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REG. NO.: U21ZM2017

JUNE, 2023

Title Page
Table of Contents
1.1 Background to the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Hypotheses
1.6 Significance of the Study
1.7 Scope and Delimitation of the Study
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Conceptual Framework
2.2.1 Concept of Online Social Networking
2.2.2 Concept of Academic Performance
2.2.3 Development of Online Social Networking
2.2.4 Types of Social Networking Site
2.2.5 Current usage of social networks on academic issues
2.2.6 Factors Affecting Online Social Networking
2.2.7 Impact of Online Social Networking Site on Academic Performance
2.2.8 Influence of Online Social Networking on Secondary School Students
Mathematics Academic Performance
2.2.9 Challenges of using social media networks in Mathematics academic

2.3 Theoretical Framework
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Design
3.3 Population of the Study
3.4 Sample and Sampling Technique
3.5 Instrumentation
3.5.1 Validity
3.5.2 Pilot Testing
3.5.3 Reliability
3.6 Procedure for Data Collection
3.7 Procedure for Data Analysis
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Presentation of data
4.3 Answering of Research Questions
4.4 Testing of Research Hypotheses
4.5 Summary of the Findings
4.6 Discussion of Findings
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendations
5.5 Suggestions for Further Studies

1.1 Background to the Study
Social networking is becoming an increasing part of young generation life
relative to the general humanity; students and young adults are the heaviest social
network users. The influence of on line social networking usage on the Mathematics
Academic performance of student in secondary school is becoming an alarming issue.
Karpinski (2019) observes that today’s children are spoiled, love luxury, their food is
overtime devouring entertainment, communication and every form of social network,
electronic communicators and the first to hustle into any new technology. They live in
the recent popular social networks such as facebook, Instagram and whatsapp.
Most of the members to these social networking sites are young people who are
still in school. Al-Rahma and Othman (2016) inform that there is no doubt that social
media has gained wider acceptability and usability and is also becoming the most
important communication tools among students. A large percentage of students in
Nigeria spend their time online either using smartphones or their computers and other
handheld gadgets such as iPods and tablets browsing these social networking sites.
Students in all levels of education seize every opportunity they get to access social
networking sites to check on status on Facebook, WhatsApp and what is trending on
Instagram and Twitter. Teenagers have learnt to multitask as they switch from one SNS
to another. Anywhere you see them with friends the question is, are you on online?
Students are always ready to embrace the latest technology, fashion and its electronic
applications. The fact that children make use of electronic devices and are called digital
natives does not make them good users of social network that are at their disposal,
Social network usage may have an influence on the Mathematics Academic
performance of students in secondary schools.
Moon (2021) agrees that the time students need to improve on their study habit,
they invest their time in browsing through their cell phone or computer modem to
connect themselves to facebook, 2go and whatsapp. The time they may use in doing
their homework, assignment and consulting literature for their Mathematics Academic

performance is used in social networking, posting comments, sending pictures and
carrying out social activities, some students at the interest of accessing their online
social network, spent the money given to them for their school programme or material
may be used to update the online social network account in order to have megabits
which will enable them to go online networking while their study suffer deficiency due
to lack of material and truancy in some of the school activities.
The influence of online social networking overdose is becoming traumatic among
secondary school students because some who are addicted to the usage tend to display
some anti social behaviour and aggressive tendencies. Students that are in secondary
school are still within the range of adolescent and teenagers who are eager to exploit
any latest invention and fashion to suit their youthful exhobirance. In this case social
networking usage by secondary school students deserves close monitoring to ensure
that it does not cause more harm than good.
Recham(2021) reported that globally parent are getting worried about their
children displaying some antisocial behaviour, mania and aggressive tendencies,
especially when approached for correction, Secondary school students enter into online
relationships that will mar their lives, careers and future without the fore knowledge of
their parents. This communication through social networking sites becomes so secretive
that parents may not know the online distance their children in secondary schools
might have covered through social relationship. This has become a temptation that the
degree of its attraction is irresistible to students and they always fall into the trap of
getting themselves connected to the networking. It possess the ability to influence
students academic progress. Online Social networking frequent users may become
narcissistic. Narcissistic in the sense that, they develop inordinate affection with
themselves, exclusively self love and vanity which is not a good desire from a child.
Therefore putting all this influences together, there is that prediction that the
Mathematics Academic performance of students may experience some set backs
because of distraction, procrastination and time wastage which will invariable affect
their academic performance. The need to investigate on the influence of online social
networking usage among secondary school students become important for urgent

attention. Although people often say that the current generations have developed the
ability to quickly switch between different tasks or different media. It is quite
unfortunate because it does not mean that it is beneficial or profiting to their academic
performance, it has been understood that combing behaviour for several task leads to
poorer learning, which results in students poor academic performance (American
Psychological Association 2016).
According to the study conducted by Kirschner and Karpinskias cited by Vaden
Boogart (2016), it was observed that heavy social networking is among students with
lower GPA. Boonie Rechman (as cited in Rosen, 2019) reported that during 15 minutes
observation of kids study time, middle age and high school students as well as College
students who check their facebook, other technologies and media during the 15 minutes
study time had lower test grades. Also during, the 15-minute study time, emphases was
made that, students who most often had the lowest rate of reading retention are those
who invest their time on social networking activities. Looking at the bunch of negative
influence of social networking usage on the academic performance of students in
secondary school, the investigation of the study becomes very important in order to
help students understand the level of negative influence that social networking can
have on their academic progress, which if not curtailed may cause serious havoc for
their career building period. The study investigated the negative and positive influence
of the online social networking usage on mathematics academic performance among
secondary school students and how it affects their mathematics academic performance.
The study will help to give students understanding on how to manage, and balance the
usage of online social networking activities to promote their academic progress.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The only way to acknowledge the reality of the delivery done by teachers in
schools is through academic performance of students. Academic performance has been
affected by many factors, but the most prevailing factor today is the online social
networking usage among secondary school students. Secondary school students’
involvement in online social networking usage is becoming an alarming issue because
virtually all students in secondary school own mobile phones at home and sometimes

go to school with them secretly, not for school work but to connect friends for the
purpose of social interaction. Mathematics academic performance in secondary school is
facing much deterioration due to students’ inability to maximize the study time and
habit and concentrate on their school work which has been taken over by online social
networking activities.
Academic performances of students in mathematics are facing a lot of negative
influences and challenges. There is deviation, distraction, procrastination and divided
attention between online social networking activities and students’ academic work.
Online social networking sites such as Instagram, whatsapp and facebook exert
distractive influence on students’ interest on their academic endeavour. The frequency
at which they use these online social network sites, shows that some of the existing
network sites have come to stay on the social network. Online social networking usage
has become a basic structure of the society.
Online social networking usage generates procrastination of students academic
work. Frequently students are addicted to browse and check their social network site
even when there is class assignment and academic work, just to communicate and
access with their friends online at the detriment of their academic work. In most cases
students spend time on social network sites interacting with friends, posting comments,
sending pictures and carrying out other social activities that do not have relevance to
their academic work. For this reason, more time is spent and they express high degree
of interest in interacting with friends than seeking for information that will aid their
academic progress through online social networking usage.
Vanden-Boogart (2016) has found that on this note online social networking
usage has exerted some level of negative influence on students academic activities
which may eventually affect academic performance among secondary school students.
Students engage more on the social aspect of online social networking activities than
other activities that are relevant to their study their concentration on academic work.
The distraction is with much interference. They invest more time in checking
information outside their academics, and little time is devoted to academic endeavor.
The researcher observed within her immediate environment that students even after

dinner, at late hour of the night, will not commit themselves to serious study habits;
rather, they check their online social networking sites such as facebook, Instagram and
whatsapp, chart with friends and abandon their academic work and tasks to suffer.
Most at times, the night will be spent on social networking sites and during the day in
class the students sleep off while lessons are going on. As a result of students interest in
studies is distracted by online social networking activities as discovered and observed
by the researcher among secondary school students who use mobile phones to access
online social networking sites secretly or openly in order to satisfy their social
entertainment. The above raises concerns regarding the academic performance among
secondary school students. This study therefore investigate the influence of online
social networking usage on academic performance among secondary school students in
Zaria metropolis.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The general objective of the study was is to analyze the influence of online social-
networking usage on mathematics academic performance among senior secondary
school students in Zaria Local Government Area, Kaduna state Nigeria. Specifically, the
study seeks;
1. To determine which social networking sites students are exposed to
2. To determine the duration students spend on social media
3. To examine the extent that student addictiveness to social network influence
their mathematics academic performance.
4. To proffer a possible solution to the eminent underachievement in mathematics
by secondary school students.

1.4 Research Questions
The following research questions were answered
1. Which social networking sites students are exposed to?
2. What time/duration do students spend on social networking sites?
3. To what extent would student addictiveness to social network influence their
mathematics academic performance?
4. What are the possible solutions to the eminent underachievement in mathematics
by secondary school students?
1.5 Hypotheses
The following hypotheses were formulated.
1. There is no significant different between social networking sites and students
that are exposed to?
2. There is no significant different between the time/duration students spend and
social networking sites.
3. There is no significant different between student addictiveness to social network
influence and mathematics academic performance.
4. There is no significant different between the possible solutions to the eminent
underachievement in mathematics and secondary school students.
1.6 Significance of the Study
The findings of this study will be beneficial to all stake holders in secondary
school educational section such as secondary school students, secondary school
management, counselors, teachers, parents and would-be-researchers. The secondary
school students will benefit from the findings of this online social networking usage on
the influence it may exert on both male and female secondary school students. This will
sensitize male and female secondary school students on the need to reduce the time
spent on online social networking and balance it with their study ensuring demarcation
between online social networking activities and academic programmes. It will also
stress the need to study for academic excellence and concentration to achieve
outstanding academic performance.

Secondary school management would, from the findings of this study, see the
need to establish strong rules and regulations that will guide the students against the
use of mobile phones connecting to online social networking sites for social activities.
Related to this, it will make secondary school management to establish punitive
measure that will serve as preventive and remedial measures for any student found
using mobile phones within school environment and lesson periods. This will reduce
the usage of online social networking for entertainment and social activities especially
within the school setting
Counsellors would find the findings useful in the sense that they would design
strategies on how to mentor secondary school students on implications of both positive
and negative influence of online social networking over the students academic
performance. Teachers would also benefit from the findings of the study because if the
students are able to balance their academic programmes and online social networking
activities, it will enhance teaching and learning effectiveness among secondary school
students. Parents would not be left out with the benefit from the findings of this study
in the sense that they would understand the influence of online school networking
usage on academic performance among secondary school students and know how to
help their wards through mentoring and monitoring of their mobile phone usage for
social networking. Would-be-researchers will find the study useful as a reference point
and will add to their literature in the area of relevance to their research work.
1.7 Scope and Delimitation
The study involved selected secondary schools in Zaria Local Government Areas
of Kaduna State. Three public secondary schools and two private secondary school will
be selected for the purpose of this study. The reason for selecting these schools was
because the schools are both public and privates schools and the researcher will be able
to get reliable information knowing that the factors affecting the students may be
The study also involved the influence of online social networking usage on
mathematics academic performance of male and female secondary school students from
five schools in the in Zaria metropolis. Furthermore, the study involved students at

different age brackets of 12 – 14years, 14 – 16 years and the frequency level of very
frequent, frequent and rare users.
The students from these schools were involved in the usage of online social
networking sites, which some of them were left to the choice of how frequent they
access online social network sites at the distraction of their study. The respondents were
students from SS II who used online social networking sites within selected schools.
Junior secondary school students, Senior Secondary I and II were not be involved in this


2.1 Introduction
Increased internet use and social networking has become very popular in the
recent years. Everyone nowadays is a member to at least one social networking site
where they have created a personal profile online which they use to interact. Teenagers
and young adults have especially embraced these sites as a way to connect with their
peers, share information, reinvent their personalities, and showcase their social lives
(Boyd, 2017). Teenagers spend most of their free time on the internet and social
networking. As opposed to older generations who used resources like the television or
newspaper, teenagers now use the Internet for the majority of their daily activities and
information gathering (Lewis, 2018). This chapter deal with review of literature that are
related to the present study as it will be discuss under the following headings

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Conceptual Framework
2.2.1 Concept of Online Social Networking
2.2.2 Concept of Academic Performance
2.2.3 Development of Online Social Networking
2.2.4 Types of Social Networking Site
2.2.5 Current usage of social networks on academic issues
2.2.6 Factors Affecting Online Social Networking
2.2.7 Impact of Online Social Networking Site on Academic Performance
2.2.8 Influence of Online Social Networking on Secondary School Students
Mathematics Academic Performance
2.2.9 Challenges of using social media networks in Mathematics academic
2.3 Theoretical Framework

2.2 Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework begins with traditional social networking in

secondary school environment which include club and societies, inter house sports,
cultural dance, drama, athletic teams, marching band, orchestra, dormitory life and
classes. There are series of activities and organization to join in order to meet people
and make friends in secondary school prior to online social network, secondary school
students meet with new students through activities, organisations, hostel and classes.
These help students to maintain face-to-face (F2F) relationship.

