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PACKAGE LEAFLET: INFORMATION FOR THE Stop taking the medicine and tell your doctor immediately if

PATIENT you experience:

Emidol 500mg • Allergic reactions which may be severe such as skin rash and
itching sometimes with swelling of the mouth or face or
Tablets shortness of breath
Paracetamol • Skin rash or peeling, or mouth ulcers
• Breathing problems. These are more likely if you have
Please read this leaflet carefully before you start to take experienced them before when taking other painkillers such as
your medicine. ibuprofen and aspirin
• Keep this leaflet. You may need to read it again. • Unexplained bruising or bleeding
• If you have further questions, please ask your doctor or • Nausea, sudden weight loss, loss of appetite and yellowing
your pharmacist. of the eyes and skin.
• If any of the side effects get serious, or if you notice any • very rare cases of serious skin reactions have been
side effects not listed in the leaflet, please tell your doctor or reported(e.g. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS), toxic
pharmacist. epidermal necrolysis (TEN) and acute generalized
In this leaflet: exanthematous pustulosis (AGF.P). Symptoms may include:
1. What Emidol is and what it is used for skin reddening, blisters, rash. If skin reactions occur or
2. Before you take Emidol existing skin symptoms worsen, stop use and seek medical
3. How to take Emidol help right away.
4. Possible side effects If you do get any side effects, even those not mentioned in this
5. How to store Emidol leaflet, tell your doctor or pharmacist.
6. Further information
5. How to store Emidol
1. What Emidol is and what it is used for
Emidol 500mg Tablets are used for the relief of headache, Keep all medicines out of the sight and reach of children.
tension headache, migraine, backache, rheumatic and Do not store above 30 ƕ C. Store in a dry place. Protect from
muscle pain, toothache and period pain. light. Do not use Emidol after the expiry date which is stated
They also relieve sore throat and the fever, aches and pains after ‘EXP’ on the blister and carton. Medicines should not be
of colds and flu and are recommended for the relief of pain disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask your
due to mild arthritis. pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required.
The active ingredient is paracetamol which is a painkiller These measures will help to protect the environment.
and also reduces your temperature when you have a fever. 6. Further information
2. Before you take Emidol What Emidol tablets contain?
Do not take Emidol: The active substance is paracetamol. Each tablet contains 500
• if you have ever had an allergic reaction to paracetamol or mg of paracetamol BP. The other ingredients are
to any of the other ingredients (listed in Section 6) pregelatinised starch, povidone & stearic acid .
• if you are taking other medicines containing paracetamol. What Emidol tablets look like and contents of the pack
Ask your doctor before you take this medicine: White to off-white capsule shaped tablets, bisected on one side
• if you have liver or kidney disease, including alcoholic with GP17 logo on the other side.
liver disease Emidol 500mg tablets are available in container packs of 24
• if you suffer from mild arthritis and need to take tablets as (12’s blister X 2) ,
painkillers every day. Marketing Authorisation Holder and Manufacturer :
If you are taking other medicines Globalpharma Co. LLC, P. O. Box 72168, Dubai, UAE
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking these tablets Tel :+97148090900, Email:
if you are taking any prescribed medicines; particularly This leaflet was last updated in March 2019 (RLD01/17)
metoclopramide or domperidone (for nausea [feeling sick] How can you obtain more information about Emidol?
or vomiting [being sick]) or colestyramine (to lower blood This leaflet does not contain all the information about Emidol.
cholesterol). If you take blood thinning drugs If you have any questions or are not sure about anything, ask
(anticoagulants e.g. warfarin) and you need to take a pain your doctor or pharmacist.
reliever on a daily basis, talk to your doctor because of the To report any side effects:
risk of bleeding. • Saudi Arabia:
But you can still take occasional doses of Emidol at the The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre
same time as anticoagulants. (NPC) ,Fax: +966-11-205-7662,
Pregnancy and breast feeding Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts 2317-2356-2340.
