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Trainer Manual for Curriculum for Business English

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Trainer Manual for Curriculum for Business English

Curriculum for Business English

(40 hours)

1. Introduction
1.1 Course Overview

• Purpose of the Course: This training course is designed to enhance the

Business English skills of professionals, focusing on both basic and
advanced communication abilities necessary for success in the global
business environment.
• Scope of the Course: The course covers fundamental aspects of Business
English, including grammar, vocabulary, and writing skills, as well as
advanced communication strategies for negotiations, presentations, and
complex business scenarios.
• Relevance: Discuss the relevance of improved Business English skills in
today's global market, where clear and e ective communication is a key
driver of business success.
1.2 Objectives and Outcomes

• Objectives:
• To develop a solid foundation in Basic Business English for e ective
professional communication.
• To enhance participants' abilities to engage in advanced business
communications, including negotiating, presenting, and report writing.
• To improve participants’ con dence in their business communication
skills across a variety of platforms and settings.
• Expected Outcomes:
• Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of Business
English grammar and vocabulary applicable in professional settings.
• Participants will be able to structure and produce clear, concise, and
e ective business documents and communications.
• Participants will master communication strategies that can be applied
in negotiations, con ict resolutions, presentations, and other business

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Trainer Manual for Curriculum for Business English
• Increased pro ciency in Business English, leading to better
professional performance and opportunities for career advancement.
1.3 Training Methodology

• Interactive Learning: The course emphasizes interactive learning methods,

including workshops, role-plays, and practical exercises, to maximize
engagement and facilitate real-world application of the skills learned.
• Blended Learning Approach: Combines traditional classroom methods
with online resources and multimedia tools to cater to diverse learning
preferences and enhance the training experience.
• Feedback-Driven: Regular feedback sessions are incorporated, allowing
participants to understand their progress and areas for improvement. This
includes peer reviews, instructor feedback, and self-assessment
• Collaborative Environment: Encourages collaboration among participants
through group activities and discussions, fostering a learning community
that shares insights and experiences.
• Assessment Strategy: Utilizes a variety of assessment methods to evaluate
participant progress and mastery of course content. These include quizzes,
assignments, a nal project, and a certi cation exam.
• Resource Access: Participants will have access to extensive online
resources, including readings, video lectures, case studies, and interactive
simulations, which support the in-class learning and provide opportunities
for further exploration and study.

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Trainer Manual for Curriculum for Business English
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
• 1.1 Course Overview
• 1.2 Objectives and Outcomes
• 1.3 Training Methodology
2. Weeks 1-2: Basic Business English
• Objective: Develop fundamental grammar, vocabulary, and writing skills for effective
professional communication.
• Sessions:
• 2.1 Session 1-2: Introduction to Basic Business English Grammar
• 2.1.1 Overview of Grammar in Business Communication
• 2.1.2 Key Grammar Rules and Their Application
• 2.2 Session 3-4: Expanding Professional Vocabulary
• 2.2.1 Techniques for Vocabulary Enhancement
• 2.2.2 Practical Vocabulary Expansion Activities
• 2.3 Session 5-6: Writing Skills for Business Communication
• 2.3.1 Fundamentals of Effective Business Writing
• 2.3.2 Structuring Written Communication
• 2.4 Session 7-8: Techniques for Writing Professional Emails
• 2.4.1 Components of a Professional Email
• 2.4.2 Email Writing Do's and Don'ts
• 2.5 Session 9-10: Crafting Clear and Effective Business Reports
• 2.5.1 Structure of Business Reports
• 2.5.2 Best Practices in Report Writing
3. Weeks 3-4: Advanced Business Communication
• Objective: Master advanced communication skills applicable to negotiations and
presentations, and improve verbal communication through practical exercises.
• Sessions:
• 3.1 Session 11-12: Advanced Communication Strategies
• 3.1.1 Techniques for Effective Communication
• 3.1.2 Adapting Communication Style to Various Contexts
• 3.2 Session 13-14: Negotiation Skills for Business
• 3.2.1 Key Negotiation Concepts and Techniques
• 3.2.2 Role-Playing Negotiation Scenarios
• 3.3 Session 15-16: Developing and Delivering Effective Presentations
• 3.3.1 Elements of a Powerful Presentation
• 3.3.2 Presentation Practice and Feedback
• 3.4 Session 17-18: Role-playing for Business Scenarios
• 3.4.1 Role-playing Exercises for Communication Mastery
• 3.4.2 Feedback and Improvement Techniques
• 3.5 Session 19-20: Review and Advanced Practice in Business Communication
• 3.5.1 Recap of Advanced Communication Techniques
• 3.5.2 Interactive Practice Sessions
4. Conclusion
• 4.1 Course Wrap-Up
• 4.2 Final Assessment and Certi cation
• 4.3 Feedback and Course Evaluation
5. Appendices
• 5.1 Additional Resources
• 5.2 Glossary of Terms
• 5.3 FAQs

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Trainer Manual for Curriculum for Business English

PowerPoint Presentation Outline

Weeks 1-2: Basic Business English
Slide 1: Course Introduction
• Title: Basic Business English
• Overview of objectives and key areas of focus.

