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Open Chemistry 2024; 22: 20240055

Research Article

Soufiane Drioua, Otman El-Guourrami, Mouna Ameggouz, Fatima Zahra Benkhouili,

Amine Assouguem, Mohammed Kara*, Omkulthom Al Kamaly, Anwar M. Alnakhli,
Abdessamad Ait Benlabchir, Hanane Benzeid, Anass Doukkali

Study of phytochemical compound and

antipyretic activity of Chenopodium ambrosioides
L. fractions
received February 7, 2024; accepted May 3, 2024

Abstract: This study investigates the chemical composition

and potential medicinal properties of different fractions
of Chenopodium ambrosioides using mass spectrometry.

* Corresponding author: Mohammed Kara, Laboratory of
Biotechnology, Conservation and Valorisation of Natural Resources
(LBCVNR), Faculty of Sciences Dhar El Mehraz, Sidi Mohamed Ben
Abdallah University, BP 1796, Atlas, Fez, 30000, Morocco,
Soufiane Drioua: Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Drug
Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Mohammed V University in
Rabat, Rabat, Morocco, e-mail:
Otman El-Guourrami: Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Department
of Drug Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Mohammed V
University in Rabat, Rabat, Morocco, e-mail:
Mouna Ameggouz: Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Department of
Drug Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Mohammed V University
in Rabat, Rabat, Morocco, e-mail:
Fatima Zahra Benkhouili: Laboratory of Medicinal Chemistry,
Department of Drug Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy,
Mohammed V University in Rabat, Rabat, Morocco,
Amine Assouguem: Laboratory of Functional Ecology and Environment,
Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah
Graphical abstract
University, Fez, 30000, Morocco; Laboratory of Applied Organic
Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Sidi Mohamed Ben
C. ambrosioides, commonly known as epazote, has been
Abdellah University, Fez, 30000, Morocco, e-mail:
traditionally used in folk medicine for its purported health
Omkulthom Al Kamaly: Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
College of Pharmacy, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, P.O. benefits. However, there is a lack of comprehensive under-
Box 84428, Riyadh, 11671, Saudi Arabia, e-mail: standing regarding its bioactive compounds and their
Anwar M. Alnakhli: Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of physiological effects. Our study aims to fill this gap by
Pharmacy, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, P.O. Box analyzing the chemical constituents of three fractions of
84428, Riyadh, 11671, Saudi Arabia, e-mail:
C. ambrosioides – CHF, BF, and AF – and assessing their
Abdessamad Ait Benlabchir: Laboratory of Natural Substances,
Pharmacology, Environment, Modeling, Health and Quality of Life, antioxidant and antipyretic properties. The results reveal
Faculty of Sciences, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, 30000,
Morocco, e-mail: 
Hanane Benzeid: Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Drug Anass Doukkali: Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, Department of
Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Mohammed V University in Drug Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Mohammed V
Rabat, Rabat, Morocco, e-mail: University in Rabat, Rabat, Morocco, e-mail:

Open Access. © 2024 the author(s), published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
2  Soufiane Drioua et al.

