Instruction-1-15 IMG

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Regd.Office : PSEB, Head Office ,The Mall,Patiala-147001

Office of Superintending Engineer, Thermal Operation Circle, GGSSTP,Rupnagar.
Mob. No.: 96461-17109 Fax No. 01881-274232 e-mail :

All SCEs (i/c SCEs/Leave Reserve),
GGSSTP, Rupnagar.

Memo no. 431 /SEOP/GC-S9

Dated: 17.1.2012

Sub:- lnstructions regarding Operation of Units.

lnstructions / guidelines have been issued from time to time by this office
for their compliance by all shifts for smooth operation of the units. However it has been
observed that due care is not being followed by all shifts. Copies of the instructions no.
1 to 17 already circulated by this office are again enclosed for ensuring their strict
compliance by the all shifts.
Please treat it most urgent
DA/As above --ol'llv
GGSSTP, Rupnagar.

Subject: Clearing of Bottom Ash Hoppers of Stage-II & III.

It has been observed that Clearing of Bottom Ash Hoppers is done in a very
casual way and this has resulted in the tripping of running units many times. To avoid such
happenings, it is once again requested that the following points must be kept in mind while
carrying out Bottom Ash Hopper evacuation:
i) PTW for Bottom Ash Hopper clearance should be issued one by one on both the units
and activities regarding BAH evacuation should be started only after issuing of PTW.
ii) ASCE./AE-Boiler/Boiler Controller should associate personally with BM-I staff
during Bottom Ash Hopper clearance.
ii| Furnace condition (any clinker formation) around 8M EL of Furnace should be checked
. before issuing of PTW and Entry to this effect should be recorded on PTW itself.
Flowever, If any clinker formation is found clearance from BM-l cell must be taken
belbre Clearing Bottom Ash Hoppers.
iv) Oil support of two diagonally opposite guns may be taken if flame quality is poor or if
four consecutive mills i.e. A,B,C&D are not available and oil support should be

withdrawn one by one after completion of BAH evacuation.

t Gc'f
7 v) Water level in seal trough must be ensured before BAH evacuation.
vi) After issuing the PTW, before opening the gate, UCB / Desk controller should be
informed and clearance be taken from UCB / Desk controller befr:re starting the work.

vii) lt should be ensured that before PTW is issued and work is started, boiler parameters

I i.e. Furnace draft, Drum level and milling system etc. are stable.
viii) Major operation on the unit be avoided during BAH clearance.

_. ,lLrr/to
Superintending Engiheer,
Thermal Operation Circle,
GGSSTP, Rupnagar.


All SCEs / Stage - II & III including LRs


p6"6, lo l,.r llo

CC: ASs lTtc-

tNsrppett'4 - z
Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd.

Superintending Engineer,
Operation Circle, GGSSTP, Ropar

All SCEs Stage -II & ilI Including LRs

Memo.No. 1't\tf Y\ /sEoP Dated , ly tt/ tat

Subject : Oil Qbnsumption during BAH evacuation

In the above said context it has been observed that during certain periods oil gun
support is being taken during BAH evacuation, because some Coal Mill is out due to planned
PTW on it, which is causing unnecessary higher oil consumption .The coal mill PTWs should be
planned in such a away that the Mill Mtc / Outage time falls in between two consecutive BAI{
evacuations (Except in case of emergency) in order to reduce oil consumption during BAH
Matter most urgent please.


1. SEi MIVIC-II for information and necessary co-ordination in this regard please.
2. ASE/ T&C



Superintending Engineer,
Thermal Operation Circle,
GGSSTP, Rupnagar.

All SCEs(including SCE/Leave Reserve)

GGSSTP, Rupnagar.

Memono.L4?-t ll\)oP
ryt t fu
Sub:- Streamlining the procedure for conveyance of faults to
concerned ASE/ Sr.Xen/ Mtc.

