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Trainer Manual for Accounts Executive

(Accounts Payable & Receivable)

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Trainer Manual for Accounts Executive
(Accounts Payable & Receivable)


Welcome to the comprehensive Trainer Manual for Accounts Executive,

specializing in Accounts Payable and Receivable. This manual is designed to serve
as an essential guide for trainers aiming to impart a robust understanding and
practical skills in the crucial areas of accounting. The role of an Accounts
Executive is pivotal within any business, big or small, across various industries.
Their expertise in managing nancial transactions and ensuring accurate nancial
records is indispensable for the operational success and nancial health of an

What is This Training Manual?

This training manual is a structured resource created to facilitate trainers in
delivering e ective and engaging training sessions to aspiring Accounts
Executives. It provides a step-by-step curriculum that covers all necessary topics,
from basic accounting principles to advanced nancial management techniques.
The manual also includes various teaching strategies such as lectures, interactive
sessions, case studies, and hands-on exercises to cater to diverse learning styles.

What are the Elements of This Training Manual?

The training manual is divided into several key sections, each focusing on di erent
aspects of accounts payable and receivable:
• Industry Highlights: Overview of the crucial role and broad applicability of
accounts executives in various sectors, emphasizing the evergreen demand for
skilled accountants.
• Course Highlights: Detailed description of the course objectives, including the
skills and knowledge trainees will acquire, such as managing vendor accounts,
processing payments, and handling invoices.
• Desirable Personal Traits: Insight into the personal qualities and skills
bene cial for success in this role, such as numerical pro ciency, critical thinking,
and strong communication skills.
• Career Options: Exploration of potential career paths available to trainees upon
completion of the course, along with speci c job roles they might pursue.
• Internship and Practical Experience: Information about the hands-on
internship component, providing real-world experience in nancial institutions.
• Assessment and Certi cation: Details on the evaluation process and the
certi cations that will be awarded to successful trainees, enhancing their
employment prospects.

Training Manual FAQs

This section answers the most common questions trainers might have about
delivering the course, using the manual, assessing trainee progress, and ensuring
that all educational goals are met e ectively.By utilizing this trainer manual, you are
equipped not only to educate but also to inspire the next generation of accounting

Tuesday, 21 May 2024 Content Created by

Trainer Manual for Accounts Executive
(Accounts Payable & Receivable)
professionals, ensuring they are well-prepared to enter a competitive job market
with con dence and expertise.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What prerequisites should trainees have before starting this course?
A: Ideal candidates for this course should have a basic understanding of
accounting principles and some familiarity with nancial documentation. While
prior experience in accounting or nance roles is bene cial, it is not mandatory.
The course is designed to equip trainees from various backgrounds with the skills
needed to manage accounts payable and receivable e ectively.
Q: How is the course content updated to re ect current industry practices?
A: The course content is regularly reviewed and updated in collaboration with
industry experts and accounting professionals to ensure relevance and
applicability. We incorporate the latest software tools, compliance regulations, and
case studies that re ect current market conditions and technological
Q: Are there any additional resources available to trainers for this course?
A: Yes, trainers are provided with a comprehensive suite of resources, including
digital access to supplementary reading materials

This trainer manual is designed to guide trainers through a three-week training

program for Accounts Executives focusing on Accounts Payable and Receivable.
The training program is structured to equip trainees with comprehensive
knowledge and practical skills essential for managing accounts payable and
receivable e ectively.

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Trainer Manual for Accounts Executive
(Accounts Payable & Receivable)
Table of Contents
• Introduction to the Trainer Manual
• Overview of the Manual
• Objectives of the Training
• How to Use This Manual
• Week 1: Understanding Processes and Documentation
• Day 1: BSC/N 0901 - Understanding Purchase Orders and Payment
• Introduction to Purchase Orders and Purchase Journals
• Role of Suppliers in the Payment Process
• Payment Details and Documentation
• Interactive Discussion and Real-life Examples
• Day 2: BSC/N 0902 - Understanding Customer Purchase Orders and
Sales Journals
• Overview of Customer Purchase Orders
• Understanding Payment Terms and Delivery Challans
• Introduction to the Sales Journal
• Case Study on Complete Sales Transaction
• Day 3: BSC/N 0905 - Veri cation of Documents
• Importance of Document Veri cation
• Techniques for Verifying Documents
• Hands-on Veri cation Exercises and Role-Play
• Week 2: Journal Entries and Voucher Preparation
• Day 4-5: BSC/N 0903 - Booking Credit Purchases in the Purchase
• Overview of Credit Purchases
• Detailed Walkthrough of Booking Entries
• Hands-On Exercise Using Accounting Software
• Day 6-7: BSC/N 0904 - Booking Credit Sales in the Sales Journal
• Documenting Credit Sales
• Using Accounting Software for the Sales Journal
• Group Discussions and Practical Exercises
• Day 8: BSC/N 0906 - Preparation of Payment Voucher
• Understanding and Preparing Di erent Types of Payment Vouchers
• Step-by-Step Demonstration and Hands-On Exercise
• Day 9: BSC/N 0907 - Preparation of Mode of Payment
• Discussion on Various Payment Modes
• Preparation Processes for Each Mode
• Group Activities and Role Plays
• Week 3: Payment Processing and Record Keeping
• Day 10: BSC/N 0908 - Updating Voucher with Payment Details
• Workshop on Updating Payment Details in Vouchers
• Using Accounting Software for Voucher Management
• Day 11: BSC/N 0909 - Preparing Receipt Voucher
• Practical Exercises on Preparing Receipt Vouchers
• Simulated Task Session with Feedback
• Day 12: BSC/N 0910 - Performing the Accounting Entry
• Role-Plays to Apply Accounting Entries
• Trainer Review and Critique of Entries
• Day 13-15: BSC/N 0911 - Record Keeping
• Detailed Training on Maintaining and Organizing Financial Records

