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(Advanced) 2021


Single Correct Answer Type 1 Q. [3 M (–1)]
1. In the figure shown, a block of mass m is rigidly attached to two identical springs of stiffness k each with
other ends of the springs connected to the fixed walls. When the block is in equilibrium, length of each
spring is b, which is greater than the natural length l of the spring. The time period of the oscillation of
the block if it is displaced by small distance x perpendicular to the length of the spring and released
(motion of the block is unaffected from gravity) is :-
k k
b b

mb mb m ( b - l) m ( b - l)
(A) 2p (B) 2p 2k b - l (C) (D) 2p
k ( b - l) ( ) kb 2kb
Multiple Correct Answer Type 13 Q. [4 M (–1)]
2. A ball is swinging on a swing like a simple pendulum. Its time period of oscillation is T and amplitude
is A. When it is at the bottom of the swing, another ball of equal mass strikes and sticks to it while both
of them are travelling in same direction. Choose the correct option(s)

(A) The time period of oscillation remains same.

(B) The amplitude increases.
(C) The time period of oscillation increases.
(D) The time period of oscillation decreases.
3. A Block A of mass M1 is attached to a spring of spring constant ‘k’. Blocks A and B are in contact while
the spring is compressed by x0. The system is released and then the blocks start moving. After some time
the contact between the blocks breaks, then choose the CORRECT statement(s).

k A B
M1 M2

(A) Blocks will separate at natural length of spring.

(B) After seperation of block B, the block A perform SHM of amplitude x0
m1 + m 2 .

(C) After seperation of block B, the maximum velocity of block A is x 0
m1 + m 2 .

(D) After separation block A will perform SHM of amplitude x0.

Physics / GR # SHM E-1/9


4. A particle of charge q & mass m moves rectilinearly under the action of an electric field, E = a – bx.
Here x is distance from the point where it was at rest. (a, b are positive constants)
(A) Motion is simple harmonic (B) Amplitude of particle is

a b
(C) Mean position of particle is at (D) Maximum acceleration of particle is q .
b m
5. A block suspended from a spring at natural length and is free to move vertically in the y-direction. Mark
the CORRECT statement (s) :-

(A) Mass is released when y = 0; the maximum value of y reached by the mass m is 2mg/k
(B) Mass is released when y = 0; the maximum value of y reached by the mass m is mg/k
(C) Due to air resistance the mass settles down into an equilibrium position yeq , the mechanical energy
1 2 2
loss is (m g /k)
(D) Due to air resistance the mass settles down into an equilibrium position yeq , the mechanical energy
lost is (m2g2/k)
6. The displacement of a particle of mass 100 gm from its mean position is given by y = 0.05 sin 4p
(5t + 0.4), y is in meters and t is in seconds.
(A) The time period of motion is 0.1s.
(B) The maximum acceleration of the particle is 10 p2 m/s2.
(C) The total energy of SHM of the particle is 0.05 p2 joule.
(D) The force acting on the particle is zero when displacement is 0.05 m
7. The mechanical energy of a system is given by E = Ax2 + Bv2 where x is the displacement from (x = 0)
and v is the velocity of the body at x then choose the correct statement(s). Assume A and B positive

(A) The maximum x coordinate is

(B) Maximum velocity of the particle during motion is
(C) x = 0 is the equilibrium position.
- Ax
(D) The acceleration of the system at any point is

E-2/9 Physics / GR # SHM


8. A spring mass system is hanging from the ceiling of an elevator in equilibrium. The elevator suddenly
starts accelerating upwards with acceleration a, consider all the options in the reference frame of elevator.