However, the former social network which can be described as the traditional
social network, with time, make up opportunity for the other social networks known as
online social network. This social network is the online social network which is
computer based. It provides an online option for students to maintain and develop
friendship by communication in place of face-to-face (F2F) conversation (Moon,2021).

2.2.1 Concept of Online Social Networking

It is a web-based networking that permit users to link, communicate and share

information with other people including friends, people known already and strangers.
Boyd and Ellison (2018) define online social network as a web-based service that allow
individuals to:

1. Construct a public or semi public profile within a bounded system

2. Articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, view
and transverse their list of connections and those made by others within the
system, the nature and formal system of naming these connections differ from
site to site.

The world is excited towards the improvement in technology which has

broadened the horizon of communication through ICT. Social network is a social
structure made up of individual organizations called models, which are connected by
one or more specific type of interdependency, such as friendship, kinship, common
interest. Lampe and Steinfield (2017). Social network is seen to be a map of specific

connection to different individual with common interests. It is a common event to see
youths chatting in sensitivity and high enthusiasm.

Bulletin boards and chat rooms were forms of social network in the early 1990s.
It helped people then to connect with others and share interests. It assisted people to
connect with people they knew in secondary school, colleges and other places, in-fact, it
enabled them to meet with others. Online social network has been known to have
expanded over the last thirteen years. Social network sites such as instagram, what app
and facebook are the main social networks to mold the research. To understand how
these social network sites influence students’ academic performance, these three social
networksites, that is, facebook, whatapp and instagram will be investigated. Based on
this premise it becomes important to understand the historical and development of
these social network sites.

2.2.2 Concept of Academic Performance

Academic performance is defined as “how students deal with their studies and
how they cope with or accomplish different tasks given to them by their teachers”.
Academic performance reveals the expression of students’ actions shown from a done
task. Moon (2020),define academic performance as grades earned in course work.
Higher grade scored by students indicate better academic performance effect in study
habit, concentration and in achieving high grades and better academic performances.
Social networking usage by students often gives them a lot of distraction, excess time
spent outside academic work and procrastination to their school work.

Students’ academic gain and learning performance is affected by numerous

factor including gender, age, teaching faculty, students schooling, father/guardian
social economic status, residential area of students, medium of instructions in schools,
tuition trend, daily study hour and accommodation as hostelries or day scholar. Many
researchers conducted detailed studies about the factors contributing student
performance at different study levels. Graetz (2015) suggested “A student educational
success contingent heavily on social status of student’s parents/ guardians in the
society. Considine and Zappala (2022) noticed the same that parent’s income or social
status positively affects the student test score in examination. According to Minnesota
(2017) “the higher education performance is depending upon the academic performance
of graduate students. Durden and Ellis quoted Staffolani and Bratti, (2022) observed
that “the measurement of students previous educational outcomes are the most
important indicators of students future achievement, this refers that as the higher
previous appearance, better the student’s academic performance in future endeavours.

Lot of studies have been conducted in the area of student’s achievement and
these studies identify and analyze the number of factors that affect the academic
performance of the student at school, college and even at university level. Their finding
identifies students’ effort, previous schooling, parent’s educational background, family
income, self-motivation of students, age of student, learning preferences and entry
qualification of students as important factors that have effect on student’s academic
performance in different setting. The utility of these studies lies in the need to
undertake corrective measures that improve the academic performance of graduate

Performance is defined as the observable or measurable behaviour of a person an

animal in a particular situation usually experimental situation (Simpson and Weiner.
2019). This means that performance measures the aspect of behaviour that can be
observed at a specific period (Yusuf, 2022). To determine performance, a performance
test is conducted. Singer (2021) defined performance test as the type of mental test in
which the subject is asked to do something rather than to say something. Performance
test is the type of test which throws light on the ability to deal with things rather than
symbols (Drever, 2021). In relation to educational research, academic performance of a
student can be regarded as the observable and measurable behaviour of a student in a
particular situation. For example, the academic performance of a student in social
studies includes observable and measurable behaviour of a student at any point in time
during a course (Yusuf, 2022). In social studies students' academic performance consists
of his scores at any particular time obtained from a teacher- made test. Therefore,
academic performance can be equated with the observed behaviour or expectation of
achieving a specific statement of or statement of educational intention in a research
(Yusuf, 2022).
Academic performance of students consists of scores obtained from teacher-
made test, first term examination, mid-semester test, et cetera. In fact, assessing the
psychological and psychosocial processes of learning and development have always
been complex; however, the measurement is made increasingly difficult when the
outcome of interest is unclearly defined (Terenzini, 2019). In general, one could surmise
that academic success, or more aptly, academic performance currently functions as an
amorphous construct that broadly incorporates a broad range of educational outcomes
from degree attainment to moral development (Yusuf, 2022). The importance of the
moral aspect of academic performance can only be under-estimated to the detriment of
the society’s wellbeing.

2.2.3 Development of Online Social Networking

20th century makes the evolving of computer mediated communication which

leads to growth of online social network (Martinez & Wartman 2019) reports that at the
start of 1990s, colleges experienced high levels of internet use. But in recent time even
secondary school students are experiencing another high level of internet use. The rate
of internet usage has dramatically appreciated.

This started by modern technology trying to make the world a global village,
social network evolve from technology which is a two faced coin having a positive and
negative face; it helps people to be more enlightened, well informed and keep up to
date understanding of world development. Modern technology that has grown to what
people now call social network started in the first commercial space communication
company created by the United State of Congress in 1962; which was the
communication satellite corporation (COMSAT). A space communication pact was
signed by the United States government and other eleven foreign nations in 1964.The
organisation was known as international telecommunication satellite organization
(INTELSAT). All these developments gave birth to internet which is the bedrock of any
social network.

Internet is a work information super highway, it is a world assemblage of

interconnected computer networks (Andrew,2015). Internet is a massive network of
networks, it is a networking infrastructure which connects millions of computers
together worldwide. It forms a network in work any computer can conveniently
communicate with each other as long as they are both connected to internet. Network of
internet consist of local area network (LAN), this network connects computers in the
same building while the other network connect the land area network to different
locations and is called wide area network (WAN). This network connects both the
government, private, commercial, home computer together.

Andrew (2015) opined that information travels over the internet through variety
of languages known as protocols. Internet is a network of computers which accepts
data, process it, stores it and disseminate it when required. It becomes easy for people
to chart from the terminals which are linked to the network. Anjuga (2020) explained
that its origin is traced back to 1957, when the soviet union launched sputnik 1 into
space; as a result to this, in 1958 United State founded the advance research Agency
(ARPA), a spaced Agency under the department of defence whose work was to develop
a lasting highly innovative and hazard research project. (Carton & Tarding 2016)
Anjugu (2020) recorded that in 1962 when the airforce wanted to maintain the military
ability to transfer information around the country, it was then that the first proto type of
internet was created by ARPA department and saw light when forces of United State
University were connected to network of computers. Internet cannot be possible
without a computer so the first computer created was by Leonard Klein Rock. It was
through a “packet switching” to, the concept of “distributed network” although these
two concepts were not developed by the same person. The packet and switch were
designed to allow division of messages into packets and sending them to their
destinations following different routes, once they arrived at the destination, they are
recapped into the original message. The distributed network was developed by Paul,
(1960). In a nutshell internet is said to be a product of cold war” as technology gains
ground the internet accelerated in the second half of 1980s. Through computer protocol
(TCPIP) which means transmission control protocol /Internet protocol which was
adopted by ARPANET.

According to Anjugu (2020) after the installation of TCP, the network could
branch everyone. Commercial use of internet was allowed in 1991 (Bullen et al., 2018).
With the development of the web internet became by far the most important
networking system. Social network emerged early 1990s when chart rooms and bulletin
boards were forms of social networking. The helped people to connect with others and
share interest. Social network has become a pattern of communication which allows
people to connect with people they had known in high school and other places. In the
early 20s many social networks started springing up.

Secondary school students now own mobile handsets (GSM), laptops and Ipads
which are devices used for connecting themselves to internet and thereby social
networking sites. More so, they spend most of their time multi-tasking (Moon 2021).
Pointed out that under graduates (99.9%) Vehemently believe that the primary purpose
of technology is communication. Moon (as cited in Martinez & Aleman, 2019) that
81.6% of student communicate with friends, classmate and others on social network

From this information it is an indication that the 21 st century students are skilled
users of technology and internet. Furthermore Beastal (2018) stated that the current
generation and young adults have an advanced relationship with technology that is
from birth. Prensky (2021) noted that current generation familiarity with the reliance of
information and technology (ICT), describes them as living lives immersed in
technology, surrounded by and using computers video games, digital music players,
video cam, cell phones, Itoys and other tools of the digital age.

Since students use online social network primarily to communicate, social

network developers create such sites to appeal to students. The first known social
network site that was Lunched 1997 was six degree. Com (six degrees), but it was
wiped out in 2000 and the service ended (Boyd & Elison 2018). Six degrees was the first
site to combine user’s profiles, a friend list, and the ability to search the friend list into
site: it was a site that connected people and allowed messages to be sent among people.

Boyd and Ellison (2018) noted that at the failure of six degrees, the founder
figured that the site was simply ahead of its time. Between the years 1997 and 2021,
other network sites were created, but it was not until 2021 when online network sites
really began to take off (Boyd & Ellison, 2018).
Friendster was the next on line social network that began in 2022. It was created
to help friends meet. The idea friendster had was to help stranger, friends of friends to
meet online and possible become romantic partners. Moon (as cited in Boyd & Ellison,
2018). That at the time friendster grew to accommodate 300,000 user that was when it
develop technical difficulties that frustrated users and finally interrupted the expansion.
Fake profile was the next downfall of friendster, some users created fake profiles, in
raging from friendsters developers (Boyd & Ellison, 2018). Rumours started claiming
that friendster was planning to implement a fee which made its users to join other
online social networks.

More online social network site were lunched which tried to replicate the early
success of friendster. In 2003 My Space was created and the number of users increased
quickly because former fraudster users joined my space site, Before late in 2004
facebook was developed. Other social network developed were Twitter, 2go and
whatsapp. The social network used by secondary school students are mostly, whatsapp,
2go and facebook.

2.2.4 Types of Social Networking Sites

Three online social networking sites discussed in the study are facebook, 2go,
and whatsapp.


