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Test – 1

What to do if your clothes have been lost or damaged by a dry cleaner

 Necessarily: In a way that is unavoidable or essential.

 Example sentence: Learning new skills isn't necessarily easy, but it's worthwhile.

 Opt out: To choose not to participate in something; to decline involvement.

 Example sentence: Employees can opt out of the company's health insurance plan if they
have coverage elsewhere.

 Straight away: Immediately; without delay.

 Example sentence: When the fire alarm sounded, everyone evacuated the building
straight away.

 Obliged: Required by a sense of duty, gratitude, or responsibility.

 Example sentence: She felt obliged to help her neighbor after he helped her during a
difficult time.

 Negotiate: To discuss terms or conditions in order to reach an agreement.

 Example sentence: The union and management will negotiate a new contract for the

Groups for readers and writers

 Fantasy: A genre of fiction that typically involves magic, supernatural elements, and
imaginary worlds.

 Example sentence: "The Lord of the Rings" is a classic fantasy novel set in the fictional
world of Middle-earth.

 Genres: Categories or types of literature, music, art, etc., characterized by specific styles,
forms, or content.

 Example sentence: She enjoys reading various genres, from mystery to science fiction.

 Established writers: Authors who have achieved recognition and success in their field, often
with published works and a following.
 Example sentence: The bookstore hosted a book signing event with several established

 Onwards: From a particular time onward; from now on.

 Example sentence: She planned to save money onwards to afford a vacation next year.

 Feminist: Relating to or advocating for the social, political, and economic equality of the

 Example sentence: The novel explores feminist themes through the protagonist's journey
to assert her independence.

 Cyberpunk: A subgenre of science fiction that focuses on high-tech and futuristic settings,
often with a dystopian or rebellious tone.

 Example sentence: "Neuromancer" by William Gibson is a classic cyberpunk novel set in

a gritty future where technology dominates society.

 Toddlers: Children who are between the ages of one and three years old.

 Example sentence: Toddlers are curious and energetic, exploring the world around them.

 Come along: To accompany someone or join someone in going somewhere.

 Example sentence: Would you like to come along with us to the movies tonight?

 Fabulous: Extremely good; wonderful.

 Example sentence: She looked fabulous in her new dress at the party.

 Lots of ideas: A large number of thoughts or concepts.

 Example sentence: The brainstorming session generated lots of ideas for the marketing

 Fortnightly: Occurring or produced every two weeks.

 Example sentence: The magazine publishes a fortnightly issue featuring the latest trends
in fashion.

Mechanical lifting equipment

 Precautions: Actions taken in advance to prevent harm or reduce risks.

 Example sentence: Workers wear protective gear as a precaution against workplace

 Forklift trucks: Vehicles equipped with forks used to lift and transport heavy materials.

 Example sentence: The warehouse employs forklift trucks to move pallets of inventory.

 Cranes: Machines equipped with a long arm or boom used to lift and move heavy objects.

 Example sentence: The construction site used cranes to hoist steel beams into place.

 Adhered to: To stick to or follow something closely, such as rules or guidelines.

 Example sentence: The company policy must be adhered to by all employees.

 Prior to: Before a particular time or event.

 Example sentence: They conducted safety checks prior to the start of the construction

 Whereby: By means of which; through which.

 Example sentence: The new software streamlines processes whereby employees can
submit expense reports online.

 Control measures: Steps taken to manage or mitigate risks or hazards.

 Example sentence: The factory implemented strict control measures to ensure workplace

 Talked over: Discussed thoroughly or talked about in detail.

 Example sentence: They talked over the project proposal during the meeting.

 Lifting crew: A team of workers responsible for operating equipment and lifting heavy

 Example sentence: The lifting crew used teamwork to safely move the equipment into

 Banksman: A person who directs the movements of vehicles or machinery, especially on a

construction site.

 Example sentence: The banksman signaled the crane operator to lower the load carefully.
 It is all too easy: Indicates that something is very simple or straightforward, often with
negative consequences.

 Example sentence: It is all too easy to overlook safety precautions when rushing to meet

 Refers to: Indicates what something means or signifies.

 Example sentence: The term "ergonomics" refers to designing products for human
efficiency and comfort.

 Slings: Straps or ropes used for lifting and supporting heavy objects.

 Example sentence: The workers secured the equipment with slings before lifting it onto
the truck.

 Shackles: Metal links used to secure or connect objects, often in lifting operations.

 Example sentence: The crane operator attached the shackles to the load before lifting it.

 Rigging: The system of ropes, cables, or chains used to support and operate sails or other

 Example sentence: Sailors adjusted the rigging to catch the wind and propel the sailboat

 Wear or damage: Refers to signs of use or deterioration that affect the safety or functionality
of equipment.

 Example sentence: Inspect the harness for wear or damage before using it for climbing.

Dealing with customer complaints

 Aiming to win the confrontation: Having the objective of emerging as the victor in a
conflict or argument.

 Example sentence: He entered the debate aiming to win the confrontation with his well-
researched arguments.

 Annoyance: A feeling of slight anger or irritation.

 Example sentence: His constant interruptions caused annoyance among the other
participants in the meeting.

 Calmed down: To become less agitated or upset; to regain composure.

 Example sentence: After a few deep breaths, she finally calmed down and approached the
situation more rationally.

 Scripted replies: Prepared or pre-written responses, often used in formal or repetitive


 Example sentence: The customer service representative's scripted replies failed to address
the specific concerns of the caller.

 Genuine conversation: An authentic and sincere exchange of thoughts, feelings, or ideas

between individuals.

 Example sentence: They had a genuine conversation about their hopes and aspirations for
the future.

 Take charge of the situation: To assume control or leadership in managing a particular

circumstance or event.

 Example sentence: She stepped forward to take charge of the situation when the project
faced unexpected challenges.

 Gesture: A movement or action that expresses a thought, feeling, or intention.

 Example sentence: His gesture of offering her his seat on the bus was greatly appreciated.

White storks back in Britain after hundreds of years

 British landscape: The physical features and scenery of Britain, including its countryside,
coastline, and urban areas.

 Example sentence: The British landscape is diverse, ranging from rugged coastlines to
picturesque countryside.

 Definitive record: A complete and authoritative account or document that provides a final
and conclusive reference.

 Example sentence: The historian's book on World War II is considered the definitive
record of the conflict.

 White storks: Large migratory birds with long legs and necks, known for nesting on rooftops
and in trees.

 Example sentence: White storks return to Europe each spring after spending the winter in
 Shores: The land along the edge of a sea, lake, or river; coastline.

 Example sentence: They enjoyed walking along the sandy shores of the beach at sunset.

