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• Overall Objective: Empowering girls in IT
Course Facilitator: Mrs. Nji Florence N.
Email: Contact: +237677818662



Course Title: Introduction to computer components

Lesson Objective: The learners should be capable to:
• Define a computer
• Identify components and types
• Differentiate between types of computers
• Enumerate roles of computer in everyday life
• Start and shutdown a computer
• Define the internet and its uses
• Practice safety measures online
 A computer is an electronic device that manipulates data or information.
 It has the ability to store, retrieve and process data.
There are two things all computers have in common: hardware and software
- Hardware – the physical part of a computer e.g. keyboard, mouse, monitor.
- Software – a set of instructions that tells the hardware what to do and how to do it. Eg web browser, word
processor. Anything we do on a computer relies on the hardware and software
Types of computers
Based on the objectives of the programme, we are focusing on the types we are going to be using.
1. Desktop computer.
A desktop computer has four main parts; the keyboard, mouse, monitor system unit and its components

Fig 1: A desktop computer

2. Laptop
 It is a personal computer that can be easily moved and used in any location.
 Everything is built in a single device



Fig. 2: A Laptop

Desktop Laptop
1. Desktop is connected directly to energy Laptop is chargeable
2. Not portable Laptop is portable
3. Desktop goes off when power goes off Laptop has backup power because of the battery
4. Desktop uses a mouse to control the pointer Laptop uses touchpad to control the pointer
Differences between desktops and laptops

3. Smartphones
 It is a cell phone that lets you do more than make phone calls and text messages.
 It uses a touch screen to allow users to interact with them.
 Smartphones are also called computers because their multipurpose functions

Fig.3: A Smartphone

Roles of the computer in everyday life

- Type documents
- Send e-mails
- Play games
- Browse the internet
- Create spreadsheets
- Presentations
- Watch videos
- Schools
- Government offices

- Banks
Start up and shut down a computer
- For a desktop computer, press the power buttons of the system unit and monitor
Allow the computer to come on.
- For a laptop, just the press the power button
Shut down a computer
For both desktop and laptop,
Go to the start button
Click on the power button
Click shut down
The internet
The internet is a vast network that connects computers all over the world. Through the internet, people can share
information and communication from anywhere with an internet connection
Uses of the internet
 Communication. Through the internet, individuals or organizations can exchange and share information and data
among themselves. E.g. voice call over the internet, video conferencing where two or more individuals in separate
locations connect visually and in real time, electronic messages through emails, text, voice and videos calls through
whatsApp and Facebook.
 Transfer files. Documents, videos, photos, texts can be exchanged among individuals or computers.
 Education. People study anywhere in the world at the convenience.
 Research. Enough material is available on the internet for research
 Ecommerce and online transactions. Buying and selling on the internet, banking transactions, payments of bills,
money transfers.
 Online reading. Read electronic newspapers and magazines.
Internet safety or security
Internet safety is being aware of the nature of possible threats that you could encounter when engaging in activity online
 Personal information
 Screen name
 Passwords
 Photos
 Online friends
 Online Ads
 Downloading
 Bullying
 Research

Course Title: Introduction to Computer Components

Lesson 2: Input Devices
Lesson Objectives
The learners should be capable to:
• Define and Identify input devices
• Understand how input devices help users to interact with computers
• Manipulate various input devices
Input Devices
 An input device is a computer hardware that allows a user to provide data to the computer systems.
 The instruction or data inserted during this process is called input while the device used to input data is known
as an input device.
 Some of the commonly used input devices include the mouse, keyboard, scanner, microphone etc



1. Keyboard
 The keyboard is used in entering data and commands in a computer or any electronic device by pressing the keys
 A keyboard has a different set of keys for letters, numbers, functions and characters.
 It is connected to the computer system through a USB cable. Most of the keyboards are in two sizes- 84keys or
101/102 keys.
 Laptops come with an inbuilt keyboard which makes the laptops smaller and lighter.
 Most modern devices such as smartphones, tablets come with onscreen virtual keyboards which helps to input
 There are two types of keyboard –QWERTY which is an English keyboard and AZERTY a French keyboard

Fig. 4: A keyboard fig.5. French and English keyboard

2. The mouse

 This is hand-held device is used to move cursor or pointer on the screen.

