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nl Biochemistry] 3 1, ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE EAR Shorts: 1, Theories of hearing. (YSR) Feb 2020, Jan 2015, Apr.87| 19 2. Physiology of Hearing. July 2019, Aug 2012, Oct 2005, Apr 2007| 17 : 3. Anatomy of middle ear. July 2018, Oct.89| 5 4. Membranous labyrinth. Aug 2014, Feb2012, Apr. 88 2 | 5. Tympanic membrane. Mar 2011, Apr.96| 3 6. Eustachian tube. Aug 2011, Oct.99| 67 7. Universal neonatal hearing screening Apr 2008| 138 8. Aditus - AD - antrum. Apr2003| 8 9. Mechanism of normal hearing. Oct.89] 17 10. Mastoid air cell system. Oct.88) 8 11. Hydraulic action of tympanic membrane. Apr.88| 18 12. Tympanic plexus. Apr.87| 10 13. Curved membrane effect. Oct.86] 18 Very Shorts: 1. Mention muscles of the middle ear and 10 their nerve supply (KNR) Nov 2020 2. Types of perforation of tympanic membrane (YSR) Feb 2013, May 2007] 66 2. EXAMINATION AND INVESTIGATIONS OF THE EAR (Audiology & Vestibulometry) Shorts: 1. Tuning fork tests. (KNR) Aug 2023, Feb 2017, Oct.92] 26 eee Question Bank with Synopsis 4| Biochemistry (KR) Jan 2020, Apr. 86| 9g Impedance audiometry (Tympanomelry). a 3. Otoacoustic emissions (YSR) Feb 2020) 3) —_ _ [-—_—. 4. Physiology of equilibrium Sept 2009, Mar 2008] 95 Oct. 94) 3 > 5. Tone decay test (Carhart’s test). . 31 pt 6. Rinne's test. Oct. 93} 6 7. False negative Rinne’s test. Apr. 88| 6 8. Barany’s noise box. Oct. 84) Oct. 80] 27 9. Audiometry. Very Shorts: 1. Impedance audiometry (KNR) Mar 2023 238 2. Fistula test. (KNR) Mar 2023, (YSR) Feb 2018, 2017, Apr. 95| 47 3. Noise induced hearing loss (YSR) Feb 2020] 40 4. Gelle's test. Feb 2019, Apr.89| 27 5. Functions of Eustachian tube. Aug2017| 68 6. Pure tone audiometry. Jan 2015, Oct 2003 7 7. False positive fistula sign Jan2015| 48 8. Electronystagmography. Jan 2014) 50 9. Weber's test Aug 2012, Mar 2011, Oct 2004} 26 10. Tympanometry curves Feb 2012} 28 11. Caloric test. Sept 2009, 2003, Oct 2001, 99} 49 3. SYMPTOMATIC CONDITIONS OF EAR (Hearing Loss, Vertigo, Tinnitus, Otalgia, Otorrhea) Essays: 1. Discuss the clinical assessment, audiological tests and management of a year old child with bilateral profound sensorineural hearing loss, (VSR) Mar 2021 Question Bank with Synopsis aT 37 a 2, How will you manage a 24 year |, equal conductive hearing loss, 3. Mention the common causes of the treatment of one in each condition, lady who has bilateral vertigo. Briefly outline Biochemistry] 5 Feb 2016, 34 Apr.93| 52 4. How do you classify deafness? Mention few words [ about its management. Apr. 82 34 5. What are the causes of conductive deafness? Mention i 7 modern treatment. Oct.81| 35 Shorts: 1. Clinical assessment of Vestibular system 2. _Perceptive deafness (Sensorincural deafiness). 3. Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA) 4. Ototoxic drugs. on Sings of nasal rhinosporidiosis. (YSR) Feb 2020| 47 July 2019, Apr. 89| 37 Feb 2019| 142 Feb 2016, Oct 2002| 39 Jan2014| 186 6. Tympanoplasty. Aug 2011, Oct. 88| 34 7. Hearing aids. May 2006, Oct 2007, 85, Sept 2003] 141 8. Cochlear implants. Oct 2005, Mar 2005} 145 9. Causes of Otalgia. Oct 2005| 149 10. Vestibular neuronitis Oct 2005] 53 11. Benign paroxysmal vertigo Mar 2005| 52 12. Otalgia. Oct 2004, 84 149 13. Vertigo. Sept 2003, Oct.99} 52 14. Causes of Conductive hearing loss Apr 2002] 35 15. Ossiculoplasty Apr 2001] 35 16. Conductive deafness. Apr 2001, 97] M 17. Noise trauma. Apr. 88] 40 Question Bank with Synopsis 6| Biochemistry Bese o Oct. 85) 18. Deaf mutism. oe Apr. 85 la 19, Tullio’s phenomenon (Noise induced ver'8°% ead Apr. 83| 14 20. Referred otalgia. —— Very Shorts: ee : (KNR) July 2021] f : itional 1. BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal pos (VSR) Mar 2021} 5) vertigo) (KNR) Nov 2020| 4g 2. Dix Hallpike Test 2009, Oct. 89 5 ne (YSR) Jan 2023, Mar Ici 151 4, Ototoxic drugs. ee) 5. _ Presbycusis (Senile deafness). Feb 2017, Apr 2004, 85) 43 6. Hearing evaluation for deaf mutism. Aug2014| 138 7. Mention 4 different types of hearing aids. Feb, 2013| 141 8. Lobyrinthine nystagmus Feb 2012| - 9. Causes of Otalgia. Feb 2012] 149 10, Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA) Mar2011| 12 4. DISEASES OF EXTERNAL EAR AND FOREIGN BODIES IN THE EAR Essays: 1. Whatis otitis externa? Describe etiology, clinical features and management of malignant otitis externa. (YSR) Oct. 97] 59,60 2. What is furunculosis of the ear? Describe the signs symptoms, differential diagnosis and treatment, Apr 85} 90 3. Mention the common causes of the di external ear. Describe the etiology, Signs, a of the differential diagnosis and treatment. 