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Trainer Manual for Accounts Executive
(Accounts Payable & Receivable)
• Final Project on Organizing a Complete Set of Financial Records
• Evaluation and Feedback

• Assessment and Certi cation
• Continuous Assessment Strategies
• Final Assessment and Certi cation Process
• FAQs
• Frequently Asked Questions about the Training Program
• Appendices
• Glossary of Terms
• Sample Templates and Additional Resources
• Index

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Trainer Manual for Accounts Executive
(Accounts Payable & Receivable)
1. Introduction to the Trainer Manual
This section is designed to provide trainers with a clear understanding of the structure,
purpose, and e ective use of this manual.

• 1.1 Overview of the Manual

• Description: An explanation of what the manual contains, highlighting its
comprehensive approach to training Accounts Executives in Accounts
Payable and Receivable.
• Purpose: Discuss the importance of this manual in facilitating structured
and consistent training across sessions.

• 1.2 Objectives of the Training
• Training Goals: Outline the speci c competencies and knowledge that the
training aims to impart to participants.
• Expected Outcomes: Detail what trainees will be able to accomplish or
understand by the end of their training, ensuring alignment with industry
standards and business needs.

• 1.3 How to Use This Manual
• For Trainers: Provide guidelines on how to e ectively utilize the manual
during training sessions, including tips on presenting course material,
engaging participants, and adapting content to speci c audiences or
• For Participants: Advice on how participants can make the most out of the
training, including preparation steps, active participation tips, and how to
apply learned skills in their work environment.

• 1.4 Navigating the Manual
• Section Summaries: Brief descriptions of each main section of the manual,
helping trainers plan and prepare for each part of the course.
• Supplementary Materials: Information on where to nd additional
resources such as case studies, exercises, and digital content that support
the training material.

Week 1: Understanding Processes and Documentation

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Trainer Manual for Accounts Executive
(Accounts Payable & Receivable)
Day 1: BSC/N 0901 - Understanding the Purchase Order, Purchase Journal,
Supplier, and Payment Details
• Objective: Introduce trainees to the basics of purchase orders, purchase
journals, and the roles of suppliers in the payment process.
• Activities: Lecture with PowerPoint presentation, discussion, and real-life
Slide 1: Introduction
• Title: Welcome to Accounts Payable & Receivable Training
• Agenda Overview: Objectives for Day 1, session outline, and expected outcomes.
Slide 2: Objectives
• Purpose: Understand the foundational elements of the purchasing and payment process.
• Goals: By the end of this session, participants will be able to identify key components of
purchase orders, understand the function of the purchase journal, and recognize the roles of
suppliers in payment processes.
Slide 3: What is a Purchase Order?
• De nition: A formal document between a buyer and supplier committing to purchasing speci ed
items at agreed prices and terms.
• Components: Outline typical components like description, quantity, price, terms, etc.
• Importance: Explain its role in controlling expenditures and ensuring accurate deliveries.
Slide 4: Exploring the Purchase Journal
• De nition: A record keeping tool that logs all purchase transactions before they are posted to the
general ledger.
• Purpose: Helps in tracking credit purchases, managing vendor payments, and maintaining
historical transaction data.
• Example: Show a sample entry in a purchase journal.
Slide 5: Role of Suppliers
• De nition: Entities that provide goods or services in exchange for payment.
• Roles in Payment Process:
• Provide invoices and payment terms.
• Ensure timely delivery as per purchase orders.
• Handle discrepancies and adjustments.
• Impact on Business: Discuss how strong relationships with suppliers can lead to
better pricing, reliability, and service.
Slide 6: Payment Details Overview
• Payment Terms: Common terms like Net 30, immediate payment, or installment payments.
• Payment Methods: Overview of different methods like bank transfers, checks, credit cards,
• Documentation: Importance of maintaining accurate and compliant payment records.
Slide 7: Real-life Example
• Case Study: Walk through a real-life scenario of processing a purchase order through to
• Discussion Points: Identify what went well, potential issues, and how to resolve
Slide 8: Interactive Discussion
• Prompt Questions:
• What challenges might you encounter when dealing with purchase orders and
• How can effective management of the purchase journal impact nancial reporting?
• Activity: Participants share experiences or hypothetical scenarios and discuss in small

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Trainer Manual for Accounts Executive
(Accounts Payable & Receivable)
Slide 9: Summary
• Recap: Key points from today's session.
• Questions and Answers: Open oor for participants to ask questions or clarify doubts.
Slide 10: Preview of Next Session
• Upcoming Topics: Brief overview of what will be covered in the next session on
understanding customer purchase orders and sales journals.

Day 2: BSC/N 0902 - Understanding the Customer Purchase Order, Payment

Terms, Delivery Challan, and Sales Journal
• Objective: Provide an overview of the sales processes, including customer
purchase orders and delivery challans.
• Activities: Interactive session with case studies and group discussion.