Talk to your doctor before taking Emidol if you are Reporting Hotline: 19999,
pregnant. You can take this product whilst breast feeding. E-mail: ,
3. How to take Emidol Website:
Adults and children aged 16 years and over: • Other GCC States: Please contact the relevant competent
Swallow 1-2 tablets every 4 to 6 hours as needed. authority
Do not take more than 8 tablets in 24 hours. THIS IS A MEDICAMENT
Children aged 10-15 years: - A Medicament is a product, which affects your health, and
Give 1 tablet every 4 to 6 hours as needed. Do not give more its consumption, contrary to instruction, is dangerous for you.
than 4 tablets in 24 hours. - Follow strictly the doctor’s prescription, the method of use
• Do not take more frequently than every 4 hours. and the instructions of the pharmacist who sold the
• Do not take more than the recommended dose. medicament.

• Do not give to children under 10 years. - The doctor and the pharmacist are experts in medicine, its
If you take too many tablets benefits and risks.
Talk to a doctor at once if you take too much of this - Do not, by yourself, interrupt the period of treatment
medicine even if you feel well. This is because too much prescribed for you.
paracetamol can cause delayed, serious liver damage. - Do not repeat the same prescription without consulting your
If your symptoms continue or your headache becomes doctor.
persistent, see your doctor. Keep medicaments out of the reach of children
4. Possible side effects
Like all medicines, Emidol can have side effects but not Council of Arab Health Ministers
everybody gets them. A small number of people have had Union of Arab Pharmacist
side effects. LFT0075SA-01
 : ΕυΣϻ΍Ϋ·΍έϭϓϙΑϳΑρέΎΑΧ·ϭ˯΍ϭΩϟ΍ϝϭΎϧΗϥϋϑϗϭΗϟ΍ΏΟϳ νϳέϣϠϟΕΎϣϭϠόϣΓϭΑόϟ΍Γέηϧ
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ϝϭΎϧΗΩϧϋϡϬΛϭΩΣΕυΣϻϙϧ΃΢ΟέϷ΍ϥϣαϔϧΗϟ΍ϲϓϝϛΎηϣ‡ ϝϭϣΎΗϳγ΍έΎΑ
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˷ ˶ϣ͊ϣ˴γ͉Ηϟ΍˶Δ͉ϳϭ˶ έ˸˴ η˴Αϟ΍˶Δ˴Ηϭ˶ ˷ ϣ˴ ˴Ηϣ˵ ϟ΍˶ΔΟ˴ γ˶ ˸ϧ˴Ϸ΍ ˵έ͊η˴Ϙ˴ΗˬϥϭγϧϭΟίϧϔϳΗγ
 έΎΛΑϟ΍ϭϲ  .. ϙΑιΎΧϟ΍ϲϟΩϳλϟ΍ϭ΃
 ν΍έϋϷ΍ϝϣηΗϥ΃ϥϛϣϳϭ ΩΎΣϟ΍ϡϣόϣϟ΍ϲΣϔρϟ΍  ϡϟΔϳΑϧΎΟΕ΍έϳΛ΄Ηϱ΃ΕυΣϻϭ΃ΔϳΑϧΎΟϟ΍Ε΍έϳΛ΄Ηϟ΍ΩΣ΃ϡϗΎϔΗϝΎΣϲϓ ‡
 ΢ϔρϟ΍‡έϭΛΑϟ΍‡ΩϠΟϟ΍έ΍έϣΣ·‡  ιΎΧϟ΍ϲϟΩϳλϟ΍ϭ΃ΞϟΎόϣϟ΍ϙΑϳΑρέΎΑΧΈΑϡϗΓέηϧϟ΍ϩΫϫϲϓΎϫέϛΫϡΗϳ
 ΓΩϋΎγϣϟ΍ΏϠρ΍ϭ˯΍ϭΩϟ΍ϝϭΎϧΗϥϋϑϗϭΗˬΔϳΩϠΟΕϼϋΎϔΗΙϭΩΣΔϟΎΣϲϓ  . ϙΑ
έϭϔϟ΍ϰϠϋΔϳΑρϟ΍ Γ έηϧϟ΍ϩΫϫϲϓ