It has been observed that sometimes faults are not being conveyed by
Shift Charge Engineers to the concerned ASE/ Sr.Xen of maintenance arC instead
practice is being adopted to transmit the message of fault to concerned
Dy. Chief Engineers /
SEs through the undersigned. Many instances have been
observed when the fault got conveyed to Dy. Chief Engineers /Superintending
Engineers concerned ciirectly without any cornmunication to their ASE / Si.. Xen.
This practice not only creates ill will but also delays the clearance of faults.
It is therefore, requested that in order to ensure smooth and expeditious
clearance of faults, the concerned ASE/ Sr. Xen maintenance should also be
informed about the fault by sCE before routing it through the undersigned.
Please treat it urgent.

Superi ntenoing ffi $/n6er,

Thermal Operation Circle,
GGSSTP, Rupnagar.
l r.rsfgeca::l


Superintending Engineer,
Thermal Operation Circle,
GGSSTP, Rupnagar.
All SCEs (i/c SCEs/Leave Reserve),
GGSSTP, Rupnagar,.

Memo no. 1748 159 /SEOP/GC-S9

Dated: 11.3.2011

Sub:- lnstructions regarding charging of PRDS systems.

It is again emphasized that during normal operation of any Unit,

its PRDS should always be kept self charged and its inter-connection valve with
the PRDS of nearest available running Unit should also be always kept open.
It is also intimated that a folder named "Operational instructions" for
all such instructions for operation of the units should be created in the computer
Desktop of each stage and in future such instructions should be pasted in this
folder trW. lt is requested that this folder must be seen and updated by the
Shift Charge Engineers daily during their shift for any such new instructions. All
the concerned officers & staff must be kept informed and updated about all

operational instructions issued from time to time.

Compliance of the above must be ensurep!-brleach shift.
superi ntenXing Ellglhb"r,
Thermal Operation Circle,
GGSSTP, Rupnagar.


Guide lines for smooth & trouble free operation of units

Following guide lines are issued for smooth & trouble free operation of units :

1. Whenever any DC equipment such as JOP-DC, EOP, Scanner fan-DC, Seal

oil pump-Dc, MSSV, Gate valve gearing etc. is on PTW , its status must be

reflected in the daily report and must be high lighted daily in the SCE/ ASCE
dairy for proper monitoring and desk engineers must be made aware of the

Z. It has also been observed that SCE / ASCEs I AE- boiler are not taking keen

interest in monitoring the unbrunt carbon in bottom ash / fly ash , due to
which unbrunt carbon especially at Stage-I & III remains on higher side where
units are running with four coal mills in service .Now it has been decided

that unbrunt carbon in Bottom ash/ Fly ash will be checked by CCI Coal in
every shift. So, it is requested that :

a) The samples of bottom ash may please be checked physically by each

shift and adjustment in the combustion parameters of boiler be got

done , so that unbrunt carbon remains with in prescribed limits .

b) In this regard Help / Suggestions if needed may also be taken from

the concerned Mtc, agencies

Superintending Engineer,
Th. Operation Circle,
q GGSSTP. Ropar.
To ot'V
SCEs (including SCEs/LR)
GGSSTP, Ropar.

U.O.No. /GC-59

Dated: 144\ t71

-=|_ ASE /T&C,GGSSTP,Ropar.

a_ CC:-


ln view of scarcity of staff being faced in shifts, it is instructed that

only one official should be deployed for the location of both ESPs and DG sets.

The other official getting spared on account of this arrangement may be posted in

CW Pump House / LDO Pump House and any JPA / SW posted there may be
used in any of the main plant location as per site requirements.

Yfl''l ,-
Superi ntending En$i neer,
Th. Operation Circle,
GGSSTP, Ropar.
To d{u
(including SCEs/LR)
A11 SCEs
GGSSTP, Ropar.

U.o.No. 5l l I 7/\ /GC-59

Dated: llt!

; *
I fl gTGuC"tt

Subject:- tnstructions regarding looking after the UCBs Desks in view of

shortage of Desk Controllers.

ln supersession of earlier instructions regarding Desk Controllers,

it is left to Shift Charge Engineer on duty to ask any AEEiAE to man the desk in
case of non-availability of any Desk Controller. Further no desk is earmarked
whether it is to be manned by Desk Controller or an Engineer (AEE/AE) except
the Generator Desk which is to be manned by an AEE/AE.
,\ s u peri nten aiig Enff{&/,'
Operation, GGSSTP, Rupnagar.