 It helps the user to interact with the computer system through a process called “point and click”.
 It works on a flat surface and has a left and right button with a wheel in between to perform different tasks. `

Fig. 6: a Mouse

Functions of a mouse
Pointing: point to any object or symbol and wait for a couple of seconds and it will tell you its name
Moving the cursor: move the mouse pointer or cursor on the screen. As it moves the cursor the shape changes with
different activities.
Clicking: clicking is the action of pressing and releasing a button on the mouse. Clicks are used to select objects
Right-clicking: it is the action of pressing and releasing the right mouse button. This opens a menu that contains options
specific to the object that you right clicked
Double-clicking: this is the action of pressing and releasing a mouse button twice quickly. Double-clicks are used to open
documents, files, folders or programs
Dragging and dropping: this is the technique of moving objects, texts around the screen. To drag an object, click and hold
the left mouse button while moving the mouse. To drop the object, you release the mouse button
Scrolling: a mouse has a scroll wheel that can be used to move through the documents or web pages. To scroll, you just
roll the wheel forward and backward
3. Touchscreen
 A touchscreen is an input device that is sensitive to the pressure of touch rather than the mouse and keyboard.
 The user interacts with the screen by directly touching elements with their finger or a stylus pen.
 It is very convenient and accurate when entering data
 It requires less hardware and improved space efficiency.


Lesson Objective
At the end of the lesson, students should be apt to:
• Define and Identify output devices
• Understand how output devices help users to interact with computers
• Manipulate various output devices
An output device is a computer hardware that accepts data from a computer and converts them into human readable
form. The output device receives information from the computer and presents it in the form of display, projection and
on paper. The output generated by output devices can be classified into two types.
- Soft copy output: output which is stored in computer memory and displayed on the screen that can be modified
- Hard copy output: it is the physical form of material that is printed on a paper



Input Processing Output


How an output device works

For example
- If you enter “Hi IT Girls” on a computer keyboard (input device), the computer receives the signal.
- Once the input has been processed by the computer, an input device-a monitor is signaled.
- The display (output) of the “Hi IT Girls” on the screen occurs once the monitor receives the signal.
- You can also use the printer to reproduce “Hi IT Girls” on a paper.
Types of output devices
1. Monitor
A monitor is an output device used to display information being entered and processed on a computer. The primary use
of the monitor is to display images, text, video and graphics information from the computer. They are very similar to

2. Printer
A printer is an output device that produces physical copies of digital documents or imagines. The printer receives the
data to be printed from the computer or other devices. The printer processes the data and translates it into a form that
can be printed.

3. Speaker
Speakers are attached to computers to facilitate the output of sound. Sound cards are required in the computer for
speakers to function.



Lesson: The CPU

Lesson Objective: At the end of the lesson, students should be apt to:
 Define a CPU
 Identify its key parts
 Enumerate the functions of the CPU
 Demonstrate how a CPU functions

The CPU also called a microprocessor is the brain of the computer. Like the human brain, the CPU controls all the functions
of the computer. The CPU itself has the following three components.
Parts or components of the CPU
1. Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU)
This unit consist of two subsections- arithmetic section and logic section.
Functions of the ALU
- The arithmetic section is to perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
- The logic section is to perform logic operations like comparing, selecting and merging data.
2. The control unit (CU)
The control unit directs the flow of data and instructions within the CPU. It controls the operations of all parts of computer
but does not carry out any actual data processing operations.
Functions of the control unit
- It is responsible for controlling the transfer of data, and instructions between other units of the computer
- It manages and coordinates all the units of the computer
- It obtains the instruction from the memory, interprets them and directs the operation of the computer
- It communicates with input/output devices for transfer of data or results from storage.
- It sends data to ALU, memory unit and other locations as needed.
-it translates things into binary in order to store them and sends instructions to many different output devices
It does not process or store data

3. The memory or storage unit. These are temporary high speed storage locations within the CPU that hold data and
instructions while they are being processed.
Functions of the memory
- It stores all the data and instructions required for processing
- It stores immediate results of processing
- It stores the final results of processing before these results are released to an output device.
- All inputs and outputs are transmitted through the memory

Lesson: Memory and Storage

Lesson objective: At the end of the lesson, kids develop aptitude to:
 Define memory and storage
 Differentiate between memory and storage components of a computer
 Distinguish between RAM and a hard drive



 Save information in memory and storage devices.