a diverse array of bioactive compounds in each fraction, the heart of this phenomenon lie prostaglandins (PGs), lipid
including protocatechuic acid, vanillin, syringaldehyde, compounds that exert profound effects on thermoregulation
flavonoids, and phenolic acids, which are known for their and immune function [2]. The synthesis and release of PGs
pharmacological activities. Notably, the CHF fraction exhi- during the immune response play a pivotal role in fever
bits compounds linked to antioxidant effects, suggesting genesis and maintenance, amplifying the body’s defenses
potential therapeutic applications in managing oxidative against invading pathogens. However, unchecked PG pro-
stress-related disorders. Furthermore, the AF and BF frac- duction can lead to excessive fever, necessitating pharma-
tions also contain compounds with antioxidant properties, cological interventions to restore homeostasis and alleviate
emphasizing the plant’s potential health benefits. In addi- discomfort. Thus, understanding the intricate interplay
tion to chemical analysis, the study evaluates the antipyretic between PGs and fever pathology is crucial for devising
activity of these fractions using a murine model. Significant effective therapeutic strategies [3].
reductions in rectal temperatures are observed in groups C. ambrosioides emerges as a captivating subject of
treated with FB and FA fractions, indicating a potential role pharmacological inquiry, owing to its rich phytochemical
in modulating body temperature. Conversely, moderate effects composition and potential therapeutic properties. Within
are noted in the FCH and ethyl acetate fraction (EAF) groups, its botanical bounty lies a myriad of bioactive compounds,
suggesting a milder response within safe limits. These findings each holding the promise of novel pharmacological appli-
underscore the importance of further mechanistic studies to cations [4]. This study endeavors to unravel the chemical
elucidate the precise mechanisms underlying the observed constituents of C. ambrosioides sourced from the Rabat
effects and ensure the safe utilization of C. ambrosioides frac- region in Morocco, shedding light on its pharmacological
tions in medicinal applications. By bridging the gap between potential, particularly in the context of fever management.
traditional knowledge and scientific evidence, this study con- By employing a multifaceted approach encompassing che-
tributes to advancing our understanding of the therapeutic mical analysis and pharmacological assessment, this research
potential of C. ambrosioides and lays the groundwork for aims to bridge the gap between traditional knowledge and
future research in this field. scientific inquiry, unlocking the therapeutic treasures hidden
within this botanical gem [5].
Keywords: Chenopodium ambrosioides, fractions, antipyretic
The exploration of C. ambrosioides’s pharmacological
activity, phytochemical analysis, LC–MS/MS
potential is not merely an academic pursuit but holds pro-
found implications for public health and medical practice.
With the rising prevalence of antibiotic resistance and the
1 Introduction limitations of conventional therapies, there is an urgent
need to explore alternative sources of therapeutic agents.
The plant known as Chenopodium ambrosioides, commonly Natural products, derived from plants and other organ-
called “Mkhinza,” is a prevalent annual herb belonging to isms, have long served as reservoirs of bioactive com-
the Amaranthaceae family. Originally hailing from Central pounds, offering novel avenues for drug discovery and
and South America, it has spread extensively throughout development. C. ambrosioides, with its rich history of tra-
tropical and subtropical regions globally, showcasing its ditional usage and its complex chemical profile, presents a
remarkable adaptability and resilience. Throughout his- tantalizing opportunity for pharmacological exploration.
tory, this botanical marvel has held a revered status in By systematically elucidating its chemical constituents
traditional medicine, with its leaves and stems serving as and evaluating its pharmacological effects, this study
potent remedies for a myriad of ailments. From alleviating seeks to unlock the therapeutic potential of C. ambro-
headaches and abdominal pain to easing joint discomfort sioides, paving the way for the development of novel
and respiratory issues, C. ambrosioides has been a stalwart fever-reducing agents and antimicrobial therapies [6].
ally in the pursuit of health and wellness for generations. The geographical origin of C. ambrosioides, particu-
This rich tapestry of traditional usage underscores the larly its collection from the Rabat region in Morocco,
plant’s cultural significance and underscores its potential adds a unique dimension to this study. Environmental fac-
as a source of valuable medicinal compounds [1]. tors such as soil composition, climate, and altitude can
Fever, a complex physiological response involving a profoundly influence the chemical composition of plants,
cascade of intricate mechanisms remains a ubiquitous leading to variations in their pharmacological properties.
challenge in medical practice. From infancy to old age, By focusing on specimens sourced from a specific geogra-
febrile episodes can arise from diverse etiologies, ranging phical region, this study aims to capture the inherent diver-
from infectious pathogens to inflammatory conditions. At sity within C. ambrosioides’s chemical profile and its
Phytochemical analysis and antipyretic activity of C. ambrosioides L  3

