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Identifying action reaction pair

1. Consider a candle stand lying on a table. The weight (W) of the stand and the
normal force (N) by the table on the stand are equal in magnitude and
opposite in direction.
(A) ‘N’ and ‘W’ are action reaction pair.
(B) ‘N’ and ‘W’ are not action reaction pair.
(C) Action ‘N’ on stand has reaction ‘N’ on floor.
(D) Action ‘W’ on stand has reaction ‘W’ on Earth.

2. Two blocks of unequal masses are tied by a spring. The blocks are pulled
stretching the spring slightly and the system is released on a frictionless
horizontal platform.
(A) Force of spring on two blocks is equal & opposite.
(B) Force of spring on two blocks is action reaction pair.
(C) If force by block on spring at end ‘A’ is action, then force by spring on
block at end ‘A’ is reaction.
(D) None of these
3. When a horse pulls a cart, the force that helps the horse to move forward is
the force exerted by:
(A) the cart on the horse
(B) the ground on the horse
(C) the ground on the cart
(D) the horse on the ground

4. A cyclist collides with a fast moving train. Which statements are true during
(A) The cyclist experiences a greater reaction force than train.
(B) The cyclist experiences greater acceleration.
(C) The cyclist & train both experiences same reaction force.
(D) Both cyclist and train have same acceleration
5. A man pushes car, with hand breaks on, while standing on rough ground.
Which of the following is/are statement(s) concerning this situation?

(A) The man can never exert a force on the car which exceeds his weight
(B) If the man pushes on the car with a force of 100 N, then the car is
pushing back with a force of exactly 100 N on him.
(C) Since the car cannot move, it cannot exert any force on the man
(D) Man cannot be in equilibrium, since he is exerting a net force on the car.
6. A mass M is suspended from a massless string as shown in figure. Which of
the following pairs are equal and opposite due to Newton's third law?

(A) The force with which the string pulls on the ceiling and the force with
which the string pulls on the mass.
(B) Force with which the string pulls on the mass and the weight of the
(C) Force acting on the mass due to the earth and the force the mass exerts
on the earth.
(D) The force with which the mass pulls on the string and the force with
which the string pulls on the mass.
Basic Problems
7. A block of mass 2 kg placed on a long frictionless horizontal table is pulled
horizontally by a constant force F. It is found to move 10 m in the first two
seconds. Find the magnitude of F.
(A) 20 N (B) 10 N (C) 5 N (D) 0 N
8. A 2000 kg car moving at 40 km/h is to be stopped by applying brakes in the
next 4.0 m. What average force (in kN) must be applied on it?
(A) 20 (B) 25 (C) 31 (D) 50
9. If two ends of an ideal rope are pulled with forces of equal magnitude of 100
N in opposite direction, the tension at the centre of the rope must be
(A) 200 N (B) 100 N (C) 50 N (D) 0 N
10. Two men pull a rope from which a mass is hanging as shown. Both apply a
force of 100 N each. What force should each apply to make the rope
30° 30°

(A) 200 N (B) 400 N

(C) 600 N (D) rope cannot become horizontal
11. A bird sits on a light wire stretched horizontally between two points. The
tension in the wire now is:

 

(A) zero (B) equal to weight of the bird

(C) greater than weight of the bird (D) less than weight of the bird

12. Three books (X, Y, and Z) rest on a table. The mass of each book (in kg) is
indicated. The net force acting on book Y is:

(A) 40 N down (B) 50 N up (C) 90 N down (D) zero

13. An object of mass M is supported by a cord and the tension in the cord is
recorded as 0.25Mg. The conclusion that can be drawn is that the object is:

(A) at rest (B) moving with a constant velocity.
(C) accelerating up 15 m/s2 (D) accelerating down at 7.5 m/s2.
14. In the figure shown, the system is moving up with an acceleration of 6 m/s2
upwards. A baby of mass 10 kg is sleeping on the weighting machine as
shown. What is the reading of the weighing machine?

6 m/s2

(A) 4 kg (B) 12 kg (C) 16 kg (D) 10 kg

15. Two blocks with masses m1 = 0.2 kg and m2 = 0.3 kg hang one under the
other, as shown in the figure. The tension (T) in the massless string is:
(A) 3 N when the blocks are at rest.
(B) 3 N when they move upward at 5 m/s. 0.2 kg
(C) 3.6 N when they accelerate upward at 2 m/s2.
(D) 2.4 N they accelerate downward at 2 m/s2.
0.3 kg
16. A 5 kg block has a rope of mass 2 kg attached to its underside and a 3 kg
block is suspended from the other end of the rope. The whole system is
accelerated upward by an external force F = 120 N.
F = 120 N
(A) The acceleration of the system is 2 m/s
5 kg
(B) Tension T1 = 60 N T1
(C) Tension T3 = 36 N T2 2 kg
(D) Tension T2 = 48 N at the middle of the rope. T3 3 kg

17. A parachutist of mass M is coming down with a constant acceleration ao.

Determine the mass ‘m’ he should throw so that he has the same upwards
acceleration. Assume drag force while coming down and going up is same.
ao ao

2 M ao 2M ao 2m ao M ao
(A) (B) (C) (D)
M m g  ao g  ao g  ao
Block on horizontal surface
18. A force F acts on a block, at an angle , kept on a smooth horizontal surface.
Assume that the block doesn’t leave the surface.
F cos  F
(A) The acceleration of the block will be 
m m
F sin 
(B) The acceleration of the block will be
(C) The acceleration of the block will be F/m
(D) The acceleration of the block will be m/F
19. In the previous question, let ‘N’ be the normal reaction acting on the block.
The block will leave the surface if:
(A) N = 0 (B) N  0 (C) N > 0 (D) N  0
20. Two blocks of masses M = 5 kg and m = 1 kg are placed in contact with each
other on a frictionless horizontal surface as shown in figure. A constant force
F = 24 N is applied on M as shown. Let ‘R’ be the normal reaction acting
between the blocks.
F M m