 Medieval: Relating to the Middle Ages, a period in European history from the 5th to the 15th

 Example sentence: The castle's architecture reflects its medieval origins and historical

 Banquets: Large formal meals, often accompanied by ceremonies or celebrations.

 Example sentence: The royal banquet was attended by dignitaries from around the world.

 Ominous reason: A reason or cause that suggests something bad or unpleasant may happen.

 Example sentence: The dark clouds gathering on the horizon were an ominous reason to
cancel the outdoor event.

 Rooftops: The tops of buildings, especially the outer surface of a roof.

 Example sentence: Cats are often seen napping on sunny rooftops in the neighborhood.

 Rebellion: Open resistance or defiance against authority or control.

 Example sentence: The rebellion against the oppressive regime sparked widespread

 Republicanism: Advocacy or support for a republican form of government, where the head
of state is elected rather than a monarch.

 Example sentence: Republicanism gained popularity during the French Revolution as

people sought to overthrow the monarchy.

 Notion: A general understanding or belief about something; an idea or concept.

 Example sentence: The notion of freedom is deeply rooted in democratic societies.

 Retains: Keeps or holds on to something; maintains possession or ownership.

 Example sentence: The old house retains its original charm despite renovations over the

 Association: A connection or relationship between two or more things; a group of people

organized for a specific purpose.
 Example sentence: The association of scientists meets annually to discuss new research

 Sling: A flexible strap or bandage used to support and immobilize an injured body part.

 Example sentence: The nurse applied a sling to the patient's arm after they broke their

 Beak: The hard, pointed structure that protrudes from the front of a bird's head, used for
eating and catching prey.

 Example sentence: The pelican used its long beak to scoop fish from the water.

 Tidy: Neat and organized; free from clutter or mess.

 Example sentence: She always keeps her desk tidy to stay productive throughout the day.

 Oak: A type of large tree with strong wood and distinctive lobed leaves, common in
temperate regions.

 Example sentence: The old oak tree in the park provides shade and habitat for many

 Rewilding project: An initiative aimed at restoring natural ecosystems and reintroducing

native species to their habitats.

 Example sentence: The rewilding project aims to reintroduce wolves to the wilderness
area to restore ecological balance.

 Juveniles: Young individuals or organisms that have not yet reached maturity.

 Example sentence: The zoo welcomed a group of juvenile elephants from a conservation
breeding program.

 Loyalty: Faithfulness or allegiance to a person, cause, or organization.

 Example sentence: His loyalty to his team never wavered, even during difficult times.

 Unrelenting: Persistent and determined; not yielding or stopping.

 Example sentence: The storm brought unrelenting rain that lasted for days.

 Ecological loss: The decline or disappearance of species or habitats, leading to negative

impacts on the environment.
 Example sentence: Deforestation has caused significant ecological loss in the Amazon

 Brink of extinction: Close to dying out completely as a species.

 Example sentence: The endangered species was on the brink of extinction before
conservation efforts began.

 Crisis: A time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger.

 Example sentence: The economic crisis led to widespread unemployment and financial

 Besets: Trouble or harass; affect adversely.

 Example sentence: The country is beset by political unrest and economic instability.

 Glimpses: Brief or partial views or sights of something.

 Example sentence: From the mountaintop, we caught glimpses of the valley below
through the clouds.

 Hard-pressed: Under pressure; experiencing difficulties or challenges.

 Example sentence: The team was hard-pressed to meet the deadline with limited

 Reluctant: Unwilling or hesitant; showing doubt or unwillingness.

 Example sentence: She was reluctant to accept help from others, preferring to solve
problems on her own.

 Stick their necks out: To take a risk or make oneself vulnerable by doing something bold or

 Example sentence: She stuck her neck out by investing her savings in the startup

 Get going: To start or begin something; to get started.

 Example sentence: Let's get going on our project before the deadline approaches.

 It has had to rely on: Depend on something or someone for support or assistance.

 Example sentence: The organization has had to rely on donations to fund its charitable
 Introduction pens: Enclosures or areas where newly introduced animals are kept temporarily
before being released into the wild.

 Example sentence: The introduction pens allowed the rehabilitated birds to acclimate to
their natural habitat before release.

 Tiny yet determined: Small in size but showing strong resolve or persistence.

 Example sentence: The tiny spider was surprisingly strong and determined to build its

 Has been very welcome: Accepted or greeted warmly and positively.

 Example sentence: The new recycling program has been very welcome in the
community, reducing waste significantly.

 Continues to manage: To handle or deal with a situation or responsibility over time.

 Example sentence: Despite challenges, she continues to manage her business with
determination and skill.

 Captive-breeding: The breeding of animals in captivity, often for conservation purposes or

to reintroduce species into the wild.

 Example sentence: The zoo participates in captive-breeding programs to help preserve

endangered species.

 Invaluable: Extremely useful or indispensable; of great value.

 Example sentence: Her experience and expertise were invaluable to the success of the

 Across Europe: Throughout or in various parts of the continent of Europe.

 Example sentence: The bird migration spans across Europe as they travel to their
wintering grounds.

 Pastures: Land covered with grass or other plants suitable for grazing animals.

 Example sentence: Cows grazed peacefully in the lush green pastures of the countryside.

 Meadows: Open fields or areas of grassland, often with wildflowers.

 Example sentence: Children played in the sunny meadow, chasing butterflies among the
 Cartwheels: Acrobatic maneuvers where a person spins sideways, resembling the movement
of a cartwheel.

 Example sentence: The gymnast performed flawless cartwheels during her routine.

 Cold snap: A sudden and significant drop in temperature over a short period of time.

 Example sentence: The unexpected cold snap caught many people off guard, resulting in
frost damage to crops.

 Driving motivation: The primary reason or incentive that pushes someone to pursue a goal or
take action.

 Example sentence: His driving motivation to succeed in business came from his desire to
provide for his family.

 Aspiration: A strong desire, goal, or ambition; something one hopes to achieve.

 Example sentence: Her aspiration to become a doctor motivated her to study hard in

 Spark: To ignite or inspire; a small but significant event or action that triggers something

 Example sentence: The professor's speech sparked a lively debate among the students.

 Feelings of empathy: The ability to understand and share the feelings of another person.

 Example sentence: Her feelings of empathy for the homeless led her to volunteer at a
local shelter.

 Encourage: To inspire or motivate someone to take action or continue doing something.

 Example sentence: Teachers encourage their students to do their best and never give up.

 Fly off: To depart quickly or suddenly; to leave in a hurry.

 Example sentence: The birds will fly off at the first sign of danger.

 Earthworms: Long, slender worms that live in the soil and play a vital role in aerating and
enriching it.