It is a hardware component that allows the computer to temporarily store and access data quickly. It is also known as the
primary or main memory.
Types of memory
RAM: Random Access Memory.
It is the main memory of a computer that is used to store data that the CPU needs to access quickly


Cache memory
It is a small high speed memory located closer to the CPU that stores frequently accessed data and instructions to minimize
the time taken to fetch them from the main memory
Registers: These are smallest and fastest memory units that store data which the CPU needs to perform immediate
calculations and operations

It is a physical location in a computer where data and files are stored permanently for future use.
Types of storage components
Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
It is a storage device used to store data permanently for future use. It is the main storage device in a computer

A hard disk
Others include: CD (Compact Disc), DVD (Digital Versatile Disc), USB Flash Drives, Memory cards
Difference between a RAM and Hard Disk Drive
- RAM is used for temporary storage while Hard disk is used for permanent storage
- Data and information in RAM is lost when the computer is shut down while the contents in hard disk remain when
the computer is shut down
- RAM is much faster than hard disk
- RAM has less storage than hard disk
- RAM is used to store running program and data that the computer is actively using while hard disk is used to store
the operating system, installed applications and all the user data like documents, pictures, videos etcLesson:
Exploring Inside a Computer
Lesson Objective: At the end of the lesson kids should:
 Identify Key internal components of a computer (motherboard, CPU, and RAM)
 Opening a computer case and identify the components(using models or visuals)



Internal components of the computer

These are the components found inside the computer case. A computer case or system unit is a rectangular container
within which other important internal components can be found. Some of the components inside the computer are:
Motherboard, Processor or CPU, RAM, Hard disk, Power Supply and Fan
- This is the main circuit board inside the computer that connects the different parts of a computer together.
- All other devices are connected to it
- It unites all the devices (video card, RAM, sound card, hard drive and link them together.
- It is the component that performs the bulk of the computer’s work
- Data from other devices is sent to the processor for calculations
Random Access Memory
- It stores and quickly access data
- All information on it is lost after the power is turned off
Hard Drive
- It is the central storage of data in the computer.
- It is designed to store music, videos, photos, documents and other files in the computer’s permanent memory.
Video Card
- It is a computer component responsible for generating and displaying images
- It converts the image in the computer’s memory into a video signal for the monitor
Power Supply unit
- It is a component that converts electrical energy into direct current required by the computer.
- Its case holds a transformer, a voltage control and a cooling fan
- It provides power to the computer
- It stabilizes and protects the computer against minor interference in an electrical network
- It is a component that helps to prevent the various computer parts from overheating
- A computer fan does three things:
 Draws cooler air from the outside into the computer case
 Pushes out warm air from the computer
 Moves the air across a heat sink to cool the CPU. The heat sink is a component that absorbs and scatters


Lesson: The Concept of Software

Lesson objective: in the current lesson, kids should be able to;
 Describe a software
 List different types of software
 Define operating system and navigate Windows operating system user interfaces and menus
 Create folders and save files

Definition of software
A computer software also called a program is a set of instructions that directs a computer how to perform specific
tasks or operation.



Types of software
Software is divided into two main groups
1. System software
2. Application software
System software
These are software that control the way different computer components communicate with each other. They are
programs that help run the computer hardware and software. Examples of system software are; operating system, device
drivers, utility software
Application software
These are software designed to perform a specific task for the end users. Examples Word Processor, Spreadsheet,
Presentation, Database Management
The operating system
An operating system is a software installed on a computer’s hard drive that enables the computer communicate with the
computer software. Without a computer operating system, a computer and its other software would be useless. Examples
Windows, Macintosh etc.
User interfaces and Menus
A user interface (UI) refers to the part of the operating system that allows users to interact with the computer. There two
type of User interfaces
a. Graphical User Interface (GUI): this interface allows users to click and drag objects with a mouse. Examples of
Graphical User Interface based operating system are Macintosh, windows etc
b. Text User Interface (TUI): it is a user interface that requires a user to type in commands through the keyboard to
pass instructions to the computer. Examples Disk Operating system (DOS), UNIX.
A menu is a set of options presented to the user of a computer program to help them find information or perform a

Windows User interfaces and Menus

The name Windows OS comes from the fact that programs run in “windows. Each program has its own window and you
can have several programs open at the same time
File Management
A file: a file is a collection of data or information that is stored and identified by a unique name. Files can contain text,
imagines, videos, audios or any type of data. To create a file, right-click anywhere on the desktop and choose New
and select the program you want to work on. To save the file, select Save As from the file menu and type the name
you want to give to the file.
A folder: a folder is a space used to store files and other folders. To create a new folder on the desktop, right-click
anywhere blank and choose New>Folder from the menu. Then type a name for your folder and press Enter.

