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David T. Phillips
My objective in writing The Family Bank Strategy Revisited is to provide an updated
appraisal on what this Tax-Free world looks like seven years after I wrote the initial book.
Inside, I introduce several new key strategies as well as the current rules of engagement.
Additionally, I want to make certain that my readers never lose focus on the primary reason for
the Family Bank. That, in the midst of all the amazing “living benefits,” like the Tax-Free cash
accumulation and income, it has at its’ foundation, a permanent life insurance policy. Because of
its’ nature, The Family Bank Strategy will always provide Tax-Free life insurance, payable to your
loved ones, that will always be valued significantly more than your deposits. And that’s the real
I hope you are enlightened and enjoy.

Meet the Author

David T. Phillips is a nationally recognized consumer advocate
for insurance, annuities and estate planning with 50 years of
experience. He is the author of bestselling books – Estate Planning
Made Easy, The 10 Most Common Estate Planning Mistakes and
How to Avoid Them, The Family Bank Strategy, The Bombshell
Battle Plan, and Disinherit the IRS.

Mr. Phillips has been a featured speaker at a multitude of

investment conferences around the globe and a guest on national
television including: CNN, Fox News, CNBC, Money Talks, and Bloomberg. Mr. Phillips is the
CEO and founder of Estate Planning Specialists. With clients in every state, his companies
have assisted thousands of Americans to properly plan their estates.
Mr. Phillips graduated from Brigham Young University. He is an active member of his
church and coached the Arizona State University Water Ski Team from 1994-2006, winning
the National Championships in 2001. David and his wife, Jane, have four children and eleven

David can be contacted at 1-888-892-1102, or Visit our website:

The Family Bank Strategy

David T. Phillips, Copyright 2022.

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form, except quotations for purpose of review with full credit given.
Quotations from this book for any other purpose must be authorized by the author and publisher.

The information given in this book is basic and general in nature and is intended for educational purposes only. No specific companies
are being recommended or solicited.

The Family Bank Strategy REVISITED

About Us......................................................................... i
The Cash Value Inside Your Family Bank Strategy......... 2
Family Bank Strategy Ownership................................... 4
Pay Yourself First Strategy.............................................. 5
Steve’s Family Bank Example.......................................... 6
Mathew’s Testimonial...................................................... 9
Inherited IRA Strategy................................................... 11
Muriel’s Inherited IRA Strategy..................................... 11
The SECURE Act........................................................... 14
Guaranteed Inheritance and Income Strategy................. 16
Allen’s Testimonial........................................................... 18
Gift for Life Strategy...................................................... 19
The Family Bank Strategy Structure............................... 26
So, What Now?............................................................... 28
Family Bank Strategy Analysis Request Form................ 29

David T. Phillips 1
« T h e C a s h Va l u e I n s i d e
Yo u r F a m i l y B a n k S t r a t e g y «
A Safe Harbor in Today ’s Chaotic World

In light of COVID-19 and the recent stock market turbulence and uncertainty, many of
our clients have asked how the cash value inside their Family Bank Strategy policies are faring?
It is with comfort and assurance that I am pleased to report that, properly set up, Whole
Life and Indexed Universal Life policies are actually humming along smoothly. Performing
perfectly, just like they were designed to do.
When equity markets are up and the economy is running effortlessly, it is sometimes easy
to overlook the value of the downside protection one gets from using cash value life insurance
as an investment. But when things get rocky and the rubber meets the road, participating in an
“upside-only with zero risk” investment, is mighty comforting.
Permanent life insurance will never be your best-performing asset when things are good –
it’s not supposed to be. In times of turbulence, however, it can provide the stabilizing influence
inside your overall portfolio, that is vital, in the middle of today’s chaos. Any time there is an
account balance, permanent life insurance provides a source of liquid cash that can be drawn
upon, without the permission from a lending officer and without incurring a market loss, totally
income TAX-FREE. That’s huge.
Not to be over dramatic, but the ability to access tax-free cash any time it is needed is
such an important feature, I really need to emphasize it again and again. We don’t know
what the future has in store for any of us, and to have an “out”, a “trump card”, a “get
out of jail free card”, whenever it is needed, is so critical.
2 The Family Bank Strategy REVISITED
Furthermore, Family Bank policies are designed to provide moderate, steady growth
without fear of losing. To comprehend the true implications of the safe harbor created with
permanent cash value life insurance, during times of market volatility, it is important to take a
look at a few key differences between life insurance companies and other corporations, including
1) Investment risk.
Insurance companies invest the premiums they collect from policyholders in long term
assets, such as bonds, to ensure that they can pay insurance claims as they occur over time.
The vast majority of investments, (approximately 85%) are in investment-grade corporate
bonds and U.S. Treasuries, both of which traditionally perform better than stocks when
corporate finances weaken.
This means that insurance company assets are generally less risky when compared with the
investments made by banks and their affiliates, whose structure and regulations do not limit
their investment of lender deposits in a way that corresponds to their anticipated liabilities.
2) Insurance carriers are not allowed to use leverage.
Unlike banks, investment funds and operating companies, government regulations prohibit
insurance companies from using leverage to enhance their performance. This prevents any
losses from being compounded during market downturns.
3) Insurance companies are heavily regulated.
While it is true that insurance companies can become insolvent, it is historically very rare.
This is because state insurance regulators place poorly performing insurance companies into
receivership, if or when, their assets drop to approximately 90% of their liabilities. At that
point, the insurer has approximately 90 cents on the dollar to pay off their liabilities.
In contrast, most financially challenged corporations are left with an extraordinary small
amount of assets or value when they go bankrupt, and creditors are typically fighting for a
much smaller (10 cents or 20 cents on the dollar), piece of the pie.
One last statement on this point. Because of the intense state oversight and intervention,
the industry as a whole, and each company, ensure that payment of the company’s
guaranteed obligations are made to policyholders, regardless. To me that’s further
reassurance that permanent life insurance can be classified as a “safe money” investment.
In challenging economic times, such as these, our clients are even more appreciative of
the steady 5% to 7% tax-free compounded long-term returns that Family Bank policies offer.
The idea of “swinging for the fences” every time you are up to bat can have an allure, but it is
usually a very dangerous proposition. Hitting a single each and every time you come up
to the plate is more in line with the performance of a Participating Whole Life, or an
Indexed Universal Life policy, and offers comfort and reassurance.

