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I SIGNIFY my assent to the Students’ Guild Constitution 2022:


Chairperson, NVTC Governing Council

Date of assent and commencement: 24th March, 2022


Approved and adopted, Mutatis Mutandis, by the College Council as per the Universities and
Other Tertiary Institutions Act, 2001 (as amended) as the Constitution of Nakawa Vocational
Training College Students’ Guild on this 24th day, March, in the year 2022.


REALISING that there is one Nakawa Vocational Training College which is also one of the most
prestigious and leading engineering colleges in Uganda and any other campus within Uganda that
may be created from time to come or its successor as the law may provide.

CONSCIOUS of the need to promote skills, knowledge and attitude through emphasis of our five
core values in order to be meaningful citizens of Uganda.

RESPECTIVE of our heritage and determined to sustain it for the benefit of our future

AWARE that we are the vanguard of the youth’s community with purpose endowed with
enlightened sounding minds and selflessness to play a leading and progressive role in building a
free, peaceful and prosperous Nakawa Vocational Training College.

RECOGNISING the existence of the Ministry responsible for Vocational Education, the College
Governing Council and Management or their successors as law and authority may provide.

AND that the Nakawa Vocational Training College is governed in accordance with the
Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act 2003 (as amended).

CONVINCED of our indispensable role in Nation building through Science, Engineering,

Technology, Social and Economic fields.

COMMITTED to promoting academic excellence and maintaining cooperation between the

College Management and Students’ Guild through science, engineering, technology, social and
economic fields.


EXERCISE our obligation to determine the status of the Guild government of our college,
maintain cooperation between the college administration and Student’s Guild and contribute
fully in the making of this constitution.

HAVING firmly resolved in harmony with our inalienable right to choose the means by which
we shall be governed.

Therefore, we DO HEREBY declare, adopt and bind ourselves and our successors by this
constitution as the Constitution of Nakawa Vocational Training College Student’s Guild on this
24th day of March 2022 to give to ourselves and future generations this legally bound document
to dictate the kind of relationship that may co-exist among the students’ Guild, College
management and any other third party.


Unless defined otherwise in this constitution:

CONSTITUTION: shall mean the Constitution of the Students’ Guild of the Nakawa Vocational
Training College. Each campus shall be free to attach the name of the campus whenever a matter
concerning that campus is under consideration.

GOVERNING COUNCIL: means the Governing Council of the Nakawa Vocational Training
College appointed in accordance to the law.

COLLEGE AUTHORITY: means the Governing Council and the Administrative body of the
Nakawa Vocational Training College.

PRINCIPAL: shall mean the Head of Nakawa Vocational Training College appointed as
provided by the law.

STUDENTS’ GUILD: means the entire students admitted and fully registered by and at the
Nakawa Vocational Training College.

GUILD REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL: means a body made up of elected representatives from

different halls of residence, academic programmes and other student representatives of the
Nakawa Vocational Training College for purposes of legislating for the Students’ Guild as
defined in this Constitution.

GUILD OFFICER: means an officer of the Guild Representative Council (GRC)

GUILD EXECUTIVE: shall mean the President of Nakawa Vocational Training College
Students’ Guild and his/her Cabinet ministers and ministers of state.


SPEAKER: means the chairperson and spokesperson of Nakawa Vocational Training College
Guild Representative Council.

MINISTER: shall mean a member of the Guild Executive.

GUILD CABINET shall mean the Guild President and the Cabinet ministers.

MASCULINE GENDER: In this Constitution, the masculine gender used in reference to any
physical person shall, unless there is a specific provision to the contrary, be understood as
including the feminine gender.


As at 24th March, 2022:

NVTC is a public institution under the Ministry of Education and Sports. It was established in
1968 under a bilateral cooperation between the governments of Uganda and Japan. The primary
objective of its establishment was to provide upgrading skills to workers in industries with a
view of enabling them to address the job challenges arising from changing technology. The
institute was opened in 1971 with four fields of training namely; Electricity, Machining and
Fitting, Motor Vehicle and Welding and Fabrication.
In 1997 the institute was renovated and expanded with three new fields added. These include;
wood working, sheet metal and electronics. In addition, a new programme, basic training,
targeting pre-employment youths was introduced to address the human resource needs for the
growing industry in Uganda by then.
Current status
In 2019, NVTC was upgraded to a tertiary institution under the statutory instrument 50 of 2019
with the following objectives;
i) To be a leading vocational college in Uganda with highly skilled and motivated human
resource steering the achievement of its Mission and Vision for economic growth,
ii) To promote appropriate skills training, technology and innovation for regional integration and
iii) To promote among students, appropriate skills for production and employment in the
community, office and related industry;
iv) To develop a multi skilled workforce with outstanding characteristics of productivity,
creativity, innovativeness and self-motivation;
v) To promote appropriate skills, technology and innovations for production, employment,
regional integration and development of Africa;
vi) To improve on the teaching of sciences in the education sector and;
vi) To contribute to the development of the national agenda.

The functions of NVTC are;

i) To organize and conduct courses and programmes critical to national development;
ii) To undertake the development and sustenance of research and publication;
iii) To conduct needs assessment of the labour market and develop demand driven programs;
iv) To conduct training of craftsmen and technicians responding to the needs of labour market;
v) To upgrade the abilities of in-service instructors and managers of relevant institutions;
vi) To carry out research in communities and companies and develop innovations addressing the
identified challenges;
vii) To provide occupational based consultancy services;


viii) To disseminate knowledge and give an opportunity for acquiring higher education to all
persons, including persons with disabilities, regardless of race, political opinion, colour, creed or
The college is operating with 8 training departments namely;
Electronics, Electricity, Machining and Fitting, Motor Vehicle, Woodworking, Plumbing,
Welding, Building construction and Instructor and manager training departments. In addition,
there are two training units namely Solar training and Mechatronics units.

Training programmes
The college is currently implementing the following programmes namely;
National certificate programmes
Instructor training programmes (college based and outreach);
iii) Vocational Diploma (Automobile and Electrical Engineering);
Tailor made programmes;
Upgrading programmes (both on the job and off the job) for workers from industries.
The two vocational diploma programmes and mechatronics upgrading training programme
currently implemented were developed through wider consultations with the private sector and
occupational specific public private partnership working groups were established and
participated in the curriculum development. They were accredited by the National Council for
Higher Education (NCHE) while the mechatronics upgrading programme was accredited by the
Directorate of Industrial Training (DIT).

International accreditation
This year in June 2021, NVTC was accredited by the Engineering Construction Industry
Training Board (ECITB) a UK based training provider for the Engineering Construction
In this accreditation, the college was approved as a provider for ECITB and given licenses to
i) Courses for International Health and Safety Passport (IHSP),
ii) Courses for International Competence in Engineering (ICE) in the following fields;
Pipe Fitting.
These short modular courses are in line with the requirements of the Workforce Skills
Development Strategy and Plan whose main purpose is to maximize the quantity and quality of
employment opportunities for Ugandans in the oil and Gas sector.

Reorganization of NVTC
In 2020 after the approval of the institute to a college status, the Governing Council contracted a
consultant to undertake a re-organization of the college against the plan to upgrade the institute
to a diploma status to be able to deliver the desired results. Wide consultations were done by the

consultant looking at the future plan of being self-sustaining and self-propelling college. The
report recommended a structure in line with the approved scheme of service for tertiary
institutions shown above. This is the operational structure that had been adopted by the
Governing council arising from the reorganization report.

Restructuring of TVET institutions

The restructuring report of the Institutions for the Ministry of Education and Sports by the
Ministry of Public service recommended establishment of the following category of institutions;
Technical University
National Polytechnics,
National Technical Training Colleges,
Vocational Training Institutes and
Skills development centres.
The third category of institution, the National Technical Training Colleges, was mandated to
offer training leading to the award of Ordinary Diplomas and below. They were charged with the
responsibility of providing post-secondary technical, industrial, vocational and entrepreneurial
training (TVET) education as a direct outgrowth of the increasing demand for technical
manpower requirements in the Country.

Structure for the National Technical Training College

According to this report, the Technical Training Colleges will be headed by a Principals Grade 1
(G1) and will be assisted by other technical heads as follows:
Deputy Principal (G1) in charge of Academics,
Deputy Principal (G1) in charge of Administration and Finance,
Dean of Students,
Head of Performance Contracting and Quality Assurance
Head of ICT.



CHAPTER ONE: APPELLATION......................................................................................................................1
ARTICLE 1: Supremacy of the Guild Constitution:..................................................................................1
ARTICLE 2: Official Name of the Guild:....................................................................................................1
ARTICLE 3: Headquarters:.......................................................................................................................1
ARTICLE 4: Up-Country Campuses:.........................................................................................................1
ARTICLE 5: Purpose of the Guild:............................................................................................................1
ARTICLE 6: Aims and objectives:.............................................................................................................1
CHAPTER TWO: GUILD MEMBERSHIP..........................................................................................................3
ARTICLE 7: Section 1. Full Membership:.................................................................................................3
ARTICLE 8: Section 2: Associate Members:.............................................................................................3
ARTICLE 9: Section 3: Honorary Members:.............................................................................................3
ARTICLE 10: Section 4: Life Membership:...............................................................................................3
ARTICLE 11: Rights:..................................................................................................................................3
ARTICLE 12: Privileges:............................................................................................................................5
ARTICLE 13: Obligations:.........................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER THREE: ORGANS OF THE STUDENT’S GUILD.................................................................................7
ARTICLE 14: The General Assembly:.......................................................................................................7
ARTICLE 15: Duties of the General Assembly:........................................................................................7
ARTICLE 16: The Guild Representative Council:......................................................................................7
ARTICLE 17: Composition of the GRC:.....................................................................................................7
ARTICLE 18: Guild Speaker and the Deputy Speaker:.............................................................................8
ARTICLE 19: Guild Advisor:......................................................................................................................9
ARTICLE 20: Guild Financial Advisor:......................................................................................................9
ARTICLE 21: Legal Advisor:......................................................................................................................9
ARTICLE 22: Clerk and the Deputy Clerk to Council:.............................................................................10
ARTICLE 23: Constitutional Tribunal:....................................................................................................10
ARTICLE 24: Appointments Committee:...............................................................................................10
ARTICLE 25: Rights of the Members of the GRC:..................................................................................11


ARTICLE 26: Duties of the GRC:.............................................................................................................12

ARTICLE 27: Duties of the GRC members:.............................................................................................12
ARTICLE 28: Guild Executive Committee:..............................................................................................13
ARTICLE 29: Composition of the Guild Executive:................................................................................13
ARTICLE 30: Appointment of the Guild Executive:...............................................................................13
ARTICLE 31: Duties of the Guild Executive:...........................................................................................14
ARTICLE 32: Guild Cabinet:....................................................................................................................15
ARTICLE 33: Composition of the Guild Cabinet:....................................................................................15
ARTICLE 34: Sports and Games Union:.................................................................................................15
ARTICLE 35: Composition of the Sports and Games Union:.................................................................15
ARTICLE 36: Duties and Functions of the Sports and Games Union:....................................................15
ARTICLE 37: Guild Standing Committees:.............................................................................................16
ARTICLE 38: Finance Committee:..........................................................................................................16
ARTICLE 39: Justice and Constitutional Affairs Committee:.................................................................16
ARTICLE 40: Campus Affairs Committee:..............................................................................................16
ARTICLE 41: Academic Affairs and ICT Committee:..............................................................................17
ARTICLE 42: Mess/Nutrition Committee:..............................................................................................17
ARTICLE 43: Cultural and Religious Affairs Committee:........................................................................17
ARTICLE 44: Health, Environment and Sanitation Committee:............................................................17
ARTICLE 45: Entertainment and Social Affairs Committee:..................................................................17
CHAPTER FOUR: DUTIES OF OFFICE BEARERS AND STANDING COMMITTEES...........................................18
ARTICLE 46: The Guild President:..........................................................................................................18
ARTICLE 47: The Vice Guild President:..................................................................................................19
ARTICLE 48: The Guild Speaker:............................................................................................................19
ARTICLE 49: The Deputy Guild Speaker:...............................................................................................20
ARTICLE 50: The Clerk to Council:.........................................................................................................20
ARTICLE 51: The Deputy Clerk to Council:............................................................................................21
ARTICLE 52: Prime Minister:.................................................................................................................21
ARTICLE 53: Deputy Prime Minister:.....................................................................................................21
ARTICLE 54: Minister of Finance and Economic Planning:....................................................................21
ARTICLE 55: Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs:.................................................................22
ARTICLE 56: Minister of Internal Affairs:..............................................................................................22


ARTICLE 57: Minister of Education:.......................................................................................................23