Lesson objective: In the current lesson, kids should be able to;
 Describe coding and its importance
 Explain basic concepts of sequences and loops in programming
 Create simple programs using block-based programming languages
CODING is telling the computer what to do by giving it instructions. Computers need to follow instructions step by
step to do things. Code can be compared to a recipe to cook something; you need ingredients, instructions, and
conditions. Computers need very specific instructions in order to do things. Breaking down what you are trying to do
into small parts is a key element in coding.
Importance of coding
Develops Logical thinking: coding requires kids to break down complex problems into smaller, and manageable steps.
This helps in developing their logical thinking skills and ability to solve problems.

Encourages creativity: coding allows kids to bring their ideas to life. They can use their imagination to create games,
animations and websites
Improves communication skills: coding requires clear and good communication especially when working in teams. Kids
can improve their communication skills by working together to create a project.
Prepares for the future: coding is an in-demand skill in the job market and it is becoming increasingly important for kids
to learn it. By developing these skills at a young age, kids can better themselves for future careers.
Boosts confidence: when kids successfully create a project through coding, it boosts their confidence and sense of
accomplishments. This can lead to a positive attitude towards learning and a desire to continue exploring new technology.
Encourages collaboration: coding projects often require teamwork and collaboration. Kids can work together and learn
how to communicate effectively with others
Coding builds storytelling skills. Creating something digitally is simply telling a story. Through coding we are creating
stories for people e.g. Scratch program allows kids to create games, digital stories animations etc.
Coding develops patience: Coding requires a lot of patience. This is because in the course of coding you would experience
break-up and failures. This develops great patience in children.


1. Loop: in computer code, a loop is something that repeats again and again until it is told to stop e. g. think of
a bedtime routine which could be something like this:
 Go to the bathroom
 Brush teeth
 Change into pajamas
 Get into bed
 Turn off the lights. Because it will take much longer to list out every step each day, we call this loop
“getting ready for bed”. Our brains repeat this loop every single day and we understand that the loop
requires each step to be completed.
A computer programmer performs a similar task when coding a loop. They take several processes and instruct the
computer to carry out the loop as many times as they need.
2. Sequence: A sequence is just the order of tasks. A programmer tells the computer which task to perform first,
which to perform second and so on so that every requirement falls into its proper place.
Block-based programming language
It is a type of coding or programming where a program is created by dragging and dropping blocks and attaching
them together instead of writing code. When we talk of blocks, it is a way to describe pieces of instructions a user
is putting together in order to tell their creations what to do. Examples of block-based programming include
Blockly, Scratch

Create simple programs using Scratch

Scratch is a drag –and-drop coding platform that doesn’t require typing skills.

Lesson: Computational Thinking

Lesson objective:
The lesson should enable kids to:
 Develop computational thinking, logical and problem-solving skills
 Understand Algorithms, pattern recognition and abstraction and their importance in programming

What is computational thinking?

Computational thinking is a problem-solving method that involves breaking down complex or big problems into small
and manageable portions and setting efficient ways to solve them. It is the act of breaking down an issue into stages that
are basic enough for a computer to understand.

Elements of computational thinking

1. Decomposition: it is the process of breaking down large issues into smaller, easier to manage portions.
Decomposition enables students to evaluate the situation at hand and determine all the steps required to
complete an assignment. E.g prepare a breakfast
2. Pattern Recognition: it is just looking at patterns in puzzles and deciding whether any of the last problems or
solutions apply here. What have we learned in the past that could useful in resolving the issue? E.g. a smart
phone and ATM machine or a fixed phone
3. Abstraction: it is process of recognizing the important details to solve the problem while ignoring or leaving out
those that are not important.
4. Algorithm design: it is the process of laying out the actions and rules that must be followed to obtain the same
results every time. E.g prepare eru
Importance of computational thinking
1. Computational thinking helps us break down bigger problems into smaller and manageable portions by
decomposition. E.g. how do I obtain the best results in my public examination?
2. Routines, habits are examples of patterns that may be used to assist us in understanding or solving a situation
that is strange to us. E.g we would have no idea how to use a fixed phone or an ATM machine but the pattern or
habit of dialing a phone number on a smartphone would certainly help us figure it out.
3. Abstraction is the process of focusing on what is important and ignoring what is not important. This helps in
time management and organization.
4. Algorithm design takes what has been learned in the previous steps and creates a set of rules that if followed
will solve the problem at hand.