potential implications for pharmacological activity. Moreover, pharmacology. Through interdisciplinary collaboration and
by establishing a connection between traditional usage and rigorous scientific inquiry, we can harness the healing
scientific inquiry, this research seeks to validate the efficacy power of C. ambrosioides for the betterment of human
of C. ambrosioides as a medicinal agent, providing empirical health and well-being.
evidence to support its continued use in folk medicine prac-
tices [4].
The integration of chemical analysis and pharmacolo-
gical evaluation represents a synergistic approach to unco- 2 Materials and methods
vering C. ambrosioides’s medicinal potential. Through advanced
analytical techniques such as mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS),
2.1 Plant material
researchers can identify and characterize the diverse array of
chemical compounds present in C. ambrosioides. From polyphe-
The entire plant of C. ambrosioides (Chenopodiaceae) was
nols and flavonoids to terpenoids and alkaloids, each com-
meticulously collected in the Rabat region of Morocco
pound holds unique pharmacological properties, contributing
during the period from May to July 2021 (geographical
to the overall therapeutic profile of the plant. By elucidating the
coordinates: 33.970878, −6.814212). To ensure botanical authen-
chemical constituents of C. ambrosioides, researchers can
ticity, rigorous authentication procedures were conducted by
gain valuable insights into its pharmacological mechanisms
the expert floristics team at the esteemed Scientific Institute of
of action, laying the foundation for targeted therapeutic
Rabat. A representative specimen of this species has been
interventions [7].
meticulously cataloged and preserved within the herbarium
In parallel, pharmacological assessment provides a
of the Scientific Institute of Rabat, designated with the unique
window into C. ambrosioides’s physiological effects, particu-
sample identifier RAB113708. Following collection, the har-
larly in the context of fever management. By employing
vested plant samples underwent careful drying under
animal models and in vitro assays, researchers can evaluate
ambient conditions within the laboratory premises, pre-
the plant’s antipyretic properties, elucidating its potential
paratory to the subsequent extraction process. The desic-
mechanisms of action and therapeutic efficacy. Through meti-
cated plant material was then finely powdered utilizing a
culous experimentation and data analysis, this research aims
Binatone Moulinex blender, ensuring optimal consistency
to establish a causal relationship between C. ambrosioides’s
for further analytical procedures.
chemical composition and its pharmacological effects, pro-
viding a scientific rationale for its traditional usage as a
fever-reducing agent.
This comprehensive approach, integrating chemical ana- 2.2 Fraction preparation
lysis and pharmacological evaluation, holds immense promise
for unlocking the therapeutic potential of C. ambrosioides. By To prepare the fractions, 50 g of the dried aerial part of C.
elucidating its chemical constituents and evaluating its phar- ambrosioides underwent a Soxhlet extraction with cyclo-
macological effects, researchers can not only validate its tradi- hexane. Following dry evaporation, the resulting cyclo-
tional usage but also identify novel therapeutic applications. hexane fraction was collected. The residue obtained was
From fever management to antimicrobial therapy, C. ambro- then oven-dried for 24 h and subjected to hydroalcoholic
sioides offers a treasure trove of pharmacological possibilities, maceration using a mixture of ethanol and water (50/50).
awaiting exploration and exploitation for the betterment of After filtering the mixture and evaporating the ethanol,
human health [1]. successive liquid–liquid separations were performed on the
The study of C. ambrosioides represents a conver- aqueous phase using solvents of increasing polarity (ethyl
gence of traditional knowledge and scientific inquiry, acetate and n-butanol). This process was repeated three times
with profound implications for pharmacological research for each solvent (100 mL each time), resulting in ethyl acetate
and medical practice. By unraveling its chemical constitu- and n-butanol fractions after dry evaporation.
ents and evaluating its pharmacological effects, researchers The extraction rate was calculated using the following
can unlock the therapeutic potential of this botanical formula:
marvel, paving the way for the development of novel
R = (Mi /M ) × 100,
therapeutic agents. From fever management to antimicro-
bial therapy, C. ambrosioides offers many pharmacolo- where Mi is the mass of the extract and M is the mass of the
gical possibilities, poised to revolutionize natural product initial plant material.
4  Soufiane Drioua et al.

