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ADVANCED ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (Code 1658081) Midterm Examination 2024

Total Marks: 30 Time Allowed: 1 h
Choose the correct Answer
1. The oxygen molecule is paramagnetic. It can be explained by
(a) Resonance (b) Hybridisation (c) Valence bond theory (d) Molecular orbital theory
2. s-orbitals are nondirectional because of
(a) spherical symmetry (b) their small size (c) being first orbital (d) All of the above
3. sp2 hybridisation is present in
(a) C2H2 (b) C2H4 (c) BeCl2 (d) C2H6
4. Which of the following is true for the formation of stable bonds according to valence bond theory?
(a) Greater overlapping between atomic orbitals (b) Close proximity between two atoms
(c) Pairing of electrons having opposite spins (d) All of the above
5. Which among the following has the shortest C-C bond length?
(a) Ethene (b) Ethane (c) Benzene (d) Ethyne
6. What is the electronic configuration of carbon in it’s excited state?
a) 1s22s22p4 (b) 1s22s22p3 (c) 1s22s22p5 (d) 1s22s12p4
7. What is the bond order in O2+?
(a) 3.5 (b) 2.0 (c) 1.5 (d) 2.5 (e) 2
8. Antibonding molecular orbitals are produced by
(a) constructive interaction of atomic orbitals. (b) destructive interaction of atomic orbitals.
(c) the overlap of the atomic orbitals of two negative ions (d) all of these (e) none of these
9. Which statement is false? A sigma molecular orbital
(a) may result from overlap of p atomic orbitals perpendicular to the molecular axis (side-on).
(b) may result from overlap of p atomic orbitals along the molecular axis (head-on).
(c) may result from overlap of two s atomic orbitals.
(d) may result from overlap of one s and one p atomic orbitals.
(e) may be either bonding or antibonding.
10. According to VBT, the direction of a bond which is formed due to overlapping will be _____________
(a) In the same direction in which orbitals are concentrated (b) In the opposite direction in which orbitals are
concentrated (c) Perpendicular to the direction in which orbitals are concentrated (d) None of the mentioned
11. 3. Which of the following statements is true for benzene?
(a) Benzene easily undergoes addition due to unsaturation (b) 𝞹-electrons are delocalised in the benzene ring
(c) Three isomeric forms are formed on monosubstitution of benzene (d) Two types of C-C bonds are present in
12. Among the following

The total number of aromatic species is………………….

13. Which of (a)-(d) is not aromatic?

14. Which one of these is aromatic?


15. Cyclooctatetraene is not aromatic because of

(a) It does not have essential π electrons. (b) It does not have delocalization of π electrons. (c) It does not have a
planer conformation. (d) It does not follow (4n) π Huckel's rule.
16. 7. Which of the following is incorrect for benzene?
(a) Planar C6 ring (b) Localised 𝞹 bonding (c) sp2 hybridised C atoms (d) It shows reactions characteristics of
C=C double bonds.
17. Which of the following compounds is non-aromatic?

18. Which one of these is aromatic?

19. Which compound(s) out of the following is/are not aromatic ?

20. Which one of the following is aromatic?

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