Write down all the steps to take in order to obtain an excellent result in your public exams

Lesson: Introduction to Scratch Programming Environment

Lesson Objective: The lesson should foster kids’ ability to
 Describe Scratch and related programming concepts and the importance in programming
 Master and Navigate the Scratch environment
 Create, present, share projects to the class
What is Scratch?
Scratch is a programming language that is perfect for making games, animations, interactive stories and other visually
rich programs. It provides a great introduction to programming for people of all ages. You don’t have to remember or
type any commands: they’re all on screen, so you can just drag and drop them. Scratch is a programming language that
allows you to use code blocks to create animations stories, musical instruments, games, and much more
Features of the Scratch environment





Programming palette Script

1) Stage: This is where everything will take place. The stage can be different backgrounds.
2) Sprites –are the actors or main characters of the project. Sprites are programmed to do something in Scratch
3) Script – tells the actors what to say or do. Each sprite is programmed with a script.
4) Programming palette – elements used to program the sprite to do or say something. Sprites must be programmed to
carry out every function you want them to perform

Programming concepts

Conditional statements: If Then-Else Decisions: Conditional statement are building blocks of decision making in coding.
They allow a program to make choices based on specific conditions. E.g. if it is raining outside, then wear a raincoat; else
wear a regular jacket. Kids can learn that different conditions lead to different actions
Events: An event is a change in the state of an object. The change in states is usually brought about user behavior. It is
used as a means to dictate the flow of a program. e.g. mouse clicks, keys , button presses, screen touching
Variables: A variable is a value that can change. A variable provide temporal storage for information that will be needed
during the computer program. It can be any character, number or quantity that can be measured or counted.

Lesson: Introduction to Robotics

• Definition of Robotics
 Basics of robotics and its applications
 Benefits of learning Robotics
Lesson Objective: This lesson should help the kids’ aptitude to
 Define Robotics
 Apply basic knowledge of robotics and robots to benefit them in life
What is robotics?



Robotics is defined as a field of study that deals with the design, construction, operation and application of robots.
Robotics is applied to create intelligent machines that can sense their environment, process it and make decision
without manual intervention. The goal of the field robotics is to develop smart machines that can help people in various
What is a robot?
Robots refer to the physical machines or devices that are designed and programmed to perform a specific task. They
can be autonomous, meaning they can operate on their own without human intervention or they can be controlled by
What is the difference between robotics and robot?
Robotics is a branch of engineering and computer science that involves the creation, design manufacture and operation
and use of robots. The objective is to create intelligent machines that can assist humans in various ways. A robot is a
programmable machine that can complete a task, while robotics describes the field of study that focuses on developing
robots and automation. Robots have a practical purpose of performing tasks in real-world settings like factories or
homes while robotics is used in fields like health care(surgical robot), space exploration(e.g. rovers), transportation (e.g.
self-driving cars), agriculture(e.g. harvesting machines), military operations (e.g. bomb disposal robots) etc.
Robotics and its applications
1. Security: robots can serve as security agents, protecting humans without being vulnerable to danger like human
security guards. There are autonomous security robots equipped with cutting-edge features to assist human
security guards effectively. They are capable of providing real time, actionable intelligence, helping to prevent
and address crimes like armed robberies, fraud, hit-and-run etc.
2. Space exploration: many things in space are very dangerous for astronauts to do. Humans can’t roam on Mars
all day to collect soil samples in deep space. Robots are used because there are no chances of loss of human life.
NASA frequently use robots and autonomous vehicle to do things that humans can’t do e.g. Mars Rover travels
on space and takes Martian rock formations and then sends them back to earth for NASA scientists to study.
3. Agriculture: robots are also in agriculture for harvesting crops. Robotic harvesters carry out the harvesting
process, allowing farmers to complete tasks efficiently. There are also robots that target and spray weeds and
chemical products for crop health.
4. Underwater exploration: robots are used to explore places that humans can’t easily reach like the depths of the
ocean. A deep underwater is a mysterious place that can be explored using specially designed robots that are
remote controlled. They can go into the depth of the ocean to collect data and images of aquatic plant and
animal life.
5. Manufacturing: many automating repetitive tasks don’t need the use of human mind like welding, assembling
and packing. Robots are trained to perform these repetitive and monotonous tasks correctly with the
supervision of a human.
6. Military: robots can be used as drones to survey and spy on the enemy.
7. Customer service: some robots are developed to look like humans. Some humanoid robots can recognize people
from their previous visits, make eye contact, shake hands, and continue chatting based on the previous
8. Entertainment: they can be used alongside performers to carry out complex choreography, acrobatic
movements to live performance.