Slide 1: Course Introduction

Title: Basic Business English

Slide Content:
1. Welcome and Introduction
• Purpose: Welcome participants to the Basic Business English course and introduce the primary
goals and the importance of the training.
• Instructor Introduction: Brief introduction of the instructor(s), including background and
expertise in business communication.
2. Overview of Course Objectives
• Fundamental Skills Development: Describe the aim to build foundational skills in
grammar, vocabulary, and business writing.
• Real-World Application: Explain how these skills will improve the participants' ability to
communicate professionally in various business contexts.
3. Key Areas of Focus
• Grammar in Business Communication:
• Importance of correct grammar for clarity and professionalism.
• Preview of key grammar topics like verb tenses, noun-verb agreement, and correct use of
• Vocabulary Enhancement:
• Strategies to build a robust business vocabulary.
• Focus on industry-speci c terminology that participants can immediately start integrating into
their daily communication.
• Business Writing Skills:
• Emphasis on writing clear and professional emails and reports.
• Introduction to the structures and formats that make business writing effective and persuasive.
4. Teaching Methodology
• Interactive Learning: Outline the interactive nature of the course, including group exercises,
peer reviews, and practical writing tasks.
• Feedback-Driven: Highlight how ongoing feedback will be provided to help participants re ne
their skills continuously throughout the course.
5. Course Structure and Logistics
• Duration: Con rm the course will span two weeks, with speci c meeting times and dates.
• Materials Provided: Overview of the materials that will be provided, including course
textbooks, online resources, and access to a dedicated course portal.
• Assessment Methods: Brief description of how participants will be assessed through
quizzes, writing assignments, and a nal project to measure their grasp of business English essentials.
6. Expected Outcomes

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Trainer Manual for Curriculum for Business English
• Professional Growth: Participants will gain con dence in their ability to craft professional
documents and engage in business communications.
• Skill Application: Equip participants with the skills to effectively communicate in a global
business environment, enhancing their career prospects and professional effectiveness.
7. Invitation for Engagement
• Encourage participants to engage actively throughout the course, ask questions, and participate in
discussions and activities to maximize their learning experience.

Slide 2: Understanding Business Grammar

• Importance of grammar in professional settings.
• Key grammar rules for business writing.

Slide 2: Understanding Business Grammar

Title: The Importance of Grammar in Professional Settings
Slide Content:
1. Introduction to Business Grammar
• Purpose: Highlight the role of proper grammar as the foundation of professional communication.
• Impact: Discuss how correct grammar enhances clarity, boosts credibility, and re ects positively on
the professional image of both individuals and organizations.
2. Importance of Grammar in Professional Settings
• Clarity and Precision: Explain how proper grammar leads to clear and precise
communication, which is essential in avoiding misunderstandings in business interactions.
• Professional Image: Stress that using correct grammar is crucial in maintaining a professional
demeanor; errors can detract from the message and the speaker's or writer’s credibility.
• Ef ciency: Illustrate how well-constructed sentences save time and effort by reducing the need for
clari cation and follow-ups.
3. Key Grammar Rules for Business Writing
• Subject-Verb Agreement: Ensure subjects and verbs agree in number and tense, which is
fundamental for clear statements.
• Use of Tenses: Provide guidance on the appropriate use of tenses to discuss past projects, current
work, and future plans.
• Passive vs. Active Voice: Discuss when to use passive voice for formality and objectivity and
active voice for clarity and engagement.
• Prepositions in Business Communication: Review common prepositions used in
business writing, explaining their correct use in professional contexts.
• Punctuation: Cover essential punctuation rules, focusing on the use of commas, periods, colons,
and semicolons in lists, compound sentences, and before conjunctions.
• Conciseness and Clarity: Encourage the elimination of unnecessary words, focusing on being
concise to enhance the impact of communication.
4. Common Pitfalls to Avoid
• Homophones: Clarify common mix-ups such as "they're," "their," and "there," or "your" and
"you're," which can lead to errors in business documents.
• Redundancy: Identify and avoid redundant phrases that dilute the message's effectiveness.
5. Practical Examples and Exercises
• Interactive Exercises: Include short exercises to correct grammatical errors in example
business sentences.
• Before and After Comparisons: Show transformations of poorly constructed sentences into
clear and professional ones, illustrating the impact of good grammar.
6. Tools and Resources for Continuous Improvement
• Grammar Check Tools: Recommend tools and software that can assist in checking and
improving grammar in written communication.

