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1(a). Let A = (6, 7), B = (2, 3) and C = (–2, 1) be the vertices of a triangle. Find the point P in
the interior of the triangle such that PBC is an equilateral triangle.

(b). The equation of an altitude of an equilateral triangle is 3x+y = 23 and one of the other
vertices is (3, 3). Find the other vertices and the othercentre of the triangle.

2. A variable line passing through a fixed point P cuts the given parabola y 2 = 4ax at Q
and R. Now a variable point S is chosen on this line in such a way that PQ, PS and PR
are in H.P. Prove that the locus of S is a straight line whose slope is independent of the
abscissa of the point P.

3. The equations of two equal sides AB and AC of an isosceles triangle ABC are x + y = 5
and 7x – y = 3 respectively. Find the equations of the sides BC if ar(ABC) = 5 unit2.

4. Two sides of a triangle have the joint equation x 2 – 2xy – 3y2 + 8y – 4 = 0. The third side,
which is variable, always passes through the point (–5, –1). Find the range of values of
the slope of the third side, so that the origin is an interior point of the triangle.

5. In a ABC, A  (, ), B  (1, 2), C  (2, 3) and point ‘A’ lies on the line y = 2x + 3 where
,   Integer and area of the triangle is S such that [S] = 2 where [.] denotes greatest
integer function. Find all possible co-ordinates of A.

6. A line ‘L’ is drawn from P(4, 3) to meet the lines L 1: 3x + 4y + 5 = 0 and

L2: 3x + 4y + 15 = 0 at point A and B respectively. From ‘A’ a line, perpendicular to L is
drawn meeting the line L2 at A1. Similarly from point ‘B’ a line, perpendicular to L is
drawn meeting the line L1 at B1. Thus a parallelogram AA1BB1 is formed. Find the
equation(s) of ‘L' so that the area of the parallelogram AA1BB1 is least.

7. Consider two lines L1 : a1x + b1y + c1 = 0 and L2 : a2x + b2y + c2 = 0, where c1, c2  0,
intersecting at point P. A line L 3 is drawn through the origin meeting the lines L 1 and L2 in
A and B respectively such that PA = PB. Similarly one more line L 4 is drawn through the
origin meeting the lines L1 and L2 in A1 and B1 respectively such that PA1 = PB1. Obtain
the combined equation of lines L3 and L4 .

8(a). Find the locus of the middle points of the segment of a line passing through the point of
intersection of the lines ax + by + c = 0 and lx + my + n = 0 which is intercepted between
the axes.

(b). Find the condition on a and b, such that the portion of the line ax + by – 1 = 0,
intercepted between the lines ax + y +1 = 0 and x + by = 0 subtends a right angle at the

9. Find all the values of q for which the point (sin2q, sinq) lies inside the square formed by
the lines xy = 0 and 4xy - 2x - 2y + 1 = 0.

10(a). Let P (sinq, cosq) (0£q£2p) be a point and let OAB be a triangle with vertices

(0, 0), and . Find q if P lies inside the DOAB.

(b). Find the set of values of a in the interval , for which the point

( sina ,cosa ) does not lie out side the parabola 2y2 +x -2 = 0.

11(a). A variable circle which always touches the line x +y –2 = 0 at(1, 1), cuts the circle
x2 +y2 +4x +5y –6 = 0. Prove that all the common chords of intersection pass through a
fixed point. Find that point.

(b). The circle x2 + y2 – 6x - 6y +9 =0 is inscribed in a triangle which has two of its sides
along the co-ordinate axis. Find the locus of the circumcentre of the triangle.

12. If the curves ax2+ 2hxy+by2 –2gx –2fy+c=0 and lx2 – 2hxy + (a + l – b)2 –2mx– 2ny+ k=
0 intersect at four concyclic points A, B, C and D and P is the point then
prove that. PA2 + PB2 + PC2 +PD2 = 4PA2.

13. Consider two circles C1: x2 + y2 = r12 and C2 : x2 + y2 = r22 (r2 < r1) . Let ‘A’ be a fixed
point on the circle C1 say A(r1, 0) and ‘B’ be a variable point on the circle C 2. The line
BA meets the circle C2 again at C. Find
(a) the set of values of OB2 + OA2 + BC2
(b) the locus of mid point of AB, ‘O’ being the origin

14. Find the range of parameter ‘a’ for which the variable line y = 2x + a lies between the
circles x2 + y2 –2x –2y + 1= 0 and x2 + y2 –16x –2y + 61= 0 without intersecting or
either circle.

15. Find the equation of the largest circle with centre at (1, 0) that can be inscribed in the
x2 + 4y2 = 16.

16(a). Let A = (–1, 0), B = (3, 0) and PQ be any line passing through (4, 1) having slope m. Find
the range of ‘m’ for which there exist two points on PQ at which AB subtends a right
(b). The equation of radical axis of two circles is x + y = 1. One of the circles has the ends of
a diameter at the points (1, –3) and (4, 1) and the other passes through the point (1, 2).
Find the equations of these circles.

17(a). Find the locus of the centers of the circles x 2 + y2 –2ax –2by + 2 = 0, where ‘a’ and ‘b’ are
parameters, if the tangents from the origin to each of the circles are orthogonal.
(b). Three concentric circles of which biggest is x2 + y2 = 1, have their radii in A.P. If the line
y = x + 1 cuts all the circles in real and distinct points then find the interval in which the
common difference of A.P will lie.

18. Find the equation of the circle passing through the points of contact of distinct
common tangents of x2 + y2 = 16 and x2 +y2 – 12x + 32 = 0.

19. Consider the circle x2 + y2 = a2. Let A  (a, 0) and D be a given interior point of the circle.
If BC be any arbitrary chord of the circle through point D, prove that the locus of the
centroid of triangle ABC is a circle whose radius is less than a/3
20. The line y = x touches a circle at point P in the first quadrant such that the distance of P
from the origin is 5Ö2. If the length of the portion intercepted by this circle on the y-axis is
2c, find the equation of the circle lying above the x–axis.

