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Teclr.n rcs
of sound
The science

CD Players






1992 U.S, 0lympic Tear



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PROGRAM t -lt-l 'l lt- LINK i i

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The LatestDigital Technologyfor the Finest
IVusical Reproduction
Once again, Technics employs the latest premium sound quality by automatically
technological innovations in this yea r's line- adjusting servo operation for individual disc
up for outstanding sound reproduction. The abnormalities.
A/ASH* l-bit DAC (digital-to-analog con- Add to this the quiet loading mechanism
verter) helps assure faithful reproduction of for ultra-smooth disc loading, and you have
even the faintest musical signals. And the your key to the ultimate in high-fldelity CD
digital servo system further contributes to entertainment Technics, of course.


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"standard" disc. However, this kind of

multi-stage noise shaping
TDA (Triple Ditlercntlal Amp) Conliguratlon servo may not work as expected if
you try to play a disc that doesn't
meet these standard specifications.
The lnnoratlve MASH l8lt DAC nVM 1 lmperfections such as eccentricity
from Technlcs {hole off cente4, warping, scratches
With ideal digital-to-analog con- n/VM2 or diftmay interFere with servo opera-
version in mind. Technics developed MASH Output tion. causing skipping or preventing
the MASH l-bit DAC. An improve- PWM3 playback altogether.
ment over conventional DACs, this Now Technics helps overcome
advanced system uses high-order H/VM4 this problem by applying advanced
oversampling and noise shaping digital technology in developing the
technology to virtually eliminate non- digital servo system. Each time a disc
linearity and zero-cross distortion. This All of the l99l Technics CD PWM circuitry uses a triple differential is changed, the digital servo detec8

helps assure the accurate reproduction players feature the IVASH l-bit DAC. amp configuration with no less than how off-center the pafticular disc is,
of minute signals, which might other which is fast becoming an industry three diFFerential circuits. Any noise as well as information about
wise be obscured by this distortion. standard. "l-bit DAC" is a general not eliminated by the first stage cir scratches and din. This helps to
term for DACS that output only two cuitry is fufther suppressed by the achieve optimum servo operation, so
kinds of voltage, high and low Since second stage. nothing stands between you and
there are only two possible output By providing twice the signal your music.
voltages, signal linearity is maintained amplitude of a single differential amp,
despite any voltage changes due to this new system can offer an exceP- Ouiet Loading Mechanism
temperature changes or changes over tional improvement in signal-to-noise Another new development fea-
time, {S/N) ratio. Iechnics has also doubled tured in some Technics CD players
the operational clock frequency of the is the quiet loading mechanism. The

IVASH circuitryz to theoretically wide disc tray and swing arm drive
Comparison ol Llneailty system are constructed ofTechnics
improve the YN ratio.
Corentioml DAC aFlem Thanks to these innovations, Non-Resonant Compound (TNRC) for
e"" Technics has refined its original N/ASH smooth, ultra-quiet loading operation.
l-bit DAC system to achieve the ulti-
mate in CD sound reproduction. Function Management System
To minimize the number of opera-
\\ { Dlgltal Servo System tion keys on the main unit, yet still
A CD player uses a laser pickup to maintain a wide range of functions,
-!t 0 rcad the digital data stored on a Technics introduces the function
a{P npul
management system. You can select
compact disc. Accurate rcading of this
*t mASH liir DAC sFtem from 17 functions, and register them

Wilp Emntricity under five function keys to create

your own customized CD player con-
a$ trols. Best of all. this information


remains stored in memory even
when the power is switched off.

The functlon management system

glves you these I 7 functlons to
choose from

:1-B After the noise shaping circuitry

stage, Technics employs advanced
width modulation (PW[/)
Digilal Serc Syslem olfers imploved playability by
Just Time
pulse cir- optimally adjusting seryo operalion lor each disc. . AJB
side . A-8 Repeat
cuitry to achieve optimum DAC . Link . Fader
performance. As the innovator of the data requires correct positioning of . Peak Level Search o Forward Skip

l-bit DAC. Technics took the initiative the pickup by high-precision servo
. Fade
Time . Backward Skip
in developing a vastly improved PWN/ systems, which control focus, tracking
. Space
Auto . Forward Index Skip
. Arange o Eackward lndex Skip
system. Conventional Technics PWIV and traverse lmovement across the . Auto Cue
circuitry consists of a single differential discl operations. Conventional servo
amp, which uses one difFerential systems that employ analog circuitry 'Tshni6 dryeloped the rcrlds frst N.4ASH type
circuit. But our newly developed are designed to operate well with a DAC L4ASH trc'hnology ms invented by N'it
Labs) NIASH is a trademark of NTT

