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Rubric: Pitch Deck Presentation

Criteria 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point

Aesthetic The pitch deck is The pitch deck is The pitch deck is The pitch deck The pitch deck is
visually appealing, visually appealing, visually appealing, lacks visual appeal visually
with consistent with mostly but with some and has unappealing and
design elements, consistent design inconsistencies in inconsistencies in lacks design
appropriate use of elements, design elements, design elements, elements, colors,
colors, fonts, and appropriate use of colors, fonts, or colors, fonts, or fonts, or graphics.
graphics. colors, fonts, and graphics. graphics.

Structure The pitch deck has The pitch deck has The pitch deck has a The pitch deck The pitch deck
a clear and logical a clear and logical somewhat clear lacks a clear lacks structure and
structure, with a structure, with an structure, but may structure, with coherence, with no
well-defined introduction, main lack a well-defined unclear or missing clear introduction,
introduction, main points, and introduction, main introduction, main main points, or
points, and conclusion. points, or points, or conclusion.
conclusion. Transitions conclusion. conclusion. Transitions
Transitions between slides are Transitions between Transitions between slides are
between slides are mostly smooth. slides are somewhat between slides are disjointed or non-
smooth and smooth. abrupt or existent.
seamless. confusing.

Presentation The presenter The presenter The presenter speaks The presenter lacks The presenter lacks
speaks clearly and speaks clearly and somewhat clearly clarity and clarity and
confidently, confidently, and confidently, confidence in confidence in
maintaining good maintaining good with occasional speech, with speech, with
eye contact with eye contact with lapses in eye contact frequent lapses in minimal eye
the audience. The the audience. The with the audience. eye contact with contact with the
pitch is engaging, pitch is mostly The pitch is the audience. The audience. The
persuasive, and engaging, somewhat engaging pitch is not very pitch is not
effectively persuasive, and and persuasive, but engaging or engaging,
communicates the effectively may lack persuasive, and persuasive, or
key points. communicates the effectiveness in struggles to effective in
key points. communicating the communicate the communicating the
key points. key points. key points.

Confidence The presenter The presenter The presenter The presenter lacks The presenter lacks
and demonstrates high demonstrates good demonstrates some confidence and confidence and
Enthusiasm levels of levels of levels of confidence enthusiasm, enthusiasm, failing
confidence and confidence and and enthusiasm, but resulting in to capture and
enthusiasm enthusiasm may lack difficulty in maintain the
throughout the throughout the consistency in capturing and audience's
presentation, presentation, maintaining the maintaining the attention and
effectively capturing the audience's attention audience's interest.
capturing the audience's and interest. attention and
audience's attention and interest.
attention and interest.
Timeliness The presentation is The presentation is The presentation The presentation The presentation is
delivered within delivered within a slightly exceeds the significantly significantly
the allocated time reasonable time allocated time limit, exceeds the shorter than the
limit, frame, indicating some allocated time allocated time
demonstrating demonstrating difficulty in time limit, indicating limit, indicating a
excellent time good time management. poor time lack of preparation
management skills. management skills. management skills. and time
management skills.
Guidelines for Pitch Deck Presentation Rubric


- Ensure that the pitch deck is visually appealing by using consistent design elements throughout the presentation.
- Use appropriate colors, fonts, and graphics that align with the overall theme and message of the pitch.
- Pay attention to details such as alignment, spacing, and formatting to create a polished and professional look.


- Start the pitch deck with a clear and well-defined introduction that grabs the audience's attention and sets the tone for the
- Organize the main points of the pitch in a logical and coherent manner, ensuring a smooth flow of information.
- Include a conclusion that summarizes the key points and leaves a lasting impression on the audience.
- Use transitions between slides to create a seamless and cohesive presentation.


- Speak clearly and confidently throughout the presentation, ensuring that your voice is audible and easy to understand.
- Maintain good eye contact with the audience to establish a connection and keep their attention.
- Engage the audience by using persuasive language, storytelling techniques, and compelling visuals.
- Effectively communicate the key points of the pitch, highlighting the value proposition and addressing any potential
concerns or objections.

Confidence and Enthusiasm

- Demonstrate high levels of confidence and enthusiasm to captivate the audience and create a positive impression.
- Use body language and gestures to convey enthusiasm and passion for the topic.
- Practice the pitch multiple times to build confidence and ensure a smooth delivery.
- Show genuine excitement about the product, service, or idea being presented.


- Prepare and rehearse the pitch to ensure that it can be delivered within the allocated time limit.
- Practice time management skills to avoid rushing or exceeding the time limit.
- Be mindful of the audience's time and respect their schedule by delivering a concise and focused presentation.
- Allow for some flexibility in case there are questions or discussions during the presentation, but aim to stay within the
designated time frame.

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