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Put a  if the sentence is correct

1. You can move a chart as an object only to an existing sheet. 

2. You can fill the shape of a chart with a picture. 
3. When you change the title of a chart, the centered overlay operation changes the
size of the title. 
4. The only way to display axes is from left to right. 
5. To add a mini chart inside a chart you have to determine the data range and the
location range. 
6. When we apply Conditional formatting we can create rule types that are only above
the average. 
7. When we apply Conditional formatting in order to create a data bar we use the
operation “Format all cells based on their values”. 
8. We can apply Conditional formatting in order to create rules for unique or duplicate
values. 
9. The Pie Chart shows the changes in data over a period of time. 
10. The scatter chart is like a line graph, except that the plotted line shows data points. 
Grade 8 Module 5 Task 4 Class
Self Evaluation
Student Date

2. Match the icons with the corresponding actions

Used to display data as doughnut

Column/Bar chart
1 6 slices.

Used to display the values of two

Line Chart
2 5 series and to compare them over
Shows the relationship of the parts
Pie Chart 3 3 to the whole.
Like a line chart except that the area
Area chart 4 4 below the plotted line is filled in with
Used to illustrate comparisons
Scatter Chart 5 1 between a series of data.

Doughnut chart
6 2 Used to display trends.

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