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Survivors of critical illness:

victims of our success?

‘For many patients the recovery after critical background of pre-existing organ the first port of call for patients and carers
illness is relatively straightforward and it is dysfunction and comorbidities. Given that seeking help.
important not to lose sight of this. What is critical care and hospital admission can be The adverse effects of critical care on
clear is that tens of thousands of patients for many months, it is not surprising that caregivers can be profound and long lasting.
leave critical care to go home each year, and recovery will be protracted. In a recent essay Relatives often feel confused and scared,
it is likely that poor-quality recovery describing her personal experience of living day-by-day, unable to plan ahead.
represents a substantial problem. Given the recovery after critical illness Cheryl Misak, With improvement in health come mixed
individual impact on patients and ripple Professor of Philosophy at the University of emotions of joy, fear of deterioration, and
effects on families and society in general, Toronto, said ‘It is hard to convey just how uncertainty about the future. Informal
poor-quality rehabilitation and impaired debilitated one is after an insult of ICU caregivers of critical illness survivors have
recovery from severe illness should be magnitude.’5 increased and persistent risks of
regarded as a major public health issue.’1 Respiratory failure and mechanical depression, PTSD, lifestyle disruption and
ventilation has defined critical care, reduction in employment with financial
From its origins in Copenhagen during particularly in the UK for many years. Even consequences.7
the poliomyelitis epidemic of 1952, the in acute respiratory distress syndrome the
critical care unit has grown into a facility recovery of lung function in previously CAN THESE CONSEQUENCES BE
central to modern hospital medicine. healthy survivors measured with pulmonary REDUCED AND HOW?
Changes in medical practice and public function tests is usually good. However, Critical care providers have begun to
expectation are placing increasing physical exercise capacity is significantly implement interventions on the critical care
demands on critical care services. The reduced compared with predicted values; unit and beyond which may reduce the
Intensive Care National Audit & Research the main reason given being muscle highlighted problems. These include
Centre recorded 96 810 admissions from weakness and fatigue.3 optimal sedation and weaning practices,
April 2009 to March 2010 to 188 critical care ‘ICU-acquired weakness’ is a recently early mobilisation strategies on critical care,
units in England, Wales, and Northern coined term that encompasses disuse patient diaries, self-help rehabilitation
Ireland, of whom 83.1% were discharged atrophy, loss of muscle mass, and a specific manuals for home, and follow-up
alive from critical care and 74.8% from polyneuromyopathy recognised from services.8–11 Provision of follow-up services
hospital.2 neurophysiological testing. It begins early has been limited, with funding being the
Most patients admitted to critical care during critical illness, its incidence depends most commonly stated reason for this.11
on the population studied and the tools used Many critical care units offer some form of
stay short periods of time and make
for detection, and it can have profound service with dedicated individuals leading
complete and uncomplicated recoveries.
consequences on the critical care unit and the service and available as a resource for
However, follow-up of critical care survivors
beyond.3 primary care teams. While valued by
and caregivers has consistently shown that
Psychological sequelae after critical patients, the structure and demonstrable
many report physical and psychological
illness are common, and include anxiety, benefits of such services remains
problems affecting quality-of-life,
depression, sexual dysfunction, and post- debated.12,13
sometimes years after the admitting insult.3
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).3,6 Much of
These long-term effects were often
this can be linked back to critical care, with DOES THE NICE GUIDELINE MATTER FOR
overlooked by all but a few enthusiastic
sedation, delusional memory, poor sleep, PRIMARY CARE TEAMS?
researchers.4 In 2009, the National Institute
hallucinations, and the critical care NICE Clinical Guideline 83 makes
for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)
environment all contributing to problems.3 recommendations about many aspects of
published the clinical guideline While these often settle with time and rehabilitation during and after critical
Rehabilitation after Critical Illness.1 It has explanation by critical care staff, some will illness.1 Particularly relevant to primary
provided a focus for changing clinical require specialist input from psychology care teams is that all patients who required
services in the UK. While changes have colleagues. In addition long-term inpatient rehabilitation and their caregivers
concentrated on care provided by critical neurocognitive effects with deficits in should have a functional assessment
care units, it is clear that for many patients memory, attention, and executive performed before hospital discharge. This
and caregivers discharge from critical care functioning are reliably reported.3 These should include physical and non-physical
marks the start of an uncertain journey. problems may first manifest after hospital dimensions, assessment of the impact on
Primary care teams are likely to be involved discharge and primary care teams will be activities of daily living, and agreement on
in diagnosis and ongoing management of
such patients.

HOW DOES PROLONGED CRITICAL “Psychological sequelae after critical illness are
common, and include anxiety, depression, sexual
Patients entering critical care have dysfunction, and post-traumatic stress disorder.”
significant organ failures, often on the

714 British Journal of General Practice, December 2011

future goals. Ongoing care, including develop problems after discharge and ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE
referrals and documentation should be in present to primary care services. GPs faced
Robert Parker
place before discharge. Information should with such patients should be aware of the Departments of Respiratory and Critical Care
be given to patients and carers about consequences of critical illness and not feel Medicine, Aintree University Hospitals NHS
recovery, expected improvement and they have to cope in isolation. Some Foundation Trust, Liverpool, UK.
progress, driving, return to work, housing problems can be easily dealt with in primary E-mail:
and benefits, managing activities of daily care or through specific specialty referral.
living, local support groups, and hospital Other problems will be more difficult;
follow-up. This information should be made national guidelines exist to support care and
available to the primary care services that local critical care units may have a clinician REFERENCES
provide the day-to-day medical care. leading post critical care services who can 1. National Institute for Health and Clinical
Excellence. Rehabilitation after critical illness.
In addition, NICE Clinical Guideline 83 be accessed for advice. New evidence about NICE clinical guideline 83. London: NICE,
recommends that those with rehabilitation the problems discussed and potential 2009. (accessed
needs are seen 2–3 months after critical therapies will emerge from studies over the 26 Oct 2011).
care discharge for reassessment. Referral next few years; however, delivering novel 2. Intensive Care National Audit and Research
to appropriate rehabilitation services and services at a time of economic austerity will Centre. CMP case mix and outcome
summary statistics. ICNARC, 2011.
specialist services should then be present many challenges.
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3. Desai SV, Law TJ, Needham DM. Long-term
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Unfortunately, at the moment such 2011; 39(2): 371–379.
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years of follow-up of intensive care unit
survivors and options are often limited to
Christine McGovern survivors. Curr Opin Crit Care 2007; 13(5):
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physiotherapy or asking that patients are 5. Misak CJ. ICU-acquired weakness: obstacles
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Critical care may not be a benign process,
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Informal caregiver burden among survivors of
are not simply grateful for survival, and their Provenance prolonged mechanical ventilation. Am J Resp
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10. Jones C, Skirrow P, Griffiths RD, et al.
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