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Trainer Manual for Curriculum for Business English
• Further Reading: Suggest books and online resources to help deepen understanding of grammar
rules and usage.
7. Conclusion and Encouragement
• Encouragement to Practice: Motivate participants to apply these grammar rules in their
daily communications.
• Open Floor for Grammar Questions: Invite questions or concerns about speci c
grammar issues participants encounter in their work environments.

Slide 3: Building Your Business Vocabulary

• Techniques to expand professional vocabulary.
• Practical exercises to integrate new words into daily communication.

Slide 3: Building Your Business Vocabulary

Title: Enhancing Your Professional Lexicon
Slide Content:
1. Introduction to Professional Vocabulary
• Purpose: Explain why a robust professional vocabulary is essential in the business environment.
• Impact: Discuss how a diverse vocabulary can enhance clarity, professionalism, and the ability to
express ideas more effectively.
2. Techniques to Expand Professional Vocabulary
• Reading Widely: Encourage reading business journals, articles, books, and industry publications
to encounter and learn new vocabulary.
• Use of a Thesaurus: Demonstrate how using a thesaurus can help nd synonyms that t the
context better and vary language use.
• Learning from Peers: Suggest listening to and engaging with colleagues, especially those who
demonstrate strong verbal skills, as a method to learn contextual usage of terms.
• Dedicated Study Time: Recommend setting aside regular time to study business terminology,
using ashcards or apps designed for vocabulary building.
• Incorporating New Words: Challenge participants to use new words in speci c contexts,
such as meetings or in writing emails, to reinforce their learning.
3. Practical Exercises to Integrate New Words into Daily Communication
• Word of the Day: Introduce a 'Word of the Day' practice where each participant uses a new
word throughout the day in their communications.
• Role-Playing: Engage participants in role-playing exercises where they practice speaking scenarios
using speci c vocabulary.
• Peer Challenges: Organize vocabulary challenges where peers quiz each other on new words,
enhancing retention and team learning.
• Writing Exercises: Include writing prompts that require the use of newly learned vocabulary in
short paragraphs, business proposals, or email drafts.
4. Tracking Progress and Reinforcement
• Vocabulary Journals: Encourage the maintenance of a vocabulary journal where participants
can note down new words, their meanings, and example sentences.
• Feedback Loops: Create opportunities for feedback on word usage in written work and spoken
communication, offering corrections and suggestions for improvement.
• Group Discussions: Regular group discussions focused on sharing new words learned,
including their meanings and possible scenarios for their application.
5. Resources for Vocabulary Building

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Trainer Manual for Curriculum for Business English
• Recommended Reading List: Provide a list of recommended books, articles, and websites
that are rich in professional vocabulary.
• Online Courses and Workshops: Suggest online vocabulary courses or workshops that
focus on business English.
6. Conclusion and Motivation
• Encouragement to Continue Learning: Motivate participants to persist in expanding
their vocabulary even after the course ends.
• Interactive Q&A: Open the oor for participants to ask questions or share dif culties they face
in integrating new vocabulary.

Slide 4: Writing Skills for Business Communication

• Fundamental principles of e ective business writing.
• Structuring information clearly and concisely.

Slide 4: Writing Skills for Business Communication

Title: Mastering Business Writing
Slide Content:
1. Introduction to Business Writing
• Purpose: Highlight the importance of writing as a key communication tool in business settings.
• Impact: Explain how effective business writing can in uence clarity, persuasion, and professional
2. Fundamental Principles of Effective Business Writing
• Clarity and Precision: Stress the importance of being clear and precise to avoid
misunderstandings and ambiguities.
• Conciseness: Encourage the use of simple, direct language that communicates ideas without
unnecessary verbosity.
• Tone and Formality: Discuss the appropriate tone and level of formality, which can vary
depending on the audience and context.
• Purpose-Oriented Writing: Each piece of written communication should have a clear
purpose, whether it's to inform, request, convince, or resolve.
• Reader-Centric Approach: Emphasize writing with the reader in mind, considering their
knowledge level and what they need to know or do as a result of the message.
3. Structuring Information Clearly and Concisely
• Logical Structure: Demonstrate how to organize content logically, using headings, bullet points,
and paragraphs to guide the reader through the message.
• Opening and Closing: Teach how to craft effective openings that set the context and closings
that provide clear call-to-actions or summaries.
• Using Lists and Bullet Points: Show how to use lists and bullet points to break down
information into readable, manageable parts.
• Paragraph Structure: Discuss the structure of paragraphs in business writing, focusing on
one idea per paragraph with a clear topic sentence.
4. Practical Writing Exercises
• Email Writing Drill: Conduct a workshop where participants draft an email for a given
business scenario using the principles discussed.
• Report Structuring Activity: Guide participants through the process of structuring a short
business report, focusing on organizing information logically.
• Editing Practice: Engage participants in a peer-editing session where they critique and improve
each other’s drafts, focusing on clarity, conciseness, and structure.
5. Tips and Tricks
• Active vs. Passive Voice: When and how to use each to enhance the clarity and impact of

