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The 7 Essential

Elements and
Fundamentals of
Communicate your message in a
clear and straightforward manner to
avoid confusion. This allows people
to better understand EXACTLY what
you mean rather than having to
‘decode’ your words.

Express ideas succinctly, focusing on
key points without unnecessary
details. Simply put, this means being
able to get straight to the point,
rather than talking about
unnecessary information.

Organise your thoughts logically,
ensuring a smooth flow in your
communication. Speak in an ordered
manner, rather than putting bits and
pieces of unrelated information

Align your verbal and non-verbal
messages to enhance credibility and
trust. Ensure that whatever you say
matches with how you act. This allows
people to clearly understand you and
what you are trying to communicate.

Active Listening:
Often, this is the most important part
of communication. Pay full attention
to others, show understanding, and
respond thoughtfully. This enables
them to feel valued and cared for.

Understand and consider the
emotions and perspectives of others
to build rapport. Try to see things from
their viewpoints by being open-
minded and willing to change your
views or opinions.

Tailor your communication style to different
audiences and situations for maximum
effectiveness. Ensure that you communicate
in a manner that is understandable to
whoever you may be communicating with.
Remember - not everybody communicates in
the same way.

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