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Solid State TechnologY

Volume:63Issue: 5
Publication Year: 2020



M. M.Aripov
l, R.N.Normatov2,. L i\'I. S iddikov3, U. Oripovaa

l,2,3Associate Professor of the Department <Mathematic s informatics>

of the Kokand State Pedagogical lnstitute named after Mukimi

4Student of the Tashkent Statc Legal University

Abstract- As far ai we know, the founder of algebra and algorithms sciences is Al

Khorezmi. In his world famous book "Kitab al-jatrwa al-muqabala" algorithms for solving 6
different types' problems are presented. The most common algorithm in practice is the socio-
economic utgotith-. The book bequest section sets out 60 tasks related to inheritance
distribution i+1. you become familiar r.vith these problems, you will see that the
algorithm probi"11.rr that were once considered ciilficult are described only in words, without
ariy mathernatical symbols. Because at that time (IX century) signs +, -, l,: and other
mathematical operations, even decimal fractions, r.vere not knorvn.
Keyw o rds - mathematics,book, Qur'an'


It is currently impossible to imagine algebra without symbols, but there was a time when
of some of these symbois introduction into the mathematics world lvas a big breakthrough' A1-
Kalasadi is best known for his writings on mathematics. The most significant of these was Tafsir
fi-l-ilm al-hisab (Commentary on the arithmetic science). It is important to understand that
Kalasadi's special contribution was not that he walthe first to intloduce new symbols or develop
a notation system in algebra, but that he was the first to do both at the same time. He
used the
symbol i as-an equal sfin (:), the Arabic equivalent of m for square values such as x2
mal') and the Arabic equivaient of K for cubic values such as x3 (Arabic ka'b). Kalasadi also
standardized the Arabi" t.rrns; Llse "wa" for addition, "illa" for subtraction, "f1" for multiplication,
and,,ala,, for division. He was also the first to separate the numerator and a fraction denominator
using a line [10].
"Kitab al-jabrwa al-muqabala" was translated frorn Arabic into Latin by Robert Chester
in II45 as Liber Algebra eet Almucabola, and this work became known to EuroPean
mathematicians as algebra for short'
In the first half of the twelfth century, Al-Khrvarizmi's book "Indian Account" entered
Europe. The translator, u,hose name has not cor:ne dorvn io us, calls it."Algorithmide Numberro
Indorum", so the Latinizedname of our oompatriot is included in the title of tlie book' ffi
Verses ll,12,and 176 of An-Nisa Suras in Qur''an are the basis for solving the issues ffi
given in the section on the wills of Al-Khwarizmi book, I(tab a1-Jabrwa-al-mukabala. These W
i"rr.r, along with the hadiths on this topic, fonn the faroiz s;iience basis (fatoiz is the science &
fts6Il#i ''"i-:':':

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Solid State TechnologY
Volume:63Issue: 5
Publication Year=2O2O