ARTICLE 58: Minister of Information and Publicity:.............................................................................24
ARTICLE 59: Minister of Domestic and Nutrition Affairs:....................................................................24
ARTICLE 60: Minister of Game, Sports and Transport:.........................................................................25
ARTICLE 61: Minister of Health and Environment:...............................................................................25
ARTICLE 62: Minister of Gender, Women Affairs and Special Needs:..................................................26
ARTICLE 63: Minister of Entertainment and Social Affairs:..................................................................26
ARTICLE 64: Minister of Culture and Religious Affairs:.........................................................................27
ARTICLE 65: Minister of Foreign Affairs:...............................................................................................27
ARTICLE 66: Minister for Patriotism and Pan-African Affairs:..............................................................28
Duties Of Standing Committees:...........................................................................................................28
ARTICLE 67: Finance Committee:..........................................................................................................28
ARTICLE 68: Justice and Constitutional Affairs Committee:.................................................................29
ARTICLE 69: Campus Affairs Committee:..............................................................................................29
ARTICLE 70: Academic Affairs and ICT Committee:..............................................................................30
ARTICLE 71: Mess/Nutrition Committee:..............................................................................................30
ARTICLE 72: Cultural and Religious Affairs Committee:........................................................................30
ARTICLE 73: Health, Environment and Sanitation Committee:............................................................30
ARTICLE 74: Information and ICT Committee:......................................................................................31
ARTICLE 76: Entertainment and Social Affairs Committee:..................................................................31
CHAPTER FIVE: ELECTIONS........................................................................................................................31
ARTICLE 77: Right to vote:.....................................................................................................................31
ARTICLE 78: Independent Electoral Commission:.................................................................................32
ARTICLE 79: Removal of a Commissioner from office:..........................................................................32
ARTICLE 80: Composition of the IEC:.....................................................................................................33
ARTICLE 81: Functions of the IEC:.........................................................................................................33
ARTICLE 82: Electoral Rules and Regulations:.......................................................................................33
ARTICLE 83: Campaigning of candidates:..............................................................................................34
ARTICLE 84: Voting:...............................................................................................................................35
ARTICLE 85: General rules and regulation:...........................................................................................36
ARTICLE 86: Election of office bearers:.................................................................................................36
ARTICLE 87: Guild President:.................................................................................................................37


ARTICLE 88: Qualification and disqualification of the guild president:................................................37

ARTICLE 89: GRC Members:..................................................................................................................38
ARTICLE 90: Qualification and disqualification of GRC:........................................................................38
ARTICLE 91: Guild Speaker:...................................................................................................................38
ARTICLE 92: Deputy Guild Speaker:......................................................................................................39
ARTICLE 93: Members of the Guild Executive:.....................................................................................39
ARTICLE 94: The election petitions tribunal:.........................................................................................39
ARTICLE 95: Resignation:.......................................................................................................................40
ARTICLE 96: Swearing In:.......................................................................................................................41
CHAPTER SIX: MEETINGS...........................................................................................................................42
ARTICLE 97: General Rules:...................................................................................................................42
ARTICLE 98: General Meetings:.............................................................................................................42
ARTICLE 99: GRC Meetings:...................................................................................................................42
ARTICLE 100: Executive and Cabinet Meetings:....................................................................................43
ARTICLE 101: Extraordinary and Emergency Meetings:.......................................................................43
ARTICLE 102: Procedure and standing orders of meeting:...................................................................44
ARTICLE 103: Notice of meetings:.........................................................................................................44
ARTICLE 104: Conduct of the members during meetings:....................................................................45
ARTICLE 105: Minutes:..........................................................................................................................46
ARTICLE 106: Order of Precedence:......................................................................................................46
ARTICLE 107: Voting in meetings:.........................................................................................................46
CHAPTER SEVEN: TERMINATION OF OFFICE..............................................................................................48
ARTICLE 108: Resignation:.....................................................................................................................48
ARTICLE 109: Suspension and Dismissal:..............................................................................................48
ARTICLE 110: Grounds for removal of Guild Office Bearers:................................................................48
ARTICLE 111: Vote of No Confidence:...................................................................................................49
ARTICLE 112: Vote of no confidence for guild president:.....................................................................49
ARTICLE 113: Vote of no confidence in guild speaker:.........................................................................50
ARTICLE 114: Vote of no confidence in deputy guild speaker:.............................................................51
ARTICLE 115: Vote of no confidence in member of the GRC:...............................................................51
CHAPTER EIGHT: ACCOUNTS AND FINANCES............................................................................................52
ARTICLE 116: Guild budget:...................................................................................................................52


ARTICLE 117: Auditing guild books of account:....................................................................................52

ARTICLE 118: Supervision and authorization of finances:....................................................................52
CHAPTER NINE: AUDITORS........................................................................................................................54
ARTICLE 119: Auditors:..........................................................................................................................54
CHAPTER TEN: BANK ACCOUNT.................................................................................................................55
ARTICLE 120: Bank account:..................................................................................................................55
CHAPTER ELEVEN: DISSOLUTION OF THE GUILD.......................................................................................56
ARTICLE 121: Dissolution of the Guild:.................................................................................................56
CHAPTER TWELVE: AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION........................................................................57
ARTICLE 122: Amendment of the Constitution:....................................................................................57
CHAPTER THIRTEEN: INTERPRETATION AND TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS................................................58
ARTICLE 123: Interpretation of this Constitution:................................................................................58
ARTICLE 124: Existing Offices:...............................................................................................................58
ARTICLE 125: Repeal of the 2001 Guild Constitution:...........................................................................58
CHAPTER FOURTEEN: SCHEDULES.............................................................................................................59
Oath of Guild President/Vice Guild President:.....................................................................................59
Oath of Minister/Minister of State:.....................................................................................................59
Speaker/Deputy Speaker’s Oath:.........................................................................................................59
Oath of Member of the Guild Representative Council:........................................................................59
Oath of General Secretary/Deputy General Secretary:.......................................................................59
THE UGANDA NATIONAL ANTHEM....................................................................................................60
THE EAC ANTHEM..............................................................................................................................61

ARTICLE 1: Supremacy of the Guild Constitution:
(1) The Guild Constitution is the supreme law of the students’ guild and shall have a binding force on all
the members of the students’ guild of Nakawa Vocational Training College.

(2) Any guild member and or student of Nakawa Vocational Training College who breaches and or
contravenes any provision of this Constitution shall be subjected to disciplinary proceedings in the GRC
and where need arises shall be subjected to disciplinary proceedings in the college Disciplinary

ARTICLE 2: Official Name of the Guild:

The official name of the students’ body comprising of all members shall be called “The Nakawa
Vocational Training College Students’ Guild,” hereinafter referred to as “The Guild”.

ARTICLE 3: Headquarters:
The headquarters of the Guild shall be at Nakawa Vocational Training College, Main Campus, Plot M 96,
Mukabya Road Nakawa.

ARTICLE 4: Up-Country Campuses:

Student Guilds in up country campuses established and recognized by the College Council of Nakawa
Vocational Training College with time to come shall be governed by this Constitution.

ARTICLE 5: Purpose of the Guild:

The purpose of the Guild shall be to promote and protect the interest of all its members and ensure
they comply with the College regulations and laws of Uganda.

ARTICLE 6: Aims and objectives:

The aims and objectives are to:

1. Constitute and maintain an organized society for the benefit of the Students’ Guild and
the College Authority, staff and the country at large for high academic excellence and a
democratic community;

2. Establish an efficient and effective Guild government through the rule of law,
transparency and accountability;

3. Promote and coordinate Guild activities in the college and maintain cooperation with the
College Authority;

4. Promote and protect the rights, obligations and privileges of the Guild members;

5. Instill and elevate to a desirable level the discipline of students of Nakawa Vocational
Training College for internal and external representation and recognition;

6. Promote the good image of the College and maintain good relationships with other
recognized and legal students’ organizations and work in close solidarity with other
national and international organizations in accordance with national students’ policy;
7. Promote among the students of the College a spirit of interest and a sense of awareness in
national matters, principled pride in the positive aspects of their cultural heritage and
cultivate desirable morals within the context of the Ugandan society and the East African

8. Promote academic excellence through education with practical skills for self-reliance to
develop an entrepreneur in the science, engineering and technology fields;

9. Promote and encourage participation in sports, cultural and societal activities of the
students in collaboration with the College Authority;

10. Negotiate with the Government of Uganda on matters affecting students as and when

11. Encourage and promote patriotism and nationalism in relation to the country and the East
African Community;

12. the National Anthem and the East African Anthem and the learning of Kiswahili for
purposes of national and regional integration;

13. Pursue these aims and objectives independent of political, religious, tribal and other
personal biases.



ARTICLE 7: Section 1. Full Membership:
Every student undertaking a regular academic programme offered in the College shall
automatically be a member of the Guild upon registration with the College, after payment of
Guild fees as determined by GRC in liaison with the College Authority.

For avoidance of doubt, all persons pursuing short term courses shall qualify for membership to
the Guild upon paying Guild fee.

ARTICLE 8: Section 2: Associate Members:

Shall be all formal full members of the Guild after their full membership has expired.

ARTICLE 9: Section 3: Honorary Members:

Any persons who are not full or associate members of the Guild may be elected by the Guild
Representative Council to be honorary members or members of the Guild.

ARTICLE 10: Section 4: Life Membership:

Shall be obtained on payment of subscription agreed on by the Guild Representative Council and the
person must have been a full member.

ARTICLE 11: Rights:

1. All members of the Guild shall have the right of representation to the Guild.
Representative Council (GRC) through which their views on any Guild matter shall be
presented and be heard.
2. All members of the Guild shall have the right to present their views and be heard on any
Guild matter in a General Assembly.

3. All members of the Guild shall affirm the acceptance of this Constitution and shall have
the same rights to participate actively in the implementation of the Constitution and to
defend it whenever it requires so.
4. Any member of the Guild shall have the right to peacefully object to any decision, action
or development which in their option is against the fundamental rights provided they will
not breach any laws governing the institution and provided also be in position to write to
the Guild Speaker/Guild President within twenty-four (24) hours giving reasons thereof.
5. Any member of the Guild shall have the right to express their opinion in a proper manner
provided it does not prejudice the right of any other person.
6. All members of the Guild shall have the right to elect or be elected to any position within
the Guild. To offer oneself for election, they must be fully paid up and be on normal
progress at the time of election; and their programme of study should be for a duration of
at least four semesters.


7. The Guild members shall be represented on the relevant bodies as the law may prescribe.
8. All members of the Guild shall have the right to their cultural and religious beliefs
provided they don’t breach College regulations.
9. All Guild members are to be equal before and under the Guild laws and regulations in all
spheres of academic, political, economic and social life and shall enjoy equal protection
of the Guild laws and regulations.
10. A member of the Guild shall not be discriminated against on grounds of sex, race, color,
ethnicity, religious, political, opinion, social standing, academic programme, disabilities,
academic levels and sponsorships for studies.
11. All members of the Guild have a right to enjoy access to all College facilities such as
library, medical services, lecture rooms, mess (dining hall), sanitation equipment and
others as may be deemed necessary.
12. Every member of the Guild shall have the right to associate which includes the right to
form or join associations whose objectives are in conformity with college rules and
13. Members of the Guild with disabilities shall have a right and human dignity and
appropriate measures shall be taken to ensure they realize their full potential.

14. All members of the Guild shall freely express they’re on forming and joining club or
association of their choice provided in doing so they are within the college’s rules and do
not infringe upon the right or freedom of other people with or beyond the college’s

15. All members shall enjoy freedom of association, PROVIDED THAT such freedom does
not contravene the liberty of others.

16. Any member charge with an offence shall be entitled to a fair hearing and punishment by
the concern people i.e., Guild committee, disciplinary committee, and the institute

17. Any member of the guild shall have the right to appeal to the higher authorities against a
verdict within 3 days from the date of the execution i.e., the college authority being the

18. All members of the guild shall have the right to clean, safe and healthy environment
which must be catered for by the college administration.

19. Every Associate, Honorary and Life member has the right to make use of the Guild facilities with
the consent of the Executive.


20. Obligations of all Members Every member shall abide by the letter and spirit of the Guild

ARTICLE 12: Privileges:

1. All members of the Guild shall have the privilege to make use of Guild facilities which
shall be available to them from time to time and as necessary.
2. All members of the Guild shall have the privilege to entertain their personal visitors
without the breach of the College Rules and Regulations but no visitors shall be
entertained overnight.
3. All members of the Guild shall be entitled to enjoy any privileges, donations and profits
made by the Guild.

4. All members of the Guild shall be entitled to own property either individually or joint
with others. Trainees are entitled to invest in college property and enjoy benefit from
entrepreneurial on the college campus within the rule and regulation of the college and
having affirmed with the guild council and college management

ARTICLE 13: Obligations:

1. Every member of the Guild shall learn and abide by this Constitution in its entirety and
actively contribute to the implementation of its aims and objectives.
2. It is the obligation of all members of the Guild to pay the Guild fees in such amounts and
such a manner as may be determined by the GRC and ratified by the Governing Council.
3. Every member of the Guild shall participate fully in any Guild activity whenever called
upon to do so and shall not participate in activities that are likely to undermine this
4. All members of the Guild shall contribute to the implementation of the decisions of the
General Assembly and organs of the Guild in accordance with this Constitution.
5. No member of the Guild shall behave in a manner that would physically hurt the body of
another member or subject another member to abuse or mistreatment of any manner.
6. No member of the Guild shall seize or make use of any personal property of another
member without the consent of the rightful owner.
7. All members of the Guild have the obligation to show respect to all Guild officials and
College Authorities.
8. Each member of the Guild shall conduct themselves in a proper manner acceptable to the
Guild community and the general public.