David T. Phillips 3
I have hit a few grand
slams in my life, but I
have also stuck out
when trying to be the
hero. With my Family
Bank policies……I have
NEVER whiffed, not
once! I find comfort with
that assurance and so do our
clients. You will ultimately
win the game if you get on base
every time you come to bat, and
that’s math you can count on.

Family Bank Strategy Ownership

In circumstances where our clients intend to constantly access their tax-free dollars
throughout their lifetime, it is recommended that they personally own their policies. Ready
access to your cash works better if you can open the door anytime you want, without restrictions.
On the other hand, some clients establish their Bank with the intent of passing the Tax-
Free life insurance benefit to their children and grandchildren, occasionally accessing the cash.
If this is your situation and your estate is greater than $5 million as an individual or $10 million
as a couple, you might want to consider establishing an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust and
have it own the policy. With this structure the life insurance benefit will be paid out to the
trust and the proceeds will NOT be included in your estate and therefore not subject to any
federal and state estate taxes. Your family will still be the ultimate beneficiary of the tax-free life
insurance benefit. The only difference is that the checks will be paid to the beneficiaries from
the trust account and not directly from the insurance company.
What if you don’t know for certain who should own your policy today? If you decide to
change your ownership to a trust later, the IRS allows for the tax-free transfer, as long as the
surviving spouse passes three years after the transfer.
In either case, it is in an economic and political environment like we have today that
Family Bank policies are most appreciated because their value is unlikely to be impacted in any
significant way by the volatility that is currently battering the rest of the economy. While
these are uncertain and turbulent times, you can rest assured that the cash values inside
your Family Bank policies are protected in an industry that has secured such assets for
hundreds of years.

4 The Family Bank Strategy REVISITED

The Richest Man in

The Pay Yourself First Strategy
In 1981, Mark Skousen the editor of the newsletter Forecasts &
Strategies, wrote the book, High Finance on a Low Budget. It was an
instant bestseller, teaching the principles of thrift and the importance of
saving for the future. In the book, readers were introduced to Arkad, the
main character of the classic book, by George S. Clason, The Richest Man
in Babylon. Mark espoused the same tenets as Arkad, that, “A part of all
you earn is yours to keep. It should be not less than a tenth, no matter
how little you earn. It can be as much as you can afford. Pay yourself
Since then, I have taught and tried to follow this principle
throughout my life. Saving for our future is paramount and believe me,
I have been able to use my savings accounts to bail me out of difficult times as well as invest in
opportunities as they have come along.
One of the key strategies of The Family Bank Strategy is to save when you are in your
prime earning years, eventually converting the cash value into a lifetime of TAX FREE income.
For a multitude of reasons, most of our clients are either winding up their employment, or
already have a sizeable estate and are wondering what moves to make to avoid losing it. In this
section of the report I want to focus on those that are earning more than they need for the basic
necessities of life.
The Pay Yourself First Strategy is primarily for those still in their income earning years.
According to Arkad, in order to become wealthy, one must adjust their spending habits and
force themself to save 10% of each paycheck. Paying yourself 10% of every dollar earned,
becomes a religion for the true believer. Never, under any circumstances do you deviate.
Let’s look at a real time example of The Pay Yourself First Strategy: Steve is a healthy
50 year old, is married to Kristen and they have three children. Together, their net
income is $150,000 a year.

David T. Phillips 5
Determined to build his Family Bank as fast as possible, Steve stops making the unmatched
contributions to his employer’s 401k, plan, and redirects those dollars into his Family Bank. All
told, he has $30k each year that he wants to “pay himself first” into a Family Bank Strategy until
he is 65, or another 15 years.
While the permanent life insurance benefit is an important feature of his Bank, it is not the
engine that is driving this ship. His main goal is to accumulate as much Tax-Free cash as fast as
possible because he intends to begin taking guaranteed income beginning at age 70, for 20 years.
Steve submits a life application through our firm and is approved as a Preferred Risk.
His goal is to meet his deposit target of $30k each year, but he also knows that because he
is overfunding his plan, should he ever need to make an adjustment downward, he could,
recognizing that his funding target will be adjusted downward as well. So he moves forward.
Steadfast in his vision.
We are able to easily illustrate to Steve several funding options through our Ensight
software system. The end results are nothing short of amazing, refer to Figure 1.
It takes a while to comprehend the many miracles taking place in Figure 1. First, The
Family Bank Strategy employs the basic principle of growing wealth like Arkad teaches us in
The Richest Man in Babylon, which is to: “Learn to make your treasure work for you. Make
it your slave. Make its children and its children’s children work for you.” In other words,
implement the miracle of compound interest. Considering that Steve is depositing $30k each

6 The Family Bank Strategy REVISITED

year, or $450,000 over the 15 years, the only way it could grow to $2,000,000 in total value, or
four times, is to have each net dollar compound, year after year.
Next, there is the life insurance element. Immediately after Steve is approved for coverage
and he deposits his first $30k deposit, he is insured for almost four times that sum, or $373,320.
Each year, as the cash value account builds, the life insurance benefit grows, dollar for dollar. If
the cash value is $100,000, the life insurance pay out, income TAX-FREE to Steve’s family is
Then there is the matter of taxation. In any other investment, other than a Roth IRA, there
are eventual taxes to be paid. Either on the front end, with income, or on the back end with
capital gains. Not so with The Family Bank Strategy. Not only does Steve accumulate the cash
through the years TAX-FREE, the income that he eventually receives will also be TAX-FREE.
This is income that doesn’t count in the eyes of the government and so it has NO impact on
Social Security or Medicare costs. In other words, it is gravy.
What about the Family Bank itself ? You are building a TAX-FREE account that as
“life happens,” or opportunities come your way, you can draw from throughout your life, as
needed. You can pay it back if you want, but if not, it simply changes your target and reduces
your eventual life insurance benefit. That kind of “escape clause” is desperately needed in our
world today. If COVID has taught us one thing, it has taught us to be flexible and prepared at
the same time. The Family Bank Strategy provides both elements better than any investment,
Based on laws that have stood for hundreds of
years, The Family Bank Strategy is blessed by
the federal government. In fact, in 1988,
Congress gave a correctional
blessing that has lasted for
over 30 years. What
the Family Bank is and
what it does is something
we can count on for a
certainty. Plus, should
the Feds ever come after
the Family Bank, those
of us, like Steve that
got in before a change,
would be grandfathered.
Personally, I like those