Slide 1: Introduction
• Title: Understanding Sales Processes
• Agenda: Overview of today's topics, session format, and learning objectives.
Slide 2: Objectives
• Purpose: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the sales side of business transactions.
• Goals: Identify key elements of customer purchase orders, understand the signi cance of delivery
challans, and familiarize with the sales journal.
Slide 3: Customer Purchase Orders (CPO)
• De nition: A document issued by a customer to authorize a purchase.
• Components: Detail the typical elements such as item description, quantity, agreed price, and
buyer information.
• Role in Sales: Discuss how CPOs initiate the sales process and serve as a legal agreement.
Slide 4: Understanding Payment Terms
• Explanation: Terms that dictate the timing and conditions under which payments must be
• Examples: Common terms like Net 30, Cash on Delivery (COD), and advance payments.
• Impact: Explore how different terms can affect cash ow and relationships with customers.
Slide 5: Delivery Challans
• Purpose: Used to con rm the delivery of goods and often accompanies the shipped items.
• Key Details: Include information such as date of delivery, list of items, and con rmation by
the recipient.
• Use in Transactions: Explain how delivery challans are used for verifying received goods
and facilitating the invoice process.
Slide 6: The Sales Journal
• De nition: A record where all credit sales are logged before they are posted to the general ledger.
• Function: Illustrate its role in tracking sales transactions and managing accounts receivable.
• Example Entry: Show a sample sales journal entry to clarify recording practices.
Slide 7: Case Study: Handling a Complete Sales Transaction
• Scenario: Walk through a complete case from customer purchase order to payment, including the
issuance of a delivery challan and recording in the sales journal.
• Discussion Points: Identify critical steps, potential pitfalls, and best practices.
Slide 8: Group Discussion
• Activity: Divide participants into groups to discuss different payment terms and their impacts on
business scenarios provided in the case study.
• Feedback: Groups present their discussions and insights.
Slide 9: Summary and Key Takeaways
• Recap: Brief summary of the day's key learning points.

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Trainer Manual for Accounts Executive
(Accounts Payable & Receivable)
• Q&A Session: Allow time for any questions or clari cations from the participants.
Slide 10: Preview of Next Session
• Upcoming Session: Outline the topics for the next day, focusing on the veri cation of

Day 3: BSC/N 0905 - Veri cation of the Documents

• Objective: Train participants on how to verify purchase and sales
documents for accuracy and compliance.
• Activities: Hands-on exercises with sample documents, role-play to
simulate real-life veri cation.
Slide 1: Introduction
• Title: Document Veri cation in Accounts Payable & Receivable
• Agenda: Outline the session's structure, including objectives, activities, and expected outcomes.
Slide 2: Objectives
• Purpose: Develop skills to effectively verify documents related to purchasing and sales.
• Goals: Ensure participants can identify discrepancies, understand compliance requirements, and
apply veri cation techniques accurately.
Slide 3: Importance of Document Veri cation
• Explanation: Discuss why accurate veri cation is crucial for nancial accuracy, legal
compliance, and maintaining business relationships.
• Consequences: Highlight potential nancial and reputational impacts of incorrect document
Slide 4: Common Documents in Purchasing and Sales
• Purchasing Documents: Purchase orders, invoices, payment vouchers.
• Sales Documents: Sales orders, delivery challans, receipt vouchers.
• Key Features: Detail what each document should contain and the importance of each feature
in veri cation.
Slide 5: Veri cation Techniques
• Checklist Method: Introduce a step-by-step checklist for verifying documents (matching
details like quantities, prices, terms).
• Digital Tools: Brief overview of software that can aid in document veri cation.
• Cross-Referencing: Explain how to cross-reference documents against each other for
consistency (e.g., matching purchase orders with invoices and delivery notes).
Slide 6: Hands-On Exercise: Purchase Documents
• Activity Description: Participants will receive sample purchase documents to verify.
• Instructions: Guide them through the process using the veri cation checklist.
• Objective: Identify and correct errors or inconsistencies.
Slide 7: Role-Play: Sales Document Veri cation
• Scenario Setup: Create a role-play scenario where participants act out roles in a transaction
to practice verifying sales documents.
• Roles: Seller, buyer, and auditor.
• Objective: Engage with real-life dynamics and challenges in document veri cation.
Slide 8: Best Practices in Document Veri cation
• Details to Prioritize: Emphasize the importance of dates, signatures, numerical accuracy,
and compliance with company policies.
• Frequent Issues: Discuss common errors found during veri cation and how to resolve them.
• Continuous Improvement: Encourage ongoing learning and adaptation of veri cation
Slide 9: Group Discussion

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(Accounts Payable & Receivable)
• Topic: Challenges in document veri cation and innovative solutions.
• Activity: Share experiences, ask questions, and discuss potential improvements in document
veri cation processes.
Slide 10: Summary and Key Takeaways
• Recap: Summarize the day’s learning and emphasize the importance of thorough document
veri cation.
• Q&A: Open the oor for any nal questions or clari cations.
Slide 11: Preview of Next Session
• Next Steps: Brie y outline the next day's topics, focusing on journal entries and voucher

Week 2: Journal Entries and Voucher Preparation

Day 4-5: BSC/N 0903 - Booking Credit Purchase in the Purchase Journal
• Objective: Teach practical skills in recording credit purchases.
• Activities: Practical exercises in the computer lab using accounting
Slide 1: Introduction
• Title: Booking Credit Purchases: Practical Application
• Agenda: Brief the session's objectives, outline the activities, and set expectations
for hands-on learning.
Slide 2: Objectives
• Purpose: Equip participants with the skills to accurately record credit purchases
in the purchase journal.
• Goals: Ensure participants are comfortable using accounting software for entries
and understand the implications of accurate record-keeping.
Slide 3: Understanding Credit Purchases
• De nition: Explain what constitutes a credit purchase and how it differs from
cash transactions.
• Importance: Discuss the role of credit purchases in business operations and cash
ow management.
Slide 4: The Purchase Journal
• Purpose: Reinforce the function of the purchase journal in accounting systems.
• Details: Show how the purchase journal tracks credit transactions before they are
posted to the general ledger.
Slide 5: Entries for Credit Purchases
• Components of an Entry: Outline necessary details like vendor name, date,
invoice number, amount, and terms.
• Example Entry: Provide a step-by-step example of entering a credit purchase in
the journal.
Slide 6: Using Accounting Software
• Software Overview: Brief introduction to the accounting software that will be
used during the practical sessions.
• Key Features: Highlight features that are speci cally useful for managing credit
Slide 7: Hands-On Exercise: Recording Entries
• Activity Setup: Participants will practice entering data for simulated credit
purchases into the accounting software.