9. All members of the guild are obligated to protect themselves and their colleagues from
being treated inhumanely or degradingly by their superiors by reporting and seeking
representation from the guild council or to higher authority

10. All members of the guild are obligated to report injustice, threats, violence, harassment,
harm (both physical and emotional) towards them or college staff to the guild council or
any immediate higher authorities.



ARTICLE 14: The General Assembly:
There shall be a General Assembly which is the general meeting of the entire Guild.

ARTICLE 15: Duties of the General Assembly:

1. The General Assembly shall be a decision, consultative and informative organ and its
decisions shall not be implemented unless they are ratified by the Guild Representative
Council which will ensure that they conform to this Constitution.

2. An Ordinary General Assembly shall be convened after giving at least forty-eight (48)
hours’ notice but an Emergency General Assembly may be called within such a time as
not to disrupt other College activities.

3. The General Assembly shall be held outside the time designated for lectures unless with
the permission of the College Administration.

4. The General Assembly shall not be held more than twice in a semester.

5. Members of the College Administration may attend the General Assembly on invitation
or for purposes of clarifying on issues affecting members of the Guild.

ARTICLE 16: The Guild Representative Council:

1. There shall be an organ of the Guild known as the Guild Representative Council,
abbreviated as the GRC. Its term of office shall be one academic year.

2. The GRC shall be the supreme legislative body of the Guild.

3. To qualify to be a member of the GRC, a candidate must be a fully paid-up registered

student on normal progress. For avoidance of doubt, a student shall be considered to be
on normal progress if they do not have a retake at the time of election to the GRC. A
retake is a failed module/course/ course unit that the student must take and sit the
examination when next offered.

ARTICLE 17: Composition of the GRC:

The GRC shall be composed of the following:

1. The Guild Speaker as its Chairperson;

2. The Deputy Speaker;

3. The Clerk to Council;

4. The Deputy Clerk to Council;

5. Two elected representatives from each hostel or hall of residence;


6. Two elected representatives from each programme of study;

7. Two representatives of evening and fulltime students respectively;
8. Two special representatives nominated by the Guild President to represent the interests of
the Guild President’s office;
9. The Dean of Students as Patron.

10. The GRC shall also comprise of ex officials who shall include;

a) The Guild President

b) The Guild Advisor;

c) The Guild Legal Advisor;

d) The Guild Financial Advisor;

e) The Chairperson of the Sports and Games Union

Special representatives nominated by the Guild President shall vacate the GRC when the
nominating Guild President loses the office and new ones shall be nominated by the incoming
Guild President.

ARTICLE 18: Guild Speaker and the Deputy Speaker:

1. There shall be a Guild Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Guild.

2. The Speaker and the Deputy Speaker shall be elected in the first GRC meeting by
members of the GRC from among their number and shall assume his/her duties
immediately after the meeting.

3. A person shall be qualified to be elected a Speaker or Deputy Speaker if he or she

qualifies to be elected as a Guild President/Prime minister.

4. The Guild Speaker and the Deputy Speaker shall hold office until the election and
swearing in of the new Speaker at the end of the first GRC meeting.

5. The Guild Speaker in his/her absence the Deputy Speaker shall;

a) Call and preside over meetings of the G.R.C and the General Assembly;

b) Keep a roll of attendance of G.R.C meetings;

c) Have the power to punish late coming, absenteeism, misconduct and/or use of improper
language during meetings in accordance with the Constitution;

d) Be a member of the Petition Tribunal


ARTICLE 19: Guild Advisor:

1. There shall be a general advisor to the Guild.

2. While holding office, the Guild Advisor shall be a non-voting member of the GRC, the
Executive as well as being a member of the Care-Taker Government, Presidential and
GRC Election Petition Tribunal and the Constitutional Tribunal.

3. The Guild Advisor shall advise the Guild on all matters excluding legal and financial

4. The Guild Advisor shall be in office until the end of the first meeting of the G.R.C
following the next General Elections.

ARTICLE 20: Guild Financial Advisor:

1. There shall be a financial advisor to the Guild.

2. The Guild Financial advisor shall be a professionally qualified accountant who is a

member of staff of the College.

3. The guild Financial Advisor shall be elected by the GRC at its second meeting from a list
of two (2) names submitted by the finance minister and shall be a non-voting ex official
member of the GRC.

4. The Guild Financial Advisor shall be an advisor to the Guild on matters concerning
finance and shall be in office until the next Guild government is in place.

ARTICLE 21: Legal Advisor:

1. There shall be a Legal Advisor to the Guild who shall be a qualified advocate of the High
Court and a member of the College staff.

2. The Legal Advisor may be elected by the GRC in its second meeting upon the name
being submitted by the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs.

3. The Guild Legal Advisor shall be;

a. The Chairperson of the Constitutional tribunal;

b. A member of the Appointments Committee and Caretaker Government;

c. A member of the petition tribunal.

4. During his/her term in office, the Guild Legal Advisor shall always advise the Guild on
legal matters, interpret the Guild constitution where the interpretation of the Speaker,
Dean of Students or any other Official of the Guild is challenged by GRCs.


5. It shall be the responsibility of the Guild Legal Advisor to swear in the Guild Executives,
the Speakers and the GRCs

6. The Guild Legal Advisor’s term of office shall expire at the end of the first GRC meeting
following the general elections.

ARTICLE 22: Clerk and the Deputy Clerk to Council:

1. There shall be a Clerk and Deputy Clerk to Council.

2. The Clerk and or Deputy Clerk to the Council shall:

a) Ensure the GRC refreshments are available during all meetings;

b) Convene all meetings of the GRC and the General Assembly;

c) Take minutes of the GRC Meetings, provide copies to the Prime Minister and keep
copies of the Minutes as Guild records for future reference;

d) Ascertain quorum for GRC Meetings;

e) Guide the meeting on sitting arrangements;

f) Perform any other duties that he /she may be assigned by the Speaker or the GRC.

ARTICLE 23: Constitutional Tribunal:

1. There shall be a Constitutional Tribunal, to which, in the event of any organ of the Guild
failing to act as stipulated in this Constitution, any member of the Guild may lodge a
petition supported by at least 50 members of the Guild.

2. The Constitutional Tribunal shall be composed of;

a) The Guild legal advisor as chairperson;

b) The Guild Speaker;

c) The Guild Financial Advisor;

d) Three members of the GRC elected by the GRC;

e) The Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs

ARTICLE 24: Appointments Committee:

1. There shall be an independent in-house standing committee herein after referred to as the
“Appointments Committee‟.

2. The Appointments Committee shall be constituted by the GRC and shall be responsible
and accountable to only the GRC.


3. It shall be responsible for vetting ministerial appointees and any other appointees made
by the Guild President.

4. The Committee shall comprise of the 5 members who include;

a. The Guild Speaker as the chairperson;

b. The Deputy Speaker;

c. The Guild Legal Advisor

d. Two members selected from the GRC

5. This committee shall be constituted in the first GRC sitting.

6. The Guild president/ Prime Minister shall provide the Committee with a list of the
nominees for the various ministerial positions during the same first sitting of the GRC.

7. Upon receipt of the list of nominees, the committee shall advertise the list on the college
notice boards for a period of three (3) days.

8. A Guild member or any member of the general public may submit to the committee any
information they may possess about a nominee and such information will be subjected to
verification by the committee.

9. The Committee shall then carry out the process of vetting the nominated minsters and
present a report to the GRC within a period of 5 working days.

10. The Committee shall have powers to accept or reject any nominee who does not meet the
qualifications and minimum requirements for holding a ministerial post.

11. Upon rejection of a nominee, the Guild President/ Prime Minister shall nominate and
present another person to the appointments committee for vetting.

ARTICLE 25: Rights of the Members of the GRC:

1. All members of the GRC shall have equal rights.
2. The Dean of Students shall be the Patron of the GRC and shall attend all GRC meetings
but will have no voting rights.
The Guild President shall be an Ex-officio member of the GRC without voting rights and may
attend GRC meetings at his discretion or when summoned by the GRC to answer specified
queries communicated to him in advance should also attend at least two of GRC meetings. The
principal has the right to address the GRC on any matters at any time of his choosing.


ARTICLE 26: Duties of the GRC:

The GRC shall:

1. Be the legislative arm of the Guild;

2. Deliberate on all matters that affect the members of the Guild and resolve measures to be
taken by the Guild;

3. Approve the President’s nominations for the Guild Executive;

4. Sanction and approve the decisions of the Guild Executive;

5. Constitute Standing and ad hoc Committees of the Guild;

6. Approve, amend and sanction all decisions of the Standing Committees;

7. Deliberate on matters that affect the members of the Guild;

8. Elect Guild delegates, representatives and observers to seminars, workshops and


9. Have powers to remove any elected officer from office by the GRC through a two thirds
majority of Members of the GRC;

10. Receive tenders of resignation through the Speaker from the Guild President or individual
ministers or any other representatives;

11. Approve policies of the Guild Executive;

12. Approve Guild projects and their funding;

13. Debate and resolve on a vote of no confidence in the Guild President and the Executive;

14. Uphold the approved code of conduct.

ARTICLE 27: Duties of the GRC members:

The GRC members shall:

1. Attend all GRC meetings unless one has obtained permission of the Speaker in writing;

2. Attend the Student Leaders’ Induction Seminar whenever such a seminar is organized by
the College Administration;

3. Uphold approved code of conduct;

4. Approve the special nominees, GRC members appointed by the Guild President and
members of Standing Committees;


5. Forward students’ views to the GRC for debate;

6. Disseminate policies and decisions taken by the GRC to students’ body;

7. Forward claims, appeals, views to the clerk to council

8. Perform any duties assigned by the GRC.

Any member of the GRC who will not attend the Student Leaders’ Induction Seminar without
permission from the SPEAKER shall vacate the position of member of GRC and a by-election to
replace the member shall be conducted in accordance with this Constitution.

ARTICLE 28: Guild Executive Committee:

There shall be a Guild Executive Committee hereinafter referred to as the Guild executive.

ARTICLE 29: Composition of the Guild Executive:

The Guild Executive shall be composed of the following:

1. Guild President;
2. Vice Guild President;
3. Prime minister
4. Deputy Prime minister
5. Minister of Finance and Economic Planning;
6. Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs;
7. Minister of Internal Affairs;
8. Minister of education
9. Minister of Domestic and Nutrition Affairs;
10. Minister of Game, Sports and Transport;
11. Minister of Health and Environment;
12. Minister of entertainment and social affair
13. Minister information and publicity
14. Minister of foreign affairs
15. Minister of Gender, Women Affairs and Special Needs;
16. Minister of patriotism and pan-African’s affairs
17. Minister of Culture and Religious Affairs;
18. The Guild Speaker and Deputy Guild Speaker as Ex-Officio members.

ARTICLE 30: Appointment of the Guild Executive:

1. The Guild President shall appoint members of the Guild Executive from among members
of the GRC apart from the Prime Minister who will be the first runners up in the
presidential election on approval of the GRC.


2. To qualify to be a member of the Guild Executive, a candidate must be a fully paid-up

registered student on normal progress.
3. For avoidance of doubt, the Vice President, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance
and Minister of Gender and Women Affairs shall be appointed from elected members of
the GRC.
4. The Guild Speaker and the Deputy Guild Speaker shall be Ex-Officio members of the
Guild Executive with no voting rights.

ARTICLE 31: Duties of the Guild Executive:

The Guild Executive shall:

1. Be responsible to the President;

2. Be accountable to the GRC;

3. Attend the Student Leaders’ Induction Seminar whenever such a seminar is organized by
the College Administration;

4. Be responsible for day to day running of the Guild affairs;

5. Deliberate on all matters that affect the members and resolve on measures to be taken by
the GRC;

6. Act as a medium between the Guild and College Authorities;

7. Implement the decisions of the GRC;

8. Initiate policies for the smooth running of the entire Guild and submit them to the GRC
for debate and approval;

9. Initiate money generating schemes to supplement subscription fees and seek approval
from the GRC;

10. Consider and recommend clubs, associations or societies to College Authorities for

11. Uphold approved code of conduct;

12. Have powers to deal with emergency matters but shall report to and seek approval of the
GRC at its next meeting.

Any member of the Guild Executive who will not attend the Student Leaders’ Induction Seminar
without permission from the PRESIDENT shall vacate the position of member of Guild
Executive and a replacement shall be made by the Guild President in accordance with this


ARTICLE 32: Guild Cabinet:

There shall be a Guild Cabinet constituted for purposes of day to day running affairs of the
Students’ Guild and formulating policies.