Eridst. no. /SEOP/GC-59 o","0 T)4

Copy of above instruction is forwarded to All SCEs (including SCEsi LR)
for information & necessary action and training of the Engineers for smooth
oPeration of the units'
s u pen nten o,nn tl,t":ar,
Operation, GGSSTP, Rupnagar.

Guide lines for smooth & trouble free operation of units

Following guide lines are issued for smooth & trouble free operation of units :

1. The desirable and efficient range of Generator cold gas temperature of hydrogen is 380C to 400C.

However , extreme limits of this parameter are 300C to 450C . lf this temperature goes beyond 450C,

reduce load on the unit and load reduction should be in such a way that cold gas temperature does
not cross beyond 550C , if the temperature of cold gas reaches 2 S50C and if it is not practical or

feasible to lower the load further, then trip the unit immediately.

2. Whenever any PTW is issued to motor Mtc staff for checking of Motor / Cable / Thimbles etc ,

during cancellation of the PTW by ASCE , it must be ensured that remarks regarding checking of

direction of the motor has been recorded on the PTW itself by the concerned Mtc agency and
direction of the motor must be got checked from the related Mtc. Agency.
3. It has been observed That some SCE/ ASCE do not go through the Current status of pending

PTWs / running Faults /daily report faults . lt is requested that they should follow up the pending

faults meticulously .

4. Auxiallary Change over register should be updated as already instructed as per schedule .

G=. t6.1,tt
Superintend ing Engineer,
Th. Operation Circle,
GGSSTP, Ropar.
To 04"
All SCEs (including SCEs/LR)

GGSSTP, Ropar.

U.O.No. GC-59

o,t"o, l(/ J /rr

CC:- ASE /T&C, GGSSTP, Ropar.

To ensure compliance of above instructions

{ nt s t z't'
Subject: Guidelines for smooth & tr 7?i"a7r1{"n of units. @
Unit no.5 tripped on 20.10.2011 at 1115 hrs due to tripping of PA fan-SB. On investigation it
was found that a Working PTW was issued by Shift AEE to RM-II cell for checking the control oil
coolers of PA fan-5B. During change over of cooler by RM-II staff , control oil pressure dropped,
causing tripping of the PA fan, hence unit no. 5. It was found that AEE shift along with the person
seeking PTW were not aware of the gravity of situation that what consequences can happen while
working on such equipments , as a result of which no precautions were taken .More over AEE did
not consulted SCE before issuing PTW and issued PTW in a very casual way. To avoid such
trippings in future the following instructions are issued:
1. A new PTW Requisition Register has been started. Its all columns must be filled before issuino

2. Before issuing the PTW, ASCE must get approval from the SCE.

J. Depending upon the gravity of the effect of issuing of PTW, if necessary SCE may consult

SE / Th Operation after discussing the same with concerned Mtc. Engineer.

4. After issuing PTW, Site staff should also be informed through AEE-TG / Boiler to make them
aware of the work being done by the Mtc staff.

Treat it Urgent, Please

Superintenaing E rfiiireJ,
. Thermal Operation Circle,
;r1 GGSSTP. Rupnagar.

All SCEs including SCEs/LR
GGSSTP, Rupnagar.

U.O.No. Cf9 o l+o,ficc-sg

Dated: ,ln.,tl

CC: - ASE /T&C, GGSSTP, Rupnagar.

