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Grade 8 Module 5 Task 2 Class

Self Evaluation
Student Date

1. Put a  if the sentence is correct

1. The “TODAY” function returns the numbers of characters in a text cell. 
2. The “IF” function can return another function as a result. 
3. The “AND” function returns True if one of the arguments is true. 
4. The “OR” function returns False if all of the arguments are false. 
5. When you add a Multiple IF function, you can type a word or phrase in the
criteria boxes but you cannot do complex calculations. 
6. The “SUBSTITUTE” function replaces part of a text in a cell. 
7. We use the LEFT, RIGHT and MID functions in order to extract a part of a string. 
8. A possible result the function “TODAY” can return is 9/5/2013. 
2. In the tablet below the cells B3, C3, D3 get random values (Suppose that the
sum of these values will not exceed 180 degrees). Furthermore, the cell B4 must
display the proper message according to the rectangle’s internal angles. Put a  if
the content of criteria boxes below is correct.

=IF(B3=C3+D3,Right,IF(B3>C3+D3,Obtuse,Acute) 
=IF(B3=C3+D3,"Right",IF(B3>C3+D3,"Obtuse","Acute")) 
= IF(B3=SUM(C3:D3),"Right", IF(B3>SUM(C3:D3),"Obtuse", "Acute")) 
=IF(B3=AVERAGE(C3:D3),"Right", IF(B3> AVERAGE(C3:D3),"Obtuse", "Acute")) 
=IF(B3=AVERAGE(C3:D3)/2,"Right", IF(B3> AVERAGE(C3:D3)/2,"Obtuse", "Acute")) 

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