21. Three normals are drawn from (2k, 0) to the curve y2 = 4x. Show that k must be greater
than 1. One normal is always the x-axis. Find k for which the other two normals are
perpendicular to each other.

22. A family of chords of the parabola y 2 = 4ax is drawn so that their projections on a straight
line inclined equally to both the axes are all of a constant length c; prove that the locus of
their middle point is the curve (y2 – 4ax) (y+2a)2 + 2 a2 c2 =0

23. Tangent is drawn at any point (x1 y1) on the parabola y2 = 4ax. Now tangents are drawn
from any point on this tangent to the circle x2 + y2 = a2 such that all the chords of contact

pass through a fixed point (x2, y2). Prove that 4

24. Prove that the locus of the circumcentre of the variable triangle having sides y –axis, y=2
and lx + my = 1 where (l, m) lies on the parabola y2 = 4ax, is also a parabola

25. Two variable perpendicular chords are drawn from the origin ‘O’ to the parabola y=x 2 – x,
which meet the parabola at P and Q. Rectangle POQR is completed. Find the locus of R.

26. Find the points on the x-axis from which exactly three distinct chords (secants) of the
circle x2 + y2 = a2 can be drawn which are bisected by the parabola y2 = 4ax, a >0.

27. The difference of ordinates of end points of a variable chord of parabola y 2 = 4ax is a
constant k. If circle with this variable chord as diameter always touches the parabola,
find the value of the constant k.

28. If a, b and c are fixed real numbers and l and m are variable real numbers satisfying
aml + cl – bm2 + l = 0, then prove that variable straight line l x + my +1 = 0 always
touches a fixed parabola, whose axis is parallel to the x-axis.

29. From a variable point P(t2, 2t) (1 £ t £ 3) on the parabola y2 = 4x, perpendicular PM is
drawn to the tangent at the vertex of the parabola. Now from the midpoint Q of PM,
perpendicular QL is drawn to the focal chord of the parabola through P. Find the
maximum length of QL.

30. Consider the parabola y2 = 4ax. Tangent at P1 and P2 on the parabola meet at T 1
whereas tangents at P3 and P4 on parabola meet at T2. If the points P1, P2, P3, P4, T1 and
T2 are concyclic. Prove that the mid point of T1 and T2 is the focus of the given parabola.

31. Find the condition on a and b for which two distinct chords of the ellipse ,

passing through (a, -b) are bisected by the line x +y =b.

32. A circle is inscribed in an ellipse of eccentricity 1/Ö2 and both are concentric. Now
tangent at a point P on the circle cuts the ellipse at A and B. Prove that the locus of the
point of intersection of tangents at A and B on the ellipse is again an ellipse. Find its

33. A tangent is drawn to the ellipse to cut the ellipse at the points P

and Q. If tangents at P and Q to the ellipse intersect at right angle then prove


34. A line intersects the ellipse = 1 at P and Q and the parabola y 2 = 4d(x + a) at R

and S. The line segment PQ subtends a right angle at the centre of the ellipse. Find the
locus of the point of intersection of the tangents to the parabola at R and S.

35. There are exactly two points on the ellipse = 1 whose distance from its centre is

the same and is equal to . Find the eccentricity of the ellipse.

36. Show that the area of the quadrilateral, formed by the common tangents of the circle

x2 + y2 = c2 and the ellipse =1, b < c < a is .

37. Show that for all real p, the line 2px + y = 1 touches a fixed ellipse. Find the
eccentricity of this ellipse.

38. Let S, S be the foci of an ellipse whose eccentricity is e. P is a variable point on the
ellipse. Prove that the locus of the incentre of the PSS is an ellipse of
eccentricity .

39. Let P and Q be two points on the ellipse x 2 + 4y2 = 16 whose eccentric angles are

and respectively. The tangent at P and the normal at Q cut each other at R
and the normal at Q cuts the ellipse again at M. Find the area of the triangle PRM.

40. Find the coordinates of all the points on the ellipse for which the area of

the PON is the maximum where O is the origin and N is the foot of the
perpendicular from O to the tangent at P.
41. Find the range of parameter a for which a unique circle will pass through the points of
intersection of the rectangular hyperbola x2 – y2 = a2 and the parabola y = x2. Find also
the equation of the circle.

42. Let P be a point on the hyperbola x 2 – y2 = a2 where a is a parameter, such that P is

nearest to the line y = 2x. Find the locus of P.

43. A rectangular hyperbola, with centre C, is intersected by a circle of radius r in four points
P, Q, R and S. Prove that CP2 + CQ2 + CR2 + CS2 = 4r2.

44. Prove that the locus of a point, which moves in such a way that sum of the slopes of the
normals drawn from it to the hyperbola xy = c 2 is equal to the sum of the ordinates of
the foot of these normals is a parabola.

45. Tangents are drawn from the points on a tangent of the hyperbola x 2-y2=a2 to the
parabola y2 = 4ax. If all the chords of contact pass through a fixed point Q, prove that the
locus of the point Q for different tangents on the hyperbola is an ellipse.

46. Five points are given on a circle of radius a. A rectangular hyperbola is made to pass
through four of these points. Prove that the centre of the hyperbola lies on a circle of
radius a/2.

47. A tangent to the hyperbola cuts the ellipse in points P and Q. Find

the locus of the mid - point of PQ.

48. If the axis of a parabola and a rectangular hyperbola is same and the vertex of the
parabola is same as the centre of rectangular hyperbola, prove that the locus of the
point whose chord of contact with respect to the parabola touches the rectangular
hyperbola is an ellipse with same centre and axes as that of hyperbola.

49. A point P moves such that sum of the slopes of the normals drawn from it to the
hyperbola xy = 4 is equal to the sum of ordinates of feet of normals. Prove that the
locus of P is a parabola. Find the least distance of this parabola from the circle
x2 + y2 – 24 x + 128 = 0.

50. Prove that the locus of the foot of the perpendicular let fall from the centre upon the
chord of the hyperbola xy = c2 which subtends an angle /4 at the centre is the curve
(x2 + y2)2 = c2(c2 + 4xy).