2.3 Mass spectrometer and chromatograph line temperature of 250°C, a heating block temperature of
conditions 400°C, and an interface temperature of 350°C.
These conditions, together with the UHPLC system,
We utilized an ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography facilitated the acquisition of high-quality data for the quan-
(UHPLC) system manufactured by Shimadzu-Nexera, coupled titative analysis of the 53 phytochemicals. This precision
with a tandem mass spectrometer, for the quantitative ana- was crucial for accurately assessing the samples. By care-
lysis of 53 phytochemicals. The reverse-phase UHPLC setup fully adjusting both chromatographic and spectrometric
included essential components such as an automatic sampler parameters, the method’s sensitivity and selectivity were
(SIL-30AC model), a column oven (CTO-10ASvp model), binary optimized, ensuring the production of reliable and repro-
pumps (LC-30AD model), and a degasser (DGU-20A3R model). ducible results.
To ensure optimal separation and minimize signal suppres-
sion, we meticulously fine-tuned the chromatographic condi-
tions. Various columns were evaluated and employed,
including the Agilent Poroshell 120 EC-C18 model (150 mm × 2.4 Assessment of antipyretic activity
2.1 mm, 2.7 µm) and the RP-C18 Inertsil ODS-4 model
(100 mm × 2.1 mm, 2 µm). A range of mobile phases, such The study of antipyretic activity was conducted following
as acetonitrile and methanol, supplemented with diverse the method outlined by Sawadogo et al. [8]. Hyperthermia
additives including ammonium formate, formic acid, ammo- was induced by subcutaneous injection at the nape of the
nium acetate, and acetic acid, were tested. Column tempera- mouse with a 20% aqueous suspension of Brewer’s yeast at
tures were systematically adjusted between 25 and 40°C a dose of 10 mL/kg. Mice were selected for the experiment
until the optimal conditions for effective separation and after verifying the stability of their approximate rectal
detection were achieved. temperature for a week. Subsequently, the mice underwent
In the final analysis, chromatographic separation was an 18-h fasting period during which their rectal temperature
meticulously executed on an analytical reverse-phase Agilent was measured again using an electronic thermometer. Mice
Poroshell 120 EC-C18 column (150 mm × 2.1 mm, 2.7 µm), main- showing an increase in temperature of 0.5°C or more were
taining the column temperature at a constant 40°C. The eluent chosen for further investigation. These selected mice were
gradient consisted of eluent A (water + 5 mM ammonium then administered either plant extracts or a standard treat-
formate + 0.1% formic acid) and eluent B (methanol + 5 mM ment, with rectal temperature measurements taken 1 h post-
ammonium formate + 0.1% formic acid). The elution profile administration and then hourly for 4 h.
followed a gradient pattern: starting from 20% B and reaching
100% B within 25 min, maintaining 100% B for the subse-
quent 10 min, and returning to 20% B over the final 10 min.
Moreover, the solvent flow rate and injection volume were 2.5 Statistical analysis
meticulously set at 0.5 mL/min and 5 µL, respectively. For mass
spectrometric detection, a Shimadzu LCMS-8040 tandem mass The statistical treatment of the data involved the expres-
spectrometer, equipped with an electrospray ionization (ESI) sion of results as mean values accompanied by their respec-
source capable of operating in both negative and positive tive standard deviations. The analysis was conducted uti-
ionization modes, was employed. LC–ESI-MS/MS data were lizing the one-way analysis of variance method.
diligently acquired and processed utilizing the LabSolutions
software provided by Shimadzu.
The quantification of phytochemicals was performed
using the multiple reaction monitoring mode. This method 3 Results
was precisely calibrated to selectively identify and quan-
tify phytochemical compounds by targeting specific pre-
cursor ion-to-fragment ion transitions. Collision energies 3.1 Mass spectrometer and chromatograph
were meticulously adjusted to ensure optimal fragmenta- conditions
tion, maximizing the transmission of the desired product
ions. The mass spectrometer’s operating parameters were The chemical composition of the plant was determined
set as follows: a drying gas flow rate (N₂) of 15 L/min, a using the LC–MS/MS method. The results of the compounds
nebulizing gas flow rate (N₂) of 3 L/min, a desolvation identified in the plant are presented in Table 1. This table
Phytochemical analysis and antipyretic activity of C. ambrosioides L  5