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Programmable Compact Disc Player
(bulk molding compound) gives excel-
lent protection from the effects of
vibration. The chassis is further pro-
tected against shock by 4 large
l. MASH l-blt dlgltal-teanalog comrerters ln an 8'DAC
conflguratlon. Function Management System
This new feature lets you select
2. Dlgltalservo system helps imprwe playability. the functions you most frequently use
from the l7 available, and register
3. Oulet loadlng mechanlsm and fullantl-resonance them under five function keys. The
constructlon. keys memorize your selected func-
tions for easy operation at the touch
4. Functlon Management System.
of a button. ln effect, you create your
own customized CD playerl
MASH l-Blt DACs ln an &DAC may result in a degradation in sound
Configuration for Accurate Small quali0r
Slgnal Reproductlon However, the Technics digital
The high-performance ArlASH l-bit servo system is intelligent. Each time a Funct on management system

digital-to-analog converters help bring disc is loaded. it checks how off-

out the full potential of your compact center each disc is, and gathers infor Other Features
discs. This new IVASH l-bit system mation about scratches and dirt. . Widely acclaimed Class AA circuitry
enables faithful small-signal reproduc- Based on this data, the digital servo design used in the analog audio
tion, resulting in a crystal-clear sound optimizes its response, performing stages.
full of musical detail. only the minimum aqiustments o CarefulV selected electronic com-
A Iarge-scale integrated circuit required during play So even with ponents.
(tVN6476l incorporates the eight imperfect discs, you can get sound o Linear lVotor Transport.
DACs. plus an 8-times oversampling quality that rivals your discs in good . Optical digital output terminal.
digital filter condition. . lndependent power supply trans-
formen for digital/analog section.
lmprwed Playablllty frcm the lnnovative Ouiet Loading . Remote controllable variable line
Digltal Servo System Mechanlsm output.
To accurately position its optical To help supprcss vibrations, the . CD editing functions; Peak Level
pickup, a CD player uses several servo l4cm-wide disc tray constructed of
is Search for level setting convenience,
systems (focus, tracking, and trave6e]. TNRC (Technics Non-Resonant Com- Time Fade for automatic fading at
Conventional servo systems use pound). The swing-arm drive system your selected time, Auto Space, Edit
analog circuitry and are tuned at the assures smooth, ultra-quiet operation. Guide with Just Time Edi[ Disc
factory to work well with a "stan-
Link and Synchro Editing. _)
dard" disc. But when playing a disc Full Antl{esonance Construction Remote control with 2Gkey direct
that is, for example, very ofF-cente[ or The centrallylocated transport ACCCSS.
o Random play
badly scratched, an analog servo
system may overreact. This can cause
not only looks different
the optical
deck is set right in the center for better o Auto cue.
skipping or prevent playback balance, Floating isolation design r HeadphoneJack with volume
altogether. Overaqjustments also using springs and viscoelastic material control.
drain power supply current, which on a base of vibration-damping BIVC




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Programmable Compact Dlsc Player
. Just Time Edit
Press this key after the Edit Guide
selects a combination of tracks, to
consolidate as much blank tape as

t L MASH l-blt dlgltal-teanalog con\rerter for accurate smalF

slgnal rcproductlon.

Dlgltalservo system helps lmprove playablllty.

o Time Fade
For automatic fading at the time
you select.
. Synchro Editing
This CD player can be combined
3. Oulet loadlng mechanlsm and full antFresonance
with selected Technics cassette decks
to perform Synchro Editing. Tape
4. Functlon Management System editing is then fully automatic.
. Peak Level Search
Finds and plays the poftion of a
MASH l-Blt DAC for Accurate Full AntFResonance CD having the highest output level
SmalFslgnal Reprcductlon Constructlon for accurate record level setting.
The I\/ASH l-bit digital-to-analog The centra lly-located tra nsport . Disc Link
convener system assures small-signal
Rdelity bringing you the full musical
not only looks difFerent
- the optical
deck is set right in the center for better
Useful for continuous editing from
multiple CDs to tape.
detail of your CDs. balance. Floating isolation design o Auto Space
using springs and viscoelastic material A/akes silent gaps between songs.
lmprwed Playablllty fiom the on a base of vibration-damping BII/C
Digltal Servo System [bulk molding compound) gives excel- Other Features
Unlike conventional analog lent protection from the efFects of o Carefully selected electronic com-
servos, the Technics intelligent digital vibration. The chassis is further pro- ponents.
servo system offers improved play- tected against shock by 4 large . Linear Motor Transpoft.
ability by optimally aqjusting servo insulaton. . Optical digital output terminal.
operation for each disc. So you arc . Remote control with lGkey direct
assured of high-quality sound with Functlon Management System access.
each disc you pla;r This new feature lets you select
the functions you most frequently use
Random play
random song selection.
lnnoratlve Clulet Loadlng from the l7 available, and register . Auto cue.
Mechanlsm them under five function keys. The o Headphonejack with volume
To help suppress keys memorize your selected func- control.
vibrations, the tions for easy operation at the touch
l4cm-wide disc tray of a button. In effect, you ceate your
(" isconstructed of own customized CD player!
TNRC {Technics
Non-Resonant r Edltlng Functlons
Compound). The o Edit Guide
swing-arm drive Automatically programs songs to
system assures be transferred to tape and finds the
smooth, ultra-quiet optimum point to turn the tape over
operation. Qu el load ng mechanism according to the tape length.