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(Accounts Payable & Receivable)
• Instructions: Guide participants through each step, from opening the software to
saving an entry.
• Support: Ensure trainers are available to assist participants and answer questions
in real-time.
Slide 8: Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
• Errors to Watch For: Discuss typical errors made during data entry and how to
detect and correct them.
• Best Practices: Share tips for ensuring accuracy and consistency in journal
Slide 9: Group Discussion
• Re ections: Invite participants to share their experiences with the exercise,
challenges faced, and insights gained.
• Feedback: Collect feedback on the software usability and training session
Slide 10: Summary and Key Takeaways
• Recap: Summarize the critical learning points and the importance of accurate
• Q&A: Allow time for participants to ask questions or seek clari cation on any
aspect of the training.
Slide 11: Preview of Next Sessions
• Coming Up: Brie y introduce the topics for Days 6 and 7, focusing on booking
credit sales in the sales journal.

Day 6-7: BSC/N 0904 - Booking Credit Sales in the Sales Journal
• Objective: Instruction on documenting credit sales in the sales journal.
• Activities: Hands-on training with scenarios and guided exercises.

Slide 1: Introduction
• Title: Mastering Credit Sales Documentation
• Agenda: Overview of the session’s goals, structure, and the practical activities planned.
Slide 2: Objectives
• Purpose: To provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to accurately
document credit sales in the sales journal.
• Goals: Ensure participants understand the signi cance of accurate sales documentation and can
competently use the sales journal in practical scenarios.
Slide 3: Overview of Credit Sales
• De nition: Explain what credit sales are and how they differ from cash sales.
• Importance: Discuss the impact of credit sales on cash ow and business relationships.
Slide 4: The Sales Journal
• Function: Detail the role of the sales journal in an organization’s accounting system.
• Components: Describe what information is recorded in the sales journal, including date,
customer details, invoice number, sales amount, and payment terms.
Slide 5: Documenting Credit Sales
• Procedure: Step-by-step guide on how to enter a credit sale into the sales journal.
• Example Entry: Show a detailed example with typical data entries.
Slide 6: Using Accounting Software for Sales Journal
• Software Demonstration: Introduce the accounting software that participants will use.
• Key Features: Highlight the features that facilitate the recording of sales transactions, such as
automated entries, error checking, and reporting functions.

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Trainer Manual for Accounts Executive
(Accounts Payable & Receivable)
Slide 7: Hands-On Exercises: Entering Data
• Activity Setup: Participants will engage in a computer lab session, entering simulated credit
sales data into the sales journal using the software.
• Instructions: Provide clear guidelines for each step of the entry process, from accessing the
journal to nalizing entries.
• Assistance: Ensure facilitators are available to help with questions and provide one-on-one
Slide 8: Common Mistakes in Sales Recording
• Errors to Avoid: Discuss common errors such as incorrect data entry, overlooking invoice
details, and forgetting to update customer credit limits.
• Prevention Strategies: Offer tips on double-checking work, using software tools effectively,
and maintaining meticulous records.
Slide 9: Group Discussion
• Topic: Challenges in documenting credit sales and how to overcome them.
• Activity: Encourage sharing of personal experiences, strategies for accuracy, and questions about
the process.
Slide 10: Summary and Key Takeaways
• Recap: Summarize the main points covered about documenting credit sales and the importance of
precise record-keeping.
• Q&A Session: Open the oor for any nal questions or discussions.
Slide 11: Preview of Next Session
• Next Steps: Brief participants on the upcoming session’s focus, which will be on the
preparation of payment and receipt vouchers.

Day 8: BSC/N 0906 - Preparation of Payment Voucher
• Objective: Detailed session on preparing payment vouchers.
• Activities: Demonstration followed by trainee practice
Slide 1: Introduction
• Title: Effective Preparation of Payment Vouchers
• Agenda: Overview of today's objectives, session structure, and what participants will learn
about payment vouchers.
Slide 2: Objectives
• Purpose: To teach participants the correct procedure for preparing payment vouchers.
• Goals: Ensure participants can accurately prepare payment vouchers that meet nancial control
standards and comply with organizational policies.
Slide 3: What is a Payment Voucher?
• De nition: Explain that a payment voucher is a document used by a company’s nance or
accounts department to authorize a payment.
• Purpose: Discuss the role of payment vouchers in maintaining accurate nancial records and
ensuring accountability.
Slide 4: Key Components of a Payment Voucher
• Details to Include: Outline essential information such as date, amount, payee, authorization
signatures, and purpose of payment.
• Supporting Documents: Explain the importance of attaching invoices, receipts, or other
supporting documents to substantiate the payment.
Slide 5: Types of Payment Vouchers
• Cash Payment Voucher: For payments made in cash.
• Bank Payment Voucher: For payments made through bank transfers.
• Contra Voucher: For adjustments between cash and bank records.

