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Building Better Doctors
# 2nd Floor, Above Indian Bank, Opposite Olive Hospital,
Kakatiya Nagar Colony, Mehdipatnam, Hyd -28

1. Olfactory pathway.
2. Physiology of Olfaction.
3. Anosmia, Parosmia, hyposmia.
4. Taste pathway.
5. Physiology of taste.
6. Auditory pathway.
7. Visual pathway and effect of its lesion at various levels.
8. Scotopic and photopic vision.
9. Role of middle ear in hearing and its functions.
10.Functions of iris.
11. Define myopia? Explain method of its correction.
12. Agensia.
13. Cochlear microphonic.
14. Dark adaptations and light adaptations of eyes.
15. Role of cochlea in pitch discrimination.
16. Refractive erross in eye and their correction its causes.
17. Tympanic reflex.
18. Colour blindness.
19. Tests for hearing.
20. Taste buds.
21. Colour vision.
22. Astigmatism.
23. Accommodation reflexes.
24. Near response of eye.
25. Olfactory cells.
26. Presbyopia.
27. Name components of middle ear? Give their functions? Describe briefly role of internal.
ear in hearing.
28. Name different parts of ear? Explain mechanism of hearing.
29. Vestibular Apparatus.
30. Organ of corti.
31. Functions of tensor tympani and stapedius.


1. Acromegaly
2. Features of hypothyroidism in adults.
3. Thyroid functions tests.
4. Name anterior pituitary hormones? What are functions and mechanism of action of
growth hormone?
5. Actions of gonadotropic hormone in males and females.
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6. Physiological actions of insulin and mechanism of action?

7. Addison’s disease
8. Myxoedema
9. What are the actions of thyroid hormones on metabolism? Give an account of
hyposecretion of thyroid hormones?
11. DM and Diabetes insipidus.
12. Describe synthesis, transport and regulation of secretion of thyroid hormone?
13. Anti inflammatory effect of glucocorticoids
14. Adrenal medullary hormones
15. Give an account of physiological actions of growth hormones and mechanism of these
action. Add a note on effect of its hyperseuetion?
16. Hypocalcemic tetany
17. Antithyroid drugs.
18. Action and regulation of insulin? Explain basis of polyphagia in DM.
19. Features of cretinism and its physiological basis?
20. Actions and regulations of cortisol?
21. Cushing syndrome
22. Define term growth development? List factors affecting them? Describe briefly
physiological aspects of both?
23. Hormonal regulation of calcium metabolism and the plasma calcium levels
24. Hypoglycemic hormones
25. Name hormones produced by supra renal glands? Describe secretion regulation and
action of any 1 of them?
26. Flight/fight reaction.
27. Adreno genital syndrome
28. List importance effects of adrenaline on different tissues.
29. Normal blood Ca2+ levels?
30. Aldosterone
31. What is tetany? Describe/hormone which is the causative factors in detail?
32. Role of ADH in fluid balance in body
33. Functions of glucagon
34. How does insulin influence blood sugar level
35. Steroid hormone


1. Control of testicular activity
2. Fertilization and implantation of ovum.
3. Colostrum
4. Ovulation its indications and signs of it?
5. Spermatogenesis, factors influencing and factors regulating ?
6. Oral contra ceptives.
7. Menopause
8. Prolactin
9. Cryptorchidism
10. Actions of progesterone
11. Puberty? Changes that occur during puberty in females?
12. Functions of placenta
13. principle of immunological test of pregnancy and Basis for test
14. Actions of estrogen
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15. Sex determination

16. Discuss hormonal, ovarian and uterine changes during menstrual cycle?
17. Milk ejection reflex and parturition reflex.
18. contraceptive methods in females.
19. Physiological basis of anovulatory menstrual cycle.
20. Actions of ovarian hormones.
21. When does ovulation occur during excitatory and inhibitory post synaptic potentials.
22. Role of Sertoli cells
23. Seminal fluid
24. Corpus luteum
25. Functions of blood testis barrier.
26. Family planning in males.
27. Menarche, menopause.
28. Describe functions of placental hormones? Discuss diagnostic importance of HCG
(Human chorionic gonadotropin)
29. Hormonal control of menstrual cycle? Note on rhythm method of family planning?
30. Oxytocin
31. What are effects of tying vas deferens
32. Effect of estrogen on mammary gland.
33. Feto placental unit.

1. Catabolic nervous system.
2. Describe the connections and functions of cerebellum? Write a note on
dysdiadokokinesia. Note on cerebellar diseases.
3. Electroencephalogram, (EEG) and its waves; Alla block of ECG.
4. Mention formation, composition and functions of cerebrospinal fluid?
5. Dysmetria and Ataxia
6. Connections, functions and effect of cerebellar dysfunction?
7. Pyramidal tract and effect of its lesion at internal capsule?
8. Connections and functions of prefrontal lobe? List effects of its lesions?
9. connections, functions of basal ganglia? add note on Parkinson? Disease of basal ganglia.
10. Motor Aphasia?
11 Draw a labelled diagram of corticospinal tracts? Explain effect of decerebration on their
12. Functions of thalamus
13. Definition of aphasia and types.
14. Name functional division of cerebellum
15. Parkinsonism and physiological basis of drug. Used in its treatment?
16. What is blood brain Barrier ? Its functions and clinical importance.
17. Functions of limbic system.
18. What is area number 44 located? What is its functions>
19. List differences between upper motor neuron lesions (UMN) and lower motor neuron
lesion (LMN)
20. Babinski’s sign/plantar reflex?
21. Account of the connection and functions of hypothalamus?
22. Myasthenia gravis
23. Tremor
24. Hemiplegia
25. Discuss origin, distribution and functions of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves?
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26. Anterograde amnesia.

27. What is decerebrate rigidity? Explain its manifestation?
28. Lower Motor neuron (LMN) paralysis?
29. Frequency and voltage of β rhythm of EEG?
30. Motor unit
31. Give examples of stress situation in which sympathetic activity increases?
32. Note on hydrocephalus.
33. withdrawal reflex
34. Somatosensory cortex
35. Stretch and in verse stretch reflex.
36. Classify sensory receptors giving example? Describe mechanism by which sensory
system codes the sensory modality and stimulus intensity.
37. Satiety center.
38. Dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway and its function?
39. Anterolateral sensory pathway and its functions.
40. Postural hypotension
41. Sleep disorders
42. Define pain? Describe pathway for pain sensation with diagram? Explain referred pain?
Theories of referred pain with few example?
43. REM sleep
44. Role of hypothalamus in regulation of food intake
45. Renshaw cell inhibition
46. Receptors and their properties.
47. Brown sequared syndrome.
48. What is synapse? Describe importance features of synapse
49. Paradoxical sleep
50. Conditioned reflex
51. Functions of reticular formation
52. otolith organs
53. What is spinal shock? What is it due to?
54. Golgi-Tendon reflex.

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