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John Carl C.


BEED 3 – A

As a third year student and a future Educator who studied at Core Gateway
College Inc. (CGCI) is an institution committed to excellence in education,
character development, and community involvement. Reflecting on CGCI’s
vision, mission, goals, and core values provides a comprehensive
understanding of the college’s objectives and its impact on students and

Additionally, considering how I can contribute to these elements enables me to

actively participate in realizing the college’s aspirations. By excelling in my
studies, I uphold the reputation of the college towards excellent performance.
Character development programs and the attempt to live by the ethical
principals in everyday life facilitate contributions towards the mission of the
college in developing individuals with high moral character. Community service
and outreach programs facilitate the enrichment of the personal growth and
strengthen the ties or bonding between the college and the community at large.

The Vision of Core Gateway College Inc. Is envisioned to be one of the finest
institutions in the pursuit of excellence in education, character formation, and
community involvement. It is an embodiment of the college and more so highly
competitive and forward-looking standards and ideals. Emphasis shall be
placed on distinguished education, high moral growth, and good community
linkages. While striving for excellence, CGCI would like to offer society
graduates who will greatly contribute to its nourishment while the Mission of
Core Gateway College Inc. Exists to provide quality education that will
empower students with knowledge, skills, and values necessary for personal
and professional success.

The mission, therefore, is one that outlines the commitment of this college
toward provision of comprehensive education beyond just the provision of
academic knowledge. It focuses on the development of practical skills and
instilling ethical values to make them succeed in their careers and meaningful

The Goals of Core Gateway College Inc. Says that they truly deserve it to be at
the top when it comes to learnings and developing a well rounded educational
institution by mold every students to thrive their best in learning and to gain
respect for their future.
When it comes to the Core Values of Core Gateway College Inc. Which is the
Excellence, Integrity, Respect, and Responsibility. These values serve as
guiding principles for the college’s actions and decisions and Integrity
emphasizes honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior. I can contribute by
consistently acting with integrity in my academic and personal attempts. This
includes being honest in my work, respecting others, and taking responsibility
for my actions.

Value for excellence means creating an atmosphere of high standard-setting

and maintenance of the same in all spheres. My contribution would be
searching for excellence in everything, be it my academic work, extracurricular
activities, or personal growth. Thus, setting high standards in values for
excellence and diligently working to attain them is creating a culture of
excellence at CGCI.

Integrity focuses on issues of honesty, transparency, and ethical actions. I can

contribute to this by living with integrity in my academic and personal pursuits
—this means I have to be honest in my work and show respect to persons while
taking responsibility for the things that I do.

A commitment to excellence is deeply ingrained in all spheres. I can contribute

towards this by ensuring that in whatever task I do whether it be academic
work, extracurricular, or personal development-related I strive for excellence.
Setting high standards and working diligently toward them will foster a culture
of excellence here at CGCI.

The value for Respect focuses in every students matter which we learners
educate in the richness of our past and developing a feeling of deep admiration
for someone or something facts by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. I
can contribute respect to every students because we know that respect earned
not given.

The value of responsibility focuses on many ways such as being a leader in this
value students become more independent and developing their ability to be
responsible students for their role in this society. My contribution for this value
is to make more students responsible for every role they step in just to make
sure that they have the confidence to be a leader someday.

The vision, mission, goals, and core values of Core Gateway College Inc. Are
reflective of the strong commitment towards quality education and holistic
development. I live up to the prin- ciples aspired by CGCI through the practice
of academic excellence, ethical behavior, service to the people, and lifelong

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