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Trainer Manual for Accounts Executive
(Accounts Payable & Receivable)
• Illustrate: Provide examples for each type to clarify the differences and appropriate uses.
Slide 6: Step-by-Step Demonstration
• Live Example: Conduct a live demonstration on how to ll out a payment voucher, including
common elds and any software used.
• Tips: Share best practices such as double-checking gures, ensuring proper authorization, and
maintaining sequential voucher numbers for tracking.
Slide 7: Hands-On Exercise
• Activity Setup: Participants will practice preparing various types of payment vouchers using
sample data.
• Instructions: Provide clear steps and checklists to guide participants through the exercise.
• Support: Facilitators circulate to provide individual assistance and answer questions.
Slide 8: Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
• Typical Errors: Discuss frequent mistakes such as incorrect amounts, missing authorization,
and misclassi cation of expenses.
• Correction Techniques: Offer tips on error prevention, including thorough review processes
and use of automated systems to reduce manual errors.
Slide 9: Group Discussion
• Topic: Experiences with payment voucher preparation and lessons learned.
• Activity: Encourage participants to discuss challenges they have faced in this area and strategies
they have developed to overcome them.
Slide 10: Summary and Key Takeaways
• Recap: Brie y review the key points covered about preparing payment vouchers.
• Q&A Session: Allow time for participants to clarify any uncertainties and reinforce learning.
Slide 11: Preview of Next Session
• Looking Ahead: Introduce the next day’s topic, focusing on preparation of mode of payment.

Day 9: BSC/N 0907 - Preparation of Mode of Payment

• Objective: Discuss various payment modes and their preparation
• Activities: Group activity to explore di erent payment methods and their

Slide 1: Introduction
• Title: Understanding and Preparing Different Modes of Payment
• Agenda: Outline the session's objectives, activities, and what participants will learn about
payment modes.
Slide 2: Objectives
• Purpose: To provide a comprehensive understanding of the various modes of payment available
in business transactions.
• Goals: Enable participants to select and prepare appropriate payment modes based on transaction
requirements and organizational policies.
Slide 3: Overview of Payment Modes
• De nition and Relevance: Explain what modes of payment are and why choosing the
right one is crucial for business ef ciency and security.
• Key Factors: Discuss factors in uencing the choice of payment mode, such as transaction size,
payer and payee preferences, geographical location, and associated costs.
Slide 4: Common Modes of Payment
• Direct Bank Transfers: Advantages such as speed and security, and when they are typically
• Cheques: Discuss when and why they are used despite being slower than electronic methods.

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(Accounts Payable & Receivable)
• Credit and Debit Cards: Bene ts and risks associated with card payments.
• Cash: When it's still relevant and the risks involved.
• Digital Wallets and Online Platforms: Emerging trends and their growing importance
in business transactions.
Slide 5: Preparing for Different Payment Modes
• Procedures for Each Mode: Detail the preparation process for each payment method,
including any documentation required and steps to ensure compliance and security.
• Best Practices: Share best practices for each mode, such as ensuring secure connections for
online transactions and verifying account details for bank transfers.
Slide 6: Group Activity: Role Play
• Setup: Assign roles and scenarios to different groups, each focusing on a different payment mode.
• Task: Each group prepares a payment while considering factors like transaction urgency, cost, and
• Objective: Simulate real-world payment decisions and preparation.
Slide 7: Advantages and Disadvantages Discussion
• Interactive Discussion: After the role play, each group discusses the advantages and
disadvantages of the payment mode they worked with.
• Sharing Insights: Groups share their ndings and perspectives with the whole class, fostering
a deeper understanding among all participants.
Slide 8: Handling International Payments
• Special Considerations: Discuss additional factors like currency exchange rates,
international banking fees, and regulatory compliance.
• Recommended Practices: Offer guidelines on how to handle international transactions
ef ciently and securely.
Slide 9: Common Challenges and Solutions
• Potential Issues: Highlight common payment-related challenges such as delayed payments,
non-compliance with international standards, and fraud.
• Solutions: Provide strategies to mitigate these risks, including the use of advanced security
measures and rigorous veri cation processes.
Slide 10: Summary and Key Takeaways
• Recap: Summarize the key points discussed about payment modes and their preparation.
• Q&A Session: Encourage questions to clarify any doubts and reinforce learning.
Slide 11: Preview of Next Session
• Next Steps: Brie y introduce the next day's topic, focusing on updating vouchers with payment

Week 3: Payment Processing and Record Keeping

Day 10: BSC/N 0908 - Updating Voucher with Payment Details
• Objective: Train how to update payment details in vouchers e ectively.
• Activities: Workshop using examples from industry practice.

Slide 1: Introduction
• Title: Mastering Voucher Updates with Payment Details
• Agenda: Overview of today's objectives, including a detailed breakdown of the activities
Slide 2: Objectives
• Purpose: Equip participants with the skills necessary to accurately update payment details in
• Goals: Ensure that all participants understand the importance of accurate voucher updates and
are capable of performing them in compliance with accounting standards.