ARTICLE 33: Composition of the Guild Cabinet:

The Guild Cabinet shall be composed of the following:

1. The Guild President;

2. The Vice President;
3. The Prime Minister;
4. The Deputy Prime Minister
5. All Cabinet Ministers
6. The Guild Speaker and Deputy Guild Speaker as Ex-Officio members with no voting

ARTICLE 34: Sports and Games Union:

There shall be union called games union headed by the at least two people from each department.

ARTICLE 35: Composition of the Sports and Games Union:

There shall be an organ called the Sports and Games Union composed of the following:

1. One member representing each campus hostel/hall of residence elected by all members of
the campus hostel/hall of residence;
2. Minister of Sports and Transport as the Secretary;
3. College Medical Officer/Nurse;
4. The Sports Tutor representing College Administration;
5. The Chairperson elected from among the members. Anyone who gets elected
Chairperson shall relinquish representation of their hostel and a bye-election shall be held
to replace the member.

The Dean of Students shall be the Patron of the Sports and Games Union.

ARTICLE 36: Duties and Functions of the Sports and Games Union:
The duties and functions of the Sports and Games Union shall be to:

1. Organize and coordinate all sports activities in the College in conjunction with the
College Administration;
2. Draw up a sports calendar for the College each academic year and submit to College
Administration for approval;

3. Make budgets for sports activities and competitions within and outside the College and
present it to College Administration for approval;
4. Receive requests of all dealings in sports and games in the college and make
recommendations to College Administration;
5. Initiate policy for the uplifting of sports and games affairs for presentation to the College
6. Select College teams, team managers and team captains for different games;
7. Perform any other duties assigned by the College Administration.

ARTICLE 37: Guild Standing Committees:

There shall be Guild Standing Committees for purposes of formulating policies and performing
duties as shall be specified in this Constitution. The term of office of the Standing Committees
shall be the same as that of the Guild Executive. The Committees and their composition are as

ARTICLE 38: Finance Committee:

Chairperson elected by the GRC.

1. Minister of Finance and Economic Planning as the Secretary.

2. Two (02) members elected by the GRC.
3. Guild President as Ex-Officio.
4. Representative from College Finance Department as Advisor.

ARTICLE 39: Justice and Constitutional Affairs Committee:

1. Guild Speaker as the Chairperson.
2. Deputy Guild Speaker.
3. Minister of Justice and Constitution Affairs as Secretary.
4. Two (02) members elected by the GRC.

ARTICLE 40: Campus Affairs Committee:

1. Chairperson elected by the GRC.
2. Minister of Campus Affairs as the Secretary.
3. Estates Officer.
4. Two (02) members elected by the GRC.

ARTICLE 41: Academic Affairs and ICT Committee:

1. Chairperson elected by the GRC.

2. Minister of Academic Affairs and ICT as the Secretary.

3. Chief Editor.
4. Two (02) members elected by the GRC.

ARTICLE 42: Mess/Nutrition Committee:

1. Chairperson elected by the GRC.
2. Minister of Domestic and Nutrition Affairs as the Secretary.
3. Catering Officer.
4. Two (02) members elected by the GRC.

ARTICLE 43: Cultural and Religious Affairs Committee:

1. Chairperson elected by the GRC.
2. Minister of Culture and Religious affairs as the Secretary.
3. Two (02) members elected by the GRC.

ARTICLE 44: Health, Environment and Sanitation Committee:

1. Chairperson elected by the GRC Medical Officer/Nurse.

2. Minister of Health and Environment as the Secretary.

3. Two (02) members elected by the GRC.

ARTICLE 45: Entertainment and Social Affairs Committee:

1. Chairperson elected by the GRC.
2. Minister of Entertainment and Social Affairs as the Secretary.
3. Minister of Campus Affairs.
4. Two (02) members elected by the GRC.


ARTICLE 46: The Guild President:
The Guild President shall:


1. Be the executive head of the Guild;

2. Be an Ex-officio member of the GRC;
3. Call and chair all meetings of the Guild Executive and Guild Cabinet;
4. Represent students on the Governing Council;
5. Nominate not more than two members to the GRC;
6. Nominate members of the Guild Executive from among members of the GRC and the
entire guild body and seek approval of his nominations from the GRC apart from the
Prime minister who will be first runners up from the Presidential elections.
7. Together with the ministers concerned forward resolution passed by the GRC to the
College Authorities;
8. Reshuffle the Guild Executive as deemed fit and seek approval of any new members in
this reshuffle from GRC;
9. Co-ordinate and check upon the work of the Guild Cabinet officers;
10. Assign any guild minister to act in the absence of another guild minister;
11. Maintain a file with the College Authorities containing all copies of incoming and
outgoing correspondences of the Guild;
12. In the event of temporary absence of a member of the Guild Executive, delegate the
duties of the absentee to another member of the Executive, except when the absentee is
the Minister of Finance for which the president himself/herself shall be in charge.

13. Be offered special accommodation which shall be extended up to the time he/she leaves
the college after completion of his/her course of two years.

14. Be the executive representative at all guild functions in and out of the college unless the
invitation for such representation states otherwise;
15. Be a signatory to Guild Accounts;
16. In consultation with the Dean of Students and Legal Advisor, take emergency decisions
on behalf of the Guild in extra ordinary circumstances and seek approval from GRC.
17. Have the duty to abide by, and safeguard this constitution and the rules and regulations of
the College and promote the welfare of students and protect College’s integrity.
18. Be one of the students’ representatives on the college council.


ARTICLE 47: The Vice Guild President:

The Vice Guild President shall:

1. Deputize for the Guild President;

2. Perform such duties as may be delegated to by the Guild President;

3. Act as the Guild President in the absence of the Guild President;

4. In case of the death, physical or mental incapacitation of the Guild President, perform the
duties of Guild President in acting capacity for a maximum period four weeks (twenty-
eight days) after which elections of the Guild President shall be held;

5. Co-ordinate the activities of Guild standing committees;

6. Be the coordinator for the Guild projects;

7. The Guild Vice President shall be of the opposite sex of the Guild President and shall;

8. Co-ordinate the activity of the trainees, clubs, societies and organization.

9. Sit on various policy making bodies and committees.

10. Coordinate activity of guild ministries and student representative in various committees
in the college and assist the guild in monitoring all duties, work and programmes so as to
ensure efficiency and effectiveness

11. Perform any other duties assigned by the President.

ARTICLE 48: The Guild Speaker:

The Guild Speaker shall:

1. Be the Chairperson of the GRC;

2. In consultation with the clerk to council, call meetings of the GRC;

3. Preside over meetings of the GRC and the General Assembly;

4. Keep a roll of attendance of GRC meetings;

5. Prepare the agenda for meetings of the GRC and General Assembly;

6. Take disciplinary action against late coming, absenteeism misconduct, and unbecoming
behavior of members during Guild proceedings;


7. Have powers to suspend a member of the GRC if the behavior of such a member is
unbecoming and/or contravenes provisions of this constitution;

8. Represent students on the Governing Council;

9. Act as a spokesperson for the Guild on matters of national interest;

10. Act as head of the Guild Executive in the absence of both the Guild President and Vice
Guild President;

11. Be Ex-officio to the Guild Executive and Guild Cabinet.

ARTICLE 49: The Deputy Guild Speaker:

The Deputy Guild Speaker shall:

1. Deputize for the Guild Speaker;

2. In the event of the Guild Speaker’s office becoming vacant either through death,
resignation or otherwise perform the duties of the Guild Speaker in acting for a period not
more exceeding twenty-one (21 days) capacity until a new Guild Speaker is elected;

3. Act as head of the Guild Executive in the absence of all of the Guild President, Vice
Guild President and Guild Speaker;

4. Be Ex-officio to the Guild Executive and Guild Cabinet;

5. Perform such duties as may be delegated by the Guild Speaker.

ARTICLE 50: The Clerk to Council:

The General Secretary shall:

1. Be the secretary to the General Assembly and the GRC meetings.

2. Take and keep record of minutes of General Assembly and the GRC meetings.
3. In consultation with the Guild Speaker draw up agenda for meetings and avail them to the
respective members at least two days prior to each of the meetings;
4. Shall distribute minutes of previous General Assembly, the GRC meetings to the
respective members at least seven days before the next meeting;
5. Shall be responsible for receiving and forwarding appeals, claims and views from
members of the Guild to the GRC;
6. Shall be responsible for the Guild file and this file shall have a copy of each of the
correspondences leaving the Guild officers;
7. Keep the register of all Guild property;


8. Perform any other duties assigned by the Guild Speaker.

ARTICLE 51: The Deputy Clerk to Council:

The deputy clerk to council shall:

1. Deputize the clerk to council

2. Act as clerk to council in the absence of the clerk to council

ARTICLE 52: Prime Minister:

1. Be the secretary to, the Guild Executive and the Guild Cabinet;
2. Take and keep record of minutes of the Guild Executive and the Guild Cabinet meetings.
3. In consultation with the Guild President, draw up agenda for meetings and avail them to
the respective members at least two days prior to each of the meetings;
4. Shall distribute minutes of previous the Guild Executive and the Guild Cabinet meetings
to the respective members at least seven days before the next meeting;
5. Shall be responsible for receiving and forwarding appeals, claims and views from
members of the Guild to executive;
6. Shall be responsible for the Guild file and this file shall have a copy of each of the
correspondences leaving the Guild officers;
7. Keep the register of all Guild property;
8. Perform any other duties assigned by the Guild President.

ARTICLE 53: Deputy Prime Minister:

The deputy prime minister shall

1. Deputize the prime minister.

2. Act as Prime minister in the absence of the Prime minister.

ARTICLE 54: Minister of Finance and Economic Planning:

The Minister of Finance and Economic Planning shall:

1. Be responsible for keeping proper books of accounts of the Guild;

2. In consultation with other ministers and other stakeholders, draw up a budget for the
3. Receipt money collected on behalf of the Guild;
4. Draw monthly financial statements and present them to the GRC;


5. Be responsible for processing all Guilds’ financial documents which shall be

countersigned by the Guild President and approved by the Dean of Students or any other
officer appointed by the College Administration for that purpose;
6. Present audited accounts to the GRC for approval before the end of term of office, which
audit shall be carried out a member of staff of the Finance Department of the College,
appointed by the College Administration for that purpose;

7. Be in charge of all income generating projects of the Guild, including the Guild Canteen;
8. Be a signatory to Guild Accounts;
9. Be the Secretary of the Finance Committee;
10. Perform any other duties assigned by the Guild President.

ARTICLE 55: Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs:

The Minister Justice and Constitutional Affairs shall:

1. Ensure that this Constitution, College rules and regulations are adhered to by all members
of the Guild;

2. Be the advisor to the Guild on matters pertaining to this Constitution

3. Ensure that justice is exercised to all members without discrimination, fear or favor;

4. Protect rights of members of the Guild as enshrined in this Constitution;

5. Sensitize all members of the Guild with the code of conduct at the beginning of each

6. Be the custodian of all constitutions of organizations clubs and associations that fall
within the Guild jurisdiction;

7. Be the Secretary of the Justice and Constitutional Affairs Committee;

8. Perform any other duties assigned by the Guild President.

ARTICLE 56: Minister of Internal Affairs:

The Minister of Internal Affair shall:

1. Be responsible for accommodation affairs of the members of the Guild;

2. Be in charge of Security of the members of the Guild and their property;

3. Preserve law and order within members of the Guild;


4. Spearhead the fight against crime among members of the Guild and the College

5. Be responsible for the day-to-day welfare of members of the members of the Guild;

6. Work with Estates Officer to ensure students’ hostels, lecture rooms and other
infrastructure used by the students are repaired whenever need arises;

7. Be responsible for the overall administrative functions of the hostel leaders;

8. Be responsible for both official and private visitors to the College, who must be reported
by the host students, clubs, associations and other organizations, taking into consideration
security risks and dangers which might be posed by some visitors;

9. Liaise with the College authorities from time to time with regard to welfare of the
members of the Guild;

10. Be member of the Entertainment and Social Affairs Committee;

11. Be the Secretary of the Campus Affairs and Disciplinary committees;

12. Perform any other duties assigned by the Guild President.

13. Ensure that proper meals are served on time, in a proper manner and to entitled members
and ensure that those students officially late or absent during meal times are catered for;

14. Work with all bodies that are concerned with students’ welfare on Campus;

15. Sit on various policy making bodies and committees on behalf of the Vice-president if the
Vice-President is unable to attend

ARTICLE 57: Minister of Education:

The Minister of Education:

1. Be responsible for the academic welfare of the members of the Guild without

2. Be responsible for promoting students-lecturers academic relationship;

3. Liaise with the Academic Registrar on matters related to the curriculum, lectures and
examinations timetables, lecture room and library services with the aim of advancing
academic excellence;

4. Liaise with the officer responsible for industrial training to ensure students are placed for

5. Be responsible for all academic clubs and associations;


6. Be responsible for library affairs;

7. Be the Secretary of the Academic Affairs and ICT Committee;

8. Perform any other duties assigned by the Guild President.

ARTICLE 58: Minister of Information and Publicity:
1. Be responsible for keeping the College community informed of current affairs within and
outside the College;
2. Be responsible for the Guild official’s news publications;

3. Be responsible for all announcements on the students’ notice board;

4. Handle magazines and newspapers coming to the College on behalf of the Guild; He/
She shall oversee the effective utilization of the ICT resources available within the

5. The Minister for Information and Computer Technology shall also: -

a. ensure that there are up to date ICT facilities in the campus;

b. make submissions before the GRC at least once a semester on matters pertaining
any developments in the ICT sector at the College as well as address any other
queries brought up by students on matters concerning ICT.

