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Updated as of 3 June 2024


No Date Meeting Venue
1 1-7 ASEAN-Republic of Korea (ROK) Frontier Forum ROK
2 1-10 Japan East-Asia Exchange for Students and Youths Japan
3 9-12 Cluster III (Investment) and IV (Trade in Services) of Dili, Timor-Leste
Capacity Building Programme (CBP) for Timor-Leste
4 10-11 6th ASEAN-Canada Free Trade Agreement Videoconference
(ACAFTA) Trade Negotiating Committee (TNC) and
Related Meetings
5 JENESYS 2024 Outbound program which sends
10-20 Japanese students to Laos and interacts with Lao Lao PDR
6 The Task Force/Working Group on the Establishment
13-15 of Digital Law Library and the Enhancement of Indonesia
Guidelines of AIPA’s Engagement with Externals
7 28th ATF-JCC Meeting
8 1st EO Meeting for 2024 (1/24)
9 26th CLMV SEOM
13-21 Vientiane, Lao PDR
10 ASEAN Senior Economic Officials’ Meeting 1/55
(SEOM 1/55)
11 16th Committee of the Whole and Its Focal Groups
12 15 6th ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) Videoconference
Working Group on Digital Economy (1st Caucus)
13 16-17 The 28th Expert Working Group on Harmonisation of
Maximum Residue Limits (EWG-MRLs) Meeting
14 16-18 13th AQRFC Meeting Putrajaya, Malaysia
15 17-18 7th Meeting of the ATIGA Upgrade Working Group on
Customs Procedures and Trade Facilitation (ATIGA Videoconference
16 19 E-READI Validation Workshop on the Study on Videoconference
Maritime Labour Convention 2006 Implementation in
ASEAN Member States
17 22 8th ASEAN Regional Knowledge Network on Forest Indonesia
Law Enforcement and Governance (ARKN-FLEG)
18 22-24 The 6th ASEAN Law Senior Officials Forum on the Thailand
ASEAN Convention on Extradition
19 12th ASLOM Working Group on Examining Modalities
on Harmonisation of ASEAN Trade Law (ASLOM WG
22-25 Videoconference
on HTL)
20 22nd ASEAN Senior Law Officials Meeting (ASLOM)

Updated as of 3 June 2024

21 12th ASEAN Law Ministers Meeting (ALAWMM)

22 22-25 Caucus and the 4th ASEAN-China Free Trade Videoconference
Agreement Upgrade Negotiation Working Group
on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (ACFTA
Upgrade WG-SPS) Meetings
23 59th Meeting of the ASEAN National Tourism
Organisations (NTOs)
24 44th Meeting of the ASEAN, China, Japan and the
Republic of Korea (ROK) National Tourism
Organisations (APT NTOs)
25 14th ASEAN-Russian Federation Tourism
26 23-26 27th Meeting of the ASEAN Tourism Ministers (M- Vientiane, Lao PDR
27 11th Meeting of ASEAN-India Tourism Ministers
28 23rd Meeting of the ASEAN, China, Japan and the
Republic of Korea (ASEAN Plus Three/APT) Tourism
29 3rd Meeting of ASEAN-Russian Federation Tourism
30 23-26 8th Meeting of the ATIGA Upgrade TNC and WG- Singapore
31 24 4th ASEAN Swap Arrangement Task Force Meeting Luang Prabang, Lao
32 25-26 1st ASEAN+3 Task Force Meeting Luang Prabang,
33 ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM) Luang Prabang,
34 ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Retreat (AMM Retreat) Lao PDR
35 99th ASEAN BAC Meeting Luang Prabang,
36 23rd Joint Business Council Meeting Lao PDR
37 29-30 39th ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum (ABMF) Bangkok, Thailand
38 29-31 The 6th ATIGA Upgrade Working Group ASEAN
on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Meetings Headquarters/ASEAN
39 29 Jan – 3rd Meeting of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Hangzhou, China
1 Feb Agreement Working Group on Customs Procedures
and Trade Facilitation (ACFTA WG CPTF)
40 29 Jan -2 5th Round of ACFTA 3.0 Upgrade Negotiations Hangzhou, China
41 29 Jan -2 ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA) Working Hangzhou, China
Feb Group on Standards, Technical Regulations and
Conformity Assessment Procedures (STRACAP)
42 29 Jan – 6th ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) Hangzhou, China
2 Feb Working Group on Digital Economy (2nd Caucus and
43 ASEAN–Japan Aviation Environmental Technology Bangkok, Thailand
Seminar (Hybrid)
44 Special ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting on Energy
30 Jan – (SOME) Luang Prabang,
45 1 Feb 26th ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) Governing Lao PDR
Council Meeting

Updated as of 3 June 2024

46 4th ASEAN Digital Senior Officials' Meeting

30 Jan -2
(ADGSOM) Singapore
47 The 4th ASEAN Digital Ministers Meeting (ADGMIN)
48 31 28th Cross-Border Settlement Infrastructure Forum Bangkok, Thailand
49 TBC ASEAN-European Union (EU) Joint Working Group Videoconference
(JWG) on Trade and Investment
50 TBC The 7th ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement Working TBC
Group on Legal and Institutional Issues (ATIGA
WGLII) Meeting
51 TBC ASEAN Cross-Sectoral Coordination Committee on Lao PDR
Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance (ACSCC on
52 TBC ASEAN+3 New and Renewable Energy (NRE) and Japan
Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EE&C) Forum
53 TBC 1st Cyber Security Resilience and Information Videoconference
54 TBC 7th ASEAN-Japan Consultation Meeting on Regional Japan
Air Services Agreement (AJC RASA)
55 1-7 ASEAN Korea Future Oriented ROK
56 1-10 JENESYS 2 Japan
57 2 24th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting (AEMM) Brussels, Belgium
58 5 Regional Workshop on Supply Chain Efficiency and Videoconference
59 5 1st ASEAN Capital Market Forum (ACMF) Vientiane, Lao PDR
60 5-6 36th ASEAN-Australia Forum Melbourne, Australia
61 5-7 6th ACAFTA-WGTIS (ASEAN Caucus and Plenary) Videoconference
62 ASEAN Defence Senior Officials’ Meeting Working
Group (ADSOM WG) Luang Prabang,
63 ASEAN Defence Senior Officials’ Meeting-Plus Lao PDR
Working Group (ADSOM-Plus WG)
64 6-7 ASEAN-Japan EGM on Joint Research on Pavement Bangkok
Maintenance and Management Technology for
ASEAN Cross-Border Corridors
65 6-7 1st AITIGA SC-NTMA Meeting Videoconference
66 6-7 AJEGM on Joint Research on Pavement Bangkok, Thailand
Maintenance and Management Technology for
ASEAN Cross-Border Corridors
67 6-7 1st ASEAN-Japan Cybersecurity Working Group Bangkok, Thailand
68 6-8 34th Customs Capacity Building Working Group Zambales, Philippines
(CCBWG) Meeting
69 6-8 35th Sub-Working Group – ASEAN Customs Transit Siem Reap,
System (SWG-ACTS) Meeting Cambodia
70 7 1st Meeting of the ASEAN-India Trade in Goods Videoconference
Agreement Sub-Committee on Customs Procedure
and Trade Facilitation (AITIGA SC-CPTF)
71 12-14 Strengthening Cooperation to Successfully Malaysia
Investigate and Prosecute Crimes that Affect the
Environment in Southeast Asia

Updated as of 3 June 2024

72 15 1st ASEAN-India Trade in Goods Agreement Videoconference

(AITIGA) Sub-Committee on Rules of Origin Meeting
73 16 the 5th Government-Private Forum on the Cleaner Singapore
Energy Future Initiative for ASEAN (CEFIA)
74 16-19 3rd AITIGA-JC and Related Meetings New Delhi, India
75 17 st
1 ASEAN-India Trade in Goods Agreement New Delhi, India
(AITIGA) Sub-Committee on Standards, Technical
Regulations and Conformity Assessment Procedures
76 19 8th ASEAN Framework Agreement on Competition Videoconference
(AFAC) Negotiation
77 19-20 Special Coordinating Committee on Investment ASEAN
Meeting (Special CCI) Headquarters/ASEAN
78 3rd Meeting of the Working Group for AEC Post-2025
79 HLTF-EI’s Direct Interface with AEC Eminent
Persons on AEC Post-2025 Agenda
80 19-21 HLTF-EI’s Direct Interface with the ASEAN Inter- Vang Vieng, Lao PDR
Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) on AEC Post-2025
81 The 45th Meeting of The High-Level Task Force on
ASEAN Economic Integration (HLTF-EI)
82 Working Committee (WC) - Financial Service
83 Working Committee (WC) - Capital Market
84 Working Committee (WC) - Capital Account
85 Joint Woking Committee - Capital Market
86 Working Committee (WC) - Capital Account
Liberalization (WC-CAL)
87 19-23 Working Committee (WC) - ASEAN Banking Vientiane, Lao PDR
Integration Framework
88 Working Committee (WC) - Financial Inclusion
89 Working Committee (WC) - Financial Service
90 Steering Committee for Capital Building
91 ASEAN Cross Sectoral Coordination Committee on
Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance (ACSCC
92 ASEAN Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting
- Working Group (AFCDM-WG)
93 The 7th ACDM WG P&M Meeting Lao PDR
94 The Capacity building for PGI Remark: (NEW)
95 Workshop on incorporating new and existing Risk (ASEAN Secretariat
19-23 Scenarios into humanitarian planning and AHA Centre
96 The PSC Meeting of Canada Project on Improving purpose to conduct
ASEAN’s Humanitarian Assistance Capacity in Multi the meeting at Vang
Updated as of 3 June 2024

97 ACDM WG P&M Meeting Vieng or Luang

Fund: Canada
Project, implemented
by the AHA Centre)
98 20 th
9 AERN Working Group 1 Videoconference
99 20-21 st
21 ASEAN-Japan Port Technology Group Tokyo, Japan
100 20-22 35th Customs Enforcement and Compliance Working ASEAN
Group (CECWG) Meeting Headquarters/ASEAN
101 20&22 The 5 th ACAFTA Sub-committee on Videoconference
102 20-23 38th Meeting of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Vientiane, Lao PDR
Commission on Human Rights (AICHR)
103 21 ASEAN Caucus for the 5th ASEAN-Canada Free Videoconference
Trade Agreement (ACAFTA) Working Group on
104 21 9th AERN Working Group 2 Videoconference
105 22 Joint Session of AANZFTA Committee on Investment Videoconference
(COI), Committee on Trade in Services (CTS), and
Working Group on Legal and Institutional Issues
106 26 12th ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Open-Ended Videoconference
Study Group on Confidence Building Measures to
Reduce the Risk of Conflict Stemming from the Use
of ICTs (OESG)
107 26 Feb-2 ADMM Cybersecurity and Information Centre of Singapore
Mar Excellence (ACICE) Cybersecurity Course on Cyber
Incident Response and Threat Analysis
108 26-28 8th ASLOM Working Group on ASEAN Extradition ASEAN
Treaty (ASLOM WG on AET) Headquarters/ASEAN
109 26 Feb - th
106 CCS Meeting Bandung, Indonesia
1 Mar
110 26 Feb - 7th ACAFTA TNC and Related Meetings Kuala Lumpur,
1 Mar Malaysia
111 26 Feb - 6th ASEAN-Canada Free Trade Agreement Sub- Kuala Lumpur,
1 Mar Working Group on Rules of Origin (ACAFTA SWG- Malaysia
112 26 Feb - ASEAN Caucus and the 7th ASEAN-Canada Free Kuala Lumpur,
1 Mar Trade Agreement Negotiation Sub-Working Group Malaysia
on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (ACAFTA
SWG-SPS) Meetings
113 27 1st Ad-Hoc Working Group to Develop the ASCC Video Conference
Post-2025 Strategic Plan
114 5th ASEAN-Canada Free Trade Agreement
27 Videoconference
(ACAFTA) Working Group on Competition
115 27 ASEAN-Japan Expert Group Meeting for Aids to Videoconference
Navigation Training
116 27 Caucus on ASEAN-China Working Group Meeting on Videoconference
Regional Air Services Arrangements (Caucus on
Updated as of 3 June 2024

117 27-28 ASEAN-Japan EGM on Road Traffic Safety Tokyo (Hybrid)

118 1st Joint Working Group on the High-Level Task Force
on the ASEAN Community’s Post-2025 Vision
27-29 Vientiane, Lao PDR
119 13th Meeting of the HLTF-ACV
120 27-29 The 4th ASEAN TVET Council (ATC) Organisational Bali, Indonesia
Development Workshop
121 3rd ATC Regional Policy Dialogue
122 27-28 ASEAN-Japan Expert Group Meeting on Road Traffic Hybrid
123 27-29 12th Meeting of the Sub-Working Group on ASEAN Videoconference
Authorised Economic Operator Mutual Recognition
Arrangement (SWG-AAMRA)
124 27 Feb - 66th Meeting of the Working Group on Technical Videoconference
1 Mar Matters for the ASW (TWG)
125 28 18th ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting Experts’ Canberra, Australia
Working Group on Military Medicine (ADMM-Plus (Hybrid)
EWG on MM)
126 28-29 27th Meeting of ASEAN Community Statistical Vientiane, Lao PDR
System Sub Committee on Planning and
Coordination (SCPC27)
127 28-29 The 6th ASEAN-Canada Free Trade Agreement
(ACAFTA) Sub-Working Group on Standards, Kuala Lumpur,
Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment Malaysia
Procedures (SWG STRACAP)
128 28-29 2nd ASEAN+3 Task Force Meeting Seoul, ROK
129 29 2nd EO Meeting for 2024 (2/24) ASEAN
130 TBC ASEAN Taxonomy Board Vientiane, Lao PDR
131 TBC The 2nd ASEAN-Australia Cyber Capacity Building Singapore
132 TBC AJEEP Scheme 5 Carbon Neutrality Audit Seminar Japan
133 TBC Energy Management Action Network (EMAK) Indonesia
Workshop (Transitions towards Net-Zero Energy
134 TBC Energy Savings with Focus on Demand Side Indonesia
Management Project Capacity Building
135 TBC ASEAN-Japan Steel Initiative Webinar on "Pathways Japan
to Carbon Neutrality”
136 TBC The 26th ASEAN Women and Children Development TBC
Committee Meeting
137 TBC OECD-ASEAN Workshop on Food Security TBC
138 TBC 3rd Intersessional Experts Working Group on ASEAN TBC
Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) on Organic
Agricultural (OA) Products
139 TBC Civil Service Termination Management (Challenges Indonesia
in the Digital Technology Era) Seminar
140 2-6 2 ASEAN DEFA NC Meeting and 24th ACCED
nd Vientiane, Lao PDR