Technics 4AA
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f*t' frs
Programmable Compact Dlsc Player
o Disc Link
l. MASH l-blt digital-toanalog converter and Digital Servo Useful for continuous editing from
System. multiple CDs to tape.

2. Peak Lryel Searrh for lanel settlng convenlence when

lo-Key DlrEct Access on the Frcnt
Panel and the Remote Control
3. l0-kqy dlrect access on both front paneland remote. For direct track access and
2Gtrack random access program-
ming, you can use the lGkey pad on
MASH l-Bit Dlgltal-tcAnalog are very off-center or badly scratched. either the rcmote control or the front
Corverter This can degrade sound quality' panel.
The Technics IVASH l-bit DAC cause skipping or even prevent play- TFACX NDEX

helps improve low-level signal back altogether.

-l l- f -t . t-il_t
reproductron. and not.lust during Unlike analog servos, the Technics ffi
quiet passages. Even during loud pas- intelligent digital servo system offers rze1567E56nEEEEE>
sages, ambience and timbre are improved playability by optimally Multi-lunction FL display
accurately reproduced through multi- adjusting servo operation for each
stage noise-shaping and pulse width disc. So you are assured of high- Other Featurcs
modulation. A/ASH is the standard for quality sound with each disc you o 3Gkey wireless remote control with
the future of compact disc fideliqr play lGkey pad.
. Random play computerized
lmprwed Playablllty from the random song selection.
Dlgltal Servo System Edltlng Functlons o 2Gselection random access
. Edit Guide programming.
Automatically programs songs to . Auto cue.
. -t ii':'::""""
;."', + o Headphonejack
a --l:_DA be transferred to tape and finds the with volume
,.,:::::::!::::::j:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,€ ----: -'.S
optimum point to turn the tape over control.
j according to the tape length.
, .ij
, o Peak lcvel Search
i:' Finds and plays the poftion of a
Dig,hl *m sysle6 151.
CD having the highest output level

Conventional CD playen use for accurate record level setting.
analog servo systems designed to o Time Fade
work well with a "slandard" disc. But For automatic fading at the time
these may overreact with discs that you select.

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l Technics



Prcgrammable Compact Dlsc Pla1rcr

o Time Fade
l. MASH l-blt dlgltal-toanalog converter for accurate small- For automatic fading at the time
signal reproduction. you select.
r Disc Link
2. Dlgltal servo system helps lmprwe playabillty.
Useful for continuous editing from
3. Peak Lanel Search for lanel settlng convenience when multiple cDs to tape.
recodlng. CDediling keys

r__ qrd$dEirL_

MASH l-blt Dlgltal-to-Analog Edltlng Functions

Converter o Edit Guide
The fi/ASH l-bit digital-to-analog The Edit Guide makes CD-to-tape PROGRAM CLEAN REMLL TIME MODE

convefter system assures small-signal transfer easy. First, you select a stan-
fidelity bringing you the full musical dard cassette tape length lC'46, C-60,
detail of your CDs. C-90, oryour selected time up to 99 << SEAFCH >> REEAT RANOOM

min.) The CD Player will then check

Comparlson ol Linearity the disc and calculate which songs
Mm'efr flgurcq$m will fit on each tape side.
. Synchro Editing
Adds the convenience of simul- Random Play Functlon
taneous. linked operation when the lnstead of programming your
CD player's editingjack is connected own song order, you can let the
to the editingjack of selected Tech- SL-PGl00 make the decisions foryou.
nics tape decks. Simply activate random play when
o Feak Level Search the unit is in the play mode. You'll
The peak level search helps you to never know exactly what song will
lmprwed Playablllty from the easily transferyour CDs onto other play next.
Dlgltal Servo System formats. The SL-PGI00 searches an
Unlike conventional analog entirc disc, programmed track(s), or an Other Featurcs
servos. the Technics intelligent digital A-B segment for the highest output o 2Gselection random access
servo system offers improved playability peak. Then it repeatedly plays the programming.
by optimally adlusting servo opera- 6-second section around that peak. . Auto cue pauses playback at the
tion for each disc. So you are assured This allowsyou to very beginning of the first sound on
(" of high-quality sound with each disc f PEAK I set a precise re- any selected track.
you play lsEnncH I cording level, to . Large insulating feet.
maximize tape deck . Remote control capability when used
performance. wrth selected Technics receivers.
Peak search key