51(a). If a, b, c  I and has an irrational root. Prove that , where

Q= and f (x) = .

(b). If a and c are odd prime numbers and has rational roots where b  I.
Prove that one root of the equation will be independent of a, b, c.
52(a). If f(x) = x3 + bx2 + cx + d and f(0), f(-1) are odd integers, prove that f(x) = 0 can not
have all integral roots.
(b). Find real values of a for which the inequations x2 - 4x - 6a  0 and x2 + 2x + a  0 have
only one real solution.

53. Find all possible integer values of x so that x2 + 19x + 89 is perfect square of an integer.

54. If . Prove that .

55. Consider the inequation x2 + |x + a| – 9  0, find the values of the real parameter ‘a’ so
that the given inequation has atleast one negative solution.

56. Consider the quadratic equation ax2 – bx + c = 0, a,b,c  N. If the given equation has two
distinct real roots belonging to the interval (1,2), show that a  5 and b  11.

57. Let a, b, c be real numbers such that a + 2b + c = 4. Find max(ab + bc + ca) .

58. Find the values of the parameter a for which the system of inequalities
x2 + 2xy – 7y2 
3x2 + 10xy – 5y2  – 2 has a solution.

59. Consider the inequality, , where ‘a’ is a real parameter. Find the
values of a so that
(i) The given inequality has atleast one negative solution.
(ii) The given inequality has atleast one positive solution.
(iii) Has atleast one solution in (1, 2).
(iv) Has atleast one real solution.

60. Find all possible values of the real parameter ‘a’ so that
x4 + 2ax3 + x2 + 2ax +1 =0 has
(i) At least 2 distinct positive real roots.
(ii) At least 2 distinct negative real roots.


61. Find the sum of first n terms of the series whose nth term is




62. Consider the sequence 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5…

Find the 2000th term of the sequence. Find also the sum of first 2000 terms.

63. Consider a rectangle ABCD with AB = a units and BC = b units. Let ‘P’ be any interior
point of the rectangle prove that AP.CP + BP.PD  ab.
64(a). If has positive real roots. Find the values of a, b,
c and d.
(b). If S = a1+ a2 + a3 -----------+ an, aI  R+ for i = 1 to n. Prove that

(c). Prove that

65. Sum the series

66. Find the value of .

67(a). Let a, b and c are any three terms of a arithmetic progression such that

a  b  c. Show that will be rational number.

(b). Let S(n) be the sum of first n terms of an arithmetic progression with non-zero

common difference. Find the ratio of first term and common difference if is

independent of n1.

68(a). Show that in a triangle ABC, sin  . Hence deduce that

, for all integers n  1.

(b). If a1 + a2 + … + an = 1 and ai > 0 for i = 1, 2,….n, prove that

69. If f(x) = evaluate

70(a). Prove

(b). Let there be terms in GP a 1, a2 , a3,. . . ,an whose common ratio is r. Let S k denotes

the sum of first k terms of this GP, prove that S m-1 Sm = .


71. If (1+ x)n = then prove that


(ii) .

72. Using Binomial theorem (without using the formula for nCr), prove that
C4 + mC2 –mC1.nC2 = mC4 –m + nC1.mC3 + m + nC2 .mC2 – m + nC3 .mC1 + m + nC4

73. If (1 + x + x2 + ….+x9)4.( x+ x2 + x3 + …. + x9) = .

Then find the value of a2 + a6 + a10 + …. + a42.

74. Show that, =

75. If (18x2 + 12x + 4)n = a0 + a1x + a2x2 +....+a2nx2n prove that, ar = 2n.3r(2nCr + nC1.2n –2Cr +
C2.2n –4Cr + ………)

76. Prove that

C1 – +

77(a). Find the value of .

(b). Prove that, nC1.(nC2)2.(nC3)3 ….. .(nCn)n   n N .

78. Find the value of , x  0, 1, n  N, > 2.

79. Prove that nC1.sin x.cos (n –1)x + nC2.sin 2x.cos (n –2)x + nC3.sin 3x.cos (n –3)x + ………
+ nCn.sin nx = 2n –1 sin nx

80. Prove that the H.C.F of 2nC1, 2nC3, 2nC5, …., 2nC2n –1, is 2m +1 where n = 2m.9, 9 being an odd

81(a). Show that nn , n  2.

(b). Use mathematical induction to prove that n ln(n) - n < ln(n!), for all integers n > 1.

82. a1, a2...,an are n positive numbers such that = 1. Use method of mathematical
induction to prove that (1 + a1) (1 + a2).....(1 + an) ³ 2n.

83. Use mathematical induction to show that any number from 0 to 2 n - 1 can be written in
the form a02° + a121 + a2.22 + .... + an - 12n - 1, aiÎ {0, 1}, i = 0,1,.....,n - 1; n Î N

84. Prove with the help of mathematical induction that

In, m = 2 . (cos2m - 1x) dx = " m, n Î N

85. Using mathematical induction prove that ,

 n  N, where ‘m’ is a given natural number.

86. Prove by mathematical induction or otherwise that the digit at the tenth’s place of 3 n,
where n Î N and n ³ 3, is always even.

87. If p1, p2, … pk are distinct primes and a1, a2,, ak are integers such that

is an integer, then using the method of mathematical induction prove

that is an integer " n Î N.

88. Suppose the natural numbers are divided in to groups as shown,

(1); (2,3) ; (4,5,6) ; (7,8,9,10) ; . . . . . .
and that every second group is then deleted. Using the principle of mathematical
induction show that sum of first n groups which remains is always n4.

89 Prove by Mathematical Induction that n5 and n have the same unit digit, " n Î N.

90. Using mathematical induction prove that = tan-1 .


91(a). Let f(n) be a function of nN, representing the number of proper divisors of 7(60) n.

Find .

(b). Let m N and nN such that the number of proper divisors of n is (p–2) where p is a odd
prime number. Prove that n –m2 =4 does not hold for any pair (n, m).

