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Exercise- Spot the error

1. A confidential discussion (a)/ took place among
(b)/ the CEO and the legal advisors to (c)/ finalise
the merger details. (d)/ no error (e)
2. He stood besides (a)/ the car, inspecting (b)/ the
engine to identify the (c)/ source of the problem. (d)/
no error (e)
3. While cleaning the (a)/ attic, she suddenly came
(b)/ across a box of (c)/ old photographs and letters.
(d)/ no error (e)
4. Stars twinkled (a)/ at the dark night (b)/ creating
a (c)/ serene and peaceful scene. (d)/ no error (e)
5. The universities are (a)/ exploring the possibility
(b)/ to enter an academic (c)/ alliance for joint
research projects. (d)/ no error (e)
6. How about we (a)/ grab a bite to (b)/ eat in night,
perhaps try that (c)/ new restaurant that just
opened? (d)/ no error (e)
7. Despite of the challenging (a)/ weather
conditions, the (b)/ team completed the (c)/ outdoor
project successfully. (d)/ no error (e)
8. The warranty guarantees (a)/ coverage up to two
(b)/ years since (c)/ the date of purchase. (d)/ no
error (e)
9. The flight to Paris is (a)/ departing on 9:20 AM,
(b)/ so make sure to arrive at (c)/ the airport well in
advance. (d)/ no error (e)
10. She decided to (a)/ conduct the event (b)/ in the
following day to address (c)/ pressing issues
promptly. (d)/ no error (e)
11. Since he had (a)/ an early morning flight, (b)/ so
he opted for an early dinner (c)/ and went to bed.
(d)/ no error (e)
12. The teacher wrote (a)/ important information (b)/
upon the whiteboard for (c)/ the students to see. (d)/
no error (e)
13. Despite heavy (a)/ traffic, they (b)/ managed to
reach (c)/ the venue in time. (d)/ no error (e)
14. The opportunity to (a)/ work with they on (b)/ the
project was unexpected (c)/ but greatly appreciated.
(d)/ no error (e)
15. He emphasised on (a)/ the need for (b)/ clear
communication (c)/ during the team meeting. (d)/ no
error (e)
16. The students were (a)/ encouraged to adhere
(b)/ by the school's dress code (c)/ for the formal
event. (d)/ no error (e)
17. The mountain peak, (a)/ standing tall over (b)/
the sky, is covered in a (c)/ pristine blanket of snow.
(d)/ no error (e)
18. He walked in the (a)/ hardware store from the
coffee shop, looking (b)/ for supplies for (c)/ a
weekend DIY project. (d)/ no error (e)
19. Hosting art exhibitions at (a)/ spring allows us
to (b)/ showcase vibrant and uplifting (c)/ pieces
that complement the season. (d)/ no error (e)
20. The solution is both (a)/ compatible and (b)/
complementary to (c)/ existing systems. (d)/ no
error (e)
21. She likes (a)/ to arrive to (b)/ home early to
spend (c)/ time with her pets. (d)/ no error (e)
22. I've already (a)/ completed my assigned tasks,
(b)/ and beside, I volunteered to (c)/ assist with
additional work. (d)/ no error (e)
23. The student asked to (a)/ the teacher to (b)/
explain the complex (c)/ concept one more time.
(d)/ no error (e)
24. As a technical (a)/ glitch, the launch (b)/ of the
new software (c)/ was delayed by a day. (d)/ no
error (e)
25. The researchers discovered (a)/ a remote
location (b)/ to conduct (c)/ their experiments. (d)/
no error (e)
26. The army decided (a)/ to invade in the (b)/
hostile territory under (c)/ the cover of darkness. (d)/
no error (e)
27. The mentor suggested to (a)/ the entrepreneur a
(b)/ strategic approach to expanding (c)/ their
business in the competitive market. (d)/ no error (e)
28. Finding someone who is (a)/ genuinely content
by both (b)/ personal and professional aspects (c)/
of life is a rare treasure. (d)/ no error (e)
29. Despite the medical team's (a)/ best efforts, the
patient (b)/ tragically died from septic shock (c)/ due
to severe bacterial infection. (d)/ no error (e)
30. She sliced the (a)/ bread by a sharp knife, (b)/
creating perfectly even (c)/ slices for the
sandwiches. (d)/ no error (e)
31. The course (a)/ is both (b)/ challenging and
beneficial (c)/ to students. (d)/ no error (e)
32. If we leave now, (a)/ we should be able (b)/ to
get in home before the (c)/ traffic gets too
congested. (d)/ no error (e)
33. The doctor advised to (a)/ the patient to (b)/
follow a healthy diet (c)/ and exercise regularly. (d)/
no error (e)
34. Through various fundraising (a)/ events and
outreach programs, (b)/ she has been seeking
donations for (c)/ cancer patients since five months.
(d)/ no error (e)
35. The delays in the (a)/ construction project were
(b)/ owing to unforeseen (c)/ weather conditions.
(d)/ no error (e)
36. The alliance between the (a)/ political parties
aimed (b)/ to address common challenges (c)/ and
promote bipartisan cooperation. (d)/ no error (e)
37. The students chose (a)/ a challenging (b)/
project to (c)/ immerse themselves. (d)/ no error (e)
38. The success of the (a)/ initiative is attributed (b)/
to he and she for their (c)/ tireless efforts and
dedication. (d)/ no error (e)
39. On arriving at (a)/ the airport, we (b)/ realised
our (c)/ flight was delayed. (d)/ no error (e)
40. They ventured in the (a)/ busy market, exploring
(b)/ the stalls filled with fresh (c)/ produce and
handmade crafts. (d)/ no error (e)
41. The visionary leader proposed the (a)/ board a
comprehensive (b)/ plan to revitalise the (c)/
company's corporate culture. (d)/ no error (e)
42. The various species of orchids (a)/ can be
distinguished by (b)/ one another by examining (c)/
their unique floral structures. (d)/ no error (e)
43. The car’s wheels, (a)/ though showing signs (b)/
of wear, still provide a (c)/ smooth and comfortable
ride. (d)/ no error (e)
44. The technology is (a)/ both efficient in and (b)/
adaptable to (c)/ different environments. (d)/ no
error (e)
45. The hikers were (a)/ tired but satisfied (b)/ when
they reached at home (c)/ after an adventurous
trek. (d)/ no error (e)
46. Beside mathematics, she (a)/ excels in physics
and (b)/ chemistry, showcasing her (c)/ aptitude for
the sciences. (d)/ no error (e)
47. The beggar on (a)/ the street corner (b)/ begged
to the passersby (c)/ to spare some change. (d)/ no
error (e)
48. Despite of the language barrier, (a)/ they formed
strong (b)/ connections during the (c)/ international
conference. (d)/ no error (e)
49. Due to the pandemic, (a)/ many businesses had
(b)/ to adapt to remote (c)/ work arrangements. (d)/
no error (e)
50. She completed (a)/ the assignment just (b)/ on
time for the (c)/ professor's deadline. (d)/ no error

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