Physiology Question Paper - I

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# 2nd Floor, Above Indian Bank, Opposite Olive Hospital,
Kakatiya Nagar Colony, Mehdipatnam, Hyd -28
1. What is hemoglobin ? Functions of it ? Factors required for its formation? Catabolism of
Hemoglobin? Abnormalities of hemoglobin synthesis?
2. Name clotting factors? Help of schematic diagram? Mechanism of blood coagulation and
factors involved? How is blood prevented from clotting in vascular system?
3. Bleeding disorder? Hemophilia’s
4. Fibrinolytic system
5. Name blood group system? Its significance? Basis for classification/Physiological basis
and clinical importance?
6. Cross matching
7. Fate of RBC hemoglobin
8. Classify leucocytes? Account of development and function of different leucocytes.
9. Define erythropoiesis? Stages? Factors influencing it?
10.Blood buffer’s in regulation of PH?
11. ABO and Rh system
12. Role of B- lymphocytes in immunity and also T-lymphocytes
13. Fate of hemoglobin of damaged RBC’s following hemolysis
14. Mismatched blood transfusion and its effect.
15. Erythroblastosis foetalis
16. Anticoagulants
17. T cells verses B cells
18. Rh factor and its importance
19. Define anaemia and its morphological classification
20. Packed cell volume in hemorrhagic shock.
21. Physiological leucocytosis- causes
22. physiological importance of normal oncotic pressure of plasma
23. Land steiner’s law?
24. Vitamin K dependant clotting.
25. Define ESR? Normal value? Factor that influence it?
26. Functions of plasma proteins
27. Functions of platelets
28. Functions of lymph
29. Erythroprotein

1. Regulation of different phases of gastric secretion? Explain mechanism of secretion,
composition and function of gastric
2. Actions, composition, functions, regulation of secretion and hormonal phase of pancreatic
3. Composition and functions of Bile.
4. Mechanism of secretion of saliva. Composition and functions
5. Digestion and absorption of fats.
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6. Deglutition? Pharyengeal phase, mass peristalsis

7. Movements of small intestine and its significance
8. Role of oesophageal sphincters
9. Enterohepatic circulation and its physiological importance.
10. Jaundice and write about hemolytic jaundice.
11.Mechanism of HCL acid secretion in stomach
12. Eccrine type of sweat gland
13. Functions of spleen
14. Functions of exocrine pancreatic secretion and hormonal regulation.
15. Peptic ulcer.
16. Secretin.
17. Differences between voluntary and involuntary muscles
18. Intestinal villi.
19. Salivary secretion control
20. Bile salts
21. Chylomicrons
22. Dietary fiber
23. Secretory vesicles
24. Deglutition apnoea
25. Alimentary glycosurea
26. Sweat gland and mechanism of secretion of sweat.


1. Define airway resistance? Give normal value? List factors affecting it? What are the
principles governing flow of Air in air passages?
2. Draw neat diagram showing structures of respiratory membrane? Write hemodynamic
factors influencing the exchange of gases across membrane.
3. Mechanism of respiration? Define lung compliance? Write two conditions which reduce
lung compliance?
4. Write about the uptake, transport and delivery of O2? What are the factors that
determine its dissociations?
5. Enumerate respiratory center? Neural and chemical regulation of respiration?
6. What is hypoxia? Classifications? Explain them in brief? How does body acclimatizes
itself to high attitude?
7. Modes of transport of C02 from tissue to lungs?
8. What is asphyxia? Various stages of it? Features of Asphyxia?
9. Haldane effect
10. Anemic hypoxia
11. Oxygen dissociation curve
12. Lung volumes and capacities with normal values?
13. Surfactants and its functions along with applied aspect.
14. Hering bruer inflation reflex
15. Intra thoracic and intra pulmonary pressure.
16. Functions of residual capacity
17. Timed vital capacity
18. Nitrogen narcosis
19. Role of abdominal muscles in respiration
20. Intrapleural pressure.
21. Periodic breathing
22. Apnoea
23. Non respiratory functions of lungs
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24. Tidal volume

25. Define vital capacity and its values.
26. Residual volume
27. Respiratory distress syndrome.
28. Artificial respiration.
29. Chloride shift
30. Carotid bodies.
31. Cyanosis and where is it seen?
32. Ultrastructure of respiratory membrane.
33. Physiological dead space.
34. Chronic effect of hypocapnia.