of distributing inheritance). The Quran was the basis for many sciences formation' For
tafsir. taj wid, frqh, farorz and others.
In a hadith narrated by Imam Ibn Majoyiz Abu Hurayrah, the Prophet (peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him) said: "Teach faroiz and teach it to people. He is half of science. He
be forgottetr. thir is the first thing that will be taken from my ummah"'
According to faroise, a testator can bequeath up to his third property to a stranger. Imam
Bukhari has the following hadiths about this. On behalf of Amir ibn Saad, it is narrated
that his
father said:
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came.,lo -". I said: "O
rtl" Jartutr, pray to Allah, *uy H" not bring me back." He said: "Perhaps Allah will
,"r.rn."i you and benefit people thanks to you". "l wanted to make a will. I o$1 havl gne
daughter. I bequeatir halfl said. He said, "Half a lot." Thus, people bequeathed one third,
and this was permissible for them.
In a hadith narrated by Ibn Abbas, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him) said: < Give the heirs your share in accordance with Shariah, and the rest will
go to the next
male relative of the deceased".
Dr. Zaglul Najjar cites an interesting case related to the Islamic heritage science law
(pharoiz), wtrich he wls told about by a professor, an Egyptian lawyer, an acquaintance who
teaches at a US university. < There was an atheist at the round table on legal
issues. He started to
say the wrong things about Islam. To make it a good lesson, I asked him: "Do
you know how
o'Mors than eight volumes," he
many volumJs on iiheritance distribution in the United States?"
rows of
replied. <Do you believe in the greatness of Islam when I tell you there are about ten
about the inheritance on a
inireritance rights in Islam? "It can't be," he replied. I wrote the verses
piece of papeiand gave it to him. A few days later he confessed to me. "The human
mind cannot
io*prrflnd all kiriship reiations, as in the Koran, and it cannot divide the inheritance
to Islam
And he converted to IsLm. Verses on inheritance were the only reason why he converted
Below are the verses from Surah al-Nisa about the division of inheritance:
The almost creator given the following commandment for your sons and daughters.
male person receives as inheritance as much as it is for two womeh. If the dead
only have
daughters (more than two), they totally receive t*o thirds of the total heritage'
If one daughter is
are fitting one
,.*iinirrg,'she receives half of the inheritance. The father and mother of the dead
sixh inheritance each. Such distribution should be provided if the heirer has a child
However, if his has no children and no brothers, the mother gets one third inheritance' Such
distribution of shares is possible only after the property of the dead has been payed out of
properly of the dead and the testament is fulfilled (4:11)'
. Men are relied one second what is remained by wives. Such distribution is characteristic
for a situation when a man and a woman do not have a child together. If there is a child, then a
man is responsible for a fourth of wife's inheritance. Such distribution is possible only after
debts and the testament have been payed. Wives receive a fourth of husband's inheritance if the
family doesn't have a child. However if there is a child in the family, then the wife_h|s one eight
prop"rty that remains after the man's death. Such distribution of property is possible only after
the debts have been payed and the testament is fulfilled. If the dead didn't remain it's in the
form of children and parents, then his brothers and sisters get one sixth from the remaining ffi
heritage. Such distribution of property is possible only after the debts and the ffi
dead iave payed. This is all commanded to you by the god creator who knows
.11:. ] .,,
ili. '-l11
l:.rt: '

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Solid State TechnologY
Volume:63Issue: 5
Publication Year: 2020

Say in answer to the explanation required by them: "the most explanation will present an
explanation about those people who have no children or parents." if a person of a man who doesn't
have children goes out of life, half of his inheritance will have to his sister. This is a distribution
even if the sister has no children of own, If a dead man has two sisters, then they become the
heirers of two thirds of his property. If his brother and sister left, the brother gets as much as two
women. Really, the god explains every.thing, let,you will not be delayed. The creator knows
absolutely everything (4: 176) 11,51.
They say that aperson who at the time of death has no children, grandchildren, parents or
grandparents is called Kalola. The following criteria follow from the interpretation of the above
1. The debts and wills of the deceased are first executed, and then the inheritance is distributed
among the heirs.
2.For one son the share of two daughters corresponds.
3. If the deceased has more than two daughters and no sons, they inherit two-thirds.
4. If the deceased has one daughter and no son, she will have half the inheritance.
5. If the deceased has a daughter, son, one or more children, and at the same time the parents are
alive, each parents has the right to one sixth of the inheritance. The rest of the inheritance is
divided among the children in accordance with Sharia. If the deceased has only one son, he gets
the rest. But if there is only one daughter, she gets half. The excess is added to the father - a close
male relative.
6. If there is no child and the parents are heirs, one third to the mother. Two-thirds to father. In
this case, there is no other heir besides the parents, that is, there is no child or wife left after death.
7. If the deceased has brothers. then one-sixth is left to the mother. In this case, the deceased will
be followed by his parents and brothers and sisters. In it, even if brothers do not inherit
themselves, the share of their mothers is reduced by one-sixth. If only one brother or sister
remains, the mother's share is one third.
8. If a childless wife dies and her husband follows her, he receives half of the inheritance.
9. However, if the child is the son or daughter of the wife - no matter how many - and also the
child of the previous husband, the husband will inherit a quarter.
10. if a childless husband dies and his wife follows him, she receives a quarter of the inheritance.
1 1. However, if the deceased husband has a son, daughter, half-brother, that is, a child from

another wife, the wife receives one eighth of the inheritance.