6. Perform any other duties assigned by the Guild President

ARTICLE 59: Minister of Domestic and Nutrition Affairs:

The Minister of Domestic and Nutrition Affairs shall:

1. Be responsible for the affairs concerning the dining hall and the nutrition of the students;
2. Work hand in hand with the kitchen staff to ensure quality and hygienic preparation of
3. Ensure equitable quantity and good quality of food served to the members of the Guild;
4. Ensure, in consultation with the caterer, maintenance of a high-level hygiene around the
kitchen and dining hall at all times;
5. Liaise with staff of the dining hall/kitchen on any matter and where necessary refer such
matters to the College authorities;
6. Keep well informed of the quantities of food and other necessities in stock as far as
feeding is concerned;
7. Inform College members in advance of any changes or development as far as feeding is


8. Arrange for the catering of sick students;

9. Ensure discipline at the dining hall at all times;
10. Ensure maximum consultation with the catering staff;
11. Be Secretary of the Domestic and Nutrition Committee;
12. Perform any other duties assigned by the Guild President.

ARTICLE 60: Minister of Game, Sports and Transport:

The Minister of Sports and Transport shall:

1. Be responsible for the co-ordination of sports activities within the College;

2. Be responsible organization of transport for students’ travel;

3. Liaise with the transport officer to see to it that students use the College transport
whenever in need;
4. Be the Secretary of the Sports and Games Union;
5. Collect and handover funds, if any, from sports activities to the Minister of Finance
within twelve (12) hours after collection of such funds;
6. Perform any other duties assigned by the Guild President.

ARTICLE 61: Minister of Health and Environment:

The Minister of Health and Environment shall:

1. Be responsible for health welfare of the students in the College;

2. Be responsible for all equipment and utensils for the guild, pertaining to health;
3. Report any cases of disease outbreak to the medical personnel within the College as soon
as they are discovered;
4. Follow up and be informed of the conditions of the students in the sick bay;
5. Ensure that sick students are cared for in terms of treatment and feeding;
6. Be responsible for the hygiene, sanitation and general cleaning in and around campus
hostels/halls of residence;
7. Keep up-to-date information on stocks of drugs within the College;
8. Work hand in hand with the medical staff and other Health and Environmental protection
organs within the College;
9. Devise strategies for promoting health and environmental protection standards within the


10. Be the Secretary of the Health and Environment Committee;

11. Perform any other duties assigned by the Guild President.

ARTICLE 62: Minister of Gender, Women Affairs and Special Needs:

The Minister of Gender, Women Affairs and Special Needs shall:

1. Be responsible for ensuring that students are made aware of their rights in respect of their
2. Organize seminars and workshops to improve on students’ gender awareness;
3. Ensure that female students have the right to affirmative action for the purposes of
addressing the imbalances created historically or traditionally;
4. Ensure that both male and female students enjoy equal privileges;
5. Be responsible and in charge of the special requirements and discipline of the female
students within the campus and during official outings;
6. Organize seminars and workshops aimed at improving female students’ self-awareness
and esteem

7. Be responsible for overall special requirements for the welfare of female students and
other students with special needs;
8. Make contacts with women organizations like national council of women for the
mobilization of women students’ matters pertaining to political and social and moral
9. Represent female students in and out the college when called for;
10. Represent students on the Governing Council;
11. Coordinate all matters concerning female students within and outside the College;
12. Perform any other duties assigned by the Guild President.

13. He She shall be the Minister for students with disabilities

ARTICLE 63: Minister of Entertainment and Social Affairs:

The Minister of Entertainment and Social Affairs shall:

1. Be responsible for entertainment of students and official visitors of the Guild;

2. Be responsible for the co-ordination of all social and entertainment activities of the
3. Be responsible for organizing entertainment activities, including plays, shows, dances
and others as may deem fit;

4. Be the coordinator of all clubs and societies of the Guild;

5. Coordinate booking for entertainment activities that fall within the jurisdiction of the
guild in the line with the planned and approved schedule of such activities;
6. Be in charge of receiving Guild funds accruing from entertainment at campus and hand
them over to the Minister of Finance within twenty-four (24) hours after collection;
7. Be the Secretary of the Entertainment and Social Affairs Committee.
8. Perform any other duties assigned by the Guild President.

ARTICLE 64: Minister of Culture and Religious Affairs:

The Minister of Culture and Religious Affairs shall:

1. Be in charge of all culture and religious affairs of the Guild;

2. Be in charge of organizing the Cultural Gala;
3. Be in charge of organizing and coordinating cultural exhibitions;
4. Take initiative to unite all the cultural groups and religious denominations within the
5. Be the Secretary of the Culture and Religious Affairs Committee;
6. Perform any other duties assigned by the Guild President.

ARTICLE 65: Minister of Foreign Affairs:

The Minister of Foreign Affair shall:

1. Act as a link between the Guild and the external world;

2. Work hand in hand with college and other relevant bodies to promote the image of
college nationally and internationally;
3. Work hand in hand with Minister of Information and ICT for external outreaches as
approved by the GRC to uplift political, social and economic awareness of the students;
4. Be the Secretary to the National and International Affairs Committee;
5. Be responsible for all matters concerning students residing Off-Campus;

6. Work with relevant authorities to ensure security of students outside campus and hostels;

7. Link any non-resident student to residential owners and managers and with the College

8. He / She shall: -

a. Be responsible for all matters concerning foreign students;


b. Work with relevant authorities to ensure security of foreign students;

c. Link any foreign student with residential owners and managers and with the
College Administration;

d. Deal with any matters affecting the foreign students that may come up from time
to time; and

9. Ensure proper coordination of all guild activities with all external affiliated institutions
with the College

10. Perform any duties assigned by the Guild President

ARTICLE 66: Minister for Patriotism and Pan-African Affairs:

1. There shall be a guild minister for Patriotism and Pan-African Affairs.

2. The Minister for Patriotism and Pan African affairs shall: -

a. Oversee patriotism activities on the Campus;

b. Link the College to the National Secretariat for Patriotism;

c. Organize any conferences and trainings aimed at promoting patriotism in the


d. Harmonize ideological and political differences among the students; and

e. Perform any other duties that he /she may be assigned by the Guild President.

Duties Of Standing Committees:

ARTICLE 67: Finance Committee:
The Finance Committee shall:

i. Draw up financial policies for the Guild and submit them to the GRC for approval;
ii. Watch over the finances of the guild and undertake financial duties as the GRC may
determine from time to time;
iii. Receive the Guild budgets from the Minister of Finance and make recommendations to
the GRC;
iv. Propose ways and means, other than guild fees of raising money for the needs of the
Guild for helping some national, international, voluntary and charitable organizations.
Such means shall be approved by the GRC and the College Administration;
v. Receive reports and propose policies for effective management of the income generating
activities of the Guild;


vi. Perform any other finance-related duties assigned by the GRC.

ARTICLE 68: Justice and Constitutional Affairs Committee:

The Justice and Constitutional Affairs Committee shall:

i. Look after students’ welfare and rules governing them.

ii. Handle all students’ disciplinary cases in and around the College and their vicinity before
forwarding them to the Disciplinary Committee of the College.

iii. Promote reconciliation between any feuding parties as a priority;

iv. Formulate policies for the members of the Guild to ensure adherence to this Constitution,
College rules and regulations and the National Constitution;

v. Advise the GRC on matters pertaining to the Constitution;

vi. Receive and consider matters relating to justice and rights of all members and make
recommendations to the GRC;

vii. Receive and consider applications for registration of students’ organizations clubs and
associations in the College and recommend to the GRC;

viii. Ensure that the constitutions above conform to this constitution, College rules and

ix. Perform any other duties as assigned by the GRC.

ARTICLE 69: Campus Affairs Committee:

The Campus Affairs Committee shall:

i. Formulate policies for students’ welfare and rules governing them;

ii. Advise College Management on policies for accommodation of the members of the

iii. Allocate accommodation to members of the Guild;

iv. Advise and formulate policies for law and order within members of the Guild and
security of their property;

v. Advise on ways to fight against crime among members of the Guild and the College

vi. Perform any other duties assigned by the GRC.


ARTICLE 70: Academic Affairs and ICT Committee:

The Academic Affairs and ICT Committee shall:

i. Handle matters pertaining to the academic affairs of the members of the Guild;
ii. Focus on the growth and improvement of academic performance, club and present their
interests to the GRC
iii. Handle policies to ensure academic excellence of the Guild by keeping in touch with
heads of department and other academic authorities where need arises;
iv. Perform any other duties assigned by the GRC.

ARTICLE 71: Mess/Nutrition Committee:

The Mess/Nutrition Committee shall:

i. Deliberate on matters concerning general wellbeing of the students as regards to feeding;

ii. Devise rules and regulations under the advice of the caterer for ensuring order and
security to the dining property;
iii. Ensure law and order in the dining hall (mess);
iv. Handle matters related to students’ meals;
v. Receive views from the guild and handle matters related to students’ meals, the kitchen
and dining hall;
vi. Assign members to assist the Mess/Nutrition minister to check the quality and quantity of
food stuffs available/delivered;
vii. Perform any other duties assigned by the GRC

ARTICLE 72: Cultural and Religious Affairs Committee:

The Cultural and Religious Affairs Committee shall:

i. Co-ordinate all clubs, cultural and religious associations within the Guild;
ii. Organize exhibitions and the Cultural Gala on behalf of the Guild;
iii. Responsible for all cultural and religious affairs within the Guild;
iv. Perform any other duties assigned by the GRC.

ARTICLE 73: Health, Environment and Sanitation Committee:

The Health, Environment and Sanitation Committee shall:

i. Handle matters pertaining to the health of students in the College;


ii. Handle matters related to preserving the environment in and around the College and
ensure compliance with national and international standards;
iii. Handle matters related to sanitation to ensure a clean and healthy environment prevails in
and around the College;
iv. Perform any other duties assigned by the GRC.

ARTICLE 74: Information and ICT Committee:

The Information and ICT Committee shall:

i. Be responsible for guild matters relating to information and publication;

ii. Draw up rules and regulation governing publications and dissemination of information
within and outside the College by Guild members;
iii. Be responsible for policies relating to publicity;
iv. Propose policies for development and management of the technology center of the Guild;
v. Promote the use of ICTs in the College;
vi. Perform any other duties assigned by the GRC.

ARTICLE 76: Entertainment and Social Affairs Committee:

The Entertainment and Social Affairs Committee shall:

1. Co-ordinate entertainment of all kind involving Guild members within and outside the
2. Draw up policies for regulating activities of all clubs and societies of the Guild;
3. Draw up a programme for social and entertainment events within and outside the College
each semester;
4. Regulate the use of entertainment equipment of the Guild within and outside the College;
5. Draw up policies for safe keeping of entertainment equipment of the Guild;
6. Perform any other duties assigned by the GRC.


ARTICLE 77: Right to vote:
1. Every student of the College has a right to vote.

2. It shall be the duty of every student of the College to vote for a candidate of his / her
choice in the guild elections which shall be conducted every academic year.


3. The College administration shall take all necessary steps to ensure that all students
exercise their right to vote.

ARTICLE 78: Independent Electoral Commission:

1. There shall be an Independent Electoral Commission, abbreviated as IEC, appointed by
the GRC during the first sitting.
2. Interested members shall apply to the Justice and Constitution Affairs Committee that
shall screen the names of persons with high moral character and proven integrity after
which they shall be forwarded to the GRC for appointment.
3. Subject to the provisions of this constitution, the IEC shall be independent and shall, in
the performance of its functions not be subjected to the direction or control of any
member or organ of the Guild;
4. Members of the IEC shall be appointed by the GRC from among the students qualifying
to be elected as GRC members and who have completed at least one academic year at the
5. Members of the IEC shall hold office for a one academic year term and shall not seek
election to any Guild Office.
6. Their term of office of the IEC shall expire at the election of the next IEC.
7. Members of the IEC shall be persons of high moral characters and proven integrity.
8. If a member of the IEC is absent or is unable to perform his duties for a period of time,
the Guild Speaker shall, with the approval of the GRC, appoint a person qualified in
terms of this article to act in his place until the member is able to resume his duties.

9. If a member of the IEC dies or is incapacitated and cannot perform his duties whatsoever,
the GRC shall appoint a person qualified in terms of this article to fill the vacancy left.