1 k
(A) the frequency of oscillation is
2p m
(B) the amplitude of the resulting SHM is
m( g + a )
(C) amplitude of resulting SHM is

æ mö
(D) maximum speed of block during oscillation is çç k ÷÷a
è ø
9. Three simple harmonic motions in the same direction having each of amplitude "a" and the same period
are superposed. If each differs in phase from the next by p/4 then
(A) Resultant amplitude is (Ö2 + 1)a
(B) Phase of resultant motion relative to first is 90°
(C) The energy associated with the resulting motion is (3 + 2Ö2) time the energy associated with any
single motion
(D) Maximum speed of resultant SHM will be more than double of the initial SHM's
10. A particle performing S.H.M. undergoes displacement of A/2 (where A = amplitude of S.H.M.) in one
second. At t = 0 the particle was located at either extreme position or mean position. The time period of
S.H.M. can be : (consider all possible cases) :-
(A) 12 s (B) 2.4 s (C) 6s (D) 1.2 s
11. Two particles A and B are performing SHM along same straight line with same amplitude a and same
angular frequency w. At t = 0, A is left extreme and B is at a distance a/2 from mean position to the right
and moving toward mean position. Then:
(A) their phase difference is
(B) their phase difference is
(C) time after which they cross each other is
(D) time after which they cross each other is
12. If the figure shown, the mass of the disc as well as that of the trolley is M.

The spring is ideal and has stiffness k. The trolley can move horizontally
on the floor without friction, and the disc can roll on the trolley surface
without slipping. The spring is compressed and the system released so
that oscillations begin. At the instant of release, magntiude of : ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
(A) Acceleration of center of disc = twice of that of trolley
(B) Acceleration of center of disc = thrice of that of trolley
(C) Spring force is four times of friction.
(D) Spring force is two times of friction.

Physics / GR # SHM E-3/9


13. Energy storage devices use spinning flywheels to store energy. Assume that the flywheel is almost
perfectly balanced to avoid any vibrations. Let the flywheel D, whose radius is r, rotate with constant
angular speed w. In addition, assume that the cart B is constrained to move rectilinearly along the
smooth guided track along x-axis. Given that the flywheel has a unbalanced weight A of mass mA
attached at the edge. The total mass of the flywheel D, cart B is mB, determine the following : [Neglect
the mass of the wheels, assume that initially (at t = 0) everything is at rest, and assume that the unbalanced
mass is at the edge of the flywheel along x-axis.] Mark the CORRECT statements :-

w Top view
A y

B q

(A) When speed of cart is vB along x axis and angular speed of flywheel is w, momentum of system as
function of q is given by éëm A ( v B - rw sin q ) + mB v B ùû iˆ + m A rw cos q ˆj
(B) Velocity of A relative to B as a function of q is given by -rw sin qiˆ + rw cos qˆj
mB r
(C) Amplitude of the oscillation of B is
m A + mB

mB rw
(D) Maximum velocity of B is ( v B )max =
mA + mB
14. A block of mass m is attached to a fixed support by a horizontal spring with force constant k and
negligible mass as shown in figure. Hooke's law describes the spring both in extension and in compression.
The block placed on a very long horizontal board, with which it has coefficient of static friction µs and
a smaller coefficient of kinetic friction µk. The board moves to the right at constant speed v. Assume the
block spends most of its time sticking to the board and moving to the right, so the speed v is very small
in comparison to the average speed the block has as it slips back toward the left. Ignore the time when
the speed of block changes from v to 0 and from 0 to v. Mark the CORRECT statement(s):

ms mg
(A) The maximum extension of the spring from its unstretched position is very nearly given by
mk mg
(B) The block oscillates about an equilibrium position at which the spring is stretched by
( ms - mk ) mg
(C) The amplitude of the block's motion is A =
2 ( ms - mk ) mg m
(D) The period of the block's for a complete oscillation is T = +p
vk k

E-4/9 Physics / GR # SHM


Linked Comprehension Type (1 Para × 4Q.) [3 M (-1)]

(Single Correct Answer Type)
Paragraph for Question No. 15 to 18
In figure shown on the right above, the spring constant is K. The mass of the upper block is m and that
of the lower block is 3m. The upper block is depressed down from its equilibrium position by a distance
d and released at t = 0.