Updated as of 3 June 2024

141 4 8th Meeting of the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement Videoconference

Working Group on Legal and Institutional Issues (8 th
142 4 ASEAN Defence Senior Officials’ Meeting Working Luang Prabang, Lao
143 4-5 46th ASEAN Transport Facilitation Working Group Vientiane, Lao PDR
(TFWG) Meeting
144 4-6 ASEAN-Australia Special Summit to Commemorate Melbourne,
the 50 Anniversary of ASEAN-Australia Dialogue Australia
145 4-6 6th ATIGA Upgrade Negotiation Working Group on ASEAN
Trade Remedy (WG-TR) Headquarters/ASEAN
146 17th Meeting of the ASEAN Tourism Marketing
Partnership Working Group (ATMP-WG)
147 31st Meeting of the ASEAN Tourism Professional
Monitoring Committee (ATPMC)
148 17th Meeting of the ASEAN Tourism Competitiveness
4-7 Kuching, Malaysia
Committee (ATCC)
149 17th Meeting of the ASEAN Sustainable and Inclusive
Tourism Development Committee (ASITDC)
150 17th Meeting of the ASEAN Tourism Resourcing,
Monitoring, and Evaluation Committee (ATRMEC)
151 5 Senior Officials Committee for the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Lao PDR
Community’s (SOCA) Retreat. (Videoconference)
152 5 The 13th Meeting of the ASEAN Airport Interdiction Singapore
Taskforce (AAITF) (Videoconference)
153 5 ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting Retreat (ADMM Luang Prabang,
Retreat) Lao PDR
154 5-6 The 28th ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and ASEAN
Protection of the Rights of Women and Children Headquarters/ASEAN
(ACWC) Meeting Secretariat
155 5-6 th
37 Meeting of Joint Sectoral Committee on ASEAN
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (JSC EEE) Headquarters/ASEAN
156 5-6 6th ATIGA Working Group on Standards, Technical ASEAN
Regulations and Conformity Assessment Procedure Headquarters/ASEAN
(WG-STRACAP) Meeting Secretariat
157 5-7 36th Meeting of the Customs Procedures and Trade Singapore
Facilitation (CPTFWG)
158 6-7 13th Meeting of Medical Device Technical Committee ASEAN
(AMDTC) Headquarters/ASEAN
159 th
27 Meeting of the Senior Level Committee (SLC)
on Financial Integration
160 6-7 27th SLC Meeting Vientiane, Lao PDR
161 26th
SCCB Meeting
162 6th
Meeting of the SLC Task Force (SLC TF)
163 6-8 ASEAN-US Cross-Border Planning Workshop Vientiane, Lao PDR
Updated as of 3 June 2024

164 First Consultative Group on the Development of

Model Template on Mutual Legal Assistance under
6-8 Bangkok, Thailand
165 2nd SOM-MLAT Working Group Meeting on Model
Template on MLA Request (SOM-MLAT WG on
Model MLA Request)
166 7 The 16th ASEAN Drug Monitoring Network (ADMN) Myanmar
Meeting (Videoconference)
167 Senior Level Committee (SLC) Meeting Luang Prabang,
168 Task Force on Sustainable Finance (TF-SF) Lao PDR
169 Prep-SEOM for 30th ASEAN Economic Ministers Luang Prabang,
(AEM) Retreat Lao PDR
170 The 30th ASEAN Economic Ministers’ Retreat
171 10-20 ASEAN India Students Exchange Programme India
172 11-12 12th Meeting of Digital Trade Standards and Videoconference
Conformance Working Group (DTSCWG)
173 13-15 ASEAN Forum on Taxation Luang Prabang,
174 13 - 15 Workshop on Enhancing the Understanding of RCEP Shanghai, China
Parties on the Implementation of Tariff Differentials
175 14 8th ASEAN Caucus for ASEAN-China FTA (ACFTA) Videoconference
Working Group on Standards, Technical Regulations
and Conformity Assessment Procedures (WG-
176 14 2nd ASEAN-China FTA Expert Group on Supply Videoconference
Chain Connectivity (ACFTA EG SCC) Caucus
177 14 ASEAN-US Virtual EV Stakeholder Roundtable with Videoconference
Private Sector
178 15 Supply Chain Connectivity (ACFTA EG SCC) Plenary Videoconference
179 15 ASEAN-EU Joint Working Group (JWG) on Trade Videoconference
and Investment
180 15 3rd EO Meeting for 2024 (3/24) ASEAN
181 15 9th ASEAN Framework Agreement on Competition Bangkok, Thailand
(AFAC) Negotiation
182 15 The 40th ASEAN Capital Markets Forum (ACMF) Luang Prabang, Lao
Chairs’ Meeting PDR
183 18 st
ASEAN Caucus for the 1 ASEAN-India Trade in Videoconference
Goods Agreement (AITIGA) Sub Committee on
Economic and Technical Cooperation (SC-ETC)
184 18 ASEAN Caucus for the 6th ASEAN-China FTA Videoconference
Working Group on Green Economy (WG-GE)
185 18-19 11th Meeting of Joint Sectoral Committee on MRA on ASEAN
Prepared Foodstuff (JSC MRA on PF) Headquarters/ASEAN
186 18-20 7th ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) Videoconference
Working Group on Digital Economy (Caucus)
Updated as of 3 June 2024

187 18th ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting on Health

Development (SOMHD)
188 13th ASEAN Plus Three Senior Officials’ Meeting on
Luang Prabang,
Health Development
18-22 Lao PDR
189 13th ASEAN-China Senior Officials’ Meeting on
Health Development
190 3rd ASEAN-ROK Senior Officials’ Meeting on Health
191 18-22 ASEAN Capital Market Forum Chairs and ISSB Luang Prabang,
Meeting Lao PDR
192 19-20 3rd ASEAN-United Kingdom Senior Officials’ Meeting United Kingdom
193 19-21 ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community’s Strategic Plan 2045 Vientiane, Lao PDR
194 19-21 The First ASEAN Digital Senior Officials’ Meeting and Phnom Penh,
ASEAN Telecommunications Regulators’ Council Cambodia
(ADGSOM – ATRC) Leaders’ Retreat of 2024
195 19-21 37th Rubber Based Product Working Group Videoconference
(RBPWG) Meeting
196 19-22 9th Meeting of the ATIGA Upgrade TNC Siem Reap,
197 19-22 th
9 Meeting of the ATIGA WG-ROO ASEAN
198 20 72nd Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) Task Force ASEAN
Meeting Headquarters/ASEAN
199 20 th
6 ACFTA WGGE Meeting Videoconference
200 20 ADMM-Plus EWG on Humanitarian Assistance and New Delhi, India
Disaster Relief (HADR) Handover Ceremony (Hybrid)
201 20-21 ASEAN-PAC Capacity Building Workshop 2024 Lao PDR
202 20-21 24th Meeting of ASEAN Food Testing Laboratory ASEAN
Committee (AFTLC) Headquarters/ASEAN
203 20-21 20th ADMM-Plus EWG on Maritime Security (MS) Bangkok, Thailand
204 th
The 18 Working Group on ASEAN Forum on
20-22 Vientiane, Lao PDR
205 The 15th Sub-Forum on Exist Taxation (SF-ET)
206 21 ASEAN-Japan EGM on Improving Accessibility to Videoconference
Public Transport for People with Disabilities and the
207 21 7th ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) Videoconference
Working Group on Digital Economy (Plenary)
208 21 The Thirty Seventh Meeting of the Rubber Based Video conference
Product Working Group (37 RBPWG)
209 21-22 The ASEAN Caucus and Plenary for the First Videoconference
Meeting of the ASEAN India Trade in Goods
Agreement Subcommittee on Sanitary and
Phytosanitary Measures (1st AITIGA SC-SPS)
210 22 ASEAN-Japan EGM on Information Platform for Videoconference
Transport Statistics
Updated as of 3 June 2024

211 22 13th ASEAN Network of IP Enforcement Experts Singapore

(ANIEE) Meeting
212 22 5th Meeting of Task Force on Development of Legal Videoconference
Instrument for ASEAN Pharmaceutical Regulatory
Framework (5th TF-APRF)
213 22-23 2nd Ad-Hoc Working Group to Develop the ASCC Luang Prabang, Lao
Post-2025 Strategic Plan PDR
214 25 The Orientation Meeting for ASEAN Vientiane, Lao PDR
EE&C Awards 2023
215 25 7th ASEAN-Canada Free Trade Agreement Videoconference
(ACAFTA) Working Group on Electronic Commerce
216 25 10th ASEAN Framework Agreement on Competition Videoconference
(AFAC) Negotiation
217 25-26 9th Meeting of ASEAN Committee for Harmonisation ASEAN
of Prepares Foodstuff Standards (ACHPFS) Headquarters/ASEAN
218 25-26 42nd Meeting of the ASEAN-China Joint Working Bali, Indonesia
Group on the Implementation of the Declaration on the
Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (JWG-
219 25-26 ASEAN-ESCAP Project Inception Meeting on ASEAN
Railway Headquarters/ASEAN
220 25-27 Joint Session of ASEAN and Korea Experts on Ha Long, Viet Nam
AKFTA PSR Transposition (Hybrid)
221 25-27 6th RCEP Joint Committee Meeting Beijing, China
222 The 31st ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC)
Council Meeting
Luang Prabang,
223 25-29 36th Meeting of the Senior Officials Committee for the
ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (SOCA)
224 Secondment Officers for ASCC Meeting
225 26 2nd SOMTC Working Group on General Vientiane,
Transnational Crime Matters (WG on GTCM) Lao PDR (Hybrid)
226 26 7th ASEAN-Canada Free Trade Agreement Videoconference
(ACAFTA) Working Group on Electronic Commerce
227 26-27 29th Meeting of the Working Group on Legal and Videoconference
Regulatory Matters for the ASW (LWG)
228 26-27 1st RCEP Committee on Services and Investment Videoconference
229 27 38th Meeting of the ASEAN Heads of Specialist Anti- Vientiane,
Trafficking Units (HSU) Lao PDR (hybrid)
230 TBC The 71st Meeting of the ASEAN Working Group on Luang Prabang,
Intellectual Property Cooperation (AWGIPC) and Lao PDR
Related Meetings
231 TBC Celebration the World Social Work Day Lao PDR (hybrid)
232 TBC st
The 51 Working Group 1 on Standards and TBC
233 TBC The 14th ASEAN Network Security Action Council ASEAN Countries

Updated as of 3 June 2024

234 TBC ACAFTA Sub-Working Group on Sanitary and TBC

Phytosanitary Measures (SWG-SPS)
235 TBC 2nd Meeting of the AVIAN Influenza Group of ASEAN Thailand
(AIGA) and Workshop on Post-2020 Prevention and
Control of Avian Influenza
236 TBC The 21st ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Animal Viet Nam
Health and Zoonoses (ACCAHZ) Preparatory
Committee (PrepCom)
237 TBC The 4th Intersessional EWG-OA Meeting on MRA TBC
238 TBC 30th ASEAN Sectoral Working Group on Agricultural Malaysia
Training and Extension
239 TBC 1st CCI Meeting Singapore
240 TBC the 12th Meeting of ASEAN Plus Three Emergency China
Rice Reserve (APTERR+3)
241 TBC Promotion of Participation of Women and girls in Vientiane, Lao PDR
Sports in ASEAN (TBC)
242 TBC The WAIPA Coordinating Committee Meeting Indonesia
243 TBC th
The 18 Meeting of the ASEAN-Japan Joint ASEAN
Cooperation Committee Working Group (AJJCC- Headquarters/ASEAN
WG) Secretariat
244 TBC The 10th Meeting of the ASEAN-Republic of Korea ASEAN
(ROK) Joint Cooperation Committee Working Group Headquarters/ASEAN
245 TBC th
The 11 Meeting of the ASEAN-Republic of Korea ASEAN
(ROK) Joint Cooperation Committee Headquarters/ASEAN
246 TBC The 1st East Asia Summit (EAS) Ambassadors’ ASEAN
Meeting in Jakarta (1/2023 EAMJ) Headquarters/ASEAN
247 TBC th
25 ASEAN-China Joint Cooperation Committee ASEAN
Working Group Meeting Headquarters/ASEAN
248 TBC 25th ASEAN-China Joint Cooperation Committee ASEAN
Meeting Headquarters/ASEAN
249 TBC th
11 Meeting of the ASEAN High Performance Singapore
Computing (HPC) Task Force
250 TBC The 12th Meeting of ASEAN-China Joint Science and China
Technology Committee (ACJSTC-12)
251 1 6th ACFTA WG-TIG Videoconference
252 1-2 th
253 1-2 th
The 38 Meeting of the ASEAN Coordinating Videoconference
Committee on Standards and Quality Prepared
Foodstuff Product Working Group (38th ACCSQ
254 1-2 The Workshops and Site Visit for ASEAN Vientiane, Lao PDR
EE&C Awards 2023
Updated as of 3 June 2024

255 1-2 38th Meeting of Prepared Foodstuff Product Working ASEAN

Group (PFPWG) Headquarters/ASEAN
256 ASEAN Finance Deputies’ Meeting (AFDM)
257 ASEAN Central Bank Deputies’ Meeting (ACDM)
258 Australian Treasury-AFCDM
259 ASEAN Finance and Central Bank Deputies’ Meeting
260 High Level Seminar (TBC) by MOF
261 High Level Seminar (TBC) by BOL
262 US Treasury- AFCDM
263 ASEAN+3 Finance and Central Bank Deputies’
Meeting (AFCDM+3)
264 ASEAN Finance Ministers and Central Bank
Governors’ Meetings-EU ASEAN Business Council:
265 ASEAN Finance Ministers and Central Bank
Governors’ Meetings - US ASEAN Business Council: Luang Prabang,
266 ASEAN Finance Ministers and Central Bank
Governors’ Meetings - ASEAN Business Advisory
267 ASEAN Finance Ministers and Central Bank
Governors’ Meetings-Financial institution Chief
Executive Officers: AFMGM-Financial institution
268 AFMGM International Financial Institutions (IFIs)
269 ASEAN Finance Ministers’ Meeting: AFMM Retreat
270 ASEAN Finance Ministers’ Meeting: (AFMM)
271 ASEAN Central Bank Governors’ Meeting: (ACGM)
272 11th ASEAN Finance Ministers and Central Bank
Governors’ Meeting (11th AFMGM)
273 2-5 44th SCAROO and CCA ASEAN
274 3 th
11 ASEAN-Russia Joint Working Group on Counter- Lao PDR
Terrorism and Transnational Crime (JWG on CTTC) (Videoconference)
275 3-4 28th ASEAN-ROK Dialogue Seoul, ROK
276 4-5 12th Meeting of Digital Trade Standards and ASEAN
Conformance Working Group (DTSCWG) Headquarters/ASEAN
277 8-11 Forum on the Formulation of ASEAN TVET Workplan Indonesia
for the Future of Work
278 16-18 ARF Workshop on Strengthening CBRN Ulaanbaatar,
Counterterrorism Legal Frameworks Mongolia
279 18-19 Wellington,
31st ASEAN-New Zealand Dialogue
New Zealand
280 18-19 2nd ASEAN-Canada FTA Sub-Working Group on
Trade Remedies (ACAFTA SWG-TR)
Updated as of 3 June 2024