92(a). Consider a 7 digit number (all digits are not necessarily distinct) x 1x2x3x4x5,x6,x7, having
the property;
(i) x4 is the greatest digit of the number.
(ii) Digits towards the left and right of x4 are in decreasing order.
Find the total number of such numbers.

(b). Let there be n different toys and n children. Find the number of ways of distributing the
toys to children so that exactly two of them do not get any toy.

93. In how many ways can 25 identical things be distributed among five persons if
(i) each gets odd number of things .
(ii) each gets at least one thing but not more than eleven.
94. Suppose we have rupee 2, 3 and 5 notes. In how many ways can we get a sum of
rupees 83 such that note of each type is present and the number of two rupee note(s) is
less than the number of 3 rupee note(s) which is again less than the number of
5 rupee note(s).

95. How many words of 4 alphabets can be formed, starting with a vowel, using alphabets
from the word EXAMINATION.

96. In how many shortest ways can we reach from the point (0,0,0) to point (3,7,11) in
space where the movement is possible only along the x-axis, y-axis and z-axis or parallel
to them and change of axes is permitted only at integral points. (An integral point is one
which has its co-ordinate as integers).

97. How many five–digit numbers can be made such that the sum of the digits leaves the
remainder 1 when divided 3?

98. In how many ways some apples from 45 apples can be distributes among 5 persons so
that none gets more than 9 apples and the total number of apples given is a multiple
of 3?

99(a). Let n = 25. 36.54.73. Find the number of divisors of ‘n’ of the form 4l + 1, where l ÎN.

(b). Find the number of integral solutions of x 1 + x2 + x3 = 24 subjected to the condition that
1£ x1 £ 5, 12 £ x2 £ 18 and –1 £ x3

100. The integers from 1 to 1000 are written in order around a circle. Starting at1, every
fifteenth number is marked (that is 1, 16, 31, etc.). This process is continued until a
number is reached which has already been marked. How many unmarked numbers

101. Let P (x) denotes the probability of the occurrence of event x. Plot all those point
(x, y) = ( P(A), P(B) ) in a plane which satisfies the conditions,

102. From 4m +1 tickets numbered as 1, 2, …. , 4m + 1. Three tickets are chosen at random,

find out the probability that the numbers are in A.P. , with even common difference.

103. Two players P1 and P2 are playing the final of a chess championship, which consists of
series of matches. Probability of P1 winning a match is 2/3 and for P 2 is 1/3. The winner
will be the one who is ahead by 2 games as compared to the other player and wins
atleast 6 games. Now, if the player P 2 wins first four matches, find the probability of P 1
winning the championship.

104. If the sum of five natural numbers (need not to be different) is 101, what is the probability
that all these are odd.

105. Three players of equal skills engage in a match consisting of a series of games in which
A plays B, B plays C, C plays A, A plays B and so on in rotation. The player who first
wins two consecutive games (i.e. ith and (i+1)th ) wins the match. Find the probability of
‘B’ winning the match.
106(a). Two dice are thrown simultaneously to get the co-ordinates of a point on (x , y) plane .
Find the probability that this point lies on or inside the region bounded by |x| + |y| =3 .

(b). A box contains 'a' white balls and 'b' black balls and besides the box lies a large pile of
black balls. Two balls chosen at random are taken out of the box. If they are of the same
colour, a black ball from the pile is put into the box; otherwise, the white ball is put back
into the box. The procedure is repeated until the last two balls are removed from the box
and one last ball is put in. What is the probability that this last ball is white?

107. A bag contains p white and q red balls r(r < p, q) balls are drawn, from the bag, one by
one without replacement. The probability of the r th ball drawn being white P(A r). Prove
that P(Ar) = , for all r < p, q.

108(a). If a and b are chosen randomly from the set consisting of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 with

replacement. Find the probability that

(b). Suppose f(x) = x3 + ax2 + bx + c. a, b, c are chosen respectively by throwing a die three
times. Find the probability that f(x) is an increasing function.

109. A bag contains balls of n different colours ( c1, c2, . .. .,cn). There are n balls of each
colour. Apart from this, bag also has 40 identical balls of colour c n+1. Two balls are drawn
from the bag one by one with replacement. Find the value of ‘n’ so that probability of the
event that both the balls are of the same colour other than the colour Cn+1 is maximum .

110(a). A bag contains n white and m black balls. If two balls are drawn one by one without
replacement then the chance of getting both the balls of the same colour is p. If the
two drawing are made with replacement then the chance of both balls being of the
same colour is q. Prove that p< q.

(b). A number of five distinct digits is written down at random using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
and 6. What is the chance that the number is divisible by 3 but not by 12?

(c). A student gets selected in IIT if he clears the entrance test. For this he either takes
FIITJEE course or studies on self or joins some other courses. The probability that a
FIITJEE student gets selected is 0.24 that other course opting student gets selected is
.15 and he gets selected on his own is .001. If a student has the equal chances to his
choice of his preparation and is selected then find the probability he is FIITJEEan.

111. Show that the equation az3 + bz2 + = 0 has a root a, such that |a| = 1. a, b, z
and a belong to the set of complex numbers.

112(a). If (z1 – z2) (z¢1 – z¢2) = (z2 – z3) (z¢2 – z¢3) =(z3 – z1) (z¢3 – z¢1) then show that the triangles
whose vertices are z1, z2, z3 and z¢1, z¢2, z¢3 are equilateral.

(b). Similar triangles BCX, CAY, ABZ are described on the sides if a triangle ABC. Show that
centroid of the triangles ABC and XYZ are coincident.
113(a). Let = c, b  0 be a line in the complex plane, where b is the complex conjugate
of b. If z1 is the reflection of a point z2 through the line, then show that c = .

(b). Find the locus of mid-point of line segment intercepted between real and imaginary
axes, by the line , where b is a real parameter and a is fixed complex
number non–zero real and imaginary part .

(c). Show that the equation of a circle passing through the origin and having intercepts a
and b on real and imaginary axis respectively on the argand plane is given by
z = a(Re z) + b(Im z).