 ύϼΑ· ϰΟέ˵ϳ ˬΓέηϧϟ΍ ϩΫϬΑ ΓΩέ΍ϭϟ΍ έϳϏ ΔϳΑϧΎΟ Ε΍έϳΛ΄Η Δ͉ϳ΃ ΕυΣϻ ΍Ϋ·  ˮϡΩΧΗγ˵ ΗϡϳϓϭˮϝϭΩϳϣ·ϭϫΎϣ˺
 έϭϔϟ΍ϰϠϋϙΑιΎΧϟ΍ϲϟΩϳλϟ΍ϭ΃ϙΑϳΑρ   ϝϭΩϳϣ·ϝϭΎϧΗΗϥ΃ϝΑϗ ˻
 ϝϭΩϳϣ·ϥϳίΧΗΔϳϔϳϛ˾  ϝϭΩϳϣ·ϝϭΎϧΗΔϳϔϳϛ˼
 ϻΓέ΍έΣΔΟέΩϲϓυϔΣϳϝΎϔρϷ΍ϝϭΎϧΗϣϭΔϳ΅έϥϋ΍ΩϳόΑΔϳϭΩϷ΍υϔΣΗ  ΔϠϣΗΣϣϟ΍ΔϳΑϧΎΟϟ΍Ε΍έϳΛ΄Ηϟ΍˽
 ϝϣόΗγϳ ϻ ˯ϭοϟ΍ ϥϋ΍ΩϳόΑ ϑΎΟϥΎϛϣϲϓ Δϳϭ΋ϣ ΔΟέΩ ˼˹ϥϋΩϳίΗ  ϝϭΩϳϣ·ϥϳίΧΗΔϳϔϳϛ˾
 ΓϭΑόϟ΍ ϰϠϋϭ ρϳέηϟ΍ ϰϠϋϥϭΩϣϟ΍ ΔϳΣϼλϟ΍ ΦϳέΎΗ ˯ΎοϘϧ΍ ΩόΑ  ϝϭΩϳϣ·  ΔϳϓΎο΍ΕΎϣϭϠόϣ˿
 ϭ΃ ΔϣΩΎόϟ΍ ϩΎϳϣϟ΍ ϲϓ ΔϳϭΩϷ΍ ϥϣ ιϠΧΗϟ΍ ϲϐΑϧϳ  ϻ EXPΔϣϠϛ ΩόΑ
 ΔΑγΎϧϣϟ΍ ΔϘϳέρϟ΍ ϥϋ ϙΑ ιΎΧϟ΍ ϲϟΩϳλϟ΍ ϝ΄γ·  Δϳϟίϧϣϟ΍ ΕΎϳΎϔϧϟ΍ ˮϡΩΧΗγ˵ Η ϡϳϓϭ ˮ ϝϭΩϳϣ· ϭϫ Ύϣ ˺
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 ΔϳϓΎο΍ΕΎϣϭϠόϣ˿  ΩέΑϟ΍ Εϻίϧ ϡϻ΁ϭ ωΎΟϭ΃ˬ ϰϣΣϟ΍ϭ ϖϠΣϟ΍ ΏΎϬΗϟ΍ ϥϣ ϑϔΧΗ ΎϬϧ΃ Ύϣϛ
ϝϭΩϳϣ·ι΍έϗ΃ΕΎϳϭΗΣϣϲϫΎϣ  ϑϳϔΧϟ΍ϝλΎϔϣϟ΍ΏΎϬΗϟ΍ΏΑγΑϡϟϷ΍ϑϳϔΧΗϟΎϬΑϰλϭϳϭ ΍ίϧϭϠϔϧϻ΍ϭ
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  ϲϧΎρϳέΑϟ΍ΔϳϭΩϷ΍έϭΗγΩϟΎϘΑρ ϝϭϣΎΗϳγ΍έΎΑ  ϰϣΣϟΎΑΎΑΎλϣϥϭϛΗΎϣΩϧϋΓέ΍έΣϟ΍
 ϙϳέϳΗγϟ΍νϣΣˬϥϭΩϳϓϭΑˬϝΩόϣϟ΍Ύηϧϟ΍ϯέΧϷ΍ΕΎϧϭϛϣϟ΍  ϝϭΩϳϣ·ϝϭΎϧΗΗϥ΃ϝΑϗ ˻
ˮΎϬΗϭΑϋϡΟΣϭΎϬϔλϭϭϝϭΩϳϣ·ι΍έϗϷϲϧϻΩϳλϟ΍ϝϛηϟ΍ϭϫΎϣ ϝϭΩϳϣ·ϝϭΎϧΗΗϻ
 ϰϟ· ϝ΋Ύϣϟ΍ νϳΑϷ΍ϭ νϳΑϷ΍ϥϳΑ ΎϬϧϭϟ ϝϳϣϳ ˬ ϝϛηϟ΍ ΔϳϟϭγΑϛ ι΍έϗ΃ ΕΎϧϭϛϣϟ΍ϥϣϱ΃ϭ΃ϝϭϣΎΗϳγ΍έΎΑϩΎΟΗϲγγΣΗϝόϓΩέϱ΃ϥϣΕϳϧΎϋ΍Ϋ·‡