(A) R = 20 N (B) R = 4 N (C) R = 10 N (D) R = 50 N

21. Repeat the previous question, for the same force being applied on m as
M m

(A) R = 20 N (B) R = 4 N (C) R = 10 N (D) R = 50 N

22. Two blocks of mass M and m respectively are kept in contact on a
frictionless table. The experimenter pushes M from behind so that the blocks
accelerate. If M exerts a force ‘R’ on the m, what is F?
F M m

M  M m  m
(A) R (B) R 1   (C) R (D) R 1  
m  m M  M
23. A rope of length L is pulled by a constant force F. What is the tension in the
rope at a distance x from one end where the force is applied?

x Lx x L
(A) F (B) F (C) F (D) F
L L Lx Lx
24. A horizontal force of 600 N pulls two masses 10 kg and 20 kg (lying on a
frictionless table) connected by a light string.
T F = 600 N
20 kg 10 kg

(A) T = 200 N (B) T = 400 N (C) T = 600 N (D) a = 20 m/s2

25. For the arrangement shown in the figure.
T1 T2 F = 20 N
5 kg 3 kg 2 kg

(A) a system  2 m/s2 (B) The tension T1 is 16 N

(C) The tension T2 is 10 N (D) None of these
26. A small block A is placed on another block of mass 10 kg and length 2 m.
Initially the block A is near the right end of lower block. A constant
horizontal force of 20 N is applied to the lower block. All the surfaces are
assumed frictionless. Find time elapsed before the blocks separate.
20 N l 10 kg
(A) 2 s (B) 2 s (C) 3 s (D) 4 s
27. A 2 kg wooden block rests on a soft horizontal floor. When an iron cylinder
of mass 25 kg is placed on top of the block, the floor yields steadily and the
block and the cylinder together go down with an acceleration of 0.3 m/s2.
(A) block applies a force of 261.9N on the floor.
(B) block applies a force of 270N on the floor. 25 kg
(C) cylinder applies a force of 242.5N on the block. 2 kg
(D) cylinder applies a force of 250N on the block.
28. Two blocks are connected by a massless rope as shown. The horizontal
surface is frictionless. The hanging mass is 2 kg. Find m’ so that its
acceleration is 4 m/s2.
4 m/s

2 4 m/s
(A) 3 kg (B) 2 kg (C) 5 kg (D) 4 kg

29. In the figure shown below, both the masses are 2 kg. On the mass kept on
table, a force ‘F’ is applied. Find F (in N) if the blocks have an acceleration
of 4 m/s2 as shown.
F 2 4 m/s

2 4 m/s
(A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 5 (D) 4
30. For the system shown in the figure, the pulley and string is massless and the
surfaces are frictionless.
m F
(A) Acceleration of mass ‘m’ is 2F/m
(B) Acceleration of mass ‘m’ is F/2m
(C) Acceleration of point ‘P’ is F/m
(D) Acceleration of point ‘P’ is F/4m
31. Find the magnitude of acceleration of the blocks shown in the figure.

(A) g/3 (B) g/2 (C) g/4 (D) g/6
32. Three blocks are connected with two massless strings as shown in the figure.
The horizontal surface is frictionless.
1.2 kg

2.8 kg 4.5 kg
(A) The magnitude of acceleration of blocks is 2 m/s2.
(B) The tension in left strings is 36 N
(C) The tension in right strings is 33.6 N
(D) The tension in both strings is equal.
33. A 10-kg block is held by a pulley system as shown in the figure. What force
F must be exerted to raise it with an acceleration of 1 m/s2?

10 kg
(A) 33 N (B) 44 N (C) 55N (D) 66 N
34. Consider the situation shown in the figure. Both the pulleys and the strings
are light and all the surfaces are frictionless.
(A) the acceleration of the hanging mass is 2g/5
(B) the acceleration of the hanging mass is 4g/5
(C) the tension ‘T’ in the string is Mg/5
(D) the tension ‘T’ in the string is 2Mg/5
35. Consider an ideal system shown in the figure. There is no friction anywhere.
m 2m

(A) The acceleration of ‘m’ is F/3m

(B) The acceleration of ‘2m’ is F/6m
(C) The tension T is F/3
(D) The tension T is F/6
36. The system shown is released from rest. There is no friction anywhere.

(A) aA = g/5 (B) aA =2g/5 (C) T = 4Mg/5 (D) T = 2Mg/5
37. The figure shows an ‘L’ shaped body kept on a smooth horizontal surface.
To the body, through a massless clamp a massless pulley is attached. Take
string as massless as well. Consider all surfaces to be smooth.

(A) am =F/m (B) am = 2F/m (C) a2m =F/m (D) a2m = 2F/m
38. All surfaces are smooth, string is light and pulley is frictionless, Mark the
correct statement(s)
2 C
5 X
15 A
20 N
(A) Acceleration of block A is 1 m/s2
(B) Acceleration of block A and B will be same
(C) Acceleration of block C is zero
(D) Tension in the clamp ‘X’ is 10 N.
39. For the situation shown in figure, the masses of blocks A, B, and C are mA =
3 kg, mB = 2 kg, and mC = 4 kg respectively. The applied force is F = 36 N.

Neglect the masses of the pulleys and the effect of friction.
(A) Tension in topmost string is 4 N
(B) Acceleration of block A is 4 m/s2.
(C) Acceleration of block B is 4 m/s2.
(D) Acceleration of block C is 5 m/s2
40. Two particles, each of mass m, are connected by a light string of length 2L,
as shown in figure. A constant force F is applied at the midpoint of the string
(x = 0) at right angle to the initial position of the string. Assume that the
masses do no break off the horizontal plane. Let ax be acceleration of both

 x x
m m

F x F ( L2  x 2 )1 2
(A) ax  (B) a 
2 m (L2  x2 )1 2 x
2m x
F x F ( L  x 2 )1 2
(C) ax  (D) ax 
m (L  x )
2 2 12
m x
41. In a simple Atwood machine, two unequal masses m1 = 1 kg and m2 = 2 kg
are connected by a string going over a clamped light smooth pulley as shown
in figure. The system is released from rest.
(A) Magnitude of acceleration of blocks is g/3 m/s2
(B) Distance travelled by m2 in first three seconds is 30 m
(C) Tension in the string is 40/3 N. m1
(D) The force exerted by clamp on the pulley is 80/3 N m2
42. Two pulley arrangements (i) and (ii) are as shown in the figure. Neglect the
masses of the ropes and pulleys and the friction at the axle of the pulleys.

m m
2m 2mg
(i ) (ii)
(A) Acceleration of mass in case (i) is g/3
(B) Acceleration of mass in case (ii) is g/3
(C) Acceleration of mass in case (ii) is g.
(D) None of these.
43. For the system shown in the figure, the pulley is massless and frictionless.
The thread is massless. It is given that m1 = 1 kg, m2 = 2 kg & F = 5 N.