Sutrject: Guidelines for smooth & troubte *!-Xffi.
Unit no.3 tripped on 25.12.2011 at 1 150 hrs on drum level V.Low . On investigation, it was found
that during charging.of HP heaters, Group protection charging valves were opened without veriffing the
open status of FW- 39,40 & 4l of HPH -5 and FW- 42,43 & 44 of HPH-6 open from site . However, at
that time FW-8 & 9 were found in dismantled condition by the shift staff and a Working PTW was issued
by ASCE to C&.I-2 cell to attend these valves. In order to stop passing in these valves isolating valves of
FW-8 & 9 were closed. As soon as these isolating valves were closed, Group protection immediately came
in to service. But as the valves FW 42 & 44 were in closed condition ( However in UCB open status of
FW-42 was flashing), the flow to the boiler drum ceased causing tripping of the unit on drum level V.low.
In order to avoid such trippings in future following step by step guide lines are issued for taking
HP Heaters into service during Cold / Warm start up of unit :
l. Check FW 39,40 & 4l of HPH -5 and FW 42, 43 & 44 of HPH-6 are open from site . ES-l1 & ES-12
valves are close and their drains valves DW-60 and DW-63 are open to flash tank .
2. Unlock both 3-way valves (Group protection valves) at4.5MEL.
3. ]rrcnall drains to atmosphere of feed water line valves FW-39,40 &41 of HPH -5 and FW- 42,43 &
44 of HPH-6 at 0 MEL.
4. Open Dump valve FW-24 with its isolating valve .Also check operation of FW-8 & 9 from site.
5. Close FW-8 &9 and open their isolating valves
6. Check operation of HD-19, 32,37 &,40 valves and open isolating valves of HD-19, 32,37 &,40.
7. Open Group protection charging valves provided at 4.5 MEL near 3-Way valve no.l and put
HP Heaters on warrn up from Feed Water side.
8. Watch temperature rise at HPH-5 inlet, HPH-5 outlet and HPH-6 out let. When these temperatures
stabilizes near to feed water temperature of FST, close FW-24 and other drains to atmosphere of
FW-39,40,41,42,43 &.44 starting from FW-39 to FW-44 step by step and watch the group protection
to come in service.
9. Close Group protection charging valves.
10. Switch off supplies of FW-39,40,42 & 43 valves and close HP Heaters bypass valves FW-41 &,44.
11. Open manual drains of ES-l1 &12 and drain of HD-22 at 0 MEl,
12. Open Shell drains of both the HP Heaters.
13. Crack Open ES-1 1 & 12 manually and put HPH-5 & 6 onwann up.
14. Take clearance from DM plant.
15. Open ES-1 1 & 12 fully and close DW-60 and DW-63 drains to flash tank.
16. Close Shell drains, manual drains of ES-l1 8.12 and drain of HD-22 .
17. Control the HPH levels to avoid operation of group protection on very high level of any HP heater.
NOTE : If Group Protection does not come in service . Check any rise in HPH levels , If level rises
abruptly immediately close charging valves,Open all drains to atmosphere of FW-39,40,41,42,43&44
at 0 MEL, open HD-19,32,37,40 and contact TG Mtc. Cell. W
Superintending Engirieer,
Thermal Operation Circle,
GGSSTP, Rupnagar.
All SCEs including SCEs/LR
GGSSTP, Rupnagar.
u oNo. ,at/4cc-5e CC: - ASE /T&C, GGSSTP, Rupnagar

Dnr€D: 2-21 rtl t

rNslPua*.oe-ro (*) tfu
Subject: - Issue of PTW & clearance of equipment at 22lKlSub-Station, GGSSTf, nop7
On 01 .01.2012 unit no. 2 was lighted up at 0400 hrs. after attending its boiler leakage .When

unit was nearing to synchronization, Shift charge Engineer came to know that unit can not be
synchronized as a PTW issued for replacement of CTs of unit no, 2 to the staff of
Sr.Xen / Switchyard was still pending and no intimation was given to the SCE/ stage-l
regarding the same. Due to which there was undue delay in synchronizationof the unit.
In order to avoid such delays in future following instructions are issued:
1. Whenever any PTW is issued by the SSO incharge at 220 Ky substation to any

Mtc. agency for maintenance purpose , he will inform telephonically to the ASCE of
concerned stage personally and a note to effect should be mentioned on the PTW itself.
2. On receiving message from SSO incharge , ASCE will make entry in the concerned PTW
- register along with the PTW No. I Date and the agency to whom PTW has been issued.
3. On cancellation of PTW, SSO at 220 KY substation will again inform ASCE of
concerned stage personally with a note on PTW and ASCE will give remarks regarding
cancellation of PTW on the PTW register in UCB
4. ASCE, should also take clearance from SSO at220KV substation before light up of the unit.
The above instructions should be followed up meticulously

Thermal Operation Circle,
GGSSTP, Ropar.

i) All Shift Charge Engineers (Including SCEs/LR)
ii) All SSOs of 220KV Sub-Station, GGSSTP, Ropar,

U.O.No. t, cc" 57

CC : Addl.SE/T&C, GGSSTP, Ropar.