281 19 Caucus and the 5th ASEAN-China Free Trade

Agreement Upgrade Negotiation Working Group
on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (ACFTA
Upgrade WG-SPS) Meetings
282 22 ASEAN Caucus Meeting of the ASEAN-China
Working Group on Supply Chain Connectivity for
ACFTA 3.0 Upgrade Negotiations (ASEAN Caucus
for the 1st ACFTA WG-SCC)
283 22 22nd ARF Inter-Sessional Meeting on Disaster Relief
(ISM on DR)
284 22 Meeting of the Working Group of the Executive
Committee of the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon- Videoconference
Free Zone Commission (SEANWFZ Working Group)
285 22-23 3rd Ad-Hoc Working Group to Develop the ASCC Kuala Lumpur,
Post-2025 Strategic Plan Malaysia
286 22-26 ASEAN Human Resource Development Conference Indonesia
287 22-26 6th Round of ACFTA 3.0 Upgrade Negotiations Singapore
288 22-26 8th ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) Singapore
Working Group on Digital Economy (Caucus and
289 22-24 6th ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) Videoconference
Working Group on Competition on Consumer
Protection (Caucus and Plenary)
290 22–26 72nd ASEAN Working Group on IP Cooperation Viet Nam
(AWGIPC) Meeting
291 23 1st ASEAN-China Working Group on Supply Chain ASEAN
Connectivity Meeting for ACFTA 3.0 Upgrade Headquarters/ASEAN
Negotiations (1st ACFTA WG-SCC) Secretariat
292 23 th
13 ARF OESG Moscow, Russia
293 23-24 th
40 Meeting of ACCSQ Working Group on Legal ASEAN
Metrology (WG 3) Headquarters/ASEAN
294 23-24 2nd Workshop on Enhancing Support Mechanism for Sihanoukville,
Women Peacekeepers Cambodia
295 23-25 ARF International Ship and Port Facility Security Port Moresby, Papua
Code Training Series and Manual: Part Three New Guinea
296 23-27 Discussion Meeting on ASEAN Education Viet Nam
Qualification Framework
297 24 6th ARF Inter-Sessional Meeting on Security of and in Moscow, Russia
the Use of Information and Communication (hybrid)
Technologies (ISM on ICTs Security)
298 24-25 Human Resource Tech Festival Asia 2024 Singapore
299 24-25 th
The 18 Meeting of The ASEAN Technical Working Singapore
Group on Agricultural Research and Development.
(The 18th ATWGARD)
300 24-26 Law enforcement training and leadership Thailand
301 25-26 20th ASEAN-Russia SOM Russia

Updated as of 3 June 2024

302 25-26 16th ARF Experts and Eminent Persons (16th EEPs) Seoul, ROK
303 27-30 2nd Joint Working Group on the High-Level Task Thailand
Force on the ASEAN Community’s Post-2025 Vision
304 14th Meeting of the HLTF-ACV
305 29 4th EO Meeting for 2024 (4/24) ASEAN
306 29-30 Ministerial Forum on Early Childhood Care and Vientiane, Lao PDR
Education (ECCE)
307 29-30 3rd Senior Officials’ Meeting of the Central Authorities Bali, Indonesia
on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters
308 4th Meeting of the Working Group for AEC Post-2025
Kuala Lumpur,
309 29-30 Consultative Workshop with Joint Business Councils,
Malaysia (Hybrid)
External Partners, and International Organisations
on AEC Post-2025 Agenda
310 29 April - 15th ARF Inter-Sessional Meeting on Non- Honolulu, USA
1 May Proliferation and Disarmament (ISM on NPD)
311 29 April - The 17th Network of ASEAN Defence and Security Vientiane, Lao PDR
2 May Institutions (17th NADI Annual Meeting)
312 TBC Technical Meeting on Development and Vientiane, Lao PDR
Implementation of ASEAN Protocol on Exercise
Prescription for Non-Communicable Disease
Prevention among Adults
313 TBC The 15th Asia-Pacific Program for Senior National Singapore
Security Officers
314 TBC The 5th ATIGA- Standards, Technical Regulations and TBC
Conformity Assessment Procedures (STRACAP)
315 TBC The 28th Energy Efficiency and Conservation Sub- Viet Nam
sector Network (EE&C-SSN) Annual Meeting
316 TBC The 1st ADGSOM-ASEAN Telecommunication Cambodia
Regulators’ Council (ATRC) Leaders Retreat
317 TBC The 3rd ASEAN-Japan Cybersecurity Working Group ASEAN Countries
318 TBC The 11th ASEAN Laboratory Director’s Forum (ALDF) TBC
Meeting and the 9th ASEAN Veterinary Epidemiology
Group (AVEG) Meeting
319 TBC The 9th ASEAN Rapid Alert System for Food and Thailand
Feed (ARASFF) Steering Committee Meeting and
11th ARASFF National Focal Points Meeting
320 TBC The 8th Meeting of Expert Working Group on Organic Brunei Darussalam
Agriculture (The 8th EWG-OA)
321 TBC The 14th Expert Working Group on Good Agricultural Malaysia
Practices (The 14th EWG ASEAN GAP)
322 TBC The 10th ASEAN-India Working Group on Agriculture Indonesia
and Forestry (AIWGAF) Meeting
323 TBC 17th ASEAN-AVRDC Regional Network for Vegetable TBC
Research and Development (AARNET)

Updated as of 3 June 2024

324 TBC The 4th Meeting of the ASEAN Network for TBC
Combating IUU Fishing (AN-IUU)
325 TBC The 7th ASEAN-China Strengthening Sanitary and Indonesia
Phytosanitary (SPS) Cooperation Technical Working
Groups (TWGs) Meeting on Animal Inspection and
Quarantine, Plant Inspection and Quarantine, and
Food Safety
326 TBC ASEAN-Hong Kong FTA SCI Vientiane, Lao PDR
327 TBC The Meeting of Young Parliamentarians of AIPA Lao PDR
328 TBC 3rd Senior Officials’ Meeting of the Central Authorities Indonesia
on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters
329 TBC ASEAN +3 on Skills Development for Youth in Luang Prabang,
Sustainable Eco-Tourism and Agro-Tourism Lao PDR
330 TBC ASEAN Volunteers – Report Meeting TBC
331 ASEAN+3 Finance and Central Bank Deputies
Meeting (AFCDM+3) Drafting Session Georgia
332 27th ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers and Central Bank
Governors’ Meeting (AFMGM+3)
333 1-3 9th ASLOM Working Group Meeting on ASEAN Bali, Indonesia
Extradition Treaty (ASLOM WG on AET)
334 2 2nd ASEAN Caucus for the 1st AITIGA SC-ETC Videoconference
335 2 ASEAN + 3 Finance and Central Bank Deputies’ Tbilisi, Georgia
Meeting (AFCDM+3)
336 2-3 26th ASEAN-India SOM India
337 2-3 The 10th Meeting of Building and Construction Lao PDR
Working Group (BCWG)
338 2-3 20th ARF Inter-Sessional Meeting on Counter- Honolulu, USA
Terrorism and Transnational Crime (ISM on CTTC)
339 2-4 3rd ASEAN DEFA NC Videoconference
340 2-5 7th ACAFTA SWGROO Meeting Jakarta, Indonesia
341 3 27th ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Tbilisi, Georgia
Governors’ Meeting (AFMGM+3)
342 6 15th ARF Inter-Sessional Meeting on Maritime Jakarta, Indonesia
Security (ISM on MS)
343 6-8 46th ASEAN Maritime Transport Working Group Brunei Darussalam
ASEAN-US Workshop on Port Resiliency and
344 6-9 A high-ranking delegation of the Office of the Singapore
Supreme People's Prosecutor official visit and work
to exchange lessons on the Prosecutorial work
345 6-9 ASEAN Women in Sports Conference 2024 The Philippines
346 6-10 The 16th ASEAN Health Ministers Meeting and Luang Prabang,
Related Meetings Lao PDR
347 7-8 ASEAN-EU Workshop on Seamless Railway Kuala Lumpur,
Operations Malaysia
348 7-9 4th AITIGA-JC Meeting Putrajaya, Malaysia

Updated as of 3 June 2024

349 7-9 2nd AITIGA SCROO Meeting Putrajaya, Malaysia

350 7-9 The 40th Coordinating Committee on Customs Thailand
Meeting (CCC)
351 7-10 The 28th Energy Efficiency and Conservation Sub- Vientiane, Lao PDR
sector Network (EE&C-SSN) Annual Meeting
352 8 ASEAN Regional Forum Defence Officials’ Dialogue Vientiane, Lao PDR
353 8 6th SOMTC Working Group on Arms Smuggling (WG Cambodia
on AS)
354 9 16th Coordinating Conference for the ASEAN ASEAN
Political-Security Community (ASCCO) Headquarters/ASEAN
355 9-10 ARF Inter-Sessional Support Group Meeting on Vientiane, Lao PDR
Confidence Building Measures and Preventive
Diplomacy (ISG on CBMs and PD)
356 9-10 30th ASEAN-China Senior Officials’ Consultation ASEAN
357 12-15 Discussion Meeting on ASEAN's Joint Bid for the Thailand
FIFA World Cup 2034
358 13-14 42nd Meeting of Working Group on Conformity Viet Nam
Assessment of ASEAN Consultative Committee for
Standards and Quality (WG 2)
359 13-14 5th EO Meeting for 2024 (5/24) ASEAN
360 13-15 43rd Meeting of the ASEAN-China Joint Working Bangkok, Thailand
Group on the Implementation of the Declaration on
the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (JWG-
361 13-16 10th Meeting of ATIGA Upgrade TNC Viet Nam
362 13-16 th
10 Meeting of ATIGA Upgrade WG on ROO Viet Nam
363 13-16 7th Meeting of the ATIGA Upgrade WG on Trade Viet Nam
364 2nd ASEAN-GIZ EGM on Guidelines on Light EV and Bangkok, Thailand
Urban Freight Transport
365 32nd Meeting of the ASEAN Single Window Steering
14-16 Viet Nam
Committee (ASWSC)
366 49th ASEAN Air Transport Working Group (ATWG), Bangkok, Thailand
14-17 th th th
13 ATM SPG, 24 ATEC and 24 ATTC Meetings
367 The 54th Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on
Biotechnology (SCB-54)
368 The 54th Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on
Food Science and Technology (SCFST-54)
369 The 33rd Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on
14-17 Space Technology and Applications (SCOSA - 33) Cambodia
370 The 45th Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on
Meteorology and Geophysics (SCMG-45)
371 The 52nd Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on
Microelectronics and Information Technology
Updated as of 3 June 2024

372 49th ASEAN Air Transport Working Group (ATWG)

373 13th ATM SPG
14-17 Bangkok, Thailand
374 24th ATEC
375 24th ATTC
376 14-17 17th ACCMSME Meeting and Related Meetings Jakarta, Indonesia
377 15-17 th
The 60 Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on Cambodia
S&T Infrastructure and Resources Development
378 15-17 37th Meeting of Automotive Product Working Group Singapore
379 The 54th Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on
Materials Science and Technology (SCMST-54)
380 The 52nd Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on
15-18 Cambodia
Sustainable Energy Research (SCSER-52)
381 The 40th Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on
Marine Science and Technology (SCMSAT-40)
382 15-19 Meeting on Digital Transformation in Higher Indonesia
383 16 6th SOMTC Working Group on Illicit Trafficking of Thailand
Wildlife and Timber (WG on ITWT) (Videoconference)
384 17 10th SOMTC Working Group on Cybercrime (WG on Singapore
385 16-19 the 16th Meeting of the Board of Advisers to ASEAN Cambodia
Committee on Science, Technology and Innovation
386 17-21 The 86th Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on Cambodia
Science, Technology and Innovation (COSTI-86)
387 19-22 39th Meeting of the ASEAN Intergovernmental ASEAN
Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) Headquarters/ASEAN
388 20-21 The 39th Meeting of the ASEAN Cosmetic Committee ASEAN
(ACC) Headquarters/ASEAN
389 20-21 22nd AFOC Council Meeting Jakarta, Indonesia
390 20-21 13th Meeting of the Sub-Working Group on ASEAN Videoconference
Authorised Economic Operator Mutual Recognition
Arrangement (SWG-AAMRA)
391 20-23 28th ASEAN Committee on Consumer Protection Brunei Darussalam
(ACCP) and Related Meetings
392 20-23 SEOM 2/55 and Related Meetings (with ASEAN Bangkok, Thailand
Dialogue Partners)
393 21-22 21st ASEAN-Canada Dialogue Ottawa, Canada
394 21-22 2024 2 nd ASEAN–Japan Cybersecurity Working Cambodia
Group Meeting
395 21-22 18th Meeting of the ASEAN Working Group on Social Videoconference
Forestry (AWG-SF)
396 21-23 30th Meeting of the Working Group on Legal and Indonesia
Regulatory Matters for the ASW (LWG)
397 21-24 The 7th ASEAN Interparliamentary Assembly (AIPA) Luang Prabang, Lao
Advisory Council on Dangerous Drugs PDR