Facebook was developed as a social network mainly for Harvard University

students in 2004. The peculiarity of this social network is that originally, it was designed
only to help residential college and university students to identify them in other
residence halls. It was described as “an online directory that connects people through
social network at colleges and universities” (Zukerberg, 2015. P1).

Founder of facebook is the time magazine’s 2010 person of the year by name
Mark Zurkerberg. He was born on May 14, 1984 in New York to a family of Ed and
Karen Zukerberg who were very supportive parents with three sisters of Mark, Moon
(as cited in Grossman, 2010) who recoded that the father of facebook founder is a
dentist who envision Mark becoming a lawyer because of his strong willed personality.

The mother Karen is a former psychiatrist who now manages her dad’s dentist office.
Zukerberg, attended a local high school as well as private high school named Philips
exerter academy located in New Hampshire; he later went to Harvard University where
he pursued a major computer science and psychology, not unexpectedly, because at age
12 Mark created Zuck Net, a net for his family. Before the development of facebook
Zukerberg created other computer programmes to connect students. After the creation
of facebook, Zukerberg and his team moved to Palo Alto, California to further develop

According to Grossman, (2010) Zukerberg still resides in Palo Alto, California.

Moon, (as cited in Grossman, 2010) who said “that Zukerberg success has earned him
time magazine’s 2010 person of the year and a hit movie that uses his life as the movies
themes. In October 2010, the hit movie, social network was released in theatres
portraying Zukerbergs life at Harvard University and beyond. (Grossman, 2010) noted
that the social network film was documented by Aaron Sorkin and directed by David
Finsher, although it is a frition, it does not provide some time information about
Zukerberg. The film projects Zukerberg as a snob in real life. Those working with him
as staff so much like him. However Zukerberg claims he is not a snob because he says
he loves being around people and he has lots of friends. According to (Grossman, 2010).
Zukerberg treats his staff at facebook very well, he provides free meals, snacks and dry

The development of facebook peculiarity cannot be over emphasized. Mark

Zukerberg created facebook from his Harvard University hostel in February 2004. At a
point in time this peculiar social network was called the facebook.com and only
connected college students. In 2015, it expanded to include high schools which is our
contemporary senior secondary, but U.S. it is called high school. In 2016 facebook
found its way into the workplace and allowed students over 13 years and adolescents to
join the social network. Facebook recorded 12 million users in December 2016, and at
the end of the year 2010 facebook recorded 550 millionth members. 1 out of 10 people in
the global world now have facebook accounts. Lenhart and Madden (2017) explained
that this social network has rock from niche actual into a phenomenon that engages ten
million of interest users, people of all ages usess facebook.
www.statistic.brian.com/facebook. Statistics records that facebook users increased from
2012 to 2020 to 680,000,000. (Fletcher, 2020) noted that facebook has made a defined
edge over other online social net works, because other networks such as myspace,
twitter and linked have a combination of 76 million as the total users of the mention
networks, 2go and whatapp exclusive. The development of this peculiar social network
(facebook) has made it possible for people to contact current friends, search for old
friends and meet new people. It has reached a level where participants create on line
post comments about themselves and on other friends pages, share photos and videos,
play games and update other things on their life occurrences. Some social network users
spend time on face book to share intimate, disappointments and meeting moments with
their friends. Moon (as cited in facebook, 2010) on a report which shows that the
average facebook user spends around 55 minutes per day on the site. An average user
of facebook has 130 friends which the user has access to share information or any
acceptable form of communication. It was explained in inside facebook.com (2010) that
there are 50% of active users of facebook in any given day, More people spend 500
millionth minute. Per month on facebook sites. In 2010, facebook executive developed
features that allow users share their location and to track each other (Grossman, 2010).
There is the tendency that these features may cause students to obessed over the site
there by increasing the sites popularity. The mission of developing facebook is to make
the world more open and connected; (Fletcher, 2010) explains that facebook has two
goals: expansion and faster page loading time. Furthermore, a decision was taken in
September 2018 to allow participant outside college network to joins the social network
from the age of thirteen years. This policy gave access to especially the senior secondary
students to become users of such social networks. The influence of social network usage
on secondary school student has been reported by scholars who investigated on the
general impact of technology, academic performance and development of children and
teens. Espinosa Laffey, Whattaker and Sheng (2016) investigated the role of technology
in early childhood development. The result indicate that quantity is not as important as
quality when it comes to technology use and academic performance Lei and Zhao

(2015) explained that when technology usage is not closely monitored and moderated,
the use may cause more harm than good to students academic performance.


This social network is a proprietary cross platform instant messaging

subscription service for smart phones and selected phones. It uses the internet for
communication, in addition to text messaging, users can send one another images,
video and audio media message as well as their location using integrated mapping
feathers. (Retrieved 11TH July 2014) www.goggle.com).

Whatsapp Inc. Was founded in 2019 by United states citizens. Brain Acton and
Jan Koum, who were the former employees of Yahoo. This social network is based in
mountain view, California Whatsapp is currently in the process of taking over after
facebook, presently, it has over 500 million monthly active users.In Conclusion, among
the social network sites secondary school students are very conversant with these three
social network, 2go whatapp and facebook.

2.2.1 Current usage of social networks on academic issues

The usage of Social Networking Sites among college students is growing rapidly
all over the world. Evidently Social Networking Sites have become a significant part of
the lives of these youth (Gemmill and Peterson: 2016). Compared with any other group
of people the usage of Social Networking Sites among college students is more, mainly
because they are attracted extensively to the new technology and particularly to the
opportunity it offers for creating social networks.
Keol Lim and Ellen B Meier (2022) in their study clearly highlighted how and
why Korean students use Social Networking Sites and what are the advantages they
find by using Social Networking Sites. The study as such begins with the explanation of
how the number of international students getting admission in U S universities has
increased. It also refers to psychological experiences of international students such as
disorientation, nostalgic depressive reactions, and feelings of isolation, alienation and
powerlessness. However, international students may have limited ways to cope with
stress, which could lead to stress-related illnesses such as anxiety or depression. Hence

these limitations make it hard for international students to acclimatize themselves new
Bicen and Cavus (2020) evaluated the usage of Social Networking Sites among
students in the department of computer education instructional technology and found
which social networking sites are the most preferred by students. The study revealed
that use and sharing of knowledge on Internet is made an integral part of college
students’ lives. Results show that Live Spaces and Facebook are the commonly used
sites by the students.
Folorunso (2020) conducted a survey among students of the University of
Agriculture, Abeokuta in Nigeria and tested the attributes of Diffusion of Innovations
(DOI) theory towards usage pattern of Social Networking Sites. Demographic data of
the study revealed that majority of users were college students. The five constructs i.e.
Relative Advantage, Complexity, Compatibility, Observability and Reliability were
used to test the impact on the attitude and trust regarding Social Networking Sites and
to determine how attitude would impact on the intention to use it. The study (2020)
concluded that the attitude of university students towards Social Networking Sites does
positively affect the intention to use the technology.
Miller, Parsons and Lifer (2020) conducted a survey among students, about the
use of social networking sites and the appropriateness of the content that they post. The
responses indicate that students routinely post content that is not appropriate for all
audiences, especially potential employers. Considering how extensively the press has
covered the negative impacts of inappropriate posting, the fact that students know of
continuing the practice is surprising.
Park (2020) explores the usage of Social Networking Sites by different university
users. He studied three groups of users' (undergraduate, graduate and faculty) at
Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea. The analysis indicated that the three groups of
users demonstrated distinct patterns of use of social networking sites. The study
stipulated that undergraduates used the profile service more than the community
service while graduates used the community service more than the profile service. Yet
most of the faculty members were not active users.

Lack, Beck and Hoover (2019) investigated the usage of Social Networking Sites
by undergraduate psychology major. They found that majority of students using
Facebook and their account information have publicly accessibility and some user
profiles have content of a questionable nature on their publicly viewable accounts. They
suggest that formal education must be presided to students regarding the usage of these
Petter Bae Brandtzaeg and Jan Heim (2019) in their study state that there are
many motivational reasons for using Social Networking Sites among people and college
students particularly. Brandtzaeg and Heim draw their findings, after the investigation
on peoples’ subjective motivational reasons for using Social Networking Sites, by
performing a quantitative content analysis for 1,200 qualitative responses from Social
Networking Sites users. Further, the study (2019) made several attempts to understand
the choice, use, diffusion, adoption and acceptance of Social Networking Sites among
college students.
As Won Kim and Sang-WonLee (2019) rightly pointed out that today the college
students use numerous Social Networking Sites, to stay connected with their friends,
discover new “friends” and to share users created contents, such as photos, videos,
blogs and etc. In order to explore factors affecting college students’ motive for using
Social Networking Sites
In addition, Mikolaj Jan Piskorski (2019) in his study, “Understanding the Uses of
Social Networks”, cites that people love to look at pictures, which is the killer
application of all online Social Networking Sites. Piskorski hypothesizes that people
who post pictures of themselves can show they are having fun and are popular without
having to boast. Another attraction of photos is that they enable a form of voyeurism.
Social networks enable a very delicate way to pry into someone’s life without really
prying. The study also postulated deep gender difference in the use of sites. The biggest
usage category is men looking at women they do not know, followed by men looking at
women they know and women look at other women they know.
Coyle and Vaughn (2018) in their study examined the literature on Social
Networking Sites and conducted a survey on how college students are engaged in

social networking. They found that the main purpose of using Social Networking Sites
is to keep in touch with friends. They also indicate that these are used for merely trivial
communication with friends. These sites are simply new form of communication that is
evolving over time with the aid of technology.
Goodman (2017) examines how college students engage with technology
principally that involved in Social Networking Sites. He explores how students use
Social Networking Sites, which Social Networking Sites and programs they find more
appealing than others and also tries to understand the major reasons for the increasing
usage of Social Networking Sites among college students. Further he rightly pointed out
“Social Networking Sites are not part of students’ lives these days, actually they are
their lives”. Youths are not only the early adopters of most of the new technologies but
they are also among the most sophisticated users as well.
Subrahmanyam (2017) conducted a study to assess the use of online and offline
Social Networking Sites among the college students of a large urban university in Los
Angeles. The study revealed that the students often utilized Social Networking Sites to
connect and reconnect with their friends and family members.
Additionally, there have been numerous research conducted in various
countries on the understanding of the amount, reasons, and manner in which
students use online social networking sites.
2.2.5 Influence of Online Social Networking usage on Mathematics Academic
Performance among Secondary School Students

We read it almost every day in magazines, hear it frequently on the news about
this generation children who are deviants, luxury lovers, contradict their parents, have
bad characters, have contempt for authority, disrespectful to elders and tyrannize their
teachers; of-course, the world is undergoing turbulent times, hence it makes the
adolescents of this generation who are of secondary school age to think of nothing but
themselves, are impatient with wisdom from adults and foolishness is wisdom for
them; they talk as if they know everything. Kirchner cited Rosen (2019) as cited by
Kirschner who defines, children as net generations who were born in the 1980s and

They spend their days immersed in a media diet” accumulating a fulltime job
plus devouring entertainment, communication and every form of electronic media.
They are master multitaskers, electronic communicators and the first to rush to any new
technology. They were born surrounded by technology and with every passing year
they admire tools to their electronic theatre. They live in social network such as
facebook, 2go and whatsapp. There are consequences of the excessive use of these
aforementioned social networks, it hobbles learners and makes teens less healthy and

They text or chat more than they talk on the phone. Infact they twitter the night
away by putting their phones on vibration. The influence of social network on
secondary school students cannot be over emphasized. We see them frequently doing
their school assignment, watching and using electronic media, messaging, using
facebook, surfing other social network sites, all this leads to lower test grade Rosen
(2019). Children who check their social network sites often have lowest rates of reading
and retention.