(A) Magnitude of acceleration of both masses is g/3
(B) Magnitude of acceleration of both masses is 2g/3
(C) Tension in the string is 40/3 N
(D) Tension in the string is 55/3 N
44. For the system shown in figure, neglect the masses of pulley and friction
F 
(A) The acceleration of mass ‘m’ is   g  
 m  Q
1F 
(B) The acceleration of lower pulley is   g   F
2m 
F  m
(C) The acceleration of point P is   g  
m 
(D) The acceleration of point Q is zero.
45. For the system shown in figure, the pulley is massless and frictionless. The
threads are massless. The system is released from rest. Acceleration of:

(A) mass m is g/4 (B) movable pulley is g/4
(C) mass ‘4m’ is g/4 (D) None of these.
46. Three equal weights A, B & C each of mass 4 kg are hanging on a string
passing over a fixed frictionless pulley as shown in figure.

(A) The acceleration of mass A is same as acceleration of mass B.
(B) Acceleration of mass B is same as acceleration of mass C
(C) Magnitude of acceleration of mass A is g/3
(D) Tension T = 80/3 N
47. The figure two blocks of equal masses ‘m’ connected to massless and
frictionless pulley system. Magnitude of acceleration of

(A) A is 2g/5 (B) A is g/5 (C) B is 2g/5 (D) B is g/5
48. In the arrangement shown, the pulleys and the strings are ideal. The
acceleration of block B is


(A) g/5 (B) g/2 (C) 2g/5 (D) 2g/3

49. In the arrangement shown, the pulleys and the strings are ideal. The mass of
the blocks are equal.

(A) Acceleration of mass A is g/5 (B) Acceleration of mass B is 3g/5
(C) Acceleration of pulley P is g/5 (D) None of these
50. In the arrangement shown, the pulleys & the strings are ideal. MA = MB = MC

(A) Acceleration of mass A is 2g/3 (B) Acceleration of mass B is 2g/3
(C) Acceleration of mass C is 4g/3 (C) None of these
51. In the arrangement shown, the pulleys and the strings are ideal. MA = 3 kg,
MB = 6 kg & MC = 12 kg
(A) aA = 6 m/s2 (B) aB = 2 m/s2 (C) aC = 2 m/s2 (D) None of these
52. In the previous question find MC so that it remains in equilibrium.
(A) 2 kg (B) 4 kg (C) 6 kg (D) 8 kg
53. In the arrangement shown, the pulleys and the strings are ideal. The mass of
three blocks are equal.

(A) aA = 5g/26 (B) aB = g/13 (C) aC = 7g/26 (D) None of these
54. The system shown is initially at rest. Mass of blocks A, B & C are m, 2m &
m respectively. Neglecting the masses of the pulleys and the effect of friction
in the pulleys, the magnitude of acceleration of A is:

(A) g/6 (B) g/3 (C) g/2 (D) none
55. In the arrangement shown, the pulleys and the strings are ideal. Acceleration
of m1 and m2 respectively are:

m1 m2
(A) 0, 0 (B) g, g (C) g/2, g/2 (D) none
56. In the arrangement shown, the pulleys and the strings are ideal. F
Two masses mA = 2 kg and mB = 5 kg, kept on ground, are
connected by means of a light string that passes over a light
pulley. A vertical force F is applied on the pulley. Consider A B
acceleration of A to be a1 and B to be a2.
(A) If F = 35 N, a1 = 0 m/s2 and a2 = 0 m/s2
(B) If F = 70 N, a1 = 7.5 m/s2 and a2 = 0 m/s2
(C) If F = 140 N, a1 = 25 m/s2 and a2 = 4 m/s2
(D) None of these.
Block on incline
57. A block of mass m is placed on a fixed frictionless incline of angle  = 37o as
shown in the figure.
(A) The acceleration of block is 3g/5.
5 2h
(B) The time taken by the block to reach bottom of incline is
3 g
(C) The normal force acting on the incline is 3mg/5
(D) None of these
58. In the arrangement shown in figure all surfaces are smooth. For 0o <  < 90o;
select the correct alternative(s).
(A) a A  aB
(B) a A  aB A
(C) contact force between the two blocks is zero 
(D) contact force between the two blocks is not zero
59. In the arrangement shown, the pulleys and the strings are ideal.

(A) Acceleration of both blocks is same.
(B) The magnitude of acceleration of both blocks is same
(C) The tension in the string is 3mg/10
(D) None of these
60. A force F = 20N is acting on a block F
of mass 2 kg kept on a smooth
inclined plane as shown in the figure. 30° 30°
Find acceleration of the block. Case I Case II
(A) aI = 2 m/s2 (B) aI = 14 m/s2 (C) aII = 2 m/s2 (D) aII = 14 m/s2
61. A force of F = 20N is acting on a F
block of mass 2 kg kept on a smooth
inclined plane as shown in the figure. F
Find acceleration of the block. 30° 30°
Case I Case II
(A) aI = 0 m/s2 (B) aI = 12 m/s2 (C) aII = 2 m/s2 (D) aII = 12 m/s2

62. Two blocks A & B of masses mA = 5 kg & mB = 6 kg are on a wedge as
shown in the figure. Consider the pulleys and the strings to be ideal.
(A) Magnitude of acceleration of A is 18/11 m/s2
(B) Magnitude of acceleration of B is 18/11 m/s2
(C) Tension in the string is 420/11 N
(D) None of these. 37

63. In the arrangement shown, the pulleys and the strings are ideal. The masses
are shown in the figure.

(A) acceleration of mass ‘m’ is 0 (B) Tension T1 is mg
(C) Tension T2 is 4mg (D) None of these
64. In the arrangement shown, the pulleys and the strings are ideal. The
magnitude of acceleration of lower mass is


(A) F/m (B) 2F/m (C) F/2m (D) 3F/m
65. In the arrangement shown, the pulleys and the strings are ideal. There is no
friction anywhere and the incline is fixed.