Updated as of 3 June 2024

398 Validation Workshop on the ASEAN Declaration on Oudomxay, Lao PDR

Care Economy and Resilience towards ASEAN
22-24 Community Post-2025
399 3rd ASEAN Gender Mainstreaming Steering
Committee (AGMSC) Meeting
400 22-25 Meeting of the ASEAN Working Group for Out of Malaysia
School Children and Youth
401 23-24 36th ASEAN-US Dialogue Washington, D.C.
402 23-24 ARF Workshop on Countering the Use of ICTs for Moscow, Russia
Criminal Purposes (Hybrid)
403 23-24 8th ACAFTA TNC Meeting Bangkok, Thailand
404 25-29 Study Visit to China: Phase II of the ASEAN China
Guidelines on Public Service Delivery
405 27 20th SOMTC Working Group on Trafficking in The Philippines
Persons (WG on TIP) (Videoconference)
406 27-28 7th ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) Videoconference
Working Group on Competition on Consumer
Protection (Caucus and Plenary)
407 27-29 14th Civilian Nuclear Energy Sub-sector Network Cebu, Philippines
(NEC-SSN) Annual Meeting
408 27-31 21st ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade New Zealand
Agreement (AANZFTA) Joint Committee and Related
409 28 73rd IAI Task Force Meeting ASEAN
410 28-29 2nd Workshop on the Establishment of ASEAN Sihanoukville,
Defence Educational Institutions’ Collaboration Cambodia
411 28-30 The 51st Meeting of WG on Standards (WG 1) Langkawi, Malaysia
412 28-30 ASEAN+3 Workshop on Public Sector Reform Kuala Lumpur,
413 28 -30 36th Sub Working Group – ASEAN Customs Transit Melaka, Malaysia
System (SWG-ACTS) Meeting
414 28-30 15th ASEAN Energy Regulators' Network (AERN) Malaysia
415 28-30 25th ASEAN Committee on Culture and Information, Siem Reap,
Sub-Committee on Information (25th SCI) Cambodia
416 29-30 26th Meeting of Implementation Working Group Videoconference
417 29-30 1st ASEAN-UK Working Group on Regional Air Bandar Seri
Services Agreement (AUKWG-RASA) Begawan, Brunei
418 TBC Working Group of the ARF SOM (TBC) Vientiane, Lao PDR
419 TBC The 41st Meeting of Working group on Conformity Myanmar
Assessment of ASEAN Consultative Committee for
Standards and Quality
420 The 9th ATIGA WG-TR Meeting
421 ATIGA TNC Meeting
422 TBC The 9th ATIGA WGLII Meeting TBC

Updated as of 3 June 2024

424 TBC Technical Meeting on the Development of Training Vientiane, Lao PDR
Framework for Health Workers on Integration of Non-
Communicable Disease Programmes in Primary
Health Care
425 TBC 14th Civilian Nuclear Energy Sub-Sector Network Singapore
(NEC-SSN) Annual Meeting
426 TBC The 8th Expert Working Group on ASEAN Good Cambodia
Animal Husbandry Practices (EWG- GAHP)
427 TBC The 45th ASEAN Food Security Reserve Board Indonesia
(AFSRB) Meeting
428 TBC The 4th Meeting of Expert Working Group on Good Viet Nam
Aquaculture Practices (The 4th EWG ASEAN GAqP)
429 TBC Workshop on the Task Force on ASEAN Standards Brunei Darussalam
for Horticultural Produce and Other Food Crops (TF-
430 TBC The 19th Meeting of the ASEAN Working Group on Viet Nam
Forest Management (AWG-FM)
431 TBC The 19th Meeting of the ASEAN Working Group on Thailand
CITES and Wildlife Enforcement (AWG CITES and
432 TBC The 20th ASEAN Working Group on Forest and Malaysia
Climate Change (AWG-FCC)
433 TBC Workshop on the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Vientiane, Lao PDR
Southeast Asia (TAC)
435 TBC The 49th ASEAN Audit Committee Meeting (AAC) ASEAN
436 TBC ASEAN Online Education Platform in Science, Luang Prabang, Lao
Technology and Innovation for Industry 4.0 PDR
437 TBC The AIPA-India Dialogue India
438 TBC The AIPA-China Dialogue China
439 TBC 29th ASEAN Plus Three Working Group Meeting ASEAN
440 TBC 20th CPR Plus Three Meeting ASEAN
441 TBC The 25th Meeting of the ASEAN Committee on Cambodia
Culture and Information – Sub Committee on
Information (SCI)
442 TBC The 25th ASEAN Committee on Culture and The Philippines
Information - Sub-Committee on Culture (SCC)
443 TBC 4th Ad-Hoc Working Group to Develop the ASCC Brunei Darussalam
Post-2025 Strategic Plan
444 1-5 June Conference Japan
445 3-6 85th ASEAN Committee on Science, Technology and Cambodia
Innovation (COSTI-85) and Related Meetings
446 3 -6 The 85th Coordinating Committee on Investment Singapore
Meeting (85th CCI)
Updated as of 3 June 2024

447 4-5 6th ASEAN Defence Interaction Program (ADIP) Vientiane, Lao PDR
448 The 33rd ASEAN Customs Directors-General
4-6 Viet Nam
449 107th ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Services Siem Reap,
(CCS) Cambodia
450 6/2024 Committee of Permanent Representatives to
ASEAN (CPR) Meeting
451 ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting
452 Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Southeast
Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone (SEANWFZ)
453 17th Meeting of ASEAN Coordinating Council
4-8 Working Group (ACCWG) on Timor-Leste’s Vientiane, Lao PDR
Membership in ASEAN
454 ASEAN Plus Three Senior Officials’ Meeting (APT
455 East Asia Summit Senior Officials’ Meeting (EAS
456 ASEAN Regional Forum Senior Officials Meeting
457 20th SOMTC Working Group on Counter-Terrorism Jakarta, Indonesia
(WG on CT)
458 38th Meeting of ACSS Working Group on Vientiane, Lao PDR
International Investment Statistics (WGIIS38)
459 6th ASEAN-Australia Immigration Training Committee Manila, the
(ITC) Meeting Philippines
460 th
ASEAN Caucus and the 6 ASEAN-China Free TBC
Trade Agreement Upgrade Negotiation Working
5 -7
Group on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
(ACFTA Upgrade WG-SPS) Meetings
461 5-7 The 37th Pharmaceutical Product Working Group ASEAN
(PPWG) and Its Related Meetings Headquarters/ASEAN
462 The 6th Meeting of the ASEAN-Korea Joint Science Cambodia
and Technology Committee (AKJSTC-6)
463 The 13th Meeting of the ASEAN-Japan Cooperation Cambodia
Committee on Science and Technology (AJCCST-13)
464 3rd ASEAN-Australia Counter-Terrorism (CT) Indonesia
465 ARF Workshop on the Protection of ICT-Enabled Singapore
Critical Infrastructure
466 4th ASEAN DEFA NC Meeting and 25th ACCED Bangkok, Thailand
467 20th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Science,
7 Cambodia
Technology and Innovation (AMMSTI-20)
468 Mekong-Ganga Cooperation Senior Officials’
469 Mekong-U. S Partnership Senior Officials’ Meeting
TBC Vientiane, Lao PDR
470 Informal Mekong-Russia Senior Officials’ Meeting
471 Mekong-ROK Senior Officials’ Meeting
472 Mekong-Japan Cooperation Senior Officials’ Meeting
Updated as of 3 June 2024

473 10-11 6th EO Meeting for 2024 (6/24) ASEAN

474 10-13 35th Meeting of Traditional Medicine and Health ASEAN
Supplement Product Working Group (TMHSPWG) Headquarters/ASEAN
475 10-13 67th Meeting of the Working Group on Technical ASEAN
Matters for the ASW (TWG) Headquarters/ASEAN
476 10-14 ASEAN–New Zealand Trade Academy Jakarta, Indonesia
477 10-14 8th Meeting of Expert Working Group on Organic Brunei Darussalam
Agriculture (The 8th EWG-OA); and the 14th Expert
Working Group on Good Agricultural Practices (The
478 10-14 31stRenewable Energy Sub-sector Network (RE- Malaysia
SSN) Annual Meeting
479 11-12 29th ASKTROO Meeting Videoconference
480 11-12 7th Meeting of the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement ASEAN
Upgrade Negotiation-Working Group on Standards, Headquarters/ASEAN
Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment Secretariat
481 11-13 57th ASEAN Senior Transport Officials Meeting Penang, Malaysia
(STOM), 3 ASEAN and the United States Senior
Transport Officials Dialogue (ASEAN-U.S. STOD)
and Maritime Connectivity Forum
482 11-13 Workshop on Strengthening Government Strategies Bandar Seri
on Mental Health and Well-being Towards Achieving Begawan, Brunei
Work-Life Balance (WLB) in Public Sector Darussalam
483 11-13 8th Meeting of ASEAN Health Cluster 1 on Promoting Nay Pyi Taw,
Healthy Lifestyle Myanmar (TBC)
484 12 ASEAN Defence Senior Officials’ Meeting Working Videoconference
Group (ADSOM WG)
485 12-13 21st ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Agreement Seoul, Korea
Implementing Committee (AKFTA IC) Meeting
486 12-14 ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community’s Strategic Plan Vientiane, Lao PDR
487 3rd Joint Working Group on the High-Level Task Force
on the ASEAN Community’s Post-2025 Vision
13-15 Headquarters/ASEAN
488 15th Meeting of the HLTF-ACV
489 14 6th ACAFTA SWG-TEL Meeting Videoconference
490 15-18 The Annual General Meeting of the Southeast Asian ROK
Justice Cooperation Coordinating Organization
491 16-19 ASEAN Traditional Sport Promotion Cambodia
492 19 A Regional Course on Land Release and the Cluster Vientiane, Lao PDR
Munitions Remarks Survey with Other Affected
ASEAN Members Countries
493 19-20 The 20th Secretariat Meeting of ASEAN Parties Lao PDR
Against Corruption (ASEAN-PAC)

Updated as of 3 June 2024

494 20 1st Management Committee of Intelligence Data Videoconference

Sharing Protocol (MC of IDSP) Meeting
495 20 2nd RCEP Committee of Business Environment Videoconference
496 20-21 5th Meeting of the Working Group for AEC Post-2025 ASEAN
(WG-AEC) Headquarters/ASEAN
Secretariat (Hybrid)
497 21 Intersessional Meeting of Joint Sectoral Committee ASEAN
(TBC) on MRA on Prepared Foodstuff (JSC MRA on PF) Headquarters/ASEAN
498 21 49th ASEAN Audit Committee (AAC) Meeting ASEAN
499 23-28 th
7 Round of the ACFTA 3.0 Upgrade Negotiations Nanning, China
500 24-28 8th ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) Nanning, China
Working Group on Competition on Consumer
Protection (Caucus and Plenary)
501 21-24 Conference on Women and Girls Access to Malaysia
502 24-25 39th ASEAN-Japan Forum Bangkok, Thailand
503 24 June- 2nd ASEAN Peacekeeping Staff Exercise (APSE) Port Dickson,
5 July Malaysia
504 ASEAN Power Grid (APG) Consultative Meeting
505 42nd SOME (Senior Official Meeting on Energy)
506 6th SOME- IRENA Dialogue
507 15th SOME-IEA Dialogue
508 2nd ASEAN-ADB Dialogue
Luang Prabang,
509 24-28 2nd ASEAN – EU Energy Dialogue
510 25th SOME-METI
511 23rd SOME+3 EPGG
512 15th SOME-Russia
513 15th SOME-U. S
514 29th EAS ECTF
515 25-26 8th ARF Peacekeeping Experts Meeting Jakarta, Indonesia
516 ARF Workshop on Detection, Response and
25-26 Singapore
Deterrence of CBR Incidents
517 25-27 22nd ASEAN-Japan STOM Leaders Conference Nagasaki, Japan
518 25-27 st
61 Meeting of the ASEAN Consultative Committee ASEAN
for Standards and Quality (ACCSQ) Headquarters/ASEAN
519 The 24th ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting on
Transitional Crime (SOMTC)
520 21st SOMTC + 3 Consultation
521 21st SOMTC + China Consultation
Vientiane, Lao PDR
522 25-28 20th SOMTC + Japan Consultation
523 17th SOMTC + ROK Consultation
524 18th SOMTC + Australia Consultation
525 12th SOMTC + Canada Consultation
526 12th SOMTC + EU Consultation

Updated as of 3 June 2024

527 11th SOMTC + India Consultation

528 12th SOMTC + New Zealand Consultation
529 16th SOMTC + Russia Consultation
530 16th SOMTC + United States Consultation
531 26-27 7th ASEAN Senior Officials Responsible for Phnom Penh,
Information, Working Group on ASEAN Digital Cambodia
Broadcasting (7th SOMRI WG-ADB)
532 26-28 ASEAN-ROK Seminar on Promoting Health and Seoul, ROK
Care Service Utilizing Digital Technology
533 TBC Meeting of the Working Group of the Executive Vientiane, Lao PDR
Committee of the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-
Free Zone Commission (SEANWFZ Working Group)
534 TBC Working Group of the ARF SOM (TBC) Vientiane, Lao PDR
535 TBC The 15th AIPA Caucus Brunei Darussalam
536 57th ASEAN Senior Transport Official Meeting
537 23rd STOM+China Malaysia
538 24th STOM+Japan,
539 16th STOM+ROK
540 TBC 3rd ASEAN and the United States Senior Transport Malaysia
Officials Dialogue (ASEAN-U.S. STOD)
541 TBC 23rd Annual Meeting of the ASEAN Regional Energy Thailand
Policy and Planning Sub Sector Network (REPP-
542 The 44th Meeting of the ASEAN Committee on
Disaster Management (ACDM)
543 The 20th Meeting of the Governing Board of the AHA
Centre (GB-AHA)
544 TBC The 5th Meeting of the ASEAN Disaster Resilience Brunei Darussalam
Platform (ADRP)
545 The 7th Meeting of the ACDM Plus China
546 The 7th Meeting of the ACDM Plus Japan,
547 The 6th Meeting of the ACDM Plus Republic of Korea
548 TBC The ATRC Spectrum Management Sub-Working ASEAN Countries
Group Meeting
549 27th ASEAN Senior Officials on Forestry (ASOF)
550 TBC 27th AWG-Forest Products Development Indonesia
551 23rd ASOF International Seminar
552 TBC The 19th Meeting of TF-MASHP Indonesia
553 TBC The 18th Meeting of the ASEAN Working Group on Myanmar
Social Forestry (AWG-SF)
554 TBC The 14th Meeting of ASEAN Shrimp Alliance (ASA), Malaysia
the 32nd Meeting of ASEAN Sectoral Working Group
on Fisheries (ASWGFi) and the 16th Meeting of the
ASEAN Fisheries Consultative Forum
555 TBC The 10th Task Force Meeting of the Multilateral TBC
Arrangement for the Mutual Recognition of Agri-food
Standards and Conformity Assessment
556 TBC Meeting of the Working Group of the Executive Vientiane, Lao PDR
Committee of the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-
Updated as of 3 June 2024

Free Zone Commission (SEANWFZ Working Group)