Recently, secondary school students multitasks much activity at the denial and
under productivity of their study time. According to Prensky (2021), Encounters with
technology can allow young children to have experience on how sounds, images and
text interact; which may be crucial to early learning success and overall development in
this digital world. American psychological association (2016) reported that people are
saying that, the current generation has, through practice, develop ability to quick switch
between different tasks. It does not meant it is beneficial for them to learn in this way. It
has broadly been proven that carrying out tasks at the same time lead to poorer
learning with poorer performance of tasks in students. This is due to the fact that
switching requires a person to juggle his or her limited cognitive resources to
accomplish different tasks successfully. The juggling leads to greater inefficiency in
performing each individual task, more mistakes are made. According to Williams et al
(2018) stated the report of David Meyer, a director of the Brain cognitive and action lab
at michiguni, if a teenager is trying to have a conversation on an e-mail chat line while
solving algebra, she suffers a decrease inefficiently compared to if she just thinks and
concentrates on the algebra until she is done. It is difficult to overcome the inherent
limitations in the brain for processing information during multi tasking.

Kirschner (2020) explained that the fact that the children nowadays make use of
many electronic devices and are called digital natives does not make them good users of
the media that they have in their disposal; they are capable of playing with technology,
but not using it efficiently. Secondary school students experience more of negative
influence on social network usage due to the excess time exerted by the frequent usage.
(Kubey, Lavin and Barrow 2021) reported that students being in complete control of
social network without monitoring hurts their school work. Many students are always
busy pinging 2going and whatsapping secretly while lessons are going on. The time for
learning, doing home work or assignment is channeled and wasted by the passion of
social network usage, hence most students academics suffer setback due to distraction.

Both positive and negative influence of social networking is viewed in the study.

Positive Influence of Online Social Networking Usage on mathematics academic

performance among Secondary School Students

On a happier note online social networking is a process by which secondary

school students practice empathy and have a real impact on their friends’ moods. The
development of virtual empathy makes teens who are at the same age bracket of
secondary school students to be more empathetic in their everyday lives. Encouraging
comments online can put a smile on some ones face and improve mood. Online social
network allows children to develop their self identity and self esteem.

Secondary school students utilize social networking as a mechanism to obtain

information and resources for future planning; for instance, students applying for
college visit profiles of that college, students view pictures and read blogs of past
students which helps them to determine whether the college would be a good one.
Social interaction via the net also serves as a source of information to students and it
costs less for students to use social networking sites to read information about their
class mates and friends.

Ayiah and Kumah (2021) explained that developments in web technology are
creating more friendly social environment for retrieving and sharing information. It is
also cheaper for them to source for reading materials via this mechanism especially
social sites that are equipped with educational materials, Online social networking site
is a medium for students to share ideas with their peers, teachers and other
professionals available in the media. Online social networking usage can enhance
learning; for instance, a student may choose to log into his teacher’s web page for the
next day’s assignment. Gonzalez (2021) pointed out that the social networking site is a
new method of social interaction in this age of information and to ignore it would only
outdate one from social communication. Infact online social networking can dissolve
classroom walls and provide good learning experience for students.

In general, internet and online social networking sites serve both as a meeting
place for teens to interact with other like minded people and an outlet for teens to
express themselves, Online social networking sites are show places for teens’ artistics
musical abilities and reading skills. Some online social networking sites like my Spur
promote healthy competitions and creativity among students. Students are given
opportunities to participate in essay and writing competition of which they are
awarded prices. These sites provide discussion forums on varieties of topics for
students to participate. This encourages students and help them in developing good
reading habits and exposes them to a Varity of information topics.

Negative Influence of Online Social Networking Usage on mathematics academic

performance among Secondary school students

Overuse of social network is becoming enough worry to parents, counsellors and

school administrators because students get screwed up when they spend much time on
social network, The negative influence, affects a lot to secondary school students who
overdose on online social networking sites, because according to Beastall (2018) as cited
by Kirschner et al current generation of children and young adult have an advanced
relationship with technology that is formed from birth. Prensky (2021) stated that their
familiarity with and reliance on information technology (ICT) described them as living
lives deep in technology, they are surrounded computers.
Secondary school students have no deep knowledge of technology in regard to
their academic activities but the influence is so much in that social activities such as
emailing, text messaging, chatting and performing tasks at different times as a culture
exhibited in internet in order to find something interesting outside their academic
functions, affects their performance.

A research conducted by Kirschner et al reported that online social network

users (facebook) procrastinate their academic and school work; have poor time
management skills, lower mean GPAs, spending few hours per week studying than non
users. It does not explicitly indicate that social network all round causes retrogression in
academics of student but frequent usage which involves engaging in multiple activities
while trying to study, make the influence too deteriorating to academic performance.
The influence also promotes distraction and procrastination of students in their
academic endeavours.

Agwu and Kalu (2021) explained that the decline in the study habit of students is
as a result of technological innovation such as a online social networking usage.
According to Agwu and Kalu, the abuse of new technologies contribute to students
poor reading habits. Their study opined that in this era of information and
communication technology, the general orientation of young people has unconsciously
changed from reading to the love of looks to these new technologies. They emphasized
that people now dwell in the general use of, ipods, laptops, iphones, Facebook,
Whatsapp and other online social networking medium. In this age the youth are
enthusiastic about intenet browsing and playing with funky handsets. In fact its seems
to be the trend among Nigeria youths, reading educational books in a cool corner of the
school library or at home has become an outdated idea. We now live in a generation
where nearly every student belongsto an online social networking sites where they
spend several hours per day posting their locations and number of windows into
personal daily lives. There is a great deal of potential danger where online social
networking sites have become staples for social interactions. Online social networking
sites, like every good thing, have a flip side as well. Online social network sites such as
Facebook, Whatsapp and 2go can have negative consequences. Online social
networking usages are time consuming as students are gradually becoming addicted to
them. The hours and time spent on this process is enough to be used to acquire
knowledge. Instead of students to study their books they are online, social networking.
There are many secondary school students who cannot read but it is difficult to find a
student who cannot browse through internet and network socially. The Nigeria society
has incubated illiterate students. This is the reason Mbachu (2021) pointed out that
Nigeria is not a reading nation, that statistics of illiteracy ratio and those who refuse to
read continue to increase on daily basis. He also stated that a white man once said if
you want to hide anything from a black man hide it in a book, which means online
social networking is taking greater part of students, studying hours and the negative
consequences abound, students skip the time they are supposed to use to enhance their
academic performance and engage it in online social networking activities such as
posting pictures and comments, chatting and other social interactions.

Due to the innovation of internet, manual libraries have witnessed low

patronage; students prefer the use of internet social activities which are posing a lot of
distractions from academic work. Students, in spite of various benefits derived from the
use of school libraries that will enhance students to develop their study habits social
networking, has become a detriment to their academic progress, hence producing
negative consequences such as poor academic performance in schools. The act of multi
tasking has lead to poor academic performance. Karpinski (2019) reported in her
findings that the majority of students who use facebook every day are under achievers
by much as an entire grade compared with those who shun the site. Rouis et al (2021)
explained that students and other active users engage in long discussions about daily
issues checking their social network profiles.

Student also check their updates while preparing their home work which
interfers with their home work preparation. They emphasized that students are
distracted from their main occupation. Their working memory load allocation to these
task makes it difficult for them to be focused and prepared effectively. The study also
affirms that this leads to poor reading habits and instable results which may likely
decrease their global achievement. The act of cramming and procrastination rather than
studying is as a result of online social networking among students. Banquet et al (2019)
noted that students also show the act of procrastination because of online social
networking that exists in this present day. In their study they prove that every day habit
of procrastination of home work and studying of lessons have been the main factor of
acquiring substandard scores, In their new media they may be de personalizing the
process of interpersonal communication. It affects face to face communication between
peers and school mates because of overwhelmingly impersonal attributes. Educators
tend to see online social networking as encouraging poor traditional literacy skills
(writing, vocabulary, grammar) and could largely be disruptive to learners studying
skills needed in the school environment, Student are developing code – switching skills
in order to adopt to different web environments.

Over dose in online social networking usage may cause low imaginary and basic
skills such as how to use dictionary. The use of spare times is under utilized by students
due to online social networking usage Spare time is supposed to be used by students to
improve their diction and word use by reading good novels to stretch their minds and
language skills. Students flop for hours in front of meaningless web pages or blogs. This
hours could be converted into moments of value. Discipline should be inculcated and
cultivated to allow good managerial skills and usage of online social networking sites.
Influence of online social networking among student causes depression.

A depressed mind finds it difficult to read understand and concentrate on

studies. Adeyemo affirmed in his study that frequent use of facebook can trigger feeling
of depression and anxiety. Internet today is becoming the easiest point of access to
pornography and other anti-social behaviour by students. Latest pornographic
diagrams are summarized in text message by deviant people. The introduction of GSM
is one of the pains Nigeria is having today. Films are displayed in GSM and students
take grip of them and the films take the useful time students could have invested into

2.2.6 Factors Affecting Online Social Networking Usage

Moon (2021) listed the following three factors affecting online social networking
which are are:
1. Internet experience

2. Innovation

3. Self disclosure concerns

Internet Experience

The birth of computer which came up in the late 20 th century brought forth the
rising of internet experience. Internet experience evolved as a result of the computer
mediated communication, where many computers all over the world could be
connected and used by several individuals in different parts of the world for
communication and sharing common interests. At the start of 1990’s campuses
experienced high level of internet use.(Martinez Aleman and Wartman, 2019). In recent
times the level of internet use has increased dramatically. Almost all students in higher
institutions and secondary schools own laptops and some parents buy desk top
computers for the family use which gives all students the access to computer use in
their homes. With the increase use of computer-mediated communication there came a
growth of online social networking. 21st century students who were and still are skilled
users of internet.

Gbadebo, Ike and Adamu(2019) in their study entitled Influence of internet usage
on academic performance revealed that light users of internet seem to perform better
academically than non users followed by heavy users. The mean score of light users is
53.5% followed by non users with mean score of 48.52% and heavy users with the
lowest mean score 43.40. The differential influence between the three groups of users
were significant. Another study by Jackson et al (2003) show that length of time used in
internet affects students academic outcome. Adenyi (2016) discovered that computer
literate students spent time for leisure on internet and this leads to lack of concentration
in school. Children at this age are experiencing the technological revolution with
increased use of internet. Internet is the collection of computer networks that operate
based on common standards where programmers are run to communicate directly.
Internet is an international network of computers linked up to exchange information
across the world. Senior secondary school students are able to access and download

both academic and entertainment information they desire, they may use the internet for
several hours in a week. They engage mostly in sending and receiving emails, visiting
chat rooms, and accessing materials that are inappropriate for their consumption;
however some of the information and materials from the internet have limitations and
endanger the academic performance and creativity of secondary school students. The
attention of parents, teachers and counselors to monitor and regulate the use of the
internet is strongly needed. The researchers noticed that special concern has been
aroused about secondary school students and online social networking usages.


Owingto recent innovations of information technology, it has become a factor

that is affecting online social networking in our contemporary time. Innovation has
brought about manipulation of skills by students without minding whether they
possess the skills or not. Innovation has made secondary school students to be known
as new generation of learners who learn in considerably different ways. Innovation has
helped students to develop their own without instruction. The students of this
generation have advance relationship with technology from birth Beastall (2018).
Prensky (2021) noted their familiarity withand reliance on information and
communication technology (ICT) describing in technology by virtue of innovation.

Self Disclosure Concern

Another factor that influences online social networking is self disclosure concern.
A study conducted by Williams and Merten (2018) focused on self disclosure and peer
interaction among adolescents. Williams and Merten (2018) investigated 100 teenagers
who were involved on online social networking usage for post and blogs which
revealed information about adolescent personal thought, beliefs and feelings. The study
also revealed information regarding peer interaction, family well-being, substance
abuse, body image issues, identity vulnerability and sexual ability.