 Example sentence: Earthworms help improve soil quality by breaking down organic
 Grasshoppers: Insects with powerful hind legs for jumping and producing chirping sounds
by rubbing their wings.

 Example sentence: The fields were alive with the sounds of grasshoppers on a warm
summer day.

 Charismatic species: Animals or plants that have a strong appeal or attraction to people due
to their distinctive appearance or behavior.

 Example sentence: The panda is considered a charismatic species, drawing visitors to

zoos around the world.

 Overwhelming: Intense or great in amount, force, or effect; overpowering.

 Example sentence: The support from her friends was overwhelming and helped her
through a difficult time.

 Queuing up: To stand in a line or wait in sequence for something.

 Example sentence: People were queuing up outside the store for the release of the new
video game.

 Triumph: A great victory or achievement; success.

 Example sentence: His triumph in the competition was celebrated by his teammates and
fans alike.

Test – 2

Choosing the best sleeping bag

 Backpacking: Traveling or hiking while carrying all of one's gear and belongings in a

 Example sentence: Backpacking through Europe allowed them to explore many countries
on a budget.

 Pack up: To put things into a backpack or other container in preparation for travel or storage.

 Example sentence: After camping, they had to pack up their tent and gear before heading

 Synthetic materials: Fabrics or materials made from chemical compounds rather than natural
 Example sentence: Their hiking jacket was made from synthetic materials that repelled
water and dried quickly.

 Moisture: Small amounts of water or liquid, often in the form of humidity or dampness.

 Example sentence: The moisture from the morning dew made the grass wet and slippery.

 Cosy: Comfortably warm and snug; providing a feeling of comfort and security.

 Example sentence: The sleeping bag was so cosy that they slept soundly despite the chilly
night air.

 Essentials: Fundamental or necessary items that are indispensable for a particular purpose or

 Example sentence: They packed the essentials for their backpacking trip: food, water, a
map, and a first aid kit.

 Handy pocket: A small compartment or pouch on a backpack or garment for storing small

 Example sentence: The backpack had a handy pocket on the side for storing a water

 Folds up: To bend or crease something so that it becomes smaller or more compact.

 Example sentence: The camping chair folds up neatly and fits into a carrying bag for easy

 Remarkably: In a way that is worthy of attention or strikingly noticeable.

 Example sentence: The tent was remarkably easy to set up, even for first-time campers.

 Trekking: Hiking or walking over long distances, especially in mountainous or wilderness


 Example sentence: They spent the summer trekking through the Alps, enjoying
breathtaking views along the way.

 No-frills: Simple and basic; without unnecessary extras or luxuries.

 Example sentence: The no-frills backpacking hostel provided clean beds and hot showers
at an affordable price.

 Comfy: Informal shortening of "comfortable"; providing physical comfort and ease.

 Example sentence: The sleeping pad made their tent floor surprisingly comfy, even on
rocky ground.

 A bit of time: A short period; a small amount of time.

 Example sentence: It took them a bit of time to find the perfect campsite by the lake.

 Tend to feel: To usually or habitually experience a particular sensation or emotion.

 Example sentence: After a long day of hiking, they tend to feel tired but satisfied.

 Hood is cosy enough: Refers to the warmth and comfort provided by the hood (hooded part)
of a garment.

 Example sentence: The jacket's hood is cosy enough to keep them warm in cold weather.

 Innovative: Introducing new ideas, methods, or techniques; characterized by creativity or

original thinking.

 Example sentence: The tent's innovative design included built-in solar panels for
charging electronic devices.

 Duvet: A soft quilt filled with down, feathers, or synthetic fibers, used as a bed covering.

 Example sentence: They packed a lightweight duvet for warmth during chilly nights
while camping.

 Packs up: To fold or put away items into a backpack or container in a compact manner.

 Example sentence: The tent packs up quickly into its carrying bag for easy storage and

 Compactly: In a tightly packed or condensed manner; taking up little space.

 Example sentence: The compactly packed supplies fit neatly into the rucksack for the
hiking trip.

 Rucksack: A large, sturdy backpack with shoulder straps, typically used for carrying heavy
loads during outdoor activities.

 Example sentence: He carried all his gear in a durable rucksack while hiking in the

The spread the Word Life Writing Prize

 Commended: Praised or recognized for one's actions, behavior, or achievements.

 Example sentence: She was commended by her supervisor for her outstanding work on
the project.

 Simultaneously: Happening at the same time; concurrently.

 Example sentence: The two events were scheduled to start simultaneously, causing a
conflict for attendees.

 Elsewhere: In or to another place; somewhere else.

 Example sentence: Unable to find what he needed at the store, he decided to look
elsewhere for the product.

 Mentoring sessions: Meetings or sessions where a mentor provides guidance, advice, and
support to a mentee.

 Example sentence: The mentoring sessions helped her develop new skills and gain
confidence in her career.

Encouraging employees to be healthy: a guide for employers

 Wellness: The state of being in good health, both physically and mentally.

 Example sentence: The company introduced wellness programs to promote healthy habits
among employees.

 Devised: Created, planned, or thought out; formulated.

 Example sentence: She devised a new strategy to improve efficiency in the department.

 Vending machines: Machines that dispense various items when money is inserted,
commonly found in public places.

 Example sentence: The school cafeteria installed new vending machines offering healthy
snacks and drinks.

 Bowl: A round, deep dish used for serving or holding food.

 Example sentence: She served the soup in a large ceramic bowl.

 Urge: A strong desire or impulse, especially one that is difficult to control.

 Example sentence: He felt the urge to check his phone for messages every few minutes.
 Help themselves: To serve or take something without needing assistance from others.

 Example sentence: Guests were encouraged to help themselves to refreshments at the

buffet table.

 Bring in: To introduce or implement something new, such as a policy, procedure, or practice.

 Example sentence: The company decided to bring in stricter security measures after the

 Putting in: Making an effort to do something; exerting effort towards a task or goal.

 Example sentence: She was putting in extra hours to complete the project on time.

 Look out: To be vigilant or watchful; to be aware of potential dangers or problems.

 Example sentence: Look out for traffic when crossing the street.

 Morale: The confidence, enthusiasm, and overall spirit of a group of people, especially in a

 Example sentence: The team-building retreat boosted morale and strengthened teamwork
among employees.

 Rebates: Refunds or partial refunds of money, typically given after a purchase.

 Example sentence: The store offered rebates on selected items as part of its promotional

 Counselling: The process of providing guidance, support, and advice to help individuals or
groups deal with personal or psychological issues.

 Example sentence: She sought counselling to cope with the stress of her job and personal

 Bullying: The use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate

 Example sentence: The school implemented a zero-tolerance policy against bullying to

create a safe environment for students.