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(Accounts Payable & Receivable)
Slide 3: Importance of Accurate Voucher Updates
• Financial Accuracy: Discuss how proper voucher management affects nancial reporting
and compliance.
• Audit and Compliance: Explain the role of updated vouchers in audits and adhering to
regulatory requirements.
Slide 4: Types of Vouchers
• Payment Vouchers: Focus on the details typically included, such as payment amount,
method, date, and payee information.
• Receipt Vouchers: Compare with payment vouchers to highlight different informational needs
and updating processes.
Slide 5: Step-by-Step Guide to Updating Payment Vouchers
• Document Collection: Start with ensuring all necessary documents are collected (e.g.,
invoices, bank statements).
• Entry Process: Detailed walkthrough of entering payment details into a voucher, including
common elds like date of payment, amount, and authorization.
• Veri cation: Emphasize the importance of verifying the information against payment proofs to
prevent errors.
Slide 6: Workshop: Updating Vouchers
• Activity Setup: Participants receive a set of sample transactions and corresponding documents.
• Task: Practice entering and updating payment details in the vouchers using the provided
• Support: Facilitators to assist participants, providing tips and clari cations as needed.
Slide 7: Using Accounting Software for Voucher Management
• Software Demonstration: Show how accounting software can streamline and safeguard
the voucher updating process.
• Features Highlighted: Focus on features like automatic reconciliation, error detection, and
digital storage.
Slide 8: Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
• Errors Overview: Discuss typical mistakes made during the voucher updating process, such
as incorrect amounts, wrong dates, or mismatched details.
• Preventative Measures: Offer strategies to mitigate these errors, such as double-checking
entries and maintaining an organized documentation system.
Slide 9: Real-World Examples
• Case Studies: Present examples from industry practice where effective voucher management
played a key role in resolving nancial discrepancies.
• Discussion: Encourage participants to discuss these examples and relate them to their own
Slide 10: Group Discussion and Feedback
• Interactive Session: Allow participants to share challenges they have encountered in
updating vouchers and strategies they have used to overcome them.
• Feedback on Workshop: Gather insights on the effectiveness of the practical exercises and
any areas for improvement.
Slide 11: Summary and Key Takeaways
• Recap: Brie y review the key lessons from the session.
• Q&A: Open the oor for any nal questions or clari cations.
Slide 12: Preview of Next Session
• Next Steps: Introduce the topic for the next day, focusing on preparing receipt vouchers.

Day 11: BSC/N 0909 - Preparing Receipt Voucher

• Objective: Practical exercises on preparing receipt vouchers for various

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(Accounts Payable & Receivable)
• Activities: Simulated task session with feedback from trainer.
Slide 1: Introduction
• Title: Effective Preparation of Receipt Vouchers
• Agenda: Outline the session's goals, activities, and what participants will learn about receipt
Slide 2: Objectives
• Purpose: To provide participants with the necessary skills to accurately prepare receipt vouchers
for different types of transactions.
• Goals: Enable participants to understand the components, importance, and correct preparation of
receipt vouchers in compliance with accounting standards.
Slide 3: What is a Receipt Voucher?
• De nition: Explain that a receipt voucher is a document recording the receipt of money or
• Importance: Discuss the voucher’s role in verifying the income received and ensuring proper
accounting records.
Slide 4: Key Components of Receipt Vouchers
• Essential Details: List and explain the critical components such as date, amount received,
source of payment, mode of payment, and description of the transaction.
• Examples: Show examples of completed receipt vouchers to illustrate.
Slide 5: Types of Receipt Vouchers
• Cash Receipt Vouchers: For transactions involving cash receipts.
• Bank Receipt Vouchers: For transactions where payments are made directly to a bank
• Illustrate Each Type: Provide clear examples for each to clarify the differences and proper
Slide 6: Preparing Receipt Vouchers
• Step-by-Step Instructions: Guide participants through the process of lling out a receipt
voucher, including common elds and typical documentation required.
• Best Practices: Share effective practices like double-checking amounts and ensuring all
required approvals are obtained.
Slide 7: Simulated Task: Receipt Voucher Preparation
• Activity Setup: Participants receive sample transaction data from which they need to prepare
receipt vouchers.
• Instructions: Provide detailed guidance on how to complete the task, including tips for
ensuring accuracy and completeness.
• Support: Facilitators to assist participants, addressing questions and providing real-time
Slide 8: Common Mistakes in Receipt Voucher Preparation
• Overview of Errors: Discuss frequent mistakes such as incorrect amount entries, forgetting
to include necessary documentation, and misclassi cation of receipts.
• How to Avoid Errors: Offer strategies to prevent these issues, such as using automated data
entry features where available and regular reconciliation.
Slide 9: Real-World Application
• Case Studies: Brie y present case studies where ef cient handling of receipt vouchers had a
signi cant impact on business transactions and audits.
• Discussion: Encourage participants to consider how these practices can be applied in their
respective roles.
Slide 10: Group Discussion and Feedback
• Sharing Insights: Allow participants to discuss their experiences with the task, including any
challenges faced and how they overcame them.

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(Accounts Payable & Receivable)
• Feedback on Activity: Gather participant feedback on the effectiveness of the exercise and
any areas for improvement.
Slide 11: Summary and Key Takeaways
• Recap: Summarize the main points about preparing receipt vouchers.
• Q&A: Provide time for participants to ask any remaining questions or seek clari cation.
Slide 12: Preview of Next Session
• Next Steps: Brie y introduce the topic for the next day, focusing on performing accounting
entries for transactions covered in previous sessions.