2.2.7 Impact of Online Social Networking Sites on Mathematics Academic


Online communication is created where gifted economy has a reciprocal altnustic
behavior among its youth. It is encouraged through cooperation of online social
network sites such as; facebook, 2go, whatsapp and other online social networking site.
Online social networking tools used by students to discover issues of identity, privacy
social ethics, youth culture and education. Several websites are moving into the power
of networking model for philanthropy and patronage. It has become a value in every
society that where you see students, if allowed to use their mobile phones around the
school premises, makes them busy networking through different sites. Students chat
and send text messages which reveal a lot about an individual. It is advised that in
using online social networking sites, one should maintain a measure of privacy for
obvious reasons.

Mbachu (2021) pointed out that since the advent of internet, libraries have
witnessed low patronage. Researchers and students prefer the use of internet for their
research works. He noted that library is now being ignored by those who preferred
internet as the fastest means of research, thereby throwing up the current challenge of
rewinding reading habit among secondary school students. Mathematics Academic
performance of a child is the learning outcome of the child which includes the
knowledge, skills and ideas acquired and retained through their course of study within
and outside the classroom setting. Online social networking sites have made students to
be exposed to quick accessibility of information in relation to both their academic work
and social interests. On students Mathematics Academic performance it has both
negative and positive impacts. Those that access sites for academic value, obtain
progress and higher performance but those who access the sites for social activities and
entertainment obtain divided attention towards their academic progress.

2.2.2 Challenges of using social media networks in academic performance

Englander (2020) proclaimed that internet usage is negatively associated with
academic performance of student users and destructive impact of internet usage is far
more momentous than its advantages. Internet addiction has come forth as a result of
striking boost in internet usage over the past few decades. Nalwa and Anand (2019)

proposed that addicted users prefer using internet setting back their personal and
professional responsibilities and this ultimately leads to poor academic performance.
Trusov, Bucklin, and Pauwels (2019) noted that the Internet is no doubt
evolution of technology but specifically social networks are extremely unsafe for
teenagers, social networks become hugely common and well-known in past few years.
While using SNSs, issues of privacy, identity protection, and e professionalism must be
paid attention as proposed by Mattingly (2020) but a contrasting finding was given by
Sengupta and Chaudhuri (2020) that SNSs memberships are not connected with online
abuse of teenagers.
Kirschner and Karpinski (2019) state that users of Social Networking Sites devote
lesser time to their studies than the non-users and subsequently had lower grades in
their academic courses. Further Karpinski (2019) says that among various unique
distractions of every generation, Social Networking Sites have been proved as the major
distraction of current generation.
American Educational Research Association conducted a research and it was
declared on its annual conference in San Diego, California (2019) that users of Social
Networking Sites study less and generated lower grades eventually
(21stcenturyscholar.org). Similarly, Banquil and Burce (2009) found a continuing drop
of grades among student who were users of social networking sites.
Paul, Baker & Cochran (2022), in his research on effect of online social
networking on student academic performance found that there is statistically significant
negative relationship between time spent by students on online social networks and
their academic performance. In addition, Boogart and Robert (2016) declared that use
of SNSs and Facebook have detrimental impacts on academic performance of student
users. Subsequently, Grabmeier (2019) observed that students having lower GPAs were
mostly those who log in any SNS. Internet abuses are increasing at an alarming rate and
stressing a serious need to promote usage regulations among student users.
In a Nigerian research study, Seyi (2022) focused on the negative impact of
engaging excessively and undue attention to online socialization to the harm of
academics. This study posits that the 21st century brought with it the advent of the new

media with its fast tracking means of sending and receiving information via internet in
our contemporary society, the new media has gained popularity as its been used for
entertainment, networking and academics. It also pointed out that social networking
was provided a boost due to ideas from young generation. The use of Facebook was
associated with co-curricular activities, which might be considered a positive influence
by social media (Junco, 2022).
Kubey, Lavin and Barrows (2021) proposed that impairment of academic
performance and internet dependency are correlated with the use of synchronous
communication applications including Social Networking Sites and chat rooms. Khan
(2022) using the theory of Erikson (1953) noted that in this age of life a student cannot
differentiate between his identity and role inside society and he cannot solve the
conflict within his role in society and his real identity, to resolve this confusion student
get attracted to social networking websites because in between social networking
websites he or she finds a virtual life and friends which cannot let him or her (student)
to be bored even for single moment.
However, many researchers have also found a positive association between use
of Social Networking Sites and academic performance of college students. Students,
using internet more, scored higher on reading skills test and had higher grades as well
(Linda; 2016). Moreover it has been found that the usage of the Social Networking Sites
is helpful for cure in case of some psychological problems including low life-satisfaction
and low self-esteem (Ellison; 2017).
2.2.3 Addiction to social networking sites and its effects on academic performance.
Social media addiction is considered as a kind of internet addiction (Kuss &
Griffiths, 2022). Individuals who spend too much time on social media have a desire to
be notified of anything immediately, which can cause virtual tolerance, virtual
communication and virtual problem. Behaviors that force the person into these actions
can be explained as social media addiction.
Turne & Serenko (2022) have identified three notionally different perspectives to
explain the formation of social network addiction: Cognitive-behavioral model; this
model emphasizes that ‘abnormal’ social networking arises from maladaptive

cognitions and is amplified by various environmental factors, and eventually leads to
compulsive and/or addictive social networking. Social skill model; this model
emphasizes that ‘abnormal’ social networking arises because people lack self-
presentational skills and prefer virtual communication to face-to-face interactions, and
it eventually leads to compulsive and/or addictive use of social networking. Socio-
cognitive model; this model emphasizes that ‘abnormal’ social networking arises due to
the expectation of positive outcomes, combined with internet self-efficacy and deficient
internet self-regulation eventually leads to compulsive and/or addictive social
networking behavior (Griffiths, 2022).
The transition from normal to problematic social media use is seen as an
important mechanism to alleviate stress, loneliness or depression for the individual, so
they become more active with more social media. This ultimately leads to many
problems and exacerbates the unwanted mental states of the individual (Xu & Tan,
2022). Brown & Bobkowski (2021) stated that social media use can lead to harmful
behaviors such as aggression, personality disorder, unhealthy diet, early sexuality,
tobacco and alcohol use in young people. As a result, the psychological dependence
level in social sharing develops when this cyclical situation is repeated in order to get
rid of the unwanted mood in social media use.
The researchers conducted in different countries revealed that internet usage
addiction is not limited to university students, but also includes secondary school and
high school students (Al-Menayes, 2015). Individuals who spend 8.5 to 21.5 hours
online per week are considered to be addicted (Yang & Tung, 2017).
According to the scale published in 2012 by Andreassen, there are five factors
that indicate a dependence level on Facebook; 1 mood swings, relevance, tolerances,
withdrawal conflicts in real life
Mood swing: the social network is a means through which a person feels better or
more self-assured (increased level of excitement or escape). This is the first stage usually
hidden with a false sensation of satisfaction experienced upon navigating social

Relevance: the user is unable to stop thinking about social networks (even when
outside of the network, imagining circumstances of the past or future that must be
published), in such a way that the tool slowly starts to dominate his/her life.
Tolerance: this relates to the time devoted to the tool and the control level it has
attained. Generally, it is common to spend more time on the social network, updating
pictures or posting comments, as a way to look for the same pleasant sensations
experienced before in a shorter period of time. Without noticing, the dependent person
loses control of the situation slowly, starting to substitute daily activities for more time
Withdrawal: abstinence and its effects can be cited here; generally, when social network
addicts do not have access to the internet, they become irritated, anxious and
frightened, and there are changes in sleeping or eating patterns as well as signs of
Conflicts in real life: when use of social networks is excessive it compromises real life
relationships with relatives and friends. This is the most common moment to perceive
evidence of the problem, but addicts feel incapable of reducing or simply stopping use.
This is when there is a loss of control over one’s behavior, possibly compromising
academic performance.
2.3 Theoretical Framework

The principle on which this study is based is the theoretical framework, an

approach developed through empirical studies. These main theories formed the
foundation of this study. They are:

a. Diffusion of innovation theory.

b. Gratification theory.

c. Cultivational theory

d. Albert Bandura Social Learning theory for online social networking usage

2.3.1 Diffusion of Innovation by Rogers

Abdullahi (2012) considered Rogers Innovation theory on how overtime an idea

or product gains momentum and spread through a specific population of social system.

It’s all about introducing something different from what has been available before the
pattern of adoption; that is, the person must perceive the idea, behaviour, product as an
innovation, when this happens diffusion becomes easy.

Therefore, diffusion is a process of spreading a given idea or practice over a time

through specific channels to a social structure such as neighbourhood. Abdullahi (2020)
states that for a new idea or innovation to diffuse, there must be the following:

i. Awareness stage
ii. Interest stage
iii. Evaluation stage
iv. Trail and adoption stage

The diffusion of innovated theory by Rogers as cited by Abdullahi (2020) was set
to examine how new ideas are spread among people through media which is social
network. It is a theory that explains how, why and at what rate new ideas and
technology spread through cultures. This theory proves that adoption of a new idea
does not happen at the same time in a social environment, rather it is a process where
some people adopt and accept the idea than others. The researcher identified the
categories of adopted early adopters, early majority, late majority. The theory centered
on the conclusion which increases or decreases the acceptance of a new idea. The level
of online social networking will determine the influence of it on students. Anjugu (2020)
said that the change agent centres around the conclusion which increases or decreases
the likelihood that a new idea would be adopted or not, which means it helped the
people in deciding on the best idea to adopt about a particular innovation Anjugu
(2020) observed that a great deal network use is actually habited and unselective, which
relates to the excess use of network and extent it exerts influence on the users.

2.3.2 Blumer Gratification Theory of Blumer

This theory was developed by Blumer as cited by Abdullahi (2012). He

developed this theory from a body of approaches developed out of empirical research
starting in the 20th century. It is one of the formal important theories accepted in the
social network. The basic idea of gratification theory is that students use the social

network to get gratification, which means the theory’s basic idea is that students use the
social network to get the state of the pleasure seeking and desire satisfied. Gratification
theory has the idea that people are not helpless targets of every powerful technology
innovations and inventions, to utilize them to attain to their various needs. The
perception of this theory is that new technologies engage groups of people in
communication with one another. The theory maintains that people are not under
cohesion to use certain technology device, but have the right to choose from the social
networks available to them that is facebook,2-go and whatapp. However, social
network are developed not to pose negative influence on students Mathematics
Academic performance but to improve the learning potentials of students.

2.3.3 Gratification Theory

The theory helps to explain why people choose to use a particular online social
network for example facebook, 2-go and whatsapp. Negative or positive

Influence derived from the usage depend on the frequency of the user’s time invested
into it. Abdullahi (2020) explained that technology devices used for communication and
social net workings are mostly used for potential ability to meet predetermined needs:
moreover, social network as an online social network used by secondary school
students is because of its ability to meet their predetermined needs. Secondary school
students who use any social network site in order to gratify their emotional needs create
procrastination on their academic work. Though only the user can say the actual
benefits. Frequently students are addicted to browse and chart on facebook, 2-go or
whatapp at the detriment of other academic work. They spend their time posting
comments, sending pictures and carrying other social activities which are irrelevant to
the academic progress.