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ConvenientTechnics Rotary CD Changers for
5-Dsc Entertainrnent Without a Nlagazine
Technics rotary CD changers offeryou rack-mounted setups, or for when you want
more thanjust continuous play from allfive to install the unit beneath another compo-
discs. You also get such playback possibilities nent. The topJoading system prcvides
as random play spiral play, and program play. super-easy loading, and allows you to
Of course, you can still eryoy direct access to change any of the four discs not in play
any disc of your choice. Whicheveryou decide on, Technics'
There are two types of Technics rotary advanced IVASH l-bit DAC and DigitalServo
changers available, to fityour specific needs. System assure superb sound quality from
The front-loading drawer system is ideal for your CDs.

Spiaf thU enbutet d
Bolo^u) vnix f** r$ f ,,,

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Togloadlng S-Dlsc Rotary Deslgn
Not only can you change any of
the four discs not in play but the toP
loading design lets you check at a
glance which discs are loaded on the

a rotary platter.

Extended Contlnuous Play

For continuous play of all five
discs,JUst load them onto the
changer platter and prcss the Play
button. You can also choose ( V
programmed, random, or repeat play
for a wide range of continuous play-
back alternatives.
Of coune, you can eryoy con-
tinuous play with any combinatron of
3" and 5" CDs greatfor pafties or
when recording. Center Mechanlsm Deslgn for
Oulck Dlsc Access
Spiral Play Five disc keys provide direct access \
to any of the five CDs you have Edlt Gulde Functlon
loaded. To start play of any disc,lust When you are editing from CD to
press the appropriate key tape, choose a disc and use the Tape
The pickup is located in the Length key to indicate the length of
center. and the turntable rotates in the tape you are using. The changer
either direction. So the desired disc will automatically program as many
travels only a very shoft distance tracks as it can fit onto side A and
before arriving at the pickup. Com- then side B of the tape, without
pared to prcvious Technics models, changing the order of the tracks.
disc access is faster. The FL display will showyou the
Spiral play is an interesting new program for each side of the tape, the
twist on random play it will play number of tracks, and remaining tape
the fi6t track from all five CDs in time. With selected Technics cassette
sequence, followed by all the second decks, synchro editing is also possible.

r) tracks, and so on until all the songs

have been played.
Spiral Random Play moves from
Anto Llnk Functlon
This is a very useful feature when
disc to disc, in consecutive orde[ there will be space remaining on the
playing a random song from each ."o tape after editing from a CD. The CD
disc. changer automatically calculates the
remaining time on the tape, then con-
Full Random Play Dual directional turnlable
tinues rccording from another disc
Switch to Random Play and the until the tape is full. This is a great
CD changer randomly selects and convenience when, for example, you
plays tracks from all of the Ioaded Turn the Disc Platform with the are recording on a 9Gminute tape
discs. You never know which song Disc Skip lGy from a 6Gminute CD.
you'll hear neK. Prcss the disc skip key and the disc
Our top models feature One Disc platform rotates either clockwise or CD Slngle Compatlble
Random Play for random play of all counter-clockwise to access the next All Technics rcUry CD changen

-1 the tracks on a single disc. disc. also letyou play 3 " CD singles,
without the need for an adaptor