114(a). For complex numbers z and , prove that |z|2 –||2z = z –  is and only z = or z =1.

(b). Locate the region in the Argand plane determined by z2 + 2

+ 2|z|2 < 8i( – z).

115. Let z1, z2, z3 be three distinct complex numbers satisfying

|z1 – 1| = |z2 – 1| = |z3 – 1|. Let A, B and C be the points represented in the Argand plane
corresponding to z1, z2 and z3 respectively. Prove that z1 + z2 + z3 = 3 if and only if DABC
is an equilateral triangle.

116. If z1, z2, z3 and z1¢, z2¢, z3¢ represent the vertices of two similar triangles ABC and PQR,
respectively then prove that

³ 1.

117. If 1, a1, a2, …., an – 1 are the n nth roots of unity, prove that (1 - a1) (1 - a2)…(1 -an–1) = n.

Deduce that sin sin ……sin =

118. Resolve z5 + 1 into linear and quadratic factors with real coefficients. Hence or otherwise

deduce that,

119. Consider the circle |z| = r in the argand plane, which is infact the incircle of triangle ABC.
If contact points opposite to the vertices A, B, C are A 1(z1), B1(z2) and C1(z3) obtain the
complex numbers associated with the vertices A,B,C in terms of z 1, z2 and z3. Find also
the condition that points B,C, B1 and C1 are concyclic.

120(a). Consider the triangle ABC where A(za), B(zb), C(zc) whose circumcirlce is |z| = r. If the
internal bisector of angle ‘A’ meets the circumcircle again at D. Find the complex number
associated with D. Hence or otherwise also prove that for fixed positions of B(z b) and
C(zc) all the bisectors (internal) of ÐA will pass through a fixed point.

(b). Find the parameter aR, such that the expression = a2 –3a +2 and <a2
are satisfied by at least one complex number z.

121. Show that, is always positive. Where a, b, c are

distinct real numbers.

122. If (x1 – x2)2 + (y1 – y2)2 = a2, (x2 – x3)2 + (y2 – y3)2 = b2
and (x3 – x1)2 + (y3 – y1)2 = c2 then prove that ;

123. If a, b, c are three distinct numbers in GP with common ratio r 1 and a1, b1, c1 are three
distinct numbers in GP with common ratio r2, find the condition that r1 and r2 must satisfy
in order that the equation
ax + a1y + z = 0, bx + b1y + z = 0, cx + c1 y + z = 0 has only trivial solution.

124. Prove that the value of a determinant of order 3 with entries from the set {-1, 1} is a
multiple of 4.

125. If a, b, c are three non zero non equal numbers in A.P. and

Prove that D > 0.

126. If A, B and C are 3 distinct angles in the interval and

then prove that D ¹ 0.

127. If a1, a2 and a3 are distinct real roots of the equation px3 + px2 + qx + r = 0 such that

= 0 then prove that .

128. Prove that if a, b, c are sides of ABC then 2 =

where  is area of the triangle.


129.  = . Show that minimum value of  is 27a2b2 .

130. If the system of equations x = cy + bz, y =az + cx and z = bx + ay has a non–zero

solution and at least one of a, b,c is a proper fraction, prove that
2 2 2
a + b + c < 3 and abc > –1.

131. In triangle ABC, points D, E, F are taken on the sides BC, CA and AB respectively such

that = n, prove that DDEF = .

132(a). Let be given non-zero and non-collinear vectors and be a vector such that
. Express in terms of .
(b). If and be two given non–collinear unit vectors and be a vector such that

, prove that .

133. In the triangle ABC, a point ‘P’ is taken on the side AB such that
AP : BP = 1 : 2 and a point ‘Q’ is taken on the side BC such that CQ:BQ= 2:1. If ‘R’ be
the point of intersection of lines AQ and CP, using vector find the area of triangle ABC, if
it is known that area of triangle BRC is one unit.
134. Let ‘I’ be the incentre of triangle ABC. Using vectors prove that for any point ‘P’,
a(PA)2 + b(PB)2 +c(PC)2 = a(IA)2 +b(IB)2 +c(IC)2 +(a +b+c)(IP)2, where a, b, c have usual
135. A pyramid with vertex at the point P has a regular hexagonal base ABCDEF. Position
vectors of points ‘A’ and ‘B’ are and respectively. Centre of the base has the
position vector . Altitude drawn from P on the base meets the diagonal AD
at point G. Find all possible position vectors of G. It is given that volume of the
pyramid is 6 cubic units, and AP = 5 units .

136. ABCDA1B1C1D1 is a cube with side length ‘a’. P and Q are mid points of the edges A 1B1
and B1C1 respectively. Using vectors find the distance of the vertex ‘D’ from the plane
137. Let , and be three non-coplanar unit vectors equally inclined to one another at an
angle q. If ´ + ´ = p + q + r , then prove that p2 + q2/cos q + r2 = 2.
138. A non –zero vector is parallel to the line of intersection of the plane determined by the
vectors and the plane determined by the vectors , Find the angle
between and .
139. Let be the non–coplanar unit vectors. The angle between and and a,
angle between be b and between is g. If A ( cosa), b, ( cosb)
and C ( ), then show that in triangle ABC,

where , and .

140. In triangle ABC, D is the mid–point of side AB and E if the centriod of triangle CDA. If
=0 where ‘O’ is the circumcentre of DABC, using vectors prove that AB = AC.

141. Find the domain of the following functions, where [.] denotes the greatest integer

(i). f(x) = (ii). f(x) =

142(a). Find the domain and range of f(x) = log ,

[.] denotes the greatest integer function.
(b). Solve the equation

(c). Find domain and range of function f(x) = where

[] denotes the greatest integer function.

143. If a function is defined as f(x) = , where g(x) =|sin x|+ sin.x,

(x) = sin x + cos x , 0  x  . Then find the domain of f(x).