56 : oct. 82]_ Question Bank with Synopsis ee Biochemistry| 7 Short 1. Symptomatology of ear disease (YSR) Feb 2012, Mar 2008) 445 2. Malignant otitis externa. Aug 2011, Sept 2009, Oct 2004, May 2006| 61 3. Strictures of oesophagus Oct 2001 400 4, Foreign body in the ear, Apr.97| 63 5, Features of retraced tympanic membrane. Oct. 89 65 6. Pre-auricular sinus. Apr. 88} 57 7. Maggots in ear, nose and its treatment. Oct. 88} 64,189 8. _Wax-formation, collection and treatment, Apr. 85| 62 9. Perichondritis of the ear, Oct. 84] 59 Very Shorts: [ 1. Aetiology and treatment of Otomycosis, . Bullous myringitis. . Herpes Zoster Oticus . Keratosis obturans, 2. 3 4. _Haematomaauris. 5 6. Management of a live insect in the ear 7. . Furunculosis of the ear. Essays: 1 treatment of chronic suppurative otitis media, 2. Discuss the etiopathogenesis clinical features and management of Acute Suppurative Otitis Media, and treatment of non-suppurative otitis media. ee (KNR) Mar 2023, (YSR) Feb 2017, 2013, Oct. 2007, 91,2002) 61 (KNR) July 2021 Oct. 86] 65 Describe etiology, signs, symptoms and (KNR) Aug 2023, (YSR)| Describe the clinical symptoms, signs, investigations (YSR) July 2018 60 Feb 2016 58 Aug 2014, 2011, Apr. 99} 64. Jan 20141 g Aug 2013, Apr.98| 60 5. OTITIS MEDIA AND ITS COMPLICATIONS. Feb 2018, Oct. 90 81 (KNR) March 2023 73 (YSR) Aug 2017, Apr. 96| 78 Question Bank with Synopsis 8] Biochemistry Discuss the aetiopathology, clinical features Feb 2013, Ang 2011 Mat and management of cholesteatoma. ieee 1? 5. How will you manage a case of attcoantral type of CSOM? ~— Ang 2013; 6. Describe the symptoms, signs and management of acute mastoiditis, Aug 2012, Apr. 90 7. Discuss aetiopathogenesis, clinical features and Management of Acute Otitis media in a2 year old child. Mar 2009 8. Whats cholesteatoma? How does it cause erosion of bone? Write their etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and management of a case with attic cholesteatoma. Enumerate the complications. Mar 2005) 79 9. Mention the intracranial complications of otitis media. Which is the commonest intracranial complication. Discuss the clinical features, diagnosis & treatment of lateral sinus thrombosis. Oct 2003} 91, 100 10. Describe the etiopathogenesis symptoms, signs and management of the various stages of acute otitis media. Oct 2002, 2B 11, What are the indications for mastoidectomy? Describe the etiology, pathology, signs and symptoms of otitic meningitis. Mention medical treatment. Oct, 83} 93,98 12. Describe the etiology, diagnosis and management of otogenic cerebellar abscess. Apr. 80 Shorts: 1. Discuss the clinical features and management of tubotympanic Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (YSR) Jan 2023] 82 2. Petrositis July 2019 3. Aetiology signs and symptoms of Acute Mastoiditis and Feb 2019) mention two indications for Cortical Mastoidectomy. Aug 2015] 1% 4, Etiology clinical features and treatment of Masked . mastoiditis. Feb 2018] — Question Bank with Synopsis TO Biochemistry] 9 Myringotomy, Aug 2016, Mar 2008, Oct 2004, 99} 471 Aug 2016, Mar 2010, Oct. 89) 95, 547 6. Gradinego’s syndrome, 7, Clinical presentation of lateral sinus thrombophlebitis : eae 9, Jan 2015} 101 Aug2014| 73 ternal. Aug 2013) 61 Symptoms of ASOM. Clinical features of malignant otitis e 10. Tympanic membrane perforation, Feb 2013, Oct 2003 81 11. Serous Otitis media or Glue ear, Aug 2012, Mar 2010, Apr 2004, 99 75 12. Grommet. Sep 2010, Oct 2005, 85) 77 13. Surgical management of cholesteatoma Oct 2007| 87 May 2006, Apr 2002, Oct.99, 85, 480 15. Types of tympanic membrane perforation. 16. Cholesteatoma. 