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Trainer Manual for Curriculum for Business English
• Avoiding Jargon: Unless it’s audience-appropriate, avoid jargon to ensure clarity and
• Checking for Common Errors: Quick guide on self-editing techniques to catch common
grammatical errors and stylistic inconsistencies.
6. Resources for Further Learning
• Books and Guides: Recommend authoritative books on business writing.
• Online Tools: List online tools and resources for grammar checking and style improvement.
7. Conclusion and Encouragement
• Continuous Improvement: Encourage ongoing practice and learning to continuously
improve writing skills.
• Interactive Q&A: Invite questions, discuss any dif culties participants face in writing, and how
to overcome them.

Slide 5: Writing Professional Emails

• Components of a professional email.
• Common phrases and etiquette.

Slide 5: Writing Professional Emails

Title: Essentials of Email Etiquette in Business
Slide Content:
1. Introduction to Professional Email Writing
• Purpose: Establish the signi cance of email as a primary communication tool in business
• Impact: Discuss how a well-composed email can enhance communication ef ciency, build
professional relationships, and convey professionalism.
2. Components of a Professional Email
• Subject Line: Teach how to write a clear and concise subject line that accurately re ects the
content of the email.
• Greeting: Overview of appropriate greetings, using the recipient's name whenever possible to add a
personal touch.
• Introduction: Importance of a brief introduction if the recipient does not know you, or a polite
lead-in for those who do.
• Body: Guidelines for writing the body of the email, including organizing information into
paragraphs, each with a single main idea.
• Closing: Best practices for closing lines that provide clear next steps, calls-to-action, or a polite
• Signature: Importance of a professional email signature that includes contact information and any
necessary disclaimers or legal requirements.
3. Common Phrases and Email Etiquette
• Phrases for Starting Emails: Examples such as "I hope this message nds you well," or
"Thank you for your prompt response."
• Phrases for Making Requests: Techniques for polite requests, e.g., "Could you please…"
or "I would appreciate if you could…"
• Phrases for Closing Emails: Ending notes like "Looking forward to your reply," or "Thank
you for your attention to this matter."
• Politeness and Tone: Emphasizing the importance of maintaining a polite and respectful tone,
even when addressing complaints or issues.
4. Email Etiquette Tips

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Trainer Manual for Curriculum for Business English
• Replying Promptly: Stress the importance of responding to emails within a reasonable time
• Keeping Emails Concise: Encourage the practice of keeping emails brief and to the point to
respect the recipient’s time.
• Use of Professional Language: Avoid slang, overly casual language, and emoticons in
professional emails.
• Proofreading: The necessity of proofreading for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors before
5. Practical Email Writing Exercise
• Scenario-Based Practice: Participants draft emails based on typical business scenarios,
applying the components and phrases discussed.
• Peer Review: Conduct a peer review session where participants exchange emails and provide
feedback based on a checklist of the components and etiquette discussed.
6. Conclusion and Q&A
• Recap: Summarize the key points of effective email communication.
• Encouragement: Motivate participants to apply these practices in their daily professional
• Open Floor for Questions: Address any speci c questions participants have about challenges
they face in email communication.

Slide 6: Crafting Business Reports

• Structure of a business report.
• Language and style best practices.

Slide 6: Crafting Business Reports

Title: Mastering the Art of Business Reporting
Slide Content:
1. Introduction to Business Reports
• Purpose: Explain the role of business reports in communication, decision-making, and
documentation within an organization.
• Impact: Highlight how well-structured and clearly written reports can in uence business strategies
and outcomes.
2. Structure of a Business Report
• Title Page: Details to include such as report title, date, and author’s name.
• Table of Contents: Importance of a clear table of contents for navigating the report.
• Executive Summary: Overview of crafting a concise summary that presents the main points,
conclusions, and recommendations of the report.
• Introduction: How to set the context of the report, outline the purpose, and specify the report's
• Body: Guidelines for structuring the body in a logical order, divided into sections and subsections
based on content.
• Conclusion and Recommendations: Tips on summarizing the ndings and providing
actionable recommendations based on the report’s analysis.
• Appendices: Advice on the use of appendices for detailed data, technical descriptions, or extended
statistical information.

