Acceptance Letter 2

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Acceptance Letter

Manuscript ID: MGL- 206

Title: The Influence of Family Economy on Educational Opportunities (Analysis of the Impact

of Parents' Unfixed Income on Educational Opportunities for Millennial Children in the DKI

Jakarta Area)

Dear Author/s: 1 Rd. Heri Solehudin, 2 Erna Budiarti, 3 Neneng habibah, 4 Euis Yumirawati 5Nunu

Ahmad An Nahidl, 6Sumarsih Anwar

Affiliation: 1 Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka, 2 Panca Sakti University of Bekasi,

3,4,5,6 National Research and Innovation Agency

We are pleased to inform that above-mentioned manuscript has been reviewed and accepted

for publication in the upcoming Regular issue October (2023) of Migration Letters, ISSN

17418992, 17418984. This letter of acceptance is to be considered as the official acceptance

of your manuscript with no further amendments required. Author/s are requested to follow

ethical and privacy guidelines mentioned in the journal homepage

Thank you for your contribution to the Journal.

Kind regards,

Ibrahim SIRKECI,

University of Salford

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