144(a). Find the range of the function f(x) =

(b). Find the range of function f: R  R defined by f(x) = (tan –1 x)2 +

145(a). Find period of the functions

(i) f(x) = ex-[x]+ |sin x| + |sin2x| + … + |sin n  x|, [.] denotes the greatest integer.
(ii) f(x) =

(b). Prove that f(x) = is an odd function. [.] denotes greatest integer

146. Let f(x, y) be a periodic function, satisfying the condition
f(x,y) = f (2x + 2y, 2y – 2x )  x, y  R
and let g (x) be a function defined as g(x) = f (2x, 0),
Prove that g(x) is periodic function and find its period,

147(a). Solve the equation x3 –[x] = 5, where [.] denotes the integral part of the
number x.

(b). Find all the real solutions of the equation 3x 2 -8[x] +1=0, where [.] denotes the greatest
integer function.
148. Prove that [x] = where [.] denote greatest integer function and n be any

positive integer then show that

149(a). A function f (x) is defined for all x  R and satisfies, f (x + y) = f (x) + 2y 2 + kxy  x, y  R,
where k is a given constant. If f (1) = 2 and f (2) = 8, find f (x) and show that
f(x + y). = k, x + y  0.

(b). Find all f(x) satisfying the relation {f(x)}2 + 4f(x).f(x) + {f(x)}2 = 0 .

150. Find all possible values of real parameter ‘a’ so that the range of f (x) = does

not contain any value belonging to the interval .


151. Evaluate the following limits




152. Let Sn = sin + sin2 + sin3 +… + sin n.

Prove that .

153. If siny = x sin(a + y), find as a function of x.

154. Let f(x) = , g(x) =

Find fog and discuss the continuity and differentiability of fog.

155. Let f(x) =

(a) Find f(x) (b) Discuss the continuity of f(x)

(c) Discuss the differentiability of f(x)

156. If f(x) =

Discuss the continuity of f(x) at x = 0


If f is continuous at x = 0, then find out the values of a, b, c and d

158(a). Let f (x) =

([.] denotes the greatest integer function). Then discuss the differentiability of f(x) in (0,2).

(b). Discuss the continuity of the function: f(x) =

159(a). If  x, y  R and f(0) = 1

Prove that f(x) is continuous for all x  R

(b). Discuss the continuity of the function: f(x) =

160. If f(x) be a continuous function in [ 0, 2] and f(0) = f(2) then prove that there exists
at least one point C belonging to 0 to  such that f(C) = f(C+) .

161. Tangent at the point P1 (x1, y1). (x1 0) on the curve 3y = x3 + 1 meets the curve again
at P2. The tangent at P2 meets the curve at P3 and so on. Find the sum of the abscissa
and ordinates separately for P1, P2, P3,… P20.

162. Find the shortest distance between the curves 9x2 + 9y2  30y + 16 = 0 and y2 = x3.

163. Show that the curve for which the x-intercept of the tangent drawn at any point
P on the curve is double of the x-coordinate of the point P, is xy=c. Also show that
for the curve xy=c, y-intercept of the tangent at any point P is double of the y-coordinate
of the point P.
164. For what real values of a and b are all the extrema of the function
f(x) = x3 + 2ax2 – 9x + b are positive and the maximum is at the point x0 = .

165. Let f(x) =

Find the values of b for which f(x) has greatest value at x =1

166. Discuss the monotonicity of g(x), where g(x) =  x  R. It is given

that f(x) > 0  x R. Find also the points of maxima and minima of g(x).

167. If the tangent at (x1,y1) to the curve x3 + y3 = a3 meet the curve again in (x2, y2), then

prove that

168. Prove that there exist exactly two non-similar isosceles triangles ABC such that
tanA + tanB + tanC = 100.

169. Given two concentric spheres, S1 of radius r1 and S2 of radius r2, r2 > r1 > 0. Let ‘V’ be the
volume between them. Suppose at time t = 0, r 1 = r cm and r2 = R cm, and that for
t > 0, r1 increases at the constant rate of a cm/s and r 2 increases at a constant rate of b

cm/s. If a > b > , find when ‘V’ will be maximum.

170. Let ‘f’ be a function such that f (xy) = f (x) . f (y),  x, y,  R+ and f(1 + x) =1+x(1+ g(x)),
lim gx  = 0. Find the value of x  e  1  e  1 .
where x 0
x2  1 x2  1

171. If f(x) is a polynomial function of the nth degree, prove that

  n

e x f x dx  e x f x   f x   f x   f x   ....   1 f n  x  where f (x) denotes
(n) dn f .
dx n

172. Evaluate

e5 x .4 e2 x  e  2 x 
3 .

1 n2
173. Let In = x cosecndx , n 3. Prove that In = cos ec n  2 xx cot x  1  In–2.
n 1 n 1
x3  5
174. Evaluate  x  5 x  1 dx

175. Evaluate  (sin x  2 cos x ) (cos x  2 sin x ) dx

x   2
sin 2
x  sin x 3 / 2 . 6x
2  3 x dx
176. Evaluate  x

 x  sin x

 
 2 1 2 1
177. Evaluate the integral   3 x tan  x sec  dx
 x x

2 sin  sin 2

178. Integrate  cos    cos  cos    cos 3 

cos 5 x  cos 4 x
179. Evaluate  dx
1  2 cos 3 x

3 cos 2x  1
180. Evaluate  cos x

 / 4 1/ 3
181. Evaluate  1  sin 2
x3 1  ex
dx .
  / 4 
1/ 3

 2x   2x 
1/ 3 cos 1 2
  tan 1 2

182. Evaluate  1 x   1  x  dx.
 ex  1
1 / 3

183. Let f be a real valued function satisfying f(x) + f(x + 4) = f(x + 2) + f(x + 6). Prove that

is a constant function.

184. Show that sin-1 dx = .

185. Evaluate  [ne ] dx, where n is a natural number greater than 1 and [.] denotes the
greatest integer function.

186. If In = , then prove that (n+1)In + (n-1)In-2 =

187. Evaluate

188. Evaluate

189. If f(x) =  x  (0, ], prove that, .

190(a). If f(x) = ,  x  1 then prove that f(x) = f

(b). If then prove that either x is purely fractional or x is such that {x} = 1/2

( here [.] denotes greatest integer function and {.} denotes fractional part

(c). Find the value of , where {.} denotes the fractional part.

