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Computing Department 2023/2024

Stage (7) Review Pack

Unit 4,5
Theory Questions

(Cambridge International School)

Grade 7 Unit 4 Task 1 Class
Student Date

1. Put a  if the sentence is correct

1. Spreadsheets help us analyze information and produce graphs and pie-charts. 

2. Each column has a number (1, 2,…) on the top. These numbers are the names of
the columns.

3. The only way to add text to a cell is to double-click it and then to start typing.

4. When you use the AutoFit Column width operation, the column automatically
adjusts to the width of the text in the cell. 
5. You cannot change the height of more than one row at the same time.

6. To insert more than one column to your worksheet, you have to insert one
column each time.
7. When we use the Wrap text operation, the width of the column remains the
same. 
8. Wrapped text automatically adjusts the row height of the cell. 

2. Match the selected cells with the corresponding written cells

A D A3;B4;A5,

B B B3

C C B2:B7

D A A2:C5
3. Match the icons in the left column with the corresponding formatting actions

A H Change the type of content

Turn the content of the cell

B D into a percentage

Align the text to the left,

C B center or right of the cell

Turn the content of the cell

D C into currency

Decrease the digits after the

E G decimal point

Increase the digits after the

F F decimal point

Turn the content of the cell

G E into a decimal

Align the text to the top,

H A center or bottom of the cell
Grade 7 Unit 4 Task 2 Class
Student Date

1. Put a  if the sentence is correct

1- We use currency formats for general monetary values. 

2- Accounting aligns the values at the decimal points. 
3- All countries use the same date format. 
4- When a date is applied to a table, it is always placed in the first row of the
table. 
5- When you apply borders to the Outline or the Inside of a table you cannot
choose a different style for each side of the table. 
6- The only way to insert an image to a particular cell in the table is from Clip
Art. 
7- Date formats display date and time serial number as date values. 
8- Date formats that begin with an asterisk (*) are specified by the user. 
4. Match the icons in the left column with the corresponding alignment actions

Combine two or more cells and

A C make a longer cell

B B Change the orientation of the text

C A Change the indentation of the text

Grade 7 Unit 4 Task 3 Class
Self Evaluation
Student Date
1. Put a  if the sentence is correct
1- The correct sequence of calculations is first addition and subtraction and
then multiplication and division. 
2- If there are parentheses in an equation, first we do the calculations inside
the parentheses and then the rest. 
3- The Sum function gives us the result of the addition of the numbers you´ve
selected. 
4- The Average function calculates the largest number of a selected area. 
5- The AutoFill tool duplicates the formula that you´ve typed in the first cell,
but makes the appropriate changes each time. 
6- The AutoFill tool copies the formula but not the formatting of the cell. 
7- Microsoft Excel only understands Latin characters in formulas. 

2. Select what must be written in the cells in order to get the correct content in the
spreadsheet below

1. D2
 =B2-B2*C2%  =B2*C2%

 =B2+B2*C2%  =C2-B2*C2%
2. D4
 =D4*C4 - C4%  =B4-B4*C4%
 =D4*C4 + C4%  =B4*C4-B4%
3. F5
 =B5 - E5  =D5 * E5
 =B5 + E5  =E5 * B5 –C5%
4. D3
 =45-45*C3%  =B3+C3%
 =45*(45+C3%)  =D3-C3%
Grade 7 Unit 4 Task 4 Class
Self Evaluation
Student Date

1. Put a  if the sentence is correct

1- The “IF” logical function returns a value if the condition is true. 

2- The “IF” function can return another function as a result. 
3- The returned value from a logical function cannot be text. f
4- The only way to use a Logical function is to insert it from the Function
Library. f
5- The value that is returned if a Logical_test is true is always text. f
6- The value that is returned if a Logical_test is false can be the addition of
two numbers. 
7- The criteria you type in a Logical_test must always contain comparison
operators. 