557 TBC 2nd CCI Meeting Thailand
558 TBC The AIPA-Russian Federation Dialogue Russia
559 TBC The AIPA-Japan Dialogue Japan
560 TBC The AIPA-ROK Dialogue ROK
561 TBC The 9th ASEAN Conference: Seamless Thailand
Comprehensive Health Care in Addiction Treatment
562 TBC G20 (Participant as ASEAN Chair) TBC
Remark: Joint
Meeting (BOL and
563 TBC Phnom Penh,
The 4th ASEAN Consumer Protection Conference
564 1-3 21st ARF Security Policy Conference (ASPC) Luang Prabang,
565 1-3 RCEP CBE ECOTECH on E-Commerce Tokyo, Japan
566 18th ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting on Health
Development (SOMHD)
567 13th ASEAN Plus Three Senior Officials’ Meeting on
Health Development
1-5 Vientiane, Lao PDR
568 13th ASEAN-China Senior Officials’ Meeting on
Health Development
569 3rd ASEAN-ROK Senior Officials’ Meeting on Health
570 26th Expert Working Group Meeting on the
Harmonization of Phytosanitary Measures (EWG-
1-5 PS) Cambodia
571 31st Meeting of ASEAN Sectoral Working Group on
Crops (ASWGC)
572 14th ASEAN Shrimp Alliance (ASA)
573 16th ASEAN Fisheries Consultative Forum (AFCF)
1-5 Malaysia
574 32nd ASEAN Sectoral Working Group on Fisheries
575 2-4 ASEAN Caucus and 15th ASEAN-China Working Labuan Bajo,
Group Meeting on Regional Air Services Indonesia
Arrangements (15th ACWG-RASA)
576 2-4 Intersessional Meeting of the ATIGA Upgrade WG on Videoconference
577 2 -4 19th Meeting of the ASEAN Working Group on CITES Thailand
and Wildlife Enforcement (AWG CITES and WE)
578 3 8th ASEAN-Canada Free Trade Agreement Videoconference
(ACAFTA) Working Group on Electronic Commerce
579 3-4 The 7th ASEAN-Canada Free Trade Agreement
(ACAFTA) Sub-Working Group on Standards,
Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment
Procedures (SWG STRACAP)

Updated as of 3 June 2024

580 4 8th ASEAN-Canada Free Trade Agreement Videoconference

(ACAFTA) Working Group on Electronic Commerce
581 7-11 ASEAN Sport Zones Phase II Discussion – TBC
582 9-11 14th ASEAN-ROK Transport Cooperation Forum
583 27th CLMV SEOM
584 9-14 SEOM 3/55 and Related Meetings with ASEAN- Vientiane, Lao PDR
Dialogue Partners Consultations
585 10 10th Meeting of Task Force for the Development of ASEAN
ASEAN Food Safety Regulatory Framework Headquarters/ASEAN
Agreement (TF AFSRF) Secretariat
586 10-11 10th Meeting of the Working Group on International. Vientiane, Lao PDR
- Merchandise Trade Statistics (WGIMTS10)
587 15-17 7th RCEP Joint Committee (RJC) Meeting Vientiane, Lao PDR
588 16-19 ASEAN Caucus and the 9th ASEAN–Canada Free TBC
Trade Agreement Negotiation Sub-Working Group
on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (ACAFTA
SWG-SPS) Meetings
589 17 17th ADMN Meeting Thailand
(Via videoconference)
590 17 The 12th Meeting of the ASEAN-China Joint Science, Guangxi, China
Technology, and Innovation Committee (ACJSTIC-
591 Drafting Committee for the AMM/PMCs
592 7/2024 Committee of Permanent Representatives to
ASEAN (CPR) Meeting
593 ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM)
594 Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Southeast
Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone Commission
595 Meeting of the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free
Zone (SEANWFZ) Commission
596 ASEAN Foreign Ministers Interface Meeting with
ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human
Rights (AICHR) Representative
21-27 Vientiane, Lao PDR
597 57th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (Plenary
598 57th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (Retreat
599 ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference with China
600 ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference with New
601 ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference with Japan
602 ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference with European
603 ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference with Republic of

Updated as of 3 June 2024

604 ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference with India

605 ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference with Russia
606 ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference with United
607 ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference with United
608 ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference with Canada
609 ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference with Australia
610 25th ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers’ Meeting
611 14th East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers’ Meeting
612 31st ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF)
613 Trilateral Meeting between Lao PDR, Norway, and
the ASEAN Secretariat
614 Trilateral Meeting between Lao PDR, Switzerland,
and the ASEAN Secretariat
615 Mekong-Ganga Cooperation Senior Officials’
616 13th Mekong-Ganga Foreign Ministers’ Meeting
617 Mekong-U. S Partnership Senior Officials’ Meeting
618 3rd Mekong-U. S Partnership Foreign Ministers’
TBC Vientiane, Lao PDR
619 Informal Mekong-Russia Senior Officials’ Meeting
620 Informal Mekong-Russia Foreign Ministers’ Meeting
621 Mekong-ROK Senior Officials’ Meeting
622 12th Mekong-ROK Foreign Ministers’ Meeting
623 Mekong-Japan Cooperation Senior Officials’ Meeting
624 15th Mekong-Japan Foreign Ministers’ Meeting
625 22-26 Special Meeting of 1/2024 of the ASEAN Vientiane, Lao PDR
Intergovernmental Commission on
Human Rights (AICHR)
626 23-28 The 14th Meeting of the Technical Sub-Working Singapore
Group on Classification (TSWGC)
627 24-25 22nd Meeting of the Working Group on Data Sharing, ASEAN
Analysis, Dissemination and Communication of Headquarters/ASEAN
Statistics (WGDSA22) Secretariat
628 3rd Advisory Board Meeting of the ACICE
629 2nd ASEAN Roundtable on Navigating the Digital
24-25 Singapore
630 2nd Digital Defence Symposium
631 24-26 5th ASEAN DEFA NC Meeting ASEAN
632 24-28 ASEAN Conference on the Promotion of Early The Philippines
Childhood Education
633 30-31 7th ASEAN Smart Cities Network Annual Meeting and Luang Prabang,
ASCN Conference on Smart Solutions for Solving Lao PDR
Urban Issues
634 30-31 1st ASEAN-US Consultative Workshop on Bangkok, Thailand
Developing ASEAN EV Implementation Roadmap

Updated as of 3 June 2024

635 31 Jul -1 7th Meeting of the Working Group on ASEAN ASEAN

Aug Sustainable Development Goals Indicators Headquarters/ASEAN
(WGSDGI7) Secretariat
636 29 Jul -2 35th ASEAN Senior Officials' Meeting on Environment Vientiane, Lao PDR
637 TBC 7th ACAFTA WGLII Meeting TBC
638 TBC 7th ACAFTA SWG -TR Meeting TBC
639 TBC 21st ASEAN+3 Energy Security Forum and 12th ROK
Workshop of the ASEAN+3 Oil Stock piling Roadmap
640 TBC 31st Renewable Energy Sub-Sector Network (RE- Malaysia
SSN) Annual Meeting
641 TBC The 2024 ADGSOM-ATRC JWGs Meetings with DPs Brunei Darussalam
and ITU
642 TBC The 4th ASEAN-Japan Cybersecurity Working Group ASEAN Countries
643 TBC ASEAN Leadership Forum on Rural Development Indonesia
and Poverty Eradication
644 The 12th ASEAN SPS Contact Points (ASCP)
645 TBC The 14th ASEAN Committee on Sanitary and Malaysia
Phytosanitary (AC-SPS)
646 TBC 21st ASEAN-Genetically Modified Food Testing Malaysia
647 The 32nd Meeting of ASEAN Sectoral Working Group
on Livestock (ASWGL) and
TBC Singapore
648 The 10th ASEAN National Focal Point for Veterinary
Products (ANFPVP)
649 TBC EWG OA Meeting on the Development of ASEAN Viet Nam
Mutual Recognition Arrangement on Organic
Agricultural Products (MRA-OAP)
650 TBC The 20th Meeting of AWG on Halal Food Malaysia
651 TBC The 26th Expert Working Group Meeting on the Cambodia
Harmonization of Phytosanitary Measures (EWG-
PS) and 31st Meeting of ASEAN Sectoral Working
Group on Crops (ASWGC)
652 TBC The 31st Meeting of Joint Committee on ASEAN Brunei Darussalam
Cooperation in Agriculture and Forest Products
Promotion Scheme
654 TBC The 12th ASEAN+3 Village Leader Exchange China
655 TBC Forum on Strengthen Universities Capacity Building Vientiane, Lao PDR
in Management and Leadership, Teaching, Research
and Cross-border Higher Education (including joint
supervision and fellowship programme)
656 Late 4th Joint Working Group on the High-Level Task Force Melaka, Malaysia
Jul/Early on the ASEAN Community’s Post-2025 Vision (TBC)
657 16th Meeting of the HLTF-ACV
658 TBC The Third East Asia Summit (EAS) Ambassadors’ TBC
Meeting in Jakarta (3/2023 EAMJ)
659 TBC Intersessional Meeting of the Working Group for AEC TBC
Post-2025 (WG-AEC)
Updated as of 3 June 2024

660 60th Meeting of the ASEAN National Tourism

Organisations (NTOs)
661 45th Meeting of the ASEAN, China, Japan and the Videoconference
Republic of Korea (ROK) National Tourism (hosted by Myanmar)
Organisations (APT NTOs)
662 32nd ASEAN-India Tourism Working Group Meeting
663 TBC 7th EO Meeting for 2024 (7/24) TBC
664 2 CEFIA Consultation Meeting Singapore
665 2-5 ASEAN University Network Meeting Viet Nam
666 4-8 ASEAN-Korea youth Network Workshop under the
theme “Development and Preservation: Combining Vientiane, Lao PDR
Tradition and Modern Value for the City Development
667 5-9 8th Meeting of the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement Brunei Darussalam
Upgrade Negotiation-Working Group on Standards, (TBC)
Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment
668 16th ASEAN Health Ministers Meeting (AHMM)
669 10th ASEAN Plus Three Health Ministers Meeting Luang Prabang,
670 10th ASEAN-China Health Ministers Meeting Lao PDR
671 2nd ASEAN-ROK Health Ministers Meeting
672 6-7 30th Meeting of ASEAN Centre for Development of Videoconference
Agricultural Cooperatives (ACEDAC), the 24TH
Meeting of the ASEAN Sectoral Working Group on
Agricultural Cooperatives (ASWGAC)
673 Senior Officials Meeting for the 22nd ASEAN
Cooperation on Civil Service Matters (ACCSM)
674 Senior Officials Meeting for the 7th ACCSM +3
5-7 Brunei Darussalam
675 Forum on Good Governance
676 22nd Heads of Civil Service Meeting
677 7th ACCSM+3 Heads of Civil Service Meeting
678 9-12 International Conference on Drug Use Prevention The Philippines
and Best Practices
679 The 6th Meeting of the Working Group for AEC Post-
12-14 2025 (WG-AEC) Vientiane, Lao PDR
680 46th Meeting of the HLTF-EI
681 12-16 8th Round of ACFTA Upgrade Negotiations Viet Nam
682 The 27th ASEAN Directors–General of Immigration
Departments and Heads of Consular Affairs Divisions
of Ministries of Foreign Affairs Meeting (DGICM)
683 7th ASEAN Heads of Major Immigration Checkpoints
Forum (AMICF)
12-16 Nha Trang, Viet Nam
684 3rd Meeting of the ASEAN Heads of Specialist Unit
(HSU) on People Smuggling
685 19th ASEAN Immigration Intelligence Forum (AIIF)
686 3rd DGICM + 3 Consultation
687 19th DGICM + Australia Consultation
688 13-15 36th Customs Enforcement and Compliance Working Malaysia (TBC)
Group (CECWG) Meeting

Updated as of 3 June 2024

689 15-16 The 11th Annual Meeting of the ASEAN Network of Luang Prabang, Lao
Regulatory Bodies on Atomic Energy (ASEANTOM) PDR
690 15-18 Meeting of the ASEAN Working Group for Out of Malaysia
School Children and Youth
691 ASEAN-IPR Governing Council Meeting
692 Interface between ASEAN-IPR GC and AB
693 Meeting of Lead-Implementing Body for Sustainable
Infrastructure (LIB-SI)
694 3/2024 ASEAN Connectivity Coordinating Committee
(ACCC) Meeting
695 Interface between ACCC and LIB-SI
696 MPAC 2025 Monitoring, Review and Evaluation Luang Prabang,
(MRE) Meeting Lao PDR
697 ASEAN Connectivity Symposium: “Enhancing
Connectivity Towards an Inclusive, Sustainable and
Resilient ASEAN Community Post 2025 Vision”
698 ACCC Consultation with Dialogue Partners and
Other External Parties (OEPs) on Connectivity 2024
699 8/2024 Committee of Permanent Representatives to
ASEAN (CPR) Meeting
700 19-21 10th ASLOM Working Group Meeting on ASEAN Lao PDR
Extradition Treaty (ASLOM WG on AET)
701 19-21 The 86th Coordinating Committee on Investment
(TBC) Meeting (86th CCI)
702 20 17th Meeting of the Senior Labour Officials Meeting’s Singapore
Working Group on Progressive Labour Practices to
Enhance the Competitiveness of ASEAN (17th
SLOM-WG Meeting)
703 ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM)
704 ASEAN Plus Three Senior Officials’ Prep-Meeting
Luang Prabang,
20-22 (APT Prep-SOM)
705 East Asia Summit Senior Officials’ Prep-Meeting
(EAS Prep-SOM)
706 20-22 25th ASEAN Committee on Culture and Information, The Philippines
Sub-Committee on Culture (25th SCC)
707 20-23 Meeting of the ASEAN TVET Council and Vocational Indonesia
708 21-22 ASEAN Forum on Valuing the Investing in Unpaid Lao PDR
Care and Domestic Work
709 21-22 Workshop on the Potential Hazards in the Future of Bogor, Indonesia
710 22-25 45th SCAROO and CCA Malaysia
711 23 The 3rd ASEAN Women Leaders’ Summit: Lao PDR
Strengthening Care Economy and Resilience
Towards ASEAN Community Post-2025
712 26-28 ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community’s Strategic Plan Vientiane, Lao PDR
713 11th Meeting of ATIGA Upgrade TNC
26-29 Malaysia
714 11th Meeting of the ATIGA Upgrade on ROO