12.If a person died in the form of "Kalola" and he is left with one brother whose mother is the
sarne, and one sibling, each of them will receive one-sixth of the inheritance.
13. If the deceased has more than one brother with a common mother and more than one sibling,
they will share a third of the inheritance
14. If a man dies with Kalola and leaves an inheritance, but he has a sister and children, that sister
receives half of the inheritance left by her brother
15. If a man dies with Kalola and leaves an inheritance, but he has a sister and no children, that
sister receives all (one share) of the inheritance left by her brother.
16. If the husband dies with Kalola and two sisters remain from him, they will receive two-thirds
of the inheritance.
17.If a man dies with Kalola, leaving behind brothers and sisters, they inherit, according to
the rule of one man, two female shares. sO
When we look at the above criteria, we inevitably think of the branching operator (IF) used
in different algorithmic languages, because they repeat the word l'if' many times. '(g

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Solid State TechnologY
Volume:63Issue: 5
Publication Year: 2020

grunaau"grtter, glldlothJr, grandfather, brother or sister
wife, son, daughter, broth"r, sister,
,f-,e flllo.ving set: Ilg;-tl6;.114
t13 Il2;213; I '
from the mother. The shares received "o,oprir? that the number
that there are seven differint shares in this clllection. we know
It should be noted colors
OuV, oftt'" *""t, seven climates' seven wonders' seven
seven is a divine n r*b"r. Seven generations' In the
in a rainbow, seven liif"r*,sounds i" tao"", *i'.fa' sol' la' si)' seven the verses number
..ra.ran rr"urrarrr,,, ,,th"" halrr*, occurs seven times,
Quran, the phrase "r.utiorr"
ii Surah al-Fatiha is seven, and so
on' r -^^r ^- +r.o ^^,,o-onr n.,
Sevenisthespiritualperfectionnumber(theGodsealorthecovenantnumber).Itcomes when
,iruuu't,,, meaning-iiio u. iurniled or satisfied, to have abundance'"
from the Hebrew.'oii mind soon
in the original Hebrew, his mathematical
Dr. Ivan panin began reading the scriptrires of
meaning repetition not only o1'the number z' uut also of the multiples
noticed the striking this could not
seven. The repetition was so constant ""d
ilq;;"t that the doctor concluded that passage of the
To his rtter amu;-"'t, he found that in each compreted
be a mere coincidence.
neighbor thanks to the
100 features Jr tn"',number i.-p,u"r,,,passage is linled to its
70 and
for each of the 66 books [7].
wonderful number i, unathis is true
Nowlet's,u,,,-u'i"thenumbersinvolvedinversesll'12'176l. mentionedin
also divine. Thenumber 19 is also
1+ 1+ 1+2+t +i + 6=lg,thisnumberis il al-Halak, which was first revealed' is
many verses of the Quranl the numbe;;i;;;r.r lTul this chapter'
.n.rr. i, 19, and this is the i 9th Surah, the end of
1g, the number of words in each verse is 19' In
an-Nas, contains rg *ordi und th.''rr*b., ort.u"tt in the first
The last Surah basic
accordance witr, tn" uuove considerations-,
ih. n.r*u"rs 7 and 19 are considered the most
divine nurnbers'
' In the following examPle, we will 'describe the method for calculating the share of heirs.
Examplel. A woman,s husband ai"r.
irl" heirs are father, mother, wife, son and daughter'
one-sixth of the inheritance to his
one sixth of the mother's inheritance;
one eighthof tfrg jnheritance tohis.yife; tt given the share of
among the children, and one son
The rest of the i"h;ri;;. is distributed ,

of the inheritance - Q is
lil: *Jf,i$til: "";"n inheritance as a unit in which the remainder
found as follows:
e:1 (:.:+f)= r-
1 1 13
=- 24

to the share of two^ dcrrohrers- we consider children to

Based on the fact that one son corresponds ,.
grlt 3, to find the fraction equal to one $fi162 s = 7.
be three girls. Then we divide
n, we multiPlY uAY Z,
13 13
--al 36

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Solid State Technology
Volume: 63Issue: 5
Publication Year: 2020

We summarizethe shares of all heirs:

L 1, 1 13 13 12+L2+9+26+13
6' -I6' -JB' -J36'
--l- 72
This means that the inheritance is divided into seventy-two parls, that is, to find the parts of the
inheritance, you need to find the least common denominator (LCD) of the shares (fractions). The
heirs and their respective proportions are shown in the table and diagram below.