Marama Beach Hotel and Bistro: guidelines for working in the kitchen

 Hygiene: Practices and conditions that promote health and prevent disease, especially through
 Example sentence: Proper hygiene, such as handwashing and sanitizing surfaces, is
crucial in preventing the spread of infections.

 Aprons: Protective garments worn over clothing to shield it from dirt, spills, or chemicals,
often worn in kitchens or workshops.

 Example sentence: The chef wore a white apron while cooking to keep his clothes clean.

 Corrosive: Capable of causing damage or destruction, especially through chemical reactions

that wear away materials.

 Example sentence: It's important to store corrosive substances in secure containers to

prevent accidents.

 Hazards: Potential sources of danger or harm; risks that can cause injury, damage, or loss.

 Example sentence: The construction site was marked with warning signs to alert workers
to potential hazards.

 Spills: Accidental or unintended releases of liquids or substances, often causing mess or

potential hazards.

 Example sentence: The spill of chemicals required immediate cleanup to prevent


 Dealt with: Managed or handled; addressed or resolved a situation or problem.

 Example sentence: The customer complaints were promptly dealt with by the customer
service team.

 Flammable: Easily ignited and capable of catching fire, often referring to liquids, gases, or

 Example sentence: Keep flammable materials away from heat sources to prevent fires.

 So as to avoid: In order to prevent or steer clear of something undesirable.

 Example sentence: They closed the windows so as to avoid rainwater entering the house
during the storm.

 Premises: The buildings and land occupied by a business or institution, including its
surrounding property.

 Example sentence: Visitors are required to sign in before entering the premises for
security purposes.
 Meal: A serving of food eaten at a specific time, typically breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

 Example sentence: They enjoyed a delicious meal of grilled chicken and vegetables at the

 Beverages: Drinks, especially those that are not alcoholic.

 Example sentence: The café offered a wide selection of hot and cold beverages, including
coffee and smoothies.

A home-sewing revival: the return of Clothkits

 Nostalgic brand: A brand that evokes fond memories from the past.

 Example sentence: The return of the nostalgic brand of soda brought back memories of
childhood for many.

 Brought it up: To mention or introduce a topic into conversation.

 Example sentence: She brought up her concerns about the project during the meeting.

 Vivid memory: A clear, detailed recollection of an event or experience.

 Example sentence: The smell of the ocean always brings back vivid memories of summer

 Certain skirt: A specific or particular skirt, often implying a known or notable one.

 Example sentence: She wore a certain skirt to the party that caught everyone's attention.

 Trace: To find or discover by investigation or searching.

 Example sentence: Detectives were able to trace the missing person's whereabouts
through their credit card transactions.

 Wraparound: Something that encircles or wraps around an object or person.

 Example sentence: She wore a wraparound scarf to keep warm in the chilly weather.

 Thread through: To pass something through or among.

 Example sentence: The river thread through the valley, providing water and life to the
surrounding area.

 Jumble sale: A sale of miscellaneous secondhand items, often for charity.

 Example sentence: They found a rare book at the jumble sale for a fraction of its original

 Toes: The digits of the foot; often used figuratively to imply close proximity or adjacency.

 Example sentence: The car pulled up right to the toes of the driveway.

 Resonated: Produced or evoked a strong, sympathetic reaction or response.

 Example sentence: The speech resonated with the audience, inspiring them to take action.

 Vivid significance: Strong and clear importance or meaning.

 Example sentence: The painting carried vivid significance for the artist, reflecting a
personal journey.

 Came up: To arise or present itself; to happen or occur.

 Example sentence: The issue of funding for the project came up during the budget

 Ingenious idea: Clever and original in conception or design.

 Example sentence: His ingenious idea for a new smartphone app revolutionized the

 Fabric: Material produced by weaving or knitting textile fibers.

 Example sentence: The dress was made from a soft and luxurious silk fabric.

 Rebelling: Resisting or defying authority or norms.

 Example sentence: In her teenage years, she was known for rebelling against her parents'

 Formulaic lines: Expressions or phrases that follow a predictable or standard pattern.

 Example sentence: The speech was criticized for its formulaic lines and lack of

 Folk art: Artistic works that are reflective of traditional cultural expressions of a community.

 Example sentence: The museum displayed a collection of folk art from different regions
around the world.

 Sewing disasters: Catastrophic or disastrous outcomes related to sewing or stitching.

 Example sentence: Despite her best efforts, the sewing disaster left the costume in ruins.

 Spirit: The non-physical part of a person that is the seat of emotions and character.

 Example sentence: The team's spirit was high after winning the championship game.

 Embodied: Represented or symbolized in a physical form.

 Example sentence: The statue embodied the ideals of peace and justice.

 Stripe: A long, narrow band or strip, often of contrasting color.

 Example sentence: The shirt had bold, horizontal stripes in blue and white.

 Alongside: Side by side with; in parallel or close association.

 Example sentence: He worked alongside his mentor to learn the craft of woodworking.

 For a while: For a period of time; temporarily.

 Example sentence: They lived in the city for a while before moving to the countryside.

 Ethos: The characteristic spirit or beliefs of a community, culture, or era.

 Example sentence: The company's ethos emphasized honesty and integrity in all business

 Dormant: Inactive or temporarily quiescent; not currently active but capable of becoming

 Example sentence: The volcano had been dormant for centuries until it suddenly erupted.

 Might have ended: Could potentially have come to an end or conclusion.

 Example sentence: The conflict might have ended peacefully if negotiations had been
more successful.

 Fascination: A strong attraction or interest in something.

 Example sentence: She had a fascination with astronomy from a young age.

 Trial and error: A process of experimentation involving repeated attempts to achieve a

desired outcome.

 Example sentence: Learning to bake the perfect cake often involves a lot of trial and
 Tracing around: Drawing or outlining the shape or contour of something.

 Example sentence: She traced around the stencil to create a precise pattern on the fabric.

 Sculptural installations: Artistic works or pieces that are three-dimensional and displayed in
a specific arrangement or setting.

 Example sentence: The museum featured sculptural installations that challenged

perceptions of space and form.

 Vintage fabric: Fabric that is old or from a previous era, often prized for its quality and

 Example sentence: She made a dress from vintage fabric she found at a thrift store.

 Absolute minimum: The lowest possible amount or degree.

 Example sentence: They lived on the absolute minimum income required to cover basic

 I could witness: I was able to see or observe firsthand.

 Example sentence: I could witness the spectacular sunset from the top of the mountain.

 Manufacturing: The process of making goods or products, typically on a large scale.

 Example sentence: The manufacturing plant produced cars for export to other countries.