Updated as of 3 June 2024

715 27-28 11th Meeting of ACSS Working Group on Statistics of ASEAN

International Trade in Services (WGSITS11) Headquarters/ASEAN
716 27-29 8th ASEAN Children's Forum Vientiane, Lao PDR
717 The 18th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational
Crime (AMMTC)
718 Preparatory SOMTC for the 18th AMMTC
719 Preparatory SOMTC + 3 for the 14th AMMTC + 3
720 Preparatory SOMTC + China for the 11th AMMTC +
China Consultation
Vientiane, Lao PDR
721 27-29 Preparatory SOMTC + Japan for the 9th AMMTC +
Japan Consultation
722 Preparatory SOMTC + ROK for the 5th AMMTC +
ROK Consultation
723 14th AMMTC + 3 Consultation
724 11th AMMTC + China Consultation
725 9th AMMTC + Japan Consultation
726 5th AMMTC + ROK Consultation
727 74th IAI Task Force Meeting ASEAN
28 Headquarters/ASEAN
728 29 14th Consultation Meeting of the IAI Task Force - ASEAN
ASEAN Partners Headquarters/ASEAN
729 TBC th
The 14 Run of the Leaders in Governance Singapore
730 TBC 7th Inclusive Business Summit Vientiane, Lao PDR
731 TBC Workshop on Metrology between ACCSQ Working Indonesia
Group on Legal Metrology (WG3) and Expert Group
on Metrology (EGM)
732 TBC The Meeting of the ASEAN-Canada Free Trade Indonesia
Agreement, Sub-working Group on Standards,
Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment
733 TBC 10th ATIGA WG-TR Meeting Back-to-Back with TBC
734 TBC 10th ATIGA WGLII Meeting TBC
736 TBC WE – FSL Lao PDR / The
737 TBC ASEAN Energy Business Forum Indonesia
738 TBC The 15th English Language Training Course Brunei Darussalam
739 TBC Incident Response and Network Incident Response Thailand
740 TBC ASEAN-China UNDP Symposium on SDGs China
741 TBC th
The 13 Steering Committee on Climate Change and Malaysia
Food Security (13th SCCC-FS)
742 Special SOM-45th ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture
TBC and Forestry (AMAF) Malaysia
743 rd
Special SOM-23 AMAF Plus Three

Updated as of 3 June 2024

744 9th ASEAN-Russian Federation Senior Officials

Meeting on Agriculture (ARSOMA)
745 TBC Workshop on the TAC Lao PDR
746 TBC 8th Round of ACFTA Upgrade Negotiations TBC
747 TBC 2nd Meeting of the ASEAN Fourth Industrial Videoconference
Revolution Task Force Group (A4IR-TFG)
748 13th ASEAN Education Ministers Meeting
749 7th ASEAN Plus Three Education Ministers Meeting
750 7th EAS Education Ministers Meeting
751 TBC 19th ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Education Thailand
752 14th ASEAN Plus Three Senior Officials Meeting on
753 9th EAS Senior Officials Meeting on Education
754 TBC 5th Ad-Hoc Working Group to Develop the ASCC ASEAN
Post-2025 Strategic Plan Headquarters/ASEAN
755 TBC 3rd ASEAN-GIZ Expert Group Meeting on Guidelines Videoconference
on LEV and UFT
756 TBC The 4th Bali Work Plan Multi-Sectoral Task Force Bali, Indonesia (TBC)
(MTF) Meeting
757 TBC The 4th ASEAN Partners Meeting for the Bali, Indonesia (TBC)
Implementation of the Bali Work Plan (2019-2025)
758 TBC 8th EO Meeting for 2024 (8/24) TBC
759 TBC Regional Social Dialogue on Responsiveness of Lao PDR
Labour Policies in the New Normal (including work-
from-home, OSH)
760 2-5 th
68 Meeting of the Working Group on Technical The Philippines
Matters for the ASW (TWG)
761 3-5 38th Meeting of JSC EEE Thailand
762 3-5 9th Meeting of ASEAN Health Cluster 2 on Bangkok, Thailand
Responding to All Hazards and Emerging Threats (TBC)
763 5-7 38th Meeting of Automotive Product Working Group TBC
764 31st Meeting of the Working Group on Legal and
6-8 Videoconference
Regulatory Matters for the ASW (LWG)
765 21st ASEAN Military Intelligence Meeting (AMIM-21)
8-11 Vientiane, Lao PDR
766 14th ASEAN Military Operations Meeting (AMOM-14)
767 9 7th Meeting of the Working Group for AEC Post-2025 Videoconference
768 22nd ASEAN Highways Sub-Working Group
769 15th ASEAN Multisector Road Safety Special
9-13 Cambodia
Working Group (MRSSWG)
770 5th ASEAN Railway Sub-Working Group
771 33rd ASEAN Land Transport Working Group (LTWG)
772 9-13 6th China-ASEAN Training Workshop for Senior Nanning, China
Public Health Executives
773 10-12 6th ASEAN DEFA NC Meeting Bali, Indonesia
774 10-13 The 13th ASEAN Medical Device Committee Meeting Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Updated as of 3 June 2024

775 11-12 8th Meeting of the Working Group on System of Malaysia

National Account (WGSNA8)
776 11-12 3rd ASEAN +3 Task Force Meeting ROK
777 The 25th ASEAN-OSHNET Coordinating Board
Meeting (CBM-25)
778 The 11th ASEAN-OSHNET Conference (11th AOC)
779 11-13 The 5th ASEAN-OSHNET Awards Ceremony and Singapore
Policy Dialogue on Implication of Germany and
European Union’s Supply Chain Act on ASEAN
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Landscape
780 11-14 21st ASEAN Chiefs of Defense Forces Meeting Vientiane, Lao PDR
781 11-14 Meeting of the Working Group on Human Resource Viet Nam
Development for the Future of Work
782 11-15 ASEAN Education Quality Assurance Meeting Indonesia
783 14-18 ASEAN Capital Market Forum (ACMF)-Deputies Luang Prabang,
784 Prep-CLMV SEOM for the 16th CLMV EMM and for
the 56th AEM
785 16th CLMV EMM
786 38th AFTA Council
787 27th AIA Council
789 56th ASEAN Economic Minister Meeting (AEM)
790 3rd RCEP Ministerials’ Meeting
791 AEM + China Consultation
792 AEM + Japan Consultation
793 AEM + ROK Consultation
794 AEM + India Consultation
15-22 Vientiane, Lao PDR
795 AEM + Hong Kong Consultation
796 AEM + Australia + New Zealand Consultation
797 AEM + Russia Consultation
798 AEM + EU Consultation
799 AEM + Cananda Consultation
800 AEM + U.S Consultation
801 AEM + 3 Consultation
802 AEM + UK Consultation
803 AEM + Switzerland Open-Ended Troika
804 AEM + EAS Consultation
805 Mekong-Japan Economic Ministers’ Meeting (TBC)
(back-to-back with 56th AEM)
806 32nd ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Council
807 16-20 37th Meeting of the Senior Officials Committee for the Vientiane, Lao PDR
ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (SOCA)
808 Secondment Officers for ASCC Meeting
809 16-23 6th Special Meeting on the ASEAN Physical Fitness Thailand
810 17-18 47th ASEAN Maritime Transport Working Group Brunei Darussalam
(MTWG) Meeting and ASEAN-US Port Sustainability
and Decarbonisation Workshop

Updated as of 3 June 2024

811 17-19 35th Customs Capacity Building Working Group ASEAN

(CCBWG) Meeting Headquarters/ASEAN
812 10th Meeting of ASEAN Business Coalition on HIV-
17-19 AIDS (10th ASEAN-BCA Meeting)
813 (TBC) 5th ASEAN Red Ribbon for Outstanding Workplace
(ARROW) Award Ceremony
814 18-20 Meeting of Governors/Mayors of ASEAN Capitals Vientiane, Lao PDR
2024 (MGMAC 2024) and ASEAN Mayors Forum
815 19 4th Meeting of ASEAN TVET Council (ATC) Videoconference
816 19-21 Interregional Wildlife Law Enforcement Conference Indonesia
817 23-24 6th Ad-Hoc Working Group to Develop the ASCC Vientiane, Lao PDR
Post-2025 Strategic Plan
818 23-26 38th Rubber Based Product Working Group Meeting Langkawi, Malaysia
819 24-25 17th Meeting of the ASEAN Committee on the Vientiane, Lao PDR
Implementation of the ASEAN Declaration on the
Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant
Workers (17th ACMW Meeting)
820 24-25 13th DTSCWG Meeting ASEAN
821 24-26 45th ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Drug Matters The Philippines
(TBC) (ASOD) and Its Related Meetings
822 24-26 The Sub-Working Group on ASEAN Authorised Videoconference
Economic Operator Mutual Recognition Arrangement
823 SOME Preparatory meeting for the 42nd AMEM
824 SOME+3 Preparatory meeting for the 21st AMEM+3
825 EAS ECTF Preparatory meeting for the 18th EAS
826 42nd ASEAN Minister on Energy (AMEM)
827 24-27 5th LTMS Ministerial Meeting Vientiane, Lao PDR
828 th
4 AMEM-US Dialogue
829 7th AMEM-IRENA Dialogue
830 21st AMEM+3
831 18th EAS EMM
832 Minister-CEO and IOs Dialogue
833 24-27 ASEAN Defence Senior Officials’ Meeting (ADSOM) Vientiane, Lao PDR
and ADSOM-Plus
834 25-26 28th Meeting of ASEAN Community Statistical ASEAN
System Sub Committee on Planning and Headquarters/ASEAN
Coordination (SCPC28) Secretariat
835 26 th
8 Meeting of the Working Group for AEC Post-2025 Videoconference
836 26 Virtual Workshop on Upgrading the HRM Practices: Myanmar
Modernizing the Recruitment, Selection and Training
Systems among ASEAN Countries

Updated as of 3 June 2024

837 5th Joint Working Group on the High-Level Task Force

Early on the ASEAN Community’s Post-2025 Vision
Viet Nam
Sept. (HLTF-ACV)
838 17th Meeting of the HLTF-ACV
839 TBC 8th Regional Skills Technical Working Group Bangkok, Thailand
840 TBC 52nd Working Group 1 on Standards and TBC
841 TBC ACCSQ Expert Group on Metrology Singapore
842 TBC 42nd Meeting of Working Group on Conformity The Philippines
Assessment of ASEAN Consultative Committee for
Standards and Quality (WG 2)
843 TBC The Meeting of the ASEAN-Canada Free Trade TBC
Agreement, Sub-working Group on Standards,
Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment
844 TBC The 16th ASEAN-Japan Cybersecurity Policy Meeting ASEAN Countries
845 TBC The 23rd ASEAN Task Force (ATF) on Codex Meeting Thailand
846 TBC Lao Initiative for Conservation Agriculture and Lao PDR
Agroecology in ASEAN (The LICA Meeting)
847 TBC The 20th Senior Officials Meeting on Rural Brunei Darussalam
Development and Poverty Eradication (SOMRDPE)
848 TBC The ASEAN Confederation of Women’s Organization Indonesia
(ACWO) Board of Director Meeting
849 TBC ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting with the UN USA
Secretary-General and the President of the 79th UNGA
850 TBC ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting USA
851 TBC Informal ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (IAMM) USA
852 TBC ASEAN-related Meetings at the Sidelines of the 79th USA
Session of the United Nations General
Assembly (UNGA)
853 TBC RCEP WGI Vientiane, Lao PDR
854 TBC ASEAN-Investment Forum Vientiane, Lao PDR
855 TBC 11th ASEANTOM Annual Meeting Luang Prabang,
856 TBC ASEAN Capital Market Forum (ACMF)-Deputies Luang Prabang,
857 TBC ASEAN-Hong Kong Air Transport Agreement Lao PDR
Consultation Meeting
858 TBC The 21st SOMRDPE and Related Meetings Jakarta, Indonesia
859 TBC 17th Trademark Task Force Meeting TBC
860 TBC 6th Industrial Design Task Force Meeting TBC
861 TBC 14th ASEAN Network of IPR Enforcement Experts Bangkok, Thailand
(ANIEE) Meeting
862 TBC 15th ASEAN-China Heads of IP Office Meeting TBC
863 TBC 9th ASEAN Senior Officials Responsible for Information, Indonesia
Working Group on Information, Media and Training (9th
864 Last ASEAN Conference on Global Prevention Practices The Philippines
week of and Interventions
Updated as of 3 June 2024

865 Sep/Oct 2nd ASEAN-EU Pro Tem Joint Committee WG Meeting Brussels, Belgium
866 1-2 th
17 ASEAN–Japan Cybersecurity Policy Meeting
867 Prep-SEOM for the 24th AECC
6-7 Vientiane, Lao PDR
868 The 24th AECC
869 TBC Drafting Committee for the ASEAN Summits Vientiane, Lao PDR
870 10/2024 Committee of Permanent Representatives
to ASEAN (CPR) Meeting
871 ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting
872 18th Meeting of ASEAN Coordinating Council
Working Group (ACCWG) on Timor-Leste’s
Application for ASEAN Membership
873 28th ASEAN Political-Security Community Council
874 35th ASEAN Coordinating Council Meeting
875 ASEAN Leaders’ Interface with Representatives of
ASEAN Inter- Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)
876 ASEAN Leaders’ Interface with Representatives of
877 ASEAN Leaders’ Interface with Representatives of
6-11 ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ASEAN-BAC) Vientiane, Lao PDR
878 44th ASEAN Summit
879 45th ASEAN Summit
880 27th ASEAN - China Summit
881 25th ASEAN - Republic of Korea (ROK) Summit
882 14th ASEAN - United Nations Summit
883 27th ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Summit
884 21st ASEAN - India Summit
885 4th ASEAN - Australia Summit
886 27th ASEAN - Japan Summit
887 12th ASEAN - United States Summit
888 19th East Asia Summit (EAS)
889 Signing Ceremony for the Renewal of ASEAN-FIFA
890 Preparatory Meeting for the ASEAN – AIPA Leaders’
6-11 Interface Meeting Vientiane, Lao PDR
891 AIPA - ASEAN Leaders’ Interface Meeting
892 ASEAN Business and Investment Summit
7-8 Vientiane, Lao PDR
893 ASEAN Business Awards
894 7-10 ASEAN Caucus and the 10th ASEAN-Canada Free TBC
Trade Agreement Negotiation Sub-Working Group
on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (ACAFTA
SWG-SPS) Meetings
895 11th ASLOM Working Group Meeting on ASEAN
Extradition Treaty (ASLOM WG on AET)
896 13th ASLOM Working Group Meeting on Examining
7-11 Modalities on Harmonisation of ASEAN Trade Law Singapore
897 23rd ASEAN Senior Law Officials Meeting (ASLOM)
898 3rd ASLOM-Japan Consultation

