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The Hindu


10th July 2024


TET, NDA/AIRFORCE, NET and all Govt.
1. Callousness ( नदर्थ यता )

Meaning: Insensitive and cruel disregard for others.

Synonyms: Insensitivity, heartlessness, indifference
Antonyms: Compassion, sensitivity, empathy
Example: The callousness of the manager's decision to fire employees
before the holidays was widely criticized.

2. Incremental (क्र मक )

Meaning: Relating to or denoting an increase or addition, especially

one of a series on a fixed scale.
Synonyms: Gradual, progressive, step-by-step
Antonyms: Sudden, abrupt, immediate
Example: The incremental progress in the project ensured that no
detail was overlooked.
3. Incapacitated (असमथर्थ )

Meaning: Deprived of strength or power; debilitated.

Synonyms: Disabled, weakened, debilitated
Antonyms: Capable, strong, able
Example: The accident incapacitated him for several months,
preventing him from returning to work.

4. Rejuvenated (नवजी वत )

Meaning: Made to look or feel younger, fresher, or more lively.

Synonyms: Revitalized, refreshed, renewed
Antonyms: Weakened, aged, depleted
Example: The spa treatment left her feeling rejuvenated and ready to
tackle the challenges ahead.
5. Ambushed (घात लगाकर हमला करना )

Meaning: Made a surprise attack on someone from a concealed

Synonyms: Surprised, attacked, waylaid
Antonyms: Forewarned, alerted, prepared
Example: The soldiers were ambushed by the enemy forces as they
were patrolling the area.

6. Insurgency ( वद्रोह )

Meaning: An active revolt or uprising.

Synonyms: Rebellion, revolt, uprising
Antonyms: Peace, compliance, submission
Example: The government struggled to suppress the insurgency that
had taken root in the countryside.
7. Botched-up (असफल )

Meaning: Carried out badly or carelessly.

Synonyms: Mishandled, bungled, failed
Antonyms: Successful, accomplished, perfected
Example: The botched-up operation led to further complications
instead of resolving the issue.

8. Augmenting (बढ़ाना )

Meaning: Making something greater by adding to it; increasing.

Synonyms: Increasing, enhancing, expanding
Antonyms: Diminishing, reducing, decreasing
Example: The company focused on augmenting its resources to meet
the growing demand.
9. Adherence (पालन )

Meaning: Commitment or attachment to a cause or belief.

Synonyms: Compliance, observance, obedience
Antonyms: Disregard, noncompliance, violation
Example: The strict adherence to the new regulations ensured a safer
work environment for everyone.
Idioms & Phrases

1. A crushing blow
Meaning - A hurtful action

2. A crying shame
Meaning - A disgrace; something unfair that make us feel sorry for the

3. A cushy job
Meaning - An easy job that is not demanding or difficult
4. A cut above the average
Meaning - Higher than normal

5. Add fuel to fire

Meaning - To make matters worse
Article for Reading

Persisting brutality: On
Russia and the Ukraine
Russia’s missile strikes across Ukraine on June 8, claiming at
least 42 lives, are yet another reminder of the brutality of the
ongoing invasion which began on February 24, 2022. Among the
civilian locations hit was the Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital in
Kyiv, where at least two people were killed, according to Ukrainian
authorities. Russia says it targeted military and industrial bases
and blamed Ukraine’s missile defence for the damage to the
civilian centres, but such claims cannot be trusted as Russia’s
sustained bombing campaigns in Ukraine have targeted military
and civilian locations. The June 8 attack came on the eve of a
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) summit in Washington,
where member-countries are expected to take decisions on
long-term commitment for Ukraine, including a €40 billion annual
military aid. Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was in
Warsaw on Monday where he signed a new security pact with
Poland, which empowers the NATO member-country to shoot
down Russian missiles and drones in the Ukrainian airspace.
Russia’s attack could be the Kremlin’s way of messaging NATO
and Poland, but the strikes on civilian centres only expose the
callousness of Russia’s war leaders.