14. Myringoplasty. May 2006 81 Apr.99| 79 17. Otogenic brain access. Apr. 98} 98 18. Otitic hydrocephalus. Apr.93| 102 19. Lateral sinus thrombophlebitis . Oct. 92 100 20. Tympanoplasty. Apr. 89] 34 21. Blue tympanic membrane. Oct.s9] 22. Otitic barotraumas. Apr.87| 78 23. Differences between safe and unsafe CSOM. Oct. 87) SL 24. Tuberculous otitis media. Apr. 87| 88 25. Attic perforation. Apr.85| 81 Very Shorts: 1. Complications of Cortical Mastoidectomy (KNR) Aug 2023] 476 2. Bezold’s abscess (KNR) Mar 2023, Jan 2020] 94 3. Lateral sinus thrombophlebitis . (KNR) July 2021] 100 ——————— Question Bank with Synopsis 10| Biochemistry See Or anor _ ~~ (KNR) Nov 2020] erous Otitis media or lue ear. oo ‘ (KNR) Nov 2020) 35~ 5. Theories of cholesteatoma formation (KNR) Jan 2020 | eo 6. Myringotomy. = pa 7. Middle ear effusion cfs) ome 8. Gradinego’s syndrome. ee 9. Modified Radical mastoidectomy Aug 2013: |_ 49 Sep 2010| 81 10. Tympanic membrane perforation. Essays: 1. What is otosclerosis? Describe the symptoms, (KNR) Nov 2020} signs and management of otosclerosis Jan 2020, Oct 2002} _ 108 Shorts: Stapedial Otosclerosis (KNR) Mar 2023| 108 2. Gelle’s test. (YSR) Feb 2019, Oct. 88} 7 3. Differential diagnosis of otosclerosis. Feb 2017| 105 4, Management of Otosclerosis Aug 2016, Mar 2009, 2008, Apr. 99, Oct. 98] 105 ‘Aug 2015, Oct. 94| _ 105 ‘Mar 2005} 104 Oct. 99} 105 (Otospongiosis) 5. Carhart’s notch. 6. Schwartze’s sign. 7. Stapedectomy. Very Shorts: 105 1. Carhart’s notch. (KNR) Aug 2023, July 2021 Essays: 7. Mention the extra cranial complications of suppurative ie otitis media. Discuss the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of infra temporal facial nerve ‘ 13 paralysis. (rsp) Apr 2003] 91 Question Bank with Synopsis eatin Biochemistry] 14 ss 2, Discuss complications of Chronic Suppurative Otitis media. Oct 2001 shorts: 3, Bell's palsy. (KNR) Mar 2021, Nov 2020, (YSR) Feb 2019,| 112 Oct 2004, 97, Apr 2001 2, Topodiagnostic tests for facial palsy. KNR Mar 2023,Oct 89} 116 3, Ramsay hunt syndrome (Herpes zoster oticus). (KNR) Mar 2023, 114 Apr 85) 4, Intra temporal course of facial nerve. (VSR) Oct 2007, 108 5, Crocodile tears (Gustatory Iacrimination). Apr 93} 117 6, Clinical features of facial nerve palsy. ‘Apr 88] 113 Very Shorts: 1, Bell’s palsy. (KNR) Aug 2023) 112 2. Ramsay Hunt Syndrome (KNR) Mar 2023} 114 8. MENIERE’S DISEASE Essays: 1. Describe Aetiopathogenesis, clinical features, (KNR) investigations and treatment of Menierer’s “Disease? July 2021 119 2. A33 year female comes with a history of episodic vertigo. She feels a ringing sensation in right ear. Her husband tells she doesn't respond to call. The patient admits that when she keeps a telephone in the right ear, she feels decreased hearing She says that each vertigo attack lasts for 5 to 10 minutes, She drinks five cups of coffee per day. Pure tone audiometry shows right sided low frequency hearing loss. a) What is your diagnosis. What do you mean by drop attacks b) What are the various investigations that are done (YSR) on this patient and its interpretation Jan 2023) 119 , Question Bank with Synopsis Differential diagnosis of acute olalgia. Febaorg 4. Describe the causes and pathology of Meniere’s disease ao a and how do you manage this case. lig Shorts: oo S\ 1. Meniere's disease (KNR) Aug 2023, (VSR) Mar 2021, (YSR) July] ~~ (endolymphatichydrops) 2019, Apr. 97, Oct 98} 145 2. _Meniere’s syndrome. Aug 2014, Oct. 91 [a 3. Clinical features of Meniere's disease. Feb 2013) y~ 4. Symptoms of Meniere’s disease. Mar 2008} 14g 5. Medical treatment of Meniere’s disease. Apr. 98| 1%, 6. Lermoyez syndrome. Oct. 94) 133 7. Surgical treatment of Meniere's disease. Oct. 92} 133 8. Tullio’s phenomenon. Oct, 89} 129 Very Shorts: 1. Meniere's syndrome. (VSR) July 2019| 122 9. TUMOURS OF THE EAR Shorts: 1. Acoustic neuroma. (VSR) Mar 2009] 132 2. Glomustumour. Oct, 98} 128 Very Shorts: 1. GlomusJugulareTumour (VSR) July 2018] 128 THE NOSE 1, ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NOSE Shorts: 1. Endoscopic anatomy of the nose (WSR) Feb 2020] Question Bank with Synopsis = 4 Biochemistry] 13 2. Physiology of olfact July 2018 3, Etiology, clinical features and 181 treatment of Rhinoscleroma. Feb 2018 4, Olfaction. Aug 2015, 2014, Apr. 96| 164 5, Anatomy of lateral wall of nose Jan 2015, Feb, 2013, Sep 2010, May 2007, Apr.88| 156 6. Paranasal sinuses. Aug 2013| 218 7. Dangerous area of the nose. Mar 2005} - 8. Little's area. Oct 2004, Apr. 98,91] 170 9. Blood supply of the nasal septum. Oct 2002] 205 10. Maxillary sinus (antrum of high more). Apr.98| 218 11. Secretions of nasal cavities. Apr.96| 163 12. Functions of the nose. Oct. 92] 162 13. Dangerous area of the face. Apr.89| - 14. Disorders of the smell. Oct. 81] 164 Very Shorts: 1. Mucociliary blanket of nose. (YSR) Aug 2017, Oct.90| 163 2. Tests to screen nasal allergy. Aug2013| 196 3. Nasal septum. Sep 2010, Oct.97| 170 4. Blood supply of Nose Mar 2009] 