INS- Puz:trsne -



Aff{" SE/Eatteries, FaxNo. 01881-2V4232

EMC, GGSSTF, RooPrmgm.
IVtro&': @646\17T0l.
GGSSTP, RooPnagar."

MemoNo. fiqgltsc-I. Dated: lllaftan-

Sub: Recording of readings of various Battery chargers.

The reading ofbattery chargers for voltage and currents must be observed

carefully during the shifts by the operation staff and any noticeable change must be
informed immediately to the stafflsupervisor/officers of this cell. Following parameters
may be referred for determining the proper functioning of chargers:

no. i ofCharger lFloat

220 Volt 240 Volts Between l-5 & 40 During testing/running of

Chargers Amp. DCequipment like JOP, i

; EOP, SAJ, Scanner,, etc. i

i Lwilt -9[1s-e, - -
-- - -
No 48 V system at Stage-l
i Stg-:= Avg 90A
| (sets-Aa n;
:- -. Vort
i!o'J vonr
r A*.ag" so
' fzo JTai vvrLo '-"'' ^'"* emp.
l;;**..r'-" tiil-i;;) * i **
4 - | ii4 Vori ix 5 VoiiJ*- [stgrr= 1;* ii,A I it G;d e"ia e"tii*
cn*g"rr i i
Stg-2:Avg t2oA,
I I ll0A
j stg-3:Avg

I _l_Q:t*1&B)-_ l_ _
S i -z+ Volt j 2t.s volts j Stg-t: Avg l8A I lr rcad Acid Cells
I churg*r* I I
Stg-2:Avg loA,

i 1 J
stg-3:Avg i

atl i
tf al.o<4
;'i***t--,-f i*r,:iF'i,rooriiffi
o- 11'/7'//'' EMC, GGssrP,
A,r* an*kA..*^o ( ;,* .*lr,*r{J'
;;;;;; J'f ,rtu'?*_: tr";#. N,-. 4,t*^/h d,/* ? Roopnagar.

t{ru*f -5:wru-;;'**2 x ***r$d**'a .#* "

*,t**ut' *U"'l^"|*'l /" t**zca'z-a( e ;'f
4 4fry -S I {tJg*tt{t*
cns^t- I)-
I As'TLu



Opgration,of HPBP valves in the new control system being commissioned in unit-
Ilt ijf GGSSTP.
, *I'f ;{: .

'ff j
ii& l-'
Enclosed pteas find herewith reply of M/S BHEL received by this office for
the, issue raised by your otfice regarding manual operation of valves for your kind
consideration and comments if any. lt is further intimated that senior BHEL
engineers are at GGSSTP and any further clarification can be asked from them,

:! r1 l''
'=l I s'r^- ->

DA/ AS ABOVE Dy. Chief Engineer,

lnsstt. Mtc. Circle,
GGSSTP, Ropar.
tt ' '(a-' y:

, Sir/ oPer-t1^- *2^

Commissioning -Urgent reply' requesred _2- Page I of4

From: "RAMESI-I B S" <>

Subjectl Re: Fwd: [Fwd: ] Ropar Commissioning -Urgent reply requested.
Dateq Tue, De.cember 20. 201I 6:19 pm
(>,1'wRITU PALL-AV llARtJAH" <writu(@bheledn,."ASHOK KUMAR CI{OLIDHA RY" i n>.ashi sh09(a)grnai l. com

----- Fonvarded message from -----

Date: Tue.20 Dec 201I l8:15:25 +0530
From: "Ananda C" <>
Subject: Re: Fwd: [Fwd; ] Ropar Commissioning -Urgent reply requested.
To: "RAIr@SHB S' <, in>
Cc: " YADUNANDANAN U M" <yadunandanan@bhel edn. co, in>. " S A S II FIN D R A N lvI "
<saseendran@bheledn. co. i n>

lroll,rwinu arc our clarit'ications' . , :

..\s pcr slstcnr requirenrent When ever Svsiem is in Auto. Blocking element is cnergized continuously so
always open atrd'close'is cbntinuous'as per the demarrd with servo valve in line with the tunctional requir
'..:.r,, ,l i : I , :'- ' .i '

For system is in mbnual .we are'utilizing the same philosophy of continuous energizing of the blocking el,
iorder to avoid &ift gpen'due to field oil system probldms so that the correction is continuous as the same
iphilosophy is adopted in the auto operation.