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Trainer Manual for Curriculum for Business English
• References: Best practices for citing sources to bolster report credibility and avoid plagiarism.
3. Language and Style Best Practices
• Formal Tone: Importance of maintaining a formal, professional tone throughout the report.
• Objectivity: Emphasis on using an objective perspective, focusing on facts and data rather than
personal opinions.
• Clarity and Precision: Techniques for writing clearly and precisely to ensure the information
is understandable and unambiguous.
• Conciseness: Encourage brevity, avoiding redundant words and focusing on essential information
to keep the reader engaged.
• Passive Voice: Appropriate use of passive voice to maintain formality and focus on the action
rather than the actor.
4. Practical Report Writing Exercise
• Hands-On Activity: Participants draft sections of a business report based on a provided
scenario, applying the structural guidelines and language tips discussed.
• Group Collaboration: Small group collaboration to assemble individual sections into a
cohesive report.
5. Review and Feedback
• Peer Review: Organize a peer review session where participants exchange their draft reports and
provide constructive feedback.
• Instructor Feedback: Provide targeted feedback from the instructor, highlighting areas of
strength and opportunities for improvement.
6. Conclusion and Encouragement
• Recap: Summarize the key elements of effective business report writing.
• Motivation: Encourage participants to utilize these skills in their workplace to enhance the quality
of their reporting.
• Q&A Session: Open the oor for questions, allowing participants to clarify any doubts or seek
advice on speci c challenges they face in report writing.

Weeks 3-4: Advanced Business Communication

Slide 7: Advanced Communication Strategies
• Overview of advanced communication techniques.
• Adapting style and tone to di erent business situations.

Slide 7: Advanced Communication Strategies

Title: Elevating Communication in Business Settings
Slide Content:
1. Introduction to Advanced Communication Strategies
• Purpose: Discuss the signi cance of mastering advanced communication techniques for career
advancement and effective leadership.
• Impact: Highlight how nuanced communication impacts negotiations, presentations, and everyday
interactions in professional environments.
2. Overview of Advanced Communication Techniques
• Strategic Questioning: Teach the art of asking insightful and purposeful questions that elicit
valuable information and foster deeper discussions.

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Trainer Manual for Curriculum for Business English
•Persuasive Communication: Techniques for crafting messages that in uence and persuade
stakeholders, including the use of rhetorical devices like ethos, pathos, and logos.
• Non-Verbal Cues: Understanding the role of body language, tone of voice, and facial
expressions in reinforcing or contradicting verbal messages.
• Active Listening: Emphasize advanced active listening skills, such as reading between the lines
and responding thoughtfully to complex information.
3. Adapting Style and Tone to Different Business Situations
• Formal vs. Informal Settings: Guidance on adjusting communication style and tone based
on the formality of the setting and the audience’s expectations.
• Cultural Sensitivity: Best practices for communicating across cultural boundaries, including
understanding and respecting cultural nuances that in uence business interactions.
• Crisis Communication: Techniques for communicating effectively under pressure, including
maintaining composure, choosing words carefully, and delivering clear, concise messages during critical
• Digital Communication: Adapting tone and style for various digital platforms, from emails
to social media, considering the permanence and reach of online communications.
4. Practical Exercises and Role-Playing
• Scenario-Based Role Play: Participants engage in role-playing exercises that simulate
different business situations (e.g., a tense negotiation, a cross-cultural meeting, a crisis communication
• Video Replay and Analysis: Use video recordings of role-play sessions for analysis; discuss
verbal and non-verbal communication effectiveness and areas for improvement.
5. Techniques for Continuous Improvement
• Feedback Mechanisms: Establish regular feedback sessions with peers and supervisors to
continually re ne communication skills.
• Self-Assessment Tools: Introduce tools and techniques for self-assessment, such as recording
and reviewing personal communication in different settings.
• Professional Development Resources: Recommend workshops, courses, and books
focused on advanced communication skills.
6. Conclusion and Interactive Discussion
• Recap of Key Strategies: Summarize the advanced communication strategies discussed.
• Encouragement to Practice: Motivate participants to apply these advanced techniques in
their daily interactions.
• Open Floor for Discussion: Allow participants to share their experiences with advanced
communication techniques and discuss any challenges they have encountered.

Slide 8: Negotiation Skills for Business

• Strategies for e ective negotiation.
• Language and psychological tactics in negotiation.

Slide 8: Negotiation Skills for Business

Title: Mastering the Art of Negotiation
Slide Content:
1. Introduction to Negotiation Skills
• Purpose: Outline the importance of negotiation skills in achieving business objectives and building
strong professional relationships.