205 2. EXAMINATION AND INVESTIGATIONS OF THE NOSE Shorts: 1. Diagnostic nasal endoscopy. (VSR) Aug2015| 492 2. Postnasal examination. Oct 2002} 447 Very Shorts: 1. Symptomatology of nasal disease (VSR) Aug 2013| 447 2. Structures seen on posterior rhinoscopy. Feb 2013, May 2006) 448 “Se Question Bank with Synopsis 14| Biochemistry EASES OF NASAL SEPTUM = Fhe nasal septum. What are the (vse) —~ = Send annuaana Seaton of deviated nasal septum? Oct. 86 Lon Shorts: 1. Septal abscess. (YSR) Feb 2017, 2014, Apr 2000| 174 2. Deviated nasal septum. Aug 2013, Apr. 85 17 3. _ Anatomy of nasal septum. Mar 2008, May 2006| _ 179 4, Perforation of nasal septum. Apr. 89) 174 5. Septoplasty. Apr. 89) 489 6. SMR - Indications and complications. Oct. 80} 487 Very Shorts: 1. Septal haematoma. (YSR) Feb 2017, Oct. 88] 173 2. Septal abscess. Jan2014| 174 4- RHINITIS AND GRANULOMATOUS DISEASES OF NOSE Essays: 1. ae ee will you find out the etiology Hi os * Sidtemenne Spe ame SR gros 3. Descibe the etiology, clinical picture and management of = Shorts: pened 1. Vasomotor rhinitis. fea 798 2. Management of Allergic Rhinitis Gy ase neaoe ) July 2021 (YSR) Feb 2013,| 1% Sept 2009 3, Atrophic rhinitis (Ozaena), (ENR Mar 2005, Jon Doda Resour 2016, Mar 2005 Oct.97|_ 178 Question Bank with Synopsis eee ee ~ Nasal Rhinosporidiosis (KNR) Mar 2023, (YSR) Aug 2016, 2014) Sep 2010, Apr 2004, Oct. 96} 185 Rhinoscleroma. (YSR) Feb 2018, Oct 2004, Apr 2001, 90, 181 5. 6, Nasalallergy. 7, Signs of Atrophic Rhinitis 8 9. Signs of Rhinosinusitis Aug 2013, Oct. 89 194. Mar 2008 179 Oct 2007 223 Medical management of Atrophic Rhinitis. Oct 2007, Mar 2003 179 40. Posterior Rhinoscopic Examination and draw its diagram. Apr 2004 448 11, Ozaena - surgical treatment. Apr 2000| 179 12. Rhinitis caseosa. Oct, 94 180 Very Shorts: 1. Rhinosporidiosis 2. Lupus Vulgaris 2. Rhinoscleroma. 3. Rhinitis medicamentosa. 5. NASAL POLYP (KNR) Aug 2023, 185 (KNR) Nov 2021] 181 (YSR) July 2019, 181 Jan 2014, Oct 2004 199 —_— Essays: 1. Describe the signs, symptoms and management of ethmoidal polyp (VSR) Jan 2023, Oct. 86,89 201 2. Management of tracheostomy. 3. What is nasal polyp? What are the types? Discuss the aetiopathology clinical features and diagnosis. Briefly Mar 2010 373 outline their management. Oct 2004} — 200 4. Describe the pathology, signs, symptoms and management of antrochoanal polyp. Apr. 90 200 5. Discuss the etiology, symptoms, signs, differential diagnosis and treatment of nasal polyp. Apr. 88} 200 ee Question Bank with Synopsis 16 [Biochemistry —_ ~) Shorts: 1. _Ethmoidal polyp, (KNR) Aug 2023, Oct 2003, 2001 la 3. Nasal polyps Oct 99, 97 = Very Shorts: a 1. Difference between Septoplasty and Submucus | a> Resection. (KNR) Aug 2023 1. Killian polyp (VSR) Feb 2020] 9) ~ 2. Kartagener’s syndrome. Aug 2016) 29; 3. Antro-choanal polyp. Aug 2014, Apr 2003, Oct 97] 299 6. FOREIGN BODIES IN THE NOSE AND CSF RHINORRHEA Essays: 1. Mention the causes and treatment of unilateral purulent, blood stained nasal discharge. « (VSR) Oct. 88] 189 Shorts: 1. CSF Rhinorrhea. (KNR) Nov 2020, Apr. 98] 191 2 Nasal myiasis (Maggots in the nose), SR) Aug 2016, a | 3. Rhinophyma Oct 2004] 166 Very Shorts: 1. Nasal myiasis (KNR) Mar 2023| 18 . (KNR) July 2021, Jan 202, (YSR) July 2018, * Reino oe Sept ro a 37} 189 3, Management of foreign body nose in 2 year old child (VSR) Mar2021| 1 189 4, Foreign body in the nose, Oct. 88 Question Bank with Synopsis artemis Biochemistry | 17 7. EPISTAXIS TRAUMA Essays: 1. How will you manage a 12 year old boy who has intermittent Epistaxis with nasal obstruction (YSR) July 2018} 208 2. Classify and enumerate the causes and sites of epistaxis. Discuss the management of acute profuse epistaxis in a 50 year old male Jan 2014 205 Aug 2012, Mar 2011| May 2007, Apr. 99, 2002] 295,208 4, Discuss management of 30 year old male patient, a smoker with massive epistaxis. 3. Discuss the causes and management of epistaxis. Sept 2009} 208 5._How will you manage a patient presenting with epistaxis May 2007| 208 Shorts: 1. Nasal bone fracture. (YSR) Jan 2023, Sept 2009, Oct.99| 212 2. Causes of Epistaxis. Mar 2003) 205 3. Tracheoeasophageal Fistula Sept 2003 - 4. Oroantral fistula. Oct. 2002 217 5. Antral lavage Oct 2001] 482 6 Epistaxis. Oct.90} 205 7. Fractures of maxilla. Oct.90} 215 8. How do you manage a case of nasal bone fracture following a cricket ball injury? Apr.89| 213 Very Shorts: 1. List the causes of Epistaxis and treatment (KNR) Jan 2020| 205 2. Posterior nasal packing. (YSR) Jan 2015} 208 3. Management of epistaxis. Little's area Feb 2012, Apr. 88| 208 ee Question Bank with Synopsis 18) Biochemistry 8. RHINOSINUSITIS Essays: 1. Discuss the etiology, clinical features and management (YSR) Oe. ¢9) of chronic maxillary sinusitis. 