There is always diversion from searching academic information to social,

activities. Students lack concentration and are distracted from their school work due to
the gratification the derived from social network usage. Infact their study habit
deterioration is on the alarming side. Study culture and habit is at a decline level. There
is no time of personal study and research among secondary school student at their
Social network sites make it possible for the users to create their personal
profiles. In this profiles students are given opportunity to reveal information about their
personal thought, belief and feelings and any other information that is their desire.
Based on the assumption of gratification theory, where an individual, in the society has
the right to choose what will satisfies his pleasure, these students choose to use any
social network such as facebook, 2-go and whatapp for their gratification not minding
the influence it will exert on their academic performance, all they need is the pleasure
and gratification derived at the moment.

The researcher’s concern is the negative influence of these online social networks
on their academic performance. However, these students are still adolescents who are
not capable of making wise and intelligent choices and decisions. Secondary school
students may not understand the negative influence social network may pose on their
Mathematics Academic performance because they just want feel to belong or be part of
the global users of latest and most popular social network sites. The needs of secondary
school students motivate them to the use of gratification of these social network. The
benefits they desire which may be information entertainment self-esteem and prestige.
Through gratification study, communication schools have shown that any where people
selectively expose themselves to social network content, they choose a particular social
network that can gratify or satisfy their needs. Therefore the emphasis of gratification
theory is the motive of the study choices on any of the social networks coupled with
their individual differences which may influence their academic progress.

However gratifications theory holds a contrary view that media fulfils certain
needs for people including for social relationship or a sense of friendship and emotional
attachment that develops between media users and media personalities. Martinez and
Aleman (as cited in Moon, 2021) noted that, there could be possible risks for students. It
is also vital that the benefits of websites be acknowledged. Many schools are using
computer and websites to promote education, keep students up to date with
assignments and offer help to those who need. Hence the need to research on the
influence of social networking usage on the Mathematics Academic performance of
students in secondary schools in Kaduna become necessary.
2.3.4 Cultivational Theory of George Gerbner

Nwabueze and Aduba (2014) considered cultivational theory developed by

George Gerbner and Larry Gross to form the basis for discussion on the influence of
online social networking on students’ academic performance. The objective of the
theory is to identify and track the “cultivated” influence of media on users. The theory
is concerned with the influence of media activities (particularly violent programming)
on the attitudes and behaviour of the users. The theory also examines the long term
consequences of media on users. The primary proposition of cultivation theory states
that the more time people spend living in the media world, the more likely they are to
believe in the social reality portrayed in the cultivation; it permits people with a
misperception of what is true in the world. The theory claims that because media
contains so much of violence, people who spend most time in front of the screen
develop an exaggerated belief in the world they live in. Research conducted by
Nwabueze et al (2014) on cultivational theory and media viewing submits the idea that
high amount of social media can have an effect on psycho social health of those who
would be classified as heavy users experience shyness, loneliness and depression much
more than those who either do not engage or not participate nearly as much.

2.3.5 Albert Bandura Social Learning Theory

Many theories have been advanced over the years to explain why people behave
the way they do. Until recently the most common view propounded by Albert Bandura
(1986) was that of social learning. Behaviour is learned through modeling. Bandura

(1986) pointed the following processes in his social learning:

1. Attention Process

2. Retention Process

3. Motoric Reproduction Process

Attention Process:

Attention process is one of the essential features of models behavior. Social

learning by example is concerned with attentional process. Attentional process
connects the learned to associational preference which eventually moves the learner to
interpersonal attention of the model. Social networking has much intrinsic reward that
it has held the attention of people of all ages ransom. The reason is the ability of
capturing individuals’ attention regardless of the time taken, procrastination and
distraction it post to the academic process of the users. It is noted that some forms of
modeling are very intrinsically rewarding extended periods. The researcher gave an
example of televised modelings which are very effective in capturing viewer’ attentions
that they learned the depicted behaviour regardless of whether or not they are given
extra incentive to do so.

Retention Process

An individual is influenced by observation of model behaviour through

retention memory. There is no way an individual can experience social learning
without retention process, individual such as secondary school students involved in
social networking use retention process modeling as sub process of social learning
theory. Online social networking activities students engage themselves, spending much
of their time is to code model activities into their works, concise labels or vivid imagery.
Most times students engage themselves in metal rehearsal to boost their level of
accuracy and frequency of social networking. It is therefore considerable interest that
mental rehearsal of modeled activities can increase retention.

In general, internet and online social networking serve both as a meeting place
for teens to interact with one another as minded people and an outlet for teens to
express networking sites as show places for teens artistics musical abilities and reading
skills. Some networking sites like my Spur promote healthy, competitions and
creativity among students. Students are given opportunities to participate in essay and
writing competition of which they are awarded prices. These sites provide discussion
forums on varieties of topics for students to participate. This encourage students and
help them in developing good reading habits and exposes them to a Variety of
information topics.

Motoric Reproduction Process

This is the ability to acquire component skills. This is where a given set of
responses according to the model pattern are put together. Students integrate
constituent element they possess to produce patterns in social networking. The age
bracket of secondary school students is with the range at which their motoric
reproduction is effective in manipulating skills desirable for the operation of social
networking gadgets.

2.4 Summary

The summary of this chapter centered on review of related literature which

comprises the conceptual frame work, concept of social networking, concept of
academic performance, , types of social networking sites, influence of online social
networking usage, factors affecting Mathematics Academic performance impact of
online social networking, theoretical framework, diffusion theory of innovation,
gratification theory, cultivation theory and social learning theory were scholarly

The reviewed related literature researched on the impact of facebook, impact of

social media and effect of social networking on mathematics academic performance,
this particular study intend to investigate the influence of online social networking on
the Mathematics Academic performance among secondary school students in order to
understand the negative and positive influence factors affecting Mathematics Academic
performance which may help conusellors, school administrators and parents on how to
mentor, monitor and educate students on how to use the available online social
network thereby creating a balance in their academic activities and online social
networking usage.

All previous studies on effect and influence of online social networking usage
and Mathematics Academic performance concentrated on undergraduate’s students
from university and colleges in Nigeria and outside Nigeria without investigating the
influence of online social networking usage between male and female students,
different age brackets and very frequent, frequent and rare users among secondary
school students in Kaduna State. This study is designed to fill the gap created by earlier
study. The study examined the significant influence of online social networking usage
on Mathematics Academic performance of male and female secondary school students.
Secondly it also examined the significant influence of different age brackets 12 – 14, 14 –
16 years in secondary school students and lastly it determined what significant
influence online social networking usage.



3.1 Introduction

A research methodology can be seen as strategies developed or adopted for

solving problems and testing of the entity concern to investigate the various causes of
the problem with a view of finding solutions. The process of finding solutions and
investigation is called methodology.
The chapter presents the procedure employed in conducting this research, it
focuses on the following sub headings, research design, population of the study, sample
and sampling technique, instrumentation, validity, pilot testing, and reliability of
instrument, procedures for data collection and analysis.

3.2 Research Design

This study adopted survey research design. It was used due to its relevance in a
study of this nature. Ali (2019) noted that survey design is normally used when the
researcher is to obtain from only few people or items considered being representative of
the entire group. The researcher decided to use the method because it would not be
possible to get data from all the secondary schools students in Zaria metropolis, but the
five selected schools the local government which served as a representatives of the
entire secondary schools in Zaria.

3.3 Population

According to Silver, (1980), “population is the totality of any group, person or

objects which is defined by some unique attributes”. This is to say that population is
any group of being the researcher has focused attention on and chosen as approved
subject of study.
The population of the study was made up of twenty seven (27) Government
Senior Secondary School Students located in three local government areas namely,
Giwa, Sabon Gari and Zaria. Six schools were selected as representative of the entire
government senior secondary schools in the metropolis because it would not be

possible for the researcher to get data from all the schools because of the type of
research design used for the study.

Table 3.1 Population of students using online social networking site in three Local
Government Areas inZaria Metropolis

S/N L.G.A within Names of Schools Population


1 Giwa 1. Yusuf Aboki Senior Secondary 520

School Shika

2 Sabon Gari 2. G.G.S.S Samaru 752

3. G.S.S. Basawa 471

4. G.S.S Bomo 814

3 Zaria 5. G.S.S. Tundu Jukun 1208

6. Alhudahuda College 1255

Total 3 6 5020

3.4 Sample and Sampling Technique

Sampling technique refers to that part of the population that is been selected or
picked by the researcher for the study. Simple random sampling technique was used in
drawing samples from the population. 10% of the population was randomly selected
making a total of 502. The rationale for selecting 10% of the entire population is
according to Kerlinger and Denga in Ali (2019) 10% of the population has the ideal
representation of the entire population.

The sample is shown on Table 3.2 next page.

Table 3.2 Distribution of respondents in Zaria metropolis using online social

networking site

S/No Name of school Population Sample
Size (10%)

1. Yusuf Aboki Senior 520 52

Secondary School Shika

2. G.G.S.S Samaru 752 75

3. G.S.S. Basawa 471 47

4. G.S.S Bomo 814 81

5. G.S.S. Tundu Jukun 1208 120

6. Alhudahuda College 1255 126

Total 5020 502

3.5 Instrumentation

The instrument used for the study was self-structure questionnaires. A

questionnaire is a set of questions dealing with the same topic or related group of
topics, given to a selected group of individuals for the purpose of gathering data on a
problem under consideration (Van, Landsman and Bodenstein, 2004). The questionnaire
consisted of bio-data, positive and negative items based on the modified scale; strongly
agree (1) agree (2) disagree (3) strongly disagree (4). Respondents ticked ( P ) the key in
front of each item which indicated the extent of their agreement or disagreement with
each statement.

3.5.1 Validity

The instruments were presented to the lecturer (project supervisor) who

ascertained their face and content validity. Their observations and corrections were to
alternate the positive and negative influence of online social networking usage on
Mathematics Academic performance among secondary school student in Zaria.

3.5.2 Pilot Testing

Government secondary school Aminu Sabon Gari Zaria was used for the study.
This school was considered adequate for the study since it falls within the same
geographical location of the schools used for the actual study but not among the ones
that were used for the actual research.

3.5.3 Reliability

In order to determine the reliability of the instrument, questionnaire on Influence

of Online Social Networking Usage and Mathematics Academic performance among
Secondary School Students and a pilot test was undertaken on 50 students of
Government Secondary School Aminu Sabon Gari Zaria using test-re-test method. The
data collected was subjected to the Cronbach Alpha method. The justification for its use
is because the study is a survey design. Consequently, reliability co-efficient of alpha
level of 0.83 was obtained. This reliability co-efficient was considered adequate for the
internal consistencies of the instrument. This was a confirmation of test of reliability by
Spiegel, (1992), Olayiwola (2010) and that an instrument is considered reliable if it lies
between 0 and 1, and that the closer the calculated reliability coefficient is to zero, the
less reliable is the instrument, and the closer the calculated reliability co-efficient is to 1,
the more reliable is the instrument. This therefore confirms the reliability of the data
collection of the questionnaire used as fit for the main work.

3.6 Procedure for Data Collection

For easy administration of the research instruments, the researchers made official
visit to the selected schools just before the research instrument was administered. This
was necessary to received permission to administer the instruments to the respondents
concerned and also to gain their support and corporation upon the subsequent visit.
The whole process was monitored in order to guarantee a hundred per cent validity
and reliability of the questionnaire. Teachers were involved as research assistants
during the data collection. Questionnaire of online social networking usage were
administrated by the researcher and the research assistants after the questionnaires
were collected.
3.7 Procedure for Data Analysis

Chesnay (2014) defines data analysis as the process of systematically applying

statistical and/or logical techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and

evaluate data. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics with the aid of the
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). This involved a critical assessment of each
response and examining it using thematic interpretation in accordance with the main
objectives of the study and then presented in narrative excerpts in the report. The
independent t-test statistics was used in testing all hypotheses. All hypotheses were
tested at 0.05 level of significance in order to determine those retained and rejected.



4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents, discusses and interprets the findings of the study discussed
under each objective. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data collected. The
chapter also provides the major findings and results of the study.