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Trainer Manual for Curriculum for Business English
• Impact: Explain how effective negotiation can lead to better deals, con ict resolution, and long-
term partnerships.
2. Strategies for Effective Negotiation
• Preparation: Emphasize the importance of thorough preparation, including understanding the
negotiation context, knowing the parties involved, and de ning clear objectives.
• Win-Win Approach: Discuss the strategy of aiming for mutually bene cial outcomes, where
both parties feel satis ed with the agreement, fostering longer-term cooperation.
• BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement): Explain the concept of
BATNA, how to determine it, and its role in empowering negotiators to make better decisions.
• Active Listening: Highlight the role of active listening in negotiations to better understand the
other party's needs and concerns, thereby identifying areas for compromise and collaboration.
3. Language and Psychological Tactics in Negotiation
• Language Use: Teach speci c phrases and vocabulary that convey openness, exibility, and
rmness, such as "I understand your concerns," "Perhaps we can nd a middle ground," or "Our
priority is to create a sustainable partnership."
• Framing Techniques: Discuss how to frame information and proposals positively to in uence
the other party’s perception and receptiveness.
• Anchoring: Introduce the tactic of anchoring, where the rst reasonable offer sets the stage and
anchors the negotiation terms around a speci c point.
• Reciprocity and Concessions: Explain how offering something of value can lead to
reciprocal concessions from the other side, and how to strategically use concessions to close the deal.
• Body Language: Cover the signi cance of non-verbal cues and body language in conveying
con dence and openness, or detecting the other party’s comfort level and honesty.
4. Practice and Role-Playing
• Negotiation Scenarios: Set up role-playing exercises that simulate various negotiation
scenarios, from simple purchasing negotiations to complex multi-party contract discussions.
• Feedback Loop: After role-playing, provide a feedback session where participants can re ect on
their use of language, tactics, and strategies, and receive constructive criticism from peers and
5. Tools for Enhancing Negotiation Skills
• Negotiation Planners: Introduce tools like negotiation planners or checklists that help in
organizing and planning for negotiations.
• Learning Resources: Recommend books, videos, and courses that focus on advanced
negotiation techniques and strategies.
6. Conclusion and Encouragement
• Recap of Key Points: Summarize the essential negotiation strategies and psychological tactics
• Motivation for Continuous Learning: Encourage participants to continue practicing and
re ning their negotiation skills in real-world situations.
• Q&A Session: Open the oor for questions and allow participants to discuss personal experiences
or hypothetical negotiation challenges.

Slide 9: Effective Business Presentations

• Planning and structuring presentations.
• Using persuasive language and visuals e ectively.

Slide 9: Effective Business Presentations

Title: Crafting Compelling Business Presentations

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Trainer Manual for Curriculum for Business English
Slide Content:
1. Introduction to Business Presentations
• Purpose: Discuss the critical role of presentations in conveying ideas, in uencing decisions, and
showcasing professionalism.
• Impact: Emphasize how a well-executed presentation can persuade stakeholders, secure clients, and
facilitate clear communication within and outside the organization.
2. Planning and Structuring Presentations
• Objective De nition: Start by de ning the purpose of the presentation. Understand what you
need to achieve and what the audience expects to gain.
• Audience Analysis: Tailor the content to the audience's knowledge level, interests, and what
they stand to gain or lose from your presentation.
• Structuring Content:
• Introduction: Clearly state the topic, your objectives, and what the audience will learn or
• Body: Organize the main points logically, with each slide or section focusing on a single
main idea. Use examples, data, and anecdotes to support your points.
• Conclusion: Summarize the key points, restate the main message, and provide a strong
call to action or next steps.
• Storyboarding: Utilize a storyboard to visually plan the ow of the presentation, ensuring
cohesion and logical progression of ideas.
3. Using Persuasive Language and Visuals Effectively
• Persuasive Language:
• Employ rhetorical devices such as repetition, triples, and rhetorical questions to enhance the
persuasiveness of your speech.
• Use assertive and active language to convey con dence and action.
• Tailor the tone to t the context and desired outcome, whether it’s to inspire, convince, or
• Effective Visuals:
• Align visuals with spoken content to reinforce messages, not distract from them.
• Use high-quality images, infographics, and charts to clarify complex information and make
data digestible.
• Ensure all visuals are clear, professional, and relevant to the content being discussed.
• Avoid clutter by keeping slides clean and balanced, using bullet points and ample white space
to improve readability.
4. Delivery Techniques
• Practice and Rehearsal: Emphasize the importance of rehearsing the presentation multiple
times to smooth out delivery and re ne content.
• Engagement Strategies: Techniques to engage the audience, such as posing questions, inviting
feedback, and incorporating interactive elements like polls or discussions.
• Handling Nerves: Offer strategies for managing presentation anxiety, such as deep breathing,
focusing on the message rather than the audience, and preparing thoroughly to boost con dence.
5. Follow-Up Practices
• Q&A Preparation: Prepare for potential questions by anticipating audience inquiries and
rehearsing clear, concise responses.
• Feedback Collection: Encourage gathering feedback through formal or informal channels to
assess the effectiveness of the presentation and identify areas for improvement.
• Post-Presentation Engagement: Discuss the importance of following up with the
audience, providing additional resources, and maintaining communication to reinforce the
presentation's messages and build relationships.
6. Conclusion and Encouragement
• Recap of Key Strategies: Summarize the main strategies for creating and delivering effective
business presentations.