15. The minimum value of d for which the lower block loses contact with the ground is
(A) 3mg/K (B) 2mg/K
(C) 4mg/K (D) mg/K
16. The value of d for which the minimum normal reaction on 3m from ground is mg is
(A) 3mg/K (B) 2mg/K
(C) mg/2K (D) mg/K
17. Suppose d = 5mg/K. Then, the velocity of ‘m’ when normal reaction on 3m is mg is
(A) zero (B) g[m/K]1/2
(C) 2g[m/K]1/2 (D) 4g[m/K]1/2
18. Suppose d = 2mg/K. Then, the time ‘t’ at which the energy in spring in zero for first time is
(A) (2p)[m/K]1/2 (B) (p)[m/K]1/2
(C) (2p/3)[2m/K]1/2 (D) (2p/3)[m/K]1/2
Numerical Answer Type Question 1 Q. [3(0)]
(upto second decimal place)
1. A uniform rod of mass m is suspended on two springs at equal distance from ends as shown. The force
constants of the springs are k and 3k. During the vertical oscillations of the system, the rod remains
horizontal. Find the angular frequency (in rad./s) of these osicllations. The strings and the pulley are
ideal. (Given m = 3 kg, k = 676 N/m)

Numerical Grid Type (Ranging from 0 to 9) 5 Q. [4 M (0)]
1. A car accelerates uniformly from rest. Initially, its door is slightly ajar (open). Calculate how far (in m)
the car travels before the door slams shut. Assume the door has a frictionless hinge, a uniform mass
distribution and a length of 1.2 m from front to back.

Physics / GR # SHM E-5/9


2. A thin rectangular plate of mass M, sides a and b is suspended from four vertical wires of the same
length l. Determine the period of small oscillations of the plate when it is given a small horizontal

displacement i n a direction perpendicular to A B for a = b = l. If your answer is T = 2p fill value of

x + y.

G b
A a B

3. At a smooth horizontal table are two identical cubes of mass m, connected by a spring of rigidity k. The
length of spring in the unstretched state is l0. The right cube is linked to the load mass m at the end. At
some time the system is released and the system moves without initial velocity. Find the maximum
distance (in cm) between blocks during the motion of the system.
[l0 = 1 cm, m = 3 kg, k = 1000 N/m]

m m

4. A linear harmonic oscillator of force constant 1.2 × 10 6 N/m and amplitude 0.01m has a total mechanical
energy of 160 joule. Its maximum kinetic energy is equal to (a × 10b) J ; 0 < (a, b) < 9. Find the value
of a + b.
5. A cart consists of a body of mass m and two wheels, each of mass m and radius R. The cart is attached
to a spring of constant k. The other end of the spring is fixed to a wall as shown in figure. If time period

of oscillation is b´ 2 p then find the value of b


R m

E-6/9 Physics / GR # SHM


Matrix Match Type (4 × 5) 2 Q. [8 M (for each entry +2(0)]
1. Column-I represents potential energy graph for certain system. Column-II gives statements related to
Column-I Column-II
2.5 mg l =E3
2 mgl =E2

mgl =E 1
(A) (P) If total energy is E3, it is not possible
for the body to have any turning
–p O +p q
U vs q graph for a bob hanging vertically from a point in its motion.
string with its lowest position as reference level
and q is angle of string from vertical line


(B) (Q) For a small displacement about point
E2 O potential energy function is quadratic
E1 in variable plotted on x-axis.
A particle moving along x axis with potential energy
function as U(x) = [1 - e - x ]


(C) E2 (R) For a small displacement about

–a +a x position O motion is simple harmonic.

Potential energy function of a
particle in an arbitrary force field


(D) (S) If total energy is Etotal< E2 particle

a R0 b r executes periodic and oscillatory
motion for all energy values greater
than energy at O.
Graph represents potential energy
for a particle

(T) Point O is position of stable equilibrium

Physics / GR # SHM E-7/9


2. Column-I shows position vector as function of time for a particle. Match the characteristic of the motion
with their description in column-II.
Column-I Column-II
(A) A particle has its position as a function (P) Angular momentum of the system
r r r
of time given by r ( t ) = r0 + v0 t where about the origin is conserved.
r r
r0 and v0 are non-zero constants.