B o
(A) aA = 5g/21 (B) aA = 10g/21 (C) aB = 10g/21 (D) aB = 5g/21
66. In the arrangement shown, the pulleys and the strings are ideal. There is no
friction anywhere and the incline is fixed. [ = 37o]

 mB
(A) aA = 14g/25 (B) aA = 7g/25 (C) aB = 7g/25 (D) aB = 14g/25
67. In the arrangement shown, the pulleys and the strings are ideal. There is no
friction anywhere and the incline is fixed.

 
(A) aA=g sin/5 (B) aA=2g sin/5 (C) aB=g sin/5 (D) aB=2g sin/5
68. In the arrangement shown, the pulleys and the strings are ideal. The two
blocks shown are originally at rest. The masses of block A and B are m:
(A) aA = 3g/25
(B) aA = 9g/25
(C) aB = 3g/25 A
(D) aB = 9g/25 B
69. In the arrangement shown, the pulleys and the strings are ideal. The inclined
plane is fixed and the pulley is fixed in incline plane.


(A) am = gsin/3 (B) am =2gsin/3 (C) a2m =gsin/3 (D) a2m =2gsin/3
70. In the arrangement shown, there is a big fixed ring of radius R in a vertical
plane. A frictionless rod is fixed on the bigger ring. A small ring of mass ‘m’
starts sliding down along the rod from point A.

m 

(A) The acceleration of ring along the rod is gcos
(B) Speed with which the particle reaches point B is 2 gR cos
(C) The time taken by ring to reach point B is 2 R / g
(D) None of these
71. In the arrangement shown, the pulleys and the strings are ideal. A block is
placed on a smooth incline. It is fixed to incline by a horizontal string. Which
of the following is a correct statement?
(A) T < mg string
(B) N > mg
(C) N < mg m
(D) T > mg
72. In the arrangement shown in the figure, there is a frictionless groove made in
an incline plane. The groove makes an angle α with the incline plane whereas
the incline plane makes and angle  with horizontal. A short smooth
cylinder of mass ‘m’ is left free from point A on the groove.


(A) The acceleration of cylinder is g sin  sin 
(B) The normal acting on the cylinder is mg cos 
(C) Time taken by the cylinder to reach point B is
g sin  sin 
(D) None of these
73. A body suspended with the help of strings. A body of mass 12.5 kg is
suspended with the help of strings as shown in figure. Find tension in the
string connected with 12.5 kg block. Strings are light [g = 10 m/s2]
T1 T2

(A) T1 = 3mg/5 (B) T1 = 4mg/5 (C) T2 = 3mg/5 (D) T2 = 4mg/5
74. A 1N pendulum bob is held at an angle  from the vertical by a 2N horizontal
force F. The tension in the string supporting the pendulum bob (in N) is:

m F
(A) cos  (B) 2/5 (C) 5 (D) 1
75. For the system shown, mass ‘m’ is in equilibrium.
(A) T1 = 5mg/4 (B) T2 = 3mg/4 (C)T3 = mg (D) None of these

76. Three blocks A, B and C are suspended as shown in figure. Mass of each of
blocks A and B is m. If system is in equilibrium and mass of C is M, then

(A) M = 2 m (B) M < 2 m (C) M > 2 m (D) M > 3 m
77. Find the value of F so that the block of mass m remains in equilibrium.


Mg cos  Mg sin 
(A) Mg tan (B) Mg cot(/2) (C) (D)
1  sin  1  cos 
78. A 44-kg chandelier is suspended 1.5 m below a ceiling by three wires, each
of which has the same tension and the same length of 2.0 m (see the
drawing). Find the tension in each wire.

1.5 m

550 1760 440

(A) N (B) N (C) N (D) 220 N
3 9 3
79. The system shown in the figure is in equilibrium.
100 200 60o
(A) T1  N (B) T2  N T3 T4
3 3 o
30 T2
(C) T3  N (D) T4  200 N T1
m 10 kg
80. A flexible chain of weight W hangs between two fixed points A & B as
shown. The inclination of the chain with the horizontal at both the points of
support is . Find the tension at the midpoint of the chain?

(A) cos ec (B) tan  (C) cot  (D) sin 
2 2 2 2

81. A sphere of mass m is kept between two smooth inclined walls as shown in
the figure. The ratio of normal reaction (N1/N2) offered by the walls 1 and 2
on the sphere will be:


(A) tan (B) tan2 (C) 2cos (D) cos2
82. An iron sphere weighing 10 N rests in a V shaped smooth trough whose sides
form an angle of 60° as shown in the figure. Then the reaction forces are

A 60o

2mg mg mg 2mg
(A) N A  (B) N A  (C) NB  (D) NB 
3 3 3 3
83. A smooth cylinder of mass M & radius R is resting on two corner edges A &
B as shown in figure. The normal reaction at the edges A & B are NA & NB:

A 30°

mg 3 mg 3 mg mg
(A) N A  (B) N A  (C) NB  (D) N B 
2 2 2 2
Finding normal reaction
84. The figure on right shows a block of mass m kept on another mass M. The
system is kept on a smooth horizontal surface. Normal force acting on:
(A) top surface of ‘m’ is ‘mg’.
(B) bottom surface of ‘m’ is ‘mg’. m
(C) top surface of ‘M’ is ‘mg’. M
(D) bottom surface of ‘M’ is ‘(m+M)g’.
85. Superman puts an entire home on his head and jumps down from the top of a
mountain. Assume that the Superman is not using his powers and is in
freefall. The normal reaction on his head is
(A) zero
(B) is more than weight of home
(C) is less than weight of home.
(D) is same as weight of home.

86. Two small spheres of mass m connected by a string of length 2L are kept on
a smooth surface. A vertical force F is applied at the middle of the string.
Find Fmax for which the spheres do not lose contact with the surface?

 x x
m m

(A) 2mg (B) mg (C) 3mg/2 (D) 4mg

87. A block of mass m is placed on a smooth inclined plane of inclination  with
the horizontal. The force exerted by the plane on the block has magnitude
(A) mg (B) mg/cos  (C) mg cos  (D) mg tan 
88. Find the magnitude of the horizontal force F required to keep the block
stationary w.r.t. wedge. Assume all the surfaces to be frictionless.