It can be argued that there is no way, using an Indexed Universal Life policy or a
Participating Whole Life policy you can sustain the kind of interest assumptions (6.6%) that
we are using in Steve’s example. That’s actually not true. With any Indexed Universal Life
policy that uses the S&P 500 as an interest rate marker, the 20 year average, from 2002 to 2022,
is actually 8.92%, two percent more than projected in Figure 1. If Steve averaged only 6%
each year, his income would be $87,000 a year, for a total 20 year payout of $1,700,000 versus
$1,956,000, at 6.9%. And remember all of Steve’s income is income Tax-Free.
The most often question I get asked is: “I am not 50, I am 60, 70 or even 80, does the
Family Bank work for me?”
The answer is simply: That depends on what your goals are. If you want to compound
your deposits like Steve and generate tax-free income, you need time. If you need access to the
cash account in a year or two, or you need immediate income, the Family Bank isn’t for you. Go
park your money in a CD or a Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuity (MYGA). If, however you have
some time, even just three years, it can work. TAX-FREE works every time, all the time.

8 The Family Bank Strategy REVISITED

My name is Matthew. I’m a cost
engineering professional working for
a major oil company in the Houston
area. My wife and I are in our early
40s and have two young children.
We are a living case study of how
the right permanent life insurance
policy, combined with the Family Bank
Strategy can be leveraged to do some
pretty incredible things.

Our financial learning journey started

with a big-name brokerage firm that we
blindly entrusted with our retirement
savings. For many years we let them
manage our contributions and stock
allocations. Our only strategy at that
time was to stuff my 401k and Roth
IRAs with as much disposal income
as the IRS would allow. Although this seemed to work OK for a while, we weren’t satisfied with
relying on that sole approach. We wanted to self-manage our assets. We wanted a wider variety
of investment choices. We also wanted more protection from market and tax risk.

We had a strong desire to invest in things that were more useful and accessible to our family
today, rather than simply throwing money into a pot of stock investments that we couldn’t touch
for another 20+ years. So, we began to research alternative investment ideas to see what people
were recommending.

We accidentally discovered David Phillips in 2019 online giving a presentation on the Family
Bank Strategy at a conference. (Visit our website: We were so intrigued that
we bought his book, The Family Bank Strategy. It made what we previously thought to be a
complicated subject, crystal clear. And so, after reading it we decided to reach out to David
personally. We were pleasantly surprised when his assistant made an appointment for us to talk.
It was after this meeting and subsequently viewing Ed Slott’s PBS broadcast on the subject (Visit
our website: that we were inspired to try this strategy.

Our initial primary goal was to generate tax-free wealth for our surviving children to enjoy
someday in the form of a death benefit. We knew that we could borrow from the policy at any
time and that we had protection from market downturns. Furthermore, as a distant future goal,
we thought that it would make sense to eventually take loans out to fund our kids’ college tuition
or create our own retirement pension, if necessary.

We never envisioned that after only three years from the time we started our Family Bank, we
would use it to buy a beautiful vacation home in Colorado!

David T. Phillips 9
Our family had been visiting
this quiet little mountain
town for several years and
in 2021, saw a good deal
on a home that had been
operating as a vacation
rental (Airbnb). It was our
Family Bank (permanent
life insurance policy) that
enabled us to make a nice
down payment on the home
and pay for the furnishings
that came with the property.

Now, we own a beautiful vacation/retirement home that we can visit whenever we want and we
also have a turnkey business that pays us nearly $30k a year in extra income! Getting the loan
from the insurance company was a quick and painless process, using a single request form. We
wish that we could say the same thing about our mortgages!

After less than a year of operation, we were able to pay the loan off in full, including interest. We
were also pleasantly surprised that not only did the loan not affect the compounding of our cash
value account, but the loan interest we paid, actually went back into our cash value account! So,
we borrowed money from ourselves and paid ourselves back with interest.

The loan window of our Family Bank is again open and we are waiting for our next business
investment. Our investment portfolio is a lot more diverse because we have branched out to
include the Family Bank, real estate deals, precious metals and cryptocurrency.

The Family Bank Strategy can be a powerful tool to help generate wealth for today and tomorrow,
offering flexibility to access funds without a bank officer’s approval and possible penalties.

We are so glad that we called David Phillips of Estate Planning Specialists and established our
Family Bank Strategy and look forward to using it again soon.

By the way, our Colorado bungalow has significantly increased in value!

Matthew, Texas

10 The Family Bank Strategy REVISITED

Inherited IRA Strategy
Not too long ago, Muriel, age 75 asked me to help her with some estate planning. She first
sent me her trust documents for review and then sent me her portfolio statement for analysis.
She isn’t a tycoon by any stretch of the imagination, but she has a decent estate, anchored by the
$1.5 million IRA she inherited from her late husband, Ron. Her home is paid off.
Muriel is only taking Required Distributions from the IRA, which for 2022 will be
$60,775. That, along with Social Security and some rental income provides her with an income
of $100,000, which is sufficient for her needs. Her top income tax bracket is 24%, which
currently would be the same, even if her income reaches $170,050.

