List of essential items from fatty and processed foods

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Here's a brief list of essential items that are free from fatty and processed foods:

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

1. Fruits:
oBerries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
2. Vegetables:
o Leafy greens (spinach, kale, lettuce)
o Broccoli
o Carrots
o Bell peppers
o Tomatoes
o Cucumbers
o Zucchini
o Cauliflower

Lean Proteins

1. Animal-Based:
o Skinless chicken breast
o Skinless turkey breast
o White fish (cod, tilapia)
o Egg whites
o Low-fat Greek yogurt
2. Plant-Based:
o Lentils
o Chickpeas
o Black beans
o Tofu
o Tempeh
o Quinoa

Whole Grains

1. Grains:
o Brown rice
o Quinoa
o Oats
o Whole wheat bread
o Barley
o Bulgur

Healthy Fats (in moderation)

1. Nuts and Seeds:

o Almonds
o Walnuts
o Chia seeds
o Flaxseeds
2. Oils:
o Olive oil
o Avocado oil

Dairy (low-fat or fat-free options)

1. Dairy:
o Skim milk
o Low-fat cottage cheese
o Low-fat or fat-free Greek yogurt


1. Drinks:
o Water
o Herbal teas
o Freshly squeezed fruit juice (without added sugar)

Herbs and Spices

1. Flavor Enhancers:
o Fresh herbs (basil, cilantro, parsley)
o Spices (turmeric, cumin, cinnamon)
o Garlic
o Ginger

Nuts and Seeds

1. Plant-Based Options:
o Almonds
o Walnuts
o Pumpkin seeds
o Chia seeds

These items form the basis of a diet that is free from fatty and processed foods, supporting a
healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Sure! Here’s a detailed list of essential items that are free from fatty and processed foods,
tailored to the Pakistani environment:

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

1. Fruits:
oApples (‫)سیب‬
oBananas (‫)کیلے‬
oBerries (‫)بیریز‬: Strawberries (‫)اسٹرابیری‬
oOranges (‫)کینو‬
oGrapes (‫)انگور‬
oPears (‫)ناشپاتی‬
oMangoes (‫( )آم‬in season, in moderation)
oPomegranates (‫)انار‬
2. Vegetables:
o Leafy Greens: Spinach (‫)پالک‬, Kale (‫)کریال‬, Mustard greens (‫)سرسوں کا ساگ‬
o Broccoli (‫)بروکلی‬
o Carrots (‫)گاجر‬
o Bell Peppers (‫)شملہ مرچ‬
o Tomatoes (‫)ٹماٹر‬
o Cucumbers (‫)کھیرا‬
o Zucchini (‫)تورئی‬
o Cauliflower (‫)گوبھی‬
o Okra (‫)بھنڈی‬
o Eggplant (‫)بینگن‬

Lean Proteins

1. Animal-Based:
o Skinless Chicken Breast (‫)بغیر چمڑی کے چکن بریسٹ‬
o Skinless Turkey Breast (‫( )بغیر چمڑی کے ٹرکی بریسٹ‬if available)
o Fish (‫)مچھلی‬: Rohu (‫)روہو‬, Pomfret (‫)پاپلیٹ‬
o Egg Whites (‫)انڈے کی سفیدی‬
o Low-fat Greek Yogurt (‫)کم چکنائی واال یونانی دہی‬
2. Plant-Based:
o Lentils (‫)دال‬: Red lentils (‫)مسور‬, Green lentils (‫)مونگ‬
o Chickpeas (‫)چنے‬
o Black Beans (‫)کاال چنا‬
o Tofu (‫)سویا پنی‬
o Tempeh (‫)ٹیمپی‬
o Quinoa (‫( )کینوا‬if available)

Whole Grains
1. Grains:
o Brown Rice (‫)براون چاول‬
o Quinoa (‫( )کینوا‬if available)
o Oats (‫)جئی‬
o Whole Wheat Bread (‫)پوری گندم کی روٹی‬
o Barley (‫)جو‬
o Bulgur (‫)ُبرُگ ل‬

Healthy Fats (in moderation)

1. Nuts and Seeds:

o Almonds (‫)بادام‬
o Walnuts (‫)اخروٹ‬
o Chia Seeds (‫)چیا بیج‬
o Flaxseeds (‫)السی کے بیج‬
2. Oils:
o Olive Oil (‫)زیتون کا تیل‬
o Avocado Oil (‫( )ایواکاڈو کا تیل‬if available)

Dairy (low-fat or fat-free options)

1. Dairy:
o Skim Milk (‫)کم چکنائی واال دودھ‬
o Low-fat Cottage Cheese (‫)کم چکنائی واال پنیر‬
o Low-fat or Fat-free Greek Yogurt (‫)کم چکنائی واال یا بغیر چکنائی کے یونانی دہی‬


1. Drinks:
o Water (‫)پانی‬
o Herbal Teas (‫)جڑی بوٹیوں والی چائے‬
o Freshly Squeezed Fruit Juice (‫( )تازہ پھلوں کا رس‬without added sugar)

Herbs and Spices

1. Flavor Enhancers:
o Fresh Herbs: Coriander (‫)دھنیا‬, Mint (‫)پودینہ‬, Parsley (‫)اجوائن‬
o Spices: Turmeric (‫)ہلدی‬, Cumin (‫)زیرہ‬, Cinnamon (‫)دار چینی‬
o Garlic (‫)لہسن‬
o Ginger (‫)ادرک‬

Nuts and Seeds

1. Plant-Based Options:
o Almonds (‫)بادام‬
o Walnuts (‫)اخروٹ‬
o Pumpkin Seeds (‫)کدو کے بیج‬
o Chia Seeds (‫)چیا بیج‬

These items are commonly available in Pakistan and can help form the basis of a diet that is free
from fatty and processed foods, supporting a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

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