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NIM : 312310129
KELAS : TI.23.C3

oko doesn’t have a car and (1) goes to work by bus every day. He doesn’t need to wait very long
for the bus, but he (2) has to change the buses once. On Monday, the bus drivers (3) decided to
go on strike for that day, thus, there were no buses. Now it was Sunday, Joko was working on his
garage. His next-door neighbor Wawan leaned over the garden fence. “So you won’t have
managed to get work yesterday, then?”, he said. “Actually, I (4) got to work”, said Joko, a
colleague (5) gave me a lift. “Then Wawan’s wife Susi came out to call Wawan in for coffee.
“Hi Joko”, she said, “I must say your garage (6) looks neat and complete now you’ve added the
machine wash and the floor jack. Did you do it all yourself?”. “Well, I (7) did most of it myself,
yes, but to be honest I (8) had a bit of assistance from my cousin, Rudi”. “Oh, was Rudi here?
(9) Give him my regards next time you (10) see him, won’t you?”. “Will do”, said Joko.

11. Gerunds

• A gerund is the -ing form of a verb that functions as a noun. For example:
1. Swimming is my favorite hobby.
2. She enjoys reading books.
3. Jogging every morning keeps me healthy.

12. Ways to Discuss the Future in English

13. Will/Shall: Used for spontaneous decisions or predictions.
o Example: I will help you with your homework.
14. Be Going To: Used for planned actions or events.
o Example: They are going to visit us next week.
15. Present Continuous: Used for fixed arrangements.
o Example: I am meeting him tomorrow.
16. Simple Present: Used for scheduled events.
o Example: The train leaves at 6 pm.
17. Countable Nouns

• Countable nouns are nouns that can be counted, have a singular and plural form, and can be
used with a/an and numbers.
o Example:
▪ One apple, two apples.
▪ A cat, three cats.
▪ An idea, several ideas.
14. Prepositions

• Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and other
words in a sentence.
• In: Used for months, years, periods of the day, and for longer periods.
o Example: She was born in July.
• On: Used for days and dates.
o Example: The meeting is on Monday.
• At: Used for specific times and locations.
o Example: We will meet at 6 pm.

15. You already graduated, you were a student at UPB.

16. My parent’s airplane arrives at 5.10 pm tomorrow afternoon. I will go to the airport to pick
them up.
17. Difference Between Adjectives and Adverbs

• Adjectives: Describe or modify nouns.

o Example: She wore a beautiful dress. The test was difficult.
• Adverbs: Modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.
o Example: She sings beautifully. He runs very fast.

18. Usage of Determiners and Pronouns as Demonstratives

• Demonstrative determiners: this, that, these, those.

o Example: This book is interesting. Those cars are new.
• Demonstrative pronouns: this, that, these, those.
o Example: This is my friend. Those are my shoes.

19. Usages of Adverbs

• Manner: Describes how something is done.

o Example: She sings beautifully. He speaks loudly.
• Time: Indicates when something happens.
o Example: He will arrive tomorrow. She left early.
• Place: Indicates where something happens.
o Example: They live here. She looked everywhere.
• Frequency: Indicates how often something happens.
o Example: He always forgets his keys. She rarely smiles.
• Degree: Indicates the intensity or extent of something.
o Example: I am very tired. She quite enjoyed the movie.

20. Rules for Participles Used as Adjectives

• Present Participle (ending in -ing): Describes an ongoing action or state.

o Example: The running water is cold. The crying baby is hungry.
• Past Participle (usually ending in -ed): Describes a completed action or state.
o Example: The broken window was fixed. The tired worker went home.

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