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How the feeling of being unsafe in the corporate culture, is going to affect the org performance!

(this may result in lack of trust  thinking them to leave the org as soon as possible).

But in later half of the career, everyone tries to get in some stable job. Everyone wants stability in their life

 P.S.- Disengagement, Anxiety in employees due to lack of job security in the current crisis
 R.Q- How inducing positive motivation, and company policies affect the perceived job security, and
how it affects the work performance?

Is providing job security against the external factors to the employee (pandemic, slowdown, recession, policy
changes, etc.) may enhance the trust in the employees and will improve performance thinking that company
will stand behind them in odd times.

Eg -

(Booz Allen Hamilton is the latest company to offer employees emergency funds and a pledge of no layoffs in
the face of the economic upheaval stirred by the coronavirus outbreak. Will emergency fund lead to employee

In IT maybe job security is not an issue, so can we say that job security is no longer a issue in IT, all one need to
focus is …….

The As much as 52% of the workforce is willing to fo ..

 Indian professionals are looking for job security now more THAN EVER(Also, young popu;latin may
withstamd the dynamic env, but ppl over 35-40 wants stability in life)
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Effect of technology change (AI) on people peace factor

Amid the disaster tome, it is the most imp time to gain the trust of employees by
providing job secutiry packgees and check how thrie invi olvement with the
company increases multifold

Responses to the rise of insecure work are complicated by claims that emerging generations place less importance on security of
employment, preferring ‘flexibility’

Everyone wants stability in their life

Is providing job security against the external factors to the employee (pandemic, slowdown,
recession, policy changes, etc.) may enhance the trust in the employees and will improve
performance thinking that company will stand behind them in odd times.

I want to study the mediating/ moderating role of something in the relationship

between job security and performance… let’s say family background/ upbringing/

In IT maybe job security is not an issue, so can we say that job security is no longer
a issue in IT, ….. no It is yet the top priority of ppl in India to

Indian professionals are looking for job security now more THAN EVER(Also, young popu;latin
may withstamd the dynamic env, but ppl over 35-40 wants stability in life)
Read more at:

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136 million jobs at risk in post-corona India

9 min read . Updated: 31 Mar 2020, 11:33 AM ISTGoutam Das
 There will be a tsunami of job losses for employees who don’t have a regular salary, people
without a written contract
 A labour market crunch right now can easily turn into a nightmare. Besides the possibility of
social unrest, expect more demands for more reservations in government

Nonetheless, a large number of employees do experience a lack of job security, and employability is
presented as an alternative (Kluytmans and Ott, 1999; Pruijt and Dérogée, 2010).But still , job security
has come up more importantly to them in this era than employability bcoz the market condition are very
bad due to outside crisis that hit employability badly and only left job security as the only thinf to rely on

JI could be generalized to include not only discontinuation of employment or total job loss, but also any
loss of desirable job features which cannot be easily prevented or compensated for[10,11,12]—Baki
benefits jaise, work life balance,credibility:ppl think k ye nikala gaya hai, to phir bekar h kaam karta hoga
relationship aur teamwork b chala jata h job k sath

 OYO, on the other hand, announced pay cuts for its employees. CEO
Rohit Kapoor, in an email, stated the company is asking all its
employees to accept a reduction in fixed compensation by 25 per cent
effective for the April-July 2020 period.

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