10. The Guild Electoral Commission shall budget for resources of the commission to enable
it perform its functions effectively subject to approval by the Dean of Students

ARTICLE 79: Removal of a Commissioner from office:

The Dean of Students or the GRC may remove a commissioner from office on the following

1. In case the Commissioner has not registered formally as a student with the College
administration as per the College rules and regulations;

2. Where the commissioner is academically on probation progress;

3. Inability by the commissioner to perform his or her duties arising out of physical or
mental incapacity;


4. Indiscipline and or misconduct of the commissioner; or

5. Incompetence.

ARTICLE 80: Composition of the IEC:

The IEC shall be composed of the following members appointed by the GRC from members of
the Guild.

1. Chairperson;
2. Vice Chairperson;
3. Secretary;
4. Commissioner of finance

5. Commissioner of public relations

6. Other two members

Members of the GRC shall not be appointed to the IEC.

ARTICLE 81: Functions of the IEC:

The functions of the IEC are to:

1. Organize, conduct and supervise elections of the Guild in accordance with this
2. Receive, process and declare nominations of candidates for various posts within the
Guild in accordance to this constitution;
3. Ensure that free and fair elections are held;
4. Compile and maintain an up-to-date voters’ register at all times;
5. Ascertain, publish and declare in writing, under the signature of the Chairperson, the
results of elections;
6. Hear and determine election complaints arising before and during polling exercise;
7. Formulate and implement civic education programmes to members of the Guild relating
to elections;
8. Determine the amount of a non-refundable fee payable by the contestants depending on
each post;
9. Perform such other functions as may be prescribed by the GRC.
ARTICLE 82: Electoral Rules and Regulations:
The following general regulations shall guide during the election exercise.


ARTICLE 83: Campaigning of candidates:

1. The IEC shall draw up and publish a campaign programme starting immediately after the
nomination day and lasting for one week.

2. The IEC shall monitor and supervise the campaign programme.

3. The IEC shall ensure that no candidate or his supporters shall instigate any form of
violence or disorder during the campaign exercise.
4. There shall be campaigning up to only the time allowed by the IEC.
5. No candidate shall be denied the right of addressing a house assembly on the grounds of
inability to make a financial contribution to the residence unit/station.
6. No candidate shall withdraw from the candidacy after addressing the general assembly
which shall be held one day before polling day.
7. Any member of the guild who has reason to believe that a candidate (or his supporter) has
breached a provision of the electoral rules and regulations may raise such complaints in
writing to the secretary of the IEC.
8. The IEC shall hold due inquiry and where there is conclusive evidence of any breach of
electoral rules and regulations, may demand a public apology from the candidate or
disqualify the candidate from the race or both.
9. Candidates for the GRC shall hold their campaigns in their constituencies of only at
specified times published by the IEC.
10. A candidate who, before or during the elections either directly or indirectly;

a. By words, whether spoken or written or any other representation or in any manner

seeks to excite or promote disharmony, enmity or hatred against another candidate
or person on grounds of sex, race, color, ethnic origin, tribe, birth, creed or

b. Organizes a group of persons or students with the intention of using force,

violence, abusive, insulting, corrupt language calculated to malign, disparage,
condemn or insult another person or candidate or with a view to cause
disharmony or a breach of peace;

c. Obstructs or interferes or attempts to obstruct or interfere with the elections; or

d. In any manner threatens any candidate or voter with injury or harm of any kind;
or commits an offence and is liable to disciplinary proceedings and if he /she is a
candidate, is liable to disqualification.


ARTICLE 84: Voting:

1. Before the polling day, the IEC ensure that the voters’ register at each polling station
class is up to date.
2. For a student to be eligible to vote and be voted, his name must appear in the voters’
register compiled from the official College students’ list provided by the office of the
Academic Registrar.
3. On polling day, voting shall start at 8.00 a.m. and close at 5.00 p.m. to allow time to tally
the results.
4. For avoidance of ambiguity, any voter who turns up at the polling station after 5.00 p.m.
shall not be allowed to vote. However, all voters who will be at the polling station at 5.00
p.m. will be allowed to vote.
5. Voting shall be conducted at specified polling stations and shall be presided over by
polling officials appointed by the IEC.
6. No student or candidate shall be allowed to campaign on the polling day. Anyone
contravening this regulation may be disqualified from the race.
7. Any acts of indiscipline at the polling station shall be dealt with according to the
provision of this constitution.
8. Any form of bribery by the electorate shall lead to disqualification of the candidate. (y)
Whenever there is a tie of the highest votes in any guild elections, there shall be a second
or further voting until a candidate shall obtain a simple majority for the case of the
affected candidates.
9. All Guild elections shall be by secret ballot on the principle of “one man one vote”.
10. A voter shall have the right to vote on presentation of a College Identity card or any such
document for identification as issued by the College administration.
11. There shall be no voting by proxy.
12. Each candidate shall be required to oversee the voting process by appointing an agent
who shall be required to participate in the tallying of the votes.
13. The Dean of students shall oversee the electoral process to ensure a free and fair exercise.
14. Campaigns are strictly restricted between 8.00 a.m. and 10.00 p.m.
15. All ballot papers shall bear serial numbers and returning officer’s signature.
16. The ballot box at each station shall be openly displayed.
17. No ballot papers shall be torn and unused ones will be kept for security.
18. Votes shall be counted immediately after calling and handed over to the retuning officer.


19. Votes cast at a polling station shall be counted at the polling station, or any other place
agreed upon by candidates, immediately after the presiding officer declares the polling
closed and the votes cast in favor of each candidate shall be recorded separately.

20. A candidate or his/her agent or any voter present may raise any objection during the
counting of the votes and the presiding officer shall keep a record in the report book of
every objection made and may decide appropriately on every question arising out of the

21. The decision of the presiding officer in respect of an objection raised under clause 3 is
final, subject to reversal only on recount or a petition questioning the election return.

22. The Electoral Commission shall, as soon as practicable after the election and receiving
the results from all the polling stations declare and announce the results of the elections.

23. The Electoral Commission shall, as soon as practicable after the elections, produce a
detailed report on the conduct of the election and submit it to the College administration.

ARTICLE 85: General rules and regulation:

1. The Guild Elections shall take place within the first nine weeks of the second semester.
2. Candidates to stand for Guild Elections shall be full time and registered students.
3. The Chairperson of the IEC shall announce nomination days for the contestants for the
different posts within the Guild.

4. Elections of the Guild President and the GRC members shall be held on the same day.
5. Nominations of candidates for the Guild President and GRC members shall be fourteen
days before the polling day;
6. The Chairperson and all the other members of the IEC shall be neutral and will not take
part in voting.
7. In case any member of the commission sides with a particular candidate or behaves in a
manner contrary to the expectation of his office; such a member shall be recalled by the
GRC and a new member shall be appointed by the GRC.
8. The ballots shall be kept after the closure of the nominations under strict and safe
conditions possible.
9. The returning officer at each polling station shall be a member of the Guild appointed by
the Chairperson of the IEC.

ARTICLE 86: Election of office bearers:

1. The IEC shall organize, conduct and supervise election of office bearers according to
provisions of this constitution.


2. To qualify to be nominated for any Guild office, a candidate must be a fully paid-up
registered student on normal progress. For avoidance of doubt, a student shall be
considered to be on normal progress if they do not have a retake at the time of
nomination. A retake is a failed module/course that the student must take and sit the
examination when next offered.

ARTICLE 87: Guild President:

The Guild President shall be elected according to the rules and regulations in article 86(2) above
and other provisions of this constitution. In particular, the following shall apply.

1. The Guild President shall be elected by the entire Guild body.

2. Presidential elections shall be held at least seven (7) days after nominations and not
exceeding fourteen (14) days.

3. A candidate who obtains the highest number of votes polled shall be declared Guild
President elect by the Chairperson of the IEC.
4. If any two candidates tie with the highest votes, another round of voting shall be held
until a clear winner is elected.
ARTICLE 88: Qualification and disqualification of the guild president:
1. In order to qualify to be nominated for the office of Guild President, a candidate must be
a fully paid-up registered student on normal progress and with no proven cases of
indiscipline. For avoidance of doubt, a student shall be considered to be on normal
progress if they do not have a retake at the time of nomination. A retake is a failed
module/course that the student must take and sit the examination when next offered.
2. If a non-resident student of the College wishes to be nominated as a candidate for the post
of Guild President, he must make an undertaking that he MUST be a resident if elected
failure of which he will automatically lose office.
3. Every aspiring candidate for Guild presidency must pay a nomination fee as shall be
determined by the IEC from time to time.
4. Aspiring candidates for Guild presidency shall have their nomination forms endorsed by
a proposer and seconded by at least 25% of the Guild members of at least three quarters
of the academic programmes offered by the College

5. A person is not qualified for election as a Guild President if that person has been
convicted by a Court of Law for an offence involving moral turpitude or has appeared
and been found guilty by Students’ Disciplinary Committee and the College Irregularities
Committee for indiscipline or any kind of malpractice.


ARTICLE 89: GRC Members:

The GRC members shall be elected according to the rules and regulations in article 57 and other
provisions of this constitution. In particular, the following shall apply.

1. The GRC members shall be elected by members of their respective constituencies.

2. A candidate who obtains the highest number of votes polled and shall be declared elected
GRC member for that constituency by the Returning Officer.

3. If any candidates tie with the highest votes, another round of voting shall be held until a
clear winner is elected.
ARTICLE 90: Qualification and disqualification of GRC:
1. To qualify for nomination for the GRC, a candidate must be a fully paid-up registered
student on normal progress. For avoidance of doubt, a student shall be considered to be
on normal progress if they do not have a retake at the time of nomination. A retake is a
failed module/course that the student must take and sit the examination when next
2. Aspiring candidates for the GRC shall have their nomination forms endorsed by a
proposer and seconded by at least two (02) other members of the candidate’s
3. A person is not qualified for election as a member of the GRC if that person has been
convicted by a Court of Law for an offence involving moral turpitude or has appeared
and been found guilty by Students‟ Disciplinary Committee and the College Irregularities
Committee for indiscipline or any kind of malpractice.

ARTICLE 91: Guild Speaker:

The Guild Speaker shall be elected according to the rules and regulations in (9.2) and other
provisions of this constitution. In particular, the following shall apply to the election of the Guild

1. The Guild Speaker shall be elected by the GRC at its first sitting. The election process
shall be presided over by the Chairperson of the IEC.
2. To qualify for nomination for the post of Guild Speaker, a candidate must be a fully paid-
up registered student on normal progress. For avoidance of doubt, a student shall be
considered to be on normal progress if they do not have a retake at the time of
nomination. A retake is a failed module/course that the student must take and sit the
examination when next offered.
3. If a non-resident student of the College wishes to be nominated as a candidate for the post
of Guild Speaker, he/she must make an undertaking in writing that he/she MUST be a
resident if elected failure of which he/she will automatically lose office.


4. Candidate seeking to be nominated for the post of Guild Speaker shall not be required to
pay a nomination/registration fee.
5. Nominations of candidates for the post of Guild Speaker shall be done on the floor of the
6. For a candidate to be duly nominated, they must be proposed by one member of the GRC
and seconded by three other members of the GRC.
7. Before voting, the Chairperson of the IEC must confirm that the nominated candidates
fulfil the conditions for election to this office.
8. Candidates shall be each allowed five (05) minutes to campaign.
9. Voting shall be by secret ballot.
10. A candidate who obtains the highest number of votes polled shall be declared elected
Guild Speaker and shall take oath and preside over the GRC immediately.
11. The Dean of Students shall preside over the swearing-in ceremony of the Guild Speaker
and Deputy Guild Speaker.
12. If any candidates tie with the highest votes, another round of voting shall be held until a
clear winner is elected.

ARTICLE 92: Deputy Guild Speaker:

Election of the Deputy Guild Speaker shall follow the same procedure and shall have the same
personal requirements as those of the Guild Speaker.

ARTICLE 93: Members of the Guild Executive:

1. Members of the Guild Executive shall be appointed by the Guild President from among
the members of the GRC except for the Prime minister who will be the second runners up
in the Presidential election.

2. The personal requirements for the post of the Vice Guild President shall be same as those
of the Guild President.

ARTICLE 94: The election petitions tribunal:

There shall be an Election Petitions Tribunal consisting of the following:
1. Dean of Students as the Chairperson;
2. Two Academic members of staff appointed by the principal, one of whom shall be
Secretary to the tribunal;
3. Two students none of whom shall be a member of the IEC or GRC.
4. The quorum of the tribunal shall be at least a half of its members.