2 "| 2% 2. Describe the etiology, symptoms, signs, differential diagnosis and treatment of acute maxillary sinusitis. Apr. 88 we 3. Briefly describe anatomy of frontal sinus what are the signs, [~~ symptoms, differential diagnosis and treatment of chronic frontal sinusitis. Oct. 86] a99 Shorts: 1. Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (KNR) Mar 2023, Aug 2017, 2011] (FESS) Mar, 2009, Apr 2003) a9 2. Complications of FESS (VSR) Mar 2021] 29 3. Surgical anatomy of the paranasal sinuses July 2019] 218 4, Lateral Sinus Thrombophlebitis July 2018} 100 5. Complication of chronic sinusitis. Feb 2018} 29 6. Clinical features and treatment of chronic sinusitis, Feb 2017| 27 7. Acute frontal sinusitis, Jan 2014, Apr. 90) 228 8. Mucociliary transport mechanism of Nose. Sept 2009) 163 9. Contraindications of rigid endoscopies May 2007, Apr 2002| 4% 10. Endoscopic nasal surgery. May 2006) 4 11. Mucormycosis of nose and paranasal sinuses. Oct 2005 ie 12. Cavernous sinus thrombosis. Mar 2005 ee 1 13. Frontal Mucocele Apr 2001 2. 14. Aspiration cytology of paranasal sinuses. Oct. 9 a el 15, Caldwell-Luc operation - indications. ape Question Bank with Synopsis \ Biochemistry] 19 sees Very Shorts: 1. Inverted Papilloma (KNR) Mar 2023| 236 (KNR) Nov 2020 228 3, Orbital Celluliltis (YSR) July 2019| 233 4, Medical treatment of Ac ite sinusitis ute sinusitis Aug2017| 224 5. Thyroglossal cyst. Aug2017| 461 ‘S 6. Complication of chronic sinusitis, Aug2016| 231 7. Clinical features of Fungal Rhinosinusitis, Feb 2016 229 8. Caldwell-luc operation Aug 2014 485 9. TUMOURS OF NOSE 1. Fistula Test (YSR) Feb 2018 47 2. Maxillary sinusitis Apr 2004| 223 3. Carcinoma of maxillary sinus, Apr. 84) 241 Very Shorts: 1. Ringertz Tumor (YSR) Feb 2019 236 « FASCIAL PAIN EE COSMETIC FASCIAL SURGERY Sn . TRANS SPHENOIDAL HYPOPHYSECTOMY THE ORAL CAVITY, PHARYNX Question Bank with Synopsis r—C—C 20| Biochemistry 1 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ORAL CAVITY AND PHARYNX (i772 EERE 1. Describe clinical feat {ures and management of HIV manifestations of Oral cavity (YSR) Jan 2023 ad 2. Mechanism of Daglatition, Aug 2013 [39> 3. Anatomy of palatine tonsil. Aug 2012| 39,~ 4. Physiology of deglutition Feb 2012, Mar 2009| 35 ~ 5. Waldeyer's ring, Mar 2010, Apr 2001, Oct. 90, 96| 35, ~ 6. Killian’s dehiscence, Apr 2004, 90| 937 7. Fossa of rosenmuller. Apr 2003] 981 8. Stages of deglutition. Apr 2003| 39 9. Spaces of Gillette (retro pharyngeal space). Oct 2002) 319 10. Retromolar Trigone. Oct. 88} 253 Very Shorts: 1. Killian's dehiscence (KNR) Mar 2023| 281 2. Pyriform Sinus /fossa. (YSR) Mar 2010, May 2006| 284 EXAMINATION OF THE ORAL CAVITY AND PHARYNX 2. DISEASES OF ORAL CAVITY Shorts: 1. Leukoplakia tongue (KNR) Aug 2023, (YSR) Mar 2009] 263 Oct 2004| Submucous fibrosis, (KNR) Mar 2023, Feb 2019, Apr.91| 258 3. Ludwig’s angina. (YSR) Jan 2023, Feb, 2013, Mar 2008] 309 Sept 2003, Apr 2001| 4. Ankyloglossia (Tongue tie). Oct 96| 257 5, Oral thrush. Apr90| 24 6. Aphthous ulcer. Oct 88] 29 Question Bank with Synopsis rd Biochemistry] 21 Very Shorts: 7, Leukoplakia tongue 2, Ranula. (KNR) July 2021] 263 ; (VSR) Mar 2021, Aug 2015, Apr 89| 263 3, Treatment of chronic pharyngitis, i 2 302 4, Vincent's angina. ‘Aug 2017| 30: Aug 2014, Oct 2004| 254 3- DISEASES OF SALIVARY GLAND Shorts: 1. Sjogren’s syndrome. (SR) Apr. 89] 273 Very Shorts: 1, Frey’s syndrome (Gustatory sweating). (YSR) Feb 2018, Apr.91| 277 i 4. DISEASES OF TONSILS AND ADENOIDS. Essays: 1. List the causes of white membrane over tosil. Discuss the etiology, clinical features, management and complications of Peritonsillar Abscess (KNR) Mar 2023} 306, 311 2. Discuss indication and complications of tonsillectomy. 3. Describe the adenoid facies in detail including its clinical features and complications. How will you manage a 10- year old child with Adenoid facies? 