Anatomy Question Paper - I

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1. Branchial plexus:
a) Formation
b) Relations
c) Branches and branches of posterior cord
d) Applied anatomy

2. Axillary artery:
a) Course
b) Relations
c) Branches
d) Applied aspects

3. Ulnar nerve/ distribution in hands:

a) Course and relations
b) Branches//Superfical branches
c) Distribution
d) Applied Anatomy

4. Shoulder joint:
a) Classification and Articulating bones
b) Ligaments
c) Movements with muscles involved
d) Applied anatomy
e) Relations

5. Axillary nerve:
a) Origin and course
b) Relations
c) Branches
d) Applied aspects

6. Radial nerve:
a) Origin
b) Branches & also in radial groove
c) Relations,
d) Applied anatomy, course
e) Nerve in spiral groove
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7. Mammary gland:
a) Gross anatomy
b) Lymphatic drainage
c) Applied aspects
d) Development

8. Radial artery:
a) Origin
b) Course
c) Relations
d) Applied anatomy

9. Biceps branchii :
a) Origin
b) Insertion and actions

10. Branchioradialis muscle:

a) Origin
b) Insertion
c) Nerve supply
d) Actions

11. Interossei muscles of the hand?

12. Anatomical snuff box?

13. Supinators of forearm and all supinator muscles?

14. Axillary sheath?

15. Middle radio – ulnar joint?

16. Flexor retinaculum of hand?

17. Formation and termination of superifical palmar arch?

18. Boundaries of cubital fossa, contents and applied anatomy?

19. Lumbricals of hand and their actions along with nerve supply?

20. Maxillary artery?

21. Anastomosis around elbow joint?

22. Median cubital vein?

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23. Lymphatic drainage of breast and development?

24. Midpalmar space?

25. Carpo metacarpal joint of thumb:

26. Pulp spaces of fingers:

27. Nerve supply and actions of deltoid muscle:

28. Deltoid muscle:

29. Carpal tunnel syndrome:

30. Annular ligament:

31. Surgical neck of humens:

32. Vincula:

33. Intertubercular sulcus:

34. Name 4 carpal bones:

35. Movements of wrist joint:

36. Dorsal venous arch of hand:

37. Nerve supply and action of deltoid:

38. Inferior radio – ulnar joint and also middle:

39. Muscles forming rotator cuff:

40. Median nerve:

a) Course
b) Relations
c) Branches
d) Applied anatomy

41. Sternal angle:

42. Clavi pectoral fascia:

43. Serratus anterior

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44. Boundaries and countents of axilla? Add note on axillary group of lymph nodes?

45. Erb’s palsy

46. Coracoid process of scapula

47. Biceps

48. Adductor pollicis brevis

49. Claw hand

50. Mid palmar space

51. Applied anatomy of scaphoid bone

52. Implantation

53. Osteocytes

54. Sesamoid bones.


1. Thyroid Gland:
a) Formation
b) Relations
c) Branches
d) Applied anatomy
e) Parts and gross features
f) Capsule
g) Blood supply

2. Palatine tonsil:
a) Location
b) External features with relations
c) Microscopic structure
d) Applied anatomy

3. Cavernous sinus:
a) Situation and extent
b) Relations
c) Tributaries
d) Applied anatomy

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4. Tongue:
a) Parts
b) Features of dorsum and surface features
c) Nerve supply
d) Development
e) Musculature

5. Lateral wall of nasal cavity:

a) Features
b) Nerve supply
c) Blood supply
d) Applied aspect
e) Bone forming
f) subdivision

6. Parotid Gland:
a) Location
b) Extent
c) Capsule
d) Relation
e) Contents
f) Nerve Supply
g) Applied Anatomy

7. Extraocular muscles:
a) Origin
b) Insertion
c) Nerve supply
d) Actions

8. Muscles of Mastication:
a) Origin
b) Insertion
c) Nerve Supply
d) Actions
e) Relations – lateral ptyergoid muscle

9. Enumerate dural venous sinuses:

10. Facial artery :

a) Origin
b) Course
c) Relations
d) Applied anatomy

11. Development of parathyroid glands:

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12. Oblique muscles of eye ball