Table 1: Compounds identified in C. ambrosioides extracts and fractions including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. The
by LC–MS/MS detection of these compounds in the CHF fraction highlights
its potential as a source of bioactive compounds that could
Compound name CHF fraction BF fraction FA fracton undergo further exploration for medicinal applications.
Fumaric acid — 0.094 0.139 The BF fraction exhibited a diverse range of com-
Aconitic acid — 0.018 0.025 pounds, including organic acids, flavonoids, and phenolic
Protocatechuic acid 0.039 0.477 0.061 acids. Rutin, hesperidin, and nicotiflorine, flavonoids with
4-OH benzoic acid — — —
antioxidant properties, were detected in significant quan-
Caffeic acid — 0.014 —
p-Coumaric acid — 0.219 0.037
tities, emphasizing the potential health benefits of this frac-
Salicylic acid — 0.076 — tion. Additionally, quinic acid, gallic acid, and chlorogenic
Acacetin 0.036 0.03 0.023 acid were present, contributing to the antioxidant potential
Vanillin 0.114 — of the BF fraction.
Quercitrin acid — — 2.934 It is worth noting that the AF fraction also contained com-
Gallic acid — 0.013 —
pounds such as quinic acid, fumaric acid, aconitic acid, and
Gentisic acid — 0.147 —
Chlorogenic acid — 0.206 — various phenolic compounds. This overlap of compounds among
Rutin — 4.1 — the fractions underscores the complexity of C. ambrosioides
Isoquercitrin — 0.182 — and emphasizes the need for further research to understand
Hesperidin — 2.1 — the synergistic interactions between these compounds.
Quercitrin — 0.039 —
In conclusion, LC–MS/MS analysis of fractions from C.
Astragalin — 0.059 —
Nicotiflorin — 1.805 —
ambrosioides revealed a rich and diverse chemical compo-
Quercetin — 0.127 — sition. The presence of organic acids, phenolic compounds,
Kaempferol — 0.019 — flavonoids, and fatty acids suggests the potential benefits of
Syringic aldehyde 0.059 — — this plant for health and culinary applications. These find-
ings lay the groundwork for further research aiming to
elucidate the specific bioactive properties and potential
shows the various chemical compounds present in the plant therapeutic uses of C. ambrosioides. Additionally, the results
and their respective percentages in the total composition. underscore the importance of exploring natural sources of
LC–MS/MS analysis was employed to identify and quan- bioactive compounds that can contribute to human health
tify compounds present in different fractions of C. ambro- and well-being.
sioides. The results from this analysis provide valuable
insights into bioactive compounds that could contribute to
the medicinal properties of the plant. 3.2 Antipyretic activity
The CHF fraction revealed the presence of protocate-
chuic acid, vanillin, syringaldehyde, and acetin. These com- Table 2 presents the variations in rectal temperature of
pounds have been associated with various health benefits, mice following the administration of fractions (FCH, FE,

Table 2: Rectal temperature after Brewer’s yeast injection of mice treated with C. ambrosioides 200 kg/mL fractions (FCH, FE, FB, FA)

Rectal temperature Rectal temperature after administration Total reduction in temperature

at the fourth hour

Groupe Before injection 0 h (18 h 1 h after 2h 3h 4h

after inj) gavage
FCH 37.15 ± 0.07 37.85 ± 0.2 37.5 ± 0.1 37.15 ± 0.7 37 ± 0.6 37.1 ± 0.6 0.75
FE 37.35 ± 0.5 37.85 ± 0.3 37 ± 0.7 37 ± 0.5 36.9 ± 0.5 36.95 ± 0.4 0.9
FB 37.3 ± 0.1 38.1 ± 0.2 37.5 ± 0.1 37.15 ± 0.7 37 ± 0.6 37.01 ± 0.6 1.09
FA 37.32 ± 0.2 38.05 ± 0.26 37.46 ± 0.2 36.96 37.2 ± 0.6 36.95 ± 0.6 1.1
± 0.56
Control 37 ± 0.1 37.6 ± 0.2 37.55 ± 0.2 37.4 ± 0.2 37.4 ± 0.2 37.45 ± 0.1 0.15
Standard 37.4 ± 0.15 38.1 ± 0.14 37.9 ± 0.14 37.5 ± 0.14 37.3 37.3 ± 0.15 0.78
± 0.15

Each value is expressed as mean ± standard error of the mean.