4. White anatomy of nasopharyngeal tonsils (adenoids) and aetiology, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of adenoids, 5. Whatare adenoids? How does it differ from a lymph node? Write the clinical features, diagnosis and management of a child with adenoid hypertrophy: 6. Describe the etiology, pathology, signs, symproms and aponl 208 management of membrane over the tonst aon i ni Describe the etiology, symptoms, signs and Peace fae tonsillitis and enlarged adenoids. Wass o and the surgical treatment of these con’ EE (YSR) Aug 2017, Apr. 89 503 Feb 2017 287 Aug 2015 286 Oct 2004 286 Apr91| 304 Question Bank with Synopsis aor i ial 8. Describe the etiology, symptoms, signs, differentia diagnosis and treatment of acute follicular tonsillitis. Apr 89! ag, _ vanes in the ; 9. Mention the ulcers and the membranes in tht o - ct. 88] a9 pharynx and their treatment. a 10. Discuss the etiology, symptoms, signs, diagnosis of adenoid ay hypertrophy. Describe its management. el 87) 26 Shorts: 1. Complications of tonsillectomy (ype pty 2021, May 2007, Oct 2005} spy 2. Indications and complications of Tonsillectomy (KNR) Jan 2020) 593 3. Fascial diphtheria. (YSR) Feb 2019, Apr. 88| 306 4. Causes of clinical features and treatment of acute pharyngitis. Feb 2016| 309 5. Indications and contra indications of tonsillectomy Jan 2015, May 2006, Apr 2002 503 6. Indications for Adenoidectomy. Jan 2015, Mar 2003) 507 7. Aetiopathogenesis, clinical features and complications of acute tonsillitis. Aug 2013} 304 8. Reactionary Haemorrhage Mar 2010} 506 9. White patch on tonsil. Sep2010| 305 10. Signs of chronic tonsillitis. Oct 2007} 307 11. Adenoid hypertrophy. ‘May 2007| 507 12. Secondary haemorrhage after tonsillectomy Oct 2004] 506 13, Management of reactionary haemorrhage following tonsillectomy Mar 2003} 506 14. Tonsillectomy bleeding. Oct97| 306 15. Bacteriology of acute follicular tonsillitis, Oct. 96| 305 16. Uses of anti diphtheria serum. ‘Apr 93) 307 17. Describe the tonsil and its functions, can) Question Bank with Synopsis a LEE Bloconiay | 23 18, Keratosis pharyngitis. Apr9i| 302 19. Signs and symptoms of adenoid vegetations. Apr. 91 = 20. Post operative management of adenotonsillectomy. Apr. 89) 505 Very Shorts: 1. Adenoid facies. (KNR) Aug 2023, July 2021, Apr. 89| 287 2. Post Tonsillectomy Hearmorrhage (KNR) Aug 2023) 506 (KNR) Aug 2023 306 (YSR) Feb 2017 | 308 _ 5, Reactionary Haemorrhage Mar 2011, 2010 506 3. Six causes of white membrane over Tonsil 4, Tonsillolith 5. PHARYNGEAL ABSCESS Essays: 1. Describe the etiology, signs, symptoms pathology (WSR) Jan 2014, and management of peritonsillar abscess, Apr.91| 311 2. What do you mean by quinsy? How do you treat a patient suffering from this condition? What are the complications of an untreated case? Apr.89| 311 Shorts: 1. Retropharyngeal abscess. (KNR) Aug 2023, Apr 2004, Oct 2005, 97) 312 2. Parapharyngeal abscess. (YSR) July 2018, Oct 2007! 314 3. Clinical features and management of Quinsy. Feb 2016} 311 4. Peritonsillar abscess (Quinsy). Aug 2015, 2011, Apr 99, Oct. 91,96 311 5. Spaces of Gillette. Oct 2002) 312 6. Lingual tonsillar abscess. Oct. 96} 308 7. What do you mean by parapharyngeal abscess? How 314 does it occur? What is its treatment? Apr. 88 Very Shorts: 1. Acute retro pharyngeal abscess. (YSR) Aug 2013, Apr 2003] 313 2. Parapharyngeal abscess. — ae Question Bank with Synopsis 241 Biochemistry 6. PHARYNGEAL TUMOURS Eee 1. Describe etiology, symptoms, signsand (VSR) Feb 2018, Aug 201) — : —oeBement nasopharyngeal angioibroma, Apr 2000} 299 2. What are the symptoms, igns and treatment of Ag 2017, Jan 2014) ——_ Nasopharyngeal carcinoma? Oct. 89 256 Shorts: 1. Juvenile Nasophryngeal Anglo (KNR) Aug 2023, July 2021] ~~ fibroma (INA) (YSR) Mar 2009] 55 2. Eagle's Syndrome (YSR) Jan 2023| 35, 3. Leukoplakia vocal cord July 2018] 35, ~ 4. Trotter's triad. Mar 2005, Oct. 88} 297,535 5. Nasopharyngeal fibroma. Oct 2003} 289 6. Juvenile nasopharyngeal papillomatosis. Apr. 93] 356 Very Shorts: 1,_Juvenile Nasophryngeal Anglo fibroma (JNA) Feb 2016] 239 THE LARYNX 1. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE LARYNX Shorts: 1. Reinke’sOedema (YSR) Jan 2023, Apr 2004| 342 2. Arytenoid. Oct 2003} 331 3. Nerve supply of the larynx. Oct 2002] 334 4, Reinke’s space Apr.99, 32 Very Shorts: 1. Reinke’sOedema (VSR) Feb 2018} 3! 