Russia has made incremental territorial gains in recent months. Its

troops have advanced in the Kharkiv Oblast, taking several
villages. Last week, Ukrainian forces were forced to withdraw from
a neighbourhood of Chasiv Yar, a strategic hilltop town in Donetsk.
But the absence of dramatic gains, even in the face of Ukraine’s
weakness, has raised questions about Russia’s capabilities.
Ukraine may be struggling to hold the frontline but it has taken the
drone war to the Black Sea and Russia’s mainland. It has
incapacitated Russian ships, repeatedly targeted Russia’s energy
depots using drones and struck Russia’s border regions causing
civilian and military casualties. Two and a half years after the war
began, no side is seen capable of finding a military solution.
For Ukraine, pushing Russian troops out of the territories they
have captured looks practically impossible. Russia should also
realise that its aggression has rejuvenated NATO, its sworn
enemy, that has expanded since the war began and promised
Kyiv long-term assistance. A practical path ahead is to bring both
sides to the table. China’s President Xi Jinping said on Monday
that world powers should help them hold talks. Prime Minister
Narendra Modi, in Moscow, also expressed India’s support for
dialogue. Russia’s partners should convince Russian President
Vladimir Putin of the need to stop these mindless attacks on
Ukraine and be ready for serious dialogue. Ukraine’s allies
should also put pressure on Kyiv to be more open minded about
bringing the war to an end through talks.
The situation in Ukraine suggests that it is nearly impossible for
Ukrainian forces to completely expel Russian troops from captured
territories. Russia's aggression has revitalized NATO, which has
expanded and pledged long-term support to Ukraine. A practical
solution involves bringing both parties to the negotiation table.
Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra
Modi have both advocated for dialogue. Russia's allies should
persuade President Vladimir Putin to cease attacks and engage in
serious discussions, while Ukraine's supporters should encourage
Kyiv to be more open to ending the conflict through negotiations.
The tone is pragmatic and diplomatic, emphasizing the need for
negotiation and dialogue to resolve the conflict between Russia
and Ukraine.
Reading Comprehension

Based on the above passage, answer the following questions:

Question 1:
What is one reason provided in the passage for questioning
Russia's claims about targeting military and industrial bases?

A) Russia has admitted to targeting civilian locations.

B) Ukraine's missile defense has been proven ineffective.
C) Russia has a history of targeting both military and civilian
D) Ukraine has reported no military or industrial bases were hit.
E) None of the above
Question 2:
What was a significant event scheduled to happen on the day
following the June 8 missile strikes?

A) Ukraine's President was to visit Moscow.

B) A NATO summit in Washington was to take place.
C) Poland was to sign a security pact with Russia.
D) A United Nations meeting on the Ukraine crisis was to occur.
E) None of the above.
Question 3:
What was the purpose of Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Zelenskyy's visit to Warsaw?

A) To negotiate a ceasefire with Russia.

B) To sign a new security pact with Poland.
C) To seek financial aid from the European Union.
D) To attend a NATO summit.
E) None of the above.
Article for Skimming

A new trend: On
militancy in Jammu
and Kashmir
Five Indian Army personnel were killed on July 8 after terrorists
ambushed an Army convoy in Badnota village, which is 124 km
from Kathua town in Jammu. The attack also came on the death
anniversary of Hizbul Mujahideen operative Burhan Wani, who
was killed in an encounter on July 8, 2016, in south Kashmir.
This is the fourth terror-incident in the State within 48 hours and
the latest in a series of attacks in the last few months, especially
in the Jammu region, reinforcing a new trend of terrorism in
Jammu and Kashmir shifting towards the Rajouri-Poonch area.
On June 9, terrorists attacked a bus in Reasi district killing nine
pilgrims and leaving 33 injured, the day Prime Minister Narendra
Modi was being sworn in for a third term in office. This attack on
the pilgrims was a new low. This region has been quiet for over
two decades now, after being a hotbed of insurgency in the late
1990s and early 2000s. This was brought under control by
Operation Sarp Vinash in 2003 and subsequent support from the
locals, especially the Gujjar-Bakerwal community.
Recurring incidents of security forces being ambushed have
resulted in casualties, which is unacceptable for a highly trained
and professional force like the Indian Army. This calls for stricter
adherence to standard operating procedures and improved
operations. While the ceasefire along the Line of Control (LoC)
largely holds, the uptick in terror incidents is a matter of concern
— more so, the shift in violence. There are many factors that may
be leading to this trend. A major one is the vacuum on the ground
with a large number of troops redeployed to the Line of Actual
Control in Eastern Ladakh in the aftermath of the 2020 standoff
with China. This has resulted in a gap in local intelligence. There
is also the increased use of modern but easily available
technology by terrorist groups looking to find new routes to keep
the insurgency going. Botched-up security operations have also
damaged the trust between the local population and the state.
From foreign terrorists crossing the LoC and leading the attacks,
there has been a trend now to push local militants to the forefront
to give the insurgency a more home-grown face as international
pressure has mounted on Pakistan. New terror groups have also
come up claiming to be behind some of the attacks. These
aspects present new challenges. Tackling the situation needs a
multi-layered strategy beyond just augmenting troop levels.
Quick and decisive action at the highest levels of the
government, bringing in all stakeholders, is the need of the hour.
Question 4:
What new trend of terrorism is noted in the passage?

A) Increased attacks in the Srinagar region

B) Use of cyber-attacks by terrorist groups
C) Shift towards the Rajouri-Poonch area in Jammu and Kashmir
D) Recruitment of foreign militants exclusively
E) None of the above
Question 5:
What major factor is cited as leading to the new trend of terrorism
in the region?