This isbeing used in all ihe sites where ever HP bypass is implemented with maxDNA.

In case if site operation of valve is required we can create a button in I{MI scrcen to block.'lhis can be ur

icven [br rrrirnuaI open close also [ry'rerloving this block befilre issuing the open or close command,

iTnanks for the feedback , ,

:. ",:..

, Ol

pn 12/20/201I 5:43 PM, RAMESH B S wrote:


----- Forwarded message trom saseendran(4)bhgtgdn cp in -----

np //mx.
: b he'i n/u,e^bnr ai I /src/pri n tc r _triendlyibottpm. php'?passecl_e nt _ td=0&:mai..r l2/?l l20l I
i li , . .l

dS T'L\'cTto A -


GLiRU GOBIN'D SNGFI SLIPER T}IER\,L{I- PI.AN'| krstrurnentation \,Itc. Circle (wIC )
P. O. Glianauli, Rupnagar- 1.10 I 13 (Punjab)
Ph.01881-274236, 2?1800 Frx: 0i881-27 4232

Deputy Chief Engineer l Operation

GGSSTP. Rupnagar
l,lr? I.oar-rr.rrr
ASry(OP'),r&S'ce Stdttl
\[emo No: 6a 8o ; C&I-\;II , 8{2 Dared: $l-12-l I
Subject: Load controller changeov'er in unit # 3.

\\Iith the installation of marDNA control sy'stetn for TG controls the procedure for rolling,
*uchronization and loading of the turbine is given belon'.



1. For raising the hrbine speecl fiorn baring geal' to 600 r?rr1 please raise the specd
reference to 600 rpm. While gir,tng the speed reference through Llrget value please first
raise the speed setpoint manually and then confirm the target value.
2. For raising the turbine speed from 600 rpm to 3000 rpm. raise the speed reference to
3000 rpm and lvatch the achral speed.
3. During slnclu'onization of the uni! turbine speed can be matched with the grid fuequenc-v
b1, rasing ., lon ering the speed refe,rcnce. On c.losing <lf the Generator circuit breakr-'l:
block load should be taken b1-imm*diateh'raisins the speed reterence liv about 2(! rpm.
+. The load reference must now be raised to ac.tual load and value of PRTD must be
value of PRTD becomes equal to actual load and the changeover of load to speed
controller should be recorded.
RG\'IO logics hare heen implementecl in the frequencf influence of the EFIC controls
and the sarne can be srvitched on b.v the operator bv switching on the frequency

All the controls of drives relating to ATRS have been pror,'ided or1 e!'er.l operator station in thc
Soup TG DRI'ES under
'fG controls and the c.ontrols of L.HC. LPIIP and Seal steam s.vstems
harre been glven on single display in the gll)up A\IAI-OG CONTROLS under T(i controls.
Please intimate anv other changes required in the displaS's so that the feasibilin' of doing it can
be checked up in the svstem

It is further rcquested that during tripping of any GGSSTP unit. drain of trip oil pressurc most lic
checked and logged b-v- pressing emergenc]' tui'bine trip from the operator desk to ensure the
healthiness of trip ciri-'uit. This must bc tlone before oprs.;'* up of stop vahres by' raising the
starting derice.
A" h* yf*v Tesf$,s-rnqdLr \"-"$ \ri bet'j g....^t *t o-\-*Gr rtr sx\G '
*l -*->-F"^ltul n

Deputl Chief Engineer,' L\'{C

GGSSTP. Runrrasar
, A9TEUeTto^l

1. Sahnewal 800A
2. Kohara 800A
3. Jamsher 700A
4. Goraya 7004
5. Gobindgarh-1 700A
6. Gobindgarh-2 700A
7. Gobindgarh-3 700A
8. Gobindgarh-4 700A
9. Kharar 700A
10. Mohali 700A
LL. Bus Section-l 9s0A
L2. Bus Section-2 9s0A
13. Bus CouPler-l 950A
t4. Bus Coupler-2 950A

1. The loading on Bus Coupler/ Bus Section Breakers may be controlled by
changing line feeders from main bus to reserve bus as per requirement in
consultation with this office.
2. The loading on Outgoing line feeders may be controlled from UCB after
consultation with Power Controller, Patiala.