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Trainer Manual for Curriculum for Business English
• Motivation for Practice: Encourage participants to apply these strategies in upcoming
presentations, offering support and resources for continuous improvement.
• Q&A Session: Open the oor for questions and encourage participants to share their concerns or
experiences related to business presentations.

Slide 10: Role-Playing for Business Scenarios

• Importance of role-playing in learning communication.
• Examples of scenarios for role-play exercises.

Slide 10: Role-Playing for Business Scenarios

Title: Enhancing Skills through Role-Playing
Slide Content:
1. Introduction to Role-Playing
• Purpose: Explain the signi cance of role-playing as an experiential learning tool in business
communication training.
• Impact: Discuss how role-playing allows participants to practice interpersonal skills, negotiation,
con ict resolution, and other key business communications in a controlled, re ective environment.
2. Importance of Role-Playing in Learning Communication
• Skill Development: Role-playing helps in developing and re ning speci c communication
skills, including listening, empathy, verbal expression, and non-verbal cues.
• Real-world Application: It provides a safe space to experiment with different communication
styles and techniques, which can then be con dently applied in real workplace scenarios.
• Feedback and Improvement: Immediate feedback from peers and trainers during role-
playing exercises offers insights into personal communication styles, allowing for quick adjustments
and skill enhancement.
3. Examples of Scenarios for Role-Play Exercises
• Negotiation Scenario: Participants engage in a mock negotiation between a vendor and a
client discussing terms of a contract. Focus on negotiation tactics, persuasive communication, and
strategic concessions.
• Customer Complaint Handling: Simulate a situation where participants must handle a
dif cult customer service call. Focus on active listening, problem-solving, and maintaining
professionalism under stress.
• Team Meeting Con ict: Create a scenario involving a con ict during a team meeting, where
participants must mediate and facilitate a resolution. Emphasize con ict resolution strategies,
empathetic communication, and consensus-building.
• Sales Pitch: Role-play a scenario where participants must pitch a product or service to a potential
client. Focus on persuasive language, handling objections, and closing techniques.
• Performance Review: Simulate a performance review conversation between a manager and an
employee. Focus on delivering constructive feedback, discussing career development, and setting goals.
4. Conducting Role-Playing Exercises
• Setup: Explain how to set up role-playing exercises, including setting clear objectives, choosing roles,
and preparing scenario briefs.
• Execution: Discuss the execution of role-playing, highlighting the importance of staying in
character and reacting to developments in the scenario authentically.
• Debrief: Stress the importance of a debrief session after each role-play, where participants can
discuss what they learned, what they found challenging, and receive feedback.
5. Bene ts of Role-Playing in Business Communication Training
• Enhanced Learning: Role-playing solidi es learning by converting theoretical knowledge into
practical skills.

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Trainer Manual for Curriculum for Business English
• Increased Con dence: Regular practice through role-playing builds con dence in handling
various communication challenges.
• Improved Adaptability: Helps participants learn to adapt their communication style to suit
different situations and audiences.
6. Conclusion and Encouragement
• Recap of Bene ts: Brie y summarize the key bene ts and skills developed through role-playing.
• Encouragement to Participate: Motivate participants to embrace role-playing exercises
enthusiastically, emphasizing the safe and supportive environment.
• Q&A Session: Open the oor for participants to ask questions or share their thoughts on
incorporating role-playing into their communication practice.

Slide 11: Review and Practice

• Recap of key concepts learned in advanced communication.
• Interactive session to practice skills in simulated business settings
Session Details
• Duration: Each session is designed to last 2 hours.
• Activities: Include interactive discussions, role-playing, and writing
• Assessment: Periodic quizzes and a nal project (presentation or report) to
assess understanding and application of the course material.