 ϑλϧϣ έΧϵ΍ ΏϧΎΟϟ΍ϭGP17 ΎϬϳΑϧΎΟ ΩΣ΃ ϰϠϋ έϭϔΣϣˬ Γέϔλϟ΍  ˿ ϡγϘϟ΍ϲϓΔΟέΩϣϟ΍ ϯέΧϷ΍
 ιέϗ˻˽ϰϠϋ ϱϭΗΣΗ Ε΍ϭΑϋ ϲϓ ϡΟϠϣ˾˹˹ϝϭΩϳϣ· ι΍έϗ΃έϓϭΗΗ ϝϭϣΎΗϳγ΍έΎΑϰϠϋϱϭΗΣΗϯέΧ΃ΔϳϭΩ΃ϝϭΎϧΗΗΕϧϛ΍Ϋ·‡
   Ύλέϗ˺˻ΎϣϬϧϣϝϛϲϓϥΎρϳέη ˯΍ϭΩϟ΍΍ΫϫϝϭΎϧΗϝΑϗϙΑϳΑρέηΗγ·
 ϊϳϧλΗϟ΍ΔϬΟϭϖϳϭγΗϟ΍ϖΣϙϟΎϣ  ΩΑ̰ϟ΍ νέϣ ϙϟΫ ϲϓ ΎϣΑ ˬΔϳϭϠϛ ϭ΃ ΔϳΩΑ̯ ν΍έϣ΃ ϥϣ ϲϧΎόΗ Εϧ̯΍Ϋ· ‡
ˬ ̀˻˺˿́ΏιˬϡϡΫΎϣέΎϓϝΎΑϭϠΟΔϛέη ϲϟϭΣϛϟ΍
  ΓΩΣΗϣϟ΍ΔϳΑέόϟ΍Ε΍έΎϣϻ΍ˬϲΑΩ ΕΎϧϛγϣϟ΍ϝϭΎϧΗϰϟ·ΝΎΗΣΗϭϑϳϔΧϟ΍ϝλΎϔϣϟ΍ΏΎϬΗϟ΍ϥϣϲϧΎόΗΕϧϛ΍Ϋ· ‡
+ ̂̀˺˽́˹̂˹̂˹˹ϑΗΎϫ Ύϳϣϭϳ  ϲϧϭέΗϛϟϹ΍ΩϳέΑϟ΍ ϯέΧ΃ΔϳϭΩ΃ϝϭΎϧΗΗΕϧϛ΍Ϋ·
 RLD01/17 ˻˹˺̂αέΎϣϲϓΓέηϧϟ΍ϩΫϬϟ ΙϳΩΣΗέΧ΁ϡΗ  Εϧϛ΍Ϋ·ι΍έϗϷ΍ϩΫϫϝϭΎϧΗϝΑϗϙΑιΎΧϟ΍ϲϟΩϳλϟ΍ϭ΃ϙΑϳΑρϰϟ·ΙΩΣΗ
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 ΍Ϋ·ˬϝϭΩϳϣ· ϥϋΔϣϬϣϟ΍ ΕΎϣϭϠόϣϟ΍ ϡυόϣνϳέϣϟ΍ ΢ϧϣΗ ϻ Γέηϧϟ΍ ϩΫϫ  ϥϳϣ΍έϳΗγϟϭϛϭ΃ >νέϣϟΎΑ ΔΑΎλϻ΍@˯ϲϘϟ΍ϭ΃>νέϣϟΎΑ έϭόηϟ΍@ϥΎϳΛϐϠϟ
ϭ΃ϙΑϳΑρϥϣέΎγϔΗγϻ΍ϙϧϛϣϳˬ΃Ωϛ΄ΗϣϥϛΗϡϟϭ΃Ε΍έΎγϔΗγ΍ϙϳΩϟϥΎϛ ϡΩϟ΍ ϖϗέΗ ΔϳϭΩ΃ ϝϭΎϧΗΗ Εϧϛ ΍Ϋ·  ϡΩϟ΍ ϲϓ ϝϭέΗγϟϭϛϟ΍ ΔΑγϧ νϔΧϟ
 ϙΑιΎΧϟ΍ϲϟΩϳλϟ΍  ϰϠϋ ϡϟϸϟ ϥϛγϣ ϝϭΎϧΗ ϰϟ· ΝΎΗΣΗϭ  ϥϳέΎϓέ΍ϭϟ΍ ϝΛϣ έΛΧΗϟ΍ Ε΍ΩΎοϣ
ΔϳΑϧΎΟϟ΍Ε΍έϳΛ΄Ηϟ΍ϥϋύϼΑϺϟ ϑϳίϧϟ΍έρΧΏΑγΑϙΑϳΑρϊϣΙΩΣΗˬϲϣϭϳαΎγ΃
 ΕΎϣίϷ΍ Γέ΍Ω·ϭ υϘϳΗϠϟ ΔϳΫϳϔϧΗϟ΍ Γέ΍ΩϹΎΑ ϝΎλΗϺϟ
 ˻˼˽˹˻˼˺̀˻˼˾˿ΔϠϳϭΣΗ ˬ̂˿˿˺˺˻˹˼́˻˻˻ϑΗΎϫ
΍ΫϫϲϟϭΎϧΗΗϥ΃ ˶ϙϧϛϣϳϼϣΎΣ˶Εϧϛ΍Ϋ·ϝϭΩϳϣ·ϝϭΎϧΗϝΑϗϙΑϳΑρϊϣ˶ΙΩΣΗ
 ˬ ϲϧϭέΗϛϟϻ΍ΩϳέΑϟ΍ ϲϧϭέΗϛϟϻ΍ϊϗϭϣϟ΍