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Roury Compact Dlsc Changer
MASH l-Blt DlgltaFtoAnalog
The A/ASH l-bit DAC system
achieves small signal fidelity to bring
you full musical detail from your
l. Front-loadlng, S-dlsc rotary deslgn lets you change the front compact discs.
dlsc wlthout lnterruptlng play.
Dlgltal Servo System Helps
2. MASH l-blt DAC and Dlgltal Servo System. lmprwe Playablllty
Unlike conventional analog
3. MultFfunction wireless remote control servos, the Technics intelligent digital
servo system offers improved play-
r Spiral Play ability by adjusting servo operation to
Handles Five Compact Dlscs
the eccentricities of each individual
wlthout a Magazlne Spiral play an interesting new
. disc. 5o you are assured of high-quality
twiston randomplay itwill play
Sequential Play and Repeat
Just load up to five CDs, then
the first track from all five CDs in
sound from every disc you play
press the play key The SL-PD807 will sequence, followed by all the second
play each of your discs automatically tracks, and so on until all the songs
Other Features
. Dual directional turntable.
lf you turn on the repeat mode, it will have been played.
staft playing from the beginning after r Spiral Random Play . 32-track random access
all the discs are played. Since this Spiral Random Play moves from programming.
model can keep playing while the disc to disc, in consecutive orde[
. Wireless remote control with lGkey
drawer is open. you can change the playing a random song from each direct access and > l0 key
front disc without interupting play A disc.
. Repeat capability for a single track,
great feature for partresl an entire disc. all five discs, or
o Direct Disc Access Edltlng Functlons programmed songs.
. Auto Link .
Press one of the five disc keys to Linear lvlotor Transport
extremely precise way of moving
go directly to a particular disc. It's that Use this function when you are
easy to pick and choose. Play stafts edfing to tape. lf there is still space on the laser pickup across the surface
automatically the tape after all the tracks from a disc of the disc.
e Full Random Play have been recorded, tracks from one
Randomly selects and plays tracks or more other discs are added until
Ew ll> (
lJLl 5-l:08
from all five loaded discs. the tape is full. This is a handy func-
o One-Disc Random Play tion when editing from CD singles irulti-lunction FL display

Random play of tracks from a and EP albums. o 2-color FL display shows program-
single disc. When all the tracks on the . Edit Guide with Synchro Editing ming information plus the playing
selected disc have been played, status of the five discs.
random play begins on another disc
selected at random.


Tgchaics MULTI coMpAcr Drsc pLAyEH sL_poao7 4otc


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Rotary Compact Dlsc Changer
Digital Servo System Helps
lmprove Playability
Unlike conventional analog
servos, the Technics intelligent digital
servo system offers improved play-

I l. Front-loading, S-dlsc rotary design

disc without interruptlng play.
lets you change the

MASH l-blt dlgltaFto-analog converter system.

front ability by adjusting servo operation to
the eccentricities of each individual
disc. 5o you are assured of high-
quality sound from every disc you play

3. Dlgltal Servo System helps lmprove playablllty

Other Featur€s
o Dual directional turntable.
. Repeat capability for a single track,
Handles Flve Compact Dlscs Edltlng Functlons
. an entire disc. all five discs, or
wlthout a Magazlne Edit Guide
. sequential Play and Repeat programmed songs.
When you are editing from CD to
Just load up to five CDs, then tape, choose a disc and use the Tape
o Linear l\rlotor Transport
extrcmely precise way of moving

prcss the play key The SL-PD607 will Length key to indicate the length of
the Iaser pickup across the surface
play each of your discs automatically the tape you are using. The changer
of the disc.
lf you turn on the rcpeat mode, it will will automatically program as many
o 2-color FL display shows program-
start playing from the beginning after tracks as it can fit onto side A and
ming information plus the playing
all the discs are played. Since this then side B of the tape, without
status of the five discs.
model can keep playing while the changing the order of the tracks:
. Remote control capability when used
drawer is open, you can change the The convenient FL display will
front disc without interupting play showyou the program for each side with selected Technics receiven.
A great feature for partiesl of the tape, the number of tracks, and
. Direct Disc Access remaining tape time.
Your selected disc stafts playing . Synchro Editing
automatically With selected Technics cassette
o Full Random PIay decks, synchro editing is also possible.
Randomly selects and plays tracks This permits the CD player and the
from all five loaded discs. tape deck to work together automati-
r One-Disc Random Play cally, making taping incredibly easy.

o Spiral Play MASH l-Blt DlgltaFto-Analog


I ,.4
e Spiral Random Play The A/ASH l-bit DAC system
achieves small signal fidelity to bring
o 32-Track Random Access you full musical detail from your
Programming compact discs.


