahidi platform uses social media to
locate people in the aftermath of natural
disasters or conflict.
Social media does have the
power to change the world.

But who controls that power is a

completely different question.
Thank You For Listening

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