 Coincided: Occurred at the same time or alongside something else.

 Example sentence: His promotion coincided with the company's expansion into new

 Disposable society: A societal trend where goods and products are easily discarded and
replaced rather than repaired or reused.

 Example sentence: In today's disposable society, people often throw away items instead
of repairing them.

 Resurgence: A revival or renewed interest in something that had declined or faded.

 Example sentence: There has been a resurgence of interest in traditional crafts and skills.

 Craftsmanship: Skill and quality in making things, especially by hand.

 Example sentence: The craftsmanship of the antique furniture was evident in its intricate

 Garment: A piece of clothing.

 Example sentence: She designed a beautiful garment for the fashion show.

 Treasure it in a way: To value or cherish something in a particular manner.

 Example sentence: He treasured the antique pocket watch in a way that reflected its
sentimental value.

Test – 3

Manly Beaches

 Marine: Relating to the sea or ocean; aquatic.

 Example sentence: They studied marine biology to learn more about ocean ecosystems.

 Paddling: The act of propelling a small boat or canoe through water using paddles.

 Example sentence: They enjoyed paddling along the calm river on a sunny afternoon.

 Snorkeling: Swimming underwater while using a snorkel to breathe, typically with a mask
and fins.

 Example sentence: We went snorkeling in the clear waters of the Caribbean to see
colorful fish and coral reefs.

 Scuba diving: Underwater diving using a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus


 Example sentence: They explored the shipwreck while scuba diving off the coast of

 Souvenirs: Items purchased or kept as a reminder of a place or event visited.

 Example sentence: She bought local handicrafts as souvenirs from her trip to Italy.

 Kiosk: A small open-fronted hut or cubicle from which newspapers, refreshments, or tickets
are sold.

 Example sentence: They bought snacks at the beach kiosk before heading to their spot in
the sand.
 Paddleboards: Long, narrow boards used for paddling while standing up, often in calm

 Example sentence: They rented paddleboards and spent the afternoon paddling around
the lake.

 Further: At or to a greater distance or more advanced point.

 Example sentence: They hiked further up the mountain to reach the summit.

 Ferry: A boat or ship used to transport people, vehicles, or goods across a body of water.

 Example sentence: We took a ferry to the nearby island for a day trip.

 Surf: Waves breaking on the shore, especially as they create a breaking effect suitable for

 Example sentence: Surfers flock to this beach for its excellent surf conditions.

 Hazardous: Involving risk or danger; unsafe.

 Example sentence: The steep cliffs posed hazardous conditions for hikers.

 Scenic walk: A pleasant or picturesque route for walking, often through natural or scenic

 Example sentence: They enjoyed a scenic walk along the coastal trail, admiring the ocean

 Walkway: A path for pedestrians, often paved or marked, especially in a garden or park.

 Example sentence: The walkway through the botanical garden was lined with beautiful

 Off the rocks: Refers to an area adjacent to or away from rocky terrain.

 Example sentence: Fishermen cast their lines off the rocks to catch fish in the deeper

 Encloses: To surround or close off an area with a barrier or fence.

 Example sentence: The garden encloses a variety of plants and flowers from around the

 Keep an eye: To watch or monitor closely; to be vigilant.

 Example sentence: Please keep an eye on the children while they play in the playground.

 Barbecue: A grill or outdoor cooking apparatus used for grilling meat and other foods.

 Example sentence: They had a barbecue in the backyard with friends and family.

 Day out: A trip or excursion taken for leisure or recreation, typically lasting a day.

 Example sentence: We planned a day out at the beach to relax and enjoy the sunshine.

 Spot: A particular place or location.

 Example sentence: They found a secluded spot on the beach to set up their picnic.

 Daytrippers: People who take short trips or outings, often returning home the same day.

 Example sentence: The town attracts daytrippers who come to explore its historic sites.

 Get together: To meet or gather socially with others.

 Example sentence: We're planning to get together with friends for a barbecue this

 Overly crowded: Excessively full or congested with people.

 Example sentence: The beach was overly crowded during the holiday weekend.

 At times: Occasionally; sometimes.

 Example sentence: At times, they would rent a kayak and explore the nearby coves.

Sydney Water: advice for customers paying a bill

Range of options: A selection or variety of choices that are available to choose from.

 Example sentence: The restaurant offers a wide range of options on its menu, from salads
to pasta dishes and steaks.

Company car parking policy

 Encourage: To inspire, motivate, or support someone in taking action or pursuing a goal.

 Example sentence: The teacher encouraged her students to ask questions and explore new
 Carbon footprint: The amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases emitted due to
human activities, typically measured in units of CO2 equivalent.

 Example sentence: They took steps to reduce their carbon footprint by using energy-
efficient appliances and recycling.

 Allocate: To distribute or assign something, usually resources or tasks, for a specific purpose.

 Example sentence: The company allocated funds for research and development to
improve product innovation.

 Equitable: Fair and just; ensuring everyone is treated fairly and equally.

 Example sentence: They implemented an equitable hiring policy to promote diversity and
inclusion in the workplace.

 Handed on: Passed or transferred something to someone else, often implying inheritance or

 Example sentence: The family heirlooms were handed on from one generation to the next
with great care.

 Signed off: Approved or authorized something officially by signing a document or giving


 Example sentence: The project manager signed off on the final budget proposal before
submitting it to the finance department.

 Laid down: Established or prescribed rules, regulations, or guidelines.

 Example sentence: The company laid down strict safety protocols for employees working
in hazardous environments.

 Concerning: In relation to; regarding; about.

 Example sentence: The report raised concerns about the environmental impact of the
construction project.

Ensuring safety in the office

 Fairly obvious: Something that is quite clear or easily understood.

 Example sentence: It was fairly obvious that she wasn't happy with the decision.
 Trips and falls: Accidents where someone loses their balance and falls, often due to
obstacles or uneven surfaces.

 Example sentence: The hospital sees many patients with injuries from trips and falls in
the home.

 Piled: Gathered or placed in a heap or stack.

 Example sentence: The books were piled on the table waiting to be sorted.

 Clutter: A collection of things lying about in an untidy mass.

 Example sentence: She cleared away the clutter from her desk to make space for work.

 Across walkways: Spanning or covering paths or passages designed for pedestrians.

 Example sentence: Bicycles were scattered across walkways, making it difficult to walk

 Significant: Important or notable; having a particular meaning or consequence.

 Example sentence: The discovery of the new species was a significant event for the
scientific community.

 Elevated height: A position or location that is higher than its surroundings.

 Example sentence: The platform offered an elevated height for a better view of the city

 Stepladder: A ladder with steps or rungs that can be folded or adjusted in height.

