P201 Module 10 Notes

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Define or review the organization's

PROCESS values, community vision, and mission
 Organizational Core
Source: Strategic Planning – A 10-Step Guide
Values/Operating Principles -
Long-Range Planning those beliefs or principles that
guide the organization
 The process by which the leaders of an  Community Vision - your image
organization determine what the of what the community you
organization wants to look like at the serve would be like if your
end of a specified period of time – values were shared and
usually three to five years – then use practiced by everyone
that vision to establish multi-year goals
 Mission - organization’s public
and objectives which describe what the
statement of the contribution it
organization wishes to accomplish, and
promises to make to help
develop programs, tasks, and timelines
accomplish the community
for achieving them.
 Predicts future conditions and realities, 5. Develop a shared vision for the
internal and external, and plans how organization
the organization can function effectively 6. Develop a series of goals or
within them organizational status statements which
Strategic Planning describe the organization in a specified
number of years – assuming it is
 The process by which leaders of an successful in addressing its mission
organization determine what it intends 7. Agree upon key strategies to reach the
to be in the future and how it will get goals and address key issues identified
there. through the environmental scan.
 they develop a vision for the 8. Develop an action plan that addresses
organization's future and determine the goals and specifies objectives and work
necessary priorities, procedures, and plans on an annual basis.
operations (strategies) to achieve that 9. Finalize a written strategic plan that
vision summarizes the results and decisions of
 generally considered to place a greater the strategic planning process.
emphasis on strategies – on how the 10. Build in procedures for monitoring, and
organization will achieve its vision – for modifying strategies based on
while long-range planning places changes in the external environment or
greater emphasis on determining the the organization.
Source: Models of School Development
Strategic Planning Process Planning
1. Agree on a strategic planning process 1. Foundational Model
2. Carry out an environmental scan  focuses first on laying the
3. Identify key issues, questions, and foundations for development
choices to be addressed as part of the planning and on developing an
strategic planning effort appropriate planning
infrastructure, before 4. Develop action plans that specify who is
addressing full-scale going to do what and by when to achieve
development planning per se each goal
5. Identify associated plans (e.g., staffing,
2. Early Action Planning Model facilities, marketing, and financial plans)
 focuses first on the rapid 6. Organize items 1-3 into a Strategic Plan
identification of a small number and items 4-6 into a separate one-year
of immediate priorities and the Operational Plan.
initiation of action planning to
Issues-based Strategic Planning
address them
 works best for organizations that have
3. Three-Strand Concurrent Model very limited resources, several current
 focuses on the issue of the and major issues to address, little
planning time frame success with achieving ambitious goals,
 recognizes that school and/or very little buy-in to strategic
development has a long-term, a planning
medium-term and a short-term
1. Identify 5-7 of the most important
Source: Basic Overview of Strategic Planning
current issues facing the organization
Conventional Strategic Planning 2. Suggest action plans to address each
issue over the next 6-12 months.
 most common model of strategic
3. Include that information in a Strategic
 ideal for organizations that have
sufficient resources to pursue very Organic Strategic Planning
ambitious visions and goals, have external
 based on the premise that the long-
environments that are relatively stable,
term vision is best achieved by
and do not have a large number of
everyone working together toward the
current issues to address
vision, but with each person regularly
Phases: doing whatever actions that he or she
regularly decides to do toward that
1. Develop or update the mission and
optionally, vision and/or values
statements. Phases:
2. Take a wide look around the outside and
1. With as many people as can be
a good look inside the organization, and
gathered, articulate the long-term
perhaps update the statements as a
vision, and perhaps values to work
toward the vision.
3. Select the multi-year strategies and/or
2. Each person leaves that visioning,
goals to achieve the vision.
having selected at least one realistic
action that he or she will take toward
the vision before the group meets  Ensure strong alignment of the
again. organization’s internal operations with
3. People meet regularly to report the achieving an overall goal, or to
actions that they took and what they successfully integrate a new cross-
learned from them. The vision might be functional system, such as a new
further clarified during these meetings. computer system.
4. Occasionally, the vision and the lists of
accomplished and intended actions are
included in a Strategic Plan. 1. Establish the overall goal for the
Real-time Strategic Planning
2. Analyze which internal operations
 suited especially for people who believe are most directly aligned with
that organizations are often changing achieving that goal, and which are
much too rapidly for long-term, detailed not.
planning to remain relevant 3. Establish goals to more effectively
 best suited, especially to organizations align operations to achieving the
with very rapidly changing overall goal.
environments outside the organization. 4. Include that information in the
Strategic Plan.
Inspirational Model of Strategic Planning
1. Articulate the mission, and perhaps the
vision and/or values.  sometimes used when planners see
2. Assign planners to research the external themselves as having very little time
environment and, as a result, to suggest available for planning and/or there is
a list of opportunities and of threats high priority on rather quickly
facing the organization. producing a Strategic Plan document
3. Present the lists to the Board and other
members of the organization for
strategic thinking and discussions. 1. Attempt to gather Board members and
4. Assign planners to evaluate the internal key employees together for planning.
workings of the organization and, as a 2. Begin by fantasizing a highly
result, to suggest a list of strengths and inspirational vision for the organization
of weaknesses in the organization. -- or by giving extended attention to
5. Present these lists to the Board and wording in the mission
other members of the organization for 3. Brainstorm exciting, far-reaching goals
strategic thinking and discussions, to serve customers and clients even
perhaps using a SWOT analysis to more effectively.
analyze all four lists. 4. Include the vision and goals the
6. Repeat steps 2-5 regularly, for example, Strategic Plan.
every six months or year and document
the results in a Strategic Plan. Source: Public Participation in Community and
Regional Planning
Alignment Model of Strategic Planning
 Public participation is a national ethical
standard for professional planners
 Citizen participation is the cornerstone
of democracy and an essential part of
American culture
 Understand the social context of a
community or region
 Improve public projects and the quality
of decisions through knowledge sharing
 Maintain legitimacy in decisions and
build trust between the government
and community members
 Make public value choices with the
 Produce long-term citizen support for
public projects
 Prevent delays, fees, and frustrations
 Inform the public about community
issues and facilitate quality public
 Enhance citizenship and participation
 Balance individual and community
 Respond to complex problems and
resolve community conflicts through
collaboration and consensus
 Build social capital and an ethic of
mutual aid

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