Ne Heirs Share In percentages

I Father 12172 16.67
2. Mother t2t72 16,67
3. Wife 9172 12,51
+. A son /ot t/. 36.1 0
5. Daughter 13t72 18,05

rl 3


Now we will consider Example 2, which is more complex than Example 1, given in the
section of the will "Al-djabr and al muqabaly" L2, p. 111-112]'
Example 2: A deceased person has a mother, wife, two siblings and two sisters, and he
bequeathed one-ninth of his property to another. The rule is that if you say that the inheritance is
forty-eight, you have found it famount]. You know that if you subtract one-ninth of all the goods,
you get eight out of nine and the subtracted is one-eighth of the remaining. Add one-eighth to
nine-eight and one-eighth of forty-eight, that's six, and your properly is complete. Fifty-four is
formed. Anyone to whom one of the nine is hung will receive six of them, that is, one-ninth of
the total property. The remaining forty-eight were distributed among the heirs according to their
Al-Khwarizmi solves this example on the basis of verses 4.1 1 and 4.1.2 (crtteria 5 and 1 1).
i.e. he finds the number 48, which is part ofthe inheritance, by adding 1/6 of the mother's share #
and 1/8 of the wife's share (common denominator 48, with LND : 24, the example is solr ed #
in a simpler form). Below is the algorithm for caiculating the inl-reritance of A1 Khorezml:
,rr- .*
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Solid State Technology
Volume:63Issue: 5
Publication Year: 2020

1l 1 8+6
i. --r
8 ,,. 1 I 1
2. 1L
I --
= -: (Il -= -x- (2)

3, In equation (1) -ll9 wetranslate to the right with a plus sign and put expression (2) instead of
1/9. Al-Khwarizmi called this operation al-djabr.
4.48+1+s"i) -48r6=54
5.54 x 6
6. The remaining forty-eight are distributed among the herrs according to their share (Al-
Kharazmi concludes the example here).

7. Since the proportion of two girls'is equal to that of one boy, we assume that the number of
sisters is six.

8' Mother will get one sixth of the inheritance


9. Wife will get one eighth of the inheritance :

10.Rest48-8 -6:34.
1 1. The sisters will get Z+ xi: 5:

12.Thebrothers will get ,"tt --t = ttl

Al-Khwarizmi used the method of replenishment (al jabr) given in points 3 and 4 to solve
hereditary problems. We also developed a separate algorithm by summarizing points 3 and 4 to
compose a program in the algorithmic language C ++ Builder 6.
As can be seen from the above examples, the calculation of problems by inheritance on a
computer will require an algorithm for searching for LNDs. The search algorithm for LND is
shown below:
1. Find the largest denominator infractions (we call it max).
2. If max is divisible by all denominators without a remainder, we find the LND and transfer M
control to 4. ffi
. , : :,j
ASTt, i '. -,1 '. .,' ':,li

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Solid State Technology

Volume:63Issue: 5
Publication Yearz2O2O

3. Otherwise, we multiply max by z until it divides by all consecutive denominators, z: 1,2,3,

4. LND
Abjad is also the basis for the emergence of the science of algebra.
Abjad is the following sequence of Arabic letters:

Alif Ba Jim Dal Ha Yav Za Ha Ta Ya Kaaf Lam Mim Nun

I ee r o J ) a J. qclJecJ
1 LJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50
Sin Yan Fa Sad Kaf Reysh Shin Ta Sa Ha Zal Dad Za Gayn
/rl 7 ,*i trrg)..Fdrt'i j ,r.o .t \-i
60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