 Example sentence: He used a stepladder to reach the top shelf in the kitchen.

 Collide: To crash or come into sudden and violent contact with something.

 Example sentence: The two cars collided at the intersection, causing significant damage.

 Blind corners: Corners or turns that are difficult to see around, often posing a safety hazard.

 Example sentence: Drivers should approach blind corners cautiously to avoid accidents.

 Hallways: Passages or corridors within a building that connect rooms or areas.

 Example sentence: The hotel hallway was lined with doors leading to guest rooms.

 Knocked over: Pushed or struck so as to fall down.

 Example sentence: The strong wind knocked over the garden chairs on the patio.

 Prone to strains: Susceptible to muscle or ligament injuries due to overexertion or incorrect


 Example sentence: Athletes are prone to strains if they don't warm up properly before

 Posture: The position or arrangement of the body and its limbs.

 Example sentence: Sitting with good posture can help prevent back pain.

Roman Roads

 Emperors: Sovereign rulers of expansive territories, often associated with ancient Roman or
imperial contexts.

 Example sentence: The emperors of Rome wielded vast power and influence over their

 Viaducts: Bridges composed of several small spans, typically arches, carrying a road or
railway across a valley or other obstacle.

 Example sentence: The old railway viaducts in the countryside offer stunning views of
the landscape.

 Features: Distinctive attributes or characteristics of something.

 Example sentence: The car's new model features advanced safety technology and a sleek

 Breathtaking: Extremely impressive or awe-inspiring.

 Example sentence: The view from the mountaintop was breathtaking, with panoramic
vistas stretching for miles.

 Monuments: Structures, buildings, or statues built to commemorate a person or event, often

of historical significance.

 Example sentence: The monument in the town square honors the soldiers who fought in
the war.

 Daring to squeeze from it: Possibly referring to ambitious engineering or construction

efforts to navigate challenging terrain.
 Example sentence: The engineers dared to squeeze a road through the rugged mountains,
overcoming enormous obstacles.

 Bypassed: To go around or avoid something, often referring to a road or path.

 Example sentence: The old highway was bypassed by a new freeway that provided faster

 Along the way: During the course of a journey or process.

 Example sentence: Along the way to the summit, they encountered breathtaking views
and challenging terrain.

 Triumphal arch: A monumental structure in the shape of an archway, often commemorating

a military victory or significant event.

 Example sentence: The triumphal arch in Paris, the Arc de Triomphe, is a symbol of
French national pride.

 Imperial prestige: The reputation or influence associated with imperial or royal authority.

 Example sentence: The palace's grandeur and opulence reflected imperial prestige and

 Marshes had to be drained: The process of removing water from marshy or wetland areas to
reclaim the land for agriculture or development.

 Example sentence: The farmers drained the marshes to create fertile fields for growing

 Forests cut through: To clear or remove trees from a forest to create pathways or clearings.

 Example sentence: The highway cut through dense forests, reducing travel time between
the cities.

 Creeks diverted: Redirecting the course of a small stream or creek for engineering or
environmental purposes.

 Example sentence: Engineers diverted the creek to prevent flooding in the nearby town.

 Bedrock channeled: Creating channels or pathways through solid rock formations.

 Example sentence: The miners channeled through the bedrock to reach the rich deposits
of ore.
 Valleys traversed with viaducts: Building viaducts or bridges to span valleys, allowing
roads or railways to pass through.

 Example sentence: The ancient Romans traversed valleys with impressive viaducts to
connect their empire.

 Terracing: Creating level platforms on steep slopes for agriculture or construction.

 Example sentence: The farmers used terracing to grow crops on the steep hillsides.

 Trench: A long, narrow ditch typically used for drainage or as a defensive fortification.

 Example sentence: The soldiers dug a trench to protect themselves from enemy fire.

 Substantial deposit: A significant amount or accumulation of something, often referring to

natural resources or financial transactions.

 Example sentence: The miners discovered a substantial deposit of gold in the mountains.

 On top of this: In addition to what has already been mentioned.

 Example sentence: On top of this project's success, they received additional funding for

 Fine gravel: Small, granular particles of rock used in construction, landscaping, or road

 Example sentence: The path was covered with fine gravel to provide a smooth walking

 Ridges: Long, narrow elevations of land, typically forming a chain.

 Example sentence: They hiked along the ridges of the mountains, enjoying panoramic

 Running across: To extend or stretch across a surface or area.

 Example sentence: The river runs across the valley, dividing the landscape.

 Ruts cut: Deep tracks or grooves formed in a surface, often by wheels or continuous use.

 Example sentence: The wheels of the carts had cut deep ruts in the muddy road.

 Inclined: Sloping or slanting.

 Example sentence: The road became increasingly inclined as they ascended the mountain.
 Down to the kerb: Extending to the edge of the curb or sidewalk.

 Example sentence: The snow piled down to the curb after the winter storm.

 Kerb: The edge of a raised sidewalk or pavement.

 Example sentence: He parked his car right next to the kerb outside the restaurant.

 Run off: To drain or flow off a surface, often referring to water or runoff.

 Example sentence: The rainwater will run off the roof into the gutter.

 Parallel ditches: Two or more narrow channels dug alongside each other, often for drainage
or irrigation.

 Example sentence: The farmers dug parallel ditches to irrigate their fields during dry

 Packed gravel: Gravel that has been compressed or packed tightly, often used as a stable
base for roads or paths.

 Example sentence: The path was made of packed gravel, providing a firm surface for

 Upright slabs: Vertical or standing stones or slabs.

 Example sentence: The ancient monument was made of upright slabs arranged in a circle.

 Pull over: To move a vehicle to the side of the road and stop.

 Example sentence: The driver pulled over to check the map and get directions.

 Milestones: Markers or stones set up at intervals of one mile along a road or track, used to
show the distance traveled.

 Example sentence: The ancient Roman milestones marked the distance along the empire's

 Upkeep: The process of maintaining or preserving something, especially property or


 Example sentence: Regular upkeep of the building ensured it remained in good condition.

 Lasting symbols: Symbols or representations that endure or remain significant over time.

 Example sentence: The ancient pyramids are lasting symbols of Egyptian civilization.
 Arched bridges: Bridges with arches as their primary structural feature, often providing
strength and aesthetic appeal.

 Example sentence: The arched bridges in the city are admired for their architectural

 Piers of bridges: The supports or columns that hold up the spans of a bridge.

 Example sentence: The engineers inspected the piers of the bridge for any signs of wear
or damage.

 Iron clamps: Metal fasteners or brackets used to hold structural elements together.

 Example sentence: The iron clamps reinforced the joints of the wooden beams.