David T. Phillips 11
She has two children, Juliette, 50 and Parker, 45. Juliette is married with two children, ages
15 and 12 and Parker is divorced with two children, ages 10 and 8.
She read my Special Report, The Bombshell Battle Plan: How to Defend Against the IRS’
Secret Weapon (Found on our website It was then that she realized when
the kids inherit the balance of her IRA, they will be subject to income taxes either when the
funds are accessed, or within 10 years, based on the non-spousal distribution 10-year rules of the
SECURE Act of 2020.
Both children are earning substantial income on their own and so any inherited IRA funds
will be added to their income “top line,” landing them in the top income bracket of the day,
(currently 37% federal). Both children live in a state with an income tax. That tax will also be
added to the total annual tax bill, lifting them to a total tax of 45% for every earned and for
every inherited IRA dollar.
Muriel loves her grandchildren and would like to guarantee that they receive an
inheritance. After a consultation with our staff, she decides to implement The Inherited IRA
Since she has room to increase her income at her current tax bracket (24%), she decides
to withdraw an additional $60k from her IRA and make a gift of $30k annually to Juliette and

Parker for five years. They will then use the $30k gift to fund a “paid-up” Family Bank Strategy
with a Long Term Care rider. They all agree to name their children, Muriel’s grandchildren, as
the beneficiaries of each policy.
Muriel, with our legal team’s help, establishes a trust for the grandchildren. Since they
will most likely be in lower income brackets than their parents, she also names them as the
beneficiaries of her IRA, via the trust. She includes a clause in the trust, that prohibits any
income distribution to any individual beneficiary, if they are addicted to drugs or alcohol. If, at
Muriel’s passing, there is any IRA left, they will share equally in that taxable inheritance. The
SECURE Act provisions will transfer to them, requiring they make full distribution 10 years
from the date of Muriel’s passing.
In summary, even if Muriel spends all of her IRA or loses it in the market, by funding
Juliette and Parker’s Family Banks over five years, she has guaranteed that her children will
inherit and build a Tax-Free Family Bank account. Money that they will be able to readily
access Tax-Free through the years.
Muriel will also be providing a life insurance benefit that will be payable to her
grandchildren, at the passing of Juliette and Parker. While the combined life insurance benefits
of $900,000+ may not be the prime motivational factor of the Inherited IRA Strategy, it is a
huge undeniable benefit, that will eventually provide her grandchildren with a significant Tax-
Free inheritance.
Furthermore, they will have an immediate and perpetual Long Term Care benefit, so
should they ever be in a situation where they cannot perform 2 of the 6 Activities of Daily
Living, or become cognitively impaired, they will receive a Tax-Free monthly benefit for 50
months that has at its source the initial life insurance benefit.
Inheriting Muriel’s IRA straight up, would simply be an income tax burden to her
children. With the Inherited IRA Strategy, she switches the IRA income tax burden to her
grandchildren, via a pre-drafted trust. And should she use all of her IRA to live on, or lose it in
the market, she will leave behind a significant legacy for her posterity with the Tax-Free Family
Bank life insurance benefit.

David T. Phillips 13
Are You and Your
Children Prepared for
the SECURE Act?

The Stealth Estate Tax – that requires

our children
The SECURE Act 2020 pay income
taxes on all
January 2020, right before the Covid quarantines
began, I had the unique opportunity to learn
from Ed Slott, the nation’s leading IRA expert.
accounts by
With the passage in late December 2019 of
the end of the
the onerous SECURE Act, Ed and his staff
10th year.
decided to host a once in a lifetime conference
in San Francisco for top estate and financial
We took
planners, as well as attorneys and other CPAs. I
our final
was invited to attend, so I dropped everything
“ice cream
to learn from a true master. Ed knows his
break” and then returned, anxious to hear the
stuff, and he and his staff had studied the
coup d’eta. He had made it clear over the two
new law and were prepared to lay it on us.
days that even though the SECURE Act was
overall destructive legislation, it did have a
Having predicted the eventual passage of the
silver lining. He explained that unless previous
SECURE Act years before, I was anxious to learn
decedents had drafted a specific IRA trust, most
what really happened. What the tax and financial
non-spousal inherited IRA money was gone
implications would be to the trillions of dollars
within two years of inheritance. That usually
in qualified accounts such as IRAs. I wasn’t
wasn’t the benefactor’s goal. In fact, most
disappointed. The result was a two day, 16 hour
wanted it to be stretched all the way to their
conference, filled with facts, figures and strategies
grandchildren. With the new mandated 10-
that produced a workbook with over 400 pages!
year rule of the SECURE Act, maybe now IRA
owners will draft trusts that will at least stipulate
As the conference approached its conclusion,
that the funds be distributed over the 10 years,
Ed promised the audience that although the
spreading out the tax liability and income.
main purpose of the SECURE Act was to kill
the Stretch IRA, there was hope and a way to
He then got excited. His voice grew louder,
recover what Congress ripped away from our
almost doubled. We were ready for the solution.
beneficiaries. He promised that he would
Let me now quote Ed: “ You know that I don’t sell
disclose the absolute best solution to the
life insurance. I don’t sell stocks, bonds, annuities.
new SECURE Act’s “Ten-Year Rule”,
But I have to tell you – (and this is the same way

14 The Family Bank Strategy REVISITED

I explain it on PBS and other consumer meetings) life insurance creates, is the only way to legally
– even though I don’t sell it and I am just a tax print money?” The absolute best answer to the
advisor, the tax exemption for life insurance is devastation created by the SECURE Act?”
the biggest benefit in the tax code. It is even
bigger than the $11 million estate exemption. Can ED concluded:
you believe it? Why? Because it is unlimited. It
is bigger. Most people don’t use it, because most “Call it like it is. Life insurance is absolutely
people don’t want to hear about it. They don’t the most underutilized strategy to protect large
understand the leverage. Well now I believe that retirement balances from being decimated by the
life insurance may be the one solution that can highest levels of taxation. All the time your client
simulate and even do better than the Stretch IRA is paying premiums, you need to make the point
and replace the IRA in a new Tax-Free vehicle.” that they are not really paying anything – they
are investing for the long run and moving their
“Most owners of large IRAs don’t need the money from forever taxed to never taxed.”
money, they have it earmarked for the children,
grandchildren. They want it to go out generations. Ed received a resounding standing ovation. I
With the SECURE Act their plans have been foiled felt totally vindicated. Ed Slott, the nation’s
by Congress. Life insurance is the perfect answer. leading IRA expert and a true genius, reaffirmed
Pay some taxes now. Oh the horror! But you’re at to me and everyone else in the room, that
the lowest tax rates in 80 years. It’s the score at the what I have been preaching for 50 years was
end of the game that matters. Basically they are right on target. That providing Tax-Free
just changing vehicles and putting pennies into life leveraged liquidity at a substantial discount was
insurance to create guaranteed dollars. When they a tremendous service to mankind and in his
die, the kids will get millions more than they would words, “the only way to legally print money.”
have received because of the leverage. It will all be
Tax-Free. But what about the post death control? Without a proper estate plan in place, your
You get that too. You can still use a trust. Life children are going to pay hundreds of thousands
insurance is the most flexible asset to leave to a trust. in unnecessary taxes, and it is going to come
You don’t have to worry about RMD rules, you don’t from your money. Your dollars to pay dollars!
have to worry about the tax, cause there is no tax!” That’s just not being a prudent steward of your
wealth... it is being fiscally irresponsible. In
“In taxes, it’s what you keep, that counts. That’s addition, you are going to shove them into
more important than what you once had. It pays the highest income tax brackets because of
to leverage a large IRA by using a portion to pay the SECURE Act. Is that what you want?
for life insurance, especially when the IRA is a
major asset in your estate. Don’t just sit there and The Wealth Creation / Family Bank Strategy,
admire your IRA. Use it. Leverage it, or Lose it.” using Discounted Dollars is the answer. To
request a personalized example of how this
“Wait a minute,” I said to myself, “I have sound financial tool can work for you and your
been saying the same thing for 48 years. Why family, either call my office, 1-888-892-1102
is permanent life insurance now the best and schedule an appointment, or complete
solution? Why did it take so long? Why the Family Bank Strategy Analysis Form
does it take an unbiased CPA guru to tell found at the end of this report.
the world before they listen? And will they
listen now that it is clear, “that the leverage