6  Soufiane Drioua et al.

FB, FA) of C. ambrosioides at a dose of 200 mg/mL. These that these effects vary depending on the tested fraction,
data provide crucial insights into the thermal response of and further studies are necessary to fully understand their
mice to these treatments, which is an important indicator mechanisms of action and their impact on animal health.
of the impact of these substances on the organism. Table 3 displays the variations in rectal temperature
The table reveals several noteworthy points. Initially, among mice treated with fractions (FCH, FE, FB, FA) of C.
before the injection of fractions, the rectal temperature of ambrosioides, administered at a dose of 500 mg/mL. These
the mice was relatively stable, ranging between 37.15 and data are crucial for evaluating the impact of these sub-
37.38°C across the different groups. This initial stability is stances on the regulation of mice’s body temperature.
crucial in establishing a baseline reference. Initially, before the injection of these extracts and frac-
However, of significant interest is the evolution of tions, the rectal temperature of mice in all groups was
rectal temperature over subsequent hours. As time pro- relatively stable, with initial values ranging between 36.8
gresses, there is a trend towards restoration of temperature and 37.4°C. This stability is essential in establishing a base-
across all groups. By the fourth hour, the rectal temperature line reference.
decreased compared to its initial value in most groups, indi- However, what is particularly interesting is the evolu-
cating a gradual adaptation to the initial impact. tion of rectal temperature over subsequent hours. As time
The reduction in rectal temperature at the fourth hour passes, there is a trend toward normalization of tempera-
is a critical metric for evaluating the impact of the frac- ture in most groups. By the fourth hour, the rectal tempera-
tions. It is particularly pronounced in groups FB and FA, ture decreased compared to the initial hour in all groups,
with reductions of 1.09 and 1.1°C, respectively. These values suggesting a gradual adaptation to the initial impact.
indicate that these fractions induced significant thermal The reduction in rectal temperature at the fourth hour
responses in the mice, suggesting a potential effect on is a critical parameter for assessing the impact of the frac-
body temperature regulation. tions. It is particularly pronounced in the FE, FB, and FA
In contrast, groups FCH and FE show slightly less than a groups, with reductions of 1.2, 1.27, and 1.17°C, respectively.
1°C reduction in rectal temperature, suggesting a moderate These values indicate that these fractions induced signifi-
effect. Importantly, these reductions in temperature remain cant thermal responses in the mice, showing a potential
within limits that do not appear harmful to the mice. effect on body temperature regulation.
In comparison, the control group exhibited the smal- Both the FCH groups and the control group show rectal
lest reduction in rectal temperature at the fourth hour, temperature reductions slightly less than 1°C, suggesting a
with only 0.15°C. This indicates that the mice in the control moderate effect. It is important to note that these reduc-
group did not experience a significant impact on their body tions in temperature remain within limits that do not seem
temperature during the study. to endanger the health of the mice.
These results highlight the variation in the thermal These results clearly highlight the variation in mice’s
response of mice to fractions of C. ambrosioides. The thermal responses to the administration of fractions of C.
observed temperature reductions in several groups suggest ambrosioides. The reductions in rectal temperature observed
that these substances could affect the regulation of the in several groups suggest that these substances can affect the
mice’s body temperature. However, it is essential to note regulation of mice’s body temperature. It is crucial to note

Table 3: Rectal temperature after Brewer’s yeast injection in mice treated with the 500 kg/mL C. ambrosioides fractions (FCH, FE, FB, FA)