5. A candidate or any member of the Guild may lodge a petition to the tribunal whenever
he/she thinks that there has been a contravention of any election procedure or any part of
the Constitution during the election process.
6. The petition must be lodged within three (3) days after the election and must be
supported by signatures of at least 20% of the voters.
7. The Chairperson of the tribunal shall verify the signatures of those supporting the petition
within forty-eight (48) hours of receiving the petition.
8. The Chairperson of the tribunal shall notify members of the GRC about the petition
within twenty-four (24) hours after verification of signatures.
9. The tribunal shall investigate the matter and give a fair hearing to the
10. The tribunal shall make and announce a ruling on the matter within four days of verifying
the petition.
11. If the tribunal finds merit in the petition, one of the following remedies may be granted:
12. A recount of the votes to be done within twenty-four (24) hours of this declaration;
13. An order for a re-run to be held within seven (07) days of this declaration;
14. A declaration that the first runner-up was the winner.
15. No candidates or any member of the Guild shall be allowed to have legal representation
when putting their case before the tribunal.
16. The ruling of the tribunal shall be final.

ARTICLE 95: Resignation:

1. Any elected or appointed holder of a Guild office may resign anytime giving a notice of
at least Three weeks (3) and citing reasons for resignation.

2. During the two weeks’ notice period, the member may rescind resignation in agreement
with the electorate or appointing authority.

3. Any member of the Guild may not be compelled to stay in office against their will unless
the matter requires accountability of funds or property.

4. Where the Guild Speaker resigns from office, he/ she shall tender his/her resignation to
the Deputy Speaker who shall communicate the same to the GRC.

5. For the speaker to resign from office the decision has to be accepted by GRC and
approved by the Dean


ARTICLE 96: Swearing In:

1. The Guild Speaker Elect shall be sworn in immediately after election by the Dean of
2. The Guild President Elect and the Executive Elect shall be sworn into office in that order
by the principal or a person delegated by the principal.
3. The swearing-in ceremony shall take place in public together with the official hand-over
ceremony. The hand-over of files and other assets of the Guild shall take place not later
than forty-eight (48) hours after the swearing in ceremony.
4. The out-going Guild President shall notify members of the Guild of the ceremony at least
seven (07) days before it takes place.
5. All those taking the oaths shall swear to uphold the constitution as detailed in the citation
given in the Schedule of this constitution.



ARTICLE 97: General Rules:
1. Notices for meetings of the Guild shall be dated and duly signed by the officers
empowered to call such meetings.
2. Voting at all meetings of the Guild shall require the officer presiding at the meeting to
ascertain that there is a quorum at the time of voting.
3. For any resolution to be passed at any Guild meeting, two-thirds (2/3) of the members
present and voting must vote in favor of the resolution. Otherwise, the resolution fails.
4. Presiding officers shall postpone any meeting if the quorum for that meeting is not
realized thirty (30) minutes after the appointed time. The presiding officer shall have the
powers to appoint another date for the meeting and if a quorum is not realized thirty
minutes after the time appointed for the postponed meeting, the members present shall
have the power to proceed with the business of the day without a quorum but the meeting
shall not have the power to amend this constitution or pass a vote of no confidence
without a quorum.

5. The quorum of the Executive meetings shall be at least half (1/2) of the executive

6. Meetings of the G.R.C shall constitute a quorum of at least half (1/2) of its members.

7. Where in any meeting quorum is not realized within 30 minutes after the time appointed
for it to convene, the meeting shall be postponed. However, members can only discuss
informally if matters are of an urgent nature but no formal decisions, motions and or
voting shall be made.

ARTICLE 98: General Meetings:

1. General meetings of the Guild, also called General Assemblies, shall be held at least once
and at most two times every semester and shall be presided over by the Guild Speaker or
Deputy Guild Speaker.
2. Not less than five (05) days' notice of a General Meeting specifying the place, day and
time of the meeting, and the specific items to be discussed shall be given to the members
of the Guild.
3. The quorum of the General Meeting shall be at least half (1/2) of the Guild membership.
4. All members of the Guild have voting rights at the General Meeting.

ARTICLE 99: GRC Meetings:

1. Ordinary GRC meetings shall be held at least two times and at most three times every
semester and shall be presided over by the Guild Speaker or Deputy Guild Speaker.


2. Not less than four (4) days' notice of an Ordinary GRC Meeting specifying the place, day
and time of the meeting shall be given to the Members.
3. A proposed agenda shall be circulated with the notice of meeting but members shall be
allowed seven (02) days during which to propose any items to be included on the agenda.
Beyond 2 days, the Guild Speaker shall draw the final agenda and any item outside this
agenda shall not be discussed at the GRC meeting.
4. The Guild Speaker may include a new item on the agenda at the meeting if in his opinion
that item is of an emergence nature.
5. All members of the GRC have the right to vote at the Ordinary meeting.
6. The quorum for Ordinary GRC meetings will be at least half (1/2) of the membership.
7. Any member of the GRC who fails to attend two consecutive meetings in the same
semester without the permission of the Guild Speaker, in writing, shall be deemed to have
resigned their membership of the GRC.

ARTICLE 100: Executive and Cabinet Meetings:

1. Executive and Cabinet meetings shall be called by the General Secretary in consultation
with the Guild President.
2. The Guild President or Vice Guild President will preside over Executive and Cabinet
3. At least half (1/2) of members shall form a quorum.

ARTICLE 101: Extraordinary and Emergency Meetings:

1. Extraordinary meetings may be called and the length of the notice will depend on the
emergency involved.

2. Emergency meetings shall be called only with the written permission of the principal.
3. Extraordinary and emergency meetings shall follow the same rules and procedures of
ordinary meetings.
4. Emergencies that will require such a meeting may include but will not be limited to:
5. Death of a student or member of staff;
6. Emergence of a threat to the life and property of the members of the Guild;
7. A request by College Management to address a specific issue;
8. Any other matter the Guild Speaker, Guild President and College Management may
consider an emergency.


ARTICLE 102: Procedure and standing orders of meeting:

1. Meetings of the G.R.C. shall be open to all full members of the Guild unless the G.R.C.
decides otherwise.

2. All GRC meetings shall be convened by the Clerk to the GRC in consultation with the

3. All notices of meetings shall be dated and duly signed including the name, registration
number and course of the member calling the meeting.

4. The Speaker shall be responsible for convening all meetings of the General Assembly
and meetings of the G.R.C to debate a motion of no confidence in the Executive as
stipulated in this Constitution.

5. Guild meetings including the General Assembly, G.R.C and Executive shall be held in
accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.

6. In event of an emergency, the Speaker shall convene a GRC meeting within 24 hours and
if he fails, the GRC will convene on its own accord.

ARTICLE 103: Notice of meetings:

1. Members of the Executive Committee shall be given at least: -

a. Three (3) days’ notice for ordinary meetings; or

b. Six (6) hours’ notice for emergency meetings.

2. Members of the GRC shall be given at least: -

a. Four (4) days’ notice for ordinary meetings; or

b. Twenty-four (24) hours’ notice for emergency meetings.

3. Guild Members shall be given at least: -

a. Five (5) days’ notice for ordinary meetings of the General Assembly; or

b. Twenty-four (24) hours for emergency meetings of the General Assembly.

4. In case of an urgent matter to be discussed and or debated upon, the GRC members may
call for a session collecting at least 1/3 of the GRC members‟ signatures and the Clerk to
GRC shall be compelled to call a session within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of the

5. Where a General Assembly is to be convened, a petition signed by at least one tenth

(1/10) of the Guild members shall be handed over to the Speaker who after giving due


notice to the Principal/Officer in Charge of Administration shall convene a meeting not

later than ten (10) days from the date of receiving the petition.

ARTICLE 104: Conduct of the members during meetings:

1. During meetings, all members shall at all times be courteous and respectful to one
another as well as observe the rules of procedure.

2. Members shall refrain from the use of unparliamentary language, disobedience of a

lawful order from the Chair and conduct unbecoming of a guild member.

3. During any meeting, where the speaker or any person presiding over the meeting rises to
call a member to order or for any other reason connected with the proceedings, the
member on the floor shall thereon take his/her seat and no other member shall rise until
the member takes his seat.

4. A Member desiring to speak shall rise and address the Chair and shall only speak after
being selected by the speaker to speak.

5. A member raising on a point of order, information or otherwise shall first obtain

permission from the Speaker or any person presiding over the meeting.

6. Any member may formally second a motion or amendment and/or reserve his speech
until a later period during the debate.

7. It shall be the duty of the speaker or a person presiding over the meeting to maintain
order in the meeting and rule out where need arises any matter that is not included on the
order of business for that particular sitting.

8. Every member other than the speaker or the person presiding over the meeting shall
speak while standing during the meetings save for the executive and committee meetings
and shall address the Chair as “Mr. Speaker” or “Madam Speaker” in the GRC meetings
and General Assembly.

9. The speaker’s or the decision of any person presiding over the meeting on any matter
brought to his/her attention during the meeting shall be final unless voted against by the

10. Any member who contravenes clause (1) and (2) of this article commits an offence and is
liable to;

a. suspension and ejection from the meeting;

b. suspension from a number of sittings as directed by the speaker and or any other
person presiding over the meeting or until such member offers a satisfactory
apology for his/her misconduct; or


c. Any other punishment that may be deemed appropriate by the meeting.

ARTICLE 105: Minutes:

1. Members shall be provided with minutes of the previous meeting at least two days before
the next meeting.

2. In the event of an emergency meeting, minutes may not be circulated.

3. The Chairperson and Secretary shall sign minutes after the necessary amendments have
been made.

4. During the meetings, members may ask questions about matters arising from the minutes
of the previous meeting.

5. Minutes of the meetings of the GRC, the General Assembly and standing committees
shall be submitted to the College Administration by the Secretaries within fourteen (14)
days from the date of the meeting and after confirmation.

ARTICLE 106: Order of Precedence:

During any meeting, the following points as raised by the members may be accepted by the
Speaker in the following order: -

a. Point of Order;

b. Motion;

c. Point of information (when a member is giving/seeking information);

d. Point of Guidance;

e. Point of privilege.

ARTICLE 107: Voting in meetings:

1. Except as otherwise prescribed by this Constitution or regulations consistent with this
Constitution, all questions proposed for decision in Guild meetings shall be determined
by a majority of votes of the members present and voting.

2. Voting shall be by show of hands unless otherwise decided.

3. The Speaker or the person presiding in the meeting shall only have a casting vote and if
upon any question before the House, the votes are equally divided, the motion shall be

4. Ex-officio members shall not vote during the meetings.

5. During voting, the clerk and two members appointed by the Speaker shall act as tellers.


6. For avoidance of doubt the Speaker or Deputy Speaker, a Chairperson or Deputy

Chairperson of a committee while not presiding, shall retain his or her right to debate and

7. During committees, names of those voting for, against and obstacles shall be recorded in
the Minutes, whenever a difference of opinion on the preposition occurs.

8. If a member states that he or she voted in error or that his or her vote was counted
wrongly, he or she may, immediately before the Speaker and or any person presiding
over the meeting announces the figures move to have his or her vote correctly recorded.



An elected or appointed member of the any Guild office may be removed from office due to
incompetence, mental incapacitation, corruption or unbecoming conduct.

ARTICLE 108: Resignation:

1. Any member holding a Guild office may resign at any time giving at least seven (07)
days’ notice and the reasons for resignation.

2. No member of the Guild shall be compelled to remain in office after resignation except if
matters of accountability require such a member to remain in office until such
accountability has been accomplished.

3. The Guild President, Guild Speaker and Deputy Guild Speaker may tender their
resignation through the GRC to the Dean of Students.

4. When the Guild President resigns, the Vice Guild President shall take over until a by-
election to replace the Guild President has been held.

5. The Guild Executive shall remain in office until a new Guild President has been elected
and has selected new members of the Executive.
6. When a Guild Speaker resigns, the Deputy Guild Speaker shall act as the Guild Speaker
until a new Guild Speaker has been elected.
7. Any GRC members may tender their resignation to the Guild Speaker.
8. Any member of the Guild Executive may tender their resignation to the Guild President.
9. By-election shall be held for electable offices, except for the office of the Guild
President, within twenty-one (21) days and shall follow the same procedure as other

ARTICLE 109: Suspension and Dismissal:

1. The Guild President shall have powers to suspend or dismiss and replace a member of the
Guild Executive. The duration of suspension shall be at the discretion of the President but
shall not exceed 30 (thirty) days.
2. The Guild Speaker shall have powers to suspend a member of the GRC who fails to
attend two (02) consecutive GRC meetings without satisfactory reasons. The period of
suspension shall not exceed two (02) successive meetings.

ARTICLE 110: Grounds for removal of Guild Office Bearers:

A member of the Guild Executive or GRC may be removed from office in accordance with the
provisions of this constitution on any of the following grounds;

1. Misappropriation of guild funds;


2. Abuse of office or willful violation of the oaths.

3. Persistent failure to perform or execute his/her duties and responsibilities;

4. Gross misconduct or misbehavior on or off campus; and

5. Physical or mental incapacity, that renders the official incapable of performing his/her
functions by reason of physical or mental incapacity.

6. If the GRC may vote by a two-thirds majority to dismiss a member of the GRC for
unbecoming behavior and both the constituency of the member and the IEC shall be
notified in writing to replace the member in a by-election.

ARTICLE 111: Vote of No Confidence:

Members of the Guild may move a vote of no confidence in any officer or organ of the Guild in
accordance with provisions in this constitution.