GGSSTP, Ropar.

Op.Circle, GGSSTP, Ropar.
/MsT&u erroA- lf
Step wise Checks/ Actions to be taken by UCB staff at the time of Grid/ Station Supply failure.

S.No. Activity Action to be taken bv

I Vhenever Grid fails , the lollowing auxiliaries should be started auto
n ranually immediately:
. DC seal oil pump Gen Desk Engineer
i. EoP(DC) ATRS Desk Engineer
ii. DC scanner fan FSSS- DC / BC /AE Boiler
v. Air motors of APHs FSSS- DC / BC /AE Boiler
2. Close Main steam stop valves from the desk. BFP - DC / BC / AE Boiler
3 Open vacuum breaker from ATRS desk. ATRS Desk Ensirreer
4 Open Hot well drain manually from local. TG Controller /AE TG
5 close Isolating valve of gland steam control valve at 10.5 M EL- Turbine side. TG Controller /AE TG
6 Check DG sets has started on auto, then charge NE bus from DG bus of the unit. If Gen Desk Engineeri
DG set of the unit fails to start on auto, start the same manually/ from Local or charge ASCE/ SCE
the NE bus from common DG set.
'l Afte r charging NE bus Start the following auxiliaries:
. Seal oil pump ( AC ) Gen Desk Engineer
i. Turbine AOP ( NE ) & JOP ( NE) ATRS Desk Engineer
ii. Air Preheater Main drive motors and their LOPs FSSS Desk Controller
v. AOPs ofBFPs BFP Desk controller
r. AC- Scanner fan FSSS Desk Controller
8. After starting Auxiliaries at point no.7, DC Seal oil pump , DC scanner fan , Eop , ASCE
JOP ( DC ) and Air motors of APHs should be stopped.
9 Restore supply to Battery chargers. ASCE
t0 Ensure JoP has started at rated speed of 540 RPM , Gate valve gearing has engaged ATRS Desk Engineer/
at240 RPM & turbine has stabilized at barring gear speed. ASCE
ll After restoration of Grid supply : Gen Desk Engineer/
Charge 6.6 KV Station buses, Adjust the tap position of Station Transformer if ASCE/ SCE
required .Then charge 6.6 Unit buses , 415v uss buses , SSSG buses and close
various ties on Station buses/ Unit buses .
t2 Charge NE bus from normal source and stop DG sets. During normalization, supply Gen Desk Engineer/
to NE bus will be interrupted, so checks at Sr. no. 7,8,9 should be again exercised. ASCE/ SCE

13 Normaliqe supply of Boiler MCC, ESP, CWPH , FOPH and Fan panel etc. ASCE
14 Start BCW pumps and start instrument air compressors. BFP DCI TGC I
15 Start cwPs, cEPs , Normalise gland sealing and start vacuum pump on priority and BFP DC/ TGC
keep watch on LP Exhaust hood temperature. ATRS Desk Engineer/
16 Drains to flash tank should be opened only after maintaining appropriate vacuum in ATRS Desk Engineer
the condenser.
1',7 Start the other Auxiliaries and proceed for lieht up of the unit. SCE/ ASCE
Note :

i. If AOP fails to start, EOP should be started on Auto/ Manually and JOP should be started irrespective of the turbine
speed and preparations for rotating the turbine on manual barring should be started.
2. Gate valve gearing should not be opened unless AOP is available.
3. If Air motor for APHs fails to start, immediately give message to BM-1 and try to rotate APHs manually.
4. Whenever supply to NE bus is to be changed, Various DC Auxiliaries such as SOP (DC), JOP (DC) , EOp (DC) and
Scqpner Fan (DC) should be started before change over.
5. Synchroscope switch should be switched off immediately after doing the operation.
6. Two different switches for synchroscope should never be switched 'on' simultaneously.
7. The above duties have been assigned for reference only, SCE can depute anybody for any work and all are expected
to work in a team spirit during such times of crises.


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