Rectal temperature Rectal temperature after administration Total reduction in temperature

at the fourth hour

Groupe Before 0 h (18 h 1 h after 2h 3h 4h

injection after inj) gavage
FCH 36.8 ± 0.3 37.63 ± 0.2 37.4 ± 0.2 36.93 ± 0.1 36.8 ± 0.1 36.85 ± 0.2 0.78
FE 37.32 ± 0.4 37.75 ± 0.3 37.05 ± 0.2 37 ± 0.1 36.45 ± 0.2 36.55 ± 0.2 1.2
FB 37.34 ± 0.2 38.32 ± 0.2 37.5 ± 0.5 37.6 ± 0.2 37.35 ± 0.2 37.05 ± 0.1 1.27
FA 37.24 ± 0.1 38.27 ± 0.1 37.9 ± 0.4 37.65 ± 0.3 37.4 ± 0.4 37.1 ± 0.6 1.17
Control 37 ± 0.1 37.6 ± 0.2 37.55 ± 0.2 37.4 ± 0.2 37.4 ± 0.2 36.45 ± 0.1 0.15
Standard 37.4 ± 0.15 38.1 ± 0.14 37.9 ± 0.14 37.5 ± 0.14 37.3 ± 0.15 37.3 ± 0.15 0.78

Each value is expressed as mean ± standard error of the mean.

Phytochemical analysis and antipyretic activity of C. ambrosioides L  7

that these effects vary depending on the tested fraction, and Comparing the results of the two administered doses,
further in-depth studies are necessary to fully comprehend namely 200 and 500 mg/mL of extracts and fractions of C.
the underlying mechanisms of these responses. ambrosioides, to assess the concentration’s impact on anti-
pyretic activity. At the dose of 200 mg/mL, the data reveals
a trend toward normalization of body temperature over
time. The rectal temperature significantly decreases at the
4 Discussion fourth hour in several groups, suggesting a potential anti-
pyretic effect of these substances.
The use of LC–MS/MS analysis has provided a comprehen- The reductions in rectal temperature observed at 200 mg/mL
sive understanding of the chemical composition of different indicate a notable thermal response in mice. The EM, FB, FA,
fractions of C. ambrosioides. This analysis has revealed a and EI groups showed temperature reductions of 1.3, 1.09,
rich assortment of bioactive compounds with the potential 1.1, and 0.78°C, respectively, indicating that these extracts
to contribute to the medicinal properties of the plant. have a significant impact on body temperature regulation.
The CHF fraction demonstrated the presence of several However, the FCH and FE groups exhibited slightly less
noteworthy compounds, including protocatechuic acid, than 1°C reductions in temperature, suggesting a moderate
vanillin, syringaldehyde, and acetin. These compounds have antipyretic effect. It is essential to note that these temperature
been associated with various health benefits, particularly anti- reductions remain within limits that do not seem to endanger
oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects [9]. the health of the mice.
The detection of these compounds in the CHF fraction In comparison, at the dose of 500 mg/mL, the reduc-
underscores its potential as a source of bioactive compounds tions in rectal temperature are more pronounced and
worthy of further exploration for medicinal applications. widespread at the fourth hour. The EI, EM, FE, FB, and FA
Similarly, the BF fraction exhibited a diverse range of groups showed temperature reductions of 1, 1.3, 1.2, 1.27, and
compounds, including organic acids, flavonoids, and phe- 1.17°C, respectively. These values indicate a more intense
nolic acids. Notably, significant quantities of rutin, hesper- thermal response at these higher concentrations, suggesting
idin, and nicotiflorine were detected, all of which are fla- a more pronounced antipyretic action.
vonoids known for their antioxidant properties. The data clearly suggest a dose dependency in the
Additionally, the presence of quinic acid, gallic acid, antipyretic effect of extracts of C. ambrosioides. Higher
and chlorogenic acid contributes further to the antioxidant concentrations appear to have a more significant impact
potential of the BF fraction [10]. on the regulation of mice’s body temperature. However, it
The FA fraction also contained notable compounds such as is crucial to note that these effects also depend on the
quinic acid, fumaric acid, aconitic acid, and various phenolic tested extract or fraction, emphasizing the complexity of
compounds. The overlap of compounds among the fractions the thermal response.
underscores the complexity of C. ambrosioides and highlights Pain often accompanies fever, underscoring the impor-
the need for further research to understand the synergistic tance of assessing antipyretic effects. The induction of fever
interactions between these compounds. (hyperthermia) via Brewer’s yeast injection is associated with
The LC–MS/MS analysis of fractions from C. ambro- cytokine release (such as TNFα, IL1β, and IL6) that stimulates
sioides has revealed a rich and diverse chemical composi- PG (PGE2) biosynthesis around the hypothalamic thermore-
tion. The presence of organic acids, phenolic compounds, gulatory center [11,12]. The aqueous extract derived from C.
flavonoids, and fatty acids suggests the potential health ambrosioides leaves significantly attenuated fever (hyperthermia)
benefits of this plant for various applications [10]. two hours after its onset (p < 0.05, p < 0.01, and p < 0.001) [13]. This
These findings lay the groundwork for further research outcome suggests an antipyretic effect akin to the mechanism of
aiming to elucidate the specific bioactive properties and PG synthesis interference, akin to the reference molecule parace-
potential therapeutic uses of C. ambrosioides. Additionally, tamol. Our findings echo previous studies [14] demonstrating anti-
the results underscore the importance of exploring natural pyretic effects of the aqueous C. ambrosioides leaf extract in mice.
sources of bioactive compounds that can contribute to human According to Hallal et al. [15], the aqueous extract of C.
health and well-being. ambrosioides showed a significant degree of antipyretic
The antipyretic activity of C. ambrosioides was evaluated activity at doses of 500 and 800 mg/kg. The reduction in
by measuring its impact on the body temperature of feverish hyperthermia was pronounced 60 min after administra-
mice. The results indicate that most of the tested No extracts tion and lasted for three hours. As per the findings of
just fraction caused a slight reduction in the body tempera- Lohdip et al. [16], hexadecenoic acid demonstrated anti-
ture of the mice compared to the control group. pyretic activity. Notably, it not only exhibited antipyretic
8  Soufiane Drioua et al.