ARTICLE 112: Vote of no confidence for guild president:

1. GRC and any member of Guild has the powers to raise a petition for the removal of the
Guild President through a vote of no confidence.

2. Any member of the GRC who is desirous of moving a petition for the removal of the
president shall notify the Speaker in writing of his /her intention with one fifth (1/5) of
signature of the GRC.

3. A notice wishing to move a vote of no confidence in the Guild President and supported
by names and signatures of three fifth (3/5) of members the GRC shall be forwarded to
the Guild Speaker stating grounds for moving a vote of no confidence in the Guild
4. The Guild Speaker, on receiving the notice, shall verify the authenticity of the names and
signatures of members supporting the notice within forty-eight (48) hours.
5. After verification of names, the Guild Speaker shall call an Extraordinary Meeting of the
GRC within seven (07) days to receive and debate the motion to remove the Guild
6. After the debate, the Guild Speaker shall preside over voting on the motion to remove the
Guild President from office.

7. During the meeting, the Guild President to be impeached shall be accorded an

opportunity to defend themselves against the motion.

8. If two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the GRC vote in favor of the motion, the Guild
President shall be removed from office.


9. Where the motion has been passed by the GRC, the affected office bearer (s) shall leave
office within seven (7) days.

10. If the vote of no confidence in the Guild President succeeds, all members of the
Executive and the four nominees of the GRC representing the interests of the Guild
President’s office shall automatically resign their offices.

11. The Guild Speaker shall notify the Independent Electoral Commission and College
Management that the Guild President was removed from office by a vote of no

12. During the meeting, the Guild President/ prime minister or any member of the executive
to be impeached shall be accorded an opportunity to defend themselves against the

13. Fresh Elections of the Guild President shall be organized within fourteen days (14) after
the vote of no confidence.

14. Where the motion has been passed by the GRC, the affected office bearer (s) shall leave
office within seven (7) days.

ARTICLE 113: Vote of no confidence in guild speaker:

1. Only the GRC has powers to remove the Guild Speaker through a vote of no confidence.

2. Any member of the GRC who is desirous of moving a petition for the removal of the
Guild Speaker shall notify the Speaker in writing of his /her intention with one fifth (1/5)
of signature of the GRC.

3. A notice wishing to move a motion of vote of no confidence in the Speaker and supported
by names and signatures of at least two fifth (2/5) of members of the GRC and giving
reasons for wishing to remove the Guild Speaker shall be submitted to the Dean of
4. The Dean of Students, on receiving the notice, shall verify the authenticity of the names
and signatures of members supporting the notice within forty-eight (48) hours.
5. After verification of names, the Dean of Students shall call an Extraordinary GRC
Meeting within seven (07) days to receive and debate the motion to remove the Guild
6. After the debate, the Dean of Students shall preside over voting on the motion to remove
the Guild Speaker from office.
7. If two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the GRC vote in favor of the motion, the Guild
Speaker shall be removed from office.


8. The Dean of Students shall notify the Independent Electoral Commission and College
Management that the Guild Speaker was removed from office by a vote of no confidence.
9. After removal the Guild Speaker from office, the Deputy Guild Speaker shall act as Guild
Speaker and preside over GRC meetings that may be convened before electing a new
Guild Speaker.
10. Fresh elections of the Guild Speaker shall be organized by the IEC within fourteen days
(14) after the vote of no confidence.

ARTICLE 114: Vote of no confidence in deputy guild speaker:

The vote of no confidence in the Deputy Guild Speaker shall follow the same procedure as that
of the Guild Speaker.

ARTICLE 115: Vote of no confidence in member of the GRC:

1. Only members who elected a member of the GRC have powers to move a vote of no
confidence in the member.
2. A notice wishing to move a motion of vote of no confidence in the member of the GRC
supported by names and signatures of at least three fifth (3/5) of the member of the GRC
and giving reasons for wishing to remove the member shall be submitted to the Guild
3. The Guild Speaker, on receiving the notice, shall verify the authenticity of the names and
signatures of members supporting the notice within forty-eight (48) hours.
4. After verification of names, the Guild Speaker shall call a meeting of the members
electing the member within seven (07) days to receive and debate the motion to remove
the member from the GRC.
5. After the debate, the Guild Speaker shall preside over voting on the motion to remove the
member from the GRC.
6. If two-thirds (2/3) of the members vote in favor of the motion, the member will be
removed from the GRC.
7. After removal of the member, the Guild Speaker shall notify the IEC to conduct a by-
election within fourteen (14) days.



ARTICLE 116: Guild budget:
1. The Minister of Finance together with the Executive shall prepare and lay before the
G.R.C estimates of all revenue and expenditure, (the Budget) of the guild government for
a particular academic year for approval.

2. The Guild Representative Council shall pass a Guild Budget before the beginning of each
academic year, which budget shall reflect the constitutional objective to promote the
general welfare of all the students of the College.

3. When the GRC approves the budget, it shall be submitted to the Financial Advisor to the
Guild who will present it to the Dean of Students. The Dean of Students shall then
present the same to college management and the College Council for ratification.

4. The Guild accounts shall be managed according to Government Financial Regulations.

5. The Guild’s Financial Year shall run in accordance with the Financial Year of the

6. Copies of the approved and ratified budget shall be made available to all students and to
the administration officials concerned.

ARTICLE 117: Auditing guild books of account:

1. The accounts of the Guild shall be audited not later than four weeks before the Guild
General Elections by the College Internal Auditor.

2. The audited accounts shall be approved and signed by the Guild Financial before being
presented to the G.R.C

3. The Audited Accounts shall be availed to the Principal, Dean of Students’ Guild
President and the finance minister.

ARTICLE 118: Supervision and authorization of finances:

1. The Guild funds shall be kept in the Guild Bank Account.

2. The Guild Minister of Finance shall keep up to date books of accounts indicating the
income and expenditure of the Guild through and or by any minister or official or any
member of the Guild.

3. No Guild official shall keep Guild monies for more than three 3 days unless specific
official authority has been granted by the Dean of Students.

4. The authority to withdraw or to authorize withdrawing Guild money shall rest with the
minister for finance in conjunction with the Guild president and the Dean of students.


5. The principal signatories to the Guild bank account (s) shall be the Dean of student and
the Minister for Finance and Guild President being the alternate signatories.

6. The Minister for Finance shall receive and keep any receipt or written evidence certifying
any expenditure of the Guild funds.

7. In the event of temporary absence or physical incapacity of Minister for Finance, the
President shall carry on his or her duties for such a time, as the Minister him/herself shall
be unable to carry out the duties.



ARTICLE 119: Auditors:
1. Two members of the GRC who are not members of the Guild Executive shall be
appointed by the Guild Speaker as Auditors to be headed by the College Accountant who
will be the internal auditor.
2. The Auditors shall be required to audit each year's accounts and present a report to the
GRC. They may be required by the GRC to audit the Guild accounts for any period
within their tenure of office at any date and make a report to the GRC.



ARTICLE 120: Bank account:
1. An account shall be kept in the name of the Guild, at a bank or financial institution
approved by the GRC.
2. This account will be used to hold money received by the Guild and also to facilitate
payments due by the Guild.
3. The Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, the Guild President and a member of
College Management appointed by the Principal as a Principal Signatory shall be
authorized to sign cheques drawn on the Guild account, and such cheques shall be signed
by at least two of the authorized signatories.



ARTICLE 121: Dissolution of the Guild:
Although the GRC shall immediately after swearing in of newly elected GRC, for the guild, no
person or group of persons has the authority to dissolve the student guild however the status of
the guild may change in the accordance with the laws


ARTICLE 122: Amendment of the Constitution:
1. Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, this Constitution may be amended by way
of addition, variation or repeal, any provision in accordance with the procedure laid down


in this Chapter.

2. Amendments in the Guild Constitution may be initiated by: -

a. The student’s guild; or

b. The Governing Council in exercise of its powers embodied in the Universities and Other
Tertiary Institutions

3. The proposed amendments shall be sent to all members of the G.R.C at least fourteen
(14) days before the meeting on which they are to be discussed is convened.

4. The proposed amendments shall first require the approval of the G.R.C by 2/3 majority of
all G.R.C members before they incorporated in the constitution.

5. The amendments shall not be effective unless and until approved by the College Council.

6. Where the amendments are approved by the College Council, the College Principal shall
inform the Guild President who shall in turn declare them as part of the Guild

7. The approved changes shall consequently be incorporated in the Constitution.


ARTICLE 123: Interpretation of this Constitution:
a) The power to interpret the Constitution is vested in the Speaker and his interpretation shall be
final and conclusive provided his interpretation is not challenged by at least2/3 (two-thirds) of
the members present at the meeting.

b) In case of the Speaker’s interpretation being successfully challenged, an Ad hoc Committee

consisting of the Legal Advisor and four other persons elected by the G.R.C at least 2 of whom


shall be members of G.R.C shall retire for 15 minutes and shall give its interpretation, which
interpretation shall be final and conclusive.

ARTICLE 124: Existing Offices:

Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, every person who immediately before the coming
into force of this constitution held or was acting in any office established by or by virtue of the
constitution then in force, so far as is consistent with the provisions of this constitution shall
continue to hold or to act in the equivalent office under this Constitution.

ARTICLE 125: Repeal of the 2001 Guild Constitution:

The Guild Constitution of 2001 is hereby repealed.


Oath of Guild President/Vice Guild President:
I, ______________________________, swear on the Bible/Quran and solemnly affirm that I
shall faithfully exercise the functions of the Guild President/Vice Guild President of Nakawa
Vocational Training College and shall uphold, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of
the College and observe College rules and regulations and the laws of Uganda and that I shall
promote the welfare of the students of the College so help me God/Allah.

Oath of Minister/Minister of State:

I, ______________________________, being appointed a Minister/Minister of State of Nakawa
Vocational Training College solemnly swear on the Bible/Quran that I will at all times well and
truly serve the College in the office of a Minister/Minister of State; and that I will support and

uphold the Constitution of the College as by law established; and that I will to the best of my
judgment at all times when required, freely give my counsel and advice to the Guild President
and his successors in office as by law established for the good management of the Guild affairs
of the College; and that I will not directly or indirectly reveal any matters as shall come to my
knowledge in the discharge of my duties and committed to my secrecy so help me God/Allah.

Speaker/Deputy Speaker’s Oath:

I, ______________________________, swear on the Bible/Quran and solemnly affirm that I will
at all times well and truly serve Nakawa Vocational Training College in the Office of Guild
Speaker/Deputy Guild Speaker and that I will support and uphold the Constitution of the College
so help me God/Allah.

Oath of Member of the Guild Representative Council:

I, ______________________________, swear on the Bible/Quran and solemnly affirm that I
will give faithful service to this Guild Representative Council, support and uphold the
Constitution of the Nakawa Vocational Training College as by law established so help me God.

Oath of General Secretary/Deputy General Secretary:

I, ______________________________, being called upon to exercise the functions of General
Secretary/Deputy General Secretary to the Guild Representative Council (GRC), Guild Cabinet
and Guild Executive of Nakawa Vocational Training College, swear on the Bible/Quran and
solemnly affirm that I will not directly or indirectly reveal such matters as shall be debated by
the GRC, Guild Cabinet and Guild Executive and committed to my secrecy so help me


Oh, Uganda! may God uphold thee,
We lay our future in thy hand;
United, free for liberty
together we'll always stand.


Oh, Uganda! the land of freedom,

Our love and labour we give;
And with neighbours all
At our country's call
In peace and friendship we'll live.



Oh, Uganda! the land that feeds us,

By sun and fertile soil grown;
For our own dear land,
We'll always stand,
The Pearl of Africa's Crown


1. Ee Mungu twaomba ulinde

Jumuiya Afrika Mashariki

Tuwezeshe kuishi kwa amani

Tutimize na malengo yetu.



Jumuiya Yetu sote tuilinde

Tuwajibike tuimarike

Umoja wetu ni nguzo yetu

Idumu Jumuiya yetu.

2. Uzalendo pia mshikamano

Viwe msingi wa Umoja wetu

Natulinde Uhuru na Amani

Mila zetu na desturi zetu.

3. Viwandani na hata mashambani

Tufanye kazi sote kwa makini

Tujitoe kwa hali na mali

Tuijenge Jumuiya bora.

Recited at the commencement of sittings of Guild Representative Council:

ALMIGHTYT GOD Who in Your infinite wisdom and Providential Goodness has appointed the
offices of Leaders of Parliament for the welfare of society and the just government of humanity;
We beseech You to look upon, with Your abundant favor, these Your servants, whom You have
been pleased to call the performance of such important trusts in this institution.

LET YOUR blessing descend upon them here assembled, and grant that they may, as in Your
presence, treat and consider all matters that shall come under their deliberation, in so just and
faithful a manner as to promote Your Honor and Glory, and to advance the good of those whose
interest You have committed to their charge.

MAY YOUR Holy Spirit guide us through this session, AMEN.



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