David T. Phillips 15
Guaranteed Inheritance and Income Strategy
In 1981 the 10-Year U.S. Federal Treasury Bond Note reached its high of 15.92%.
Since then, it has been on a gradual descent to an all time low of 0.54% in March of 2020.
In September of 2021, to combat inflation, the Federal Reserve increased lending rates
substantially, which bumped the 10-Year Treasury to 3.4% by June 2022. This recent upward
trend has resulted in a considerable increase in Immediate (Income) Annuities, which pay out a
guaranteed income stream based on lump sum deposit.
The net effect is that now is a good time to consider the Guaranteed Inheritance and
Income Strategy. Let me explain by sharing an example:
Rick, is 65 and has several brokerage accounts. Some are in “Qualified Accounts”, like his
401k from a former employer, and some are “after taxed accounts.” He not only wants to take
some “chips off the table,” transferring those funds into a safe money account, he would like
some additional guaranteed income.


• Male – 65, Good Health
• $500k brokerage account – All at risk
• Converts the $500k brokerage account
into a Guaranteed Lifetime Income
Annuity = $3,032 per month of income
for life
• Diverts $919 of that income monthly,
to secure a $500,000 (Life Insurance
• Children are Tax Free Beneficiaries
• Net income after the $919 monthly life
insurance premium deposit = $507,120
over 20 years – 70% is Tax Free
• Can add Long Term Care rider of $10,000
per month!


$1,007,120 TOTAL PAYOUT
16 The Family Bank Strategy REVISITED
Rick, is married to Rhonda and together they have two children, Valerie and James. They
have four grandchildren. After discussing his Family Bank options, he decides to employ the
Guaranteed Inheritance and Income Strategy.
He first applies for an Indexed Universal Life Target Funded Family Bank and is approved
as a Preferred Risk. Next, with Todd Phillips’ help he secures the best paying Immediate
Annuity, by transferring $500k from one of his “at risk” brokerage accounts. The transfer creates
a guaranteed lifetime income of $3,032 per month, of which he uses $919 a month to acquire
his IUL policy, netting additional spendable income of $2,113 each month for life.
The children will be named as equal beneficiaries of the IUL policy. Rhonda is the primary
beneficiary of all “Qualified” accounts and as such, will be able to delay income taxes until she
actually makes cash withdrawals or is forced to take Required Minimum Distributions.
Let’s assume that Rick lives a few years beyond his life expectancy and passes away at age
85, or 20 years later. Valerie and James will each receive a guaranteed check for $250,000….
totally tax free. Rick and Rhonda will have also received a total guaranteed income of $507,120
($2,113 x 240 months), for a combined total family payout of $1,007,120. All without any risk
Additionally, for a few less dollars in income, Rick could include a Long Term Care rider to
his plan. This rider would allow him to access 2% of the $500,000 face amount, or $10,000 each
month for 50 months, should he trigger the LTC benefit by not being able to perform 2 of the
6 Activities of Daily Living, by becoming cognitively impaired. All LTC benefits would be paid
out income Tax-Free. In other words, with the LTC rider, Rick could actually be the beneficiary
of his own life insurance policy.
What Rick and Rhonda really appreciate about their Guaranteed Inheritance and Income
Strategy is the word “GUARANTEED.” They can now sleep easy knowing that even though
they have substantial risk in their other accounts, with potential gain and loss, they now have an
additional guaranteed annual income of $24,000. Furthermore, their children are guaranteed
an inheritance, no matter what happens to the economy, the stock market or how much of their
assets they spend through the years.

David T. Phillips 17
My name is Allen. I am a retired
widower from North Carolina. When
I started working, I followed the
traditional plan for retirement funding,
the three legged stool concept, using
your pension, social security, and a
personal account in the company
sponsored matching savings plan.

My retirement life was comfortable,

but then several events changed the
calculus. Congress started playing
with the Tax Code and my wife passed
away. Fortunately, I was reading Bob
Carlson’s newsletter, Retirement Watch
- so I was not caught unawares.

By then my company savings plan

had been converted to a 401K.
Upon retirement it became my Rollover IRA. I converted part to a Roth IRA and established a
Brokerage account. I now had three funding options: 1) Pay taxes as income; 2) Pay taxes as
capital gains, 3) Or not pay any taxes at all.

I consolidated many insurance policies into our Family Bank Strategy master policy that we had
established through Todd Phillips at Estate Planning Specialist. Later, filing as a single taxpayer, I
realized what a severely disadvantaged position I was in now that I was a widower. To minimize
the penalties imposed by “stealth taxes” you have to carefully control your Modified Gross
Income. The three primary levers were not enough.

That’s when the “Borrowing From Myself Strategy” came into play.