4.2. Response Rate

The study initially sought to ascertain the general information on the respondents
involved in the study with regards to the year of study, age, and gender. The
demographic information points at the respondents’ suitability in answering the
questions on the effects of social networks on Mathematics Academic performance of
university students in Nigeria: a case of National Institute of Transport Students.

4.2.1 Total Number of Respondents

A total of 99 respondents were served with questionnaires out of which 28 (28.3%) had
incomplete questionnaires and were thus excluded from analysis leaving 71
respondents for analysis. This response rate was considered appropriate for analysis
and reporting as supported by Mugenda and Mugenda (1999) indicating that a
response rate of 70% and above is excellent.

4.2.2 Gender of Respondents

Table 4.1: Gender of the Respondents

Gender Frequency Percent

Male 29 40.8

Female 42 59.2

Total 71 100

Source: Researcher (2019)

From Table 4.1, majority of the respondents were male at 59.2 percent with 42
respondents and female 40.8 percent which is 29 respondents. Therefore, the findings
show that male respondents were more involved in the study due to their rate of
response whereas female respondents had low percentage compared to males.

4.2.3 Age of the Respondents

Table 4.2.: Age of the Respondents

Source: Researcher (2019)

From the Table 4.2, Majority of the respondents were in the age bracket of 20-25 years
(n=35, 49.3percent) followed by 26 – 30 (n=24, 33.8percent). The age bracket with the
least number of students was 31-35 bracket with (n=14, 18.4percent). These findings
matches with Charlene Li et al., (2017) who estimated that students are more likely to
use social networking websites; nearly 47 percent of teenagers (12 to 17year olds) and
69 percent of young adults (18 to 21year olds) and 20 percent of adults (18+) use
social networking sites, and only 20 percent use them to contact other people.

4.2.4 Respondents Program

Table: 4.3. Respondents Program

Source: Researcher (2019)

Table: 4.3, presents that most of the students under study are BLTM (Bachelor Degree
in Logistics and Transport Management) 33.8 percent (n=24) followed by Bachelor
Degree in Procurement and Logistics Management (BPLM) 18 which is 25.4 Percent of

the sampled population. BBA and BHRM have the least number of respondents with 16
(22.5 Percent) and 13(n=18.3) respectively.

4.2.5 Respondents by year of study

Table: 4.4. Showing respondents by year of study

Year of study Frequency Percent

First year 10 14.1

Second year 25 35.2

Third year 30 42.3

Fourth year 6 8.5

Total 71 100.0

Source: Researcher (2019)

From the Table: 4.4, the highest number of sampled students were in third year (n=30;
42.3 Percent) followed by second year students (n=25; 35.2 percent) while the least were
fourth year students (n=6; 8.5 Percent). The variations were much influenced by
accessibility of respondents.

4.2.6. Online social networking sites used the most by students

Students are able to get online from various platforms. Some of the various places
include at home, at the cyber café, at the malls, and some at school among others. While
at home they can access through their smart phones and laptops, and at school.

Figure 4.5.: Showing online social networking sites used the most by students

SNS Frequency Percent

Instagram 10 14.1

WhatsApp 31 43.7

Facebook 24 33.8

Snapchat 6 8.5

Total 71 100.0

Source: Researcher (2019

Students are able to get online from various platforms. Some of the various places
include at home, at the cyber café, at the malls, and some at school among others. While
at home they can access through their smart phones and laptops, and at school they can
use the computer labs that have networked computers. From the above table 4.5, most
students are using WhatsApp with a 43.7 percent response rate followed by Facebook
with a 33.8 percent response rate. The popularity of WhatsApp is attributed to it being
an instant messaging application that runs on mobile phones and can be used while one
is on the go and thus allowed multitasking which students are known for.

The researcher found out that students felt WhatsApp to be more interactive than the
other sites. Facebook has a substantive percentage because it‘s an application that has
been there for a while and enables students to tag each other especially pictures.

In addition it allows connectivity with many users without necessarily having their
contact numbers. Instagram and SnapChat had 14 percent and 8.5 percent response rate
respectively with many students finding the two sites less interesting.

4.2.7. Time spent on SNS by students

The concern of time on social media networks has been one of the most debated ones as
many researchers have given several sights on the subject.

Table 4.6.: Showing time spent by students on online social networking sites in a day
Duration (Time) Frequency Percent

All day 11 15.5

Less than 30 minutes 14 19.7

More than 1 hour 28 39.4

Less than 1 hour 18 25.4

Total 71 100.0

Source: Researcher (2019

From the table 4.6 above, it was established that most students spend more than an
hour on SNS with a 39.4 percent (n=28) response, less than one hour 25.4 percent (n=18)
response and 19.7 percent (n=14) less than 30 minutes. The 15.5 percent (n=11 spends all
day on SNS were found to be those with continuous internet connectivity and may not
be necessarily active all day but were logged in. Rithika and Selvaraj (2016), suggest
that students who spend more time on social media may have difficulty balancing their
online activities and their academic preparation. This will in turn affect their academic
performance. Additionally, this has been justified by Paul, Baker, Cochran (2017) in one
of their written article also proved that social media platforms affects students’
academic performance. The researchers further said that as time spent on social
platforms increases, the Mathematics Academic performance of students is seen to

4.3 Current usage of online social networking sites

Table 4.7.: Showing the current usage of online social networking sites based on the
information sought from on SNS. The objective here was to determine the key activities
that students focus on while browsing social networks, thus the findings were as

Table 4.7 showing Internet usage

Information seek on Frequency Percent

Sports 24 33.8

Current affairs 9 12.7

Academic 10 14.1

Infotainment 28 39.4

Total 71 100.0

Source: Researcher (2019)

Wiley and Sisson (2016) argued that the previous studies have found that more than
90% of college students use social networks. Table 4.6 above, shows that from the
questionnaires it was established that most students does use SNS and they usually
seek information on infotainment with a 39.4 percent (n=28) response. Infotainment
content entailed material which is intended to both entertain and inform.

Information about music artists and movie stars on their latest endeavors can be
considered infotainment. The research found out that such information was highly
sought by the students due to the need to know the latest music that has been released
by their favorite musicians and the need to keep up with the changing trends in
clothing and fashion. This findings matches with Khan (2017) who noted that the most
popular activities done by students and users on social networking sites revolve around
looking at profiles of one another, searching for someone here and there, or updating
one‘s own profile, eavesdropping (sensing others activities on social networking
websites and analyzing their posts).

On the sports aspect, the research meant information about games, teams and athletes.
Sport was ranked second with a 33.8 percent (n=24) response saying they seek sports
information on SNS. Many of the respondents follow their favorite teams in the English
and other European premier leagues.

In this research current affairs meant news and information that was trending and
making headlines at the particular moment. Current affairs had the least response with
12.7 percent (n=9) which implies that very few students if any seek information of this
subject matter on SNS.

The lower response on current affairs could be attributed the lack of interest in matters
relating to politics, governance, conflict resolution and environmental issues that are
less interesting to the students

Academic/ complementary education entailed information that is meant to enhance

their education and complement what the students had learnt in school. Academic /
complementary education had 14.1 percent response. It was established that students
would rarely seek Academic / complementary education through online SNS but rather
would opt for group discussion and reliance on class notes and teachers.

The research established that the 14.1 percent (n=10) was very little time spent online in
relation to academic thus showing the very little devotion to academic matters when on

Moreover, students were asked if their friends are on social network site, where all
students (100 percent) claimed that their friends are on social network sites. This is
because of better access technological devices such as mobile phones and computers
that increased the changes of engaging in social networking. Students were also asked if
their classmates have formed a discussion group on any social network sites and if they
use this group(s) for class projects.

Additionally, 83.1 percent of students (n=59) agreed that they have been using SNS for
engaging into group(s) discussions for class projects, while 84.5 percent (n=60) agreed
to be using social networking sites to share class notes. 87.3 percent of the students
(n=62) acknowledged the assistance of social networking sites on academic issues, such
as receiving notes and easing their access to their lecturers. These findings are
interpreted in the following figures.

Kuppuswamy and Shankar (2020) argue that social network websites grab attention of
the students and then divert it towards non-educational and inappropriate actions
including useless chatting time killing by random searching and not doing their jobs.
However, many researchers also found a positive association between use of internet
and SNS and Mathematics Academic performance of the student users.

4.4 Challenges of using social media networks in academic performance

This section focused on the challenges of SNS on Mathematics Academic performance
of students. This was a critical question since it determines how social networks affect
students academically.

Therefore, 63.4 percent (n=45) responded that using social networks affects their
privacy of personal information. The findings to some extent relates to the discussions
generated by Mattingly who proposed that while using SNSs, issues of privacy, identity
protection, and e professionalism must be paid attention Mattingly (2020) but also,
There is no significant influence of privacy/security problems on students’ academic
performance. This is so, because of the changes that are been made frequently on these
social media platforms which could have the concentration of students on their studies
and thus affect their test or examination score.

4.4.1 SNS are source of distraction

Table 4.8 That SNS are source of distraction

Response Frequency Percent

Neutral 21 29.6

Agree 50 70.4

Total 71 100

Source: Researcher (2019)

From table 4.8 above, the findings show that majority of respondents at 70.4 percent
(n=50) reported that browsing social media distracts them from learning (That SNS are
source of distraction). This can be supported by Benzie (2017) noted that the Canadian
government prohibited employees from Facebook.com. In the same way Boyd &
Ellison (2017) also pointed out that the U.S. Congress has proposed legislation to ban
youth from accessing social networking websites in schools and libraries. With these
studies it is evident that SNS usage is a distraction especially to students.

4.4.2 Social networks influence laziness

Table 4.9 Social networks influence laziness

Response Frequency Percent

Neutral 12 16.9

Agree 59 83.1

Total 71 100

Source: Researcher (2019)

From table 4.9 above, The findings shows that 83.1 percent (n=59) responded that social
networks impacts unproductive behaviors such as laziness on task oriented behavior
where they can be distracted from task at hand. However, 45.1 percent (n=32) of the
sampled students claimed that the use of SNS takes up time as they spend a lot of time
browsing social media which affects their health and academic life. Many students have
lost their interest in their studies as they spend most of their time on these sites (Kalra &
Manani, 2016).

4.5 Students' addiction to social networking sites and its effects on their academic
According to the outcome, students’ Mathematics Academic performance is affected the
more they use Facebook. Social platforms are mainly used by students for socializing
activities rather than academic purpose (Oye, 2017).

4.5.1 Hours spent online

The findings shows that 39.4 percent (n=28) of the respondents responded that
addiction to online social networks is a problematic issue that affects their academic life.
Furthermore, Online social networks distract me from my studies was a response from
25.4 percent (n=32) respondents. ‘’The consequences of internet and social platforms on
students’ academic growth’’ a study than by Young (2016) it was seen that internet has
spread its wings to reach teenager’s school life. It was also observed by Young that
students are more dependent on internet to access info that pertain their academic life
as well as entertainment. Additionally, Young said that internet, though take a lot of
time, and have less impact on studies. It was observed by Wang (2021) that impact of
social platforms rest on the degree of usage.

Table 4.10 hours they spend online

Response Frequency Percent

Disagree 20 28.2

Neutral 19 26.8

Agree 32 45,1

Total 71 100

Source: Researcher (2019)

From table 4.11 above, about the hours spent online 19.7 percent of the respondents
claimed that the hours they spend online cannot be compared to the number of hours
spent reading. However, 15.5 percent of respondents responded that there is no

improvement in their grades since they became engaged into these social networking
sites. This can be proved by other studies (such as Kubey, et al., 2021) also produced
strong evidence that low Mathematics Academic performance scores were also found
out to be directly related to long hours on SNS, whose findings again concur with the
findings in this study (Dawson, 2018). The findings in this study and those found
elsewhere conclude that there is therefore, need for monitoring and control of access to
SNS by university students to enhance their academic performances.