Benefits of robotics
a. Increased productivity: robots perform repetitive tasks with high speed and consistency leading to
increased productivity and efficiency e.g. manufacturing industry.
b. Improved quality: robots perform tasks exactly the way they were programmed to do thereby reducing
errors and improve the quality of products
c. Increased safety: robots can be used in hazardous environments or perform dangerous tasks that are risky
to human workers.
d. Cost savings: robots replace human labour thereby reducing the cost of paying manual workers.



e. Increased accuracy: robots are able to perform tasks accurately leading to improved results in field such as
manufacturing and scientific research.
f. High production capacity: robots can work continuously without getting tired thereby increasing production
Lesson: Internet and Online Safety
Lesson Objective:
This lesson could help kids to
 Understand the opportunities and challenges in using internet
 Understand notions of cyberbullying, personal information and reliable sources
 Navigate the internet regarding safety, privacy and responsible digital practices
 The internet and its uses

The uses of the internet

Send and receive e-mail

Email allows us to send and receive messages from anybody with an internet connection
Search for information
The internet has information available on practically every subject. It is used a useful tool for researching and
communicating about various kinds of topics
Make online payments, finance and banking
You may monitor your bank account’s balance, perform transactions and transfer funds through the internet. A lot of
internet service providers let you check and pay your bills online
Chatting is a feature that allows internet users to connect from any location around the globe. Despite the physical
separation, it seems as though you are conversing with the other person.
Online shopping
You may now shop without leaving your home because of online retailers. Through the internet, you may order a
product that will be supplied to your home.
You may enjoying viewing movies and listening to music on the internet, which offers huge selection of both.
Playing games
There is a huge selection of games available on the internet that you may play independently or with fellow internet
Challenges in using the internet
 Hacking
 Cyber attackers on personal information and personal data
 Internet virus risks can harm personal information and data
 Internet addition causes time to waste, which harms our wellbeing and productivity
 Online gaming addiction causes health problems
 Students that engage in excessive gaming and web browsing are distracted by the internet
 A lot of audio and video content is in appropriate for particular groups

The notion of cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is the use of digital technology to send post or share negative, harmful, false, or mean content about
someone else
What to do when bullied online
Tell someone
Talk to your school counselor
Walk away
Resist the urge to respond but save the evidence of the bullying, it can help prove your case

Report bullying
Block the bully
Be safe online that use passwords to protect your smartphone and your online sites.

Safe internet practices

Protect your personal information with strong passwords
Keep personal information private
Make you your devices are secure
Pay attention to software updates
Be careful about Wi-Fi
Back up your personal data

Online privacy and responsible digital citizenship

Online privacy refers to how much of your personal, financial, and browsing data remains private when you’re
Digital citizenship: it is the set of rules, values and behaviours that govern how people interact with technology
Treat others with respect.
Balance your time doing several activities
Friends should be people you know
Protect your personal information
Stay safe online use strong passwords,
If something makes you feel uncomfortable tell a trusted adult
If you see something strange or too good to be true always ask an adult
Anything you type or post can be seen by your parents, teachers, friends and strangers. It cannot be taken back once
Not everything on the internet is true
Do not copy or steal other people’s property (e.g. illegally download music and movies, copy someone else’s work and
put your name on it).
Do not bully

Lesson: Introduction to Patterns

Lesson objective: In the current lesson, kids should be able to;

• Identify shapes, colors, numbers used in everyday life
• Identify simple patterns and sequences
• Recognize and classify different shapes and colors patterns
• Identify number sequences
• Count numbers forward and backward
• Identify missing numbers in a sequence

