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3/24/2021 Seared tuna with tofu and miso by Aaron Patterson - Print Recipe - Great British Chefs

Seared tuna with tofu and miso

by Aaron Patterson

: Serves4 r 60 minutes

Seared tuna 400g of tuna, cut into 100g portions

1 tbsp of olive oil


lemon juice, to taste

mirin, to taste

Tofu 200g of tofu, cut into 2cm square pieces

25ml of soy sauce

20ml of sake

50ml of mirin

1 tbsp of honey

100g of water

Miso broth 1l water

2 sheets of nori seaweed

35g of bonito akes

20ml of soy sauce

20ml of sake

6 dried shiitake mushrooms

3 tsp miso paste

Vegetables 200ml of dashi

50g of shimeji mushrooms, cleaned

50g of enoki mushrooms, cleaned

1 carrot, peeled and cut julienne

1/2 mooli, peeled and cut julienne

50g of French breakfast radish, thinly sliced lengthways 1/3
3/24/2021 Seared tuna with tofu and miso by Aaron Patterson - Print Recipe - Great British Chefs

50g of mangetout, cut julienne

To serve black sesame seeds

sesame seeds

nasturtium leaves

edible owers


1 Begin by preparing the tofu. Combine the soy sauce, sake, mirin, honey and water in a bowl to make a marinade. Blowtorch or grill the tofu pieces on
one side until golden, then add to the bowl and leave to marinate for at least 30 minutes

- 200g of tofu, cut into 2cm square pieces

- 25ml of soy sauce

- 20ml of sake

- 50ml of mirin
- 1 tbsp of honey

- 100g of water

2 Meanwhile, make the miso broth. Combine the water and seaweed in a large saucepan and bring up to the boil. Once boiling, reduce to a simmer and
add the soy, sake and shiitake mushrooms to the pan, cooking for 3–4 minutes

- 1l water

- 20ml of sake
- 20ml of soy sauce

- 6 dried shiitake mushrooms

- 2 sheets of nori seaweed

3 Bring the broth back to the boil, turn off the heat and add the bonito akes. Leave to infuse for 5–10 minutes until the bonito akes have sunk to the
bottom, then pass the liquid through a ne sieve and measure out 800ml into a clean pan, setting aside until required

- 35g of bonito akes

4 Place the mooli, carrot and 100ml of dashi in a pan over a medium heat and add the tofu, cooking gently until the vegetables are tender and the tofu
warmed through. In a separate pan, cook the mushrooms, radish and mangetout in the remaining dashi

- 1 carrot, peeled and cut julienne

- 200ml of dashi
- 50g of shimeji mushrooms, cleaned

- 50g of enoki mushrooms, cleaned

- 50g of mangetout, cut julienne

- 50g of French breakfast radish, thinly sliced lengthways

- 1/2 mooli, peeled and cut julienne

5 Meanwhile, cook the tuna. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan over a high heat, then place the tuna in the pan and quickly sear for about 30 seconds each
side. Remove from the pan and lower the heat to medium

- 400g of tuna, cut into 100g portions

- 1 tbsp of olive oil

6 Allow the pan to cool slightly, then add the tuna back to the pan along with a little salt, lemon juice and mirin. Cook the tuna for a further 1–2 minutes,
until the tuna is warm in the middle but still pink. Remove from the pan and slice into even pieces 2/3
3/24/2021 Seared tuna with tofu and miso by Aaron Patterson - Print Recipe - Great British Chefs

- salt
- lemon juice, to taste

- mirin, to taste

7 Place the broth pan over a high heat and bring the liquid up to the boil. Remove from the heat and add the miso paste, stirring well until completely
dissolved, then pour into a warmed jug ready to serve

- 3 tsp miso paste

8 To serve, divide the vegetables and tofu between bowls and top with slices of tuna. Garnish with the sesame seeds, nasturtium and edible owers and
serve immediately, pouring the miso broth at the table

- black sesame seeds

- sesame seeds

- nasturtium leaves

- edible owers 3/3

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