(A) (M + m) g tan  (B) (M + m) g cot 
(C) (M + m) g sin  (D) (M + m) g cos 
89. In the case shown below, if the acceleration of wedge is ‘a’ rightwards such
that the block is not sliding on wedge. Find the normal reaction by writing
equation along normal direction.

(A) mg (B) mg/cos  (C) mg cos  (D) mg tan 
90. The incline plane of inclination  = 37 is moved rightwards with an

acceleration of 5 m/s2. The block of mass 5 kg is sliding down the incline,

w.r.t to incline, with unknown acceleration.

(A) Force exerted by incline plane on the block is 30 N
(B) Force exerted by incline plane on the block is 55 N
(C) Acceleration of block w.r.t to incline is 2 m/s2
(D) Acceleration of block w.r.t to incline is 4 m/s2
91. A body of mass m = 1.8 kg is placed on an inclined plane of inclination is α =
37° as shown. The incline is then moved with a acceleration of a. Neglect
friction. The normal force exerted by block on incline is mg. Find |a|.

m a

(A) 5/3 m/s (B) 0.5 m/s2 (C) 0.75 m/s2 (D) 10/3 m/s2
92. When the system shown here is pulled by force F, the 1 kg block remains
stationary relative to the wedge. There is no friction anywhere.
3 kg
(A) The force F is 7.5N
(B) The normal force exerted by the wedge on the block is 8 N
(C) The acceleration of the system is m/s2
(D) The tension in string is 6.25 N
93. In the arrangement shown, the rod is constrained to move vertically. The
mass of both bodies are m. There is no friction anywhere. The system is
released from rest.
(A) a A 
1  cot 2 
g cot 
(B) a A 
1  cot 2  A m
(C) a B  B
1  cot 2  
g cot 
(D) a B 
1  cot 2 
94. In the arrangement shown, the cylinder is constrained to move vertically. The
mass of both bodies are m. There is no friction anywhere. The system is
released from rest.
(A) a A 
1  cot 2  B
g cot 
(B) a A 
1  cot 2  A
(C) a B 
g 
1  cot 2 
g cot 
(D) a B 
1  cot 2 
95. Two smooth blocks are placed at a smooth corner as shown. Both the blocks
are having mass m. A horizontal force ‘F = mg’ is applied on block A.



 m A F = mg

8 6 6 8
(A) a A  m /s 2 (B) a A  m /s 2 (C) a B  m /s 2 (D) aB  m /s 2
5 5 5 5
Man holding rope
96. A block of mass 25 kg is raised by a 50 kg man in two different ways as
shown in figure. The floor breaks if normal force on the floor exceeds 700 N.
Assume that in second case, the string is almost vertical.

(i ) (ii)
(A) The normal force acting in case (i) is 750 N
(B) The normal force acting in case (ii) is 250 N
(C) It is good to adopt case (i)
(D) It is good to adopt case (ii)
97. A 30 kg boy slides down a rope with an acceleration of 1 m/s2. If W' denotes
the apparent weight of the boy and T the tension in the rope, then
(A) W' = 310 N (B) T = 310 N (C) W'=T= 270 N (D) W'=T= 330 N
98. How could a 10 kg object be lowered down from a height using a cord with a
breaking strength of 80 N, without breaking the cord.
(A) lowering the object very slowly
(B) lowering it with acceleration less than 2 m/s2.
(C) lowering it with acceleration more than 2 m/s2.
(D) object cannot be lowered down without breaking the cord.
99. A light weighing machine is kept on a platform of mass m = 15 kg. A painter
of mass M = 75 kg stands on the weighing machine. She pulls on a rope that
passes over pulley as shown in figure. The tension in the rope when she is:
(A) at rest is 450 N
(B) moving up at 0.4 m/s2 is 468 N
(C) moving down at 0.4 m/s2 is 432 N
(D) accelerating up and the weighing
machine shows her correct weight;
is 1125 N.
M weighing machine
100.A man uses two pulleys to raise himself with an acceleration 2m/s2, as shown
in figure. The man stands on a light weighing machine fitted on horizontal
platform. Determine the reading of weighing machine. Mass of man = 75 kg,
mass of platform = 25 kg.


(A) 150 N (B) 300 N (C) 600N (D) 900 N

101.The monkey B, shown in the figure, is holding on to the tail of the monkey A
which is climbing up a rope. The masses of the monkeys A and B are 50 kg
and 20 kg respectively. The tension in the rope when monkey A is:
(A) climbing up with constant speed of 5 m/s is 700 N
(B) sliding down with constant speed of 5 m/s is 700 N (A)
(C) climbing up with acceleration of 1 m/s2 is 770 N
(D) sliding down with acceleration of 1 m/s2 is 630 N

102.Monkey (A) of mass m = 50 kg is climbing up a light rope with an

acceleration of a1 = 2 m/s2 and monkey (B) of same mass ‘m’ is climbing up
the same rope with acceleration of a2 = 1 m/s2.



(A) T1 = 2050 N (B) T2 = 550 N (C) T3 = 0 N (D) None of these
103.In the figure shown, man is balanced by counter weight of same mass. He
starts to climb the rope with an accelerator of 2 m/s2 w.r.t. rope. The time
after which he reaches the pulley will be



(A) 10 sec (B) 25 sec (C) infinity (D) None of these
Finding clamp force
104. A string of negligible mass going over a clamped pulley of mass m supports
a block of mass M as shown. The magnitude of force on pulley by the clamp
is given by:
(A) (M  m)2  M 2 g (B) 2 mg
(C) ( M  m)2  m2 g (D) 2 Mg M
105. Consider the situation shown in the figure. Both the pulleys and the strings
are light and all the surfaces are frictionless. The force exerted by the clamp
C on the pulley is:
(A) 2Mg/5 (B) 2Mg/5 (C) Mg/5 (D) 3Mg/5
106. Consider an ideal system consisting of two blocks A and B of same mass
‘m’. There is no friction anywhere.
(A) Acceleration of A is F/m Am
(B) Acceleration of B is F/m 
(C) Acceleration of B is zero B m F
(D) Magnitude of clamp force at C is 2 F

