Fiduciary+Grant County Sheriff Office

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Jt KING Coury SUPERIC Cah OFFICE OF THE GRANT COUNTY SHERIFF July 12, 2024 ‘TO ALL GRANT COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT OFFICE HOLDERS REFERENCE: FIDUCIARY APPOINTMENT O 3b1L lb Honorable Chef stceEarJulonuoye) «87 7M SB7O 3BA0 at 4453 Hartland Parkway Lexington, Kentucky OFFICE HOLDERS This letter serves as notification and affirmation that Chief Justice Earl Julian Loyd €! accepts the appointment and titles of Sherif, Attorney in Fact, and Fiduciary Officer for the Grant County Sheriff Office in accordance with United States law, the Constitution for the United States 1789 and 1791, the Bankruptcy Act of 1933, the Emergency Banking Act of 1933, House Resolution 192 of 1933, US. Department of Justice Tax non obligated Public Law AA222141 for all commerce, as stated by the Criginal indigenous Moorish Al Moroccan state. Additionally, any person to whom the office of fiduciary of any state is so transferred shall, for all the purposes of this action, become and are deemed to be the trustee for the state, and the person from whom the office was transferred shall be deemed to have resigned that office. The bearer of this letter is entitled to 100% immediate reimbursement or discharge Cf all commercial obligations and transactions with national identification bearing the United States Department of State tax non obligated public law number AA222141 as stated by the original indigenous Moorish American state. The Grant County Sheriff, Attorney in Fact, and Fiduciary Officer will all be prepaid for all services. All dividends will be paid annually through his master account. The Sheriff, Attorney in Fact, & Fiduciary for the Grant County Sheriff Office will be responsible for the daily performance and all operations. Sheriff Earl Julian Lioyd El will be paid from the public trust for his uties as Sheriff at the rate of 250,000 dollarium annually. This action is effective immediately at all Grant County Sheriff offices. It will be an honor to serve. Sincerely, baad d ibe 2 bd ay orl Juffan Lloyd Et Brian Maines Sheriff, Fiduciary, Trustee, & Attorney in Fact Former custodian Grant County Sheriff Office Company (es FILED a Mg. KRYPTON TERRITORY = Ve Ve in y} CLERK OFFICE - = Fuel 13 2024 Se spon ’sihne, a i | Fl F o33 taal s raed gee =) eee Ess iB TEER EE BS ST TISE OTET D425 OTA bRSk | LENT Ajoniuay ‘umoyswely | y auns ‘peoy sauseg 212 | 301dIO JAIYIHS ALNNOD LNVYD JHL 40 ad1dIO | SauyeW uelg :3aIqns 1 ST TISE OTET 425 OT2O BeSh Saviscauwn adwaxe diz Ayanquay ‘uoy8u1x97 amie | AeAvied PURNEH ESP — 13 PAOp] weyne jreg aoysnr yaya JUVIN GAISILHaD | subject: Brion Maines Dvtice OF THE GRANT COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE 212 Barnes Road, Sule sour, Kentucky 41087

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