Slide 11: Review and Practice

Title: Consolidating Skills through Review and Practice
Slide Content:
1. Introduction to Review and Practice
• Purpose: Emphasize the importance of revisiting and practicing the key concepts learned to ensure
retention and applicability.
• Impact: Highlight how continuous practice transforms learning into habitual, effective
communication skills in the workplace.
2. Recap of Key Concepts Learned in Advanced Communication
• Strategic Communication: Summarize advanced techniques such as persuasive
communication, negotiation tactics, and con ict resolution.
• Language Skills: Revisit the use of sophisticated language tailored to different business contexts
and the importance of clear, concise, and impactful communication.
• Non-Verbal Communication: Recap the signi cance of body language, tone, and other non-
verbal cues in enhancing verbal communication.
3. Interactive Session to Practice Skills in Simulated Business Settings
• Simulated Meetings: Participants engage in mock meetings where they practice agenda setting,
effective speaking, and meeting facilitation.
• Crisis Communication Role-Play: Conduct a role-playing exercise where participants
manage a simulated crisis, focusing on maintaining composure and clear communication under
• Negotiation Simulations: Participants practice their negotiation skills in various scenarios,
receiving immediate feedback from peers and facilitators.
4. Session Details
• Duration: Each review and practice session is designed to last 2 hours, providing ample time for
thorough exploration and practice of skills.
• Activities:

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Trainer Manual for Curriculum for Business English
• Interactive Discussions: Facilitate discussions on case studies and real-world
examples to deepen understanding and application.
• Role-Playing: Participants engage in role-playing exercises tailored to speci c
communication challenges.
• Writing Workshops: Conduct workshops where participants draft, revise, and critique
business documents and correspondence.
• Assessment:
• Periodic Quizzes: Implement quizzes at regular intervals to assess retention of key
concepts and skills.
• Final Project: Participants complete a nal project, either a presentation or a detailed
report, to demonstrate their mastery of advanced business communication. The nal project
serves as a comprehensive assessment of their ability to apply what they've learned in realistic
business contexts.
5. Bene ts of Continuous Practice
• Skill Enhancement: Regular practice helps re ne and enhance communication skills, making
them more effective and natural.
• Con dence Building: Continuous engagement with the material builds con dence, allowing
participants to handle complex communication scenarios with ease.
• Feedback Incorporation: Ongoing feedback during these sessions helps participants ne-tune
their approach and strategies in communication.
6. Conclusion and Motivational Close
• Encouragement: Motivate participants to continue practicing these skills beyond the classroom
• Support Resources: Provide information on additional resources such as online forums,
continued learning courses, and access to mentorship for further skill enhancement.
• Q&A Session: Open the oor for any nal questions, providing clarity and closure on any
outstanding topics.

4. Conclusion
4.1 Course Wrap-Up
• Summary of Key Learnings: Recapitulate the major topics covered
throughout the course, highlighting the progression from basic to advanced
business communication skills. This overview helps reinforce the learning
and shows participants the comprehensive scope of skills they have
• Re ection: Encourage participants to re ect on their learning journey,
discussing how their skills have improved and identifying areas where they
feel more con dent as well as areas that might require ongoing practice.
• Next Steps: Provide guidance on how participants can continue to develop
their business English skills post-training. Suggest follow-up courses,
reading materials, practice groups, or online resources that could be
bene cial.
• Acknowledgments: Thank the participants for their engagement and e ort
throughout the course, acknowledging their commitment to improving their
professional skills.
4.2 Final Assessment and Certi cation

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Trainer Manual for Curriculum for Business English
• Assessment Overview: Detail the structure and format of the nal
assessment, which might include a combination of written tests, oral
presentations, and practical exercises designed to comprehensively evaluate
the participant's mastery of the course material.
• Criteria for Certi cation: Clearly specify the criteria for earning the
certi cation, including any requisite scores on nal assessments,
participation requirements, and completion of projects.
• Issuance of Certi cates: Explain the process for the issuance of
certi cates to successful participants, including any digital badges or
credentials that can be used in professional pro les.
• Opportunities Post-Certi cation: Discuss how the certi cation can be
leveraged in professional settings to enhance credibility and career
opportunities, encouraging participants to actively use their certi cation in
their resumes and LinkedIn pro les.
4.3 Feedback and Course Evaluation
• Importance of Feedback: Emphasize the value of participant feedback in
improving the course and tailoring future o erings to better meet the needs
of learners.
• Methods of Collection: Describe the di erent methods through which
feedback will be collected, which may include digital surveys, one-on-one
interviews, focus groups, and suggestion boxes.
• Areas of Focus: Request feedback on speci c areas such as course
content, delivery method, instructor e ectiveness, practical exercises, and
overall satisfaction.
• Continuous Improvement: Assure participants that their feedback is crucial
for continuous improvement and that all comments and suggestions will be
carefully reviewed and considered.
• Thank You for Feedback: Conclude by thanking participants for their
contributions to the course evaluation, reinforcing the importance of their
input in the ongoing development of the training program.

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