107. Consider an ideal system consisting of two blocks A and B of same mass
‘m’. There is no friction anywhere. A
(A) Acceleration of A is F/m C F
(B) Acceleration of B is F/m
B m
(C) Acceleration of B is zero
(D) Magnitude of clamp force at C is 2 F
108. Consider an ideal system consisting of two blocks A and B of same mass
‘m’. There is no friction anywhere. ‘C’ And ‘D’ are clamps.
(A) aA = F/2m
(B) aB = F/2m C
(C) Clamp force on C is F/2 D
(D) Tension in the thread is F/2 B
Inertial reference frame (definition)
109.An object ‘X’ is kept far away from all other objects. Which among the
following are true?
(A) ‘X’ is an inertial reference frame.
(B) A body having acceleration w.r.t. to ‘X’ is an inertial reference frame.
(C) A body moving with constant speed w.r.t. ‘X’ is an inertial frame.
(D) None
110.A reference frame attached to the earth
(A) is an inertial frame by definition.
(B) cannot be an inertial frame because the earth is revolving around the sun
(C) is an inertial frame because Newton’s laws are applicable in this frame.
(D) cannot be an inertial frame because the earth is rotating about its axis.
111.A particle stays at rest as seen in a frame. We can conclude that
(A) the frame is inertial
(B) resultant force on the particle is zero
(C) the frame may be inertial but if the resultant force on the particle is zero.
(D) the frame may be non-inertial as there may be a nonzero resultant force.
112.A car C is found to be at rest when seen from another car C1. Also, C is
found to be moving with a constant velocity when seen from another car C2.
Mark out the possible options.
(A) Both the frames are inertial (B) Both the frames are non-inertial.
(C) C1 is inertial and C2 is non-inertial (D) C1 is non-inertial & C2 is inertial
113.A person measured the acceleration of a particle to be nonzero while no force
was acting on the particle.
(A) He might be accelerating while measuring it
(B) He might be moving with constant speed while measuring it.
(C) He might be moving with constant velocity while measuring it.
(D) He might have used non-inertial frame.
DE Alembert’s Principle
114.A man of mass 70 kg stands on a weighing
machine kept in a lift. The reading of
machine is
(A) 70 kg when the lift is moving upwards
with a uniform speed of 10 m/s
(B) 35 kg when the lift is moving down at
constant rate of 5 m/s2
weighing machine
(C) 105 kg when the lift is moving up with
a constant acceleration of 5 m/s2.
(D) Zero, when the rope of lift breaks down.
115.A man is standing in a lift which goes up and comes down with the same
constant acceleration. If the ratio of apparent weights in the two cases is 2:1,
then the acceleration of the lift is
(A) 3.33 m/s2 (B) 2.50 m/s2 (C) 2.00 m/s2 (D) 1.67 m/s2
116. The elevator shown in the figure is descending with an acceleration of 2
m/s2. The mass of block A is 0.5 kg & mass of block B is 1 kg.

A 2m/s

(A) Force is exerted by the A on B is 4 N.
(B) Force is exerted by the A on B is 5 N.
(C) Force is exerted by the B on lift is 15 N.
(D) Force is exerted by the B on lift is 12 N.
117. An incline is kept fixed inside a lift moving up with constant speed v as
shown. A block is released from rest w.r.t to incline from the top of incline.

m v

l 

(A) Acceleration of block w.r.t. ground is g sin  .

(B) Acceleration of block w.r.t. lift is g sin  .
(C) Time taken by the block to travel length l is 2/g sin 
(D) None of these.
118. A railroad cart is moving rightwards with constant acceleration a. Inside the
cart a pendulum bob is hanging at equilibrium through a massless string as
(A) The tension in the thread is
cos   a
(B) The tension in the thread is m g cos
(C) The angle   tan

(D) The angle   tan 1
119. An elevator is accelerating upwards with an acceleration of 6 m/s2. Inside it a
boy of mass 50 kg is standing on a weighing machine which is kept on an
inclined plane having angle of inclination 60°. The reading of the weighing
machine is:

weighing a = 6 m/s


(A) 40 kg (B) 160 kg (C) 80 kg (D) 50 kg

120. For the arrangement shown in the figure, all the surfaces are frictionless. A
force F is applied on M such that m1 & m2 are stationary w.r.t. M.
(A) The tension in string is m2 g m 1
(B) The acceleration of M is m1 g /m2
(C) The applied force F is (m1  m2  M )m2 g /m1 F M
(D) Normal force on m2 is not zero. m2

121. A heavy spherical ball is constrained in a frame as in figure. The inclined
surface is smooth. The maximum acceleration with which the frame can
move without causing the ball to leave the frame:


(A) g/2 (B) 3 g (C) g/3 (D) g/2

122. The masses of the system are taken such that m does not slide over Mo. All
the surfaces are frictionless.


(A) The acceleration of M is
m  M  Mo M
(B) The normal force acting on m is mg cos
(C) The normal force acting on m is mg / cos
(D) The relationship between masses is M (cot   1)  m  M o
123. In the figure shown, body A has mass m and body B has mass M. The entire
surfaces are frictionless. The incline is free to move. Acceleration of M w.r.t
ground is


g sin  cos  g sin 
(A) (B)
( M /m)  sin 2  ( M /m)  sin 2 
g cos  g sin  cos 
(C) (D)
( M /m)  sin 2  (M /m)  sin 
124. Find the acceleration of m w.r.t ground in the figure shown.


g g 2g 2g
(A) a  (B) a  (C) a  (D) a 
2  M /m 2  m /M 2  m/M 2  M /m
125. Find the acceleration of m w.r.t ground in the figure shown.
M m

5 mg 2 2 mg 2 5 mg 2 mg
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5m  M 5m  M 5m  M 5m  M
126. Find the acceleration of m w.r.t. ground.