191. Find the area of the region bounded by y2 + 4ax = 0 and (y2 + 4a2)x + 8a3 = 0, a > 0.

192. Let f(x) = minimum {ex,3/2, 1+e-x|0 +  x  1}

Find the area bounded by y = f (x), x – axis, y – axis and the line x = 1

193. Let f be a real valued function satisfying f = f(x) – f(y) and = 3. Find the
area bounded by the curve y = f(x), the y – axis and the line y = 3.

194. Sketch the region bounded by the curves |y+x|1, |y – x |  1 and 3x2 + 3x2 = 1 and find
its area.

195. Find a continuous function ‘f’, (x4 – 4 x2)  f (x)  (2x2– x3) such that the area bounded by
y = f(x) , y = x4 – 4x2 , the y axis and the line x = t, ( 0  t  2) is k times the area bounded
by y = f(x), y = 2x2- – x3, y axis and line x = t ( 0  t  2).

196. Let P be a point on the parabola y 2 = 4x, with the ordinate y satisfying 1 < y 2. Then
normal to the parabola at P intersects the x – axis in N and a line parallel to y axis
through P intersects the x axis in M. find the maximum difference in the areas of triangles
PMN and PMS, where S is the focus of the parabola

197. Consider two curves C1 : y2 = and C2 : x2 = , where [.] deotes the

greatest integer function. Find the area of region enclosed by these two curves
within the square formed by the lines x =1, y=1, x =4, y =4.

198(a). Sketch and find the area bounded by the curve and
x2 + y2 = a2 (a > 0).

(b). If curve |x| + |y| = a divides the area in two parts find their ratio in first quadrant only.

199. If (x –y) f(x+y) – (x+y)f(x –y) = 4xy(x2 –y2) . Find the area bounded by the curve
[f(y)]2/3 + [f(x)]1/3 = 0 and [f(y)]2/3 + [f(x)]2/3 = 12.

200. Find all the values of the parameter a (a  1) for each of the area of the figure bounded
by the pair of straight lines y 2 – 3y + 2 = 0 and the curves y = [a]x 2, y = [a]x2 is the
greatest . Here [.] denotes greatest integer function.
201. Solve the differential equation (1+tan y) [x dx-e-y.dy] + x2dy = 0

202(a). Solve .

(b). Solve the differential equation (xdy + ydx) sin(xy) + (x2ydy + y2xdx) cos(xy) = 0

203(a). Find the equation of all possible curves that will cut each member of the family of circles
x2 + y2 –2cx = 0 (c is a parameter) at right angle.

(b). Suppose that a mothball loses volume by evaporation at a rate proportional to its
instantaneous area. If the diameter of the ball decreases from 2 cm to 1 cm in 3 months,
how long will it take until the ball has practically gone.

204. The tangent at any point P of a curve C meets the x–axis at Q whose abscissa is
positive and OP =OQ, O being the origin show that C is a family of parabolas having a
common axis.

205. A curve passing through the point(1, 1) has the property that the perpendicular
distance of the origin from the normal at any point P of the curve is equal to the
distance of P from the x–axis. Determine the equation of the curve.

206. If y1 and y2 are the solution of differential equation , where P and Q are

function of x alone and y2 = y1z, then prove that z = 1+c. , where ‘c’ is an arbitrary

207. A curve C has the property that the area of triangle formed by the x-axis, tangent to the
curve and radius vector of the point of tangency is constant K 2. Find the equation of
curve C if point (0, 1) lies on the curve.

208. Find a pair of curves such that,

(a) The tangents drawn at points with equal abscissas intersect on the y-axis.
(b) the normal drawn at points with equal abscissas intersect on the x-axis.
(c) one curve passes through (1, 1) and other passes through (2, 3).

209. A curve passing through (1, 0) is such that the ratio of the square of the intercept cut by
any tangent off the y-axis to the subnormal is equal to the ratio of the product of the co-
ordinates of the point of tangency to the product of square of the slope of the tangent
and the subtangent at the same point. Determine all such possible curves.

210. Consider a curved mirror y = f(x) passing through (8, 6) having the property that all
light rays emerging from origin, after getting reflected from the mirror becomes parallel
to x–axis. Find the equation of curved .

211. Show that .

212. If in a  ABC,
then prove that the sum of the cosine of the three angles of the triangle is equal to
the cosine of the sum of the angles.

213. A right–angle is divided in three parts ,  and  (, ,  > 0). Prove that for all possible
divisions tan + tan + tan > 1 + tan. tan. tan.

214. If where 1 and 0 do not differ by an even multiple

of , prove that =-1

215. Prove that

216. If sin  = A sin ( + ), A  0 then prove that for all permissible values of  and 
(i). tan  =

(ii). tan  =

(iii). tan ( + ) =

217. If in a triangle ABC, tan A + tanB + tan C = k then find the interval in which k should lie
so that
(i) there exists exactly one isosceles triangle ABC
(ii) there exist exactly two non similar isosceles triangle ABC
(iii) can there exist three non similar isosceles triangles for any value of k ?

218(a). If tan 6 = , find the value of ( p cosec 2 – q sec 2) in terms of p and q.

(b). If {sin ( – ) + cos ( + 2) sin }2 = 4cos  sin  sin ( + ). Then prove that,

tan  + tan  = ; ,   .

219. Eliminate q from the equations tan (nq + a) - tan (nq + b) = x

and cot (nq +a) - cot (nq + b) = y

220. If 2(cos(a -b) + cos(b -g) + cos(g - a)) +3 =0,

prove that = 0, where ‘q’

is any real angle such that a + q, b + q, g +q are not the multiple of p.


221. Give the most general solution of x and y if 2sinx + cosy = 2.

222. If {sin( – ) + cos( + 2) sin}2 = 4 cos sin sin(+ ) and tan = 3 tan then the
general solution for .

223. Solve .

224. Find the values of  and , 0 < , < satisfying cos cos cos(+ ) = .

225(a). For x  (-, ) find the value of x for which the given equation
is satisfied
(b). Consider the equation (sin–1x)3 + (cos–1x)3 = a3. Find the values of parameter ‘a’ so that
the given equation has a solution.