Updated as of 3 June 2024

899 Mekong-ROK Senior Officials’ Meeting

900 3rd Mekong-ROK Summit
901 Mekong-Japan Cooperation Senior Officials’ Meeting
TBC Vientiane, Lao PDR
902 13th Mekong-Japan Summit
903 ACMECS Business Forum
904 The 10th ACMECS Summit
905 8-9 The 52nd Meeting of ACCSQ WG on Standards (WG ASEAN
1) Headquarters/ASEAN
906 47th ASEAN Transport Facilitation Working Group
8-10 Lao PDR
907 16th ASEAN Transit Transport Coordinating Board
908 2nd Cyber Security Resilience and Information (2nd Luang Prabang,
909 9-10 41st Meeting of ACCSQ Working Group on Legal Thailand
Metrology (WG 3)
910 10-11 Workshop on Work Engagement and Well-being in Sapporo, Japan
the Public Service
911 12 9th Meeting of the Working Group for AEC Post-2025 TBC
912 The 19th Working Group on ASEAN Forum on
Taxation Luang Prabang,
913 and the 16th Sub-Forum on excise Taxation (SF-ET) Lao PDR
914 The 55th Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on
Biotechnology (SCB-55)
915 The 55th Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on
Food Science and Technology (SCFST-55)
916 The 34th Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on
14-17 Space Technology and Applications (SCOSA - 34) Singapore
917 The 46th Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on
Meteorology and Geophysics (SCMG-46)
918 The 53rd Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on
Microelectronics and Information Technology
919 14-17 12th Meeting of the ATIGA Upgrade TNC The Philippines
920 33rd Meeting of the ASEAN Single Window Steering
15-17 Thailand
Committee (ASWSC)
921 The 61st Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on
S&T Infrastructure and Resources Development
922 The 55th Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on
15-18 Materials Science and Technology (SCMST-55) Singapore
923 rd
The 53 Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on
Sustainable Energy Research (SCSER-53)
924 The 41st Meeting of the ASEAN Sub-Committee on
Marine Science and Technology (SCMSAT-41)
925 15-20 15th Meeting of the Technical Sub-Working Group on Cambodia (TBC)
Classification (TSWGC)

Updated as of 3 June 2024

926 16-19 the 17th Meeting of the Board of Advisers to ASEAN Singapore
Committee on Science, Technology, and Innovation
927 The 20th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Science,
Technology, and Innovation (AMMSTI-20)
17-22 Cambodia
928 85th Meeting of Committee on Science and
Technology (COSTI-85)
929 AIPA General Assembly
930 Executive Committee Meeting
931 Political Matters Meeting
932 Economic Matters Meeting
933 Social Matters Meting
934 18-24 Organizational Matters Meeting Vientiane, Lao PDR
935 WAIPA Matters Meeting
936 Young Parliamentarians of AIPA Meeting
937 Dialogue Matters Meeting
938 Committee on Joint Communiqué Meeting
939 AIPA-ASEAN Hearing
940 21-22 The 11th Meeting of Building and Construction ASEAN
Working Group (BCWG) Headquarters/ASEAN
941 21-25 18th ACCMSME Meeting and Related Meetings Bali, Indonesia
942 21-25 The 108th Meeting of the ASEAN Coordinating ASEAN
Committee on Services (CCS) Headquarters/ASEAN
943 The 37th Customs Procedure and Trade Facilitation
22-24 Videoconference
Working Group
944 11th ASEAN Ministers Meeting on Culture and Arts
(11th AMCA),
22-24 Melaka, Malaysia
945 20th Senior Officials Meeting on Culture and Arts (20th
AMCA) and Related Meetings with DPs
946 The 2nd ASEAN Digital Senior Official’s Meeting
22-26 Vientiane, Lao PDR
947 ASEAN Telecommunication Regulators’ Council
(ATRC) Leaders’ Retreat
948 24 43rd Meeting of Working Group on Conformity ASEAN
Assessment of ASEAN Consultative Committee for Headquarters/ASEAN
Standards and Quality (WG 2) Secretariat
949 20th Senior Labour Officials Meeting (20th SLOM)
950 22nd ASEAN Plus Three Senior Labour Officials
Meeting (22nd SLOM+3)
28-31 Singapore
951 ASEAN Labour Ministers Meeting (28th ALMM)
952 13th ASEAN Plus Three Labour Ministers Meeting
(13th ALMM+3)
953 50th ASEAN Air Transport Working Group (ATWG)
954 14th ATM SPG
955 28-31 25th ATEC Bangkok, Thailand
956 th
957 6th ASEAN Sustainability Forum

Updated as of 3 June 2024

958 28 Oct -1 39th Meeting of Prepared Foodstuff Product Working Viet Nam
Nov Group (PFPWG) (TBC)
959 29-31 The 8th ASEAN Law Senior Officials’ Forum on the Indonesia
ASEAN Convention on Extradition
960 Third 10th ASEAN Senior Officials’ Roundtable on Singapore
week of Cybercrime (SORC)
961 Third 7th ASEAN Cybercrime Prosecutors' Roundtable Singapore
week of Meeting (ACPRM)
962 TBC Seminar on Understanding Islam Malaysia
963 TBC 8th ACAFTA WGLII Meeting TBC
964 TBC 8th ACAFTA SWG - TR Meeting TBC
965 TBC 4th ASEAN +3 Task Force Meeting TBC
966 TBC HAPUA & ASEAN Power Grid Myanmar
967 TBC 48th ASEAN Council on Petroleum & ASCOPE Myanmar
968 TBC Singapore International Energy Week Singapore
969 The 46th ACDM Meeting
970 The 12th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Disaster
Management (AMMDM) /The 13th Meeting of the
Conference of Parties (COP) to the AADMER
971 The 4th AMMDM Plus China
972 The 4th AMMDM Plus Japan
973 The 3rd AMMDM Plus ROK
974 The 45th Meeting of the ASEAN Committee on
TBC Brunei Darussalam
Disaster Management (ACDM)
975 The 21st Meeting of the Governing Board of the AHA
Centre (GB-AHA)
976 The 6th Meeting of the ASEAN Disaster Resilience
Platform (ADRP)
977 The 8th Meeting of the ACDM Plus China
978 The 8th Meeting of the ACDM Plus Japan
979 The 7th Meeting of the ACDM Plus ROK
980 TBC Incident Response and Network Digital Forensic Thailand
981 The 46th AMAF
982 The 24th AMAF Plus Three
TBC Myanmar
983 The 9th ASEAN-India Ministerial Meeting on
Agriculture and Forestry (AIMMAF)
984 TBC The 30th Meeting of ASEAN Centre for Development Brunei Darussalam
of Agricultural Cooperatives (ACEDAC), the 24th
Meeting of the ASEAN Sectoral Working Group on
Agricultural Cooperatives (ASWGAC)
985 TBC 3rd CCI Meeting Luang Prabang,
986 TBC ASEAN-Canada FTA WGI Vientiane, Lao PDR
987 TBC The 19th COM/COP Malaysia
988 TBC Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities/Authorities Annual Myanmar
Meeting (HAPUA) And related meeting (under the
cooperation framework of ASEAN POWER GRID)

Updated as of 3 June 2024

989 TBC The 5th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Women Myanmar

990 The 23rd ASEAN Committee on Women Meeting (23rd
991 16th ASEAN Committee on Women Plus Three
Meeting (16th ACW+3)
992 11th Consultation Meeting ASEAN Commission on
TBC the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women Myanmar
and Children and ASEAN Committee on Women (11th
ACWC-ACW Meeting)
993 The 29th ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and
Protection of the Rights of Women and Children (29th
ACWC) Meeting
994 TBC Strengthen the Capacities of TVET Personnel Luang Prabang,
Training Institutions to Equip Female and Male Lao PDR
Teachers and Students with Transversal Skills,
Digital Competencies, and other Skills to Adapt with
the Digitization Technologies and Automation
995 TBC Boat Racing for Promoting Traditional in Sports and Vientiane, Lao PDR
Games in ASEAN
996 TBC Establishment of ASEAN Sport Zone Vientiane, Lao PDR
997 TBC ACMF Chairs and ACMF International Conference Vientiane, Lao PDR
and 20th Anniversary of ACMF Ceremony and ISSB
998 TBC ASEAN Roundtable with MD IMF Washington, D.C.
999 TBC Workshop on Best Practices on Community Based Luang Prabang,
Inclusive Development for Persons with Disabilities Lao PDR
in ASEAN Region
1000 TBC Workshop on Development and Strengthening Lao PDR
Legislation and Policies on Social Work in ASEAN (Hybrid)

1001 TBC 11th ASLOM Working Group on ASEAN Extradition TBC

1002 TBC 30th ASEAN Plus Three Working Group Meeting ASEAN
1003 TBC st
21 CPR Plus Three Meeting ASEAN
1004 TBC th
11 Meeting of Expert Group on Metrology (EGM-11) Indonesia
1005 th
The 11 ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Culture &
Arts (AMCA)
TBC Malaysia
1006 20th Senior Officials Meeting for Culture and Arts
(SOMCA), and Related Meetings
1007 TBC 33rd AEGC and Related Meetings Bangkok, Thailand
1008 TBC ACW and ACWC Series of Meetings TBC

Updated as of 3 June 2024

1009 TBC The 15th ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Sports Viet Nam
(SOMS-15) and Related Meetings
1010 TBC 8th ASEAN Health Cluster 4 Meeting on Ensuring Indonesia
Food Safety
1011 Late Oct 6th Joint Working Group on the High-Level Task Force TBC
on the ASEAN Community’s Post-2025 Vision
1012 18th Meeting of the HLTF-ACV
1013 Q4 20th ASEAN-Japan Expert Group Meeting on Japan (TBC)
1014 18th Meeting of the ASEAN Tourism Marketing Myanmar
Partnership Working Group (ATMP-WG)
1015 32nd Meeting of the ASEAN Tourism Professional
Monitoring Committee (ATPMC)
1016 18th Meeting of the ASEAN Tourism Competitiveness
Committee (ATCC)
1017 18th Meeting of the ASEAN Sustainable and Inclusive
Tourism Development Committee (ASITDC)
1018 18th Meeting of the ASEAN Tourism Resourcing,
Monitoring, and Evaluation Committee (ATRMEC)
1019 TBC 10th EO Meeting for 2024 (10/24) TBC
1020 TBC 9th Task Force on ASEAN Access Meeting Bali, Indonesia
1021 1-5 ASEAN Education Development Meeting Thailand
1022 4- 6 7th ASEAN DEFA NC Meeting ASEAN
1023 5-8 Digital Evidence for Prosecutors Thailand
1024 7-11 86th ASEAN Committee on Science, Technology and Singapore
Innovation (COSTI-86) and Related Meetings
1025 10-18 ASEAN China Youth Camp China
1026 11 The 12th ASEAN-U.S. Consultation on Science and Singapore
(TBC) Technology (AUSCST-12)
1027 11 – 13 The 37th Sub-Working Group on ASEAN Customs ASEAN
Transit System (SWG-ACTS) Headquarters/ASEAN
1028 12 9th Working Group for AEC (WG-AEC) Post-2025 TBC
1029 12-15 Special Meeting of 2/2024 of the ASEAN Luang Prabang,
Intergovernmental Commission on Lao PDR
Human Rights (AICHR)
1030 13-14 The 17th ASEAN Forum on Migrant Labour (17th Vientiane,
1031 13-15 ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community’s Strategic Plan 2045 Vientiane, Lao PDR
1032 13-15 2nd ASEAN Forum on Taxation Luang Prabang, Lao
1033 18-20 st
The 41 Coordinating Committee on Customs Lao PDR
1034 58th ASEAN Senior Transport Officials Meeting
Kuala Lumpur,
1035 18-22 23rd ASEAN-China Senior Transport Officials
Meeting (23rd STOM+China)

Updated as of 3 June 2024

1036 23rd ASEAN-Japan Senior Transport Officials

Meeting (23rd STOM+Japan)
1037 16th ASEAN-ROK Senior Transport Officials Meeting
1038 16th ASEAN-ROK Senior Transport Officials Meeting
(16th STOM+ROK)
1039 7th ASEAN-EU Senior Transport Officials Dialogue
(7th AE-STOD)
1040 18-22 The 40th Meeting of the ASEAN Cosmetic Committee Bangkok, Thailand
1041 19-21 E-Government Development: Digital Public Service Lao PDR
Delivery Forum
1042 18th ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM)
19-22 Vientiane, Lao PDR
1043 11th ADMM-Plus and Related Meetings
1044 19-22 6th AITIGA-JC Meeting India (TBC)
1045 20-21 Regional Workshop on Employment Creation and Luang Prabang,
Formalization: “Linking Investment, Trade and Lao PDR
Industrial Policies and Regulations to Labour and
Employment Policies to Maximize Positive and
Broader Spill-over Effect of Domestic and Foreign
Direct Investment to Local SMEs Promotion,
Employment, Resource and Knowledge Transfer
1046 30th ASEAN Transport Minister Meeting
1047 23rd ASEAN+China Transport Minister Meeting
(23rd ATM+China)
Kuala Lumpur,
1048 21-22 22nd ASEAN+Japan Transport Minister Meeting
(22nd ATM+Japan)
1049 15th ASEAN+ROK Transport Minister Meeting
(15th ATM+ROK)
1050 25-28 69th Meeting of the Working Group on Technical Myanmar
Matters for the ASW (TWG)
1051 25-29 The 38th Pharmaceutical Product Working Group ASEAN
(PPWG) and Its Related Meetings Headquarters/ASEAN
1052 26-28 th
The 14 Session ASEAN Community-Statistical Vientiane, Lao PDR
System Committee (ACSS)
1053 26-30 59th ASEAN Committee on Culture and Information Phnom Penh,
(59th COCI) Plenary back-to-back with the ASEAN Cambodia
Sub-Committee on Culture to the 59 COCI and
ASEAN Sub-Committee on Information to the 59th
1054 28-29 5th ACWC Partnership Conference Luang Prabang,
1055 TBC Workshop on OSH and Work Injury Compensation in Lao PDR
Agriculture Sector
1056 13th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Youth (AMMY)
TBC Myanmar
1057 ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Youth (SOMY)
1059 TBC ASEAN+3 Capacity Building under Mitigation China
1060 TBC SOE on LTMS (Lao PDR-Thailand-Malaysia- Singapore
Updated as of 3 June 2024

1061 TBC ASEAN Conference on Legal Cooperation in Luang Prabang,

Combating Money Laundering and Narcotic Lao PDR
1062 TBC 14th ASEAN Maritime Forum (AMF) Vientiane (TBC)
1063 TBC 12th Expanded ASEAN Maritime Forum (EAMF) Vientiane (TBC)
1064 TBC Cyber SEA Game Thailand
1065 TBC 14th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Rural Brunei Darussalam
Development and Poverty Eradication (AMMRDPE)
1066 TBC The 11th Task Force Meeting of the Multilateral TBC
Arrangement for the Mutual Recognition of Agri-food
Standards and Conformity Assessment
1067 TBC 26th Meeting of the Fisheries Consultative Viet Nam
Group/ASEAN-SEAFDEC Strategic Partnership
1068 TBC The 19th Technical Working Group Cambodia
1069 TBC AJCEP WGI Vientiane, Lao PDR
1070 TBC The 20th Principals Meeting of ASEAN Parties Indonesia
Against Corruption (ASEAN-PAC)
1071 TBC The AIPA-EP Dialogue TBC