g g 2g 2g
(A) a  (B) a  (C) a  (D) a 
2  M /m 2  m /M 2  m/M 2  M /m
127. For the system shown, find the acceleration of mass M after the system is
released from rest.
Mg sin 
M  2m 1  cos  
mg sin  m
M  m 1  cos   

mg sin  mg sin 
(C) (D)
M  2m 1  cos   M  2m 1  cos  
128. A spring of constant K is cut into two parts in ratio 1:3. Find the spring
constant of individual springs.
(A) 4K, 4K/3 (B) 4K, 2K/3 (C) 4K, 3K/4 (D) K/4, 3K/4
129. The length of a rubber cord is l1 meter, when the tension in it is 4N and its
length is l2 meter when the tension in it is 6N. Find the length of the rubber
cord when the tension it is 10N.
(A) 3l2 + 2l1 (B) 2l2 – 3l1 (C) 3l2 – 2l1 (D) 2l2 – 2l1
130. Find the elongation of spring at equilibrium of block w.r.t. to the lift.
a =g/2
(A) mg/K (B) 2mg/K (C) 3mg/2K (D) 3mg/K
131.Figures show a light spring balance connected in two different arrangements.
Find reading of the balance in two cases.

( i) (ii)
2 kg 2 kg 2 kg
(A) 2 kg, 4 kg (B) 2 kg, 2 kg (C) 4 kg, 4 kg (D) 4 kg, 2 kg
132.Find the reading of the balance in case shown below.

2 kg 3 kg
(A) 2 kg (B) 3 kg (C) 5 kg (D) 2.4 kg
133. Two blocks A & B with mass 4 kg and 6 kg respectively are connected by a
stretched spring of negligible mass as in figure. When the two blocks are
released simultaneously the initial acceleration of B is 1.5 m/s2 westward.
Find the acceleration of A.
1.5 m/s

2 2
(A) 2.25 m/s (B) 1.25 m/s (C) 3.25 m/s2 (D) none
134. A mass m is suspended by springs of spring constants k1 & k2 respectively as
shown in the figure. The total stretch of springs at equilibrium is:


mg 2m g mg m g (k1  k2 )
(A) (B) (C) (D)
k1  k2 (k1  k2 ) 2(k1  k2 ) k1k2
135. Both the springs shown in the figure are unstretched. If the block is displaced
by a distance x and released, what will be the initial acceleration?
k1 k2
x x k1k2 x
(A) ( k1  k 2 ) (B) ( k1  k 2 ) (C) (D) none
m mk1  k2 m
136. From the fixed pulley, masses 2 kg, 1 kg and 3 kg are suspended as shown in
the figure. Find the extension in the spring if k = 100 N/m. (Neglect
oscillations due to spring).

2 kg
1 kg
3 kg
(A) 5 cm (B) 10 cm (C) 15 cm (D) 20 cm
137. A block tied between two springs is in equilibrium. If upper spring is cut then
the acceleration of the block just after cut is 6 m/s2 downwards. Now, if
instead of upper spring, lower spring is being cut then the acceleration of the
block just after the cut will be:



(A) 16 m/s2 (B) 4 m/s2

(C) cannot be determined (D) none of these
138. Find extension of spring in equilibrium if the spring constant is k.

(A) mg/2k (B) 2mg/k (C) 4mg/k (D) mg/4k
139. A pulley with two blocks system is attached to the ceiling of a lift moving
upward with acceleration ao. Find the deformation in the spring of elastic
constant k.



2m1m2 g  ao 4m1m2 ao
(A) (B)
m1  m2 k m1  m2 k
4m1m2 g  ao 4m1 m2 g
(C) (D)
m1  m2 k m1  m2 k
140. Figure shows a 5 kg ladder hanging from a string that is connected
with a ceiling and is having a spring balance connected in
between. A man of mass 25 kg is climbing up the ladder at
acceleration 1 m/s2. Assuming the spring balance and the string to
be massless, the reading of the spring balance is
(A) 30 kg (B) 32.5 kg
(C) 35 kg (D) 37.5 kg

141. Two blocks A and B of mass M and 2M respectively, are hanging from a
ceiling by means of a light spring and a light string as shown. If the string
between the blocks is suddenly cut, just after the cut, the accelerations of the
blocks A and B will be aA and aB respectively.
(A) aA = 2g ; aB = g  (B) aA = 2g ; aB = g 
(C) aA = g ; aB = 2g  (D) aA = g ; aB = g 
142.The block shown in the figure is equilibrium. Find acceleration of the block
just after the string burns:



(A) 3g/5 (B) 4g/5 (C) 4g/3 (D) None of these

143.Figure shows a system of two blocks connected by a spring, kept on a
frictionless surface. Block A is in equilibrium. Suddenly supporting vertical
wall PQ is removed.
m 2m
(A) Initial acceleration of blocks A is F/m
(B) Initial acceleration of blocks B is F/2m
(C) Initial acceleration of blocks B is zero
(D) Initial acceleration of block A is F/2m
Newton’s law with calculus
144.A body of mass ‘m’ falling from rest from a large height experiences a
frictional force f  k v . Find its velocity as a function of time.
(A) v 

1  e k t / m  (B) v 

1  e k t / m 
mg  k 
(C) v 

1  emt / k  (D) v 
sin  t 
m 
2t  T  

145.A force F  Fo 1     acts on a particle of mass m, initially at rest,

  T  
during an interval 0  t  T . The velocity of the particle at the end of the
interval is:
5 F0 T 4 F0 T 2 F0 T 3 F0T
(A) (B) (C) (D)
6m 3m 3m 2m

1. The masses of blocks A, B and C are 1 kg, 2kg and
0.5 kg respectively. All surfaces are smooth. If
force F = 50 N acts as shown. At the instant shown, F B
the force which A exert on B is ____________ N
and the acceleration of C is ____________ m/s2.

2. Three solid hemispheres of radii R each are

placed in contact with each other, with their
flat faces on a rough horizontal surface. A
sphere of mass M and radius R is placed
symmetrically on top of them. Find the
normal reaction between the top sphere and TOP VIEW FRONT VIEW
any hemisphere, assuming the system to be
at rest.
3. A circular rope of weight W and radius r  is resting on a smooth sphere
of radius R. The tension in rope is

4. A block is placed on an inclined plane moving towards right horizontally with

an acceleration ao = g. The length of the plane AC = 1 m. Friction is absent
everywhere. The time taken by the block to reach from C to A is (g =10 m/s2).
ao = g
5. Consider an Atwood machine having masses 3 kg and 6 kg. The larger mass
is stopped for a moment 2 s after the system is set into motion. Find the time
elapsed before the string becomes tight again.

