Jurnal Refleksi Seminar Design Thinking

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Reflection Journal


by Maulida Arum Fauzi/221215092

Subject Design Thinking

The learning process in this selected subject gave a lot of new

Review of insights. The way the teacher facilitates the students, and supports the
Learning learning environment so that the students can get meaningful learning
Experience throughout some innovative learning ideas becomes the key point in
this subject. The Design Thinking itself also is expected to be
integrated in the learning process to build students’ way of thinking
in solving problems; which is mainly to meet the targets’ expectation
and need. s.

We as the teacher could initiate a project as the output of a problem

for the learning activity. The problem could be the ‘place’ for
students to find out the root problem and its best solution. It
stimulates the students’ empathy. We also learnt about In Depth
Interview (IDI) in the empathy phase. In stimulating empathy, IDI
would be very helpful to deeply analyze what is the problem faced by
the target and what is the best solution to that problem by considering
the needs and various aspects without biases. The stages of the way
students create the project starting form empathy, define, ideate,
prototyping and testing.

Reflection of the In the process of learning, the most memorable part is the way we, as
selected learning the future teacher, are required to create a learning plan that involves
experience the students to give a positive act to their surroundings. In this topic,
we also learnt that it is needed to ‘provide’ a possible problem for the
students to be solved by them. The problem itself would be better if it
relates to the surroundings (e.g. environment, people with special
needs, etc).
The strategies that are explained in the topics are also helpful for me
to give insights on how those could be implemented in the class. I
learnt how we can create a lesson plan by providing the students
with some problems that could stimulate their empathy and guide
them to think of a possible project for the problem solution until the
project execution.
The Artefacts 1. Mid Term Test (Infographic of the project made for senior
high school students for the low-vision students as the

The picture above is a mindmap of the project for senior high

school students. They are provided by a problem from the
teacher. The problem is about the need of the low-vision
students in reading and understanding the text. Thus, the
students in senior high school are expected to find out the
solution to that problem. The possible solution only could be
found if the students use their empathy. Then, after they find
out the solution, they should make a project to help the
low-vision students considering the mechanism/process;
empathy, define, ideate, prototyping and testing.

1. Final Test (Infographic of the project made for senior high

school students in collaboration with other subject)

The mind-map above gives a brief explanation on how the

product of Design Thinking relates to the other subjects
matter. The product of the Design Thinking subject actually
has a final goal to create a students who has designed thinking
in solving the problems. Thus, the project made for the final
outcomes is made to build the students’ empathy to their
surroundings; waste management in school. By this project (
the lesson plan), the students are expected to be aware of what
happens to their surroundings and what the little things they
could do to help. The students also are expected to do a
collaboration project to help them.

After I learnt the topic in this subject, I learnt to reflect and evaluate
good practices myself (in teaching) by considering many aspects both from the
target (students) and me as the teacher/facilitator. I also get the new
knowledge about the best way to create a lesson plan by applying the
concepts of DT that I got form the topics. I hope that having this
course could help me in designing a meaningful learning process in
the future.

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