I have a leased car that I really love, a Cadillac CTS VSport. It’s a rare car, sort of a four seat
Corvette. In the current new car market, sedans are secondary to SUVs and pickups, and I
haven’t found a 2022 model that I would rather own and drive. In today’s used car market, my car
is worth $8,000 more than the buyout cost on my expiring lease. With the current stock market
turndown, I didn’t want to cash out depressed securities.
I decided to borrow from myself to buy out my lease
without incurring any tax consequences and monthly
lease payments.

Now I own my dream car, have a substantial life

insurance benefit, that will eventually be payable Tax-
Free to my children, a Tax-Free cash account that is
earning a steady return, and a loan that I can pay
back, any time I choose. The best of all worlds.”

Allen, North Carolina

18 The Family Bank Strategy REVISITED
Gift for Life Strategy
I have been planning estates for over 50 years. Through the years, I have reviewed
thousands of estates from gigantic to tiny, from organized to a disaster, from the massive farms
of Missouri to a Ma and Pa Pizzeria in Cleveland.
During my career I have been fortunate enough to help design and implement strategies
that have literally created financial dynasties that will bless generations. Until the phone stops
ringing, I believe I have an obligation to share my skills and knowledge with those who truly
care about their family. Our goal is stated in our corporate mission: To help our clients create a
Powerful, Productive Posterity.
Recently my oldest son and business partner, Todd, and his wife Camille, were looking at
cashing in some of the equity they have in their home. They have six daughters ranging from 3
years to 16 years old. They are not only beautiful both inside and out, they, along with our other
five grandchildren are the joys of our life and our most important asset.
Their realtor told them that if they were going to place the house on the market, it would
have to be purged, especially the toy room. It was gut wrenching, but they had to perform the
surgery. I saw many presents that had previously generated a quick smile of appreciation carted
off to the Goodwill. It was the kind of event that gives Disney writers material for the Toy
I know the girls appreciated the gifts and even played with them for a while, but the boxes
of little used toys being sent to the thrift store reminded me of a program we instituted years
ago that actually has true lasting power. A program that will allow you to give a gift that will
bless your family in so many ways. A gift that they may not appreciate today, but one that they
will thank you for later.
Because of your hard work and good fortune, you are now in a position to financially assist
your children and grandchildren by giving them a gift that will last a lifetime. We call it:
A Gift For Life.
What is this forever Gift For Life? Simply stated, it is a Maximum Funded Family Bank
permanent life insurance policy on their life.
For certain, you won’t find a Max Funded Family Bank life insurance policy at the top of
any grandchild’s birthday wish list. However, unlike another toy or electronic device, the Gift
For Life won’t be something they will ever outgrow. In fact, there are a myriad of reasons why
giving a gift of life insurance to a child or grandchild makes economic and rational sense.
• It can lock in their insurability, hedging against unforeseen health issues that
might prevent them from getting life insurance later in life. Some plans even
guarantee their future insurability should they want more coverage later.

David T. Phillips 19
• It starts building Tax-Free cash value early on. Starting The Family Bank at
a younger age gives the money more time to compound. This increase in cash value will
come in handy when they need it to:
o Pay college tuition o Create an emergency fund
o Pay for a wedding o Pay for unforeseen medical expenses
o Pay for a honeymoon or other vacations o Or even build a Tax-Free retirement
o Purchase their first home income.
o Help with the expenses of child birth

• It is a unique cash asset class. As such, the cash value in the Gift For Life Family
Bank policy is not counted with other assets when seeking financial aid.
• It locks in lower premiums. It costs much less to buy life insurance when you are
young and healthy. By establishing a policy for them when they are in their youth, you will
be locking in that lower premium.
• It instills a sense of responsibility. This is why a Family Bank life policy makes
a tremendous wedding gift, as getting married is the gateway to a world of larger
responsibilities, such as a mortgage, spouse, and children.
• It provides a life insurance benefit. Because of the many living benefits a
Max Funded Family Bank Gift For Life provides, it is clear the life insurance benefit is the
secondary purpose, but it is an important benefit none the less. In an era when students are
graduating with enormous student debt, to say nothing of car loans and huge credit card
balances, the Tax-Free life insurance payout is extremely valuable.
• It is creditor proof in most states. Because of Section 101 of the IRC, life
insurance is protected from creditors and predators, making it an extremely valuable asset in
your overall portfolio.
• It compounds interest Tax-Free. Tax-Free is always better than taxable. Cash can
be accessed free from income tax via the Variable (Participating) Loans or the Wash Loans.
• In most cases for those under 16, no qualifying medical exam is required.

Gift For Life Ownership:

Who should own each Gift For Life: Family Bank Strategy? The answer depends
on the circumstances.

As the donor you decide up front. Before I explain the options, let’s first review the
current federal gift tax rules:

20 The Family Bank Strategy REVISITED

1) The annual federal gift tax allowance is $16,000 per spouse, per recipient, per year, or
$32,000 per couple. What this means, as a married couple, you can transfer from your
estate to each child or grandchild up to $32k each, gift tax free each year.
2) Currently, each of us can gift, while we are alive or at death, our lifetime exclusion of
$12,060,000 gift tax and estate tax free. This allowance (or a portion) can be gifted in
pieces throughout our lives along with the annual gift.

Ownership Options:
Option 1: If you want to control the cash value with the right to withdraw it as needed,
you should be the owner and beneficiary of each Gift For Life policy. When you and your
spouse pass away, you could transfer the policies to your children or grandchildren. The transfer
would be considered a gift, but you and your spouse could use both your annual gift allowance
of $16,000 and a portion of your $12,060,000 federal estate tax exclusion.
Throughout your lifetime you would call all the shots and decide when the funds are to
be distributed to the recipient for this or that. For tuition, a car, equipment for the new dental
office, real estate, etc. The uses are endless and the distributions are Tax-Free.
We often use this approach when a client wants to establish the Family Bank Strategy for
himself/herself but for some reason can’t qualify medically.

Option 2: You make an actual gift of the premium deposit each year to your child or
grandchild, for the specified number of years that you decide directly to the insurance company for the
recipients benefit. Because it is a transferred gift you would lose control over the cash value. With this
option, some choose to establish an irrevocable trust that controls the distributions of both the cash
value and the life insurance benefit.