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Rotary Compact Dlsc Changer
Center Mechanlsm Deslgn & Dual
Dlrectlonal Turntable
Because the pickup is located in
the center, and the turntable rotates
in either direction. disc access is faster
l. Top-open, S-dlsc rotary deslgn lets you change arl/ of the than ever. This new design also help
four dlscs not ln play. suppress noise generated by disc tray .v
rotation and traverse mechanism
2. MASH t-blt dlgltaFteanalog comrerter system movements.
3. Dlgltal Servo System helps lmprwe playablllty
Other Featurcs
. 32-track random access
Handles Flve Compact Dlscs . Spiral Random Play programming.
wlthout a Magazlne Spiral Random Play moves from o wireless remote control with lGkey
. Sequential Play and Repeat disc to disc. in consecutive orde[ direct access and > l0 key
Just load up to five CDs, then playing a random song from each . Repeat capability for a single track,
press the play key The SL-PC705 will disc. an entire disc. all five discs, or
play each of your discs automatically programmed songs.
If you turn on the repeat mode, it will Edltlng Functlons . Linear Motor Transport.
staft playing from the beginning after . Auto Link o 2-color FL display shows program-
all the discs are played. And you can Automatica lly transfe6 multiple ming information plus the playing
change any of the four discs not in CDs to ape. status of the five discs.
play, without interrupting the music. o Edit Guide with Synchro Editing
A great feature for partiesl
o Direct Disc Access MASH l-Blt Dlgltal-toAnalog
Your selected disc staru playing Cornrcrter
automatically The II/ASH l-bit DAC system @
o Full Random Play achieves small signal fidelity to bring
Randomly selects and plays tacks you full musical detail from your
from allfive loaded discs. compact discs.
o One-Disc Random Play .l#
Random play of tracks from a Dlgltal Servo System Helps dus
single disc. When all the tracks on the lmprc\re Playablllty
selected disc have been played, Unlike conventional analog
random play begins on another disc servos, the Technics intelligent digital
selected at random. servo system offers improved play-
o Spiral Play ability by adjusting servo operation to
Spiral play is an interesting new the eccentricities of each individual
twist on random play
it will play
the first track from all five CDs in
disc. So you are assured of high-
quality sound from every disc you
sequence, followed by all the second play
tracks, and so on until all the songs
have been played.



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Tectrnics .rr.,.". W Ce 40tc

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Rotary Compact Disc Changer
MASH I -Blt Dlgltal-toAnalog
The II/ASH l-bit DAC system
achieves small signal fidelity to bring
you full musical detail from your
l. Top-open, S-dlsc rotary deslgn lets you change arry of the compact discs.
( four dlscs not ln Play.
Dlgital Servo System Helps
2. MASH l-blt dlgltaFto-analog converter system.
lmprwe Playability
3. Dlgltal Servo System helps improve playabllity. Unlike conventional analog
servos. the Technics intelligent digital
servo system offers improved play-
Handles Flve Compact Dlscs Editing Functions ability by aqiusting servo operation to
wlthout a Magazlne . Edit Guide the eccentricities of each individual
. Sequential Play and Repeat When you are editing from CD to disc. So you arc assured of high-
Just load up to five CDs, then tape. choose a disc and use the Tape quality sound from every disc you
press the play key The SL-PC505 will Length key to indicate the length of play
play each of your discs automatically. the tapeyou are using. The changer
lf you turn on the repeat mode, it will will automatically program as many Center Mechanlsm Deslgn & Dual
staft playing from the beginning after tracks as it can fit onto side A and Dlrcctlonal Turntable
all the discs are played. And you can then side B of the tape. without Because the pickup is located in
change any of the four discs not in changing the order of the tracks. the center, and the turntable rotates
play without interrupting the music. The FL display will showyou the in either direction, disc access is faster
A great featurc for partiesl program for each side of the tape, the than ever This new design also helps
. Direct Disc Access Iast track number. and remaining tape suppress noise generated by drsc tray
Your selected disc starts playing time. rotation and traverse mechanism
automatically movement5.
o Full Random Play TIME MODE
o 32-Irack Random Access Other Featurcs
Programming o Repeat capability for a single track,
CDediting keys
You can program the CD changer an entire disc, allfive discs, or
to play tracks from any disc. First, . Synchro Editing programmed songs.
switch into the Program A/ode. Then With selected lechnics cassette .
selectyour discs and tracks. The decks, synchro editing is also possible.
Linear Motor Transport
- an
ertremely precise way of moving
tracks will be played in the order in This permits the CD player and the the laser pickup across the surface

t which they re selected. lf you

program only the disc numbet only
the songs from that disc will be
played. lt's also possible to skip tracks
and discs within a programmed
tape deck to work together automati-
cally, making taping incredibly easir
. Auto Link
The compact disc changer auto-
matically calculates the remaining

of the disc.
2-color FL display shows program-
ming information plus the playing
status of the flve discs.
Remote control capability when used
N"*tli::::Til*,.* sequence. time on the tape and then continues
recording from another disc until the
with selected Technics receivers.

tape is full.


o t *rCb-)lul

MASH-,,..-.* omrzLs€Fvo svsr€M Aolc

lr, I
f I {t
Portable Compact Dlsc Player
Hlgh Cut Fllter
High frequency sound escaping
from the earphone ofyour poftable
CD player can be annoying to the
people around you. Especially on
trains and busses. That's why Technics
l. lncredlbte ultra-thln deslgn 111116'I wlth lnternal NFCad developed rhe High cut Filter. Hit a
rechargeable batterles. switch and the High Cut Filter helps \/
Iower the level of sound in the high
2. Up to 6 hours of contlnuous play wlth Nl{ad rcchargeable
frequency region. You'll still get fantas-
batterles and regular AA-slze alkallne batterles.
tic sound qualiry but with a reduction
3. Twln-amp design for outstandlng sound guallty. in sound leakage.