6. For the system at rest as shown, determine the accelerations of all the loads
immediately after the lower thread, keeping the system in equilibrium, has
been cut. Assume the threads are weightless and inextensible, the springs are
weightless, the mass of the pulley to be negligibly small, and there is no
friction at the point of suspension. Also m1 + m2 > m3 + m4.

m1 m2

m3 m4

7. Find the acceleration of A after the system is released from rest. Both A and
B have same mass m.

A o
8. In figure shown all blocks are of mass 1 kg and friction is absent everywhere.
Find the tension in the string and acceleration of each block w.r.t. ground.


9. A steel ball is suspended from the ceiling of an accelerating carriage by

means of two cords A and B. Determine the acceleration a of the carriage
which will cause the tension in A to be twice that in B.
o o
60 60
B A a

10. Knowing that both blocks have same mass m. Find their accelerations with
respect to the ground

11. A 15 kg block A rests on an inclined surface, and a 15 kg counterweight B is
attached to a cable as shown, Neglecting friction, determine the acceleration
of A immediately after the system is released from rest.

12. A solid small sphere of radius 4.5 cm and weight W, is to be suspended by a
string from the ends of a smooth hemispherical bowl of radius 49 cm. It is
found that if the string is any shorter than 40 cm, it breaks. What is the
breaking strength of the string?

13. The two blocks are kept as shown. There is no friction anywhere. Let the
normal force (in 'N') between the two blocks be 'N'. Find '143 N'

14. A block of mass 1 kg is kept on the tilted floor of a lift moving down with 3
m/s2. If the block is released from rest as shown, what will be the time taken
by block to reach the bottom. What is the normal reaction on the block during
the motion?

2 .1 2
a = 3 m/s

15. One end of a string is connected to top of the fixed vertical ring as shown in
the figure. The other end is connected to a bead of mass 3 kg free to slide
smoothly on the ring. If the string is taut in the shown configuration (take  =
37°) find the tension in it.

16. Two monkeys Ronit and Yatin of equal mass 'm' can climb strings of a pulley
arrangement as shown in figure. Find magnitude of acceleration (in m/s2) of
Ronit with respect to rope so that block remains stationary. It is given that
Yatin is just holding the string. Assume pulley is frictionless and string is
massless and inextensible.



17. At a moment t = 0 the force F = at is applied to a small body of mass m

resting on a smooth horizontal surface (‘a’ is a constant). The permanent
direction of this force makes an angle  with the horizontal. Find the (a)
velocity of the body at the moment of its breaking off the plane. (b) the
distance traversed by the body up to this moment.

18. A bar of mass m resting on a smooth horizontal plane start moving due to the
force F = mg/3 of constant magnitude. In the process of its rectilinear motion
the angle  between the direction of this force and the horizontal varies as  =
as, where ‘a’ is a constant, and ‘s’ is the distance traversed by the bar from its
initial position. Find the velocity of the bar as a function of angle .

19. Figure shows a ball of mass m connected with two ideal springs of force
constant k, kept in equilibrium on a smooth incline, suddenly right spring is
cut. What is magnitude of instantaneous acceleration (in m/s2) of ball?

45o X


20. A massless spring of length lo and stiffness k is attached between P & Q as in

figure. Now the spring is cut at a distance lo/3 from Q and a body of mass m is
attached. Then system is brought to equilibrium slowly by lowering m to a
new height h. Find h.


1. CD 38. ACD 75. ABC 112.AB
2. AC 39. ABCD 76. C 113.D
3. B 40. A 77. BD 114.ABCD
4. BC 41. ABCD 78. B 115.A
5. B 42. AC 79. ABD 116. AD
6. CD 43. AD 80. C 117. ABC
7. B 44. ABCD 81. C 118. AC
8. C 45. BC 82. AC 119. A
9. B 46. BC 83. AC 120. ACD
10. D 47. AD 84. D 121. C
11. C 48. C 85. A 122. ACD
12. D 49. C 86. A 123. A
13. D 50. AB 87. C 124. D
14. C 51. ABC 88. A 125. C
15. ABCD 52. D 89. B 126. D
16. ABCD 53. ABC 90. BC 127. D
17. B 54. C 91. D 128. A
18. A 55. B 92. AC 129. C
19. A 56. ABC 93. AD 130. C
20. B 57. AB 94. BC 131.B
21. A 58. AC 95. AC 132.D
22. B 59. BC 96. ABD 133. A
23. B 60. AD 97. C 134. D
24. BD 61. AD 98. C 135. A
25. A 62. ABC 99. ABCD 136. D
26. A 63. ABC 100.B 137. B
27. AC 64. C 101.ABCD 138. D
28. A 65. C 102.ABC 139. C
29. D 66. BD 103.B 140. B
30. BD 67. BC 104. A 141. B
31. B 68. AD 105. A 142.C
32. ABC 69. AC 106. ACD 143.B
33. C 70. ABC 107. AD 144.A
34. BC 71. AB 108. ABCD 145.C
35. ABC 72. AC 109.AC
36. AC 73. AD 110.BD
37. AC 74. C 111.CD

1. (a) 100/3 N, (b) 0
2. Mg 6
4. 0.74 s
5. 2/3 s.
6. a1 = a2 = a3 = 0, a4 = (m1 + m2 – m3 – m4)/ m4 
7. m /s 2
 270 ˆ 30 ˆ
8. ac  j i
29 29
3 3
10. aA = 5.1 m/s2, aB = 5.4 m/s2
11. 4 m/s2
12. F = 0.6 W
13. 4800
14. 5.6 N, 1 sec
15. 48
16. 110
mg 2 cos  m 2 g 3 cos 
17. (a) ( b )
2 a sin 2  6 a 2 sin 3 
18. 2 g sin  / 3a
19. 5 m/s2
20. h = lo/3 – (2mg/9k)


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