(B) A particle has its position vector as (Q) The particle may be charged and
function of time given by moving in a uniform electric and magnetic
r ( t ) = ( v0 t + c0 t 2 ) kˆ + ( a0 cos w t ) iˆ + ( a0 sin w t ) ˆj field, no other force acts on it
r r
where a0 and v0 , c0 are non-zero
r r
constant. (angle between v0 and a0 (R) Projection of particle on x or y axis is
is 90° < q < 180°) simple harmonic motion.

(C) A particle is moving in a plane with (S) Particle may be moving under the influence
its position vector given by of force obeying inverse square force law
r ( t ) = ( a0 sin wt ) iˆ + ( b0 cos w t ) ˆj
where a0, b0 (a0 ¹ b0) and w are
positive constant.

(D) A particle is moving in a plane (T) Area swept by position vector of particle
with position vector in equal time interval is equal.
r ( t ) = ( a0 cos w t ) iˆ + ( a0 sin w t ) ˆj
where a0 and w are positive constant.
Subjective Type 2 Q. [4 M (0)]
1. A mass M is in static equilibrium on a massless vertical spring as shown in the figure. A ball of mass m
dropped from certain height sticks to the mass m after colliding with it. The oscillations they perform
reach to height 'a' above the original level of scales & depth 'b' below it.

(a) Find the constant of force of the spring.

(b) Find the oscillation frequency.
(c) What is the height above the initial level from which the mass m was dropped ?

E-8/9 Physics / GR # SHM


2. A solid disk of mass M and radius R on a vertical shaft. The shaft is attached to a coil spring which
exerts a linear restoring torque of magnitude Cq where q is the angle measured from the static equilibrium
position and C is a constant. Neglect the mass of the shaft and the spring and assume the bearings to be
(a) Show that the disks can undergo SHM and find the frequency of motion.
(b) Suppose that the disk is moving according to the q = q0sin (wt) where w is the frequency found in
part (a) At time t1 = p/w a ring of stickly putty of mass M and radius R is dropped concentrically on
the disk, Find (i) the new frequency of motion (ii) the new amplitude of motion.


Single Correct Answer Type 1 Q. [3 M (–1)]
1. Ans. (B)
Multiple Correct Answer Type 13 Q. [4 M (–1)]
2. Ans. (A,B) 3. Ans. (A,B,C) 4. Ans. (A,B,C) 5. Ans. (A, C)
6. Ans. (A,C) 7. Ans. (A,B,C,D) 8. Ans. (A,B,D) 9. Ans. (A,C,D)
10. Ans. (A,B,C,D) 11. Ans. (B,D) 12. Ans. (B,C) 13. Ans. (A,B)
14. Ans. (A,B,C,D)
Linked Comprehension Type (1 Para × 4Q.) [3 M (-1)]
(Single Correct Answer Type)
15. Ans. (C) 16. Ans. (A) 17. Ans. (D) 18. Ans. (D)
Numerical Answer Type Question 1 Q. [3(0)]
(upto second decimal place)
1. Ans. 26.00
Numerical Grid Type (Ranging from 0 to 9) 5 Q. [4 M (0)]
1. Ans. 1 2. Ans. 2 3. Ans. 3 4. Ans. 7
5. Ans. 2
Matrix Match Type (4 × 5) 2 Q. [8 M (for each entry +2(0)]
1. Ans. (A)-P,Q,R,T; (B)-P,Q,R,S,T; (C) P; (D)-Q,R,S,T
2. Ans. (A) ®(PST); (B) ®(PQRT); (C) ®(RST); (D) ®(PRST)
Subjective Type 2 Q. [4 M (0)]
2mg K æ M + m öæ ab ö
1. Ans. K = ;w = ;ç ÷ç ÷
b-a m + M è m øè b - a ø

1 2C q0 1 2C
2. Ans. (a) 2 , (b) qnew = ,f’=
2p MR 3 2p 3MR 2
Physics / GR # SHM E-9/9

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