 Semicircular arches: Arches that form a half-circle or semicircle shape, commonly used in
architecture for strength and aesthetics.

 Example sentence: The semicircular arches of the Roman aqueducts are marvels of
ancient engineering.

 Ancient: Belonging to the distant past, often referring to historical periods or civilizations.

 Example sentence: The ancient ruins date back thousands of years to a time when the city

 Undergo: To experience or endure something, often a process of change or transformation.

 Example sentence: The building underwent extensive renovations to restore its historical

Test – 4

The best ice cream makers

 Fanatic: A person with an extreme and uncritical enthusiasm or zeal, often for a particular
belief or activity.

 Example sentence: He was a football fanatic, never missing a game of his favorite team.

 Generous: Showing a readiness to give more of something, such as time, money, or kindness,
than is strictly necessary or expected.

 Example sentence: She was known for her generous donations to charity every year.
 Gadget: A small mechanical or electronic device or tool, especially one that is novel or

 Example sentence: He loves to collect kitchen gadgets, always looking for the latest
culinary innovations.

 Ingredients: The components used to make a dish or product.

 Example sentence: The recipe requires fresh ingredients like tomatoes, basil, and

 Pop the lid on: To close or seal a container by putting its lid in place.

 Example sentence: After cooking, she popped the lid on the pot to keep the food warm.

 Works out: To exercise or engage in physical activity, especially to improve fitness.

 Example sentence: He works out at the gym three times a week to stay in shape.

 Pop on: To put on quickly or easily.

 Example sentence: She popped on her coat and hurried out the door.

 Pour in: To add liquid or substance gradually or in a steady stream.

 Example sentence: She poured in the milk slowly while stirring the pancake batter.

 Reportedly struggled: Allegedly faced difficulties or challenges.

 Example sentence: The team reportedly struggled with communication during the project.

 Paddle: A short pole with a wide, flat part at one end, used for moving a small boat through

 Example sentence: They used a paddle to row the canoe down the river.

 Notably: In a way that is worthy of attention, remarkable, or particularly significant.

 Example sentence: The artist's paintings are notably vivid and expressive.

 Robust: Strong and healthy; vigorous.

 Example sentence: The company's robust financial performance was due to its diversified

 Bargain: A deal or agreement, especially one that is advantageous or beneficial.

 Example sentence: They found a great bargain on winter coats at the end-of-season sale.

Photography weekend course on the coast of Cornwell

 Appeal: The quality of being attractive or interesting; to attract interest or admiration.

 Example sentence: The quaint old town's appeal drew tourists from all over the world.

 Coastline: The outline or shape of a coast, including its natural features such as bays, cliffs,
and beaches.

 Example sentence: The country's coastline stretches for hundreds of miles along the
Atlantic Ocean.

 Typical dishes: Local or traditional foods that are characteristic of a particular region or

 Example sentence: In Italy, pasta dishes like spaghetti carbonara are typical dishes
enjoyed by locals and tourists alike.

 Largely dictated by: Mainly influenced or determined by something.

 Example sentence: The design of the building was largely dictated by its historical

 Heading out: To leave or depart from a place.

 Example sentence: We're heading out to the beach for a day of relaxation.

 Unwind at the hotel: To relax and rest at a hotel, often after a day of activities or travel.

 Example sentence: After a long day of sightseeing, they decided to unwind at the hotel's

 Tripod: A three-legged stand or support, often used to stabilize cameras or other equipment.

 Example sentence: He set up the camera on a tripod to take steady shots of the landscape.

Respiratory Protective Equipment – advice for factory employees

 Hazardous substances: Chemicals or materials that pose a risk to health, safety, or the
 Example sentence: Employees must undergo training on how to handle hazardous
substances safely in the workplace.

 Sore eyes: Eyes that are irritated or painful, often due to strain, dryness, or exposure to

 Example sentence: After swimming in the pool without goggles, she complained of sore
eyes from the chlorine.

 Make sure: To ensure or verify that something is done correctly or properly.

 Example sentence: Make sure to lock the door before you leave the house.

 To be effective: To achieve the desired result or outcome.

 Example sentence: The new marketing strategy proved to be effective in increasing sales.

 Rely on: To depend on someone or something for support, help, or success.

 Example sentence: He could always rely on his best friend for good advice.

 Mild detergent: A gentle cleaning agent used for washing delicate fabrics or sensitive

 Example sentence: Use a mild detergent to wash wool sweaters to avoid damaging the

 Solvents: Chemical substances capable of dissolving or dispersing other substances.

 Example sentence: Paint thinners and cleaning products often contain solvents to break
down tough residues.

 Rinse: To wash something with clean water to remove soap, dirt, or other residues.

 Example sentence: After washing the car with soap, rinse it thoroughly with water to
prevent streaks.

 Skin irritation: Redness, itching, or discomfort of the skin caused by contact with an irritant.

 Example sentence: Some people experience skin irritation when wearing certain types of

 Suspend from a clothesline: To hang or drape something, such as wet clothes, from a line to
 Example sentence: She suspended the freshly washed sheets from the clothesline to dry
in the sun.

 Straps: Bands of material, often adjustable, used to secure or hold something in place.

 Example sentence: The backpack had padded straps for comfortable carrying on long

 Fraying edges: Loose or unraveling threads at the edges of fabric or material.

 Example sentence: Trim the fraying edges of the carpet to prevent further damage.

 Deterioration of elasticity: Loss of stretchiness or resilience in materials, such as elastic

bands or fabrics.

 Example sentence: Over time, the elastic waistband of the old swimsuit suffered from
deterioration of elasticity.

 Inhalation: The act of breathing in or taking in air, gases, or vapors.

 Example sentence: Workers should wear masks to avoid inhalation of harmful fumes in
the factory.

 Distortion: Changes in shape, appearance, or sound that make something difficult to

recognize or understand.

 Example sentence: The loud music caused distortion in the sound system, making it hard
to hear clearly.

 Crushed: Compressed or squeezed with force, often resulting in deformation or damage.

 Example sentence: The fragile package was crushed during shipping, damaging its

Working with cows in a dairy Guidelines for employers

 Slips and trips: Accidents or falls caused by slipping on a surface or tripping over an

 Example sentence: The wet floor sign was placed to prevent slips and trips in the

 More likely: Having a higher probability or greater chance of occurring.

 Example sentence: Wet floors are more likely to cause slips and falls, so caution is

 Grain spills: Accidental release or scattering of grains, typically from containers or storage

 Example sentence: The grain spills were quickly cleaned up to prevent pests from being
attracted to the area.

 Hoses: Flexible tubes or pipes used for conveying liquids or gases under pressure.

 Example sentence: The gardener used a hose to water the plants in the garden.