13. Contents, boundaries and applied anatomy of middle ear:

14. Maxillary air sinus

15. Nasopharynx

16. Lacrinal apparatus

17. Little’s area

18. Nasal septum

19. Deep fascia

20. Ciliary ganglion

21. Epicranial aponeurosis

22. Layers of retina

23. Interior of larynx

24. Strutures passing through foramen ovale

25. Taste buds

26. Carotid sheath

27. Actions and nerve supply of cricothyroid muscle

28. Stellate ganglion

29. Nerve supply of soft palate

30. Tapetum

31. Circumvallate papilla

32. Frontal nerve

33. Facial calliculus

34. Crista galli

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35. Ansa cervicalis

36. Otic ganglion

37. Emissary venis

38. Parotid duct

39. Pharyngeal plexus of nerves

40. Piriform recess

41. Scalp:
a) Layers
b) Blood supply
c) Nerve supply
d) Applied anatomy

42. Suprasternal space

43. Mylohyoid

44. External Jugular vein

45. Jugular foramen – Structures passing

46. Tentorium cerebelli

47. Flax cerebri

48. Middle meningeal artery

49. Digastric triangle

50. Brnaches of external carotid artery

51. Hyoglossus muscle

52. Styloid process of temporal bone

53. Structures opening into middle meatus of nasal cavity

54. Interior of larynx

55. Rima glottidis

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56. Vocal cords

58. Name cartilage of larynx

59. Tympanic membrane

60. Organ of corti


1. Formation and fate of pharyngeal clefts

2. Development of pituitary gland
3. Development of Tongue
4. Mesodermal derivatives of 1 st arch and 1st pharyngeal arch
5. Development of anomalies of palate
6. Development of hypoplysis cerebri
7. Notochord
8. Decidua
9. Mesodermal derivatives of 2 nd branchial arch and 3rd Bronchial arch
10. Spermatogenesis
11. Primitive streak
12. Fertilization
13. Development of palate
14. Cleavage lines of skin in face
15. Cervical cyst
16. Blastocyst

1. Internal capsule:
a) Parts
b) Relations
c) Fiber components
d) Arterial Supply
e) Applied anatomy

2. Classify: White matter of cerebrum and write about corpus callosum

3. Superolateral surface of cerebrum:

a) Sulci
b) Gyri
c) Functional areas
d) Applied anatomy

4. Rhomboid fossa

5. Fornix
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6. Lateral ventricle of cerebrum: 1) Inferior horn

2) Gyri, sulci, functional area on superolateral surface of
cerebral hemisphere and indicate cortical areas on this

7. Cerebellar penducles and inferior cerebellar peduncle:

8. III ventricle of brain:

9. Visual cortex:

10. Geniculate bodies:

11. Circle of willis:

12. Cerebellum:
a) External features
b) Applied anatomy

13. Ligamentum denticulatum

14. Draw a section of spinal cord and label the internal structure

15. Floor of IV ventricle of brain and communication

16. Oculomotor nerve:

a) Origin
b) Course
c) distribution
d) Applied anatomy

17. Inter peduncular fossa

18. Enlargement of spinal cord

19. Subarachaoid space

20. Motor speech area

21. Motor Cortex

22. Transverse section of medulla

23. Nuclei present in the pons

24. Insula
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25. Colliculi (Quadrigeminal bodies)

26. Nuclei of cerebellum

27. Name procerses of dura mater

28. Caudate nucleus

29. Filum terminale

30. olfactory bulb

31. Inferior cervical ganglion

32. sulci and gyri of parietal lobe

33. Pre central gyrus

34. quada equina

35. Conus medullaris

36. Sensory dicussation

37. Intracerebellar nuclei

38. Corpus callosum

39. Crista galli.

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