1. Hypertension – definition? Physiological principles underlying pathogenesis and its
2. Define cardiac output? How is it measured in man? Physiological factors influencing
cardiac output.
3. Phasic flow of coronary blood flow? Metabolic regulation? Give evidence of MI? Note
on angina pectoris.
4. Define mean arterial blood pressure and arterial blood pressure and its normal values?
Write various factors regulating it?
5. Define blood pressure, systolic pressure, diastolic pressure and regulation of BP with
suitable diagram?
6. Diagram of right atrial pressure curve? Pressure changes in right atrium during cardiac
cycle? Events of cardiac cycle? Pressure changes in left ventricle of heart?
7. Ionic basic of action potential and action potential of ventricular muscle?
8. 2nd heart sounds? Splitting of 2nd Heart Sounds?
9. Pacemaker potential
10. Ventricular systole and its suction.
11. ECG? Significance of P-R interval its causes and normal duration? ECG of lead II draw
And label waves.
12. Properties of cardiac muscle
13. Factors influencing coronary circulation
14. Significance of P wave and ST segment
15. Venous return
16. Conducting system of heart
17. Poisenille’s hagen formula in circulation
18. Korotkoff’s sounds.
19. Adrenergic receptors of heart
20. Fick’s principle and define diffusion
21. Dehydration shock.
22. (JVP) Jugular venous pressure? Draw and label? Mention causes.
23. C. Wave of atrial pressure curve
24. Reactive Hyperemia?
25. Heart sounds? Causes for production of heart sounds ?
26. A-V. Nodes? Arterio venous anastomoses.
27. Peripheral resistance
28. Triple response.
29. Hypovolemic shock and anaphylactic shock
30. Sinus arrhythmia.
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1. Role of counter – current mechanism in kidney function | counter – current multiple
2. Mechanism of formation of concentrated urine? Note on diuresis
3. Reabsorption of water in renal tubules /role of kidney in maintenance of water balance in
body? Note on diabetes insipidus
4. Regulation of Na+ excretion by kidney?
5. Define renal clearance? what do PAH and insulin clearance indicate about renal
6. Voluntary micturition
7. Creatinine clearance
8. Juxtra glomerular apparatus
9. Juxtamedullary nephron
10. GFR? Regulation of Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
11. Artificial Kidney
12. Mechanism of regulation of body temperature?
13. Heat loss mechanism
14. Role of vasa recta in kidney
15. Functions of distal convoluted tubule.
16. Tubular secretion
17. Glucose reabsorption from renal tubules
18. Peculiarities of renal circulation
19. Micturition reflex
20. Ultrafiltration
21. Hypothermia
22. Fever
23. Insulin clearance.
24. Anti diuretic hormone (ADH)
25. Filtration fraction
26. Diagram for innervation of urinary bladder
27. Proximal tubular handling of Na+
28. Doop diuretics.
29. Functions of skin.
30. Renal threshold.


1. Active transport across cell membrane
2. Distribution of blood fluids.
3. Define exocytosis and its mechanism.
4. Tissue fluid formation.
5. Mitochondria
6. endocytosis
7. Active transport and secondary active transport define? Factors affecting it with
8. Desmosomes
9. Transcellular fluid
10. Na+ - K+ ATPase.
11. Diffusion define? Types? Factors affecting it?
12. Resting membrane potential? What is it ionic basis?

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1. Rigor mortis
2. Thermal changes during muscle contraction
3. Refractory period
4. Gap junction
5. Structure of neuron
6. Neuroglia
7. Types of smooth muscles
8. Isometric muscle contraction
9. Properties of nerve fibers
10.Excitation – contraction coupling in skeletal muscle
11.Miniature end plate potential
12.Saltatory conduction
13.Neuromuscular blocking agents?
14.Draw a labelled diagram muscle spindle? Explain the effects of stretch and stimulation of
gamma motor neuron on spindle activity.
15.Nerve action potential
16. Types of muscle fibers.
17. Neuromuscular junction labelled diagram? Enumerate events which occur during its
transmission and add a note on myasthenia gravis?
18. Draw a diagram of sarcomere and label it?
19. Motor end plate
20. Actions of chemicals at NMJ A) cholinesterases b) curare c) physostigmine.
21. Wallerian degeneration
22. Molecular basis of skeletal muscle contraction
23. Depolarization and repolarization
24. Differences between cardiac and smooth muscle?
25. Triple response
26. Actin and myosin
27. Synaptic delay
28. Define chronaxie and utilization rime?
29. Effect of denervation of skeletal muscle.

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