 Overhead: Located or occurring above or on top of something.

 Example sentence: Watch your head when passing under the low overhead beams in the

 Wrapped in padding: Covered or protected with soft material to cushion against impact or

 Example sentence: The fragile items were carefully wrapped in padding before being
packed for shipping.

 Poorly lit: Not adequately illuminated or lacking sufficient lighting.

 Example sentence: The stairway was poorly lit, making it difficult to see the steps clearly.

 Handrails: A rail fixed to posts or a wall for people to hold on to for support or guidance.

 Example sentence: Use the handrails when walking up the stairs to prevent falls.

 Buckets of grain: Containers filled with grains, typically used for feeding livestock or

 Example sentence: The farmer carried buckets of grain to feed the chickens in the coop.

 Lifting calves: To pick up or raise young cows or calves, often for feeding or moving.

 Example sentence: The farmhands were lifting calves into the trailer for transportation to
the pasture.

 Awkward position: A posture or stance that is uncomfortable, difficult, or not natural.

 Example sentence: He strained his back while working in an awkward position under the
 Putting on: To wear or place clothing or accessories on one's body.

 Example sentence: She was putting on her coat before heading out into the cold weather.

 Close by: Nearby; not far away in distance.

 Example sentence: The gas station is close by, just a few minutes' walk from here.

Night photography in autumn

 Hemisphere: Half of the Earth, typically divided into Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

 Example sentence: Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere.

 Inspiring: Arousing enthusiasm, creativity, or a feeling of admiration.

 Example sentence: The artist found the sunset over the ocean to be inspiring for her latest

 Appreciably: To a noticeable or significant extent.

 Example sentence: The temperature dropped appreciably after the sun set.

 Dormant: Inactive, asleep, or temporarily inactive.

 Example sentence: During the winter months, many plants remain dormant until spring.

 Break through the earth: To emerge or grow out from beneath the surface of the ground.

 Example sentence: In spring, the first shoots of flowers break through the earth.

 Awakening: Coming into awareness or becoming active after a period of dormancy.

 Example sentence: The forest seemed to come alive at dawn, awakening with the sounds
of birds.

 Nocturnal hours: The time period during the night.

 Example sentence: Owls are nocturnal birds, hunting during the nocturnal hours.

 Life forms: Living organisms or beings.

 Example sentence: The rainforest is home to an incredible diversity of life forms.

 Thrive: To grow vigorously or to prosper.

 Example sentence: Plants in the tropical climate thrive in the heat and humidity.

 A bit of luck: A small amount of good fortune or chance.

 Example sentence: With a bit of luck, we'll arrive at our destination before the storm hits.

 Coincides: To occur at the same time or to correspond in nature.

 Example sentence: Her birthday coincides with the annual music festival.

 Illuminate: To light up or to make something clearer or easier to understand.

 Example sentence: The streetlights illuminate the path for nighttime pedestrians.

 Far greater detail: More extensive or thorough information or scrutiny.

 Example sentence: The report goes into far greater detail about the environmental impact.

 Rendered: Made or caused to be in a particular state or condition.

 Example sentence: The old building was beautifully rendered after restoration.

 Constellations: Groups of stars forming recognizable patterns in the night sky.

 Example sentence: Orion is one of the most famous constellations visible in the northern

 Starlight: The light emitted by stars in the night sky.

 Example sentence: The campground was lit only by starlight, creating a magical

 Tend to prefer: Generally have a preference for or be inclined toward.

 Example sentence: Cats tend to prefer warm places to sleep, like sunny spots by the

 Landmark: A recognizable feature or structure that serves as a guide or point of reference.

 Example sentence: The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in Paris.

 Afield: Away from one's usual surroundings or range.

 Example sentence: They went exploring further afield than they had ever gone before.
 Intrusions: Actions or instances of intruding or entering without permission.

 Example sentence: The constant noise from construction was an intrusion on their
peaceful neighborhood.

 Urbanized surroundings: Areas that have been developed for urban living with
infrastructure and buildings.

 Example sentence: Despite the urbanized surroundings, the park retained its natural

 Wild boar: A wild pig, often found in forests and wooded areas.

 Example sentence: Be cautious of wild boar when hiking in the forest during certain

 Urban fringes: Areas at the outskirts or edges of urban areas where city transitions into

 Example sentence: The development was planned on the urban fringes to preserve green

 Forage: To search for food or provisions.

 Example sentence: The bears forage for berries and fish in the streams during the summer

 Proliferation: Rapid increase in numbers or spread.

 Example sentence: The proliferation of smartphones has changed how people


 Repertoire: The range or collection of skills, techniques, or performances that someone or

something is capable of.

 Example sentence: The chef's repertoire includes both traditional and modern cooking

 Resort to the use: To use something as a last option or when no other alternative is available.

 Example sentence: He had to resort to the use of crutches after injuring his ankle.

 Star-studded night sky: A night sky filled with many visible stars.

 Example sentence: Camping in the desert offered a view of the star-studded night sky.
 Marriage of two photographic genres: Combination or blending of two different types or
styles of photography.

 Example sentence: His project represented a successful marriage of two photographic

genres, landscape and portrait.

 A bit too complex: Slightly more complicated than desired or necessary.

 Example sentence: The instructions for assembling the furniture seemed a bit too
complex for beginners.

 If that all sounds: Expressing acknowledgment or understanding of a previous statement.

 Example sentence: If that all sounds good to you, we can proceed with the next steps.

 Brief time: A short period or duration.

 Example sentence: She only stayed for a brief time before heading back to work.

 Ambient: Relating to the surrounding environment or atmosphere.

 Example sentence: The ambient lighting in the restaurant created a cozy and relaxed

 Floodlights: Intense artificial lights used to illuminate outdoor areas or sports fields.

 Example sentence: The stadium was lit up with floodlights for the night game.

 Backdrop: The setting or background against which something is viewed or set.

 Example sentence: The mountains provided a stunning backdrop for their wedding

 Foreground: The part of a scene or picture that appears closest to the viewer.

 Example sentence: The foreground of the painting featured a bustling market scene.

 Illumination: Lighting or the act of providing light to make something visible.

 Example sentence: The illumination from the street lamps helped drivers see clearly at

 Flocks: Groups of birds or sheep that move or feed together.

 Example sentence: Flocks of geese flew south for the winter in a V-shaped formation.
 Windmills: Machines with sails or blades that turn in the wind to generate power or grind

 Example sentence: The windmills on the hilltops provided renewable energy for the

 Compositional strength: The quality or effectiveness of the arrangement or structure of a

photograph or artwork.

 Example sentence: The photograph's compositional strength drew attention to the

contrast between light and shadow.

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