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Institute of Technology of Cambodia Road design II (TP)

Figure 49: Measure Figure 50: Measure Figure 51: Mass in air Figure 52: Mass in
the diameter the height water

2) Marshall Stability and Flow Testing:

i. Place the compacted asphalt samples in the vacuum oven at 60°C for at least 30 minutes.
ii. Take the samples out and attach them in the lower segment of the breaking head.

Figure 53: Put the sample into Figure 54: Sample’s heating at Figure 55: Attach the sample
the vacuum oven 60°C onto the lower segment

iii. Steps on using the Marshall Stability Test Apparatus:

1. Use the computer to start the operation
- Set file name: I4-GCI-A
- Test time: 60s
- Start thresh: 0.5daN
- End thresh: 30%
- Click “F1” to start the machine, the machine will start compressing the sample.
2. During the loading, the Marshall Stability Test Apparatus continuously measures
and records the force applied to the specimen. A flow meter attached to the machine
tracks the deformation of the specimen.
3. The maximum forced (load) that the specimen can withstand before failure is
recorded as the Marshall Stability.

I4-GCI(A)-7 Page: 31
Institute of Technology of Cambodia Road design II (TP)

4. The amount of deformation (in millimeters) that the specimen undergoes at the point
of maximum load is recorded as the Flow Value.
5. After the sample id completely compressed, take each sample and break them into
pieces to weigh in air, in water, and its SSD mass.

Figure 56: Place the compression mold into the Figure 57: Test operation
test apparatus

Figure 57: Collected data Figure 59: Pieces of AC sample

6. Data and Calculation

A. Formula

Where: D: diameter (mm)

H: height (mm)

Where: A: mass in air (kg)

B: mass in water (kg)
C: mass SSD (kg)

I4-GCI(A)-7 Page: 32

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