Day 12: BSC/N 0910 - Performing the Accounting Entry

• Objective: Session on making accounting entries for transactions covered in
previous sessions.
• Activities: Role-plays to reinforce learning, with trainer review and critique.
Slide 1: Introduction
• Title: Mastering Accounting Entries
• Agenda: Overview of today's objectives, detailed explanation of activities, and the importance of
accurate accounting entries.
Slide 2: Objectives
• Purpose: To enhance participants' skills in making accurate and effective accounting entries for
a range of business transactions.
• Goals: Ensure participants are con dent in their ability to record transactions correctly and
understand the impact of these entries on nancial statements.
Slide 3: Review of Transaction Types
• Overview: Recap the types of transactions discussed in previous sessions, including purchases,
sales, receipts, and payments.
• Importance: Emphasize how accurately capturing these transactions is crucial for reliable
nancial reporting.
Slide 4: Principles of Accounting Entries
• Double-Entry System: Brie y explain or review the double-entry bookkeeping system where
every entry has a corresponding and opposite entry.
• Accounts Affected: Discuss the common accounts affected by typical transactions, such as
assets, liabilities, revenue, and expenses.
Slide 5: Documentation Needed for Entries
• Supporting Documents: List and explain the documents needed for making accurate
entries, such as invoices, receipts, vouchers, and contracts.
• Veri cation: Stress the importance of verifying all documentation before making an entry to
prevent errors.
Slide 6: Role-Play Scenarios
• Setup: Participants are divided into groups and given different transaction scenarios to record.
• Tasks: Each group will role-play their scenario, from reviewing the documentation to recording
the entry in the accounting system.
• Objective: To simulate the real-life process of accounting entries and encourage active learning.
Slide 7: Recording Entries in Accounting Software
• Software Demonstration: Show how to enter data into commonly used accounting
software, highlighting features that help prevent common mistakes.
• Practical Tips: Provide tips on using software ef ciently, such as setting up alerts for unusual
transactions or discrepancies.
Slide 8: Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

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(Accounts Payable & Receivable)
• Typical Errors: Discuss frequent errors in recording transactions, like transposing numbers,
misclassifying accounts, or forgetting to record entries.
• Preventative Measures: Offer strategies for minimizing errors, such as regular audits of
entries, peer reviews, and maintaining a detailed log of all transactions.
Slide 9: Trainer Review and Critique
• Feedback Session: After the role-play, trainers review each group’s entries and provide
constructive feedback.
• Discussion: Open discussion on what was learned, what could be improved, and how to apply
these lessons in the workplace.
Slide 10: Summary and Key Takeaways
• Recap: Summarize the key points about making accounting entries.
• Q&A: Allow time for participants to ask questions and clarify any doubts.
Slide 11: Preview of Next Session
• Next Steps: Preview the next day's session, which will focus on maintaining and organizing
nancial records ef ciently.

Day 13-15: BSC/N 0911 - Record Keeping

• Objective: Provide detailed training on maintaining and organizing nancial
records e ciently.
• Activities: Final project where trainees organize a complete set of nancial
records for a hypothetical company.
Evaluation and Feedback
• Each week concludes with a quiz to assess understanding and a feedback
session to discuss learning experiences and areas for improvement.
Slide 1: Introduction
• Title: Effective Financial Record Keeping
• Agenda: Overview of the comprehensive three-day session, objectives, and outline of the nal
Slide 2: Objectives
• Purpose: Equip participants with advanced skills in maintaining and organizing nancial
records in a systematic and compliant manner.
• Goals: By the end of this session, participants should be able to set up and manage a complete
nancial record system for any business scenario.
Slide 3: Importance of Record Keeping
• Relevance: Discuss the signi cance of accurate and organized nancial records for compliance,
auditing, and strategic decision-making.
• Legal and Financial Implications: Highlight the potential consequences of poor record
keeping, including legal penalties and nancial discrepancies.
Slide 4: Principles of Effective Record Keeping
• Systematic Organization: Techniques for categorizing and ling documents
• Accessibility: Strategies for making records easily accessible to authorized personnel.
• Security: Best practices for securing sensitive nancial information against unauthorized access
or data breaches.
Slide 5: Tools and Technologies
• Software Solutions: Overview of accounting and document management software that can
aid in ef cient record keeping.
• Digital vs. Physical Records: Discuss the advantages and challenges of digital records
over traditional paper-based methods.
Slide 6: Implementing a Record Keeping System

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(Accounts Payable & Receivable)
• Steps to Set Up: Guide on setting up a record-keeping system, from planning stages to
• Checklists and Templates: Provide templates and checklists for maintaining various types
of nancial records.
Slide 7: Final Project Brief
• Project Overview: Trainees will organize a complete set of nancial records for a
hypothetical company, covering transactions from the entire training.
• Objectives: To apply learned skills in a simulated real-world scenario, ensuring comprehension
and capability in managing complex record systems.
Slide 8: Project Work Time
• Group Activities: Participants work in groups on their nal projects.
• Trainer Support: Trainers circulate to provide guidance, answer questions, and ensure groups
are on track.
Slide 9: Presentation of Projects
• Project Presentations: Each group presents their record-keeping system and discusses the
rationale behind their organizational choices.
• Peer Review: Encourage constructive feedback from peers to foster collaborative learning.
Slide 10: Evaluation and Feedback
• Quiz: Conduct a quiz to assess understanding of key concepts covered in the record-keeping
• Feedback Session: Open a session to discuss learning experiences, gather feedback on the
training program, and identify areas for improvement.
Slide 11: Summary and Key Takeaways
• Recap: Summarize the critical lessons from the record-keeping module.
• Q&A: Allow time for any last questions and provide additional clari cations.
Slide 12: Closing Remarks
• Course Completion: Congratulate participants on completing the course.
• Certi cates and Next Steps: Distribute completion certi cates and discuss potential next
steps for further development or implementation in their roles.


This manual serves as a roadmap for trainers to deliver an e ective and engaging training
program, ensuring that by the end of the three weeks, trainees are pro cient in handling
accounts payable and receivable tasks.

