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When the new neighbour moved in next door, their son's terrible screams and

cries echoed throughout the night. We initially thought it was just a toddler's nightly
cries, but the constant wails made us worried.

One fateful night, as I laid in bed, the cries reached a frightening climax. I
heard an angry woman's voice, which I later learnt belonged to the house's owner.
The child's cries kept going, getting even louder than before. Then, there was a loud
bang. I looked out of the window and saw a woman ran out from the house. The
child in the house, kept calling to the woman, “Mum! Mum!’

After a while, I saw a tiny body moving to the window. I looked out. What I
saw shocked me. The child, a boy around my age, stood at the window, his body
covered in bruises and burn marks. This pain was clearly caused by his own mother.

Without hesitation, I called the police, pleading for them to visit the house.
Moments later, police officers arrived, followed by an ambulance. The child was
rushed to the hospital, and the mother was caught upon returning to the house.

The police officers praised me for being a caring and responsible neighbour. I
knew I had done the right thing by rescuing that poor boy from his abusive mother.

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