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Good morning to honourable adjudicators, teachers and friends.

” Ya inseng
mata kaji semarang inseng. Do you want to know what will happen to this
magic spells’ friends? So, listen to this story entitled” The Weird Spell”.

Once upon a time there was a witch who accidently invented a weird
spell. “Whoever the spell was use on, would get perfect teeth,”. The witch’s
toad came to her excitedly and begged her to use the spell on him. After
thinking for some time, the witch finally decided to use it on her toad. “Ya
inseng mata kaji semarang inseng..” Suddenly, the toad became a very smiley
amphibian. It could eat all sorts of food and it also started speaking! The witch
told the toad to take care of his teeth and kept his promise. Or else, he will lost
his teeth and couldn’t talk anymore. The toad shook his head and agreed.

“Rebet….rebet…I’m delighted with my change. I’m a talking toad! I

prefer eating a lot of candy to feeding on filthy flies”. The witch noticed that
the toad was taking little care about choosing what to eat and she kept telling
the toad , “Look after your teeth, look after your teeth Mr toad!Remember to
brush your teeth so you don’t get a toothache. And above all, don’t eat so
many sweets, don’t eat so many sweets…”

But the toad didn’t pay much attention. He thought that his teeth were
too strong. He liked sweets so much, but he didn’t brush his teeth. One day, a
tooth started decaying. The decay spread through out his mouth.
Rebet….Rebet…..Oh, my teeth kill me”. There were holes in all his teeth, and
they were starting to fall out. He decided to start looking after them, but it was
to late. And when the last tooth fell out, he couldn’t talk anymore.

Poor Mr toad! If he hadn’t lost his teeth, he would promise to the witch
to brush them every day. After all, there’s nothing more disgusting than to go
back eating bugs. Yuck.

So, friends, the moral of the story are first, we have to keep our promise.
Second, take care of our teeth. Brush out teeth at least twice a day and don’t
take so many sweets. Or else, you will become like a toad in my story, have no
teeth at all.

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