Up to 6 Hours of Contlnuous Play Resume Play

wlth Nl{ad Rechargeable When you turn off the SL-XP700
Batterles and Regular Batterles* and then turn it on again, it starts
Two NrCad rechargeable batteries from the beginning of the selection Other Featur€s
housed inside the SL-XP700 s lighr that was playing. This feature comes . S-XBS (Super Extra Bass System) for
weight body provide up to 2 hours of in handy when you're interrupted deep, tight bass.
continuous music. You can recharge it and need to temporarily stop r Multi-function one-key remote
with the supplied AC adaPtor in listening. control with LED indicator
o 8-times oversampling l8-bit digital
aboutthree hours. High-speed I hour
recharging is also possible, giving you Twl nAmp/tl-Drlve Constructlon filter and 2-DAC system.
nearly 1.5 houn of play Dellvers Superb Hlgh Fldellty . LCD display (Backlit when the AC
lf you do run out of power attach Sound adaptor or optional car bafterY
the supplied battery case loaded with The lefUright and basymid-treble adaptor is usedJ.
a pair of AA-size alkaline baneries for circuits in the headphone amp are r Power saving Auto Power Off
up to 4 extra hou6 of listening independent. This means you'll hear feature.

pleasure. superb, high fidelity sound that
reflects the incredible detail of Supplied Accessories
'Regular AA-s[e batteries not rncluded. compact discs.
Ni-Cad batteries

Stereo headphones with

1-key remote control

e>€ Battery case

Connection cord
AC adaptor/recharger

5-XEl5 Soft canying case

Optional car
battery adaptol


. Ultralightweight, compac

with rugged body.
.2-DAC system with &times over-
sampling, l&bit digital filter (One
Portable Compact Dlsc Pla1rcr
DAC per channel).
. LcD display (Backlitwhen the AC L
t. Ultra-llghtwelght design wlth internal NFCad rechargeable adaptor or optional car battery
a batterles or ordlna4r AA-slze batterlesi
2.2-DAC system and 8-tlmes wersampling, 18'bltdlgital filter
adaptor is used).
Random play and resume play.
.z+track random access

3.24-key wireless remote control. programming.

. High cut filter.
o XBS (Extra Bass System| for deep,
tight bass.
. Power saving Auto Power Off

Supplied Accessories
24-kq wireless
remote I control

-d transmitter/receiver set

Stereo headphones with

one-key remote control

Rechargeable Ni-Cad
AA-size batteries

AC adaptor/recharger

Soft carrying case

q sH.cDc6

0ptional car
battery adaptor

a xBs
'Begular AA-size balleries not ncluded.

Technical Specifications
sL-xP700 sL-xP300
Number of channeis
- 1.5d8

8 times 8 times 18-bit

converter 2.DAC

Format Technics
Beam source Semiconductor laser
780nm 780nm
motor DC motor molor

Power AC 120V 60Hz 60Hz


2.5 kilohms
More than 10 kilohms
15mW 1smw
Dimensrons xHx 51h2" x11/6,,x ' (128x29x
12.3 oz approx. 11.8 oz
10.7 oz 1O.4 oz

Power 0.65W 0.^v

3 hours
playing approx. approx.2.5 hours
Alkaline 4 hours 4 hours

e Weight
contrcl tmnsmitter

lncluding batteries
Without batleries
O.74 oz
0.63 oz
Lth um

Although the SL-XP7OO and SL-XP300 are designed for use as portable players, very strong bumps and shmks may €us skipping.
Technical Specifications
Number of channels 2 (stereo) 2 (stereo) 2 (stereo) 2 (stereo)
Frequency response 2Hz-20kHz, t0.3dB 2Hz-21kH.,4 !03d8 2Nz-2okl,z. !1dB 2Hz-2OkNz. !1dB
S/N ratio 118dB 114d8 100d8 100d8
Dynamic range 99dB 98dB 92dB 92dB
Harmonc distorlion' (1kHz, 0dB) 0 001 8olo 0.0020/o

Total harmonic dlstortion (1kHz, 0dB) O.O022o/o 0.O0280/o OAOTo/o aAOTo/o

Channel separation 112d8 110dB

Wow & llutter Unmeasurable Unmeasurable Unmeasurable Unmeasurable
D/A converter N,4ASH lbit/8-DAC system N,4ASH 1 bi1/4-DAC system N/ASH 1 bit/4'DAC sy€tem N.4ASH 1 bit/4-DAC system