ϲϓΔϳϧρϭϟ΍ΕΎ΋ϳϬϟ΍ϭ ΕΎγγ΅ϣϟΎΑ ϝΎλΗϹ΍ ˯ΎΟέϟ΍ϯέΧϷ΍ ΞϳϠΧϟ΍ ϝϭΩ
ΎϣΎϋ ˺˿ϥϋϡϫέΎϣϋ΃ΩϳίΗϥϳΫϟ΍ϝΎϔρϷ΍ϭ ϥϭϐϟΎΑϟ΍
 ΔΟΎΣϟ΍ΏγΣΕΎϋΎγ˿ ϰϟ·˽ϝϛϥϳλέϗϰϟ·ιέϗϝϭΎϧΗ
 ΔϋΎγ˻˽ϝϼΧι΍έϗ΃́ ϥϣέΛϛ΃ϝϭΎϧΗΗϻ
˯΍ϭΩ˰ϟ΍΍Ϋ˰˰ϫϥ· Δϧγ ˺˾ - ˺˹ϥϳΑϡϫέΎϣϋ΃Ρϭ΍έΗΗϥϳΫϟ΍ϝΎϔρϷ΍
ϙοέόϳ ΕΎϣϳϠόΗϠϟ ΎϓϼΧ ϪϛϼϬΗγ΍ϭ ϙΗΣλ ϰϠϋ έΛ΅ϳ έοΣΗγϣ ˯΍ϭΩϟ΍- ΔΟΎΣϟ΍ΏγΣΕΎϋΎγ ˿- ˽ϝϛΩΣ΍ϭιέϗ˯Ύρϋ·
. έρΧϠϟ  ΔϋΎγ ˻˽ ϝϼΧϲϓι΍έϗ΃˽ϥϣέΛϛ΃ϲρόΗϻ
ΕΎϣϳϠόΗϭ ΎϬϳϠϋ ιϭλϧϣϟ΍ ϝΎϣόΗγϻ΍ ΔϘϳέρϭ ΏϳΑρϟ΍ Δϔλϭ ΔϗΩΑ ϊΑΗ΍-  ΕΎϋΎγ ˽έϭέϣϝΑϗϯέΧ΃ΔϋέΟϝϭΎϧΗΗϻ‡

.ϙϟ ΎϬϓέλ ϱΫϟ΍ ϲϟΩϳλϟ΍  ΎϬΑϰλϭϣϟ΍ΔϋέΟϟ΍ϥϣέΛϛ΃ϝϭΎϧΗΗϻ‡

. ϩέέοϭ ϪόϔϧΑϭ ˯΍ϭΩϟΎΑ ϥ΍έϳΑΧϟ΍ Ύϣϫ ϲϟΩϳλϟ΍ϭ ΏϳΑρϟ΍ ϥ·-  ϡ΍ϭϋ΃˺˹ϥϋϡϫέΎϣϋ΃ϝϘΗϥϳΫϟ΍ϝΎϔρϸϟϲρόϳϻ‡
. ϙγϔϧ ˯ΎϘϠΗ ϥϣ ϙϟ ΓΩΩΣϣϟ΍ Νϼόϟ΍ ΓΩϣ ϊρϘΗ ϻ- ι΍έϗϷ΍ϥϣΓΩ΋΍ίΔϋέΟΕϟϭΎϧΗ΍Ϋ·
 . ΏϳΑρϟ΍ ΓέΎηΗγ΍ ϥϭΩΑ ˯΍ϭΩϟ΍ ϑέλ έέϛΗ ϻ- ϭϟϰΗΣˬ ˯΍ϭΩϟ΍΍ΫϫϥϣϩΩ΋΍ίΔϋέΟϝϭΎϧΗΩέΟϣΑϝΎ Σϟ΍ϲϓϙΑϳΑρέηΗγ·
ϝΎ˰˰ϔρϷ΍ ϝϭΎ˰ϧΗϣ ϥ˰ϋ ˱ ΍Ωϳ˰όΑ ΔϳϭΩϷ΍ υϔΣΗ  ΏΑγϳΩϗ ϝϭϣΎΗϳγ΍έΎΑϥϣϩΩ΋΍ίΔϋέΟϝϭΎϧΗϥϷ ϙϟΫϭ ˬ΍ΩϳΟέόηΗΕϧϛ
Ώέόϟ΍ΔΣλϟ΍˯΍έίϭαϠΟϣ ΩΑϛϠϟέΧ΄ΗϣέϳρΧϑϠΗΙϭΩΣϲϓ
Ώέόϟ΍ΔϟΩΎϳλϟ΍ΩΎΣΗ΍ϭ  ϙΑϳΑρέηΗγ·ˬ΍έϣΗγϣϙϋ΍Ωλ΢Αλ΃ϭ΃ν΍έϋϷ΍ΕέϣΗγ΍΍Ϋ·
 ΔϠϣΗΣϣϟ΍ΔϳΑϧΎΟϟ΍Ε΍έϳΛ΄Ηϟ΍. ˽
LFT0075SA-01  ϥϣϡϏέϟ΍ϰϠϋˬΔϳΑϧΎΟΕ΍έϳΛ΄ΗϝϭΩϳϣ·ΏΑγ˵ϳ ΩϗˬΔϳϭΩϷ΍ΔϓΎϛϝΛϣϪϠΛϣ

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