2. Symptomatology of Laryngeal disease, Aug 2012 54 Question Bank with Synopsis 2, EXAMINATION OF LARYNX shorts: 1. Direct laryngoscopy-methods, indications and contra indications, (YSR) Apr. 89) 497 Very Shorts: 1, Indirect laryngoscopic examination and (KNR) Jan 2020 Sept 2003 draw its diagram Mar 2003| | 454. lar 3. Laryngotracheal trauma 1, Management of Cut Throat injury (YSR) Mar 2021 | 336 4. LARYNGITIS Shorts: 1. Acute epiglottitis. (KNR) Nov 2020 Mar 2005, Apr 2002 338 2. Tuberculous Laryngitis (YSR) July 2019| 342 3. Aetiology, clinical features and treatment of Chronic laryngitis. Aug2017| 341 4, Etiology clinical features and treatment of Chronic Laryngitis, Feb 2016| 341 5. Acute laryngitis. Aug 2015, Sep 2010, Oct. 88} 338 6. Acute laryngotracheobronchitis. Oct 2002| 339 7. Reinke’s edema (Polypoid degeneration of vocal cord). Apr.99| 342 5. CONGENITAL LESIONS OF LARYNX AND STRIDOR a , Essays: 1. Enumerate the causes of stridor in child. Discuss the evaluation and management of stridor of 3 days duration in a 50 year old male who also has been having hoarseness since3___(YSR) months Jan2015| 345 2. Enumerate the causes of stridor in a child. Discuss the evaluatior and management of stridor of 3 days duration in a 50 year old Jan male who also has been having hoarseness since 3 months 2015 345 ee eS Question Bank with Synopsis 26 | Biochemistry 3. How will you manage a child presenting with Stridor? 4. What is Stridor? What are the types? Enumerate the causes for Stridor in a child of ten years. How will you investigate and manage? Apr 2004 345 5. Mention the types of stridor. How do you clinically recognize them? Briefly mention the causes of stridor. Oct 8} 345 6. A child of four years is brought to you for stridor of few hours duration how would you manage this case. Oct 8 345 Shorts: 1. Laryngomalacia. (KNR) Mar 2023, Feb 2016| 344 2. Laryngomalacia. (YSR) Mar 2021, Oct. 89| 344 Very Shorts: 1. Steeple sign (YSR) Mar 2021, Feb 2019| 339 2. Stridor. ‘Mar 2011, Sept 2003, Apr.97| 345 6. LARYNGEAL PARALYSIS Essays: 1. Discuss the etiology, symptoms signs and treatment of (YSR) unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis. Apr.89| 348 Shorts: 1. Left recurrent laryngeal Nerve Palsy (YSR) Jan 2023| 348 2. Symptomatology of laryngeal disease. May 2007) 454 3. Bilateral abductor paralysis. Oct. 90,92) 349 4. Causes of left vocal cord paralysis. Apr. 88 Very Shorts: 1. Vocal cord paralysis (YSR) July 2019, Oct 2001} _ 35! 348 2. Semon’s law. Aug 2016, Oct. 80 7. SPEECH AND VOICE DISORDERS Question Bank with Synopsis Se ad Biochemistry] 27 1. Discuss the clinical assessment, investigations and treatment of a 65 year old man, smoker with hoarseness of (sR) voice for two months and suspected growth vocal cord. Feb 2020| 366 2. A forty years old man has presei t i i nted in OPD with hoarseness, of'voice. Describe the differential diagnosis and management Oct 2005| 366 3. Discuss etiology and management of hoarseness of voice, Oct.99 366 Shorts: 1. Vocal Nodule. (KNR) Aug 2023| 352 (YSR) Aug 2016, Sept 2009, Mar 2008,Oct 2. Singer’s nodule (Vocal nodule). 2004, Apr 2003 352 3. Oesophageal sphincters. Sept 2009] 398 4. Hoarseness of voice. Apr 2004, Oct. 90, 91 366 5. Rhinolaliaaperta. Oct 2004 368 6. Oesophageal voice Apr 2004| 365 7. Rhinolalia. Apr.90] 368 8. Dysphonia plicaeventricularis. Oct. 88} 366 Very Shorts: 1. Vocal nodule (KNR) Aug 2023 352 8, TUMOURS OF LARYNX Essays: 1. What are the signs, symptoms and differential diagnosis of (SR) a simple tumour of the larynx? Apr.99} 352 2. Discuss the etiology, symptoms, signs and management of carcinoma of larynx. Apr.98| 356 3. Mention the benign tumours of the larynx. Discuss about : juvenile papillomatosis of the larynx. Oct. 94] 352,356 4. Classify the cancer larynx. What is the treatment for an oe : early vocal cord malignant growth? pr. 352 Question Bank with Synopsis ~eseettattte 281 Biochemistry Clinical features and treatment of Carcinoma Glottis Keratosis larynx Staging and clinical features of Carcinoma of larynx, Surgical management of carcinoma larynx. Cerebellopontine Angle Tumour Singer's nodule (Vocal nodule) Laryngocele, (Screaner’s nodule). PnNaO Pe wy Juvenile popillomatosis, Very Shorts: 1. Vocal Cord Polyp (KNR) Mar 2023] 353 2, Laryngeal Papilloma. (YSR) Mar 2010, Oct. 87| — 356 THE TRACHEOBRONCHIAL TREE 3. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF TRACHEOBRONCHIAL TREE Shorts: 1. Carina. (VSR) Apr.93] 10. EXAMINATION OF TRACHEOBRONCHIAL TREE Shorts: 1. Bronchoscopic examination (SR) Oct. 98] 499 2._Bronchoscopy - indications and contraindications. Apr.87| 499 Very Shorts: 1. Rigid Bronchoscopy (VSR) Feb 2020] 499 ‘11. TRACHEOSTOMY Essays: 1. Discuss the indications, steps, postoperative (KNR) Aug 2023, management and complications of tracheostomy? (YSR) Aug 2016, Sep 2010, Apr 2001 369 Question Bank with Synopsis ee Sr ~ Describe tracheostomy. What are the indications complications of tracheostomy? and Biochemistry] 29 May 2006| 369 3, Whatare the indications of tracheostomy? Write about la complications. Oct. 88| 369 shorts: 1. Define tracheostomy and its (KNR) Mar 2023 (YSR) Jan 2023, Indications Feb 2018, Mar 2011, May 2007 Apr 98| 369 2. Complications of tracheostomy, (YSR) Aug 2017, Apr 2002, Oct. 94| 372 3. Non-obstructive indications for tracheostomy. Feb 2012| 369 4, Tracheostomy. Apr 2004, Oct. 91 369 5, Postoperative care of tracheostomy. Oct. 89 372 Very Shorts: 1. Complications of tracheostomy. (YSR) Aug 2015 372 12. FOREIGN BODIES IN AIR PASSAGE Essays: 1. How will you manage a 3 year old child who has been 7 8 brought with history of foreign body ingestion and (YSR) respiratory difficulty July 2019| 377 2. Describe the etiology, symptoms, signs, diagnosis and treatment of airway obstruction of all ages. Oct. 98} 375 3. Describe the symptoms, signs, diagnosis and treatment of acute obstruction of the larynx. Oct. 89} 375 Shorts: 1. Clinical features and management of foreign bodies air (KNR) Mar 2023 Passages. Feb 2016| 375 2. Foreign bodies in the air passages. (YSR) Sep 2010, Mar 2009] 375 3. Heimlich’s manoeuvre. Apr. 90| 377 Very Shorts: 1. Management of ingested fish bone (YSR) Jan2015| 377 Psion Bank with Synopsis ie tee a, cm es eo Feb 2012\ 376 2. Radiological findings in bronchial foreign body —— E ESOPHAGUS as 0rnnS 13. THYROID GLAND Very Shorts: 1. Lingual Thyroid (YSR) Mar 2021| 383 1g, ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ESOPHAGUS . Shorts: 1. Oesophagoscopy- Indications and complications (YSR) Oct 2004} 501 Oct.97} 501 2. Oesophagoscopy- Indications and Contra indications. Very Shorts: 1. Complications of rigid esophagoscopy- (YSR) Jan 2015] 502 2. Three constrictions of oesophagus. Feb 2013 398 15. DISORDERS OF ESOPHAGUS Shorts: 1. Gastro Esophageal reflux disease (YSR) Jan 2023} 402 2. PV syndrome Mar 2005} 401 3, Achalasia cardia (Cardiospasm). ‘Apr 2004, 99, Oct 2002, 98] _ 401 4, Carcinoma of esophagus. ‘Oct 98} 402 5, Reflux esophagitis. Apr. 90| 402 Very Shorts: 1. Achalasia Cardia (KN) Ang 2023] 401 2, Globus Hystericus (SR) Jan 2020| 401 2. Phunmervinson syndrome FAK: July 208, Mar 200 May 207] gy Question Bank with Synopsis Ci How will you ma with dysphagia. mage A 40 year old women presenting 2. Describe systemically the clinical details of symptoms, signs, etiological factors and management and the prognosis of dysphagia in ENT speciality. Shorts: T. Causes of Dysphagia 2. Investigations for dysphagia. 3. Dysphagia lusoria. 4. What are the common causes of dysphagia in the middle aged person? How would you investigate? Biochemistry] 34 (YSR) Mar 2008 404 Oct. 96 404 (KNR) Aug 2023 404 (YSR) Mar 2011, Oct 2007, Apr 2002 405 Apr 2003) 405, 546 Oct. 90 404 5. What are the causes of dysphagia? How would you investigate and treat a case of impacted foreign body in esophagus. Oct. 83) 404 Very Shorts: 17. FOREIGN BODIES IN FOOD PASSAGE 1. Dysphagia. (YSR) Aug 2015, Apr 2004,99| 404 Shorts: 1. Diagnosis and treatment of foreign body in the esophagus (SR) Apr.89| 407 THE NECK 18, DISEASES OF THE NECK Shorts: 1. Branchial sinus in the neck, (YSR) Oct. 98 461 2. Supraclavicular lymphadenitis. Apr. 96 : 3. Trigeminal neuralgia (Tic - Dolereaux). Oct. 94 . ee Question Bank with Synopsis 32| Biochemistry Very Shorts: a 2 Thyroglossal cyst. (YSR) Aug 2017, Apr. 96 Branchial cyst ‘Aug 2015, Sept 2009 MISCELLANEOUS ) 19. ENT THERAPEUTICS Shorts: 1. Anticoagulants in ENT. (YSR) Apr 2003| 2. Newer antihistaminics. Oct 2003 20. RECENT ADVANCES IN ENT Shorts: 1. ENT manifestations of AIDS. (YSR) Jan 2023, Apr 2003| 437 EXTRA QUESTIONS, Shorts: 1. Clinical features and management of Choanal atresia (KNR) Nov 2020| 191 2. Signs of respiratory distress. (YSR) Oct 2007! - 3. Ostiomeatal complex Oct 2005, Mar 2003 . 4. Tracheal stenosis Oct 2005 5. Right main bronchus Oct 2001 : Very Shorts: 1. Sluder’s neuralgia (YSR) Feb 2019] 526 2. Thumb sign Feb 2019! ~ 3. Causes of Trismus (Lock Jaw). Aug 2012) _~ Question Bank with Synopsis —__

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