effects but also displayed hypothermic activity, with tem- Acknowledgment: The authors extend their appreciation
peratures dropping below those recorded prior to yeast for Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University Researchers
administration even three hours post-administration [17]. Supporting Project number (PNURSP2024R489), Princess Nourah
This suggests that hexadecenoic acid maintains its anti- bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
pyretic properties for a duration of at least three hours
after administration. Funding information: This research was funded by Princess
These results present interesting prospects for future Nourah bint Abdulrahman University Researchers Supporting
research on the antipyretic activity of C. ambrosioides. Project number (PNURSP2024R489), Princess Nourah bint
Further studies are necessary to understand the under- Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
lying mechanisms of these thermal responses and to eval-
uate the safety and potential efficacy of these extracts at Author contributions: S.D., O.E., and M.K. – conceptualiza-
different concentrations. Moreover, identifying the specific tion; S.D., M.A., O.A., and A.M.A. – formal analysis; S.D.,
compounds responsible for antipyretic activity and their M.K., F.B., and A.A. – investigation; S.D., A.A., A.A.B., and
mechanism of action would be a significant step toward the H.B. – writing – original draft; S.D., M.K., O.A., and M.A. –
potential clinical use of these extracts in fever treatment. In software; S.D., M.K., A.A., and O.A. – writing – review and
summary, this research provides valuable insights into the editing; and H.B. and A.D. – supervision. All authors have
influence of concentration on the antipyretic activity of C. read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
ambrosioides and paves the way for future investigations.
Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of

5 Conclusion Ethical approval: Ethical approval to report this case was

obtained from the scientific committee of the Laboratory of
The utilization of LC–MS/MS has yielded a comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, Department of Drug Sciences, Faculty of
understanding of the chemical composition of different Medicine and Pharmacy, Mohammed V University in Rabat,
fractions of C. ambrosioides, revealing a rich assortment Morocco.
of bioactive compounds with potential medicinal benefits.
Analysis of the CHF, BF, and AF fractions unveiled a Data availability statement: All data generated or ana-
diverse array of compounds, including antioxidants, agents, lyzed during this study are included in this published
organic acids, flavonoids, and phenolic acids. These findings article.
underscore the broad therapeutic potential of C. ambrosioides
across medicinal and culinary domains.
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mice following the administration of various fractions References
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