David T. Phillips 21
Ruby (18)

Example 1: The Multi-Generation Strategy

Ron and Clora, are both 75 and retired. Ron was an MD for 40 years and together they have
an estate of almost $4 million, of which $1 million is in Ron’s IRA. His IRA Required Minimum
Distribution (RMD) will be $40k this year. Stephen, their 55 year old son is married to Janice, and
they have a son, Ronnie, (30) that married Rebecca two years ago. Ronnie and Rebecca are proud
parents of a 3 month old girl, Ruby.

Ron and Clora would like to give their grandson Ronnie (Ron’s namesake) a Gift For Life. They
decide to outright gift $30k annually to Ronnie for 18 years and select a top Max Funded (Stuffed)
Indexed Universal Life insurance policy from one of our top A+ carriers.

Let’s look at the amazing results (See figure 3) their generosity

will create:
1) Ronnie is immediately insured for $1,228,653. While the life insurance benefit
is secondary to the equation, it is still there and will actually increase through the years so
that in 10 years it will have grown to $1,567,388.
2) In 18 years, when Ruby is entering college, Ronnie wants to help with her
tuition and other expenses, so he borrows $50,000 a year for four years from the insurance
company, using the cash value in his Family Bank policy as collateral. Because the loan is
taken after the policy has been in force for 10 years the cost to borrow is zero, resulting in
tax free means to pay her tuition.

22 The Family Bank Strategy REVISITED

Example #1


YEARS 19-22

YEARS 36-60


3) When Ruby is 31, Ronnie borrows another $100,000 to help Ruby and her husband
Brian with their down payment on their first home. Again there is zero cost to borrow
from his Gift For Life Family Bank and because the loan will eventually be subtracted
from the life insurance payout, there is no pressure to pay back any of the loans.
4) When Ronnie turns 66, 35 years from now, because there is so much
accumulated cash value, he begins to receive TAX-FREE income for the next 25 years of
$347,156 a year, for a total income payout through the years of $8,678,900.
5) At age 91 Ronnie passes away. All of the loans that he has either received
or given to Ruby are paid back and his family receives a NET life insurance payout of
I know this all sounds too good to be true, but the truth is factual. This kind of multi-generational
planning goes on all day, every day and it is real. Company selection is critical and we have done
extensive research to find the right carrier and plans for this kind of wealth transfer and wealth creation.

What if Ron and Clora pass away before the 18 years of funding is complete? No problem.
Ron and Clora have designated that a small portion of their estate will flow into a trust in the name
of Ronnie to make certain that the policy is paid up as planned. An inheritance that he would have
received anyway, but this way it will be leveraged into creating millions of dollars for Ronnie and his
posterity, who just happen to also be Ron and Clora’s posterity.

Example #2: The Gift to a Grandchild Strategy

Troy, 68 and Vicki, 67 are proud grandparents of Wyatt who just had his 10th birthday. They
would like to establish a Gift For Life for Wyatt that will bless him throughout his life. Among other
assets Troy has an IRA valued in excess of $800,000. If it continues to grow at 5%, it will be worth
$972,405 in four years. His RMD will be $35,489 at that time.

They would like to take advantage of the current favorable tax brackets and get a head start on
their IRA distribution now by depositing $10k per year for 10 years into a Max Funded Family Bank
for Wyatt. Eventhough the premium deposits would cease after 10 years, the Gift For Life would
continue to give throughout his life.

They are deciding between a Whole Life plan and an Indexed Universal Life plan, both being
offered by top rated, 100+ year old companies.

24 The Family Bank Strategy REVISITED

Let’s take a look at the results of our study: Assumptions: Wyatt - Age 10 - $10,000 annual
deposit transfer for 10 years.
Participating Whole Life – Indexed Universal Life Insurance –
Assuming current dividend scale Assuming 6% average return
Immediate Life Insurance Benefit = $787,751 Immediate Life Insurance Benefit = $987,119
Life insurance Benefit in 10 years = $1,591,282 Life insurance Benefit in 10 years = $1,083,512
Cash and Dividend Value in 10 years = $113,987 Cash Value in 10 years = $113,726
Cash and Dividend Value in 20 years = $200,030 Cash Value in 20 years = $200,986
Cash and Dividend Value in 30 years = $336,964 Cash Value in 30 years = $374,322

Think of the amazing life-long benefits Wyatt’s grandparents are providing him by depositing
$100k ($10,000 per year) for 10 short years!
1) Over $1,000,000 of life insurance that he will be able to use as the foundation of his
own personal financial plan.
2) A significant Tax-Free source of cash Wyatt can use (at the permission of his
grandparents as long as they are alive) throughout his lifetime for any number of financial
• College expenses • A car
• A down payment on his first home • Business opportunities, etc.
• Wedding/Honeymoon

With either the Whole Life or IUL policy Wyatt’s accumulation value is scheduled to surpass
$200,000 by the time he is 30 and $350,000 by age 40. This is the kind of financial legacy and leverage
that can only be achieved through a Family Bank Strategy permanent life insurance policy.

Furthermore, with the benefit of time, starting the Gift For Life program early for your children
and grandchildren enables the cash in the policies to compound exponentially, all under a Tax-Free
umbrella. Your posterity will be able to reap untold benefits throughout their lives from your gift.

When designed correctly with proper planning foresight, and commitment, The Family Bank
Strategy is a true financial miracle. As I plan the estates of today’s intelligent affluent, there is one
common denominating pattern that I have observed: They don’t just plan for today or tomorrow, they
plan for generations –
To see how the Gift For Life would positively impact you and your children and/or
grandchildren call Sara at 1-888-892-1102 and she will schedule an appointment with either me
or Todd to discuss your specific family dynamics and how the Gift For Life will create a true
financial dynasty for generations.