What are patterns?
A pattern is something that happens in a regular and repeated way. Colour, activity, form, number and other
patterns that we see in our daily lives are examples of patterns. They can be finite or infinite.
Finite and infinite patterns
 The pattern in which the first and the last member of the pattern are known as a finite pattern. For
example in pattern 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15, the first term is 3 and the last term is 15



 An infinite pattern is a sequence in which the first member is known but the last member is unknown.
For example: in pattern 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18….., the first term is known but where the pattern will stop is
not known
Rules of Pattern
To create a specific pattern, you need to consider a specific set of rules. Patterns can be formed using three
 Repeating Pattern. It is a type of pattern which follows the same rule in the whole pattern is known as
a repeated pattern. Usually these are letters and shapes
 Growing pattern. When numbers are arranged in ascending order in a growth pattern or when each
number is greater than the previous number. For example: 2, 6, 10……….
 Shrinking Pattern. In this pattern, the numbers are sorted in descending order or each number is less
than the previous one. For example: 9, 8. 7, 6………………
Shapes and Colors
A shape is defined as the form of an object or its outline, outer boundary or outer surface. There are 2 different
types of shapes. An open shape and a closed shape. An open shape is a shape whose lines segments or curves
do not meet while a closed shape is a shape whose line segments or curves are connected. Closed geometric
shapes are of two categories- two and three dimensional shapes.
a. Two dimensional shape. It is flat and has two dimensions that is , length and width
b. Three dimensional shape. It is a solid shape and it has two dimensions that is, length, width and depth
Two dimensional shapes
Name of shape Description
Circle It is a round shaped figure that has on corners or edges
Semi-circle A half-circle is part of a circle with a diameter and half of the circumference
Oval It has on straight lines and angles. The oval shape has one flat face similar to that of an egg
Triangle It is a shape with three straight sides. A triangle is a polygon.
Square It is a shape with 4 equal sides and 4 equal angles each measuring 900 . A square is a
Rectangle It has 4 sides and 4 angles. Its 2 sides meet at right angles. The opposite sides of the rectangle
have the same length and are parallel
Parallelogram It is a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides. The opposite sides of the parallelogram are
of equal length and the opposite angles are of the same measure.
Rhombus It is a special type of a parallelogram whose all sides are equal
Kite it is a quadrilateral whose 4 sides can be grouped into 2 pairs of equal length that are adjacent
to each other
Pentagon It is a polygon which has 5 sides and 5 angles
Hexagon It is a polygon with 6 sides and 6 angles
Heptagon It is a polygon with 7 sides and 7 angles
Octagon It is a polygon which has 8 sides and 8 angles
Nonagon It is a polygon which has 9 sides and 9 angles
Decagon It is a polygon which has 10 sides and 10 angles

Three Dimensional shapes



Name of shape Description

Sphere It is round, ball shaped solid. It has one continues surface with no sides or angles
Cube It is a rectangular solid in which each face is a square
Cuboid or It is a rectangular solid which has 6 faces each of which is a rectangle
Cone It has a flat surface and a curve surface pointed towards the top. The pointed end is the apex
and the flat surface is the base.
Cylinder It is a shape with a circle at its base

Assignment. Draw the various shapes above and colour them

Number Patterns
What is number Sequence? A number sequence is lists of numbers that show certain patterns. When you
understand the pattern of any sequence, you can figure out the next number in the sequence. For example,
consider this list below of numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Observe the sequence and you will find out that the next
number is 12.
Order of the Sequence
A number sequence can either be in ascending order or descending order. When the elements in a series appear
starting from the lowest and moving upwards, the order of the sequence is ascending. If the elements in the
series start from the highest moving downward, the number sequence is descending
• Counting forward and backward
In maths counting can be defined as the act of determining the quantity or the total number of objects in a set
or group. Counting forward is counting by adding one more every time. E.g 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Counting
backward is counting by saying numbers in a reverse order. E g. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0

Identifying missing numbers in a sequence

Steps to find missing numbers in a sequence
Step 1: Find the difference of each pair of consecutive terms in the sequence by subtracting each term from the
term that comes directly after it
Step 2: Add the difference to the number before the missing number in the sequence
Step 3: Repeat step 2 for any other missing number

1. Find the missing term in the series2, 8, 14, 20, ____?
a. 24 b. 26 c. 30 d. 32
2. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,……………………..this series
a. Finite
b. Infinite
c. None of the above
3. What is the next term of series 22, 20, 18, 16, __?
a. 14 b. 12 c. 15 d, 18




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