2. Match what we have to write in the cells in order to have the correct content on
the spreadsheet below. Note that if a student’s average grade is higher than 80,
then give them an “A” otherwise give them “B”. Furthermore, if a test’s average is
higher than 78 show the message “Easy”, if not show the message “Difficult”.

E2 A C IF(AVERAGE(B2:B4)>78,"Easy test","Difficult test")

E3 B D IF(AVERAGE(D2:D4)>78,"Easy test","Difficult test")

B5 C B =IF(AVERAGE(B3:D3)>80,"A","B")

D5 D A =IF(AVERAGE(B2:D2)>80,"A","B")
Grade 7 Unit 4 Task 5 Class
Self Evaluation
Student Date

1. Look carefully at the chart and put a  if the sentence is correct

1- The horizontal Axis shows the categories that you have in your table. This
example shows the names of the months. 
2- The Vertical Axis gives you the range you have in your data (temperatures)
from the largest number to the smallest. f
3- The Legend explains what each bar in the chart represents using colors and
titles from the data. 
4- It is more common to use lines when we want to compare values. f
5- We use a pie chart in order to show percentages or parts of something
compared to the total. 
6- Each time you change something in your table you have to reinsert a chart
or graph in order to represent your information. f
7- Excel automatically puts the columns as the legend and the rows as values
on the x axis. 

2. Match the icons with the corresponding actions

You can move your chart around
A D or even move it to its own
separate chart.
Changes the colors, makes the
C chart black and white, leaves just
one color and many more.
Makes the values visible, makes
C B the legend disappear or just leaves
the chart without information.

Changes the type of chart at any

D A point if you change your mind.
Grade 7 Unit 5 Task 1 Class
Self Evaluation
Student Date

1. Select the files that are PowerPoint Presentations.

2. Put a  in the correct description of each type of slide.
 Title, text and picture
 Picture and subtitle
We used this type of slide to present:  Two pictures
 Text
 Picture, title and text
 Text and title
 Picture and text
 A title
 A picture
 Picture and subtitle
 Text
 Title, text and pictures
 Title
 Title and picture
 Title and subtitle
 Text and Title
 Picture
 Subtitle
 Two pictures
 Anything
 Text
 Title and text
 Title and picture
 Title and subtitle
 Title and two pictures
 Title and text
 Pictures
3. Select the correct answer
 make calculations.
 present ideas.
1. PowerPoint is a program used to
 create documents.
 draw pictures.
 two or more slides .
 one or more slides.
2. A presentation consists of
 ten slides.
 up to four slides.
 two
3. How many types of slides are  nine
provided in PowerPoint 2010?  one
 Three
 only text.
4. On a slide of a presentation we  pictures and text.
can insert  pictures, text, audio and videos.
 only pictures.
 always appear on all slides from the start .
 can contain the date and the total number of
5. Footers and headers
 can contain only the date and the number of
the slide.
 can be inserted in the slides you want.
 is the standard view of the program .
 allows you to type notes you want to show on
6. The Slide Sorter view a specific slide.
 allows you to see the slides in full screen.
 allows you to zoom in and out the slides.
 change a theme and apply whatever you
7. It’s not possible to
 apply two different themes in a presentation.
 Create your own theme.
Grade 7 Unit 5 Task 2 Class
Self Evaluation
Student Date

1. Put a  if the sentence is correct

1- You apply a transition effect to a picture or a slide. 