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Trainer Manual for Accounts Executive
(Accounts Payable & Receivable)

Important questions and answers for the Accounts

Executive (Accounts Payable and Receivables)
training that cover key concepts, processes, and
practical scenarios:
1. What is a purchase order?
• A formal document issued by a buyer to a vendor authorizing a purchase at
speci ed prices and terms.
2. What is the difference between accounts payable and accounts receivable?
• Accounts payable represents money owed by the company to its creditors,
while accounts receivable represents money owed to the company by its
3. How do you handle invoice discrepancies in accounts payable?
• Review the documents involved, communicate with the supplier, and resolve
discrepancies by agreeing on corrected amounts or terms.
4. What are common payment terms in accounts receivable?
• Common terms include Net 30, Net 60, Due on Receipt, and Cash on
Delivery (COD).
5. Why is the aging report important for accounts receivable?
• It helps manage the receivables e ciently by showing the overdue payments
according to the age of each invoice, facilitating better cash ow
6. What are some best practices for managing vendor relationships?
• Regular communication, timely payments, clear agreements, and handling
disputes professionally.
7. What is a credit memo?
• A document issued to a buyer by a seller to reduce the amount that the
buyer owes under previously issued invoices.
8. How do you process a payment voucher?
• Verify the accuracy of the invoice, con rm receipt of goods or services,
obtain necessary approvals, and then process the payment.
9. What is double-entry bookkeeping?
• A system of accounting in which every entry to an account requires a
corresponding and opposite entry to a di erent account.
10. What role does the general ledger play in nancial transactions?
• It serves as the central repository for accounting data transferred from all
sub-ledgers or journals where transaction records are rst entered.
11. How can automation improve accounts payable processes?
• Automation can reduce manual errors, increase processing speed, improve
compliance tracking, and enhance overall e ciency.
12. What are dunning letters, and when are they used?
• Dunning letters are communications sent to customers to request the
payment of overdue invoices, typically escalated through a series of letters.
13. How do you reconcile accounts payable and receivable?
• Compare the detailed amounts in the accounts with corresponding
transactions or statements, resolving any discrepancies found during

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Trainer Manual for Accounts Executive
(Accounts Payable & Receivable)
14. What are early payment discounts, and how are they managed?
• Discounts o ered to customers for paying their invoices early. They are
managed by adjusting the invoice amount and tracking through accounts
15. How should bad debts be handled in accounts receivable?
• Recognize signs early, attempt to collect using various methods, and if
uncollectible, write o as a bad debt expense after all e orts are exhausted.
16. What is a delivery challan used for?
• It is used to con rm delivery of goods and is typically sent along with the
shipment as proof that the goods were delivered.
17. What does the term 'net 30' mean?
• It means the payment is due in full 30 days after the goods are shipped or
the service is completed.
18. How do you verify the accuracy of nancial documents?
• Check for correct dates, amounts, terms, signatures, and matching them
against contracts, purchase orders, and previous communications.
19. What is the importance of maintaining detailed payment records?
• For compliance with nancial regulations, accuracy in nancial reporting, and
e ective management of company nances.
20. How are electronic payments processed differently from checks?
• Electronic payments are processed via electronic transfer methods like ACH,
which are typically faster and more secure than paper checks which require
manual handling.
21. What are the risks associated with handling accounts payable and
• Risks include fraud, human error, non-compliance with nancial policies, and
poor cash ow management.
22. How do payment terms impact cash ow?
• Shorter payment terms can improve cash ow by reducing the time money is
outstanding, while longer terms might aid in making more sales but delay
cash in ows.
23. What are some key indicators of nancial health in accounts receivable?
• Quick turnover of receivables, low days sales outstanding (DSO), and
minimal bad debts.
24. What strategies can be used to improve the collection process?
• Implementing strict credit policies, o ering various payment options, and
using automated reminder systems for overdue payments.
25. What steps should be taken when transitioning from manual to automated
accounts processes?
• Assess current processes, select appropriate software, train sta thoroughly,
and implement the system with gradual integration and constant monitoring
for issues.

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(Accounts Payable & Receivable)
Assessment and Certi cation
This section outlines the strategies and processes for evaluating the progress and
pro ciency of trainees, ensuring they meet the required standards to receive certi cation.
• Continuous Assessment Strategies
• Description: Explanation of ongoing evaluation methods used throughout
the training to monitor trainee progress. This could include quizzes,
assignments, and practical exercises at the end of each module.
• Purpose: To provide immediate feedback, help trainers adjust the pace and
focus of the course, and identify areas where trainees may need additional
• Tools and Techniques: Detail the tools used for continuous assessment
such as digital platforms, peer review systems, and performance tracking
• Final Assessment and Certi cation Process
• Description: Outline of the comprehensive nal assessment that evaluates
trainees’ complete understanding and application of the course material.
• Components: May include a written exam, practical tests, and a nal
project presentation that collectively determine the trainee's competence.
• Certi cation Criteria: Set the benchmarks that trainees must meet or
exceed to qualify for certi cation, including the grading scale and any
• Certifying Bodies: Information about the organizations that provide the
certi cation, such as industry associations or governmental bodies, and
what the certi cation signi es for the trainee’s career.
• FAQs
• Purpose: To address common queries and concerns about the assessment
and certi cation process.
• Examples:
•How are the assessments graded?
•What happens if a trainee fails an assessment?
•Can the nal assessment be retaken, and if so, how many times?
•What are the prerequisites for receiving the nal certi cation?

This section provides supplementary materials that support the core training content.

• Glossary of Terms
• A comprehensive list of terms and de nitions used throughout the training
manual, aimed at clarifying terminology and ensuring consistency in usage.
• Sample Templates and Additional Resources
• Templates: Include examples of documents like invoices, payment
vouchers, and journal entries that trainees will encounter in their roles.
• Additional Resources: List of further reading materials, websites, and
online courses that can enhance understanding and provide deeper insights
into speci c topics.
• An alphabetical listing of topics covered in the manual, including page numbers,
which allows trainers and trainees to quickly locate information within the

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