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In the lesson I will Do It", you have read about Mr.

Narayana Murthy who

was disappointed when his father expressed his helplessness to send him
to IIT. Though his heart was bleeding he did not get angry with anybody on
the day his classmates were leaving to Madras, Murthy went to the station
to say goodbye to them. He stood there even after he could no longer see
the train. Now imagine yourself/ as Mhurthy and write a diary entry of
that day.

7th April 2021

10 PM
Dear Diary.
I think today is a good day as well as a bad day for me. I felt very
happy when I say farewell to my friends. Thus it is a good day. But l
can’t get a chance of studying at IIT even though had passed the
entrance test with a high rank. It is a bitter disappointment for me
it seems all my dreams have burnt to ashes. I am so near to
fulfilling my fondest hope but I have missed it. All students from
the IIT study well and do big things in life. But it is not the
institution: ultimately it is you and you alone who can change your
life by hard work. I should work hard and achieve my goal. God!
Please help me to achieve my goal.
Narayana Murthy

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