1072 TBC The AIPA-USA Dialogue USA

1073 TBC 8th Children Forum Vientiane, Lao PDR

1074 The 9th ASEAN Seaport Interdiction Taskforce Malaysia
1075 TBC 4th ASEAN Conference on Crime Prevention and Bangkok, Thailand
Criminal Justice (ACCPCJ)
1076 TBC 18th Meeting of the ASEAN+3 Center for the Gifted in Seoul, ROK
Science Board of Directors (ACGS-BOD-18)
1077 TBC 36th Traditional Medicine and Health Supplement ASEAN
Product Working Group Headquarters/ASEAN
1078 TBC 13th ASLOM Working Group Meeting on Examining Singapore
Modalities for Harmonisation of ASEAN Trade Law
1079 TBC 3rd ASLOM-Japan Consultation Singapore
1080 TBC The 23rd ASLOM Singapore
1081 TBC The 11th Meeting of Building and Construction ASEAN
Working Group (BCWG) Headquarters/ASEAN
1082 TBC 29th ACCP and Related Meetings Lao PDR (TBC)
1083 TBC th
7 Joint Working Group on the High-Level Task Force Luang Prabang,
on the ASEAN Community’s Post-2025 Vision Lao PDR
1084 19th Meeting of the HLTF-ACV
1085 TBC 11th EO Meeting for 2024 (11/24) TBC
1086 TBC Developing Framework for Measuring Productivity in Brunei Darussalam
Public Sector
1087 TBC 2024 ASEAN+3 Human Resource Development ROK

Updated as of 3 June 2024

1088 TBC 10th ASEAN Senior Officials Responsible for Lao PDR
Information, Working Group on Content and
Production (10th SOMRI WG-CP)
1089 2-5 nd
62 ASEAN Consultative Committee for Standards Thailand
and Quality (ACCSQ)
1090 3-5 32nd Meeting of the Working Group on Legal and Videoconference
Regulatory Matters for the ASW (LWG)
1091 The 13th ASEAN Labour Inspection Conference
1092 The 4th Meeting of ASEAN Labour Inspection (Hybrid)
Committee (ALICOM)
1093 TBC ASEAN Cross–Sectoral Coordination Committee on Lao PDR
Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance (ACSCC on
1094 The 5th ADGSOM
TBC Thailand
1095 The 5th ADGMIN
1096 TBC Incident Response Malware Analysis Training Thailand
1097 TBC ADMM-Plus Expert Working Group Russia
1098 TBC 2nd ASEAN Finance and Central Bank Deputies
Meetings (2nd AFCDM+3)
1099 TBC 14th Meeting of the ASEAN Airport Interdiction Task Thailand
Force (AAITF) Meeting
1100 TBC 12th ASLOM Working Group on ASEAN Extradition TBC
1101 8th Joint Working Group on the High-Level Task Force
on the ASEAN Community’s Post-2025 Vision
1102 20th Meeting of the HLTF-ACV
1103 TBC ACCSM+3 Webinar on 2024 HR Innovation in the
Public Sector
1104 TBC 5th ASEAN-ROK Policy Sharing Workshop on Labour
and Employment Sector ROK

1105 TBC 3rd ASEAN-EU Workshop on ITS TBC

1106 Q4 ASEAN-ESCAP EGM on Project” Leveraging the TBC
Trans-Asian Railway Network for a more efficient and
resilient transport connectivity and logistics in
ASEAN and beyond”
1107 Q4 Project Closing Event of ASEAN-GIZ Project on Cambodia
“Sustainable Design on Urban Mobility in Medium-
sized Metropolitan Regions” SMMR
Without Dates/Months
Ministry of National Defence
1108 ASEAN Center of Military Medicine (ACMM) Thailand
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1109 rd
3 ARF Workshop on Urban Emergency Rescue China (TBC)
1110 5th ARF Workshop on Ferry Safety China (TBC)
1111 Aug/Sep 22nd ASEAN-China Senior Officials’ Meeting on the China (TBC)
(TBC) Implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of
Parties in the South China Sea (SOM-DOC) / 44th
Meeting of the ASEAN-China Joint Working Group on
Updated as of 3 June 2024

the Implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct

of Parties in the South China Sea (JWG-DOC)
1112 23rd ASEAN-China Senior Officials’ Meeting on the Lao PDR (TBC)
Implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of
Parties in the South China Sea (SOM-DOC) / 45th
Meeting of the ASEAN-China Joint Working Group on
the Implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct
of Parties in the South China Sea (JWG-DOC)
1113 ACMECS Senior Finance Officials’ Meeting (2 times) Lao PDR
1114 ACMECS Coordinating Committees’ Meeting on Lao PDR
Seamless Connectivity
1115 ACMECS Coordinating Committees’ Meeting on
Synchronized Economies
1116 ACMECS Coordinating Committees’ Meeting on
Smart and Sustainable
1117 ACMECS Senior Officials’ Meeting (2 times) Lao PDR
Ministry of Industry and Commerce
1118 ASEAN Business Advisory Council Meeting Lao PDR
Ministry of Health
1119 Technical Meeting on the Development of Guidelines TBC
and Minimum Standards for Mandatory
Implementation of Food Fortification in ASEAN
Member States
1120 ASEAN Workshop on Multisectoral Collaboration of Luang Prabang,
Biosafety and Biosecurity Lao PDR
1121 Lesson Learned Workshop on Prevention, Vientiane, Lao PDR
Preparedness, Detection, and Response all Hazards
for International Points of Entries in ASEAN
(Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam)
1122 Multilateral Joint Risk Assessment and Response for Vang Vieng, Lao PDR
Public Health Threats
Ministry of Public Works and Transport
1123 th
13 Lead Implementation Body for Sustainable Indonesia
1124 14th Lead Implementation Body for Sustainable Lao PDR
1125 BSSWG under CCS Lao PDR
Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism
1126 21st ASEAN SOMRI Viet Nam
1127 rd
3 ASEAN Task Force on Fake News Indonesia
1128 10th SOMRI WG on Content and Production Lao PDR
1129 th
7 SOMRI WG on ASEAN Digital Broadcasting Cambodia
1130 9th SOMRI WG on Information, Media and Training Indonesia
1131 th
59 ASEAN Committee on Culture and Information Cambodia
(ASEAN-COCI) Meeting
Ministry of Energy and Mines
1132 th
24 ASOMM Indonesia
1133 11th ASOMM JWG Indonesia
1134 th
12 ASOMM JWG Indonesia
1135 The 2024 China-ASEAN Mining Cooperation Forum China
1136 th
12 Liaison Official Meeting for CAMCF TBC

Updated as of 3 June 2024

1137 Workshops on Issue of Critical Minerals TBC

Development between ASEAN Member States and
Plus Three Countries
Ministry of Home Affairs
1138 Discipline Management Seminar Indonesia
1139 Compensation and Benefit Seminar Indonesia
1140 Formulating the Method of Talent Development Indonesia
1141 Toward One Data State Civil Apparatus through Big Indonesia
1142 ASEAN+3 Centre for Civil Service Research and Cambodia
1143 ASEAN+3 Forum on Public Service Delivery Cambodia
1144 Seminar on Civil Service Termination Management Indonesia
(Challenges in the Digital Technology Era)
1145 ACCSM Leaders in Service Delivery Innovations Singapore
Ministry of Technology and Communication
1146 ASEAN + China China
1147 ASEAN – China Digital Economy China
1148 ASEAN + Japan Japan
1150 ASEAN + India India
1151 ASEAN + U. S TBC
1153 ASEAN Digital Economy Framework Agreement TBC
1154 The ASEAN-Japan Information Security Workshop Japan
for ISPs
1155 The China-ASEAN Network Security Emergency China
Response Capacity Building Seminar
1156 The Working Group on Digital Data Governance Thailand
1157 ADGSOM + ATRC activities Thailand
1158 MPAC ASEAN Countries
1159 The ASEAN Coordinating Committee on E- ASEAN Countries
1160 AANZFTA ASEAN Countries
1161 ASEAN Cyber CC Singapore
1162 ASEAN Students Contest on Information Security Brunei Darussalam
Ministry of Planning and Investment
1163 Special CCI Meeting TBC
1165 ASEAN-CHINA FTA WGI (6 times) TBC
1166 ASEAN-KOREA FTA WGI (6 times) TBC
1167 RCEP WGI (6 times) TBC
1169 ASEAN-JAPAN Comprehensive Economic TBC
Partnership Working Group on Investment (AJCEP)
(6 times)
Ministry of Justice
1170 Working Group on ASEAN Extradition Treaty Thailand
1171 ASEAN Conference on Crime Prevention and Thailand
Criminal Justice
Updated as of 3 June 2024

1172 ASEAN Law Forum on the ASEAN Convention on Thailand

Transfer of Sentenced Persons (ACTSP)
1173 ASEAN Law Forum on the International Experience Thailand
in Providing Mutual Legal Assistance in Civil and
Commercial Matters under the Framework of the
Hague Conference on private International Law
1174 Workshop on Judicial and Law Cooperation of Lao Vientiane, Lao PDR
1175 Dissemination on Judicial and Law Cooperation of Vientiane, Lao PDR
Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare
1176 The 1st ASEAN-ROK Committee Meeting TBC
1177 nd
The 2 ASEAN-ROK Committee Meeting TBC
1178 The 3rd ASEAN-ROK Committee Meeting TBC
1179 th
The 4 ASEAN-ROK Committee Meeting TBC
1180 th
The 5 ASEAN-ROK Committee Meeting TBC
1181 The 6th ASEAN-ROK Committee Meeting TBC
1182 st
The 1 ASEAN+3 Task force Meeting TBC
1183 The 2nd ASEAN+3 Task force Meeting TBC
1184 ASEAN-ROK TVET Mobility Training Program TBC
1185 Tripartite Workshop on the implementation of the TBC
ASEAN Guidelines on Essential Workplace Action for
Enterprises on Prevention and Management of HIV
and AIDS and the ASEAN Guidelines on HIV
Counselling and Testing in the Workplace
1186 The 10th Meeting of the ASEAN Business Coalition Singapore
1187 Workshop on Sharing of Good Practices on Career Lao PDR
Advice and Employment Services
1188 1st OCM of the 14th World Skill ASEAN TBC
1189 The Meeting of ASEAN TVET Council Skills on Malaysia
Forecast to Support Lifelong Learning Initiatives
(ASEAN HRD Roadmap)
1190 ASEAN Youth Forum on Disability The Philippines
1191 Workshop on ASEAN Master Plan for Women's TBC
1192 The ASEAN Plus Three Senior Officials’ Meeting on Indonesia
1193 ASEAN Workshop on the Implementation of the Thailand
ASEAN Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities (ACPWD)
1194 ASEAN Plus Three Regional Conference on Thailand
Promoting Inclusive Society for Older Persons 2021-
1195 The 20th Senior Officials Meeting on Social Welfare
and Development (SOMSWD)
1196 The 19th Senior Officials Meeting on Social Welfare Brunei
and Development Plus Three Darussalam/Indonesia
1197 The 19th GO-NGO Forum on Social Welfare and

Updated as of 3 June 2024

1198 The 3rd the ASEAN Outstanding Social Welfare and

Development Awards (AOSWADA) Awarding
1199 ASEAN Sub-Regional Workshop on the Promotion of Malaysia
the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Context
of Disaster Risk Reduction
1200 The 12th ASEAN Social work Consortium TBC
1201 The 22nd ASEAN & Japan High-Level Officials Japan
Meeting on Caring Societies”
1202 The Meeting on Preparedness, Response and Indonesia
Recovery (ACDM)
1203 The Meeting on ASEAN Framework on Anticipatory TBC
Action in Disaster Management
1204 The AHA Centre Information Management Network Malaysia
1205 The ASEAN Regional Plan of Action for Adaptation to TBC
1206 The ASEAN Regional Framework on Protection, TBC
Gender, and Inclusion in Disaster Management
2021-2025 (ARF-PGI)
1207 ASEAN Strategic Policy Dialogue on Disaster Singapore
Management (SPDDM)
1208 ASEAN Disaster Risk Communication Framework Indonesia
1209 The 9th Disaster Risk Management Capacity Building Malaysia
Program for AMS (D-CAB)
1210 The Singapore Civil Defence Force Work Plan Singapore
Seminar 2024 (SCDF) Work Plan Seminar 2024
(WPS 2024)
1211 10th Disaster Risk Management Capacity Building ROK
Program for AMS (D-CAB)
1212 ASEAN Disaster Information Laboratory (ADILab) TBC
1213 The Meeting on Global Leadership working group TBC
1214 ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet) Cambodia
1215 NDTI Project on Disaster Risk Management Capacity TBC
Building Project for AMS
1216 The ASCEND Benchmarking Visit to the Republic of ROK
1217 Senior Executive Programme in Disaster Singapore
1218 The 11th Disaster Risk Management Capacity ROK
Building Program for AMS (D-CAB)
1219 The 5th ASEAN Joint Disaster Response Plan TBC
(AJDRP) Workshop
The People’s Supreme Court
1220 Secretariat Meeting to Facilitate the Proceedings of The Philippines
the Meeting in ASEAN
1221 Meeting of the information research group of ASEAN The Philippines
courts and dispute resolution on transboundary
1222 CACJ Judicial Training Session in Cooperation with Thailand
the ASEAN-Australia Organization to Combat
Human Trafficking in Support of CACJ Program
Updated as of 3 June 2024

1223 Seminar on case management systems and online Singapore

conferencing hearings at first instance and appellate
1224 ALA meeting The Philippines
1225 The 11th meeting of the council of the ASEAN Court The Philippines
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
1227 AFP on EST TBC
1232 Peat land TBC

Independence and National Days of ASEAN Countries:

1. BRUNEI: February 23 – National Day
2. CAMBODIA: November 9 – Independence Day
3. INDONESIA: August 17 – Independence Day
4. LAO PDR: December 2 – National Day
5. MALAYSIA: August 31 – Merdeka (Independence) Day
6. MYANMAR: January 4 – Independence Day
7. PHILIPPINES: June 12 – Independence Day
8. SINGAPORE: August 9 – National Day
9. THAILAND: December 5 – King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s birthday
10. VIET NAM: September 2 – National Day
- Ramadan: Sun, Mar 10, 2024 - Tue, Apr 9, 2024
- Lao New Year: Apr 13 - 16, 2024


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