2- A transition effect can be applied to all slides. 
3- There are nine different transition effects. 
4- It is recommended to set a sound effect every time the slide
changes. 
5- A presentation can be fully automated. 
6- You can define the duration of a transition. 
7- Only in Slide Sorter view can you see information about the
transition effects and the time you have set in a presentation. 
8- In order to make a picture move up or down on a slide, you can
apply an animation effect. 
9- The applied animation effects on a slide appear simultaneously. 
10- You can set the Duration but not the Delay of an animation
effect. 
11- With the effect options, you can apply a new animation effect. 
2. Select the correct answer
 a motion effect that occurs when text boxes or
pictures appear on a slide during a presentation.
1- An animation effect is  the same as a transition effect.
 a motion effect that occurs when you move from one
slide to the next during a presentation.

 between the previous slide and the slide you have

2- If you select a chosen.
transition effect, this
will be applied  between the slide you have chosen and the next slide.
 to all slides.
 you are not able to change.
3- Every transition effect
has a default duration  you can change.
 is always 3’.40.
 the way a picture appears or disappears gradually.
4- An animation effect  the way a text box becomes smaller or bigger in size.
doesn’t define
 the motion effect that occurs from one slide to the

 the animation will last.

5- The Delay defines the
time that  the next animation will start.
 the animation will start after the slide appears.
6- With the effect
 view more options about a specific effect.
options button you  view more cool animations.
 define when an animation will start.
Grade 7 Unit 5 Task 3 Class
Self Evaluation
Student Date

1. Select the correct answer

 only in the first slide.
 only in the last slide.
1- You can insert sound or video
 in the first or last slide.
 in any slide.
 must insert a sound first and then a video.
2- In the first slide of a presentation  must insert a video first and then a sound.
you  can’t insert video or sound.
 can insert many sounds and videos in any order.
 text.
 clipart.
3- Onto a slide, you can’t paste
 sound.
 images.
 Preview.
4- The settings for a video’s duration  Bookmarks.
are in the Playback Tab and in the
group  Editing.
 Audio Options.
 from the computer’s files.
5- Onto a slide, you can’t insert a  by copying and pasting it from the desktop.
 from the Web.
 from the Clip Art Library.
Grade 7 Unit 5 Task 4 Class
Self Evaluation
Student Date

1. Put a  if the sentence is correct

1- There are six types of SmartArt Graphics. 
2- If you don’t know which SmartArt is most suitable for the
information you want to present, you can look at the detailed 
description below the graph.

3- You can use any SmartArt for any type of information you want
to present. 
4- You are not able to customize a SmartArt or a Chart. 
5- A Chart is a presentation of numbers. 
6- With SmartArt we take a table with numbers and convert it to
an image. 
7- You can add data to an existing chart. 
8- You change the type of chart according to the information you
want to include. 
9- You can convert a SmartArt Graph to a database table. 
10- You can change the style of a chart but not the color. 
11- You can change the scale of the numbers in an Axis of a chart. 
12- A database table can be presented as a SmartArt or a Chart. 
2. Match each icon with its name and the correct description.

List A B B Show steps as a process or


Process B H F Illustrate connections.

Cycle C C A Show no sequential information.

Show proportional relationships

Hierarchy D E H with the largest component on
the top or bottom.

Picture E A E Use pictures prominently to

convey or accent content.

Relationship F F C Show a continual process.

Matrix G D D Show a decision tree.

Pyramid H G G Show how parts relate to a

Grade 7 Unit 5 Task 5 Class
Self Evaluation
Student Date

1. Put a  if the sentence is correct

1- A good presentation must be around 10 to 20 minutes long. 

2- The only thing that can turn a presentation from good to better is
animations. 
3- Before you start creating a presentation, you should decide on 5-6 main
concepts to include. 
4- The content of a presentation is irrelevant to the audience. 
5- In most cases, an audience prefers an enthusiastic presenter more than a
boring one with a decent presentation. 
6- When presenting in a small classroom you can interact better with your
audience, as opposed to in a big conference room. 
7- The more text a presentation has, the more pleasant it is for the
audience. 
8- It’s enough to use two images in each slide of a presentation. 
9- Your presentation should always end on a positive note. 
10- It’s recommended to create colorful slides. 
11- You can’t create a slide with more than five colors. 
12- Before showing your presentation to an audience, practice speaking
clearly both in a normal tone and a loud voice. 
13- Never take into account others’ opinions and criticisms about your 

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