226. Let S1 be the set of all those solution of the equation (1 + a) cos x . cos (2x –b) = (1 + a
cos 2x) cos (x –b) which are independent of ‘a’ and ‘b’ and S 2 be the set of all such
solution which are dependent on ‘a’ and ‘b’. Find
(i). Set S1 and S2
(ii). Conditions that should be imposed on ’a’ and ‘b’ such that S2 is non-empty.
(iii). All the permissible values of ‘b’, if a = 0 and S2 is a subset of (0, ).

227. If tan 5A = tan  and tan (3A + B) = 1, prove that 2A = B + n +  – , n  I.

228. if x = cosec (tan–1(cos(cot–1(sec(sin–1 a))))) and y = sec(cot–1(sin(tan–1(cosec(cos–1a))))),

where a  [0, 1]. Find the relationship between x and y in terms of ‘a’.

229. Show that 2 tan–1 .

230. Solve the equation  = tan–1(2tan2) – sin–1 .

231. If the in-circle of the triangle ABC, passes through it’s circumcentre, then prove that
cosA + cosB + cosC = .

232. In a triangle ABC prove that a cos A + b cos B + c cos C  s where s represents semi
perimeter of  ABC.

233. In a triangle ABC, D is a point on the side AB such that CD2 = ADDB. Prove that
sinAsinB  sin2 C/2. Also discuss the case when equality holds.

234. From a n–sided regular polygon of side ‘a’ congruent isosceles triangles are cut along
each vertex so as to form a new 2n-sided regular polygon. Find the circumradius of new

235. In an acute angles triangle ABC, the points A¢, B¢ and C¢ are located such that : A¢ is the
point where altitude from A on BC meerts the outward – facing semi circle drawn on BC
as diameters, Points B¢ and C¢ are located similarly. Prove that
{area (BCA¢)}2 + {area (CAB¢)}2 + { area (ABC¢)}2 = { area (ABC)}2.

236. In the scalene triangle ABC the altitudes AP and CQ are drawn from the vertices A
and C to the sides BC and AB respectively. The area of the triangle ABC is known to
be equal to 18, the area of DBPQ is 2 and length of the segment PQ to 2 . Prove
that distance between centroid of DABC and vertex B is 2 .

237. In a triangle ABC, BC is of fixed length 'a’ and AB : AC = l :1, l > 1. Prove that for
every position of vertex A, length of internal bisector of angle A is always less

than .

238. A hexagon is inscribed in a circle of radius ‘r’. Two of its sides have length one unit, two
have length 2 units and the remaining two have the length 3 units. Prove that ‘r’ is a root
of the equation 2r3 –7r –3 = 0.

239. If 1, 2 and 3 be the diameters of the ex-circles of a triangle ABC (opposite to

vertices A, B and C respectively) then prove that,

240. Two similar triangles ABC and A1B1C1 are given. The vertices of triangle A1B1C1 lies on

the distinct sides of triangle ABC. Prove that where ‘r’ and ‘R’ are the

radii of incircle and circumcircle respectively of triangle ABC.


241. From the top of a tower of height h, the angles of depression of the top of three vertical
poles of same height, are the same, and are each equal to . If a1, a2, a3 are the
angles of depression of the bases of the poles, find the height of each pole.

242. A stationary baloon is observed from three points A, B and C on the plane ground and it
is found that its angle of elevation from each of these points is a. If ÐABC = b and
AC = b, find the height of the baloon.

243. ABCDE is a regular pentagon. A tower stands at the point A. The angles of elevation
of the top of the tower at B and C are a and b respectively. Show that
(3 + )cot2a = 2cot2b.

244. A man walking along a road observes two objects on the same side of the road at a
distance ‘x’ apart, subtend greatest angle a at a point P on the road. On further walking a
distance 2x he finds that the two objects are in a straight line which makes an angle a
with the road. Prove that .

245. From a point directly opposite the middle of one side of a square tower and distant d
from it, the elevation of the top of the tower is observed to be a, and the elevation of the
top of a flagstaff erected at the middle of the top of the tower is observed to be b. From

another point on the same level, at a distance a from the first directly towards the tower,
the top of the flagstaff can be seen and no more. Find the height of the flagstaff.

246. A man standing on a plane observes a row of equal and equidistant pillars, the 9 th and
16th pillars subtend same angle that they would do if they were in the position of the first
and were respectively of their height. Prove that neglecting height of the man’s
eye the line of pillars is inclined to the line drawn from his eye to the fifth at an angle 

where  = sin-1 .

247. Three poles on a horizontal plane and of equal height subtend equal angles at the top of
a tower. The anlges of depression of the bases of these poles as seen from the top of
the tower are a1, a2, a3. Prove that
coseca1sin(a2 - a3) + coseca2sin(a3 - a1) + coseca3sin(a1 - a2) = 0.

248. A vertical tower ABCD (points A, B, C, D all lying in one line on different vertical levels)
stand on a level ground, with ‘A’ being the foot of the tower. At a point ‘P’ on the ground
the portions AB, AC, AD subtend angles , ,  respectively. If AB = a, AC = b, AD = c,
AP = x and  +  +  = , show that (a + b + c)x2 = abc.

249. On the top of a hemispherical dome of radius ‘r’ there stands a flag of height ‘h’. From a
point on the ground the elevation of the top of the flag is ‘1’. After moving a distance ‘d’
towards the dome, when the flag is just visible, the elevation is ‘2’. Find ‘r’ and ‘h’ in
terms of ‘1’, ‘2’ and ‘d’.

250. A hill, standing on horizontal plane, has a circular base and forms a part of a sphere. At
two points on the plane at distance ‘a’ and ‘b’ from base, the angular elevations of
highest visible points on the hill are  and  ( > ) respectively. Prove that height of the

hill is 2 .

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