A) Increased foreign funding for terrorist groups

B) Improved local intelligence operations
C) Greater international support for India
D) Redeployment of troops to the Line of Actual Control in Eastern
E) None of the above
Today's Descriptive Question

● Write an essay of 200 words about highlighting the

importance of Voting in Democratic Societies.
Voting is a cornerstone of democratic societies, embodying the principles
of freedom and equality. It is a fundamental right and responsibility that
allows citizens to influence government decisions and policies. Through
voting, individuals can express their preferences for leaders and
legislation, ensuring that their voices are heard and considered in the
political process.

One of the primary importance of voting is that it legitimizes the

government. When citizens participate in elections, they consent to be
governed by the elected officials, thereby strengthening the democratic
framework. High voter turnout is indicative of a healthy democracy where
the populace is engaged and invested in the governance of their country.
Moreover, voting promotes accountability among politicians.
Elected officials are more likely to be responsive to the needs and
concerns of their constituents if they know that their re-election depends
on their performance. This accountability is crucial for good governance,
as it encourages transparency, responsiveness, and integrity in public
office. Voting also ensures representation. In diverse societies, it is vital
that all groups have a say in how they are governed. By participating in
elections, minority and marginalized groups can elect representatives
who understand and advocate for their specific interests and rights.

In conclusion, voting is essential for maintaining the health and vitality of

democratic societies. It empowers citizens, ensures government
accountability, and promotes fair representation, all of which are crucial
for the functioning of a just and equitable society.
● Write a letter to request a salary increase from the Manager.

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Manager's Name]
[Company Name]
[Company Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Request for Salary Increase

Dear [Manager's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to discuss the possibility of a salary

Over the past [time period, e.g., year], I have taken on additional responsibilities and
contributed significantly to our team's success, including [briefly mention specific
achievements or contributions]. I believe my efforts and the value I bring to the
company merit a review of my current compensation.

I am committed to continuing my hard work and dedication to our team's goals. I

would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this request further and explore how my
compensation can better reflect my contributions and the current market standards.

Thank you for your consideration.


[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]
Match the column

1. A crushing blow A. Higher than normal

2. A crying shame B. A hurtful action
3. A cushy job C. A disgrace
4. A cut above the average D. To make matters worse
5. Add fuel to fire E. An easy job

1. Callousness:
2. Incremental:
3. Incapacitated:
4. Rejuvenated:
5. Ambushed:
6. Insurgency:
7. Botched-up:
8. Augmenting:
9. Adherence:
Rc ans
Answer: C) Russia has a history of targeting both military and civilian locations.

Reference: "Russia says it targeted military and industrial bases and blamed Ukraine’s
missile defense for the damage to the civilian centres, but such claims cannot be trusted as
Russia’s sustained bombing campaigns in Ukraine have targeted military and civilian

C is correct because the passage states that Russia's sustained bombing campaigns in
Ukraine have targeted both military and civilian locations, making their claims untrustworthy.
A, B, and D are incorrect because the passage does not provide these reasons for
questioning Russia's claims.
Answer: B) A NATO summit in Washington was to take place.

Reference: "The June 8 attack came on the eve of a North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
(NATO) summit in Washington, where member-countries are expected to take
decisions on long-term commitment for Ukraine, including a €40 billion annual military

B is correct because the passage mentions that the missile strikes occurred on the eve
of a NATO summit in Washington.
A, C, and D are incorrect because the passage does not mention these events as
scheduled to happen on the day following the missile strikes.
Answer: B) To sign a new security pact with Poland.

Reference: "Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was in Warsaw on Monday
where he signed a new security pact with Poland."

B is correct because the passage states that Zelenskyy was in Warsaw to sign a new
security pact with Poland.
A, C, and D are incorrect because the passage does not mention these purposes for
his visit.
Answer: C) Shift towards the Rajouri-Poonch area in Jammu and Kashmir

Reference: "Reinforcing a new trend of terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir shifting
towards the Rajouri-Poonch area."

C is correct because the passage highlights a new trend of terrorism shifting towards the
Rajouri-Poonch area in Jammu and Kashmir.
A, B, and D are incorrect because these trends are not mentioned in the passage.
Answer: D) Redeployment of troops to the Line of Actual Control in Eastern Ladakh

Reference: "A major one is the vacuum on the ground with a large number of troops
redeployed to the Line of Actual Control in Eastern Ladakh."

D is correct because the passage states that a major factor leading to the new trend of
terrorism is the redeployment of troops to the Line of Actual Control in Eastern Ladakh.
A, B, and C, are incorrect because these factors are not mentioned in the passage as
leading to the new trend of terrorism.
@NimishaMam @mamnimisha

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