Sampling irequency 64 times oversmpling 32 tmes 32 times oversampl ng 32 times oversmpling

Elror co;rection
Format Technics Super Decod ng Algorithm Technics Super Decoding Algorithm Technics Super Decoding Agorthm Technics Super Decod ng Agorthm
Beam source Semiconductor laser Semiconductor laser Semiconductor iaser Semiconductor laser
Wavelength 780nm 780nm 780nm 780nm

Power suppy AC 120V 60Hz AC 120V 60Hz AC 120V 60Hz AC 120V 60Hz
Power consumption 18W 18W

Output voitage 23Vrms 2.ovrms 2Ovrms 2OVrms

Output impedance Approx. 1 kilohms Approx 1 kiohms Approx. 1 kilohms Approx.l kilohms
Load mpedance lvlore than 10 kilohms l\.4ore than 10 kilohms l\ilore than 10 kilohms l\y'ore than 10 kilohms
Headphone output leve 1smw (320) 15mW (320) 1smw (32o) 1smw (32o)
Dimensions(WxHxD) 16ts 1,u ", 5t 16, x 131 /e " 1615A6n x 51 /s't x 131 /at' lg15/16" x A,1 /32' x 115ft2' 1615/$" x 41 /32" x 111 hz,,
(430x130x333mm) (430x130x333mm) (€0x103x283mm) (430x103x280mm)
Weighl 13.61b (6.2k9) 12slb (5.6k9) 75rb (3.4k9) 75lb (3.aks)
lnlmrcd remote control
Control kels 44 keys 30 keys 30 keys
.Up to 10th harmonic.

Changer Models sL-PD807 sL-PD607 sL-PC705 sL-PCso5

Number of channels 2 (stereo) 2 (sterm) 2 (stereo) 2 (stereo)
Frequency response 2Bz-2OkNz, !1dB 2Nz-20kNz, !1dB z\z-zjkNz, !1dB 2Hz-2OkNz, !1dB
S/N ratio 102d8 100d8 100d8 100d8
Dynam c range 92dB 92dB 92dB 92dB
Total harmonic distortion (lkHz, 0dB) O.O07o/o 0.0090/o 00090/0 0O090/o

Wow & flutter [.]nmeasurab e Unmeasurable Unmeasurab e Unmeasurable

D/A converter MASH lbit/4'DAC s)6tem N.4ASH 1b I/4-DAC slstem L4ASH lbit/4-DAC system |\4ASH 1 biti4-DAC system

Samp ing frequency 32 times oversmpling 32 t mes oversmpling 32 times oversampl ng 32 times oversmpling
Error corectlon
Format Technics Super Decod ng Algorithm Technics Super Decoding Algorithm Technics Super Decoding Agorthm Technics Super Decoding Algorithm

Beam source Semiconductor laser Semiconductor laser Semiconductor aser Semiconductor laser
Wavelength 780nm 780nm 780nm 780nm

System Linear Motor Transport Llnear [,4olor Transporl Linear l\y'otor Transport Linear Ny'otor
Power supply AC 120V 60Hz AC 120V 60Hz AC 120V 60Hz AC 120V 60Hz
Power consumption 13W 13W

Output votage 2.ovrms 2.ovrms 2.ovrms 2.ovrms

Output impedance Approx. l kilohms Approx. l kilohms Approx. lkilohms Approx.l kiiohms
Load impedance [,4ore than 10 kilohms l\,4ore than 10 kiohms More than 10 k lohms l\,4ore than 10 kilohms
Dimensions(WxHxD) x 41/2" x1421h2,,
1615A6,, 1615/$t x 41/2" x1421h2" 1615hat x421/et x1411/s2" 161sA6, x421/a, x1411/32,
(430x114x372mm) (430x114x372mm) (430 x 118 x 364mm) (€0 x 118 x 364mm)
We ght 15.01b (6.8ks) 15olb (6.8k9) 10.41b (4.7k9) 10.41b (4.7k9)

lnfEred remote control

Contro keys 26 keys 26 keys

Technics Pan$onlcOfllceg
1 Dedham Place. Dedham, MA.02026 326-4000

854 2412

6550 KatellaAvenue,
94588 (41s) 463-2922
l.206) 246-2383

lnc. San Gabriel lndustial Park, Ave 65 de lnlanteria, Km. 9.5 Caro ina,
PR.00630 Deggn and spectetons are sublrct to change wlhout notce Pnnted n Japan

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