Questions? Call 1-888-892-1102 or email

The Family Bank Strategy Structure
On pages 24 and 25 of my book, The Family Bank Strategy, you’ll find Figure 3, a schematic
diagram of modern life insurance protection options. I would like to update that figure by
relating how I explain it in my workshops:
Warren, a 65 year old retired engineer called the other day, wanting to acquire $1,000,000
in protection, that he will earmark to provide the sufficient Tax-Free cash liquidity his children
will need in order to pay the income tax bill they will be burdened with when inheriting
Warren’s IRA. He asked what are my options? Warren, I said you have five options:
1) First, you can purchase a $1,000,000 20-year Term Life policy for $10,154 a
year, for a total payout of $203,080. At the end of the 20 years, if you haven’t
died, your policy will terminate, and you will have nothing to show it. You will
not have a dime in a cash account and will not even receive a “thank you” from
the insurance company.
2) You can acquire a No Lapse Guaranteed Lifetime Permanent $1,000,000
policy, by paying $21,142 a year until you reach age 100. While you will
have lifetime coverage, all of your premium is being used to pay for the life
insurance protection and nothing more.
3) You can deposit an additional $4,824 each year and acquire a Target
Premium Indexed Universal Life policy. You would be insured to age 100, and
will also build a significant cash account that you can access Tax-Free through
the years. In fact, assuming an average annual return of 5.74%, Warren’s cash
account will grow to $260,002 in 10 years and $636,061 in 20 years.
4) You can select the Participating Whole Life option, deposit an extra
$15,589, which pays for fully guaranteed coverage to age 100 and in 10 years
your cash value will be $384,067 and in 20 years $1,071,193 and include,
assuming current dividend schedules.
5) Or you can deposit $108,763 continuously each year, (an increased
insurance benefit). This is the maximum the IRS will allow you to deposit
without your policy ever being classified as a Modified Endowment Contract
(MEC). This classification will guarantee that not only will your life insurance
benefit be paid out, Tax-Free to the beneficiaries, but that your cash account
will accumulate Tax-Free year after year and it will be accessible Tax-Free
if it is ever needed. In fact, as a Max Funded Indexed Universal Life (Non-
MEC) policy, you will accumulate $1,267,814 in 10 years and $3,728,011 in 20
years, assuming 6% on average each year. The life insurance benefit will also
increase to $2,267,814 in 10 years and $4,728,011 in 20 years.

26 The Family Bank Strategy REVISITED


$1,000,000 Life Insurance Benefit. Warren, Male, Age 65.

Lifetime Life Insurance Protection.
Single $619,072 Substantial Tax-Deferred Cash Value.
Premium Single Sum Deposit Policy loans in excess of deposit are
taxed as income.
Life $920,969
10-year Cash Account
Modified Endowment
Contract (MEC) or IRS
$108,763 Limit
Annual Deposit
Max The Max Funded Family
$1,267,814 Bank Strategy uses as little
Funded 10-year Cash Account life insurance coverage as
$2,267,814 possible without breaching the
10-year LIB IRS MEC rules.

Par Whole
Life Annual Premium
Premium $384,067
10-year Cash Account • Lifetime Life Insurance
$25,966 • Substantial Tax-Deferred Cash
Annual Premium Value Growth.
Premium • Policy loans are Tax-Free!
10-year Cash Account

No Lapse Lifetime Life Insurance

Guaranteed $21,142 Protection.
Lifetime Annual Premium Zero cash accumulation.

20 Year
Level $10,154 Temporary Protection.
Annual Premium Zero Cash.
Term Life

Reprinted from pages 24 & 25 of The Family Bank Strategy Book

David T. Phillips 27
So What Now ?
For the past 20 years, the vast majority of our clients that have needed assistance with estate
planning documents, such as a Revocable Dynasty Trust, have worked with our recommended
law firm, The Durfee Law Group. Their founder and senior partner is Rick Durfee.
We also share an exhibit with Rick’s firm at the Money Show and FreedomFest. He
usually attends my workshop and I attend his. At the end of each of his presentations, Rick
always asks: “Now that I have explained the rules, solutions and strategies to properly insulate
your estate from creditors, predators and the IRS, ask yourself – So What? Now that you are
armed with this new information, what are you going to do about it?”
Let me ask the same question. Now that you have a clearer understanding of how The
Family Bank Strategy works and how it can be a major asset in your portfolio, WHAT ARE
Let me make a non-evasive suggestion. Take a few minutes now while you are in the
moment and complete The Family Bank Strategy Analysis Request Form. Send it via email, or fax it to my personal fax number: 480 899 6723. My staff will then
prepare a personalized example for you based on your goals and objectives.
As the Richest Man in Babylon, Arkad extols: “Pay yourself first and learn to make your
treasure work for you. Make it your slave.” In other words, employ the miracle of compound
interest. This is a primary feature of The Family Bank Strategy, yes it has as its’ foundation a life
insurance benefit, but a properly designed Family Bank, will compound your invested dollars,
year after year, and it will do so under a Tax-Free umbrella. Your dollars will grow much faster if
they can grow inside a Tax-Free incubator.
If you have read my book, The Family Bank Strategy and this report, we have come a long
way together. You now owe it to yourself to have my staff prepare your personalized example by
completing the Family Bank Analysis Request Form.
Tax-Free is always better that taxable!

28 The Family Bank Strategy REVISITED

For Assistance Call CONFIDENTIAL Fax
1-888-892-1102 1-480-899-6723





1. Within the past five years have either of you been confined to a hospital, clinic, or
medical facility? Yes No Details of confinement:

2. Have either of you been advised by a physician that you have: (Check all that apply)
Hypertension Cancer Heart Disease Respiratory Disease
Sleep Apnea Kidney Disorder Diabetes Stroke

1. Qualified Accounts (IRA, 401K, etc): $
2. Combined Annual Income: $
3. Combined Net Worth: $

Yes, Mr. Phillips, I am interested in finding out how I can create my own personal Tax-Free
Family Bank. Please prepare for me, at no cost, my personalized Family Bank Strategy
Analysis based on the following information:
1. How much would you like us to illustrate you depositing into
The Family Bank Strategy?
Single Sum Deposit 10 Deposit Continuous Annual Deposit Other:
2. Which option would you like us to illustrate?
Participating Whole Life Indexed Universal Life Both
3. Your Family Bank Strategy funding source? Check all that apply:
IRA Investment Income Cash Transfer
IRA/RMD Insurance Exchange Annual Gift Allowance
Annuity Lifetime Gift Allowance Other
4. How soon would you like to begin making Tax-Free withdrawals from your FBS?
Within 5 Years 10 Years 20 years Accumulation only
5. Would you like us to include a Long Term Care Rider in your illustration? Yes No

David T. Phillips 29
More from
David and Todd Phillips





If you have
any questions,
please call toll-free
© 2022 Estate Planning Specialists, LLC

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