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Proposal for GIGIS Language Week (English )2023

Teams involved - English Department

Date of Event-

Overview- The English Language Week will be held from 24th – 28th July. The proposed
activities and competitions for the Language week are planned to facilitate experiential
learning, hone the skills required for language learning and also to foster the love for
the English Language.

Day Name of event Grades Dates

1 Dream career dress up 1-5 Monday
1 Favorite word / Phrase dress up Secondar Monday
y 1,2,3,
2 Poster making for exhibition 1-5 & Tuesday
y 1,2,3,
3 Sing a song and performance 1-5 & Wednesday
ry 1,2,3,
4 Book Swap 1-5 Thursday
4 Multimedia day (video-making) Seconda Thursday
ry 1,2,3,
5 English Showcase and exhibition 1-5 & Friday
ry 1,2,3,

English Language
1. Dream career dress up

Grade: 1-5

Date of the event: 24/07/2023 - Monday

Venue: Their respective classes during the English period

Overview: Students wear an outfit of their dream career, and they

talk about it in English (Why they chose this career).

Teacher in charge: Respective English teachers

1. Favorite word / phrase Day dress up

Grade: Secondary 1,2,3, IGCSE 1 & 2

Date of the event: 24/07/2023 - Monday

Venue: Their respective classes during the English period

Overview: Students wear their favorite word with its definition,

meaning and synonyms written on their front or back. This activity
promotes vocabulary building.

Teacher in charge: Respective English teachers


2. Poster making for exhibition

Grade: 1-5 & Secondary 1,2,3, IGCSE 1 & 2

Date of the event: 25/07/2023 - Tuesday

Venue: Their respective classes during the English period

Overview: Students design and create posters related to the English

language. Topics will be shared amongst various classes in advance
to work on.

Teacher in charge: Respective English teachers

3. Sing a song and performance

Grade: 1-5 & Secondary 1,2,3, IGCSE 1 & 2

Date of the event: 26/07/2023 - Wednesday

Venue: Their respective classes during the English period. [Songs to

be recorded at shown to audience in auditorium]

Overview: Students work in groups to sing a song in English. They

can choose a song, write their own song if they can, and perform
them in front of the class or school. It encourages creativity,
teamwork, and oral communication skills.

Teacher in charge: Respective English teachers


4. Book Swap

Grade: 1-5

Date of the event: 27/07/2023 - Thursday

Venue: Their respective classes during the English period.

Overview: Students bring their favorite novels / books on this day,

place them in a common basket and randomly pick any book to read.
Sharing books builds a positive relationship between key person and
child. Enjoying a good book with a group of children strengthens
group solidarity.

Teacher in charge: Respective English teachers

4. Multimedia Day (video-making)

Grade: Secondary 1,2,3, IGCSE 1 & 2

Date of the event: 27/07/2023 - Thursday

Venue: Their respective classes during the English period. [Recorded

videos to be shown to audience in auditorium]

Overview: Students form small groups and create their own short
movies in English. They can write scripts, assign roles, film, and edit
their movies using smartphones or other devices. Afterward, they
can showcase their creations in the auditorium and discuss the

Teacher in charge: Respective English teachers


5. English Showcase and exhibition

Grade: 1-5 & Secondary 1,2,3, IGCSE 1 & 2

Date of the event: 28/07/2023 - Friday

Venue: Posters designed on Tuesday to be displayed in auditorium.

Overview: Students display posters related to the English language

designed on day two (Tuesday) in the auditorium as an exhibition.
Teacher in charge: Respective English teachers

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