4.5.2 SNS addiction influences academic performance

Table4.11 SNS addiction influences academic performance

Response Frequency Percent

Strongly agree 28 39.4

Agree 18 25.4

Disagree 14 19.7

Strongly disagree 11 15.5

Total 71 100

Source: Researcher (2019)

From the table above, the findings shows that 28 (39.4 percent) of the participants’
responded with Strongly Agree that Students’ addictiveness to social network has a
significant influence on their academic performance, 18 (25.4 percent) Agree, 14 (19.7
percent) Disagree, while 11 (15.5 percent) strongly Disagree. The findings matches and
are supported by the studies which showed that students who performed poorly at
school had spent five time (x5) more hours online than those who performed well
(Muhingi, et al., 2015).

4.6 Effects of engaging in social network on academic performance

A study by Rithika and Selvaraj (2016) in Indonesia came out with a number of results
in relation to social network participation and academic performance. The results of the
study showed that there was a significant impact of social media usage on student’s
academic performance. The authors stated that there is a connection between late
submission of assignments and time spent on social networking sites. They concluded
that there is a significant negative impact of social network participation on students’
performance through the use of mobile technologies as these increases the frequency
and flexibility of visits to these sites. In addition, this current study further revealed that
majority of the respondents (97.3 percent) agreed on sharing class activities on social
network sites or to facilitate class discussions.

Majority of respondents (75 percent) also added that their social network sites may
distract students from engaging in academic activities, hence hindering their academic
performance. This was supported by Malaney (2015) who found that 8.9 percent of
students in 2000, and 4.4 percent in 2003, reported that their grades had suffered as a
result of too much time spent on the Internet as well as on social media networks. This
was supported by the study of Kirschner and Karpinski (2020), who found a
“significant negative relationship between Facebook use and academic performance.

Further, a high number of respondents (97.7 percent) also confirmed that social
networking has helped ease access to their lecturers, while 97.4 percent confirmed the
increased interaction among students. This is so because some students can spend time
on social media platforms and yet their performance for the semester or academic year
still remains the same which is similar to some cited researches earlier in the course of
study. This finding is supported by the research work of; Anne (2021) states that social
networking sites provide an avenue for students join to interesting groups that allow
them to learn new skills in area of their choice.

4.7 Discussion of Findings

Findings show that the undergraduate students of National Institute of Transport have
access to social media and that the extent to which the students have access to social
media is high. This is evident in all respondents admitting to taking some hours in the

day accessing social networking sites (see figure 4.2.3). The implication of this is that
NIT students have access to social media. This is mainly because they use social media
for various purposes as reported by all respondents when they were asked what areas
do they share on social network: infotainment with a 39 percent and Sport was ranked
second with a 34 percent as the leading areas mentioned. This is in line with the uses
and gratifications theory which says that audience members use the media to satisfy
various purposes.

In line with the outcome of this study to understand students’ Mathematics Academic
performance by using social media in higher education, the following have been
discovered: To acquire a general satisfaction of social media since it encourages and
facilitates student utilization of social media for collaborative learning, and boost the
education and experience with a students. In terms of interactivity with students on
social network sites, such Facebook, email, Whatsapp, and other platforms, and
acquired a higher percentage when it comes to students’ Mathematics Academic
performance at the National Institute of Transport since it influences it to be simple for
student to go over questions along with other students through social media. It is easy
to networking with students and interacting with them because it is the same age, class
and education level.

The findings also show that students who spend more time on social media are likely to
affect their academic performance. This is because, instead of reading their books, they
spend their time charting and making friends via the social media and this will
definitely have negative effect on their academic performance, because when you do
not read, there is no way you can perform well academically.



5.1 Introduction
This chapter presents a summary, recommendations and suggestions for further
research based on the results of the study. The findings were based on the objectives of
the study.

5.2 Summary
The purpose for this study was to analyze of the effects of social networks on
Mathematics Academic performance of university students in Nigeria with National
Institute of Transport undergraduate students as the case study. The study findings
discussed in the previous chapter can be summarized as follows:

On the current usage of online social network sites, the study found out that students
highly use SNS for different purposes such as seeking infotainment on SNS, followed
by sports, academic/complementary education. The infotainment content included
latest information on music released by their favorite musicians and the changing
trends in clothing and fashion. On sports, students sought information about the
English and other popular European premier leagues and also famous athletes. Another
kind of information sought by the students was academic/ complementary education.
On this, the study established that students sought and shared information that
supplemented what they had learnt in school and also new knowledge.

The study found out that the students had less interest on information concerning
current affairs. This is because the current affairs issues revolve on issues to do with

politics and environmental matters which are of less concern to the students as per the

The study also sought to investigate the challenges of using social media networks in
academic performance, students use social networking sites for various reasons. On this
aspect the study ascertained that the users of Social Networking Sites devote lesser time
to their studies which contribute to poor academic performance. Apart from that, the
study found out that browsing social media distracts them from learning (That SNS are
source of distraction).

Additionally, students responded that social networks impacts unproductive behaviors

such as task oriented behavior where they lack focus on tasks at hand. They also
responded that using social networks affects their privacy of personal information.

The responses on challenges of usage of SNS on Mathematics Academic performance

was high because the networks that the students have may not necessarily have the
same academic need as them. In addition, most students were found to disassociate
themselves with academic matters while online and just concerned about keeping in
touch with each other and following up on matters such as fashion trend and music.

The study also sought to examine students' addiction to social networking sites and
effects of it to their academic performance.

From the study 63.4% (n=45) of the participants’ responded with Strongly Agreeing that
Students’ addictiveness to social network has a significant influence on their academic
performance. As of the respondents, they felt that the SNS negatively affects their
Mathematics Academic performance because they spend a lot of their time online
instead of studying. Respondents also responded that there is no improvement in their
grades since they became engaged into these social networking sites. The respondents
indicated that most students spent over one hour in a day on SNS at the expense of
study time.

5.3 Conclusion
Most, if not all, of university students at the National Institute of Transport, actively
engage in social networking sites. This is because it is cheap, accessible and user
friendly. Social networking was found to have positive effects on learning outcomes for
those students who used it for learning. However use of social networking for
entertainment, pass time and socialization had some negative effects on learning
outcomes. Similarly social networking while attending lectures, group work and private
reading is counterproductive. From the collected and analyzed, it can be concluded that
the exposure to social media by students of National Institute of Transport is high and
this has positive effect on their performance.

The study has revealed that despite the benefits that come with the participation of
students on social media networks, it could impact negatively on their Mathematics
Academic performance if not used properly.

A lot of benefits abound in the use of social media networks such as sharing
information and ideas, improving reading skills etc. Despite the benefits that comes
with the participation of students on social media networks, its misuse could affect the
academic life of the student and thereby their performance. Normally, social
networking sites chosen by people would compete with other sources of information.
Therefore, social media networks compete with academic work for students’ attention.
It is therefore the responsibility of the student to make the right decision in relation to
the use of social network sites.

5.4 Recommendation
In consideration with the conclusions of the study the following recommendations are
forwarded. First, that every individual should recognize underlying problems that may
support ones social networking addiction and should strengthen relationship with
friends in real life. Second, that individual must modify ones internet use step by step
and computer use should be monitored and set clear limits. Third, every individual
must set reasonable internet use goals and stick to them and routine to break social
networking site usage patterns should be altered. Fourth, seek out friends and
acquaintances who “couldn’t care less" about the internet and should connect to the
offline world. Lastly, internet should be treated as a significant tool in education rather
than purely self-entertainment and manage the internet and computer use in a useful

5.4.1 Recommendations for further research

The researcher recommends for an in-depth study and critically looking at the
performance variation of a particular student over time when he/she was using and
when he/she was not using SNS. A study could also be done on the impact of SNS on
Mathematics Academic performance of students in other universities and compare the
findings with the ones in the urban areas. As suggested by Savita Gupta & Liyaqat
Bashir (2018), “Further research can be conducted to determine the relationship of social
networking usage with the Mathematics Academic performance of students.” (P: 222).

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Appendix I: Research Questionnaire


My name is Abili A Mwakibugi, a student at the National Institute of Transport. The

purpose of this study is to examine the impacts of social networking sites on the
academic life and performance of students at the National Institute of Transport.

You are assured that your response will remain CONFIDENTIAL. Please answer all
questions and remember there is no right or wrong answer. Thank you.

Please read carefully and provide the appropriate answer for each statement.

Section A: General Information

1. Gender: Female ( ) Male ( )

2. Age ___________________________

3. Program___________________________

4. Year of study? ___________________________

4. Which online social networking sites do you use the most?

KEY: Extremely Often-EO; Very Often-VO; Often-O; Rarely-R; Not at all-NT

Online Social Networking site EO VO O R NT


5. How many hours per day do you engage in social networking?

(a) More than 1 hour ( ) (b) Less than 1 hour ( ) (c) Less than 30 mins ( ) (d) All
day ( )

Section B ։ Current Usage of Social Networks on Academic Issues

What is the current usage of social network on academic issues?

i. I share study material on social networks
that helps other students who are weak in
studies performance
ii. I engage in discussion groups with my
iii. I participate in group work activities

iv. We often communicate with the lecturer

on the class issues

v. I receive comments, feedbacks, and

materials from

Vi I use social networks to do my homework

V I use social networking to inform
ii colleagues of links
and resources related to our course
V I use materials from online to
iii complement what I have been taught in

SECTION C։ Challenges of Using Social Media Network in Academic Performance

What are the challenges of using social media networks in academic performance?

I I face difficulties engaging in face to face
communication skills
Ii Social networks are distractions to my
Iii I experience bullying from other students
IV Social networks facilitate laziness
V I solely rely on information gotten from
social networks to do my assignments
without consulting other sources
Vi I will not perform well in my academics
even if I stop using social media
Vii Online social networks distracts me from
my studies

SECTION D։ Addictiveness to Social Network and Academic Performance

To what extent would student addictiveness to social network influence their academic

SD = strongly disagree D= Disagree N=Neutral A=Agree SA = strongly agree

I Hours spent online cannot be compared to
the hours I spend reading
Ii Addiction to online social networks is a
problematic issue that affects my academic
Iii It is difficult to improve one’s grades once
they engage into these social networks
Iv I feel uneasy when I don’t get enough time
to access my social networks

V I rely on information gotten from social
networks to do my assignments without
consulting other sources
Vi social networks distracts me from my

Thank you!


Social networking sites have changed the way people interact and communicate. Most
undergraduate students who are members to these online networking sites spend
numerous hours on these sites at the expense of study time. This research paper looked
at the impact of social networking sites on Mathematics Academic performance among
University students in Nigeria: A case study of National Institute of Transport
undergraduate students. The study focused on students as the respondents and used
questionnaire as a tool of study. The total population was 7500; while after computing
using Taro Yamen’s formula, the sample size was 99 out of which 28 (28.3%) had
incomplete questionnaires and were thus excluded from analysis leaving 71
respondents for analysis. The 71 respondents left for analysis was 71.7% of the original
sample. Cross-sectional survey research design employed the use of the closed survey
questionnaire. The survey questionnaire was administered to students at NIT, Nigeria.
Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics with the aid of the Statistical Package for
Social Sciences (SPSS). The findings of this study shed insight on how students use
online social networking sites, the time spent and the kind of information sought. The
study also provides recommendations on how online networking can be used in order
to improve academic purposes. The significance of this study was to the university
students to know how best to use social media networks as tool for improving their
academic performance, to scholars in furthering the relationship between social
networking and academic performance, to the government and other stakeholders in
improving the implementation of IT in universities.


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