It was also used in the pre-Islamic period to encrypt events. The Quran clearly indicates
some events that will occur in the future, and some are encoded in encrypted form. The Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) predicted the conquest of Istanbul by Muslim
warriors 1,400 years ago. Much has been written about this in history books and in the works of
Western and Eastern scholars. Many rulers have tried to fulfill this prophecy of the Prophet and
accomplish this great conquest. But the goal was not achieved. By the will of fate, this conquest
was made by Sultan Muhammad in 1453 AD. (857 hidjri.). This conquest is also mentioned in
the Quran. This is due to the fact that in the 15th verse of Surah Saba the phrase "Ballatun Tayiba"
("Good Country") corresponds to 857 hidjri (1453 AD) [8].

t-,, 8,".'.ry',1 4'.7' {\'*#
jlAeQse 'rli fiW6;"#'
The (tribe) of Sabah had a sign in their settlement (indicating the might of Allah): two gardens -
(one) on the right and (the other)'on the left. (And exhorlations came to them, who said): "Feed
on the inheritance of your Lord and give thanks to Him! (After all, the place where you live is) -
a good country [with a good climate and fertile soil], and (after all, Allah, only Whom should
serve and worship) - The Forgiving Lord fforgives when they turn to Him with repentance] gt
From this verse, select the phrase "Ballat un toyiba" ("Noble country") and put the
corresponding code for abdaj over each lefter.
'-,'-: aa
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Solid State Technology
Volume: 63 Issue: 5
Publication Year: 2020

{t}0 ?
- 10 9 {00 {30 ?

Let's calculate the sum of the received numbers:
400 + 2 +10 + 9 + 400 + 4 + 30 * 2 : 857. This number can be seen as a sign ofthe conquest of
Istanbul in 857 hidjiy (1453 AC).
Based on the above criteria and the search algorithm for the LND, a program was created
in the algorithmic language C ++ Builder 6. This program was used to solve some problems in
the testamentary section of the book of Al-Khr.l'arizmi "Kitab al-jabr wa-l-muqabala" on a
computer. In the course of studying the verses on the division of inheritance, it was discovered
that they contain the hidden divine numbers 7 and 19. Abjad the same is the basis of the
emergence of algebra. Based on the abjad, one can predict the date of future events that are hidden
in the texts of the Quran. A specific example shows the decoding of the conquest date of Istanbul.
For centuries, inheritance issues have been resolved on the basis of the above verses. Al-
Khwarizmi also wrote a section on wills in the Kitab al-jabrwa al-muqabala, based on the verses
and hadiths of calculating inheritance, and in it he gave a solution to inheritance problems applied
m pracuce.
Based on the above considerations. we can say that verses 11. 12 and I76 from Surah al-
Nisa are the basis for creating the science of algebra and algorithms, and the great scientist Al
Khorezmi used these verses to compose algorithms for solving problems by inheritance.


1. Sheikh Mohammed Sadik Mohammed Yusuf. Tafsiri Hilal, first volume, "HILOL-NASHR",
2. Muhammad ibn Ismail Bukhari. Gold chain. Sahih Bukhari st., 4th edition, "HILOL-NASHR",
Tashkent, 2014.
3. Al Khorezmi. Al zhabr wa al mukobala, Tashkent, 1983.
4. V.V.Kabulov, A.V. Kabulov, A.T.Kenjabaev. Al-Harazmiis the founder ofalgorithmicization.
5. slam el 46853
Islamic inheritance law, Nurmukhammed Izudinov, JuIy 26,2017. ffi
6. https://www.businesg:gazg-ta.2 Razila Kukushkina. Numbers are the Greatest Banner of the
Most High.
ii1{ H

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Solid State Technology
Volume:63Issue: 5
PublicationYean 2020

7. M.D. Stewart. The Amazing Meaning of Numbers and Colors in Scripture Texts, Second
Edition, Moscow, 200I.
8. Osman Nuriy Topbosh. A jug of water. , Tashkent 2007.
:l 9. www,
I 0. -matematik-kotoryj -obyasnil-pravila-algebry-cherez-
TfhlQ. The great mathematician who explained the rules of algebra through poetry.02.07.2020.

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