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General Information:
1.Please do the exercises in the morning and evening regularly.
2.Do not over do the exercises especially in the beginning.
3.Start the exercises slowly and carefully.
4.Do not be alarmed if the exercises cause mild discomfort.
5.But if the pain persists for more than 15-20 min stop the exercises and consuit doctor

Stand and facing a wall.

Walk your fingers up the wall as high as possible.
Reverse down the same way.

Stand with your good hand resting on a chair.

L e t your other arm hang down and try to swing it gentiy
backwards and forwards and in a circular moion.

Stand in straight.
Arms at your side, lift the shoulders upwards and

S i t in straight and comfortable.

Place both hands on the tip of the shoulders.
Move both shoulders in a circular manner both clockwise
and anti clockwise.
Stand & holdinga stick with your arms down and

in front of you.
Lift your arms straight up.
Return to starting position.

Stand and facing a wall.

fingers up the wall as high as possible.
Walk your
Reverse down the same way.

&Stand & holding a stick behind your back with

your elbows straight
Lift the stick backwards away from your body.
Return to starting position.

Stand & holding a stick vertically behind your

Raise the stick upwards & downwards

Shoulder Care:
Keep your blood sugar normal.
Avoid heavy weight lifting.
Avoid to put over weight on your affected hand while get up.
Avoid jerky and repeated movements of your affected shoulder.

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